[CS3 JS] Possible to Inspect Custom XMP Metadata With JavaScript?

I am using custom XMP metadata in InCopy and InDesign docs in CS3 to hold custom metadata that can vary wildly. I know the full set of possible items but not what values will be in a particular document.
Short of writing the XMP to a file and then processing that from my script, is there a way to inspect the custom properties from JavaScript. I didn't see a way to do it from the data model.

Here is another script to catch MetaData, some more than the basic:
// metaDataOfLinks.jsx
//DESCRIPTION: Catches MetaData of linked images and creates a report at the DeskTop.
// Martin Fischer 10/2008
var myLinkXmpArray = ["author", "copyrightInfoURL", "copyrightNotice", "copyrightStatus   ", "creationDate", "creator", "description", "documentTitle", "format", "jobName", "keywords", "modificationDate", "serverURL"];
var myIPTCArray = ["CiAdrCity", "CiAdrCtry", "CiAdrExtadr", "CiAdrPcode", "CiAdrRegion", "CiEmailWork", "CiTelWork", "City", "CiUrlWork", "CopyrightNotice", "Country", "CountryCode", "Creator", "CreatorContactInfo", "CreatorJobtitle", "DateCreated", "Description", "DescriptionWriter", "Headline", "Instructions", "IntellectualGenre", "JobID", "Keywords", "Location", "Provider", "Province-State", "RightsUsageTerms", "Scene", "Source", "SubjectCode", "Title"];
var myPSArray = ["photoshop:AuthorsPosition", "photoshop:CaptionWriter", "photoshop:Category", "photoshop:City", "photoshop:Country", "photoshop:Credit", "photoshop:DateCreated", "photoshop:Headline", "photoshop:Instructions", "photoshop:Source", "photoshop:State", "photoshop:SupplementalCategories", "photoshop:TransmissionReference", "photoshop:Urgency"];//var myPSArray = ["photoshop:AuthorsPosition", "CaptionWriter", "Category", "City", "Country", "Credit", "DateCreated", "Headline", "Instructions", "Source", "State", "SupplementalCategories", "TransmissionReference", "Urgency"];
var myTiffArray = ["tiff:ImageWidth", "tiff:ImageLength", "tiff:BitsPerSample", "tiff:Compression", "tiff:PhotometricInterpretation", "tiff:Orientation", "tiff:SamplesPerPixel", "tiff:PlanarConfiguration", "tiff:YCbCrSubSampling", "tiff:YCbCrPositioning", "tiff:XResolution", "tiff:YResolution", "tiff:ResolutionUnit", "tiff:TransferFunction", "tiff:WhitePoint", "tiff:PrimaryChromaticities", "tiff:YCbCrCoefficients", "tiff:ReferenceBlackWhite", "tiff:DateTime", "tiff:ImageDescription", "tiff:MakeProperName", "tiff:Model", "tiff:Software", "tiff:Artist", "tiff:Copyright"];
var myExifArray = ["exif:ExifVersion", "exif:FlashpixVersion", "exif:ColorSpace", "exif:ComponentsConfiguration", "exif:CompressedBitsPerPixel", "exif:PixelXDimension", "exif:PixelYDimension", "exif:UserComment", "exif:RelatedSoundFile", "exif:DateTimeOriginal", "exif:DateTimeDigitized", "exif:ExposureTime", "exif:FNumber", "exif:ExposureProgram", "exif:SpectralSensitivity", "exif:ISOSpeedRatings", "exif:OECF", "exif:ShutterSpeedValue", "exif:ApertureValue", "exif:BrightnessValue", "exif:ExposureBiasValue", "exif:MaxApertureValue", "exif:SubjectDistance", "exif:MeteringMode", "exif:LightSource", "exif:Flash", "exif:FocalLength", "exif:SubjectArea", "exif:FlashEnergy", "exif:SpatialFrequencyResponse", "exif:FocalPlaneXResolution", "exif:FocalPlaneYResolution", "exif:FocalPlaneResolutionUnit", "exif:SubjectLocation", "exif:ExposureIndex", "exif:SensingMethod", "exif:FileSource", "exif:SceneType", "exif:CFAPattern", "exif:CustomRendered", "exif:ExposureMode", "exif:WhiteBalance", "exif:DigitalZoomRatio", "exif:FocalLengthIn35mmFilm", "exif:SceneCaptureType", "exif:GainControl", "exif:Contrast", "exif:Saturation", "exif:Sharpness", "exif:DeviceSettingDescription", "exif:SubjectDistanceRange", "exif:ImageUniqueID", "exif:GPSVersionID", "exif:GPSLatitude", "exif:GPSLongitude", "exif:GPSAltitudeRef", "exif:GPSAltitude", "exif:GPSTimeStamp", "exif:DateTimeOriginal,", "exif:DateTimeDigitized.", "exif:GPSTimeStamp", "exif:GPSSatellites", "exif:GPSStatus", "exif:GPSMeasureMode", "exif:GPSDOP", "exif:GPSSpeedRef", "exif:GPSSpeed", "exif:GPSTrackRef", "exif:GPSTrack", "exif:GPSImgDirectionRef", "exif:GPSImgDirection", "exif:GPSMapDatum", "exif:GPSDestLatitude", "exif:GPSDestLongitude", "exif:GPSDestBearingRef", "exif:GPSDestBearing", "exif:GPSDestDistanceRef", "exif:GPSDestDistance", "exif:GPSProcessingMethod", "exif:GPSAreaInformation"];
