CS4-connecting to multiple tables within a single Indesign doc.

I recently downloaded Datalinker, a plugin for Indesign that lets you connect to databases. I created a table in indesign and pulled in data from one table in the database. The problem I'm having is if I create another table in the same indesign document and want to access a different table in the database, I can't get that to work. It seems like it only wants to be able to connect to one table at a time per document?
Does anyone know a different way to go about doing this?

Have you contacted Teacup? They're very good about responding.

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    You do need to give more information. To better help, we would need to know the database, when you say SQL do you mean SQL Server, how you created the dataset, whether there are multiple tables in a single dataset or multiple datasets, etc.
    The report appears to be running so the underlying issue as you know will likely be the dataset. You may want to confirm the dataset does in fact have data in it.  Returning a simple count will let you know there are rows. If you used the components rather than code to create the objects you can also see the data returned in the fill process.
    Once you know you have data in the dataset, you can check your reports connection to the dataset.
    Just hang in there... the problem is probably a simple fix. I am sure others will follow on with more suggestions.
    John W.

  • Multiple selects() within a single VM

    Is anyone aware of any contention issues when running multiple threads within a VM where each thread has it's own select statement?
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    Works for me, though I'm trying on Windows. Test program below. I get >10,000 replies and responses per second over loopback with both "java SelectPingPong both" (one VM) and running client and server on separate VMs.
    Does this program get only 1000 messages/s on Linux? What VM version?
    import java.util.*;
    import java.net.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.nio.*;
    import java.nio.channels.*;
    public class SelectPingPong
        private static final int MESSAGE_SIZE = 200;
        private String server_name;
        private Selector selector;
        private HashMap clients = new HashMap();
        static class Client
         ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(MESSAGE_SIZE);
         long connect_time = System.currentTimeMillis();
         int number_of_messages;
        public SelectPingPong(int port, String server_name)
         throws IOException
         this.server_name = server_name;
         selector = Selector.open();
         ServerSocketChannel server_channel = ServerSocketChannel.open();
         server_channel.socket().bind(new InetSocketAddress(port));
         server_channel.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT);
        public Socket connect(String host, int port)
         throws IOException
         SocketChannel channel = SocketChannel.open();
         Socket socket = channel.socket();
         socket.connect(new InetSocketAddress(host, port));
         channel.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ);
         clients.put(channel, new Client());
         return socket;
        private void configureSocket(Socket socket)
         throws IOException
         // Let's say we have a request-reply protocol with modest requirements
        public void mainLoop()
         while (true) {
             try {
              for (Iterator iter = selector.selectedKeys().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
                  SelectionKey key = (SelectionKey) iter.next();
                  if (!key.isValid())
                  if (key.isAcceptable())
                  if (key.isReadable())
             } catch (Exception e) {
              System.out.println(server_name + ": error in selector loop: " + e);
        private void acceptClient(SelectionKey key)
         throws IOException
         ServerSocketChannel server_channel = (ServerSocketChannel) key.channel();
         if (server_channel == null)
         SocketChannel channel = server_channel.accept();
         if (channel == null)
         channel.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ);
         clients.put(channel, new Client());
         System.out.println(server_name + ": got a new client; " +
                      clients.size() + " clients");
        private void readFromClient(SelectionKey key)
         throws IOException
         SocketChannel channel = (SocketChannel) key.channel();
         Client client = (Client) clients.get(channel);
         ByteBuffer buf = client.buf;
         int count;
         try {
             count = channel.read(buf);
         } catch (IOException e) {
             System.out.println(server_name + ": error reading, closing connection: " + e);
         if (count == -1) {
             System.out.println(server_name + ": client disconnected; " +
                          clients.size() + " clients");
         if (buf.position() == MESSAGE_SIZE) {
             if (++client.number_of_messages % 10000 == 0) {
              long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
              System.out.println(server_name + ": " + client.number_of_messages +
                           " messages in " + (now - client.connect_time) + " ms");
             // RFE write without blocking
             writeFully(channel, buf);
        public static void writeFully(SocketChannel channel, ByteBuffer buf)
         throws IOException
         while (buf.remaining() != 0)
        private static void startClient()
         throws Exception
         SelectPingPong client = new SelectPingPong(6667, "client");
         Socket socket = client.connect("localhost", 6666);
         // Send initial message
         ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(MESSAGE_SIZE);
         buf.put(new byte[MESSAGE_SIZE]);
        public static void main(String args[])
         throws Exception
         if (args.length == 1 && args[0].equals("server")) {
             SelectPingPong server = new SelectPingPong(6666, "server");
         } else if (args.length == 1 && args[0].equals("client")) {
         } else if (args.length == 1 && args[0].equals("both")) {
             new Thread() { public void run() {
              try {
                  SelectPingPong server = new SelectPingPong(6666, "server");
              } catch (Exception e) {
                  System.err.println("error in server");
             } }.start();
         } else {
             System.err.println("usage: SelectPingPong [client | server | both]");

