Ctrl+Tab has insufficient number of tab previews. Need more.

I have enabled Ctrl+Tab function to switch between tabs and I'd like to be able to choose between more than 6 tabs. "browser.ctrlTab.recentlyUsedLimit" does not work (I've read somewhere that it was "integer" but after clicking on reset it is now "string" and I can't do anything about it - manual edit in config file?). How can I enable more previews? Preferably 10-15.
Thank You.
I use v34.0.5
I've already (prior asking this question) done extensive web search and all possible answers were outdated and do not work anymore. No addon that I know of helps too. I seek specific solution, no vague answer. Thanks for understanding.

Hi Master_Kosa
== :-(==
Lets try to stay friendly with one another. We are all just fellow Firefox users. There is the possibility that your question will not have any satisfactory answer.
I am not trying to waste your time here. I am just trying to clarify the question, and provide some relevant information.
I am presuming you have toggled the pref '''''browser.ctrlTab.previews''''' to true. When I do that I get up to 6 previews, which I guess is all that will fit in a single row across my display screen.
It then has an option to ''[display all (number) tabs]'' but that just opens the dropdown list.
I do not even have the pref '''''"browser.ctrlTab.recentlyUsedLimit"''''' and manually creating such an integer pref with value 7 does not give me an extra preview.
* In fact this article http://www.howtogeek.com/139736/how-to-change-hidden-advanced-settings-in-any-browser/ suggests the pref controls the Minimum number at which the dropdown will display. Not the number of preview tabs.
*I did find this article, but it could be out of date, it says default value is 3 <br /> http://kb.mozillazine.org/Browser.ctrlTab.previewsCount
Possible alternative workarounds.
I can actually get more previews my OS (Ubuntu) will easily display 9 tab previews and allow switching between them using Alt + `
Presumably Windows has something similar from its task bar.
Firefox also has the group tabs feature.
Previously known as Panorama. And probably no longer in development that allows large numbers of ''thumbnails'' of varying size {postage stamp to large preview} to be seen
* [[Use Tab Groups to organize a lot of tabs]]
I also found this article which presumably predates the Panorama work

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    is it mean when we put , is it the position of the characters will be at 17cm from the left?
    Thank you.

    If you give the First tab position as 14 & 2nd Tab position as 17 c.m., it mean the first printing text starts at 14 C.M. and 2nd text starts from 3C.M.(17-14) next to 1st Tab Position (14c.m), i.e., the difference betn 1st Tab & 2nd Tab will 3 c.m.
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      P1 ,,,,text1
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    This can happen when the video player (Flash plugin) has the focus.
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    '''Try Firefox Safe Mode''' to see if the problem goes away. [[Troubleshoot Firefox issues using Safe Mode|Firefox Safe Mode]] is a troubleshooting mode that turns off some settings and disables most add-ons (extensions and themes).
    ''(If you're using an added theme, switch to the Default theme.)''
    If Firefox is open, you can restart in Firefox Safe Mode from the Help menu by clicking on the '''Restart with Add-ons Disabled...''' menu item:<br>
    If Firefox is not running, you can start Firefox in Safe Mode as follows:
    * On Windows: Hold the '''Shift''' key when you open the Firefox desktop or Start menu shortcut.
    * On Mac: Hold the '''option''' key while starting Firefox.
    * On Linux: Quit Firefox, go to your Terminal and run ''firefox -safe-mode'' <br>(you may need to specify the Firefox installation path e.g. /usr/lib/firefox)
    ''Once you get the pop-up, just select "'Start in Safe Mode"''
    [[Image:Safe Mode Fx 15 - Win]]
    '''''If the issue is not present in Firefox Safe Mode''''', your problem is probably caused by an extension, and you need to figure out which one. Please follow the [[Troubleshoot extensions, themes and hardware acceleration issues to solve common Firefox problems]] article to find the cause.
    ''To exit Firefox Safe Mode, just close Firefox and wait a few seconds before opening Firefox for normal use again.''
    When you figure out what's causing your issues, please let us know. It might help others with the same problem.
    Thank you.

