I have been running CS3 DW on an XP machine for quite a while
with no problems using ASP and connecting to an SQL DB. Last week
my machine crashed and burned so I decided to upgrade whilst
getting it together again. Now I have set up the same scenario
except instead of XP I have Vista. I loaded up my backups and
everything seemed great - the Manage site section connected, the
sign in sign out was perfect - but then I got to testing the
database connection string (which is identical to that on the XP
version) and I got an error that says "Microsft ODBC Driver Manager
Data source name not found and no default driver specified". Any
ideas? I gather I haven't set something up but what? Any help
gratefully received

I assume by 'SQL DB' you are referring to MS SQL Server,
correct? Did you install the SQL Server middleware and ODBC
drivers? Did you create the ODBC data source? If yes to these, did
you test the datasource connection via the ODBC manager?

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  • Problems with Access, Vista, ASP

    Hello, I'm using DW CS3 and ASP classic on a machine with
    Vista Ultimate and having problems connecting to the MS Access
    Database via the testing server. When I try to add the database
    connection and create a DSN through the dialog box, I hit "Test"
    and get the following message:
    [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Disk or network
    [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver's SQLSetConnectAttr
    I suspect it is a permissions-based problem but have been
    unable to isolate it. The database is in the directory,
    C:\Users\Public\Documents\Database. So far at the folder level I
    have tried:
    - verifying full control permission for the Administrators
    - giving full control permission to the IUSR_ComputerName
    I also verified the access database itself has no permission
    Incidentally I am new to CS3 and working through the book,
    "Adobe DW CS3 with ASP, ColdFusion and PHP Training from the
    Source", specifically the example in Chapter 7 using the newland
    database. I am somewhat familiar with dynamic web development
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    > Hello, I'm using DW CS3 and ASP classic on a machine
    with Vista Ultimate
    > and
    > having problems connecting to the MS Access Database via
    the testing
    > server.
    > When I try to add the database connection and create a
    DSN through the
    > dialog
    > box, I hit "Test" and get the following message:
    > [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Disk or
    network error.
    > [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver's
    SQLSetConnectAttr failed
    > I suspect it is a permissions-based problem but have
    been unable to
    > isolate
    > it. The database is in the directory,
    > So
    > far at the folder level I have tried:
    > - verifying full control permission for the
    Administrators group
    > - giving full control permission to the
    IUSR_ComputerName account
    > I also verified the access database itself has no
    permission restrictions.
    IIS7 on Vista uses a different temp directory. Give 'modify'
    permission to
    IUSR for this folder:

  • Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 with ASP coldfusion and PHP search?