  • Move data from multiple Tables to a Single Table & Convert the list to ALV.

    My aim is to get the list of Materials with their descriptions, with MRP Controller, with Unrestriced Qty. & the Reorder Qty. So, I have to fetch the data from different tables. But finally I am not able to copy or move the fetched data from multiple tables into the single final table.
    Also tell me how to convert this list into ALV.
    Below is the program code.
    *& Report  Y_REORDER_REPORT
    tables : marc,makt, mard.
    DATA: Begin of i_final occurs 0,
            matnr type marc-matnr,
            maktx type makt-maktx,
            DISPO type marc-DISPO,
            MINBE type marc-MINBE,
            LABST type mard-LABST,
          end of i_final.
    DATA: Begin of i_marc occurs 0,
           matnr type marc-matnr,
           DISPO type marc-DISPO,
           MINBE type marc-MINBE,
          end of i_marc.
    DATA: Begin of i_makt occurs 0,
           matnr type makt-matnr,
           maktx type makt-maktx,
          end of i_makt.
    DATA: Begin of i_mard occurs 0,
           matnr type mard-matnr,
           LABST type mard-LABST,
          end of i_mard.
    SELECT  matnr
            minbe from marc
            into corresponding fields of table i_marc
            where dispo EQ 'STR'.
    WRITE: /10  'Material',
            75  'MRP',
            80  'Reorder Qty.'.
    LOOP at i_marc.
    Write: /10  i_marc-matnr,
            75  i_marc-dispo,
            80  i_marc-minbe.
    write: /.
    SELECT  matnr
            MAKTX from makt
            into corresponding fields of table i_makt
            for all entries in i_marc
            where matnr = i_marc-matnr.
    LOOP at i_makt.
    Write: /10 i_makt-matnr,
            30 i_makt-maktx.
    SELECT  matnr
            LABST from mard
            into corresponding fields of table i_mard
            for all entries in i_marc
            where matnr = i_marc-matnr.
    LOOP at i_mard.
    Write: /10 i_mard-matnr,
            30 I_MARD-LGORT,
            40 i_mard-labst.
    move  i_mard-matnr to i_final-matnr.
    move  i_marc-dispo to i_final-dispo.
    move  i_marc-minbe to i_final-minbe.
    move  i_makt-maktx to i_final-maktx.
    move  i_mard-labst to i_final-labst.
    WRITE: /10  'Material',
            30  'Material Desc.',
            75  'MRP',
            80  'Reorder Qty.',
            105 'Current Stock'.
    LOOP at i_final.
    Write: /10  i_final-matnr,
            30  i_final-maktx,
            75  i_final-dispo,
            80  i_final-minbe,
            105 i_final-labst.
    *LOOP at i_mard.
    *Write: /10  i_mard-matnr,
           30  i_makt-maktx,
           75  i_marc-dispo,
           80  i_marc-minbe,
           105 i_mard-labst.

    Change like this,
    SELECT matnr
    labst FROM mard
    WHERE matnr = i_marc-matnr.
    LOOP AT i_mard.
       WRITE: /10 i_mard-matnr,
       30 i_mard-lgort,
       40 i_mard-labst.
    LOOP AT i_marc.
       READ TABLE i_mard WITH KEY matnr =  i_marc-matnr.
       READ TABLE i_makt WITH KEY matnr =  i_marc-matnr.
       MOVE i_mard-matnr TO i_final-matnr.
       MOVE i_marc-dispo TO i_final-dispo.
       MOVE i_marc-minbe TO i_final-minbe.
       MOVE i_makt-maktx TO i_final-maktx.
       MOVE i_mard-labst TO i_final-labst.
       APPEND i_final.
    WRITE: /10 'Material',
    30 'Material Desc.',
    75 'MRP',
    80 'Reorder Qty.',
    105 'Current Stock'.

