CUCM installation failure

we want to install  Cisco Unified Connection Manager
on VM (VMware ESXi 5.1.0 build 1064113).
The installation failed with this error:
INSTALLATION FAILED - Make sure the serial port for this VM connected to a new empty file before continuing
even if we connect a temporary file the file is unreadable

Were you able to install CUCM 10? I just installed mine tonight. The installation seems to have gone well without issue. However, at the Linux prompt, none of the account I specified during the installation seems to work. I am wondering if there's a web site I need to use to login and if so what is that link? Lastly, how many CUCM instances do I need to install? I can I just make use of one CUCM or do I have to install a publisher and a subscriber?

Similar Messages

  • Failed to Install The New Preview Build. Installation Failure: Windows failed to install the following update with error 0x80246007: FBL_AWESOME1501 9926 Professional.

    I'm having issues upgrading my Windows 10 Technical Preview installation build 9879 to a newer build that's become available late January 23rd.
    I am installing the new upgrade in a Hyper-V virtual machine and get the following error:
    Failed to install the new preview build, please try again later. 0x80246007
    What could be the problem?
    Previously I've had messages that Windows cannot be upgraded on a computer with less than 2 Gbyte of RAM. That's a Hyper-V VM with dynamic memory and I was highly surprised to see this error; never had this before. Had to set 2048 Mbytes as a minimum memory
    for this VM. Now that I have this 80246007 error code.
    When looking up System log, the following error messages are listed multiple times:
    Installation Failure: Windows failed to install the following update with error 0x80246007: FBL_AWESOME1501 9926 Professional.
    The errors are returned for the Event ID 20 by WindowsUpdateClient
    in task category Windows Update Agent..
    I reviewed the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsSelfHost\Applicability
    registry key as suggested in Windows
    Insider stuck on build 9841 - "No new preview build was found", and here is what it shows:
    Note, when attempting to install the downloaded update from a native boot, installation starts with no errors.
    However, since setup is not supported for a natively booted VHD files, it does not proceed further showing a message that installation on virtual drives is not supported.  
    Looks like Setup is having problems installing in a Hyper-V virtual machine.
    Possibly, some ESD files got corrupted during downloading? Is it possible to remove them and re-download missing files? (I, however, noticed that Windows seems to re-download upgrade files after you restart 9879 and attempt to check for a new build.
    Any clue why installing under VM causes 9926 to fail?
    Thank you in advance.
    Well this is the world we live in And these are the hands we're given...

    According to the error message, this problem seems like update package installation failed during system upgrade.
    You can try to remove ESD file which locate at boot of C drive and upgrade the system again for test.
    On the other hand, make sure the system 9879 installed all Windows pushed updates before system upgrade.
    Roger Lu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Installation Failure: Windows failed to install the following update with error 0x800F0922

    Hi folks,
    I have a HP Elitebook Folio 9470p.  It came with Windows 8, and I installed it on my corporate domain.  I was trying to do some Windows updates so  I could upgrade it to Windows 8.1, but it fails installing the updates, whether or not I try
    to install them one at a time or all of them.  It has about 18 updates it needs from security updates to a .net framework update.  I run Symantec EP, and disabled it, checked for driver updates for things like display and networking and they are
    all up to date.
    I'm at a loss as to what to do.  It gives this error in the event log for each file, Event ID 20.
    Installation Failure: Windows failed to install the following update with error 0x800F0922: Security Update for Windows 8 for x64-based Systems (KB2862152).
    This is the example for KB2862152, but it gives the same error for every one.  I've tried to auto fix for Windows update issues and it fixed a couple of the issues, but not all of them, and provides no other help.
    I also deleted folders and files from the SoftwareDistribution folder as well, to no avail.  Any ideas what I can do to get whatever updates it needs, so I can fully patch it, and upgrade it to Win 8.1?
    Thanks for any help!

