CS6 Fluid Grid Layouts - opening CSSTransitions panel crashes program

Hi there, I'm on my second web page and this old problem has come up again.
I've asked about this before but I'm afraid I never got to the end of it, I just worked around it.
After I open the transitions panel, I then press the + button, then it crashes. Here are the error messages:
Does CSS Transitions work in Fluid Grid Layout? Thank you.

This aging mind gets very easily confused, so please bear with me.
In reply #3, I gave you an answer to you not being able to find the file to delete as in reply #2. Ticking the box next to 'Hidden Items' will allow you to find that file. By default it would be hidden. Ticking the box will not delete the cache file. For that to happen, you need to follow the process as set out in the link supplied in reply #1.

Similar Messages

  • Dreamweaver CS6 Fluid Grid Layout

    I fear there may not be a solution to this issue! I have placed several hotspots on an image in a Fluid Grid Layout div in DW CS6 and the problem is quite straightforward. Whilst the "image" reduces perfectly when viewed in Tablet and Smartphone screens the "hotspots" remain in the same position they were at in the Desktop view! The result is the same irrespective of which view you set the hotspots in. Is there a solution to this problem or is it insurmountable?

    OK.  Let's just paste the script into your HTML page and see if that works.
    Open your page in code view.
    Replace this:
    <script src="fancybox/maphighlight.js"></script>
    With all of this:
    // map highlight JavaScript Document
    (function(F){var B,C,I,L,K,H,E,G,A,J;B=document.namespaces;has_canvas=!!document.createElement("canvas").getContext;if(!(has_canvas||B)){F.fn.maphilight=function(){return this};return }if(has_canvas){E=function(M){return Math.max(0,Math.min(parseInt(M,16),255))};G=function(M,N){return"rgba("+E(M.substr(0,2))+","+E(M.substr(2,2))+","+E(M.substr(4,2))+","+N+")"};C=function(M){var N=F('<canvas style="width:'+M.width+"px;height:"+M.height+'px;"></canvas>').get(0);N.getContext("2d").clearRect(0,0,N.width,N.height);return N};I=function(P,M,S,O,N){var R,Q=P.getContext("2d");Q.beginPath();if(M=="rect"){Q.rect(S[0],S[1],S[2]-S[0],S[3]-S[1])}else{if(M=="poly"){Q.moveTo(S[0],S[1]);for(R=2;R<S.length;R+=2){Q.lineTo(S[R],S[R+1])}}else{if(M=="circ"){Q.arc(S[0],S[1],S[2],0,Math.PI*2,false)}}}Q.closePath();if(O.fill){Q.fillStyle=G(O.fillColor,O.fillOpacity);Q.fill()}if(O.stroke){Q.strokeStyle=G(O.strokeColor,O.strokeOpacity);Q.lineWidth=O.strokeWidth;Q.stroke()}if(O.fade){F(P).css("opacity",0).animate({opacity:1},100)}};L=function(M){M.getContext("2d").clearRect(0,0,M.width,M.height)}}else{C=function(M){return F('<var style="zoom:1;overflow:hidden;display:block;width:'+M.width+"px;height:"+M.height+'px;"></var>').get(0)};I=function(N,Q,R,U,M){var S,T,O,P;S='<v:fill color="#'+U.fillColor+'" opacity="'+(U.fill?U.fillOpacity:0)+'" />';T=(U.stroke?'strokeweight="'+U.strokeWidth+'" stroked="t" strokecolor="#'+U.strokeColor+'"':'stroked="f"');O='<v:stroke opacity="'+U.strokeOpacity+'"/>';if(Q=="rect"){P=F('<v:rect name="'+M+'" filled="t" '+T+' style="zoom:1;margin:0;padding:0;display:block;position:absolute;left:'+R[0]+"px;top:"+R[1]+"px;width:"+(R[2]-R[0])+"px;height:"+(R[3]-R[1])+'px;"></v:rect>')}else{if(Q=="poly"){P=F('<v:shape name="'+M+'" filled="t" '+T+' coordorigin="0,0" coordsize="'+N.width+","+N.height+'" path="m '+R[0]+","+R[1]+" l "+R.join(",")+' x