CS4 Embeded font problem

I have 2 problem with CS4. (Vista 64 English)
1. I have imported font to Library. Imported font don't have
all glyphs.
Font Name Bytes Characters
Verdana 20598
!"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy z{|}~€‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓ ÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿˆ˜–—‘’‚“”„†‡•…‰‹›€™
CS3 have all glyphs. The same import have result
Font Name Bytes Characters
Verdana 54618
!"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy z{|}~€‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓ ÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿĀāĂ㥹ĆćĈĉĊċČčĎďĐđĒēĔĕĖėĘęĚěĜĝĞğĠġĢģĤĥĦħĨĩĪīĬĭ ĮįİıIJijĴĵĶķĸĹĺĻļĽľĿŀŁłŃńŅņŇňʼnŊŋŌōŎŏŐőŒœŔŕŖŗŘřŚśŜŝŞşŠšŢţŤťŦŧŨũŪūŬŭŮůŰűŲųŴŵŶŷŸŹźŻżŽžſƀƁƂƃƄƅƆƇ ƈƉƊƋƌƍƎƏƐƑƒƓƔƕƖƗƘƙƚƛƜƝƞƟƠơƢƣƤƥƦƧƨƩƪƫƬƭƮƯưƱƲƳƴƵƶƷƸƹƺƻƼƽƾƿǀǁǂǃDŽDždžLJLjljNJNjnjǍǎǏǐǑǒǓǔǕǖǗǘǙǚǛǜǝǞǟǠǡ ǢǣǤǥǦǧǨǩǪǫǬǭǮǯǰDZDzdzǴǵǶǷǸǹǺǻǼǽǾǿȀȁȂȃȄȅȆȇȈȉȊȋȌȍȎȏȐȑȒȓȔȕȖȗȘșȚțȜȝȞȟȠȡȢȣȤȥȦȧȨȩȪȫȬȭȮȯȰȱȲȳȴȵȶȷȸȹȺȻ ȼȽȾȿɀɁɂɃɄɅɆɇɈɉɊɋɌɍɎɏˆ˜ЀЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌЍЎЏАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгдежзийклмнопрсту фхцчшщъыьэюяѐёђѓєѕіїјљњћќѝўџѠѡѢѣѤѥѦѧѨѩѪѫѬѭѮѯѰѱѲѳѴѵѶѷѸѹѺѻѼѽѾѿҀҁ҂҃҄҅҆҇҈҉ҊҋҌҍҎҏҐґҒғҔҕҖҗҘҙҚқҜҝ ҞҟҠҡҢңҤҥҦҧҨҩҪҫҬҭҮүҰұҲҳҴҵҶҷҸҹҺһҼҽҾҿӀӁӂӃӄӅӆӇӈӉӊӋӌӍӎ԰ԱԲԳԴԵԶԷԸԹԺԻԼԽԾԿՀՁՂՃՄՅՆՇՈՉՊՋՌՍՎՏՐՑՒՓՔՕՖ՗՘ ՙ՚՛՜՝՞՟ՠաբգդեզէըթժիլխծկհձղճմյնշոչպջռսվտրցւփքօֆևֈ։֊֋֌֍֎֏ऀँंःऄअआइईउऊऋऌऍऎएऐऑऒओऔकखगघङचछजझञटठडढ णतथदधनऩपफबभमयरऱलळऴवशषसहऺऻ़ऽािीुूृॄॅॆेैॉॊोौ्ॎॏॐ॒॑॓॔ॕॖॗक़ख़ग़ज़ड़ढ़फ़य़ॠॡॢॣ।॥०१२३४५६७८९॰ॱॲॳॴॵॶॷॸॹॺॻॼ ॽॾॿḀḁḂḃḄḅḆḇḈḉḊḋḌḍḎḏḐḑḒḓḔḕḖḗḘḙḚḛḜḝḞḟḠḡḢḣḤḥḦḧḨḩḪḫḬḭḮḯḰḱḲḳḴḵḶḷḸḹḺḻḼḽḾḿṀṁṂṃṄṅṆṇṈṉṊṋṌṍṎṏṐṑṒṓṔṕṖ ṗṘṙṚṛṜṝṞṟṠṡṢṣṤṥṦṧṨṩṪṫṬṭṮṯṰṱṲṳṴṵṶṷṸṹṺṻṼṽṾṿẀẁẂẃẄẅẆẇẈẉẊẋẌẍẎẏẐẑẒẓẔẕẖẗẘẙẚẛẜẝẞẟẠạẢảẤấẦầẨẩẪẫẬậẮắẰ ằẲẳẴẵẶặẸẹẺẻẼẽẾếỀềỂểỄễỆệỈỉỊịỌọỎỏỐốỒồỔổỖỗỘộỚớỜờỞởỠỡỢợỤụỦủỨứỪừỬửỮữỰựỲỳỴỵỶỷỸỹỺỻỼỽỾỿ           ‐‑‒–—―‖‗‘’‚‛“”„‟†‡•‣․‥…‧