    I am working through Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 with ASP
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    Let me try to answer your questions, understanding that my
    answers are laced with my experience and therefore my bias.
    1. For the most part the SQL that you write for Access, MS
    SQL or MySQL is going to be the same. I won't make that claim about
    Oracle or PostgreSQL because I have limited or no experience in
    those areas. To be sure when you head down the road with any DBMS
    there are finer points on 'value added' features (to over simplify
    things like MS SQL's Transact SQL), but for the most part when you
    are pulling out, inserting or deleting records the SQL that you
    write will be the same. In fact, I don't think I had to make any of
    the SQL in the book different to deal with the back end db.
    2. As for your host steering you away from MySQL, I don't
    know why that would be. It is MUCH more stable and robust than
    Access for web development. My research showed that you can use
    MySQL just fine with ASP though that clearly wouldn't be
    Microsoft's first choice.
    3. A quick aside, the fact that you are building ASP on a Mac
    would seem to indicate that you are developing on your production
    server. That's never a good idea. Go local if you can. If you have
    a newer Intel Mac you can use VM Fusion, Parallels or even Boot
    Camp to run Windows in a virtual environment and develop there,
    only moving your code to production when you are happy with it.
    There is of course the fact that they two environments would not be
    identical and you may need to change a few references, but it is
    still a better practice than developing on your live site. Some web
    hosts give you the ability to set up a subdomain. If yours does,
    you could set one up with a duplicate of your site and develop
    4. Let me try to pull your 'rant-let' apart into two issue. I
    begin with a question. I'm not sure what the Mac part has to do
    with it. The primary language I work in at my day job is
    ColdFusion. The majority of the most serious developers I know in
    the CF world work on Macs. I am forced into the PC world because of
    a cultural bias at the business school where I work. Having said
    that, the only time I have felt there was ANY difference in the
    tools, resources, choices I had was in any way affected by platform
    was when Adobe still had not released Flex Builder 2 for the Mac.
    Now that is behind us as well. This reaction of mine may be based
    on the fact that Access never comes into play in the work that I
    do. I regularly work with MS SQL and MySQL. (OK, so SQL Enterprise
    Manager, the MS tool of choice to talk to MS SQL is Windows only,
    but I only use that at the day job. But even there you can find
    cross-platform, free tools like Aqua Data Studio to talk from a Mac
    to MS SQL.) If I'm missing your point on the Mac, please let me
    know. Since the advent of the Intel Mac I think it is hands-down
    the best choice for a web developer. You can have Mac, Windows and
    Unix all on one machine. It doesn't get any better (providing you
    have the RAM :-)).
    As for the security question, it is somewhat analogous to the
    war on viruses and spyware. As the defenses get better, so do the
    attacks. Most languages have developed functions for vetting user
    input variables and best practices for building these things. It is
    mainly a user education issue. When I took over the book you are
    working out of, the one thing Jeffrey told me it needed was more
    security. I did my best to put more in under the constraints of the
    publisher. They didn't want the book to be any longer than the
    previous version. I did my best to modify the code used to include
    "string safe" functions and to add verbiage about the importance of
    security. It was clear that I could not add as much as was needed
    and I said so in the book. Much more is needed for a serious
    treatment of the subject and not acknowledging that would have been
    a disservice to the readers. I've been working as a developer for
    over a decade and I don't know all there is to know about it. It's
    a constantly changing field, just like all of web development. In
    fact next week I'm going through a 2-day SANS Web Application
    Security workshop in hopes of learning more. So at the risk of
    sounding like an industry apologist, I don't think it's a
    shortcoming of the development community. It is, as they say, "a
    developing situation".

  • Missing File - Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 with ASP, Coldfusion, and PHP

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    and PHP by:Jeffrey Bardzel and Bob Flynn the file called
    countryDetailXML.asp is missing. How can I find that file? Any
    Thanks for your help.

    That file is created earlier in the lesson in an exercise
    starting on page 257. For the sake of the lesson, you can use
    countryDetail.xml that is included in the lesson 09 start folder.
    It is not important for this lesson that the XML is a static file
    or one generated in real time from the database. The version of
    Spry (1.4) that shipped with DW CS3 used XML data only. The current
    version (1.6.1) can use JSON and HTML tables for the data source as
    well. You can get the latest version of Spry for free at
    including an extension to update your copy of DW to the latest
    Bob Flynn

  • ASP/SQL - Excel Question

    Ive got an ASP file calling a database using SQL. Once you
    hit the "go" button, it puts this data into an Excel file, under a
    new window (still showing the asp file in the address bar).
    Item numbers that end in "0" i.e. 3.10, 12.20 appear as 3.1
    and 12.2 respectively in the Bill of Materials … i.e. being
    treated as decimals … I need them to show-up as text.
    Any takers?
    I will post some of the code if requested - but I may need a
    little guidance in what is required.
    I'm trying to learn ASP/SQL the hard way: from the deep end!!