e" style="zoom:1;margin:0;padding:0;display:block;position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;width:'+N.width+"px;height:"+N.height+'px;"></v:shape>')}else{if(Q=="circ"){P=F('<v:oval name="'+M+'" filled="t" '+T+' style="zoom:1;margin:0;padding:0;display:block;position:absolute;left:'+(R[0]-R[2])+"px;top:"+(R[1]-R[2])+"px;width:"+(R[2]*2)+"px;height:"+(R[2]*2)+'px;"></v:oval>')}}}P.get(0).innerHTML=S+O;F(N).append(P)};L=function(M){F(M).find("[name=highlighted]").remove()}}K=function(N){var M,O=N.getAttribute("coords").split(",");for(M=0;M<O.length;M++){O[M]=parseFloat(O[M])}return[N.getAttribute("shape").toLowerCase().substr(0,4),O]};J=function(O,N){var M=F(O);return F.extend({},N,F.metadata?M.metadata():false,M.data("maphilight"))};A=function(M){if(!M.complete){return false}if(typeof M.naturalWidth!="undefined"&&M.naturalWidth==0){return false}return true};H={position:"absolute",left:0,top:0,padding:0,border:0};var D=false;F.fn.maphilight=function(O){O=F.extend({},F.fn.maphilight.defaults,O);if(!has_canvas&&F.browser.msie&&!D){document.namespaces.add("v","urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml");var N=document.createStyleSheet();var M=["shape","rect","oval","circ","fill","stroke","imagedata","group","textbox"];F.each(M,function(){N.addRule("v\\:"+this,"behavior: url(#default#VML); antialias:true")});D=true}return this.each(function(){var U,R,Y,Q,T,V,X,S,W;U=F(this);if(!A(this)){return window.setTimeout(function(){U.maphilight(O)},200)}Y=F.extend({},O,F.metadata?U.metadata():false,U.data("maphilight"));W=U.get(0).getAttribute("usemap");Q=F('map[name="'+W.substr(1)+'"]');if(!(U.is("img")&&W&&Q.size()>0)){return }if(U.hasClass("maphilighted")){var P=U.parent();U.insertBefore(P);P.remove();F(Q).unbind(".maphilight").find("area[coords]").unbind(".maphilight")}R=F("<div></div>").css({display:"block",background:'url("'+this.src+'")',position:"relative",padding:0,width:this.width,height:this.height});if(Y.wrapClass){if(Y.wrapClass===true){R.addClass(F(this).attr("class"))}else{R.addClass(Y.wrapClass)}}U.before(R).css("opacity",0).css(H).remove();if(F.browser.msie){U.css("filter","Alpha(opacity=0)")}R.append(U);T=C(this);F(T).css(H);T.height=this.height;T.width=this.width;X=function(c){var a,b;b=J(this,Y);if(!b.neverOn&&!b.alwaysOn){a=K(this);I(T,a[0],a[1],b,"highlighted");if(b.groupBy){var Z;if(/^[a-zA-Z][-a-zA-Z]+$/.test(b.groupBy)){Z=Q.find("area["+b.groupBy+'="'+F(this).attr(b.groupBy)+'"]')}else{Z=Q.find(b.groupBy)}var d=this;Z.each(function(){if(this!=d){var f=J(this,Y);if(!f.neverOn&&!f.alwaysOn){var e=K(this);I(T,e[0],e[1],f,"highlighted")}}})}if(!has_canvas){F(T).append("<v:rect></v:rect>")}}};F(Q).bind("alwaysOn.maphilight",function(){if(V){L(V)}if(!has_canvas){F(T).empty()}F(Q).find("area[coords]").each(function(){var Z,a;a=J(this,Y);if(a.alwaysOn){if(!V&&has_canvas){V=C(U.get());F(V).css(H);V.width=U.width();V.height=U.height();U.before(V)}a.fade=a.alwaysOnFade;Z=K(this);if(has_canvas){I(V,Z[0],Z[1],a,"")}else{I(T,Z[0],Z[1],a,"")}}})});F(Q).trigger("alwaysOn.maphilight").find("area[coords]").bind("mouseover.maphilight",X).bind("mouseout.maphilight",function(Z){L(T)});U.before(T);U.addClass("maphilighted")})};F.fn.maphilight.defaults={fill:true,fillColor:"00CC00",fillOpacity:0.3,stroke:true,strokeColor:"99FF33",strokeOpacity:0.5,strokeWidth:2,fade:true,alwaysOn:false,neverOn:false,groupBy:false,wrapClass:true}})(jQuery);
    Save.  Upload to server.
    Nancy O.