 ‰‱′″‴‵‶‷‸‹›※‼‽‾‿⁀⁁⁂⁃⁄⁅⁆⁇⁈⁉⁊⁋⁌⁍⁎⁏⁐⁑⁒⁓⁔⁕⁖⁗⁘⁙⁚⁛⁜⁝⁞ ⁥⁦⁧⁨⁩₠₡₢₣₤₥₦₧₨₩₪₫€₭₮₯₰₱₲₳₴₵₶₷₸₹₺₻₼₽₾₿⃀⃁⃂⃃⃄⃅⃆⃇⃈⃉⃊⃋⃌⃍⃎⃏℀℁ℂ℃℄℅℆ℇ℈℉ℊℋℌℍℎℏℐℑℒℓ℔ℕ№℗℘ ℙℚℛℜℝ℞℟℠℡™℣ℤ℥Ω℧ℨ℩KÅℬℭ℮ℯℰℱℲℳℴℵℶℷℸℹ℺℻ℼℽℾℿ⅀⅁⅂⅃⅄ⅅⅆⅇⅈⅉ⅊⅋⅌⅍ⅎ⅏⅐⅑⅒⅓⅔⅕⅖⅗⅘⅙⅚⅛⅜⅝⅞⅟ⅠⅡⅢⅣⅤⅥⅦⅧⅨⅩⅪⅫⅬⅭⅮⅯⅰⅱⅲ ⅳⅴⅵⅶⅷⅸⅹⅺⅻⅼⅽⅾⅿↀↁↂↃﬓﬔﬕﬖﬗ
2 I don't have any idea how i can import EMBEDDED_CFF font
for new flash.text.engine.
No information abote.
All font imported as EMBEDDED

Close all running applications. From an administrator account, open the Terminal app and enter the following command. You can also copy/paste it from here into the Terminal window:
sudo atsutil databases -remove
Terminal will then ask for your admin password. As you type, it will not show anything, so be sure to enter it correctly.
This removes all font cache files. Both for the system and the current user font cache files. After running the command, close Terminal and immediately restart your Mac.

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    A message alert is shown, when opening a pdf - after exporting from InDesign: Cannont exctract the embedded Font Frutiger.
    We have uninstalled the frutiger font and installed an open type. But the font is not embedded anyhow..?
    Can anyone help?
    Thanks very much.

    I don't know if you need help scripting this, but...........
    If you can not re-create the PDF from InDesign using the OTF,
    In Acrobat, highlight the text with the acrobat touch-up text tool, right click and go to properties. You should be able to assign the OTF font running on you system, and select the embed option.
    If not, this is why PitStop is an indespensable (sp?) tool.
    Best of luck

  • Embedding font problem - missing letters - PLEASE HELP!

