CTI client can't failover to side A from side B

hello everyone
now ,i have a question
i install ICM in a server and install PG CG CTI os server in another servier,of course the sideA and sideB always separate out.
the CTI clinet connected to CTI os server sideA,but when i shutdown the CTIOS sideA,or shutdown the server of PG CG CTI.the client display offline....
why this?
here is my config with CTIOS CG and PG

here is my CUCM PG's config

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    Hi there,
    I built a sample chat application that should be able to send/receive messages from a JMS topic. However, I am only able to SEND messages, I am not able to receive them. Any advice/suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated as I am seriously stuck.
    My setup:
    - BlazeDS Turnkey
    - FioranoMQ JMS provider on remote machine
    What I know:
    - My MXML code is good. I am able to use the exact same code and get both subscribing and publishing working when I use 'ActiveMQ' instead of 'FioranoMQ' as my JMS provider
    - FioranoMQ JMS provider is working fine, my test Java clients can both subscribe and publish to the same JMS topic that the Flex app uses
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    Sample debug console log:
    (I tried sending 8 JMS messages from my Java client code to the 'mytopic' topic that my Flex app is using. The end of the log shows that SOMETHING is happening after sending these messages, but notice the actual 'message' is never streamed even in the log!)
    [BlazeDS] 01/27/2009 FlexSession created with id '72D3E6EED1364AD328F342F1AF59FF
    69' for an Http-based client connection.
    [BlazeDS] 01/27/2009 Channel endpoint flextest-streaming-amf received request.
    [BlazeDS] 01/27/2009 Deserializing AMF/HTTP request
    Version: 3
    (Message #0 targetURI=null, responseURI=/1)
    (Array #0)
    [0] = (Typed Object #0 'flex.messaging.messages.CommandMessage')
    operation = 5
    correlationId = ""
    clientId = null
    timestamp = 0
    body = (Object #1)
    headers = (Object #2)
    DSMessagingVersion = 1
    DSId = "nil"
    timeToLive = 0
    destination = ""
    messageId = "AECE3D84-789C-29B7-3413-197C7A48A7D2"
    [BlazeDS] 01/27/2009 Serializing AMF/HTTP response
    Version: 3
    (Message #0 targetURI=/1/onResult, responseURI=)
    (Externalizable Object #0 'DSK')
    (Object #1)
    DSMessagingVersion = 1.0
    DSId = "ED38E721-2609-CF34-62A2-28D918C4BB8F"
    (Byte Array #2, Length 16)
    (Byte Array #3, Length 16)
    (Byte Array #4, Length 16)
    [BlazeDS] 01/27/2009 Channel endpoint flextest-streaming-amf received request.
    [BlazeDS] 01/27/2009 Endpoint with id 'flextest-streaming-amf' is streaming mess
    age: Flex Message (flex.messaging.messages.AcknowledgeMessage)
    clientId = null
    correlationId = open
    destination = null
    messageId = ED38E793-E519-95BB-3E4C-1A7E8D716951
    timestamp = 1233083202229
    timeToLive = 0
    body = ED38E793-E50A-2500-E2F5-7525401FD8CE
    [BlazeDS] 01/27/2009 Number of streaming clients for FlexSession with id '72D3E6
    EED1364AD328F342F1AF59FF69' is 1.
    [BlazeDS] 01/27/2009 Number of streaming clients for endpoint with id 'flextest-
    streaming-amf' is 1.
    [BlazeDS] 01/27/2009 Channel endpoint flextest-streaming-amf received request.
    [BlazeDS] 01/27/2009 Deserializing AMF/HTTP request
    Version: 3
    (Message #0 targetURI=null, responseURI=/2)
    (Array #0)
    [0] = (Typed Object #0 'flex.messaging.messages.CommandMessage')
    operation = 0
    correlationId = ""
    clientId = null
    timestamp = 0
    body = (Object #1)
    headers = (Object #2)
    DSEndpoint = "flextest-streaming-amf"
    DSId = "ED38E721-2609-CF34-62A2-28D918C4BB8F"
    timeToLive = 0
    destination = "flextest-message-destination"
    messageId = "5ED8AAA4-BDA8-C8E4-D85B-197C7AC5E83A"
    [BlazeDS] 01/27/2009 JMS consumer for JMS destination 'mytopic' is starting.
    [BlazeDS] 01/27/2009 JMS consumer for JMS destination 'mytopic' is

