[CS4/CS5] ScriptUI focus event (Win/Mac)

Hi friends,
I'm looking after a way to control the focus of EditText widgets within a Dialog but I'm totally confused by the event loop logics —especially in Mac OS.
The basic task I need to achieve is to attach a validation mechanism to an EditText. When the user has entered a wrong field and the change event occurs, I want to display an alert box, then re-activate the field. The problem is that both the change event and the alert box interfer with focus attribution. I think that user or system focus/blur events are stacked so that any command that attempts to focus back to the original widget cannot work while the stack is not empty.
Here is a simple test to illustrate my problem. The script is supposed to display an alert when the user change a field, then it tries to focus back to the corresponding field through myWidget.active = true. This does not work.
var     u,
     w = new Window('dialog',u,u,{xname:'Window'}),
     e1 = w.add('edittext', u, "",{xname:'EditText (1)'}),
     e2 = w.add('edittext', u, "",{xname:'EditText (2)'}),
     eInfo = w.add('edittext', [0,0,300,400], "",{xname: 'EditText (Info)', multiline:true}),
     b = w.add('button',u,'Clear', {xname:'Button'});
e1.characters = e2.characters = 20;
var anyEvent = function(ev)
     var tg = ev.target;
     eInfo.text += (tg.properties.xname + ' -> ' +
          ev.type.toUpperCase() +
          (tg.active ? '  (active)':'  (non active)') +
var changeEvent = function(ev)
     eInfo.text += ('\n--- BEFORE Breaking Alert\n');
     alert("Breaking alert");
     // Trying to FOCUS back on ev.target
     eInfo.text += ('\n--- BEFORE Active=true\n');
     ev.target.active = true;
     eInfo.text += ('--- AFTER Active=true\n');
// Event 'inspector'
w.addEventListener('change', anyEvent);
w.addEventListener('focus', anyEvent);
w.addEventListener('blur', anyEvent);
// Events
w.addEventListener('change', changeEvent);
b.onClick = function(){eInfo.text = '';};
I tried various strategies to address this problem by using event timestamps and/or dispatching custom new UIEvent('focus'...), but nothing works conveniently.
In addition I got odd behaviours in Mac OS. The below screenshot shows a piece of a ScriptUI dialog —using a custom framework, so don't be surprised by the skin! What is weird is that in a particular state *two* EditText controls have the focus ring at the same time:
I didn't know such a thing could happen. I probably did not understand anything about the 'focus' paradigm.
Any help from an expert would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot!