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    The font is embedded and looks fine within catalyst. It is sometimes a problem when I run the file, but always a problem when published.
    I have tried on both windows and mac but problem is on both.
    I have tried rasterizing the text but looses to much quality. I have also tried optimizing graphics but this doesnt change anything - still missing M!
    I cannot find the answer online anywhere, and I really need to solve this asap!
    Please check my site so far:
    Any help would be much appreciated!
    Message was edited by: curlykath21

    Hi Chris,
    Yes I have embeded the font and it will not diplay the M's
    Is there anyway to change the embed options?
    I tried a tester with the same font in flash pro which at first would show the same fault until I changed the text from TLF to Classic Text. However this doesn't help with my Catalyst project! It does however prove that Flash is able to render the whole font family.
    Any suggestions???? Have been trying for days to fix this strange issue!
    The font is a .TTF
    I Look forward to your reply, thanks for the help

  • Embedded Fonts Problem

    I'm trying to emebed some fonts, but I haven't been able to get it working.
    I'm using this code in a style sheet:
                src: url("../assets/fonts/lsans.ttf");
                fontFamily: LucidaSansV;
                src: url("../assets/fonts/ROCK.TTF");
                fontFamily: RockwellV;
                src: url("../assets/fonts/times.ttf");
                fontFamily: TimesV;
    if I use the fontFamily in Spark labes, it works:
    <s:Label text="Some text here" fontSize="40" fontFamily="LucidaSansV" />
    <s:Label text="Some text here" fontSize="40" fontFamily="TimesV" />
    <s:Label text="Some text here" fontSize="40" fontFamily="RockwellV" />
    But if I use it like this, doesn't work either:
    var cf:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
    cf.fontFamily = 'TimesV';
    cf.fontLookup = flash.text.engine.FontLookup.EMBEDDED_CFF;
    cf.renderingMode = flash.text.engine.RenderingMode.CFF;
    Aslo, I've tried using formatted text, like "<p fontSize='32'><span fontFamily='LucidaSansV'>ABCDEFGHIJKLM 18</span></p>" with no luck.
    The behaivor should be oposite, if I declare embedAsCFF:true;, I should be ablke to use it in FTE components and embedAsCFF:false with the old MX components. what am I missing?

    I wanted to update the post just in case someone has the same problem.
    I created a ActionScript Library with a class for each font I need and drop the swc to the project where I need to use the fonts.
    In the project, I just need to do this before using the font:
    new ArialFont();
    Each class looks like this:
        import flash.text.Font;
        public class ArialFont
            [Embed(source='assets/fonts/arial.ttf', fontName='ArialV', mimeType='application/x-font', embedAsCFF="true")]
            private static var ArialF:Class;
            [Embed(source='assets/fonts/arialbd.ttf', fontName='ArialV', fontWeight="bold", mimeType='application/x-font', embedAsCFF="true")]
            private static var ArialBoldF:Class;
            [Embed(source='assets/fonts/ariali.ttf', fontName='ArialV', fontStyle="italic", mimeType='application/x-font', embedAsCFF="true")]
            private static var ArialItalicF:Class;
            [Embed(source='assets/fonts/arialbi.ttf', fontName='ArialV', fontWeight="bold", fontStyle="italic", mimeType='application/x-font', embedAsCFF="true")]
            private static var ArialBoldItalicF:Class;
            public function ArialFont()
                Font.registerFont( ArialF );
                Font.registerFont( ArialBoldF );
                Font.registerFont( ArialItalicF );
                Font.registerFont( ArialBoldItalicF );
    Hope this helps someone.

  • Embedding font problem

    I have a very simple situation, using these steps:
    1) Create a New Flash File (AS 3.0)
    2) Put a dynamic text field there, named textBox
    3) The font is Trebuchet MS - BOLD. (example... can be any bold font)
    4) Using "Character Embedding", I've embedded numerals, for example.
    5) In first frame, I put the code:
    textBox.text = "1";
    6) If I compile at this point, the "1" will appear.
    7) BUT.... if I put a static text box with anything typed, using Trebuchet MS - REGULAR, and compile the FLA again, the number 1 WON'T appear!!
    Why? Is it a bug?