    Hi Alex, thanks for your advice. I tried reading the client-side logs, but it just physically shows what I was saying earlier - that the consumer is connected and subscribed, but no messages are coming through to it.
    I've attached the output of the 'flashlog.txt' file. For the particular session shown, the flex application was sent 8 JMS messages, but as you can see nothing got through. I put a 'trace' message in the message handler function (for my consumer object), but it never gets called.
    'E2513351-75DA-0837-7263-3807B91D9630' consumer set destination to 'flextest-message-destination'.
    '7D784A40-DBBB-71F1-4029-3807B91D45E3' producer set destination to 'flextest-message-destination'.
    'consumer' consumer subscribe.
    'flextest-streaming-amf' channel endpoint set to http://localhost:8400/FLEXTEST/msgbroker/streaming-amf
    'flextest-streaming-amf' channel settings are:
    'flextest-streaming-amf' pinging endpoint.
    'flextest-streaming-amf' channel is connected.
    'flextest-streaming-amf' channel sending message:
    'consumer' consumer connected.
    'consumer' consumer acknowledge for subscribe. Client id '37CC5DED-A019-7110-3C89-A9926835103E' new timestamp 1233595684954
    'consumer' consumer acknowledge of '8A592005-3C8A-4C6C-B074-380857710C00'.
    Seems to me there can only be two explanations: either my BlazeDS configuration is incorrect (which is unlikely given that everything works if I use a ActiveMQ as my JMS provider with only trivial changes to my configuration), or there is some bug within BlazeDS that is preventing it from working properly with FioranoMQ. What do you think?

  • DA Client can't be resolved internally

    Hi There
    I have a Direct Access 2012 R2 setup, and all the clients are working fine but we can't seem to resolve them internally.
    On a DC if I try and ping one of the live DA clients it won't resolve but a nslookup returns its IPv6 address.
    ping cis-00021
    Ping request could not find host cis-00021. Please check the name and try again.
    nslookup cis-00021
    Server:  csl-svr-dc1.ad.capricorn.com.au
    Name:    cis-00021.ad.capricorn.com.au
    Addresses:  2002:67f8:534:1000:9df0:d3a4:3799:7d9a

    That's normal. This appearance is expected.
    First, ping uses IPv4 by default. When you try to ping cis-00021.ad.capricorn.com.au, the DNS resolver tries to resolve the cis-00021.ad.capricorn.com.au into an IPv4 address.(Look for A record for it) But there is no A record for cis-00021.ad.capricorn.com.au,
    therefore, the system returns "Ping request could not find host cis-00021. Please check the name and try again."
    Second, even you use "ping -6 cis-00021.ad.capricorn.com.au", the system will only return "Time out". According to the nslookup information, your internal network is IPv4, that means the DirectAccess uses NAT64.
    Like the NAT, NAT64 will hide the internal network(The IPv6 network). That means the DirectAccess client can access intranet, but the machine from the intranet can't access the DirectAccess client.
    Best Regards.
    Steven Lee Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