  • Vim Ctrl + Tab for Tabs navigation

    :noremap <silent> <c-Tab> :tabn<CR>
    noremap! <silent> <C-Tab> :tabn<CR>
    This doesn't work for me - any idea why? Ctrl-tab just doesn't shift tabs... I've definitely not bound the combination elsewhere in my .vimrc either.
    - KD
    Last edited by KomodoDave (2007-05-02 02:38:33)

    mosor wrote:
    Here are my tab related settings (that work):
    set showtabline=2 " File tabs allways visible
    :nmap <C-S-tab> :tabprevious<cr>
    :nmap <C-tab> :tabnext<cr>
    :nmap <C-t> :tabnew<cr>
    :map <C-t> :tabnew<cr>
    :map <C-S-tab> :tabprevious<cr>
    :map <C-tab> :tabnext<cr>
    :map <C-w> :tabclose<cr>
    :imap <C-S-tab> <ESC>:tabprevious<cr>i
    :imap <C-tab> <ESC>:tabnext<cr>i
    :imap <C-t> <ESC>:tabnew<cr>
    Thanks for posting, mosor! Sadly your command lines don't work for me either...
    Here's my .vimrc, much of which was cloned from phrakture's :
    """""""""" general options """"""""""
    set nocompatible " Use Vim settings, rather then Vi settings (much better!).
    " This must be first, because it changes other options as a side effect.
    "syntax enable " enable syntax highlighting and keep current colour settings
    syntax on " enable syntax highlighting and override current colour settings
    behave xterm " mouse and selection xterm behaviour
    filetype plugin indent on " filetype dependent indenting and plugins
    set autoindent " indents line relative to the line above it
    set autowrite " automatically write contents of file where sensible
    set backspace=indent,eol,start " allow backspacing over eevrything in insert mode
    set backup backupdir=$HOME/.vim/backup " set backup directory
    set cinoptions=g0,:0,l1,(0,t0 " C indentation options
    set clipboard=unnamed " yank and paste in visual mode without prepending "*
    set cmdheight=1 " cmdline height
    set complete=.,t,i,b,w,k " keyword completion configuration
    set encoding=utf-8 " encoding
    set expandtab " insert spaces instead of tab character
    set formatoptions+=l " add format option preventing lines longer than 'textwidth' being broken
    set guioptions-=T " no toolbar
    set hidden " don't have to save when switching buffers
    set history=100 " cmdline history table size
    "set ignorecase " search is case insensitive when search term is all lower case
    set incsearch " live search while typing search expression
    set laststatus=2 " always display the status line
    set nohlsearch " no highlighting when performing search
    set nowrap " don't wrap visible lines
    set number " precede line with line number when printing
    set pastetoggle=<F9> " toggle paste mode
    set previewheight=5 " preview window size
    "set ruler " show line and column in status line
    set shell=/bin/sh " set the shell to be used
    set shiftwidth=4 " number of spaces used for (auto)indent
    set showcmd " show partial command in status line
    set showmode " show whether in insert, visual mode etc
    set showmatch " indicate matching parentheses, braces etc
    set showtabline=2 " File tabs allways visible
    set shortmess=a " abbreviate file messages
    set smartcase
    set smartindent
    set softtabstop=4 " tab defaults to 4 spaces while performing editing operations
    set splitbelow " split creates new window below current one
    set statusline=%-3.3n\ %f\ %r%#Error#%m%#Statusline#\ (%l/%L,\ %c)\ %P%=%h%w\ %y\ [%{&encoding}:%{&fileformat}]\ \ "status line settings
    set tabstop=4 " tab defaults to 4 spaces
    set textwidth=80 " maximum column width of inserted text - longer lines are broken after whitespace
    set ttyfast " for fast terminals - smoother (apparently)
    set termencoding=utf-8