  • Cs6 fluid grid layout wide-screen resolution issue

    Hi all, I've done some poking around but have not found anything that answers this question - if I missed something please pass me the link!
    So I'm doing a new site in cs6 with fluid grid layouts. It's fine in terms of screen sizes, that is, small medium large, but different resolutions make the content appear differently. Specifically on desktop size screens with wide-screen resolutions (eg 1600X1200) the content is squeezed up towards the top of the page. The background image is fine on all resolutions - fills the screen - but the content on top changes according to the resolution. On my screen (1600X900) there's a nice distribution of content vertically. Is there any way to make it so that the content adjusts for resolution, not just size? Thanks in advance.

    What I'd like is for the widescreen view not to change the vertical distribution. That is, on my screen the content fills about 3/4 of the screen, which looks fine. On widescreen resolution, it barely covers 2/3 and it looks top-heavy - users I've asked with widescreen resolutions have said "it looks squished towards the top, why don't you move it down?". I guess I don't understand, if height as well as width is determined in percentage, why this happens (that lack of understanding could reveal my fundamental lack of understanding of aspect ratio/mathematics in general ).
    I suppose I could give a bigger margin at the top to move the content down the page in all cases, but on my screen, not widescreen, that's not ideal. And I'm hoping there's a way to adjust for widescreen without affecting all resolutions.

  • CS6, Fluid Grid Layouts, and Spry Menu - sizing issues

    Hi. I am a full-fledged nubie to Dreamweaver, so please forgive my ignorance. But I really need to build a new site, and I really like DW so far (much better than what I was using).
    I am building a site with fluid grid layouts so it is properly sized across all decices. I have inserted a spry horizontal menu as my primary navigation. I got the menu to look like I want it as far as formatting goes.
    But when I view the page live and change the size of my browser, the menu wraps around to the next row, even with fairly large browser windows.
    Can anyone tell me how to scale the spry menu bar the same as an image does in a fluid grid layout?

    Don't use Spry Menus.  #1 they're not Responsive.  #2 They don't work all that well on Touch Screen devices.  #3 Adobe abandoned the Spry framework last year.   Is that enough to convince you?  See links below for alternatives.
    Pop-Menu  Magic2 by PVII (commercial DW Extension)
    jQuery Superfish
    jQuery Mega Menus  http://www.javascriptkit.com/script/script2/jkmegamenu.shtml
    CSS3 Dropdown Menus
    10 Responsive Menus
    Nancy O.

  • Background images in fluid grid layouts Dreamweaver CS6

    How can I get a background image png or jpg original size 1040w by 840h to scale down in the tablet and mobile layouts in Dreamweaver CS6 fluid grid layout?

    Adding one of these in your CSS should do the trick...
    Depending on the layout of your background image, one may work better than the other.

  • Fluid grid layouts do not work in IE 7/8

    I just created a simple fluid grid layout with Dreamweaver CS6, but there is a problem in Internet Explorer.
    IE 9 shows it right.
    When I start IE 9, I press F12 to get to the developer panel. When I switch to IE 7 / 8, the layout crashes. There are no background colors and text styles anymore.
    Later I will upload some screenshots.
    All other browser work fine.
    Where is the problem here?