  • How can i lookup a session bean from the client side

    how can i lookup a session bean from the client side...........i am using sun appserver..............
    this is my code.................[B]
    private final static String JNDI_NAME="ejb/LmsBean";
    private static String url="ldap://localhost:4848";
    Hashtable h=new Hashtable();
    System.out.println("Before Loading Context in Delegate");
    Context ctx=new InitialContext(h);
    System.out.println("Loaded Context in Delegate");
    Object obj=ctx.lookup(JNDI_NAME);
    System.out.println("Loaded Object in Delegate");
    System.out.println("Before Loading Home in Delegate");
    LmsHome home = (LmsHome )PortableRemoteObject.narrow(obj,com.parx.lms.controller.LmsHome.class);
    System.out.println("Loaded Home in Delegate");
    lms = home.create();
    System.out.println("Loaded remote in Delegate");
    [B]and i got the exception........
    Inside Client before calling delegate
    Before Loading Context in Delegate
    javax.naming.CommunicationException: Request: 1 cancelled
    javax.naming.CommunicationException: Request: 1 cancelled
    at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapRequest.getReplyBer(LdapRequest.java:60)
    at com.sun.jndi.ldap.Connection.readReply(Connection.java:405)
    at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapClient.ldapBind(LdapClient.java:340)
    at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapClient.authenticate(LdapClient.java:171)
    at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.connect(LdapCtx.java:2640)
    at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.<init>(LdapCtx.java:290)
    at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory.getUsingURL(LdapCtxFactory.java:175)
    at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory.getUsingURLs(LdapCtxFactory.java:193
    at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory.getLdapCtxInstance(LdapCtxFactory.ja
    at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory.getInitialContext(LdapCtxFactory.jav
    at javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getInitialContext(NamingManager.java:6
    at javax.naming.InitialContext.getDefaultInitCtx(InitialContext.java:243
    at javax.naming.InitialContext.init(InitialContext.java:219)
    at javax.naming.InitialContext.<init>(InitialContext.java:195)
    at com.parx.lms.lmsdelegate.LmsDelegate.getController(LmsDelegate.java:3
    at com.parx.lms.lmsdelegate.LmsDelegate.addUserDelegate(LmsDelegate.java
    at com.parx.lms.client.consoleClient.Client.main(Unknown Source)
    pls go tru the exception and pls help.........

    That url string should be having the server name or ip instead of localhost.

  • Mac10.x client can't connect to File Server on Windows2008 Failover Cluster

    Installation of a cluster was made according to the document "Failover Cluster Step-by-Step Guide: Configuring a Two-Node File Server Failover Cluster " http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc731844.aspx.
    My Mac OS X 10.5.2 and Mac OS X 10.4.11 clients be able to connect to a non-cluster file server on a Windows 2008 (the File Services role) and also to old file cluster on a Windows 2003.
    Why Mac clients can't connect to Windows 2008 Failover Cluster?

    Are you running a firewall on the Macs. If yes does it work with out the firewall? If it works with out the firewall that means you will have to create a custom ipf rule which includes the both the physical an virtual IP addresses of your cluster.

  • View data in client B from client A in the same SID without a valid logon?

    Hi Folks
    We are planning on upgrading our 4.6C system to ERP 6.0, and are initialy considering having two clients in the same sandbox SID.  One would be for the developers to perform code remediation checks (client A), and one would contain a copy of production data for performing testing of functionality over live data (client B).
    Would it be possible to view data in client B from client A in the same system without a valid logon to client B or RFC connection to client B from client A?   For example via the use on an ABAP program to SQL the database?
    I know one can use transactions like SM30/SM31 to view, compare, and adjust data between clients, but this requires an RFC connection and valid logon to the target client.