    set whichwrap=h,l,<,>,[,] " allow line-wrapped navigation
    set wildchar=<Tab> " type tab in cmdline to start wildcard expansion
    set wildmenu " enhanced cmdline completion
    set wildmode=longest:full,full " cmdline completion mode settings
    set writebackup " make a file backup before overwriting it
    " Convenient command to see the difference between the current buffer and the
    " file it was loaded from, thus the changes you made.
    command DiffOrig vert new | set bt=nofile | r # | 0d_ | diffthis
    \ | wincmd p | diffthis
    """""""""" keyboard mappings """"""""""
    " Dvorak caret navigation
    :noremap t <Up>
    :noremap h <Down>
    :noremap d <Left>
    :noremap n <Right>
    :noremap k d
    :noremap l n
    :noremap j t
    " Window split and navigation
    :noremap <C-w><S-s> :vsplit<CR>
    :noremap <C-w>t <C-w><Up>
    :noremap <C-w>h <C-w><Down>
    :noremap <C-w>d <C-w><Left>
    :noremap <C-w>n <C-w><Right>
    " Ctrl-s saves
    :inoremap <C-s> <Esc>:w<CR>a
    :nnoremap <C-s> :w<CR>
    " Tab manipulation
    ":noremap <silent> <C-t> :tabnew<cr>
    ":noremap <silent> <C-x> :tabc<cr>
    ":noremap <silent> <C-tab> :tabn<cr>
    ":noremap <silent> <C-s-tab> :tabp<cr>
    "noremap! <silent> <C-t> :tabnew<cr>
    "noremap! <silent> <C-x> :tabc<cr>
    "noremap! <silent> <C-tab> :tabn<cr>
    "noremap! <silent> <C-s-tab> :tabp<cr>
    :nmap <C-S-tab> :tabprevious<cr>
    :nmap <C-tab> :tabnext<cr>
    :nmap <C-t> :tabnew<cr>
    :map <C-t> :tabnew<cr>
    :map <C-S-tab> :tabprevious<cr>
    :map <C-tab> :tabnext<cr>
    :map <C-x> :tabclose<cr>
    :imap <C-S-tab> <ESC>:tabprevious<cr>i
    :imap <C-tab> <ESC>:tabnext<cr>i
    :imap <C-t> <ESC>:tabnew<cr>
    "Key bindings
    noremap <silent> <F1> :Tlist<cr>
    noremap <silent> <F2> :VSBufExplore<cr>
    "noremap <silent> <F3> :Make<cr>
    noremap <silent> <F3> <c-o>:Project<cr>
    noremap <silent> <F6> :set spell!<cr>
    noremap! <silent> <F1> <c-o>:Tlist<cr>
    noremap! <silent> <F2> <c-o>:VSBufExplore<cr>
    "noremap! <silent> <F3> <c-o>:Make<cr>
    noremap! <silent> <F3> <c-o>:Project<cr>
    noremap! <silent> <F6> <c-o>:set spell!<cr>
    " I never use these anyway
    noremap ( :bprev<cr>
    noremap ) :bnext<cr>
    ":inoremap ^] ^[A
    ":inoremap ð ^N
    " Don't use Ex mode, use Q for formatting
    "map Q gq
    """""""""" autocommand stuff """"""""""
    " Only do this part when compiled with support for autocommands.
    if has("autocmd")
    " Enable file type detection.
    " Use the default filetype settings, so that mail gets 'tw' set to 72,
    " 'cindent' is on in C files, etc.
    " Also load indent files, to automatically do language-dependent indenting.
    filetype plugin indent on
    " Put these in an autocmd group, so that we can delete them easily.
    augroup vimrcEx
    " For all text files set 'textwidth' to 78 characters.
    autocmd FileType text setlocal textwidth=78
    " When editing a file, always jump to the last known cursor position.
    " Don't do it when the position is invalid or when inside an event handler
    " (happens when dropping a file on gvim).
    autocmd BufReadPost *
    \ if line("'\"") > 0 && line("'\"") <= line("$") |
    \ exe "normal! g`\"" |
    \ endif
    augroup END
    set autoindent " always set autoindenting on
    endif " has("autocmd")
    " if autocmd is on
    if has("autocmd")
    " read Ex commands from file if syntax matches
    au Syntax {cpp,c,idl} runtime syntax/doxygen.vim
    au Syntax {cpp,c,lisp,scheme} runtime plugin/RainbowParenthesis.vim
    au FileType qf if &buftype == "quickfix" |
    \ setlocal statusline=%-3.3n\ %0*[quickfix]%=%2*\ %<%P |
    au FileType mail setlocal spell
    au FileType cvs setlocal spell
    au FileType help setlocal statusline=%-3.3n\ [help]%=\ %<%P