    When I resize layout in Firefox, the background colors disappear in mobile portrait, mobile landscape, and tablet portrait.
    Reason:  You added styles to your FluidGrid Desktop  but not  mobile & tablet. 
    In order for FluidGridLayouts to work, you must build your mobile styles first because everything else is based on that.
    I find it's much safer to use a separate style sheet for content.  When you start adding stuff to FluidGridLayout.css, things can get screwed up in a hurry.
    CS6 Fluid Grid Layouts (6 min video)
    http://tv.adobe.com/watch/digital-design-cs6/creating-adaptive-designs-using-fluid-grid-la youts-in-dreamweaver-cs6/
    CS6 Fluid Grid layouts (17 min video)
    Step-by-Step tutorial -- Building Fluid Grid Layouts in DW CS6
    Nancy O.

  • How to increase the width of the Fluid Grid Layout from 1008px to 1080px?

    Good day all, I'm experiencing a slight problem with Fluid Grid Layout in Dreamweaver CS6. I want to increase it's width so that it could be one with my Photoshop CS6 design (which is 1080px), the problem is that I can't as I am limited to 1008px. How do I increase the width? I ultimately am re-coding my design as my client demanded a responsive design but I'm clueless in that avenue which is why I resorted to re-doing everything under the set & safe default (Fluid Grid Layout) that doesn't require me to udnderstand media queries at an expert level.  

    While Fluid Grid Layout can save you some production time, you still need a good understanding of CSS Media Queries to use it.
    Introduction to CSS Media Queries
    http://www.adobe.com/devnet/dreamweaver/articles/introducing-media-que ries.html
    CS6 Fluid Grid Layouts (6 min video)
    http://tv.adobe.com/watch/digital-design-cs6/creating-adaptive-designs -using-fluid-grid-layouts-in-dreamweaver-cs6/
    CS6 Fluid Grid layouts (17 min video)
    http://tv.adobe.com/watch/learn-dreamweaver-cs6/using-fluid-grid-layou ts/
    Step-by-Step tutorial -- Building Fluid Grid Layouts in DW CS6
    http://www.adobe.com/inspire/2012/08/fluid-grid-layouts-dreamweaver-cs 6.html
    Instead of fixed-widths in pixels, FLG code is all % based.  It starts with the mobile layout and cascades to tablet, then desktop.  If you want to use fixed-widths in pixels, you must manually change the CSS code for all three devices.
    Nancy O.

  • Trouble styling across device views ( Mobile, Tablet, Desktop) in fluid grid layout.

    Hi pros,
    I’m having a problem in Dreamweaver CC laying out and styling my website using the fluid grid layout. For the record, I have not touched the boilerplate.css or JS file and have been using my own.css file to place all my .css in. I’ve managed to get some of the content in little by little but it looks nothing like my mock up. Since I’m new to Dreamweaver and coding in general, I’ve been starting my design in the desktop view. However, when I switch to tablet or mobile view and move something around, it completely moves it when I got back to the desktop view. Also, when I put in on live view or view it in a browser, I get two different looks all together.  I try to make sure that my .css file is selected and under media I tried selecting the predefined media sizes and then under selector, there is usually 3 of each tag (one for each view I’m guessing), I select the tag associated with that view and change the properties from there. That hasn’t worked because when I go to live view or view in the browser, it looks completely off or it will screw with the other views. L
    So here are my specific questions:
    How do I style my elements specifically in each view WITHOUT messing up the desktop, or the other views? Simply clicking on a view using the icons on  the bottom and styling has not worked.
    Why is my live view so different from my browser view? I’m using the presets given in Dreamweaver for the desktop. When I view, say the logo and navigation in live view, everything is aligned but when I switch to my browser (chrome) it’s all crooked.
    Should I be using % throughout all my properties (width, height, margin, padding, positioning)? Currently I have most of my div sized using % but some margins and other properties using px. Will that affect anything?
    Can someone recommend a good tutorial? Everything that I seen either covers the basics that I already know,( adding/moving divs, switch views) but when it comes to the .css styling, they are adding a style sheet from somewhere without showing you how to do it from scratch.
    Should I design the page in a non- fixed layout and then import the .css style sheet from there? If so, how do I do that without messing with the boilerplate.css file.
    I’m taking a course in graphic and web design and we went over this very quickly and was given a lot of the material, however our final project (a full website with 5 pages) must be responsive and built in Dreamweaver. Any advice is greatly appreciated!