var myCameraRawArray = ["crs:AutoBrightness", "crs:AutoContrast", "crs:AutoExposure", "crs:AutoShadows", "crs:BlueHue", "crs:BlueSaturation", "crs:Brightness", "crs:CameraProfile", "crs:ChromaticAberrationB", "crs:ChromaticAberrationR", "crs:ColorNoiseReduction", "crs:Contrast", "crs:CropTop", "crs:CropLeft", "crs:CropBottom", "crs:CropRight", "crs:CropAngle", "crs:CropWidth", "crs:CropHeight", "crs:CropUnits", "crs:Exposure", "crs:GreenHue", "crs:GreenSaturation", "crs:HasCrop", "crs:HasSettings", "crs:LuminanceSmoothing", "crs:RawFileName", "crs:RedHue", "crs:RedSaturation", "crs:Saturation", "crs:Shadows", "crs:ShadowTint", "crs:Sharpness", "crs:Temperature", "crs:Tint", "crs:ToneCurve", "crs:ToneCurveName", "crs:Version", "crs:VignetteAmount", "crs:VignetteMidpoint", "crs:WhiteBalance"];
var myInfo = new Array;
var myDoc = app.activeDocument;
var myLinks = app.documents[0].links;
for ( i = 0; i < myLinks.length; i++)
   getMetaData ( myLinks[i] );
writeData ( 'Metadaten zu ' + myDoc.name + '\r-----------\r\r' + myInfo.join ( '\r\r'), File ('~/Desktop/Metadaten_' + myDoc.name.replace(/.indd$/, '') + '.txt'));
// ===============================================================
//                                  Funktionen
// ===============================================================
function getMetaData ( aLink )
   var myLinkXmp = aLink.linkXmp.properties.toSource().replace( /^\(\{/,'' ).replace (/\)\}$/,'').replace( /parent.+$/,'').replace(/:/g, ':\t').split( ', ');
   var myString = aLink.name;
   myString += loopLinkXmp ( aLink, myLinkXmpArray );
   myString += loopArray ( aLink, "http://iptc.org/std/Iptc4xmpCore/1.0/xmlns/",  "Iptc4xmpCore:CreatorContactInfo/Iptc4xmpCore:",  myIPTCArray);
   myString += loopArray ( aLink, "http://ns.adobe.com/photoshop/1.0/",  "", myPSArray );
   myString += loopArray ( aLink, "http://ns.adobe.com/tiff/1.0/", "", myTiffArray );
   myString += loopArray ( aLink, "http://ns.adobe.com/exif/1.0/", "", myExifArray );
   myString += loopArray ( aLink, "http://ns.adobe.com/camera-raw-settings/1.0/",  "", myCameraRawArray );
   myInfo.push( myString.replace( /, $/,'') );
function loopArray( aLink, s1, s2, anArray )
   var temp = '\r\t--- ' + s1 + ' ---\r\t';
   for ( var a = 0; a < anArray.length; a++)
      try {
         var theEvalString = 'aLink.linkXmp.getProperty(\"' + s1 + '\", \"' + s2 + anArray[a] + '\")';
         var myCode = eval( theEvalString );
         if ( myCode != '' )
            temp += '[' + anArray[a] + ']\t' +  myCode + '\r\t'; 
      } catch (e){ //temp +=e + '\r'
   return temp;
function loopLinkXmp( aLink, anArray )
   var temp = '\r\t--- LinkMetadata ---\r\t';
   for ( var a = 0; a < anArray.length; a++)
      try {
         var theEvalString = 'aLink.linkXmp.' + anArray[a] ;
         var myCode = eval( theEvalString );
         if ( myCode != '' )
            temp += '[' + anArray[a] + ']\t' +  myCode + '\r\t'; 
      } catch (e){ //temp +=e + '\r'
   return temp;
function writeData ( aData, theFile )
   theFile.open ( 'w', 'Text', 'R*ch' );
   theFile.encoding = 'UTF-8';
   theFile.write ( aData );
   theFile.close ();
Adobe XMP Developer Center: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/xmp/
XMP Specification: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/xmp/pdfs/xmp_specification.pdf
Martin Fischer