    " for all files enable cursorline upon entering a window, and disable when
    " leaving
    "au WinEnter * setlocal cursorline
    "au WinLeave * setlocal nocursorline
    au BufReadPost * if line("'\"")>0 && line("'\"")<=line("$")|exe "normal g`\""|endif
    " syntax highlighting for html that permits embedded javascript
    au BufRead *.html set filetype=htmlm4
    " when a PKGBUILD is loaded into a buffer, trigger all sh filetype autocommands
    " this occurs before modelines are read
    au BufRead,BufNewFile PKGBUILD set ft=sh
    " when a .as file is loaded into a buffer,, trigger all actionscript
    " filetype autocommands, and use C indenting rules
    " this occurs before modelines are read
    au BufRead,BufNewFile *.as setlocal ft=actionscript cindent
    " omni functionality
    au FileType css setlocal ofu=csscomplete#CompleteCSS
    au Filetype * if exists('&ofu') && &ofu == "" |
    \ set ofu=syntaxcomplete#Complete |
    """""""""" abbreviations and remaps """"""""""
    ":abbreviate #! #!/usr/bin/env python
    """""""""" other stuff """"""""""
    " vim.org tip 867: get help on python in vim, eg :Pyhelp os
    :command -nargs=+ Pyhelp :call ShowPydoc("<args>")
    function ShowPydoc(module, ...)
    let fPath = "/tmp/pyHelp_" . a:module . ".pydoc"
    :execute ":!pydoc " . a:module . " > " . fPath
    :execute ":sp ".fPath
    "bracket autocompletion
    inoremap ( ()<ESC>i
    inoremap [ []<ESC>i
    inoremap { {<CR>}<ESC>O
    autocmd Syntax html,vim inoremap < <lt>><ESC>i| inoremap > <c-r>=ClosePair('>')<CR>
    inoremap ) <c-r>=ClosePair(')')<CR>
    inoremap ] <c-r>=ClosePair(']')<CR>
    inoremap } <c-r>=CloseBracket()<CR>
    inoremap " <c-r>=QuoteDelim('"')<CR>
    inoremap ' <c-r>=QuoteDelim("'")<CR>
    function ClosePair(char)
    if getline('.')[col('.') - 1] == a:char
    return "\<Right>"
    return a:char
    function CloseBracket()
    if match(getline(line('.') + 1), '\s*}') < 0
    return "\<CR>}"
    return "\<ESC>j0f}a"
    function QuoteDelim(char)
    let line = getline('.')
    let col = col('.')
    if line[col - 2] == "\\"
    "Inserting a quoted quotation mark into the string
    return a:char
    elseif line[col - 1] == a:char
    "Escaping out of the string
    return "\<Right>"
    "Starting a string
    return a:char.a:char."\<ESC>i"
    "folding options
    if has("folding")
    " enable folds
    set foldenable
    " {{{ markers indicate folds
    set foldmethod=marker
    " leave all/most folds open
    set foldlevel=100
    " if using gvim
    if has('gui_running')
    " allow pasting into other applications after visual selection
    set guioptions+=a
    " use console dialogs instead of popups
    set guioptions+=c
    " don't add tab pages
    set guioptions-=e
    " don't include toolbar
    set guioptions-=T
    " set color scheme
    colors zenburn
    " if running under windows
    if has('win32')
    " set number of columns and lines
    set columns=120
    set lines=60
    " select font
    set guifont=Bitstream_Vera_Sans_Mono:h8:cANSI
    " select font
    set guifont=Bitstream\ Vera\ Sans\ Mono\ 8
    " if we're in a linux console
    elseif (&term == 'screen.linux') || (&term =~ '^linux')
    " use 8 bit colour
    set t_Co=8
    " set color scheme
    colors desert
    " if we're in xterm, urxvt or screen with 256 colours
    elseif (&term == 'rxvt-unicode') || (&term =~ '^xterm') || (&term =~ '^screen-256')
    " allow mouse in all editing modes
    set mouse=a
    " use xterm mouse behaviour
    set ttymouse=xterm
    " set encoding to uft-8
    set termencoding=utf-8
    " set color scheme
    colors desert256-transparent
    " if we're in a different terminal
    " set color scheme
    colors desert