    You're correct, Rob. Excel will interpret the data regardless
    of what it
    looks like in the source.
    You can try placing an apostrophe in front of the number.
    This supposedly
    tells Excel to treat it as text. I've had no luck with that
    The proper way is to use the style mso-number-format on the
    cells you want
    td.number {
    You can use any valid format code (see your Excel F1 help on
    custom number
    formats) as the rule's value. The above format should be the
    one the OP is
    looking for, though.
    "RobGT" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:echle1$s1g$[email protected]..
    > The problem I think you'll have regardless of what you
    end up outputting
    > from your code is that Excel will interpret and assign a
    datatype to the
    > data when it gets loaded.
    > If you add 41.30 as text into a cell in Excel from
    VBScript, then open
    > that spreadsheet in excel, I think it will have
    automatically judged the
    > content to be a number and set the cell format as
    > I could be wrong though...
    > Just a quick thought - have you tried adding a space
    before the numbers
    > when exporting them to see if that would solve it?
    > Cheers,
    > Rob
    http://robgt.com/ [Tutorials and
    > Firebox stuff:
    > Skype stuff:
    > SatNav stuff:

  • Help with Test Server & Binding Recordset ASP-SQL

    Using CS 3.3/DW. Behavior is the same on two different
    machines. One is Vista Home Premium SP1 IIS 7 with 6 compatability,
    other is XP SP 3 IIS 5.1, both have IE 7 and full SQL 2005 with
    Haven't gotten very far away from static page yet, because I
    can't test. Have scoured forums and even talked to Adobe who
    recreated the problem then told me that they hadn't done sufficient
    testing to SQL 2005 prior to release, were supposed to call me
    back, did once, supposed to call back again and haven't (3 days).
    So I'm turning to the community for help, please.
    Set up test server in folder 'TServer' under
    C:\inetpub\wwwroot. Built a 'Hello World' ASP/VB Script page with
    no data attached, tests fine, puts in the appropriate folder and
    says "Hello World" in browser like a good little box should! Have
    built many DSN's, they tested during the building fine, I've tried
    various versions of ODBC and OLE DB, including but not limited to
    Native SQL Client, which is my preference and have been quite
    successful setting up the DSN's...they add to the ASP page/Site
    (it's greyed out unless you have an open ASP page) fine. Test at
    that point works fine. As soon as I bind a Recordset (whether I
    have dropped data on the page or not...same 'Hello World' page with
    Recordset info near the top of the code) and test, I error out.
    Any thoughts? I'm sure you'll need more info...I've tried to
    put as much as I can for starters. Thanks in advance.

    When you say that you error out, what error are you getting?
    Ken Ford
    Adobe Community Expert - Dreamweaver/ColdFusion
    Fordwebs, LLC
    "Peter AZ" <[email protected]> wrote in
    message news:g5qb7n$n30$[email protected]..
    > Using CS 3.3/DW. Behavior is the same on two different
    machines. One is Vista
    > Home Premium SP1 IIS 7 with 6 compatability, other is XP
    SP 3 IIS 5.1, both
    > have IE 7 and full SQL 2005 with SP's.
    > Haven't gotten very far away from static page yet,
    because I can't test. Have
    > scoured forums and even talked to Adobe who recreated
    the problem then told me
    > that they hadn't done sufficient testing to SQL 2005
    prior to release, were
    > supposed to call me back, did once, supposed to call
    back again and haven't (3
    > days). So I'm turning to the community for help, please.
    > Set up test server in folder 'TServer' under
    C:\inetpub\wwwroot. Built a
    > 'Hello World' ASP/VB Script page with no data attached,
    tests fine, puts in the
    > appropriate folder and says "Hello World" in browser
    like a good little box
    > should! Have built many DSN's, they tested during the
    building fine, I've tried
    > various versions of ODBC and OLE DB, including but not
    limited to Native SQL
    > Client, which is my preference and have been quite
    successful setting up the
    > DSN's...they add to the ASP page/Site (it's greyed out
    unless you have an open
    > ASP page) fine. Test at that point works fine. As soon
    as I bind a Recordset
    > (whether I have dropped data on the page or not...same
    'Hello World' page with
    > Recordset info near the top of the code) and test, I
    error out.
    > Any thoughts? I'm sure you'll need more info...I've
    tried to put as much as I
    > can for starters. Thanks in advance.
    > Peter

  • Adobe DW CS3 with ASP, Coldfusion, and PHP Training book - problem.