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    Everything about the XMP metadata entry/writing/parsing is fantastic. My only hitch is in the exporting/sharing of the custom metadata schema which I created for this purpose. I would like to roll the schema out to the other editors in our facility, so that they can also enter the XMP metadata on their own systems when they export out master timelines from Premiere.
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    There's no feature for exporting and importing custom schemas, but it's entirely doable. Here are the path to the custom schemas
    MAC: Macintosh HD ▸ Users ▸ <username> ▸ Library ▸ Application Support ▸ Adobe ▸ XMP ▸ Custom File Info Panels ▸ 4.0 ▸ custom
    WIN: C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\XMP\custom file info panels\4.0\panels [I can't vouch for this path as I'm on Mac at the moment and it's been ages since I poked around for custom schemas, but this should at least be the right neighborhood.]
    You might also be interested in sharing your custom metadata display profiles. They in Documents ▸ Adobe ▸ Premiere Pro ▸ 8.0 ▸ Profile-mapes ▸ Metadata Preferences.

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    Thanks in advance.
    Xabier Artola.
    Univ. of the Basque Country.

    Were you able to find a solution to this problem? I am having the same issue.

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    ??? I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do here ???
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    m41miller42 wrote:
    I am attempting to create a custom RSS file (.mrss) that references XMP metadata from Premiere.
    I was basing the move on this statement. This was posted in the Adobe Connect forums.

  • Incrementally appending custom XMP metadata

    I have a problem writing custom XMP metadata into a PDF document (I'm using the XMP Toolkit SDK).
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    ERROR: Can't fit into specified packet size
    So, what can I do? How to enlarge the packet or make it expandable? Or, otherwise, have I to inject a new XMP packet with the up-to-date information in it? How?
    And a last question: Have I to scan for packets when dealing with PDF files? No smart handlers are available for this kind of files?
    Thanks in advance.
    Xabier Artola.
    Univ. of the Basque Country.

    One of the known limitations of the XMPToolkit is that it is NOT smart about PDF documents - it treats them as "generic binary" and thus can not add beyond the pre-allocated whitespace already in the PDF.
    If you are doing any serious operations of XMP with PDF - I recommend that you look at licensing the Adobe PDFLibrary which is a full functioning PDF library and incorporates the XMPToolkit inside it (among many other things).

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    PowerMac G5 2.3GHz   Mac OS X (10.4)  

    Hi Robert,
    Talk about timing! I just finished coding an export plugin for Aperture to do XMP metadata (beyond the built-in support that Aperture provides) that I'll be releasing as donation-ware in the next week and know all about this right now
    What you could do is add custom keys within Aperture, define your own XMP namespace, and then, in the plugin, map from your custom keys to the XMP namespace. If you want, drop me an email (joshanon at mac dot com), and I might be able to send you the source to my plugin as a starting point.

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    Bridge's metadata panel only supports plain-text fields for custom metadata. See the following article on how to submit and feature request to Adobe via the feature request form:
    I assume you already know that you can open the File Info dialog itself directly within Bridge for a selection of one or more files, yes? The same custom File Info panel that appears in Photoshop's File Info panel will appear in Bridge. To open File Info in Bridge, use the File or thumbnail-contextual menus or the keyboard shortcut Cmd+Opt+Shift+I.
    If you really require a highly customized metadata UI right inside the Bridge window (File Info is a modal dialog box), and you are willing to invest some coding effort, then I suggest using Flex Builder to create a custom Flash Panel for Bridge. You will have to take on some non-trivial work to sync up what's displayed/edited in your custom panel with the current selection of Thumbnails, etc., but such a solution should be technically possible. The Bridge Scripting SDK includes example for how to add a Flash panel, how to get your Flash ActionScript and Bridge JavaScript to talk to each other via the Flash External Interface, and how to use the XMPScript API to modify metadata for files. Again, I think the effort required is non-rivial, but Bridge does provide a platform upon which you can build a highly customized solution.