Harbs. wrote:
It does seem to change the focus, but you are still left with a cursor sometimes (which does not work).
The one that has the focus rect allows input and .active = true seems to work fine. (Mac 10.6 CS5)
Well, this is not so clear to me. My beta-tester —also Mac CS5— reports unpredictable behaviors. It also depends on how the user change the focus: using the TAB key and clicking into another field are not equivalent. (It seems that the change-focus-by-click event is more complicated to counteract...)
But generally, on Mac platforms, we cannot be sure that setting myEditText.active = true gives the focus back to myEditText when other user events are running. The problem is that the active property is not always 'reliable'. We found that (under unstable circumstances) e1.active might returns true while e2 actually owns the focus ring! Somehow, Mac systems can dissociate the 'active' control and the focus... I don't know.
My assumption is that the focus has a high level priority in the Mac event loop and that it closely mirrors the user interaction, while the active property is an abstract thing featured by the ScriptUI layer. The purpose of ScriptUI is to wrap OS events and widgets in a single scripting interface for both Mac and Win, but ScriptUI is nothing but a bridge. I suppose that "myWidget is active" and "myWidget has the focus" means exactly the same thing in Windows, so ScriptUI can easily target the focus through the active property in Win environment. But Mac OS doesn't work the same way.
Interestingly when we set an EditText as borderless in Windows, we entirely remove the default widget appearence. On the contrary, a borderless EditText in Mac still reserve an additional region for the focus and there is no way to hide the focus ring when the control receives the inputs.
In addition, I posted above a screenshot where two EditText instances have the focus ring at the same time. I'm not a Mac user but I was told that this is not a normal situation. Then playing with the active property in ScriptUI can really disrupt the focus behavior on Mac platforms...
My first idea was to study more closely event triggering and to use a timestamp-based routine to keep the control of the focus. So I sent the following script to my beta-tester:
var     u,
     w = new Window('dialog',u,u,{xname:'Window'}),
     e1 = w.add('edittext', u, "aaa",{xname:'(1)'}),
     e2 = w.add('edittext', u, "",{xname:'(2)'}),
     eInfo = w.add('edittext', [0,0,300,400], "",{xname: '(Info)', multiline:true}),
     cForce = w.add('checkbox', u, "Force default value on error"),
     b = w.add('button',u,'Clear', {xname:'(Button)', name:'ok'});
e1.characters = e2.characters = 20;
var fgTarget = null,
     fgTimeStamp = +new Date,
     fgAlerting = null,
var blurEventHandler = function(ev)
     if( fgAlerting ) return;
     var d = +new Date - fgTimeStamp;
     if( 100 < d )
          eInfo.text = '';
          fgTarget = ev.target;
          fgTimeStamp = +new Date;
          fgAlerting = null;
          fgNonValid = isNaN(fgTarget.text);
     d += ' ms';
     eInfo.text += (ev.target.properties.xname + ' is losing the focus  ' + d + '\n');
     fgTarget.active = true;
     if( fgNonValid )
          eInfo.text += ('  Re-activate ' + fgTarget.properties.xname +
               ' from '+ ev.target.properties.xname + '\n' +
               '  w.active=' + w.active + '\n' +
               '  e1.active=' + e1.active + '\n' +
               '  e2.active=' + e2.active + '\n') ;
          if( null===fgAlerting )
               fgAlerting = true;
               eInfo.text += '--- ALERT ---\n';
               alert("Please enter a numeric value or let the field empty.");
               fgAlerting = false;
               if( cForce.value ) fgTarget.text = '50';
               fgTimeStamp = +new Date;
var anyEventHandler = function(ev)
     eInfo.text += (ev.target.properties.xname + ' -> ' + ev.type + '\n');
b.onClick = function(){eInfo.text='';}
e1.active = true;
This script gives unstable results. ScriptUI does not always report every event that actually occurs.
But as a general rule, what the user has done supersedes what the script can do.
Any help from ScriptUI / Mac gurus would be highly welcome.