    I have been creating a site and using the DW CS3 'Training
    from the Source' book by Jeffrey Bardzell and Bob Flynn as the
    tutorial text.
    Basically - I have an .asp form that collects data into
    fields, which are validated using the DW validate form funstions,
    then passes the data to another .asp page that emails the data to
    All works well for me and for a lot of people I have used to
    test the site....
    I am getting some people whose data is obviously NOT being
    captured or passed - as teh Emails are blank. I can't ask them what
    browsers they are using - as their Email address should be in the
    Data !!
    I did try the form with the Javascript Disabled in my browser
    - and the validation then failed to work - but the data still did
    get sent.
    1. If Javascript is disabled - how can I get the validation
    to work?
    2. Is there any other reason that my data may be getting lost
    Thanks in Advance

    Surely if DW is creating this then it should aways work ?
    It would be nice, wouldn't it? ;-)
    There are two basic types of validation - client-side and
    Client-side validation uses JavaScript, in this case the code
    that DW generates, but you are dependent on the user's browser
    settings. It happens on the user's machine before anything is sent
    back across the Internet to your web server. If they want to turn
    off JS, they can.
    Server-side validation takes place on the server with the
    data sent from the user. webpro2k has provided you with a nice bit
    of code to test whether those fields come in blank. If they do, you
    can decide what to do with the user's interaction. Instead of the
    Thank You page, or wherever you may have sent them after a
    successful submission, you could send them back to the form
    indicating the fields they neglected to fill out and pre-populating
    those they already filled out with the data from the first
    Best practice is to do both client-side (in theory it reduces
    user frustration if done right.) and server side (to ensure clean
    data). It takes a little extra work. You know your audience and
    your needs, so you can do the cost/benefit analysis.