    " if we're in screen and autocmd is enabled
    if &term =~ "^screen" && has("autocmd")
    " this fixes background artifacting when leaving vim inside screen
    autocmd VimLeave * :set term=screen
    let mapleader = "`"
    " cd includes current directory, as well as $HOME and projects folders
    let &cdpath=','.expand("$HOME").','.expand("$HOME").'/projects'
    " if vim version is >= 7
    if v:version >= 700
    " display cursor line
    set cursorline
    " Insert mode completion options
    set completeopt=menu,menuone,longest,preview
    " spellchecker language is US
    set spelllang=en_us
    " spelling suggestions operate on 'fast' mode with max 20 suggestions
    set spellsuggest=fast,20
    " use min 1 column for line number
    set numberwidth=1
    " imma commnt with missspellings, use me tu tesst
    "set dictionary=/usr/share/dict/words
    " typing q: == :q
    nmap q: :q<cr>
    " typing :Q == :q
    nmap :Q :q<cr>
    " man-page autoreturn after view
    nmap K K<cr>
    iab NDB Author: N David Brown
    "tags files search for a project
    " :FindTags('~/projects/something')
    "command! -nargs=1 -complete=dir FindTags :call ProjectTags(<args>)
    "function! ProjectTags(projectbase)
    "let tfiles = glob("$(find ".a:projectbase." -name tags -print)")
    "let &tags = substitute(tfiles, "\n", ",", "g")
    "command! -nargs=* Make :call SilentMake(<f-args>)
    "function! SilentMake()
    "let oldsp=&shellpipe
    "setlocal shellpipe=>%s\ 2>&1
    "exe 'silent make '.string(a:000)
    "set shellpipe=&oldsp
    "redraw! "this screws up the screen sometimes, fix that
    let g:proj_flags = "ibmstg"
    let g:proj_window_width = 35
    "TODO get this working better
    "let g:TagsParserLastPositionJump = 1
    "let g:TagsParserCurrentFileCWD = 1
    let g:TagsParserWindowSize = 30
    "let g:TagsParserAutoOpenClose = 1
    "let g:TagsParserSingleClick = 1
    "let g:TagsParserHighlightCurrentTag = 1
    "let g:TagsParserSortType = "line"
    "let g:TagsParserFileReadTag = 1
    "let g:TagsParserFileReadDeleteTag = 1
    "enable the Vim 7.0 options
    if v:version >= 700
    let g:TagsParserCtrlTabUsage = 'tabs'
    "Configure the projects - These have been renamed because the projects I work
    "on at work are not really what is important, but rather the way they are configured.
    let g:TagsParserProjectConfig = {}
    let g:TagsParserProjectConfig['/home/griff/devel/pacman-lib/'] = { 'tagsPath' : '/home/griff/devel/pacman-lib/lib/libalpm/,/home/griff/devel/pacman-lib/src/pacman/' }
    "let Tlist_Display_Tag_Scope = 1 "ugh...
    let g:Tlist_Display_Prototype = 1
    let g:Tlist_Use_Right_Window = 1
    let g:Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow = 1
    let g:Tlist_Enable_Fold_Column = 0
    let g:Tlist_Sort_Type = "name"
    let g:Tlist_Compact_Format = 0
    let g:Tlist_File_Fold_Auto_Close = 0
    let g:Tlist_WinWidth = 50
    let g:treeExplVertical = 1
    let g:treeExplWinSize = 35
    let g:treeExplDirSort = 1
    let g:netrw_keepdir = 1
    let g:netrw_winsize = 40
    let g:netrw_alto = 1
    let g:bufExplorerOpenMode=1
    let g:bufExplorerSortBy='mru'
    let g:bufExplorerSplitType='v'
    let g:bufExplorerSplitVertSize = 35
    let g:bufExplorerShowDirectories=1
    let g:valgrind_arguments = "--leak-check=yes --num-callers=5000 --time-stamp=yes"
    let g:valgrind_use_horizontal_window = 1
    let g:valgrind_win_height = 7
    let g:DoxygenToolkit_authorName = "Aaron Griffin"
    let g:DoxygenToolkit_briefTag_funcName = "yes"
    let g:showmarks_enable = 0
    let g:showmarks_ignore_type="hmpqr"
    let g:buftabs_only_basename = 1
    "Lisp syntax
    "let g:lisp_rainbow = 1
    - KD
    Last edited by KomodoDave (2007-05-04 13:34:16)

  • Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+F6 still not working in Excel 2013?

    I am using Windows 7 64-bit. I just switched to Office Home & Business 2013 (32-bit), and I discovered that ctrl+tab behavior in Excel 2013 is incredibly broken.
    If you are using any other programs concurrently with Excel, then it makes switching tasks through ctrl+tab impossible. Switching workbooks in this way has unpredictable behavior: often, Excel will switch to a workbook that is hidden behind other windows
    (fails to foreground the window correctly). Even when it appears to be switching appropriately between windows, the order of switching is wrong: rather than cycling through all windows, it seems to switch between workbooks somewhat randomly.
    See similar issues discussed here: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/office/en-US/f288d91d-835a-48c4-a39c-738ca05002c4/ctrltab-and-ctrlf6-not-working-properly-in-excel-2013?forum=officeitpro
    and here: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/office/forum/office_2013_release-excel/cycling-between-open-windows-using-ctrlf6-or/7314b632-7f48-44f1-8e96-7d7000ac86d8
    There does not appear to be any solution to this issue so far. I have attempted to repair my installation of Microsoft Office, but it did not correct the problem.

    Hi Dlup12345,
    Based on my testes with local environment (Windows 8.1 and Excel 2013:15.0.4675.1000), the two Keyboard shortcuts worked as expected. In my view, this issue might be occur with Keyboard shortcuts, because you said the issue occurred intermittently. If we
    only open multiple Excel files without other program, the shortcuts should worked fine. Please check if other program affected Excel shortcuts.
    If you have any update, please feel free let us know.
    George Zhao
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

  • Weird behavior with Ctrl-Tab

    Dear members,
    (Forms 6i c/s)
    I have two tab canvases in one form. For each one, the first tab page is a master list, and the second one is a single-record detail block.
    I try to prevent the user from going to the second tab page if the list is empty, so I check the cursor-block in the When-Tab-Page-Changed trigger.
    It works fine when I use the mouse, but I get a different behavior with the Ctrl-Tab keys:
    In the first canvas, when WTPC trigger fires, the cursor-block is the list block, which is fine.
    But in the other canvas, the cursor-block is already the detail block as soon as the trigger fires.
    I don't understand where the difference comes from, and I don't really know where to search.
    Does anyone have a clue ?
    Thanks for your help.