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    // Declare a 'click' manager on myWidget (at this point of the code)
    myWidget.addEventListener('click', eventHandler1);
    // Add another 'click' manager (for the same widget)
    myWidget.addEventListener('click', eventHandler2);
    When you do this, both eventHandler1 and eventHandler2 are registered, and when the user clicks on myWidget, each handler is called back.
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    // Create a dialog UI
    var     u,
         w = new Window('dialog'),
         p = w.add('panel'),
         g = p.add('group'),
         e1 = p.add('statictext'),
         e2 = p.add('statictext');
    // Set some widget properties
    e1.characters = e2.characters = 30;
    g.minimumSize = [50,50];
    var gx = g.graphics;
    gx.backgroundColor = gx.newBrush(gx.BrushType.SOLID_COLOR, [.3, .6, .9, 1]);
    // g->click Listener #1
    g.addEventListener('click', function(ev)
         e1.text = 'click handler 1';
    // g->click Listener #2
    g.addEventListener('click', function(ev)
         e2.text = 'click handler 2';
    The result is that when you click on the group box, e1.text AND e2.text are updated.
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    John Hawkinson wrote:
    Not an explanation, but of course we know that in JSXBIN you can't use the .toSource() method on functions.
    So the implication here is that perhaps the .toSource() is somehow implicated in event handlers and there's some kind of static workaround for it?
    Perhaps you can get around this by eval() or doScript()-ing strings?
    Thanks a lot, John, I'm convinced you're on the good track. Dirk Becker suggested me that this is an "engine scope" issue and Martinho da Gloria emailed me another solution —which also works— and joins Dirk's assumption.
    Following is the result of the various tests I did from your various suggestions:
    // #1 - THE INITIAL PROBLEM// =====================================
    var handler1 = function(ev)
         ev.target.parent.children[1].text = 'handler 1';
    var handler2 = function(ev)
         ev.target.parent.children[2].text = 'handler 2';
    var     u,
         w = new Window('dialog'),
         p = w.add('panel'),
         g = p.add('group'),
         e1 = p.add('statictext'),
         e2 = p.add('statictext');
    e1.characters = e2.characters = 30;
    g.minimumSize = [50,50];
    var gx = g.graphics;
    gx.backgroundColor = gx.newBrush(gx.BrushType.SOLID_COLOR, [.3, .6, .9, 1]);
    g.addEventListener('click', handler1);
    g.addEventListener('click', handler2);
    eval("@JSXBIN@[email protected]@MyBbyBn0AKJAnASzIjIjBjOjEjMjFjShRByBNyBnA . . . . .");
    // RESULT
    // handler 1 only, that's the issue!
    Now to John's approach:
    // #2 - JOHN'S TRICK
    // =====================================
    var handler1 = function(ev)
         ev.target.parent.children[1].text = 'handler 1';
    var handler2 = function(ev)
         ev.target.parent.children[2].text = 'handler 2';
    var     u,
         w = new Window('dialog'),
         p = w.add('panel'),
         g = p.add('group'),
         e1 = p.add('statictext'),
         e2 = p.add('statictext');
    e1.characters = e2.characters = 30;
    g.minimumSize = [50,50];
    var gx = g.graphics;
    gx.backgroundColor = gx.newBrush(gx.BrushType.SOLID_COLOR, [.3, .6, .9, 1]);
    g.addEventListener('click', handler1);
    g.addEventListener('click', handler2);
    eval("@JSXBIN@[email protected]@MyBbyBn0AIbCn0AFJDnA . . . . .");
    // RESULT
    // handler1 + handler2 OK!
    This test shows that if handler1 and handler2's bodies are removed from the binary, the script works. Note that the handlers are declared vars that refer to (anonymous) function expressions. (BTW, no need to use a non-main #targetengine.) This is not a definitive workaround, of course, because I also want to hide handlers code...
    Meanwhile, Martinho suggested me an interesting approach in using 'regular' function declarations:
    // #3 - MARTINHO'S TRICK
    // =====================================
    function handler1(ev)
         ev.target.parent.children[1].text = 'handler 1';
    function handler2(ev)
         ev.target.parent.children[2].text = 'handler 2';
    var     u,
         w = new Window('dialog'),
         p = w.add('panel'),
         g = p.add('group'),
         e1 = p.add('statictext'),
         e2 = p.add('statictext');
    e1.characters = e2.characters = 30;
    g.minimumSize = [50,50];
    var gx = g.graphics;
    gx.backgroundColor = gx.newBrush(gx.BrushType.SOLID_COLOR, [.3, .6, .9, 1]);
    g.addEventListener('click', handler1);
    g.addEventListener('click', handler2);
    eval("@JSXBIN@[email protected]@MyBbyBnACMAbyBn0ABJCnA . . . . .");
    // RESULT
    // handler1 + handler2 OK!
    In the above test the entire code is binary-encoded, and the script works. What's the difference? It relies on function declarations rather than function expressions. As we know, function declarations and function expressions are not treated the same way by the interpreter. I suppose that function declarations are stored at a very persistent level... But I don't really understand what happens under the hood.
    (Note that I also tried to use function expressions in global variables, but this gave the original result...)
    Thanks to John, Dirk, and Martinho for the tracks you've cleared. As my library components cannot use neither the global scope nor direct function declarations my problem is not solved, but you have revealed the root of my troubles.