  • Export Multiple tables into a single Excel Sheet

    We have a use case where we need to export multiple tables into an excel sheet. The exportCollectionActionListener only allows one table (which is provided in the exportedId attribute) to be exported into Excel. So is there a method provided by adf to export more that one table into excel ?

    I need to export multiple tables into a single excel sheet. These links only show how to export a single table to an excel sheet.
    I have tried out this : http://iadvise.blogspot.com/2007/04/export-adf-table-to-excel.html. But i am not getting the popup to save the file. So i can't find out where the file got created.

  • Numbers: Copy/Paste from multiple tables into 1 single Table?

    I would appreciate some guidance in creating a copy/paste script from multiple numbers tables into a different single table within the same numbers document.
    The columns in the source table are in different positions to the destination table.
    So for example, i would want to copy…
    Sheet 1, Table 1 Cell A3  copy to Sheet 2 Table Z Cell B2
    Sheet 1, Table 1 Cell B3  copy to Sheet 2 Table Z Cell C2
    Sheet 1, Table 1 Cell C3  copy to Sheet 2 Table Z Cell E2
    Sheet 1, Table 1 Cell D3  copy to Sheet 2 Table Z Cell F2
    Sheet 1, Table 1 Cell E3  copy to Sheet 2 Table Z Cell G2
    Sheet 1, Table 1 Cell G3  copy to Sheet 2 Table Z Cell I2
    Sheet 1, Table 1 Cell J3  copy to Sheet 2 Table Z Cell H2
    and repeat the copy/paste on subsequent rows of each table until there is an empty row in Sheet 1 Table 1 (or if this is difficult, say set the repeat to a max of 30 rows).
    The script would then need to move on to Sheet 1 Table 2, and do the same copying to Sheet 2 Table Z (from where the previous copy/paste finished in Table Z).
    Repeat process would finalise with Sheet 1 Table 6.
    The Paste part would need to be pasting values, as the cells in the source tables do contain some formulas.
    At the moment this is all done manually and does take some to to undertake.
    If anyone can help, i would be very grateful.

    are you trying to aggregate data from severl tables into a single table?  If so you whould be able to do this without a script.  The function indirect() will allow you to construct the proper formula, which you may fill over (in the same row) to the appropriate cells, then fill down.
    Here is a small example:
    There are three data tables ("Table 1", "Table 2", and "Table 3").  And a summary "Table Z"
    In table Z make the first row a header (as shown):
    Use column A to enter the Sheet name and colomn B to enter the table name.
    In row 1 (the header), enter the cells you want to get
    in cell C2 type (or copy and paste from here) the formula:
    now select cell C2, copy now select cell C2 thru H2, paste
    now select the cells C2 thu H2, hover the corsor over the bottom edge of the selection, and drag the yellow cirlc down as needed to fill the formula down.
    Update the sheet and table names as needed for each row

  • Export to Excel - Multiple Tables in a single details section

    Hi All,
    I have a set of reports where I am using a single details section to show multiple tables stacked over one another. That is, i have a table with three columns and two rows, followed by some white space and then another table with 4 columns and 1 row, followed by white space and then other tables.
    When I export it to excel, I am getting the data but the ordering is in a reverse pivoted fashion:
    Excel output:
    CR_column1_Heading    CR_Column2_Heading    CR_Column1_Data CR_Column2_Data
    Is there a way to control the sequence of fields displayed in excel while exporting?
    - Atif.

    It is printing like this.
    HEADER1   HEADER2    HEADER3     DATA 1     DATA 2     DATA 3
    I am getting all the columns and fields in excel, that is not a problem. However, the problem is whether i can control the order the fields are printed onto Excel.
    Like what Ben is commenting:
    HEADER1   DATA 1     HEADER2    DATA 2     HEADER3     DATA 3
    However, I dont want to reorder the fields on the canvas as the format layout is predefined.
    I tried searching through the Cystal SDK if there is a finer level of control but to no avail.
    A work around under the above constraints would be simply amazing!
    Thanks again and appreciate your response.

  • Multiple subreports within a single main report?