    Making an external style sheet.
    Go to File > New > Blank page > CSS. 
    Hit create button.
    Add some style rules to your new style sheet and save it. 
    Link your HTML pages to your new style sheet using the directions below.
    Dreamweaver, Linking HTML to External Style Sheets
    CS6 Fluid Grid layouts (17 min video)
    Creative Cloud 12.2 Enhancements to Fluid Grid Layouts
    Step-by-Step tutorial -- Building Fluid Grid Layouts in DW CS6
    Nancy O.

  • Text size fluid grid layout

    I am using Dreamweaver cs6 fluid grid layout.  Is there a way to change the text size for the different layouts?  For example I would like the header text to be 16px on the desktop but only 12px on the mobile.
    Thank you!

    This makes sense although I have not been about to make it work.  Should each of these be inserted into the corresonding device section of the css?  Thank you for your help!
    /* Mobile Layout: 480px and below. */
    /*Special Rules for Mobiles*/
    @media only screen and (max-width: 480px) {
              body {font-size: 75%}
    .gridContainer {
              margin-left: auto;
              margin-right: auto;
              width: 88.626%;
    /* Tablet Layout: 481px to 768px. Inherits styles from: Mobile Layout. */
    /*Special Rules for Tablets*/
    @media only screen and (min-width: 481px) {
              body{font size: 100%;}
    @media only screen and (min-width: 481px) {
    .gridContainer {
              width: 91.4836%;
              padding-left: 0.7581%;
              padding-right: 0.7581%;

  • How to convert live website to fluid grid layout

    I have an existing live website. How do I convert it to a fluid grid layout?

    Who is Peter?
    Responsive Web Design
    Introduction to CSS Media Queries
    CS6 Fluid Grid layouts (17 min video)
    Creative Cloud 12.2 Enhancements to Fluid Grid Layouts
    Step-by-Step tutorial -- Building Fluid Grid Layouts in DW CS6
    If you want to support multiple languages, you'll need to build a mirror site with translations.
    Nancy O.

  • Fluid Grid Layout - IE Issue with Image Size

    I've been working on a new website using the CS6 Fluid Grid Layout. My site is working correctly in Chrome and Firefox but in Internet Explorer 9 and 10, and most likely all other versions, the images that resize normall in Chrome and Firefox stay at maximum size in Internet Explorer. Please could somebody take a look at my site and see where I have gone wrong in the code as I can't find the problem anywhere.
    Kind regards,
    Mitchell Ransom

    You could set the <divs> up like:
    <div id="special_1"><img src="http://www.moleseyhire.com/images/offer-1.png" alt="33% Off Shampoo"></div>
      <div id="special_2"><img src="http://www.moleseyhire.com/images/offer-2.png" alt="Multi Hire"></div>
        <div id="special_3"><img src="http://www.moleseyhire.com/images/offer-3.png" alt="Multi Buy"></div>
        <div id="special_4"><img src="http://www.moleseyhire.com/images/offer-4.png" alt="10% Off Tile Cutter Accessories"></div>
    Then add
    #special_1, #special_2, #special_3, #special_4 {
        width: 24%;
        float: left;
        margin-right: 1%;
    To the following media queries:
    @media only screen and (min-width: 769px) and @media only screen and (min-width: 481px)
    #special_1, #special_2, #special_3, #special_4 {
        width: 49%;
        float: left;
        margin-right: 1%;
    to the following media query:
    /* Mobile Layout: 480px and below. */

  • Total Crash (CC) on attempting to Create a Fluid Grid Layout!