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    2) MAC CS5 64 bit - 0
    3) MAC CS5 32 bit - 0
    4) MAC CS4 32 bit - 3144
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    Thank you.

    It is the same code.
    It can be easily reproduced with SimpleFormat plugin sample
    1) Change SimpleFormat.r:
    FormatICCFlags { iccCannotEmbedGray,
    iccCanEmbedCMYK },
    FormatICCRequiredFlags { iccGrayOptional,
    iccCMYKOptional }
    2) print gFormatRecord->iCCprofileSize in the bbeginning of DoWriteStart(void)
    3) open color .ppm or .jpeg(without icc), select "leave as is(don't color manage)"
    4) save as SimpleFormat
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    caribou_areas.ai (.98MB) (alternatively caribou_areas.zip (959 Kb))
    CS4 & CS5 Design Standard
    Intel Core 2 Duo CPU E8400 @ 3 GHz, 3 GB RAM
    Win XP (SP3)

    Yes, my message got posted before I intended - sorry :-o
    Then I lost my edit. Trying again...
    I'm having trouble applying a 5 pt feather via the Effect>Stylize menu to a closed path with a 17% transparent magenta fill: keep getting the message "an error occurred while processing the appearance of an object".
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    I have posted the file here:
    or http://www.claireart.ca/caribou_areas.zip
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    Bill Horne
    Wells, BC Canada
    Design Standard CS4, CS5
    Windows XP (SP3)
    Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 @ GHz, 3 GB RAM

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    Well, having some of your files written in big endian doesn't mean you can't read or write them with a program written in little endian.
    David, that was not what I implied. But if they rewrite it for Intel, they have to take very good care to swap to/from native to file endianess for every value they write (much like htonl() et. al are used in network programming). By releasing just a PPC binary, there was no need for conversion because native and file endianess happened to be identical.
    Adobe should develop a universal binary version of their CS4 odfrc-cmd, the little endian part doing the swap to keep things in big endian.
    I full heartedly agree. And I suggest everyone in need of this reports this issue to Adobe dev support. I'm not sure how much detail I'm at liberty to reveal on a public forum, but my report did not come to them as a surprise, and a little community pressure may help speed things up.
    Is there somewhere a description of what's in those files? Perhaps it is not so complicated to develop a little endian version of that tool...
    Not really. As Dirk suggested, it's basically Rez on steroids. Regrettably one has to parse the file down to every single int value that's defined in all of the many structures, and byte-swap just those. After that you have to put it all back together. It would be a huge pain, but not impossible.

  • ScriptUI Custom Events

    Hi all,
    Is there any chance I can propagate custom events in ScriptUI ? I tried this sample in ESTK and it works fine. However I tried to run it in several CS apps and all my attempts raised errors. My intenttion is to create custom components that would throw events listened by the parent window. Am I asking too much ?
    function test()
              var w = new Window('dialog');
              var btn = w.add('button');
              w.addEventListener ('custom', tata);
              btn.onClick = function()
                        var e = new UIEvent('custom', true, true, w, null);
                        e.data= {test:"hello"};
              function tata(e)
    Thanks for any hint/advice,

    Hi Loïc,
    To my knowledge new UIEvent(…) works fine in InDesign (CS4/CS5/CS6) provided that you let the view parameter undefined.
    So just try to replace:
        var e = new UIEvent('custom', true, true, w, null);
        var e = new UIEvent('custom', true, true);
    Note: Usually a custom UI event should be dispatched from a specific target—in your case: btn.dispatchEvent(e)—rather than from the top window. This way you can have multiple listeners that the event will hit during the bubbling phase:
    // Propagation of a custom UI event (which bubbles)
    // Tested in ID CS4/CS5/CS6
    const EV_TYPE = 'MyCustomEventType';
    var u,
        w = new Window('dialog'),
        p = w.add('panel'),
        b = p.add('button',u,"Test"),
        evHandler = function(ev)
            alert( this + " is listening: " + ev.data );
        myDispatcher = function(data)
            var ev = new UIEvent(EV_TYPE, true, true);
            ev.data = data;
    w.addEventListener(EV_TYPE, evHandler);
    p.addEventListener(EV_TYPE, evHandler);
    b.onClick = function(){ myDispatcher.call(this, "Some data"); }