    Whoah, I found I bug, hehe...
    Is there any official word from Adobe about it?

  • Embeded fonts problem

    Can sometimes put underlined text and some times not,Let me
    explain :
    Ii can create a TextField using the GUI, asign it to be HTML
    and then add
    the HTML code and works fine underline inclusive.
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    texts unless i
    activate ".underline = true" but it would be the whole the
    text, and i dont
    want to do that, i want to use the tags <u> </u>
    like in the first
    textfield... can anyone help me?

    just enable the html property of your textfield. if you're
    having trouble, post your code.

  • Embedded fonts not appearing in projector

    Have you guys/girls ever faced this embedded fonts problem?
    Quite a few
    developers would be happy for the working solution.
    The problem is described and discussed at least on these
    http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/webforums/forum/messageview.cfm?forumid=11&catid=186&threadid =1273895&enterthread=y
    dirGames maling list
    Got a solution or a usable work around? Please reply to this
    post and make
    the world a better place to live in =D

    Hi Josh,
    Were you able to solve your issue with the fonts? I'm having the same issue but only when I go to publish the epub on Kindle Direct Publishing. When I view it through their previewer none of the fonts display. It seems like they display the default Kindle fonts. If you found a solution, please share

  • Upgrade from Director 10.1 to 11.5 embedded font issues

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    One of the new features in Director 11.x is a new text engine that does Unicode.  Whether it is an improvement or not is up in the air.  Anyway, it has new problems.  It is quite common to have embedded font problems with projects updated from Director 10.  Generally, you can fix them by deleting the embedded font and re-embedding it in Director 11.  Just keep the same menber name and it should be fine.

  • Problem with PDF export and embedded font (characters disappear)

    Designer: Crystal Reports 2008 SP 2
    Engine: CR4E 2.0 SP2 (runtime_12.2.203)
    Hi there!
    we found a problem in the pdf export. It seems like there would be a problem with the embedded fonts, the problem is as follows:
    Rpt file with, for example only a text box which contains the german string " Änderungs Schlüssel ".
    Export the Rpt file with CR4E to a pdf file.
    When we open the pdf file in Adope Reader 8, the text appears to be correct,
    but if we print the PDF file from the Adope Reader, the text changes to " nderungs Schl sselu201C,
    here we are missing ther german umlaute.
    When we open the file for example with an alternative PDF reader like Foxit Reader, there they are also missing.
    After i found some posts here in the forum, there are people facing the same problem, since i couldn't find a solution in the forum, we build a little workaround for it that works for us.
    For all of you that have the same problem here the workaround:
    We used the IText JAVA library, this jar can can help as to fix the PDF file so the text is displayed correctly.
    Here the code:
    ReportClientDocument doc = new ReportClientDocument();
    doc.open("C:\XY.rpt", OpenReportOptions._openAsReadOnly);
    //... database logon,.....
    InputStream inputStream = doc.getPrintOutputController().export(ReportExportFormat.PDF);
    inputStream = PDFHealer.heal(inputStream);
    //... write the stream some where

    The helper class using IText:
    import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
    import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.io.InputStream;
    import com.lowagie.text.Document;
    import com.lowagie.text.DocumentException;
    import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfContentByte;
    import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfImportedPage;
    import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfReader;
    import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfWriter;
    public class PDFHealer
       public static InputStream heal(InputStream in) throws DocumentException, IOException
             ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
             PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(in);
             // we retrieve the total number of pages
             int n = reader.getNumberOfPages();
             // step 1: creation of a document-object
             Document document = new Document();
             // step 2: we create a writer that listens to the document
             PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, out);
             // step 3: we open the document
             // step 4: we add content
             PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent();
             int i = 0;
             while( i < n )
                PdfImportedPage page1 = writer.getImportedPage(reader, i);
                cb.addTemplate(page1, 0, 0);
             // step 5: we close the document
             ByteArrayInputStream ret = new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray());
             return ret;

