Currency in Select Query

Hi Friends,
I have a report that has a select option for a currency and currency key. In my query;
select * from ztable
zcurr in so_curr
and zcurrkey in so_ckey.
In my ztable there is record. In this record zcurr is 123,00  and currency key is USD. But normally, we know that this is in real 1,2300 USD.
I can not give so_curr as 1,2300, it gives an error that value should be _ _ . _ . _ . _ format. It needs maximum 2 digits after comma. What is the normaly way of this query? What are your suggestion while reporting with currency fields? Is it not possible to create a query with 4 digits.

You declaration is correct, but use WRITE TO... it will work
You can try this declaration.
DATA : num type p decimals 2.
Reward points if useful.

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  • Needed help to improve the performance of a select query?

    I have been preparing a report which involves data to be fetched from 4 to 5 different tables and calculation has to performed on some columns also,
    i planned to write a single cursor to populate 1 temp table.i have used INLINE VIEW,EXISTS more frequently in the select query..please go through the query and suggest me a better way to restructure the query.
    cursor c_acc_pickup_incr(p_branch_code varchar2, p_applDate date, p_st_dt date, p_ed_dt date) is
    select sca.branch_code "BRANCH",
    sca.cust_ac_no "ACCOUNT",
    to_char(p_applDate, 'YYYYMM') "YEARMONTH",
    sca.ccy "CURRENCY",
    sca.account_class "PRODUCT",
    sca.cust_no "CUSTOMER",
    sca.ac_desc "DESCRIPTION",
    null "LOW_BAL",
    null "HIGH_BAL",
    null "AVG_CR_BAL",
    null "AVG_DR_BAL",
    null "CR_DAYS",
    null "DR_DAYS",
    --null                                 "CR_TURNOVER",       
    --null                                 "DR_TURNOVER",       
    null "DR_OD_DAYS",
    (select sum(gf.limit_amount * (scal.linkage_percentage / 100)) +
    (case when (p_applDate >= sca.tod_limit_start_date and
    p_applDate <= nvl(sca.tod_limit_end_date, p_applDate)) then
    sca.tod_limit else 0 end) dd
    from getm_facility gf, sttm_cust_account_linkages scal
    where gf.line_code || gf.line_serial = scal.linked_ref_no
    and cust_ac_no = sca.cust_ac_no) "OD_LIMIT",
    --sc.credit_rating                      "CR_GRADE",        
    null "AVG_NET_BAL",
    null "UNAUTH_OD_AMT",
    sca.acy_blocked_amount "AMT_BLOCKED",
    (select sum(amt)
    from ictb_entries_history ieh
    where ieh.acc = sca.cust_ac_no
    and ieh.brn = sca.branch_code
    and ieh.drcr = 'D'
    and ieh.liqn = 'Y'
    and ieh.entry_passed = 'Y'
    and ieh.ent_dt between p_st_dt and p_ed_dt
    and exists (
    select * from ictm_pr_int ipi, ictm_rule_frm irf
    where ipi.product_code =
    and ipi.rule = irf.rule_id
    and irf.book_flag = 'B')) "DR_INTEREST",
    (select sum(amt)
    from ictb_entries_history ieh
    where ieh.acc = sca.cust_ac_no
    and ieh.brn = sca.branch_code
    and ieh.drcr = 'C'
    and ieh.liqn = 'Y'
    and ieh.entry_passed = 'Y'
    and ieh.ent_dt between p_st_dt and p_ed_dt
    and exists (
    select * from ictm_pr_int ipi, ictm_rule_frm irf
    where ipi.product_code =
    and ipi.rule = irf.rule_id
    and irf.book_flag = 'B')) "CR_INTEREST",
    (select sum(amt) from ictb_entries_history ieh
    where ieh.brn = sca.branch_code
    and ieh.acc = sca.cust_ac_no
    and ieh.ent_dt between p_st_dt and p_ed_dt
    and exists (
    select product_code
    from ictm_product_definition ipd
    where ipd.product_code =
    and ipd.product_type = 'C')) "FEE_INCOME",
    sca.record_stat "ACC_STATUS",
    case when (trunc(sca.ac_open_date,'MM') = trunc(p_applDate,'MM')
    and not exists (select 1
    from ictm_tdpayin_details itd
    where itd.multimode_payopt = 'Y'
    and itd.brn = sca.branch_code
    and itd.acc = sca.cust_ac_no
    and itd.multimode_offset_brn is not null