    Hi MM. Mr Kywildcat and Vegan Fan,
    GOOD NEW ! At this time, my issue is solved. The only black side is "how ?" : I hope that we will get a response some day ; however, and for in information  pnly - hoping this could help someone - I resume some actions which allowed this the happy end
    1) about installing 8.1 : I wanted to be sure that gain/pain ratio was positive, and that upgrading from a (potentially) damaged system would'nt produce something looking like a new Win 8.1, but difficult to maintain and keeping some negative potentialities.
    2) I was influenced by the fact that this
    0x800F0922  error acted as "a serial killerror", whose root cause could be a unique update error at reboot time concerning several (>20) packages, so I decided to test some manual upgrades.
    3)   Manual update (i.e. manual download and maunching of .msu packages) of the 2 following packages
    (whose update previously failed on a Windows Update) was successful : .NET Framework version 3.5 for  x64 (KB2898866) and Camera Codec Pack Windows 8 for x64 (KB2899190)
    4) So I decided to try Windows Update on a selection of packages, first : those concerning .Net Framework 3.5 and 4.5 (that is: KB2898866, 2901120, 2898865) --> Successful !
    5) finally, I selected almost all other packages, with some exceptions wich I (think to) have no need for : KB2871690, 2904659, 2843630. To be complete, here is the list of pakages updated one time at all :
    KB 2892074, 2893294, 2893984, 2909210, 2912390, 2916036, 2889784,2903938, 2911101, 2913152, 2917499
    --> always succesful.
    I am not a specialist, but I uess that this 0x800F0922 error hides another problem which is globally "H-RESULTED"
    to all updates pending in one update operation with reboot. This could be assumed from this CBS.log exterped from my last wrong attempts, where root cause seems not to be
    0x800f0922, but 0x80004003 :
    2014-02-15 21:29:13, Info                  CBS    Could not get active session for current session file logging [HRESULT = 0x80004003 - E_POINTER]
    2014-02-15 21:29:13, Info                  CBS    Not able to add pending.xml.bad to Windows Error Report. [HRESULT = 0x80070002 - ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND]
    2014-02-15 21:29:18, Error  CBS    Startup: Failed to process advanced operation queue, startupPhase: 0.  A rollback transaction will be created. [HRESULT = 0x800f0922 - CBS_E_INSTALLERS_FAILED]
    Anyway, thanks to you who spent some of your time to describe issues and search/ suggest solutions ; I will upgrade my system to 8.1 anyway, some of this day, when I am sure that my configuration does not hides some other problem. I thing that potential
    issue remains until maybe a new KB corrects it, wrong :-) ?
    And I hope that you - Mr Kywildcat - can upgrade your system on "current levels" trying similar attempts. 

  • Windows 8 installation failure with German language pack

    I have a Lenovo ThinkPad Edge E330 with Windows 8. We just received it over Xmas - nice product. Just one Thing so far: I can't get the German language pack installed. Language, Keyboard layout and other regional Settings are set to German. After downloading the German language pack through Language->German->options->Download and Install Language pack (German Language Pack - Windows 8 for x64-based Systems - (KB2607607) [de-DE_LP])I always run into the following error during the Installation (download seems to be fine, error happens after about 2/3 of the Installation - if you believe the Progress bar). From the Event Viewer:
    Installation Failure: Windows failed to install the following update with error 0x80070002: German Language Pack - Windows 8 for x64-based Systems - (KB2607607) [de-DE_LP].
    I already tried quite some stuff without success: no pending Upgrades, several reboots, switching off Firewall/anti-Virus, selective reboot just with Winodws Services and Startup stuff, ... No success.
    Does anybody have seen a similar Problem? Anybody with a solution to get the German language pack finally installed?
    Thanks in advance for your Support,
    [ Name]
    [ Guid]
    [ SystemTime]
    [ ProcessID]
    [ ThreadID]
    [ UserID]
    German Language Pack - Windows 8 for x64-based Systems - (KB2607607) [de-DE_LP]

    Hi SOL
    For more information , please find the below download link.
    Thank you
    please rate all useful information

  • Adobe Camera Raw 6.7 Installation Failure

    From Adobe Bridge CS5, I enter Help, then Updates.
    Adobe Application Manager informs me that I can update Adobe Camera Raw to 6.7.
    I click to install, the software is downloaded tha I get an Installation Failure message.
    When I click on 'Customer Support' on the screen, I am directed to ''.
    At no point during the installation was I asked for the serial number.