  • How can you tell what version of Illustrator (Ver. 10, CS4, CS5, CC Ver.17, etc.) saved artwork is in?

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    If you are on a Mac there's always Get Info

  • Open Multi-Page PDF win/mac

    Que tal amigos foreros...en los foros en ingles muchos usuarios habian expresado la necesidad de editar PDFs Multipagina en Illustrator y mas los usuarios de PC, ya que por ahi existe un script, pero solamente es para mac. Asi que me di a la tarea de escribir uno...trabaja con CS4/CS5
    Espero les guste, o mas bien, espero les sea util
    si tienen preguntas o comentarios, dejenme saber
    Saludos, Carlos Canto

    Muchas Gracias por tu colaboración y excelente script, el que se abra el ESTK no tiene mayor importancia.
    El caso es que Adobe recomienda encarecidamente NO utilizar Illustrator para editar PDFs, por diversas razones, aunque cuando no hay otro remedio o herramienta disponible, o conocida ...
    Para llegar aquí, aparte de San Google, hay que ir a Adobe.es (en mi caso), pestaña de Ayuda,  ..... (hasta aqui bien),
    luego hay que bajar hasta el final y ver Comunidad y Foros...... (esto puede ser)
    al pulsar aparacen un montón de foros se supone de programas pero en inglés,
    y la última línea es de International Forums,  ya casi hemos llegado)
    pulsamos entonces, y por fin se abren cuatro palabras con idiomas, en una dice: español      (casi no me lo puede creer)
    pincho y llego por fin aquí.
    Muy poca gente sabe de la existencia de este pequeño refugio, si a esta dificultad añadimos la peculiar forma de ser de la gente, ....

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    As a long-time Elements user who had planned to purchase Photoshop CS4, CS5 or CS6 right before the Cloud changed everything, why can't I get the cloud subscription for $9.99? This makes me want to just buy an older disk on EBay or elsewhere.

    why can't I get the cloud subscription for $9.99?
    Are you trying to subscribe to the Photoshop Photography Program (PS+LR)?
    That deal is available to anyone, regardless of whether you've purchased Adobe software in the past or not.
    What is preventing you from subscribing?

  • CS6 Beta Modifies CS4 & CS5 Bridge File Associations (W7 Pro 64Bit SP1)

    After installing CS6 including bridge CS6 onto a W7 pro 64Bit Machine with SP1.
    The File associations in the existing copies of CS4 and CS5 bridge are updated to make the CS6 Beta the default programme for opening the majority of file types from either CS4 or CS5 bridge.
    When right clicking ona file from CS4/5 bridge only the option of opening in CS6 is presented
    Expected Bahaviour:
    I expected that CS6 would be the default programme launched from CS6 bridge but that CS4/CS5 would remain the default programmes launched from their own versions of bridge.
    Setting CS6 as the default file association in previous versions of bridge makes no sense at the Beta stage, as it interupts a clean migration back to existing workflow.
    I would also question the value in not preserving the existing file associations in prior versions of bridge in the final CS6 release, as there are cases when it might be desirable to go back to a previous version of CS, in which case opening that version of bridge and launching directly into the prior versions of CS is very desirable.
    Is there anyway to quickly restore the previous associations in CS4/CS5 bridge and be sure that they are exactly the same as prior to the CS6 beta install ?