  • Error with insert using ASP, SQL and ValidationTool Kit

    i finally got my 1st of 5 pages setup to insert, validate and
    redirect.. but
    now i get an error i have no idea what it means
    The page loads fine, but when i attempt to submit the page to
    insert the
    record, i receive the error below...
    Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'
    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Parameterized
    Query '(@P1
    text,@P2 nvarchar(50),@P3 nvarchar(50),@P4 nvarchar(50),@P5'
    parameter @P18, which was not supplied.
    /cemp_app1.asp, line 123
    Here is the line in question
    Line#123 MM_editCmd.Execute
    I dont understand why the error mentions Parameterized Query
    when im not
    doing anything special, just a simple insert(after being
    Below is the insert code that seems to mention parameters
    If (CStr(Request("MM_insert")) = "form1") Then
    If (Not MM_abortEdit) Then
    ' execute the insert
    Dim MM_editCmd
    Set MM_editCmd = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Command")
    MM_editCmd.ActiveConnection = MM_has_STRING
    MM_editCmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO dbo.EmpCandidate
    (cssn, cfname,
    cmname, clname, caddr, caddr1, capt, ccounty, ccity, cstate,
    czip, chphone,
    cmphone, cophone, qlegal, ost, qref, refemp, webother, qage,
    qgrpastsel, qgrrel, qgrrelsel1, qgrrelsel2, qcontact, qterm,
    cdesiredpos2, cdesiredpay1, cdesiredpay2, cte, availsun1,
    availmon1, availmon2, availtue1, availtue2, availwed1,
    availthur1, availthur2, availfri1, availfri2, availsat1,
    availsat2, casppos,
    cattsuce) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,
    MM_editCmd.Prepared = true
    MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param1", 201,
    1, 9, Request.Form("cssn")) ' adLongVarChar
    MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param2", 202,
    1, 50, Request.Form("cfname")) ' adVarWChar
    MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param3", 202,
    1, 50, Request.Form("cmname")) ' adVarWChar
    MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param4", 202,
    1, 50, Request.Form("clname")) ' adVarWChar
    MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param5", 202,
    1, 75, Request.Form("caddr")) ' adVarWChar
    MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param6", 202,
    1, 75, Request.Form("caddr1")) ' adVarWChar
    MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param7", 202,
    1, 10, Request.Form("capt")) ' adVarWChar
    MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param8", 202,
    1, 15, Request.Form("ccounty")) ' adVarWChar
    MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param9", 202,
    1, 30, Request.Form("ccity")) ' adVarWChar
    MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param10", 202,
    1, 2, Request.Form("cstate")) ' adVarWChar
    MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param11", 202,
    1, 5, Request.Form("czip")) ' adVarWChar
    MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param12", 202,
    1, 10, Request.Form("chphone")) ' adVarWChar
    MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param13", 202,
    1, 10, Request.Form("cmphone")) ' adVarWChar
    MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param14", 202,
    1, 10, Request.Form("cophone")) ' adVarWChar
    MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param15", 202,
    1, 1, Request.Form("qlegal")) ' adVarWChar
    MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param16", 202,
    1, 15, Request.Form("ost")) ' adVarWChar
    MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param17", 202,
    1, 10, Request.Form("qref")) ' adVarWChar
    MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param18", 202,
    1, 25, Request.Form("refemp")) ' adVarWChar
    MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param19", 202,
    1, 25, Request.Form("webother")) ' adVarWChar
    MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param20", 202,
    1, 1, Request.Form("qage")) ' adVarWChar
    MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param21", 202,
    1, 1, Request.Form("qgrpast")) ' adVarWChar
    MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param22", 202,
    1, 10, Request.Form("qgrpastsel")) ' adVarWChar
    MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param23", 202,
    1, 1, Request.Form("qgrrel")) ' adVarWChar
    MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param24", 202,
    1, 10, Request.Form("qgrrelsel1")) ' adVarWChar
    MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param25", 202,
    1, 10, Request.Form("qgrrelsel2")) ' adVarWChar
    MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param26", 202,
    1, 3, Request.Form("qcontact")) ' adVarWChar
    MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param27", 202,
    1, 1, Request.Form("qterm")) ' adVarWChar
    MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param28", 202,
    1, 35, Request.Form("cdesiredpos1")) ' adVarWChar
    MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param29", 202,
    1, 35, Request.Form("cdesiredpos2")) ' adVarWChar
    MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param30", 202,
    1, 25, Request.Form("cdesiredpay1")) ' adVarWChar
    MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param31", 202,
    1, 25, Request.Form("cdesiredpay2")) ' adVarWChar
    MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param32", 202,
    1, 15, Request.Form("cte")) ' adVarWChar
    MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param33", 202,
    1, 35, Request.Form("availsun1")) ' adVarWChar
    MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param34", 202,
    1, 35, Request.Form("availsun2")) ' adVarWChar
    MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param35", 202,
    1, 35, Request.Form("availmon1")) ' adVarWChar
    MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param36", 202,
    1, 35, Request.Form("availmon2")) ' adVarWChar
    MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param37", 202,
    1, 35, Request.Form("availtue1")) ' adVarWChar
    MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param38", 202,
    1, 35, Request.Form("availtue2")) ' adVarWChar
    MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param39", 202,
    1, 35, Request.Form("availwed1")) ' adVarWChar
    MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param40", 202,
    1, 35, Request.Form("availwed2")) ' adVarWChar
    MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param41", 202,
    1, 35, Request.Form("availthur1")) ' adVarWChar
    MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param42", 202,
    1, 35, Request.Form("availthur2")) ' adVarWChar
    MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param43", 202,
    1, 35, Request.Form("availfri1")) ' adVarWChar
    MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param44", 202,
    1, 35, Request.Form("availfri2")) ' adVarWChar
    MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param45", 202,
    1, 35, Request.Form("availsat1")) ' adVarWChar
    MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param46", 202,
    1, 35, Request.Form("availsat2")) ' adVarWChar
    MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param47", 201,
    1, -1, Request.Form("casppos")) ' adLongVarChar
    MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param48", 201,
    1, -1, Request.Form("cattsuce")) ' adLongVarChar
    End If
    End If

    Seems Adobe has a bit of a mistake there in the insert
    This line appears just below the query (you'll see VALUES
    with a lot of
    question marks):
    MM_editCmd.Prepared = true
    Change it to
    MM_editCmd.Prepared = false
    That will fix you up.
    "Daniel" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:f05ce4$s04$[email protected]..
    >i finally got my 1st of 5 pages setup to insert, validate
    and redirect..
    >but now i get an error i have no idea what it means
    > The page loads fine, but when i attempt to submit the
    page to insert the
    > record, i receive the error below...
    > Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error
    > [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL
    Server]Parameterized Query '(@P1
    > text,@P2 nvarchar(50),@P3 nvarchar(50),@P4
    nvarchar(50),@P5' expects
    > parameter @P18, which was not supplied.
    > /cemp_app1.asp, line 123

  • Adobe Flash CS3 Vista Crash Help!