  • Problem with embedding fonts in Illustrator CS5

    I have just installed Illustrator CS5, and have tested creating a PDF document based on one of my existing files, as well as a new file.
    When I open these PDF documents in Adobe Acrobat Pro 9, I am told that Acrobat cannot access one of the embedded fonts (Korinna BT).
    I have had no issues with embedding this font in Illustrator CS4, and (strangely), when I open these files in other PDF viewers (Preview and PDFPenPro), they report no issues.
    Has anyone else experienced this issue?
    I have removed and reinstalled the font in question, and tested/verified that the font is OK - but still not joy.

    The error message I get is:
    "Cannot extract the embedded font 'MVZTIW+KorinnaITCbyBT-Regular'. Some characters may not display or print correctly."
    When I check the fonts in the PDF in "Document Properties" in Adobe Acrobat the following is shown:
         Type: TrueType
         Encoding: Ansi
         Actual Font: Adobe Serif MM
         Actual Font Type: Type 1"
    It seems that Illustrator is adding some strange "code" ('MVZTIW') to the beginning of the font, which means the actual font can't be found and extracted.

  • Problem with v9.4.4 and embedded fonts

    I have been using Acrobat for several years and have created and saved hundreds of PDF documents. Since upgrading to v9.4.4, all those are now unreadable. When I open any pdf saved to a previous version or new document saved to a PDF, I get the following error message:
    "Cannot extract the embedded font 'TDVVWC+MyriadPro-BoldCond'. Some characters may not display or print correctly."
    I don't know if this is a problem with Acrobat Pro or with Reader, but it has rendered every pdf file I ever created useless. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    I use a MacBook Pro
    Mac OS X 10 v 10.6.7
    Acrobat 9 Pro v9.4.4

    aliday2 wrote:
    Larry and Phillip,
    Thanks for your help. I'm sure you both are right that it is a problem with OSX. Unfortunately, the font fix didn't work. What is odd is that the original documents open fine in Pages, and even the PDF's look and print fine if opened in Preview. It's only when the PDF's are opened in Acrobat that the fonts get messed up.
    The other thing that is strange is I emailed a PDF to a friend who opened the file in Windows. He got a similar error message (problem with embedded fonts...) but the fonts were not distorted and the PDF appeared fine.
    That's because the defective font was embedded in you document;  but, his machine likely has no issue with the font or is setup to use local fonts only.

  • Problems with Embedded Font MS PGothic

    After editing a document in Japanese, some characters will not show up. Normally i would attribute this to a missing font pack, but after reinstalling the Japanese font pack on the computer, we strill get the error message:
    "Cannot extract the embedded font 'RNUQGV+MSPGothic-WinCharSetFFFF-H'"
      Some characters may not display or print correctly.
    We create the file with MS Word, and in word we have no problems. It is only after using PDF-Server to create the files does this become a problem. Other Japanese fonts do no seem to have this issue.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    thanks in advance

    After editing a document in Japanese, some characters will not show up. Normally i would attribute this to a missing font pack, but after reinstalling the Japanese font pack on the computer, we strill get the error message:
    "Cannot extract the embedded font 'RNUQGV+MSPGothic-WinCharSetFFFF-H'"
      Some characters may not display or print correctly.
    We create the file with MS Word, and in word we have no problems. It is only after using PDF-Server to create the files does this become a problem. Other Japanese fonts do no seem to have this issue.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    thanks in advance

  • How to use embedded font (CFF) for Flash CS4?