    I'm a newbie to BI Publisher, but have used Crystal Reports quite a lot.
    I have a requirement which essentially consists of a set of 7 similar and closely related reports, each using a different SQL Select statement and printing different columns; the user will have the option of selecting either one of the 7, or all of them.
    In Crystal Reports I would set up 7 subreports within a single main report, and depending on the parameter, suppress those subreports which are not required.
    Is there a technique within BI Publisher which would enable me to achieve the same thing?

    all the sub templates will go against a single XML. So if your sub reports in CR is handling different query, you need to take a step back and think of separating data and layout. So multiple queries will be handled by data templates. So, for example, if your main report fetches some records as Q1 query, and you have two sub templates with queries as SQ1, SQ2 (linked subreport). Then we have to see what relationship exists between the main report and the subreport. Say, the sub report query creates a relationship with the Main report data, to filter certain records. So this can be achieved in data template using Q1 and SQ1 using bind relationship, ie, Q1 is master query and SQ1 is a detail query. Similarly Q1 and SQ2 relationship can be established. The datatemplate when executed, will fetch a single XML data.So in this case you do not need sub template. The sub-report layout is not separate, and is to be created with the main report.
    In case of unlinked subreport, the content of subreport is independent of main report, so you can simply define two datasets in BI Publisher and then select the Concatenation option. So the final XML data will be a concatenation of two XML data. The main report can read data of the main XML and the sub template can read data from the appended XML data. This can be done using xPath.

  • Multiple Table Mapping To Single Entity in Workshop 8.1

    I've taken a test run on creating entity beans with workshop 8.1, although mapping
    an CMP entity to a single database table looks to be relatively straightforward,
    I can't seem to find a way to map multiple database tables to a single CMP entity
    (at least not via workshop). Do I have to manually modify the deployment descriptors
    after building with workshop?

    Thanks, John.
    "John Reynolds" <[email protected]> wrote:
    Jingwei Zhang <[email protected]> wrote:
    Is there any example of using ejbgen to map single EJB to multiple tables?
    Jingwei... I found this at: http://www.beust.com/cedric/ejbgen/#multiple-table-mapping
    By default, Entity beans are mapped to one table, with the attribute
    on the tag @ejbgen:entity. If you want to map your Entity bean to more
    than one
    table, you can use the table-name attribute on individual @ejbgen:cmp-fields.
    All the CMP fields that do not have a table-name attribute will use the
    specified on @ejbgen:entity (which can therefore be considered as the
    If you want to map an Entity bean to several tables, you need to specify
    a comma-separated
    list of tables in the table-name attribute (and also on column). For
    * @ejbgen:cmp-field
    * column = "bal1, bal2"
    * table-name = "Table1, Table2"
    Make sure that the number of tables matches the number of columns, and
    that the
    columns exist in the corresponding table (for example, in the example
    above, Table1
    must contain column bal1, and Table2, bal2).

  • Single row editing for multiple tables in a single page

    I have split a table with many many columns into more tables with a lower number of columns. There is an ID column (sequence generated) that is Primary Key common for all tables. Obviously, the relationship between these tables is 1 to 1, so it’s not about having to build master-detail pages.
    What I need now is to edit all these tables in a single page: one single row from each table. The Automated Row Fetch & Automatic Row Processing (DML) processes used for the old table must be replaced by something else.
    Is there a way to use in a single page more pairs of such processes for more tables?
    I want to avoid manually writing processes with lot of PL/SQL code to handle row fetch & update.
    Keep in mind that the page will have an ID item that can be used to identify unique rows in all my tables.

    I have split a table with many many columns into more tables with a lower number of columns
    IMHO that is a very bad idea. There is nothing wrong with having many columns in a table. If you would like to split them to better "categorize" them, just create views on the table and expose different subsets of the columns.
    I want to avoid manually writing processes with lot of PL/SQL code to handle row fetch & update.
    That is unavoidable given how you have designed the underlying tables.
    You could try creating a view that joins all the tables by the PK and creating a form based on that view. Then write a INSTEAD OF trigger on the view that "doles out" the DML on the view to each of the underlying tables.