    I have a Windows vista and have flash cs3 installed. For the
    first 2 weeks or so, it worked perfectly, then, it started crashing
    whenever I open the application or a .fla file.
    The problem information was this:
    Problem signature:
    Problem Event Name: BEX
    Application Name: Flash.exe
    Application Version:
    Application Timestamp: 46015140
    Fault Module Name: Flash.exe
    Fault Module Version:
    Fault Module Timestamp: 46015140
    Exception Offset: 0090b533
    Exception Code: c000000d
    Exception Data: 00000000
    OS Version: 6.0.6000.
    Locale ID: 1033
    Additional Information 1: 6a50
    Additional Information 2: 1f2ff58f9f3d8db4051d6f7741f6b9e5
    Additional Information 3: 0f69
    Additional Information 4: c20c41b425c52af5a1c4c3a8bd355cb8
    Can anyone help me fix this????

    Did you ever find a solution to this problem? I am having the
    same issues on Windows Vista Ultimate. I have been running Flash
    CS3 fine for 8 months and now this, middle of a work day, on a
    Friday when several things are due and I cannot get it to open.
    ADOBE, this cannot be a problem isolated to just 2 people, what is
    the solution please?

  • CS3, Vista, Missing Duotones Presets

    I am using CS3 and Vista. I am trying to use the presets for duotones.
    I go Image | Mode | Duotone | Load...and get nothing. The Duotones folder is empty. A quick search of the internet suggests that the files have been moved. So I searched my pc for *.ado and got nothing. No files.
    Any advice?
    Best regards,

    Kevin, I just loaded CS3 on my computer running Windows XP, and had the same problem. PS 'looked' but couldn't 'see' the presets loaded in the folder, C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS3\Presets\Duotones. (I checked and confirmed that the .ado duotone presets files are there.)
    To fix this, from the duotone menu, I went to Load, then backed all the way out of the folders, to My Computer, then when back in to the above folder, and wow, PS saw that the duotone presets are there. I closed the file, opened another and converted to Duotone, and PS is still seeing that presets.
    In other words, the Duotone preset folder is not empty, you just have to coax PS in to seeing the preset files.
    Best, David

  • CS3 / Vista / local files on NAS - DW crawls and is unuseable

    Subject pretty much says it all.
    DW CS3 on a Vista laptop.  My development cfm files are on a NAS mapped as Y:\Sites\[sitename].  I primarily use this laptop for quick fixes but that came screeching to a halt today.
    I opened up a site and told it to sync via ftp to the remote server.  After about 4 minutes it told me there were 10 small files to sync.  Syncing took almost 10 minutes.  (no, it was not the remote server being slow).
    When I opened a file locally from the Y drive to edit it, it was extremely slow in code view.  Copy / Paste took 30 seconds to complete.  Even scrolling the page up and down in DW had severe delays.
    I did a bunch of Google searching on it and found many people with this problem back to the CS version, but no real answer to it.  The NAS drive is fine and even Windows Explorer is quick bringing it up and moving files around.  This isn't a huge site - maybe 100 cfm templates and none of the pages are hugely complex.
    No other software on this laptop has any problems accessing the NAS - MySQL, PS, Office etc.
    Any ideas where to look for a patch or setting that can help this behavior?