    Please confirm your ACR version from Help->About Plugin->Camera Raw and provide us with the following logs.
    You can find them at:
    ACR Installer logs
    For Mac:
    For Win:
    Program Files(x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Installers
    AAM logs
    For Mac:
    /Volumes/%Volume Name%/Users/%Username%/Library/Application Support/Adobe/AAMUpdater/1.0
    For Win:
    You can zip all the files together and send us through mail. This would help us in finding the root cause.
    Appreciate your help. Apologize for the inconvenience.
    [email protected]

  • Acrobat X pro installation failure

    I always have had problem with Acrobat installation.
    Last time it make me completely reinstalled Windows before I can successfully installed Acrobat. However, recently my Win 8.1 pro has had problem so I decided to reinstall Windows from scratch. Again, I encountered Acrobat installation failure.
    Here are the error messages:
    ERROR: Error 1324.The path R嶰up廨er un document num廨is?sur un multifonction.sequ or the volume is invalid. Please enter it again.
    ERROR: Install MSI payload failed with error: 1603 - Fatal error during installation.
    MSI Error message: Error 1324.The path R嶰up廨er un document num廨is?sur un multifonction.sequ or the volume is invalid. Please enter it again.
    ----------- Payload: {CA7C485C-7A89-11E1-B2C8-CD54B377BC52} Adobe Fireworks CS6 -----------
    WARNING: DF012: File/Folder does not exist at L:\Adobe CS6\payloads\AdobeFireworks12-mul\OEM(Seq 2141)
    ----------- Payload: {05E1E278-7A8D-11E1-A0B9-FC0245DB7244} Adobe Fireworks CS6_AdobeFireworks12en_USLanguagePack -----------
    WARNING: DF012: File/Folder does not exist at L:\Adobe CS6\payloads\AdobeFireworks12en_USLanguagePack\OEM(Seq 76)
    ----------- Payload: {4FAB339E-2132-434F-9376-9CD735E4C69C} Adobe Flash CS6 -----------
    ERROR: DR012: Setting Registry Value Failed. Error 5 Access is denied.(Seq 151)
    ERROR: DW050: The following payload errors were found during install:
    ERROR: DW050: - Acrobat Professional: Install failed
    Infact, the Creative Suite is the very few first applications I installed after Windows set up.
    Any clues on why this happens. I'm tired of reinstalling Windows again and again. But Acrobat is important for me.

    Errors "Exit Code: 6," "Exit Code: 7"

  • Itune installation failure

    I am having an installation failure issue with my itunes 11 software.  File is corrupted and i don't know what to do.  I've un-install and re-installed the software three times and continue to get the same error message.  It states that "This copy of ITunes is corrupted or is not installed correctly.  Please reinstall Itunes"

    I went a step further than before and got itunes running again.
    The Updater had also installed Quicktime.
    I launched quicktime, it appeared to be configuring and then launched. Then when I run Itunes now it is working...
    Hope this is your problem also.