    I hope someone can recreate this, because I'm climbing up the walls right now.  Where to start?  I'm trying to create a single fluid-grid page.  I'm too tired to repeat the steps concisely, but after being prompted to save my CSS, I do.  That's when the errors begin. 
    First one:
    2) Then, when opening the files, it's just blank.  No grids, no layout code, just a plain HTML file.  So, then,I figure I should save everything, to "generate" the boilerplate CSS, and the JQuery min page, which should probably appear by default, but I go to save anyway.  That's when it crashes.  So, I open again.  Try to open the first file I created: crash. 
    3) So, I figured maybe my installation was botched.  I uninstall and reinstall.  Same crashes.  So, I figured maybe there might be corrupt files in my web folder (really just trying anything at this point.) So, I create a brand-new site. Same exact scenario.  
    Now, I understand no one has really had an opportunity to experiment, so this is probably a silly exercise, but maybe someone can recreate this?
    I'm too tired to explain anymore but I was really, really hoping that I could use this option to lay out a working comp for a client.  Job starts Wednesday. It's not possible to learn Responsive Design in a week, as someone suggested, so I'm really at a loss... I simple don't know what to do! 

    Hi jonfreed77,
    People facing similar issue, posted following resolution in another thread recently.
    Please give it a try and confirm if they work for you.
    8. pcepp,
      20 Jun, 2013 8:24 AM in reply to pcepp  
    I found a solution that worked for me.
    I removed all the fonts that Adobe CC installed out of my Library:Fonts folder and just left in the Apple Basic fonts like Arial, Courier etc... Launched Dreamweaver CC and the CSS designer panel works. I have no idea exactly which font it is, or creating the conflict. All I know is that it works great now.
    9. dogdog63,
    20 Jun, 2013 10:11 AM in reply to dogdog63
    very strange - I installed Illustrator CC and then I had no more problems with Dreamweaver! No more crashes when close or create files and no more problems with the CSS designer. Error messages during create fluid grid layouts are also gone ...
    I think I figured it out on the Mac. Be sure that Verdana is activated in Font Book. What tipped me off to this was a warning I was receiving when trying to open After Effects. It was saying that the program needed Verdana for the user interface to work. I thought that maybe Dreamweaver needed Verdana too. Sure enough! Hope this helps you guys.

  • CSS Transitions Fluid Grid Layout Dreamweaver Cs6 'stops working'

    I am unable to use the CSS Transisions panel at all in Fluid Grids Layout.
    I open the panel but when I select the + to add a transition, the program crashes.
    This is my second website, the same happened when building my first website, but I did without as I could not get a solution (about 18 months ago).
    I need it on this website.
    Some people in Adobe support have my files but can't seem to find a problem. I have Windows 8 on a powerful computer.
    We've tested CSS Transitions on a brand new Fluid Grid Layouts page and it works.
    But never for a page I have content in.
    I began seeking help on this about a month ago and now I'm really being held up.
    I'm disappointed and frustrated that Adobe isn't being more pro-active in finding the solution for their customer.
    I can't email customer service to flag my problem, I am reliant on people who don't get back to me in a timely manner.
    What can I do as this Adobe product has not been working for me and I am relying on it.
    Thank you

    Add a link to jQuery's Latest Library to your document <head> tags.
    <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js"></script>
    Add the jQuery function code to <script> tags in your document. I typically put them right above the closing </body> tag.
    $(document).ready(function () {
        $("#one").click(function () {
        $("#two").click(function () {
        $("#three").click(function () {
    As to why DW is closing you down, I don't know.  That's not an expected behavior. 
    Without seeing your code, I'm going to guess that your CSS transition logic is incorrect or you're attempting to add transitions to the FluidGridLayout.css which is never a good idea.  Always use a separate, external style sheet for your manually added content styles.  Changes to either boilerplate.css or the temperamental FluidGridLayout.css files can result in problems.
    Nancy O.