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    The match syntax changed between version 12.0 and 12.1, so my recommendation to you is to build an iGrid template the way you would like to do it with javascript, then export the display template from the workbench. 
    Open the template in a text editor and observe the format for the MatchValues, MatchColumns, and MatchColors strings.
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  • [CS3 JS] How To Access Custom Metadata?

    I have InCopy documents that contain custom XMP metadata in two namespaces, Dublin Core and PRISM, e.g.:<br /><br />    ...<br />    <rdf:Description<br />      rdf:about=""><br />      <dc:format<br />        xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/">application/x-incopy</dc:format><br />      <dc:title>Chickens and You</dc:title><br />    </rdf:Description><br />    <rdf:Description<br />      rdf:about=""><br />      <prism:publicationName<br />        xmlns:prism="http://prismstandard.org/namespaces/basic/1.2/"<br />        >Poultry Daily</prism:publicationName><br />    </rdf:Description><br />    ...<br /><br />In my JavaScript, I can access the Dublin core values but cannot access the PRISM values and I'm not sure why not.<br /><br />For example, I have this:<br /><br />doc = app.activeDocument;<br />metadata = doc.metadataPreferences;<br /><br />namespaces["dc"] = "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/";<br />namespaces["prism"] = "http://prismstandard.org/namespaces/basic/1.2/";<br /><br />$.writeln("dc:title=" + <br />     metadata.getProperty(namespaces["dc"], <br />          "title/*[1]"))<br />// Returns expected result "Chickens and You"<br /><br />$.writeln("prism:publicationName=" + <br />     metadata.getProperty(namespaces["prism"], <br />          "publicationName/*[1]"))<br />// Returns unexpected empty result, should be "Poultry Daily".<br /><br />If I do metadata.save() I see the PRISM metadata in the saved result:<br /><br />     <rdf:Description rdf:about=""<br />            xmlns:prism="http://prismstandard.org/namespaces/basic/1.2/"><br />         <prism:publicationName>Poultry Daily</prism:publicationName><br />     </rdf:Description><br /><br />So I'm sort of at a loss but I suspect that I don't really understand what the path value should be--I haven't been able to find any clear documentation on what the path is addressing or how its actually interpreted.<br /><br />What am I missing or doing wrong?<br /><br />Thanks,<br /><br />Eliot

    [email protected] wrote:
    > Dude, I started that thread :-)
    Missed that. It's been a long week.
    The problem is this line (probably).
    metadata.getProperty(namespaces["prism"], "publicationName/*[1]")
    You apparently copied the syntax from dc:title in the previous line. dc:title is
    an 'Lang Alt' kind of property which is, effectively, an array. Your
    prism:publicationName is a simple value property. I suspect that the "[1]"
    syntax (and possible the "/*" before it) are what's causing problems.
    I don't recall seeing docs for this either.

  • Ideas about viewing/displaying XMP metadata from Reader ?

    We are using Acrobat 9 to add XMP metadata to PDF documents.
    These documents are viewed by the others employees with Acrobat Reader.
    Since "File->Properties->Advanced Metadata" and "Custom Info Panels" are not available in Reader, how can we display XMP metadata ?
    Do you know some ways or plug-ins to do this ?
    Our custom XMP metadata schema have more than 20 fields, so I don't want to put all these informations in the "Keywords" field of the document properties.
    Any idea would be greatly appreciated !
    Thank you !