  • Adobe Player for Embedding installation failure

    Multiple tries but only failure - have tried both the automatic update and also the standalone installer. Zero sucess. Since I have CS5 Master Collection hate to wate the better part of the day doing a clean re-install. Here is my most recent update log file.
    Any suggestions on what I should try are welcome!
    Visit for more information
    START - Installer Session
    RIBS version:
    Win OS version: 64 bit Type: 1
    ::START TIMER:: [Total Timer]
    CHECK: Single instance running
    CHECK : Credentials
    Load Deployment File
    deploymentFile option not given
    Create Required Folders
    Assuming install mode
    Looking up install source path
    Sync Media DB ...
    ::START TIMER:: [Sync Media DB]
    Pre check media db sync
    End of Pre check media db sync. Exit code: 0
    :: END TIMER :: [Sync Media DB] took 185.497 miliseconds (0.185497 seconds) DTR = 21.5637 KBPS (0.0210583 MBPS)
    Ready to initialize session to start with ...
    ::START TIMER:: [CreatePayloadSession]
    -------------------- BEGIN - Updating Media Sources - BEGIN --------------------
    Updated source path: C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobeAPE3_Win64_NoLocale\3.1\Setup
    Updating media info for: {F9997A85-B21A-48E4-9C8A-7E1352AB1C62}
    Ignoring original data since install source is local
      Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name:
      Path: C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobeAPE3_Win64_NoLocale\3.1\Setup\pay loads\AdobeAPE3_x64-mul-230810150122\Install.db
    --------------------  END  - Updating Media Sources -  END  --------------------
    Supported RIBS version range: [,]
    ----------------- CreatePayloadSession: machine is x64 ---------------
    [    4956] Sun Nov 14 07:48:25 2010  INFO
    ______ Verify Dependency Subscribers ______
    Overwrite property "extensionsOnly" to: 1
    Overwrite property "mode" to: silent
    Overwrite property "patchesOnly" to: 1
    Overwrite property "workflow" to: updater
    Found payload actions:
    Deciding what installer mode to use...
    BEGIN Setting requested payload actions
    Value returned on lookup of payload: {F9997A85-B21A-48E4-9C8A-7E1352AB1C62} Adobe Player for Embedding x64_3.1_AdobeAPE3_x64-mul is: false
    Action string for  {F9997A85-B21A-48E4-9C8A-7E1352AB1C62} Adobe Player for Embedding x64_3.1_AdobeAPE3_x64-mul  is install
    END Setting requested payload actions
    Collected advanced path check information for INSTALLDIR
    INSTALLDIR is a well-formed path
    INSTALLDIR is not the root path
    INSTALLDIR is on a local volume
    INSTALLDIR is on a writable volume
    INSTALLDIR is not on a case sensitive volume
    INSTALLDIR passed path basic path validation: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\APE\3.1
    [    4956] Sun Nov 14 07:48:26 2010  INFO
    Payloads passed preflight validation.
    Call PreSession Custom Hook
    Calling the custom action code for pre-install for payload {F9997A85-B21A-48E4-9C8A-7E1352AB1C62}
    ::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{F9997A85-B21A-48E4-9C8A-7E1352AB1C62}]
    [    5276] Sun Nov 14 07:48:26 2010  INFO
    Installer Operation: PayloadInstaller
    Request to install payload
    Extracting assets...
    Extracting assets complete. Number assets: 1
    CustomizedPatch property not found in database
    Beginning installation for payload at C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobeAPE3_Win64_NoLocale\3.1\Setup\pay loads\AdobeAPE3_x64-mul-230810150122\Install.db
    [    5276] Sun Nov 14 07:48:26 2010 ERROR
    6 Command ARKPatchCommand failed.
    [    5276] Sun Nov 14 07:48:26 2010  INFO
    Completing installation for payload at C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe\AAMUpdater\AdobeAPE3_Win64_NoLocale\3.1\Setup\pay loads\AdobeAPE3_x64-mul-230810150122\Install.db
    [    5276] Sun Nov 14 07:48:26 2010 ERROR
    6 Error rolling back command ARKPatchCommand
    [    4956] Sun Nov 14 07:48:27 2010  INFO
    *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 2 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*
    :: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{F9997A85-B21A-48E4-9C8A-7E1352AB1C62}] took 1024.22 miliseconds (1.02422 seconds) DTR = 3.90539 KBPS (0.00381386 MBPS)
    User specified overrideFile:
    Calling the ROLLBACK custom action code for pre-install for payload {F9997A85-B21A-48E4-9C8A-7E1352AB1C62} Adobe Player for Embedding x64_3.1_AdobeAPE3_x64-mul
    No operation.  We're done:
    Updating driver data - Action: Remove driver entry
    Updating driver data successful. Driver entry was removed. ARP estimated size 0KB
    [    4956] Sun Nov 14 07:48:29 2010  INFO
    Total components installed: 0
    Total components repaired: 0
    Total components removed: 0
    [    4956] Sun Nov 14 07:48:29 2010 ERROR
    The following payload errors were found during install:
    - Adobe Player for Embedding x64_3.1_AdobeAPE3_x64-mul: Install failed
    [    4956] Sun Nov 14 07:48:29 2010  INFO
    Call PostSession Custom Hook
    :: END TIMER :: [Total Timer] took 7290.45 miliseconds (7.29045 seconds) DTR = 144.298 KBPS (0.140916 MBPS)
    -------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------
    - 0 fatal error(s), 4 error(s), 0 warning(s)
    ERROR: 6 Command ARKPatchCommand failed.
    ERROR: 6 Error rolling back command ARKPatchCommand
    ERROR: The following payload errors were found during install:
    ERROR:  - Adobe Player for Embedding x64_3.1_AdobeAPE3_x64-mul: Install failed
    Search the same string above to find when the error occured.
    Exit Code: 7 - Unable to complete Silent workflow
    END - Installer Session