    Hi Kevin.
    Kevin McLatchie wrote:
    > Would it be possible to view data in client B from client A in the same system without a valid logon to client B or RFC connection to client B from client A?   For example via the use on an ABAP program to
    Short answer: yes.
    If someone has the right to write and execute ABAP reports on the system he is able to access the data of all clients. So I don't think that this setup is advisable. Don't mix development and production data in one system.
    Best regards,

  • After 10.6 Upgrade - XP clients can no longer connect

    Just upgraded my server from 10.5 to 10.6.2 and now none of my XP clients can connect via SMB. Can't figure out the issue. They would normally connect via IP on a local network at "\\", but now nothing happens on the XP side. Just does nothing at all. No login prompts or anything. Anyone know whats going on?
    Some stuff from the SMB logs if this helps.
    [2009/11/16 10:48:57, 0, pid=1155] /SourceCache/samba/samba-235/samba/source/auth/authodsam.c:opendirectory_smb_pwd_checkntlmv1(387)
    opendirectoryuser_auth_and_sessionkey gave -14091 [eDSAuthMethodNotSupported]
    [2009/11/16 10:48:57, 0, pid=1155] /SourceCache/samba/samba-235/samba/source/lib/opendirectory.c:getopendirectoryauthenticator(247)
    failed to read DomainAdmin credentials, err=67 fd=26 errno=2
    [2009/11/16 10:59:12, 1, pid=1155] /SourceCache/samba/samba-235/samba/source/smbd/service.c:close_cnum(1289)
    szymon ( closed connection to service Ledger
    [2009/11/16 10:59:12, 1, pid=1155] /SourceCache/samba/samba-235/samba/source/smbd/service.c:close_cnum(1289)
    szymon ( closed connection to service Accounting

    Two things to try:
    ...Ensure the appropriate NLTM authentication is enabled? Probably NLTMv1.
    Server Admin -> Open Directory -> Settings -> Policies -> Authentication
    ...Ensure that the Microsoft Windows XP clients have a compatible authentication requirement?
    This security settings authentication downgrade is set via an msc widget on the higher-budget Microsoft Windows XP variants, or directly via the LMCompatibilityLevel registry knob available within all Windows variants.
    With the upper-budget Windows versions, you can run the secpol.msc tool, navigate to Local Policies - Security Options, then to Network Security: LAN Manager authentication level, then (if the box is set this way) switch from "Send NTLMv2 response only" to "Send LM & NTLM - use NTLMv2 session security if negotiated".
    On all Windows XP versions including the lower-budget versions, you can use regedit to switch the HKEYLOCALMACHINE\ SYSTEM\ CurrentControlSet\ Control\Lsa registry key value LmCompatibilityLevel to 1

  • Snow leopard clients can no longer connect after 10.7.3 update.

    We updated to 10.7.3 on the server side and our snow leopard clients can no longer connect. Our lion clients have no trouble connecting.
    They recieve an box saying an error occured, with no other information.
    Any ideas?

    How are you trying to connect to your Lion Server? AFP? VNC? SMB?

  • 10.6.8 IMAP - Clients can't receive email

    I am running a IMAP mail server on Snow Leopard 10.6.8, which had been running fine for 1+ year.. It is located at my residence. Long story short, after a power outage/cable outage Comcast just decided to block port 25 on my residence which made me have to switch my SMTP port to 587. After much muddling around, I got that to go, but now clients can't recieve emails. I have turned on debug logging on the mail server, but I can't see anything to explain it. Eventually, the messages are kicked back to the sender (as a test, I sent from my mobile me account) with the following
    Thu, 07 Mar 2013 22:55:56 +000 (GMT) TCP active open: No addresses found for host Error: Connection timed out.
    However, I can't see any activtiy in the server side logs. DNS possibly?
    Any help is GREATLY appreciated.