    I don't, since my code has to be generic (it's the same for both canvases, and many more).
    And I can only get the name of a canvas from a block, not the name of a block from a canvas.
    That's why the cursor-block was the best solution.

  • How can I change the default behavior for ctrl-Tab?

    I tried to change the behavior of ctrl-Tab from 'Next Tab' to 'Previous Tab' and added 'alt-Tab' for 'Next Tab' in Keyconfig so I can navigate in both directions with one hand. It does not change the behavior of ctrl-Tab.
    I created both these shortcuts in Keyconfig:
    Next Tab
    Previous Tab
    I even tried doing this from the command line with the same result:
    defaults write org.mozilla.firefox NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add "Next Tab" "~Tab"
    defaults write org.mozilla.firefox NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add "Previous Tab" "^Tab"
    I'm not sure why this didn't work but maybe "Tab" is the wrong keyword. I couldn't find any documentation on what it should be. Or possibly "Next Tab" and "Previous Tab" don't work in this case because they are not 'built-in' commands. A third possibility is that it won't work because ctrl-Tab is a built-in shortcut but I can't believe that is why. I was able to change cmd-Q to ^-cmd-Q no problem and that is a default OS X shortcut. I was also able to change other built-in functions' shortcuts, just not this one.
    So what am I doing wrong? Has anybody been able to change this particular shortcut?

    OK I posted a link to this thread on that forum thread but I still think this is general enough that it could be answered in this forum.

  • How to send Ctrl+Tab after ItemName in UI

    Dear Developer,
    I would like to know how can I send Ctrl+Tab key after ItemName column of system documents. I working on a alternative CopyTo function and I need to copy modified ItemName on document.
    I tried as:
    but withou luck.
    Anyone has any idea?
    Thanks in advance.

    Check the following threads they would be of help,
    Changing an Items Description in Sales Document using UI
    how to catch ctrl+tab key down
    The specified item was not found.
    Capture Combination Key Strokes (ctrl+tab)
    Vasu Natari.

  • Subject: Tabs - Show tab previews in the Windows taskbar. For what ever reason, this option doesn't show up for me to select. Why, or was this feature moved or removed?

    I'm running FireFox 10 and I have Windows 7 Ultimate on my PC. I would like to have the ability to select an open tab from the Windows taskbar. For what ever reason, this option is not showing in the Tools - Options - Tabs window. So, I can't select it. Why? Has this feature been moved or removed?

    The "Show tab previews in the Windows taskbar" does not appear as an option. in Options - Tabs.
    I Toggled the browser.taskbar.previews to True in About:Config, but it made no difference.
    So, no go on either solution.
    I am running Windows Ultimate 64bit. I don't know if that makes a difference.

  • How to catch ctrl+tab key down

    Ok, in the ItemEvent class or pVal we have a CharPressed property, for tab i'm getting a 9 character number but how can I detect if the user is pressing ctrl+tab button, I can't find any property that tells me if the user is presing control. I'm using SBO 2005....