    As an update to my previous post about the installation failure.  I chatted with Adobe Customer Service but they were unable to help and told me to call tech support - last time I did that I was unable to resolve the problem after spending about 2 hours on the phone and they are only open during the week.
    I solved the problem by:
    1) Deactiviating CS5 Master Collection on my computer
    2) Uninstalling the software from the control panel (I did not remove the serial number as I was planning on re-installing.
    3) Downloading and running the Adobe CS5 Cleanup tool.
    4) Reinstalling CS5 MC.
    5) Downloading and installing all of the updates to bring the install up to date.
    I am glad it is working as it should but really had better things to do with the 4-5 hours this took to do. Would be nice to have a tool to fix these types of problem without having to go thru the above especially considering the price the software costs...

  • Installation Error DW050: Adobe Illustrator CS5.1: failed due to language pack installation failure

    I recently got a macbook Air and needed to reinstall my adobe creative suite to said new computer. I purchased creative suite online so I downloaded it from there and followed the installation instructions to a T.
    I originally purchased Adobe Creative Suite in 2011 so it is version CS5.1
    Everything installed successfully except Adobe Illustrator, which at the end left me this error message
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Illustrator CS5.1_AdobeIllustrator15_1en_USLanguagePack: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Illustrator CS5.1: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure
    how can I get illustrator on my computer?!
    Hoping to sell my previous computer soon and I'm almost done transferring programs and photographs.
    Thanks so much!

    Which language is the application?
    Which language is your system?
    Which system?

  • I am having an installation failure issue with my itunes 11 software.  File is corrupted and i don't know what to do.  I've un-install and re-installed the software three times and continue to get the same error message.  It states that "This copy of ITun

    I am having an installation failure issue with my itunes 11 software.  File is corrupted and i don't know what to do.  I've un-install and re-installed the software three times and continue to get the same error message.  It states that "This copy of ITunes is corrupted or is not installed correctly.  Please reinstall Itunes"
    iMac, iOS 6

    If your old version of iTunes is still working - then I sugest you stick with that.
    iTunes 11 is a lousy update - It will not retain your playlists, you can't find and delete duplicates... and a whole arry of oyher issues. (have a look around this forum to see how many issues IT11 gives people)
    Just a friendly advise and warning :-)

  • CS6 Installation Failure - Adobe Genuine Software Verification Error

    I am trying to install CS6 as a trial version on my Windows8 laptop but keep being told that my software is counterfeit (" Installation Failure - Adobe Genuine Software Verification Error").
    I have uninstalled and re-downloaded it with no success, and the only forum post i can see on this suggests checking the date/time on the PC are correct (which they are).
    Any further ideas?  
    Many thanks

    Thanks very much for replying Mylenium - i found this before but it only contains a link to photoshopCC rather than CS6 unless I have missed it??.    I have bought a licence for the student/teacher edition of CS6 (which I am still waiting for) so presume that downloading photoshop CC wont work.  
    I have also tried the 'troubleshoot' link provided but couldnt find anything specific to this error.
    Has anyone successfully resolved this problem for CS6?