    Here are the logs from the IMAP (last group of timestamps). Are there any other logs that would be useful?
    Mar  8 10:56:27 server dovecot[38993]: IMAP(*): Master disconnected (pid 39117)
    Mar  8 10:56:27 server dovecot[38993]: IMAP(*): Master disconnected (pid 39070)
    Mar  8 10:58:51 server dovecot[39343]: imap-login: Login: user=<dean>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, TLS
    Mar  8 10:58:51 server dovecot[39343]: IMAP(*): maildir: data=/Volumes/External HD3/spool/imap/dovecot/mail/F037805C-94D5-47B8-8D48-DC15F14905AC
    Mar  8 10:58:51 server dovecot[39343]: IMAP(*): maildir++: root=/Volumes/External HD3/spool/imap/dovecot/mail/F037805C-94D5-47B8-8D48-DC15F14905AC, index=, control=, inbox=/Volumes/External HD3/spool/imap/dovecot/mail/F037805C-94D5-47B8-8D48-DC15F14905AC
    Mar  8 10:58:51 server dovecot[39343]: imap-login: Login: user=<dean>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, TLS
    Mar  8 10:58:51 server dovecot[39343]: IMAP(*): maildir: data=/Volumes/External HD3/spool/imap/dovecot/mail/F037805C-94D5-47B8-8D48-DC15F14905AC
    Mar  8 10:58:51 server dovecot[39343]: IMAP(*): maildir++: root=/Volumes/External HD3/spool/imap/dovecot/mail/F037805C-94D5-47B8-8D48-DC15F14905AC, index=, control=, inbox=/Volumes/External HD3/spool/imap/dovecot/mail/F037805C-94D5-47B8-8D48-DC15F14905AC
    Mar  8 11:00:51 server dovecot[39343]: imap-login: Login: user=<dean>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, TLS
    Mar  8 11:00:51 server dovecot[39343]: IMAP(*): maildir: data=/Volumes/External HD3/spool/imap/dovecot/mail/F037805C-94D5-47B8-8D48-DC15F14905AC
    Mar  8 11:00:51 server dovecot[39343]: IMAP(*): maildir++: root=/Volumes/External HD3/spool/imap/dovecot/mail/F037805C-94D5-47B8-8D48-DC15F14905AC, index=, control=, inbox=/Volumes/External HD3/spool/imap/dovecot/mail/F037805C-94D5-47B8-8D48-DC15F14905AC
    Mar  8 11:02:28 server dovecot[39343]: imap-login: Login: user=<dean>, method=CRAM-MD5, rip=, lip=, TLS
    Mar  8 11:02:28 server dovecot[39343]: IMAP(*): maildir: data=/Volumes/External HD3/spool/imap/dovecot/mail/F037805C-94D5-47B8-8D48-DC15F14905AC
    Mar  8 11:02:28 server dovecot[39343]: IMAP(*): maildir++: root=/Volumes/External HD3/spool/imap/dovecot/mail/F037805C-94D5-47B8-8D48-DC15F14905AC, index=, control=, inbox=/Volumes/External HD3/spool/imap/dovecot/mail/F037805C-94D5-47B8-8D48-DC15F14905AC

  • Can I use both SID and SERVICE_NAME in my DG configuration?

    Need little guidance for the following senario
    I've got a shared database where more then one application connects to. To configure failover from primary to standby, I need SERVICE_NAME'ing but my applications connect using SID naming conventions to this DB
    Can I use both SID and SERVICE_NAME in DG configuration + make the applications failover to STANDBY DB as well?

    You will hardly achieve a proper connect to your new Primary using SIDs after switchover.
    Stay away from using SID - connects with your applications and use application services for that instead.
    Kind regards
    Uwe Hesse

  • How do I put text into an Edge File that clients can edit easily afterwards

    Can anyone explain how I can put text into an edge file (styled with google fonts) and make it so that clients can access the text and update the text as they require?
    Previous suggestion was dynamically loading a .txt file - any instructions would be most appreciated.

    Hi Resdesign!
    Your code is very useful to learn how to use Json in Adobe Edge Animate!
    But I have a question: why you use ( i ) as argument of the function UpdateInfo and when you recall it you use ( index )?
    $.getJSON('slides.json', function(data){
              //for(var i=0; i<data.length; i++){
    function updateInfo(i){
                        sym.$("photo").css({"background-image": "url('"+data[i].image+"')"});
                        // position
              index = -1;
                        if (index>=5){
                                  index = 0;
    Many thanks for your attention!