    Hi Giuseppe
    It sounds like you are looking for the ChooseFromList Object. Look at the SDK sample code <i><b>SAP Business One SDK\Samples\COM UI\VB.NET\17.ChooseFromList</b></i>. In the example they demonstrate using the ChooseFromList with CTRL+TAB as well.
    Hope this will help.
    Message was edited by: Louis Viljoen

  • Ctrl+tab is not working in editing mode

    I have JcheckBox and JTable in my JPanel. When user clicks or presses F2 to edit any cell value of the JTable a comboBox will appear with possible values. (This comboBox is coming from table CellEditor). When user presses ctrl+tab from the table focus should transfer to JComboBox all time. It is working only when the user presses ctrl+tab from the table cell which is not in editing mode. If the user presses ctrl+tab from the table cell which is in editing mode (i.e. focus is on the ComboBox of the cellEditor) it does not work. Please help me to find the solution.
    I give a sample code here for your reference.
    public class Frame1 extends JFrame {
    public Frame1()
    this.setLayout( null );
    this.setSize( new Dimension(400, 300) );
    JTextField ch = new JTextField();
    ch.setBounds(10, 10, 10, 10);
    this.add(ch, null);
    DefaultTableModel tmodel = new DefaultTableModel(3, 1);
    tmodel.setValueAt("0 0 1",0,0);
    tmodel.setValueAt("1 0 1",1,0);
    tmodel.setValueAt("2 0 1",2,0);
    JTable custLayersTable = new JTable(tmodel);
    setCellEditor(new ComboEditor());
    custLayersTable.setBounds(new Rectangle(40, 40, 280, 145));
    this.add(custLayersTable, null);
    public static void main(String[] args)
    Frame1 a = new Frame1();
    final class ComboEditor extends AbstractCellEditor
    implements TableCellEditor
    public Component getTableCellEditorComponent(JTable table,
    Object value,
    boolean isSelected,
    int row,
    int column)
    Vector<String> layerValSet = new Vector<String>();
    for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
    layerValSet.add(row+" "+column+" "+i);
    mComboModel = new DefaultComboBoxModel(layerValSet);
    mEditorComp = new JComboBox(mComboModel);
    return mEditorComp;
    public Object getCellEditorValue()
    return mEditorComp.getSelectedItem();
    private DefaultComboBoxModel mComboModel;
    private JComboBox mEditorComp;

    Thanks a lot for your reply.
    Since the textField is in a different class i could not use the transferFocus API directly. I tried the following code in the keyreleased event of Combo Box but it was not working.
    I also tried the following code in stopCellEditing and is not working.
    Is there any other way to achieve this?

  • Ctrl+Tab not working in Visual Studio 2013 in Remote Desktop

    My PC is W81, and I'm RDing into a W7 machine running Visual Studio 2013 SP4.
    When I press Ctrl+Tab (and hold), I very briefly see the usual editor window list come up, but it goes away and the editor does not switch.
    If I hold Ctrl+Tab and let the repeat start, the same thing happens in rapid succession, but the current tab still never changes.
    I have of course rebooted both client and server, and made sure my keyboard wasn't at fault and toggled all the keys.  No dice.

    Sorry, but that doesn't get me the original behavior, where I can tab through the list or double-tab, triple-tap TAB to visit the last, second to last, or third to last file I visited (or I could use the visual navigator).  I frequently use these commands,
    and it's really slowing me down.
    Can I please get an admission this is a bug and a commitment to fix it?

  • I deleted the sign-in tab in Ctrl-Tab 0.21.1. How do I get it back?

    I installed Ctrl-tab 0.21.1. Initially there were several tabs prefilled, one of which, was for sign-in. I made a mistake and deleted it and now I want to recover it. How do I do this? Thank you. Marsh

    I tried installing several times and it did not work. Each time I downloaded it, and restarted the computer it went back to the web site you gave to down load. Each time I checked the Ctrl-Tab and the sign-in was not listed. Now I have done some further checking in the profile and it shows a blue dot in default, but none in on or off. I don't know if that makes a difference. In fact, when I down loaded it there was no difference between what I had and after the down load. In other words, what tabs I had when I first installed the Ctrl-tab did not appear, only the ones that I added, minus the sign-in tab, which I inadvertently deleted. I did remove Ctrl-tab before doing all this. Another thing I noticed is after restarting the computer it goes back to down load, but I do not get any indication that it is being installed. I hope this helps. Bruson

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