  • CS6 installation failure on OsX 10.6

    On OsX 10.6.8 I keep getting a "Some items for the following product(s) could not be installed successfully.
    And the error logs read as:
    Exit Code: 6
    Please see specific errors and warnings below for troubleshooting. For example,  ERROR: DF024, DW063 ... WARNING: DS013 ...
    -------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------
    - 0 fatal error(s), 16 error(s), 2 warning(s)
    WARNING: DS013: Payload {A8798E04-96FF-4564-9157-0D4C89CB794C} DynamiclinkSupport is already installed and the session payload {DE88AA40-6766-43D3-A755-8FC374B3D2C3} DynamiclinkSupport has no upgrade/conflict relationship with it.
    WARNING: DS013: Checking payloads upgrade/conflict relationships : Failed with code 1
    ----------- Payload: {0C4E7429-E920-4125-980E-029A87AE0A4D} AdobeColorCommonSetCMYK CS6 -----------
    ERROR: DF024: Unable to preserve original file at "/Library/ColorSync/Profiles/Profiles" (Seq 21)
    ERROR: DW063: Command ARKDeleteFileCommand failed.(Seq 21)
    ----------- Payload: {C7B1C1B3-368D-4C32-A818-83F1554EB398} AdobeColorCommonSetRGB CS6 -----------
    ERROR: DF024: Unable to preserve original file at "/Library/ColorSync/Profiles/Profiles" (Seq 11)
    ERROR: DW063: Command ARKDeleteFileCommand failed.(Seq 11)
    ----------- Payload: {48623899-C152-457D-9B30-1F957332AC2F} AdobeColorPhotoshop CS6 -----------
    ERROR: DF024: Unable to preserve original file at "/Library/ColorSync/Profiles/Profiles" (Seq 3)
    ERROR: DW063: Command ARKDeleteFileCommand failed.(Seq 3)
    ----------- Payload: {78E38D75-4D92-4F6E-B631-17A436BED680} AdobeColorVideoProfilesCS CS6 -----------
    ERROR: DF024: Unable to preserve original file at "/Library/ColorSync/Profiles/Profiles" (Seq 5)
    ERROR: DW063: Command ARKDeleteFileCommand failed.(Seq 5)
    ----------- Payload: {D6EB6A94-D753-4C22-AD43-4ACB04D4B7B8} Adobe Photoshop CS6 Core -----------
    ERROR: DF024: Unable to preserve original file at "/Library/ColorSync/Profiles/Profiles" (Seq 2260)
    ERROR: DW063: Command ARKDeleteFileCommand failed.(Seq 2260)
    ERROR: DW050: The following payload errors were found during install:
    ERROR: DW050:  - AdobeColorCommonSetCMYK CS6: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - AdobeColorPhotoshop CS6: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Photoshop CS6 English Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop13-en_US: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - AdobeColorVideoProfilesCS CS6: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - AdobeColorCommonSetRGB CS6: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Photoshop CS6 Core: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure

    I have  the same problem trying to install to a Mac Mini
    Installation ended with following:
    Error summary as follows:
    Exit Code: 6
    Please see specific errors and warnings below for troubleshooting. For example,  ERROR: DF024, DW063 ... WARNING: DS013 ...
    -------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------
    - 0 fatal error(s), 16 error(s), 3 warning(s)
    WARNING: DS013: Payload {1A1E5FF9-D0FD-42A3-8E18-E5E7E95E1AB4} DynamiclinkSupport is already installed and the session payload {DE88AA40-6766-43D3-A755-8FC374B3D2C3} DynamiclinkSupport has no upgrade/conflict relationship with it.
    WARNING: DS013: Payload {A8798E04-96FF-4564-9157-0D4C89CB794C} DynamiclinkSupport is already installed and the session payload {DE88AA40-6766-43D3-A755-8FC374B3D2C3} DynamiclinkSupport has no upgrade/conflict relationship with it.
    WARNING: DS013: Checking payloads upgrade/conflict relationships : Failed with code 1
    ----------- Payload: {0C4E7429-E920-4125-980E-029A87AE0A4D} AdobeColorCommonSetCMYK CS6 -----------
    ERROR: DF024: Unable to preserve original file at "/Library/ColorSync/Profiles/Profiles" (Seq 21)
    ERROR: DW063: Command ARKDeleteFileCommand failed.(Seq 21)
    ----------- Payload: {C7B1C1B3-368D-4C32-A818-83F1554EB398} AdobeColorCommonSetRGB CS6 -----------
    ERROR: DF024: Unable to preserve original file at "/Library/ColorSync/Profiles/Profiles" (Seq 11)
    ERROR: DW063: Command ARKDeleteFileCommand failed.(Seq 11)
    ----------- Payload: {48623899-C152-457D-9B30-1F957332AC2F} AdobeColorPhotoshop CS6 -----------
    ERROR: DF024: Unable to preserve original file at "/Library/ColorSync/Profiles/Profiles" (Seq 3)
    ERROR: DW063: Command ARKDeleteFileCommand failed.(Seq 3)
    ----------- Payload: {78E38D75-4D92-4F6E-B631-17A436BED680} AdobeColorVideoProfilesCS CS6 -----------
    ERROR: DF024: Unable to preserve original file at "/Library/ColorSync/Profiles/Profiles" (Seq 5)
    ERROR: DW063: Command ARKDeleteFileCommand failed.(Seq 5)
    ----------- Payload: {D6EB6A94-D753-4C22-AD43-4ACB04D4B7B8} Adobe Photoshop CS6 Core -----------
    ERROR: DF024: Unable to preserve original file at "/Library/ColorSync/Profiles/Profiles" (Seq 2260)
    ERROR: DW063: Command ARKDeleteFileCommand failed.(Seq 2260)
    ERROR: DW050: The following payload errors were found during install:
    ERROR: DW050:  - AdobeColorCommonSetCMYK CS6: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - AdobeColorPhotoshop CS6: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Photoshop CS6 English Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop13-en_US: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - AdobeColorVideoProfilesCS CS6: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - AdobeColorCommonSetRGB CS6: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Photoshop CS6 Core: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure
    I was able to install on an earlier version Mini with OS 10.7.3 and an Intel Core 2 duo.
    Pretty frustrated...