    Sorry for the noise. I misunderstood your depth of knowlege and what you had tried. I also committed the sin of not testing the procedure all the way through because I did not want to change the association on my computer. I get the same behavior.
    Guess for .jpg
    Registry shows for .jpg:
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.jpg\UserCho ice  Progid = Applications\Photoshop.exe
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Applications\Photoshop.exe\shell\open\command  (Default) = "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit)\Photoshop.exe" "%1"
    UserChoice seems to be added when I made the association choice. Note that it points into Applications with a non-version specific Photoshop.exe. Within HKLM\....\Applications there is only one Photoshop.exe -- no version -- and that entry points to CS6.
    I believe that explains why the browsed to association is CS6. It does not explain why it would be set up that way. Probably has something to do with Windows special handling of certain file extensions. Beyond my depth and tells me I am not going to find a solution.

  • I have Adobe Photoshop CS4 and have just upgraded my Mac operating system to Yosemite with the newest version of Java 2014 running. When I try to access Photoshop from Bridge or directly open it asks for a Legacy Version of Java 6. As I am a pensioner I c

    I have Adobe Photoshop CS4 and have just upgraded my Mac operating system to Yosemite with the newest version of Java 2014 running. When I try to access Photoshop from Bridge or directly open it asks for a Legacy Version of Java 6. As I am a pensioner I cannot afford an upgrade does anyone know of a work-around for this problem?

    Hi Daddyfred,
    CS4 Photoshop has not been tested on Yosemite. But still you can try the Java 6 update using the below link.
    http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/java-archive-downloads-javase6-419 409.html
    Thank you for posting on Adobe Forums.

  • HT4796 After migrating all of my adobe software (Cs4, cs5, etc.) to my new imac, the software won't open due to many errors. Any help on this?

    After migrating all of my adobe software (Cs4, cs5, etc.) to my new imac, the software won't open due to many errors. Any help on this?

    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities
    Adobe software is conflictive when you use Migration Assistant because their applications don't work properly after migration. If you keep the DVDs or the installers of your software, use them to reinstall all your Adobe applications and they should start working correctly

  • JS CS4 & CS5 working through the ScriptListener

    Working through the guide there is an example:
    var eventFile = new File(app.path + "/Presets/Scripts/Event Scripts Only/Welcome.jsx")
    app.notifiers.add( "Opn ", eventFile)
    There is 2 possible places to save this file in windows:
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS5\Presets\Scripts
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS5\Presets\Scripts\Event Scripts Only
    I've tried both and when I open a file in Photoshop I do not get the alert.
    If I go into the Script Event Manager and set the above code to run on Open Document event it works.
    Is there a way to get this example to work without setting it up in the Script Event Mananger?

    My experence is that you only need to set app.notifiers.enabled to true if it is not already set. It can be set to true by a script or the Scripts Events Manager.
    If you register an event using app.notifiers.add in ESTK the event does not run the script unless Photoshop is restarted. If it is added as part of a script run in Photoshop or the Script Events Manager it runs without restart.
    As X pointed out the scirpt can be anywhere, it doesn't have to be in one of those two locations. But for me events registered with the API remain registered from session to session untill removed.
    Here is a save way to register an event. Note that it only sets app.notifiers.enabled to true if it is false and registers the open event only if there is not already one.
    if(!app.notifiers.enabled) app.notifiers.enabled =  true;
    var hasOpenEvent = false;
    for(var e = 0;e<app.notifiers.length;e++){// the only way to tell which events are in use is to loop notifiers
         if(app.notifiers[0].event == 'Opn ') hasOpenEvent = true;
    if(!hasOpenEvent) {
         var eventFile = new File(app.path + "/Presets/Scripts/Event Scripts Only/Welcome.jsx");
         app.notifiers.add( "Opn ", eventFile);
    And as I understand it
    new File(app.path + "/Presets/Scripts/Event Scripts Only/Welcome.jsx");
    will only work with English versions of Photoshop.

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