  • Server 2003 VPN clients can't verify username and password

    Hoping someone can help or point me in the right direction. I have a Windows Server 2003 R2 standard SP2 running RRAS. It has Dual NIC's and is configured for PPTP VPN. I am using a BT Business Hub 5 for internet access and using the BT Static IP service.
    The BT Hub assigns the static IP address chosen to the Server using DHCP. The firewall is configured to port forward PPTP traffic to the 2003 server. This all works correctly.
    The 2003 server is on a domain where the DC is a 2008 R2 server. The DC also acts as the DNS and DHCP for the network.
    The default gateway for the domain is pointed towards our WinGate proxy server which also acts as a DNS server.
    The 2003 server LAN NIC is configured manually, usually I would not configure a deafult gateway on the LAN NIC as the WAN NIC needs the default gateway for the BT Hub.
    The problem I am having is if a default gateway is configured on the LAN NIC, I can connect to the VPN and it will logon to the network. Once connected everything works ok. If the connection drops, when trying to reconnect the client can no longer verify
    the user name and password against the domain and the connection is refused.
    If I do not have a default gateway configured in the LAN NIC the VPN clients can not verify the username and password for the domain at all and I get RPC failure errors in the event viewer with the source dnsapi.
    Once this error occurs the only way I can get the clients to reconnect is to disable the WAN NIC, restart the RRAS service and enable the WAN NIC again.
    Any insight will be much appreciated.

    for Networking configuration questions better ask in
    Best regards
    Meinolf Weber
    Microsoft MVP - Directory Services
    My Blog: http://blogs.msmvps.com/MWeber
    Disclaimer: This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties or guarantees and confers no rights.

  • SBS2008 VPN Clients can't Remote Desktop to PCs

       I have a network running SBS2008, it has RRAS configured on it and clients connect to it fine.  However, while connected to the VPN, I can't connect to PC Clients via RDP.  I connect to server via RDP no problem.  And I can connect
    to PCs via RDP from the server or other PCs on the network.  I just can't connect through a VPN connection.  RRAS uses DHCP from the server to assign IPs so VPN clients are on the same subnet as the domain PCs. 
    RWW also works fine for connecting to PCs, but we would like to be able to connect via VPN as well.  And it should work, I can ping a PC I'm trying to connect to over the VPN connection, no problem.  I researched and saw something about the group
    policy, but this is a very small network and doesn't really use that.  I made the changes described in the Windows Firewall settings but it made no difference.  I also went and turned off the Windows firewall on the PC I was trying to connect to,
    but it still didn't make a difference.  Is there any other reason this wouldn't work?

    I found out that the issue was caused by the Symantec Endpoint Protection client installed on the server.  It was blocking traffic between VPN clients and PCs on the network.  I just reconfigured it to allow that traffic and it worked
    fine afterward.
    Hi Rayminette,
    Glad to hear that you have solved this issue and thanks for sharing your solution in the forum. Your time and efforts are highly appreciated.
    Best regards,
    Justin Gu
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

  • VPN Clients can't access internal LAN

    Hello - I have seen a few other threads on this issue, but can't seem to fix mine. I have a PIX 506e. My VPN clients can connect, they get a DHCP address from our internal server no problem. But the clients can not ping me or anything else on the LAN. The clients are connecting ipsec. I know I must be missing something simple here. Here is my config. Any help would be great

    Change the VPN Pool address to something else for example etc. Then try and let me know. There could be ip overlap here.

  • VPN clients can't see network resources unless Firewall is disabled.

    If the firewall is turned off, connected VPN clients can access other PCs over the VPN. But I would like to enable a rule that allows them to access computers even with the firewall turned on. I just don't know what the rule should be.

    Any update? If you could update us at your convenience that would be wonderful.
    Yolanda Zhu
    TechNet Community Support

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