    I've never used a NAS, but can you use a UNC path? If so, any difference in performance?
    I have two Vista boxes on this little network and they both take a long time to connect to drives on other computers. Once connected, they transfer files over the local network at expected speeds, though. I don't use DW's FTP, but I could test that later if needed (CS3 on Vista Home Premium, DW8 on Vista Ultimate).
    Mark A. Boyd
    Keep-On-Learnin' :-)
    This message was processed and edited by Jive.
    It shall not be considered an accurate representation of my words.
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  • Photoshop (CS3 - Vista Ultimate) layer effects issues

    I am running a Vista PC with 4GB RAM and other complimentarily high spec hardware.
    I am having trouble when adding 'stroke' effects to layers. At times I end up with horrendous colour-of-the-stoke spots/patches all over my layer. I have boild the issue down to the following reason: there are small one-pixelish or larger 'holes' in the layer and therefore the stroke is placed around these 'holes'. If the stroke is placed 'inside' then the spots/patches will appear but when the stroke is placed on the 'outside' then the spots/patches do not appear.
    This issue happens pretty much all the time when stretching and distorting and warping a layer or (in particular) when adding, for example, white space to a layer and then popping a stroke onto it.
    I do not seem to remember it happening in the past - since a year past (mid-2007) - but seems to be happening to an increasing degree recently. I never noticed it happening before using CS3.
    Safari njema

    I solved the problem.

  • Dreamweaver CS3 Connecting To SQL Express 2005

    Hi Guys,
    I'm having problems connecting
    Dreamweaver CS3 to
    SQL Express 2005, the error message that comes back is not
    very helpful, "An Unidentified Error has Occurred"
    Have any of you successfully connected
    Dreamweaver CS3 to
    SQL Express 2005 ?

    > I'm having problems connecting
    Dreamweaver CS3 to
    SQL Express
    > 2005, the error message that comes back is not very
    helpful, "An
    > Unidentified Error has Occurred"
    > Have any of you successfully connected
    Dreamweaver CS3 to
    > Express 2005 ?
    Yes, the connection string is not dependant upon the software
    used to create
    the website. Here's a couple of examples, or you can find
    more at
    Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=computer_name_or_IP;Initial
    Server};SERVER=Computer_name\instance_name;DATABASE=database_name;UID=username;PWD=passwo rd

  • Open/Save Dialoge Box covers the whole screen - CS3/Vista

    I´m using Photoshop CS3 on Windows Vista and I have the following problem:
    I can´t reduce the open/save dialoge box in Photoshop CS3 as I could in earlier versions, which I find very inconvenient.
    It stretches over the whole screen and there seems to be no way of reducing it. There are handles at the corners but they don´t work.
    Is this normal in CS3 or could it be just a wrong setting in Windows?
    I hope somebody can help me on this, thank you so much!
    Best regards,

    Is this normal in CS3 or could it be just a wrong setting in Windows?
    No, it's not normal. There are two things I can think of:
    - the dialog repositioning feature of your graphics card is not working properly (NVidia Desktop etc.)
    - you resized the dialog in another program and now the huge size has become the system default
    In both cases the solution should be pretty obvious - either adjust the settings/ turn off the graphics card's special features or resize the dialog back in the program it was turned huge in the fi8rst place. For the latter, also checking your more general folder view options as well as manually deleting desktop.ini files may offer a way out.

  • Dreamweaver Cs3 & Vista

    I buyed a copy of Dreamweaver cs3 with OS Vista, but when I
    try to load the program, since the first time I tried, it remains
    on "Inizializiong Files", until I stop the process. What can I

    Maybe someone else can help you out with this because you are
    going to need to do the following steps and I just don't know where
    the log file is saved on the Windows side:
    1. Get the log file that the installer makes
    2. Come back to this website and click on Your Account at the
    top of the screen.
    3. Log in and click on Customer Support Portal
    4. Open up a support ticket. When you do there should be a
    way to upload a file to their FTP server for them to evaluate.
    Follow their steps exactly and upload your log file (it would be a
    good idea to rename your log file with at least your username).
    Then once you have done that wait for a response. They will
    be able to tell you exactly where the installer is failing by
    looking at the logs. It normally takes about 1-3 business days for
    them to respond though. It might not be as quick as a phone call,
    but if they don't know where the problem is, it is best to give
    them as much information as possible.

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