  • Adding Sum Totals from Multiple Tables in A single Document

    Hello All,
    I'm having trouble adding sum totals from multiple tables I've created in a Pages 09 doc. I putting together a spreadsheet for cost projections for a house remodel. I created tables for each room of the house. At the bottom of the document I'd like to have another table that takes the totals from each individual room and adds them up. Problem appears to be that each table has the same x/y axis labels so row and column numbers/letters are repeated so the final table can't quantify thing correctly.
    Any easy solutions? I can't find anything that's helped in my search efforts.

    Thanks for the feedback. I thought that might be the case. And you were correct to assume I was more comfortable in Pages. I'm halfway through converting everything to numbers. In the end it will work great too. Just some different formatting/design choices to be made as numbers doesn't appear to be as versatile in the same way pages is with design. So far it looks pretty good though.
    Thanks again,

  • Connection to multiple databases using a single EJB

    How can I connect to multiple Databases (using @PersistenceContext) using an EJB?
    Did I need to connect various Entity Managers corresponding to the each database and simply send my Queries?
    I am using Glassfish Application Server
    Netbeans IDE
    Java Derby Database
    Oracle Database
    Java Persistence API
    Thanks in Advance

    Yes, you need a persistence context and thus entity manager per database. Depending on what you want to achieve you may also need to go to the next level in your skill set and learn all about distributed transactions.

  • Reciept of multiple PO's into single Material doc

    As a standard function we can receive multiple PO's into a single Material Doc (Vendor is same in all PO).
    Let me know is there a way/enhancement/exits to disable this function. So that only single PO can be received into a Material Doc.

    Hi Mahesh,
    The receipt is manually? (Transaction MIGO)
    If so, try with an user exit to avoid multiple receipts.
    SPRO -> Materials Management -> Inventory Management and
    Physical Inventory -> Maintain Customer Exits and Business Add-Ins ->
    Business Add-In: Change Item Data in Transaction MIGO

  • Multiple Shipment cost against single shipment doc

    Dear Gurus,
    We have a scenario in Transportation process.
    We are sending a shipment which contains three delivery docs each contains 100 qty, so total 300 qty.
    There are three invoices invloves in  this shipment against each delivery doc. This shipment goes to the Transporter's warehouse and the inward happens one by one invoice basis as per the cutomer's request. Say, when the customer inwards the first delivery transporter will submit his first freight bill to us. we clear that bill,  then next bill...so on..
    Here from one shipment document multiple shipment costs need to be created. Is this possible? If not what could be the soultion for this issue?
    Pls suggest. thanks in advance.
    (P.S:  I have referred this thread which is very similar to my req.
    Re: Multiple cost documents for one shipment doc , any other suggestions)

    Dear Lakshmipathi ji,
    Thankx a lot for ur reply and giving some more light . However, My requiremnt is not to create multiple shipment documents in VT01N against one delivery and not all the customers have the web site updation on GRN details but ofcourse some of them.
    I have two issues here..
    1. My client sends a consignement which contains multiple deliveries each belongs to deifferent Routes thru' a transporter. For the transporter it's like a collection point. He collects the goods and takes to his place further distributing the goods to the respective destination. (like a courier agent).
    2.As i xplained before, as per the GRN of the customer basis they pay the frieght bills (weekly) . It happens for a whole delivery or invoice qty only.
    How to address this? Is this a only way to create one to one basis of shipment & delivery doc?
    Pls suggest.
    Edited by: Jagsap on Dec 10, 2010 10:02 AM

  • How can I sort multiple tables on a single page as if they were one continuous table?

    I have a single narrow column of numbers that cover multiple pages. I would like to do either of the following: break that long single column into multiple colums that fit on one page and are still able to be sorted in that arrangement OR sort the long column as it is (spread out over multiple pages) and then break that long sorted column down into multiple segments that can be placed onto a single page.
    I have been sorting the long single column, then copy and pasting sections from the column onto a new page so that I can print them on a single page.
    I am hoping there is a more elegant method to do this.

    Hi Walt,
    Sorting is one of the things that changed between Numbers '09 and Numbers 3. If you are on Mountain Lion I want to assume you are using '09. Is that true?
    This will work in '09 and 3. Table one is a single column with entries 1-89.
    A2 ==INDEX(Table 1 :: $A,ROW())
    B2 =INDEX(Table 1 :: $A,ROW()+35)
    C2 =INDEX(Table 1 :: $A,ROW()+70)
    The formulas are filled down.
    You can adjust the formulas in B and C to reflect how many rows fit on your page.

Maybe you are looking for

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