  • Fluid Grid Layout can´t be changed after opening .html file

    Hey Community!
    I´m working with DW CS6 for a few weeks now and I´m really happy about it!
    But now I´ve got a Problem... I used google and this forum to find a solution to it, but didn´t find anything about it. (Sorry, if i was too stupid to search for the right keywords! )
    I´ve created a new side with DW and wrote some html pages: All of them are fluid grid layouts and it worked all fine till today. Every page is seperated in an own folder including the "boilerplate.css" & the "respond.min" file, so the filetree looks like this (UPCASE = Folder):
    and so on...
    So today I wanted to open the .html files, to make some changes, add new fliud-grid-div-tags and add new content. The pages look still lik I left them (correct layout, old fluid-grid-div-tags still at the right position, everythings fine), but the collums of the fluid grid aren´t displayed anymore and I even can´t move the fluid-grid-div-tags anymore
    In other words:
    The collums are still there, but the fliud-grid-div-tags are no longer displayed green and editable in their position and size.
    Did I do something wrong? Or is it maybe just a special Checkbox to click in DW to edit them (like I´m now in a wrong DW-view or something like that?)?
    I hope you got a solution so I don´t have to rewrite all the pages again to be able to edit them!
    Greetings from Germany,
    PS: Screenshot

    Hi Community,
    I found the solution on my own in a video, where someone deactevaded those green fields...
    So it´s solved
    THX @ all

  • Fluid grid layout won't open

    I simply create a new fluid grid layout.. name and save the default css file ...name and save the default first page and upload to my server.
    Everything works fine and I am able to work on the page in dreamweaver cc as a fluid grid layout.
    But when i close down dream weaver, (even if i do no more than save the two files and dont edit anything else) and reopen dreamweaver cc i can no longer work in fluid grid layout, dreamweaver doesnt recognise the page (default) as fluid grid layout and i cannot see the little button that toggles fluid grid layout on and off.
    I have not edited the css file or the page in anyway.
    someone suggested i go to visual aids and enable fluid grid guides .... but this does not exist and there is no longer a fluid grid button next to the live view button.
    I really need to get this working, fluid grid layouts are useless if you cant edit them after creating them
    Here is the default code
    <!doctype html>
    <!--[if lt IE 7]> <html class="ie6 oldie"> <![endif]-->
    <!--[if IE 7]>    <html class="ie7 oldie"> <![endif]-->
    <!--[if IE 8]>    <html class="ie8 oldie"> <![endif]-->
    <!--[if gt IE 8]><!-->
    <html class="">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <title>Untitled Document</title>
    <link href="boilerplate.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    <link href="/test2.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    To learn more about the conditional comments around the html tags at the top of the file:
    Do the following if you're using your customized build of modernizr (http://www.modernizr.com/):
    * insert the link to your js here
    * remove the link below to the html5shiv
    * add the "no-js" class to the html tags at the top
    * you can also remove the link to respond.min.js if you included the MQ Polyfill in your modernizr build
    <!--[if lt IE 9]>
    <script src="http://html5shiv.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/html5.js"></script>
    <script src="respond.min.js"></script>
    <div class="gridContainer clearfix">
      <div id="div1" class="fluid">Use Insert Panel for additional Fluid Grid Layout Elements. Note: All Fluid Layout tags must be contained within the "gridContainer" div tag.</div></div>
    Thanks in advance for any replies

    I defined the site, when i imported the site as business catalyst site.
    It is there, i have checked all the details are correct and can edit and work on the site as a normal site, I just can't get it to recognise any pages i've created as a fluid grid page after closing and reopening the page.
    Yeah I watched the video and that is what im doing, create new page as fluid grid layout, save the css to the root, save the html page to the root, all works fine and i can edit in the fluid grid, the grids there, the little buttons there, the handles to adjust fluid grid propertys there.
    But at any point if i close the page and open it again i lose the handles, the fluid grid and the little button and can only edit as a normal dreamweaver page.
    I tried to phone adobe support yesterday but gave up after 2 hours of waiting

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