    Michael... what you are describing above is not accurate.  The iPod Classic does NOT have the capability of using the "Album Artist" field from iTunes to sort music.  This particular metadata field is not even available to the iPod Classic.  Only the "Artist" field is available.  (It is the other way around with the iPod Touch, iPhone, and Ipad -- for these iOS devices, the "Album Artist" field is the one that is available, and not the "Artist" field.)  There are numerous posts here in the discussion forums from other folks who are frustrated by the same issue.  The iPod Classic can only sort and group songs together by "Artist" -- that is, the track artist.  And the track artist is often quite different from the album artist.  For example...  I have 29 different Barbra Streisand albums in iTunes.  For all of them, the album artist is "Barbra Streisand."  There are several different track artists however.  Most of them are just Barbra Streisand.  But she also does a duet or two on several albums.  So there are track artists like...  "Barbra Streisand with Kim Carnes," and "Barbra Streisand with Barry Gibb," and many more like that.  After syncing to my iPod Classic, when I sort on the iPod's "Artist" field, I get about 25 different iterations of "Barbra Streisand and .... " as the artist.  Yes, "Barbra Streisand" does appear among them.  But the only songs that are listed under "Barbra Streisand" are those that she sang by herself, and where she is the only track artist.  Given the setup of the iPod Classic as it is now, using firmware version 2.0.4, it is NOT possible to use the Album Artist field to sort and group songs together. 

  • Custom xmp in Lightroom?

    I have written a few custom xmp panels that work beautifully in PS, IL, IND, Acrobat, Portfolio etc.. Alas I can't seem to access this info in LR.
    Am i missing some crucial step?
    I have the txt file in the adobe custom xmp panels folder but it is nowhere to be found in Lightroom's workspace.

    I have also experimented with customized XMP data with Bridge and found it quite powerful and useful. You do need to work with a bit of Javascript to do this, but this is not too difficult to learn.
    For example, you can create your own namespace (e.g. "http://ns.mynamespace.com/customdata/1.0/"). and then a series of custom fields (e.g. CustomSetting, CustomName, CustomGroup etc.).
    You can then add this namespace and custom fields to any image (except RAW) without affecting any of the existing metadata or the image itself. Once you have this extra metatdata imbedded in images you can use it in a number of other metadata-aware programs for advanced searching or sorting purposes.
    Creating a custom metadata field is better than using an existing metadata field (e.g. IPTC fields) for your own purposes. In this way you are free to define the purpose of these fields without worrying that other programs will mess-up this metadata or choke on your image.
    Regards, Nigel

  • Solution to view XMP metadata in Adobe Reader ???

    I´m trying to find a solution to view the xmp metadata with the adobe reader.
    I know I´m able to view and edit the xmp metadata with adobe acrobat, but is it possible with the adobe reader?
    What version will I need?
    Moreover is it possible to realize two or more panels in one datafile?
    Up to now I need one file for one panel.
    Any suggestions?

    I've put a PDF at http://nxg.me.uk/temp/part1.pdf This does display/print perfectly OK in both Reader and in OS X Preview.  I presume that the /Root object (254) is inside one of the ObjStm streams (yes?), as (presumably) are the /Page streams and the reference to the /Metadata object, 52.
    Regarding scanning, Part 3 of the XMP spec, Sect 1.2 says "It is always best to use format-aware file parsing when possible. Lacking this information, applications can find XMP packets by scanning the file."  Also, in Sect. 1.2.1, "A file should be scanned byte-by-byte until a valid header is found."   Finally, ISO-32000-1 Sect. 14.3.2, Note 3, says "[The XMP spec] includes a method to embed XML data within non-XML data files in a platform-independent format that can be easily located and accessed by simple scanning rather than requiring the document file to be parsed."  So it would appear that this metadata packet _should_ be found.

  • How to insert xmp metadata into jpeg files?

    Is it possible to automatically insert the metadata
    with the script using text extracted from my database.
    I have to insert the metadata into lots of images which are uploaded to a site.
    [signature deleted bu host]

    A scripting tool you may use, although complex, is ImageMagick.  It allows loads of image manipulate but also handles data.
    Another options is DBGallery, which will very easily allow XMP data to be written to hundreds or thousands of files at a time, but not via script (it's a Windows application).  You can see a quick screenshot tour of it's IPTC/XMP capabilities here.
    Hope this helps,
    Developer of DBGallery: The Photo DATAbase

  • Is it possible to downsample an image with javascript?

    A colleague of mine has created a PDF with functionality in place to allow the user to add pictures into predetermined locations in the document.  His concern is that without the ability to downsample these photos automatically, the users may end up attaching photos from their 10+ MP cameras and this would result in enormous PDF documents.
    Is it possible to downsample these images automatically with javascript?  The dimensions of the images can remain unchanged, but the resolution must reduce to bring down the potential size of the resulting PDF.
    Any advice or pointers would be welcome.
    Thank you

    Are there any other options you can think of to accomplish this using the Acrobat API and not necessarilly using javascript exclusively?  Could a plug-in accomplish this?

Maybe you are looking for