    I am trying to embed "Arial Unicode MS" for use by TLF in my Flash CS4 project. As I googled around, I am using the "Flex SWC" approach, only not having any luck. Here is what I got:
    //Code in Flex ActionScript project:
        public class FontEmbeds
            public const Font1:Class;
    When I am trying to instantiate this class, I have AS code in my Flash main timeline:
    var font:Font = new FontEmbeds_Font1();
    Flash compiler says: "1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type FontEmbeds_Font1 to an unrelated type flash.text:Font."
    Ok. Now after I changed it to:
    var font:FontEmbeds_Font1 = new FontEmbeds_Font1();
    Flash gives 3 errors:
    "VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::FontAsset could not be found.
    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable TextLayout is not defined.
    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable MainTimeline is not defined."
    I am assuming I have to create a Font1 object in order to use the embedded font. Is this assumption correct? As I've tried to use the "fontFamily" directly but Flash didn't seem to find the font at all:
    charFormat.fontFamily = "ArialUnicodeMS";

    Hi Eric,
    Thanks for the info.
    I've tried to use the "fontFamily" directly but Flash didn't seem to  find the font at all:
    charFormat.fontFamily = "ArialUnicodeMS";
    In one fla where I used pure TFL, nothing gets rendered at all in the container Sprite. Flash doesn't throw any errors either. In another fla where I used a ComboBox, etc. along with TFL, it throws an error says it can't compile since "there is no ActionScript found" and I got a screen where all the Flash components were  flickering. After several attempts, Flash crashed.
    Also as a side note, the swc gets generated by Flash Builder Beta 2, at first it was 18mb and the second time I complied it become 9mb and stayed 9mb afterwards. Not sure if that's a concern.

  • Reader V8 problem with embedded font

    I'm having problems opening in Reader V8 the PDF file located at http://www.itech.ca/otf-cff.pdf . The file opens correctly in previous versions of acrobat. AR 4 5 6 7. It complains about the embedded font. Can anyone help me identify the reason why the font cannot be extracted ? Is there anything wrong in the PDF file when describing the font, or it's the way I'm generating the embedded font ? Is there any tool I can use to help me debug this ? Any help or hint would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.

    Please repost in the Reader forum. This forum is for pdf specification
    issues. Usually, the problems you are having are due to each successive
    version of Acrobat adhering to standards more strictly. A pdf with a
    problemsome font Acrobat or Reader might have tried to render the pdf
    and hope for the best. Now it may reject the pdf.

  • Problems with embedded font with medium or heavy weight

    Hey guys,
    I'm switching a current Project from Flashbuilder Beta2 to the Flashbuilder final release.
    I have a big problem concerning embedded fonts. The fonts I have to use are Futura Com Medium & Futura Com Heavy.
    Here's some of my code:
         src:                        url("assets/fonts/FuturaCom-Medium.ttf");
         font-weight:               normal;
         fontFamily:                 myFuturaMedium;
         advancedAntiAliasing:       true;
         embedAsCff:                 false;
         fontFamily: myFuturaMedium;
         color: #ff0000;   
    this worked well in beta2, but I'm not able to get the embedded Font working in the datagrid with the Flashbuilder final release.
    Any help on using embedded fonts in a mx|Datagrid is highly aprechiated.

    Hey guys,
    I'm switching a current Project from Flashbuilder Beta2 to the Flashbuilder final release.
    I have a big problem concerning embedded fonts. The fonts I have to use are Futura Com Medium & Futura Com Heavy.
    Here's some of my code:
         src:                        url("assets/fonts/FuturaCom-Medium.ttf");
         font-weight:               normal;
         fontFamily:                 myFuturaMedium;
         advancedAntiAliasing:       true;
         embedAsCff:                 false;
         fontFamily: myFuturaMedium;
         color: #ff0000;   
    this worked well in beta2, but I'm not able to get the embedded Font working in the datagrid with the Flashbuilder final release.
    Any help on using embedded fonts in a mx|Datagrid is highly aprechiated.

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