Cs4 propeties window

cs4 propeties window is cut some of its features off, i can see the words title and target for the html part, but i cannot see anything beyond that, its just a grey portion that covers it making it unaccesable, on the bottom too its cutting halfway in the id and links menu, is there any way to resolve this?

The answer is in the Dreamweaver FAQ. See Property inspector fields truncated in DW CS4 (Windows).

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    Mark Roberts
    Toronto, Canada

    Hi John:
    Thanks but, I had already done this. I was having THAT problem with Encore (could not even initialize before tanking) when I first installed it and that's when I updated the Roxio engine. I don't know what else there is to update or correct at this point.
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    Provide the install logs and exact system information:
    Troubleshoot installation with install logs
    Working with your Operating System’s Tools

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    Try uninstalling then run the Adobe Cleaner Tool
    Use the CC Cleaner Tool to solve installation problems | CC, CS3-CS6
    Then double click the .exe file again.
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    This forum is for troubleshooting Apple Software Update for Windows, a software package for Windows designed to update Apple products that run on Windows, and not related to Boot Camp or Adobe CS.
    You should post your question in both the Boot Camp forums or the Adobe forums:

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