  • Photoshop CS6 installation failure Mac

    I keep getting the installation failure error on my newly-purchased CS6 installation that I downloaded off the internet.  It is fatal error "Exit Code: 34".  I uninstalled all the previous versions of Photoshop that I had, including trial versions, and close all the programs when installing this, but the problem persists.  Seems like the same issue as in this thread: but no answer or solution is provided there.  Can anyone help please?

    Troubleshoot with install logs
    If it hangs on the fonts, you wil lhave to manually remove the Adobe fonts from previous versions.

  • Photoshop CS6 installation failure dialog

    I get the following Photoshop CS6 installation failure dialog box
    Installation Failed
    Your installation encountered errors.
    A conflicting or prerelease version of Adobe Photoshop CS6 exists on this computer. The conflicting version must be removed before installing from the current media.
    If the problem persists, please contact Customer Support for further assistance.
    I've searched and found no reference to this in you FAQ
    Are there specific files I should remover? What should I do?

    first uninstall ps cs6, if it is installed.
    then, run the cleaner:
    then reinstall.

  • PSE9 for Mac - Installation Failure Exit Code: 7

    I get the following message when I try to install (either from disk or from downloaded trial version):
    Exit Code: 7
    -------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------
    - 0 fatal error(s), 16 error(s), 12 warning(s)
    WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    ERROR: 6952 Unable to preserve original file at "/Library/Fonts/MyriadWebPro-Italic.ttf" Error 0
    ERROR: 6952 Command ARKDeleteFileCommand failed.
    ERROR: The following payload errors were found during install:
    ERROR:  - Adobe WinSoft Linguistics Plugin CS5: Install failed
    ERROR:  - Elements Camera Raw: Install failed
    ERROR:  - Elements 9 Organizer: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure
    ERROR:  - Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit CS5: Install failed
    ERROR:  - Adobe XMP Panels CS5: Install failed
    ERROR:  - AdobeTypeSupport CS5: Install failed
    ERROR:  - AdobeHelp: Install failed
    ERROR:  - Elements 9 Organizer_AdobeElements9Organizer_en_US: Install failed
    ERROR:  - Adobe Linguistics CS5: Install failed
    ERROR:  - Elements Inspiration Browser: Install failed
    ERROR:  - AdobeCMaps CS5: Install failed
    ERROR:  - Adobe Photoshop Elements 9_LangPacken_US: Install failed
    ERROR:  - Adobe Photoshop Elements 9: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure
    I have tried all the suggestions that I found in other topics, but am still unable to install PSE 9.
    This seems to be a problem for other users.
    Is there a solution?

    Look for this file or folder on your machine:
    "<Macintosh HD>/Library/Fonts/MyriadWebPro-Italic.ttf"
    Is there a folder named MyriadWebPro-Italic inside the Fonts folder? Is the file MyriadWebPro-Italic.ttf already existing within this folder?
    In both the cases, delete this file/folder and try to install PSE again.
    Hope this helps. Let me know.

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