    and itd.multimode_tdoffset_acc is not null))
    then 1 else 0 end "NEW_ACC_FOR_THE_MONTH",
    case when (trunc(sca.ac_open_date,'MM') = trunc(p_applDate,'MM')
    and trunc(sc.cif_creation_date,'MM') = trunc(p_applDate,'MM')
    and not exists (select 1
    from ictm_tdpayin_details itd
    where itd.multimode_payopt = 'Y'
    and itd.brn = sca.branch_code
    and itd.acc = sca.cust_ac_no
    and itd.multimode_offset_brn is not null
    and itd.multimode_tdoffset_acc is not null))
    then 1 else 0 end "NEW_ACC_FOR_NEW_CUST",
    (select 1 from dual
    where exists (select 1 from ictm_td_closure_renew itcr
    where itcr.brn = sca.branch_code
    and itcr.acc = sca.cust_ac_no
    and itcr.renewal_date = sysdate)
    or exists (select 1 from ictm_tdpayin_details itd
    where itd.multimode_payopt = 'Y'
    and itd.brn = sca.branch_code
    and itd.acc = sca.cust_ac_no
    and itd.multimode_offset_brn is not null
    and itd.multimode_tdoffset_acc is not null)) "RENEWED_OR_ROLLOVER",
    (select maturity_date from ictm_acc ia
    where ia.brn = sca.branch_code
    and ia.acc = sca.cust_ac_no) "MATURITY_DATE",
    sca.ac_stat_no_dr "DR_DISALLOWED",
    sca.ac_stat_no_cr "CR_DISALLOWED",
    sca.ac_stat_block                     "BLOCKED_ACC",       Not Reqd
    sca.ac_stat_dormant "DORMANT_ACC",
    sca.ac_stat_stop_pay "STOP_PAY_ACC", --New
    sca.ac_stat_frozen "FROZEN_ACC",
    sca.ac_open_date "ACC_OPENING_DT",
    sca.address1 "ADD_LINE_1",
    sca.address2 "ADD_LINE_2",
    sca.address3 "ADD_LINE_3",
    sca.address4 "ADD_LINE_4",
    sca.joint_ac_indicator "JOINT_ACC",
    sca.acy_avl_bal "CR_BAL",
    0 "DR_BAL",
    0 "CR_BAL_LCY", t
    0 "DR_BAL_LCY",
    null "YTD_CR_MOVEMENT",
    null "YTD_DR_MOVEMENT",
    null "MTD_CR_MOVEMENT",
    null "MTD_DR_MOVEMENT",
    'N' "BRANCH_TRFR", --New
    sca.provision_amount "PROVISION_AMT",
    sca.account_type "ACCOUNT_TYPE",
    nvl(sca.tod_limit, 0) "TOD_LIMIT",
    nvl(sca.sublimit, 0) "SUB_LIMIT",
    nvl(sca.tod_limit_start_date, global.min_date) "TOD_START_DATE",
    nvl(sca.tod_limit_end_date, global.max_date) "TOD_END_DATE"
    from sttm_cust_account sca, sttm_customer sc
    where sca.branch_code = p_branch_code
    and sca.cust_no = sc.customer_no
    and ( exists (select 1 from actb_daily_log adl
    where adl.ac_no = sca.cust_ac_no
    and adl.ac_branch = sca.branch_code
    and adl.trn_dt = p_applDate
    and adl.auth_stat = 'A')
    or exists (select 1 from catm_amount_blocks cab
    where cab.account = sca.cust_ac_no
    and cab.branch = sca.branch_code
    and cab.effective_date = p_applDate
    and cab.auth_stat = 'A')
    or exists (select 1 from ictm_td_closure_renew itcr
    where itcr.acc = sca.cust_ac_no
    and itcr.brn = sca.branch_code
    and itcr.renewal_date = p_applDate)
    or exists (select 1 from sttm_ac_stat_change sasc
    where sasc.cust_ac_no = sca.cust_ac_no
    and sasc.branch_code = sca.branch_code
    and sasc.status_change_date = p_applDate
    and sasc.auth_stat = 'A')
    or exists (select 1 from cstb_acc_brn_trfr_log cabtl
    where cabtl.branch_code = sca.branch_code
    and cabtl.cust_ac_no = sca.cust_ac_no
    and cabtl.process_status = 'S'
    and cabtl.process_date = p_applDate)
    or exists (select 1 from sttbs_provision_history sph
    where sph.branch_code = sca.branch_code
    and sph.cust_ac_no = sca.cust_ac_no
    and sph.esn_date = p_applDate)
    or exists (select 1 from sttms_cust_account_dormancy scad
    where scad.branch_code = sca.branch_code
    and scad.cust_ac_no = sca.cust_ac_no
    and scad.dormancy_start_dt = p_applDate)
    or sca.maker_dt_stamp = p_applDate
    or sca.status_since = p_applDate
    l_tb_acc_det ty_tb_acc_det_int;
    l_brnrec cvpks_utils.rec_brnlcy;
    l_acbr_lcy sttms_branch.branch_lcy%type;
    l_lcy_amount actbs_daily_log.lcy_amount%type;
    l_xrate number;
    l_dt_rec sttm_dates%rowtype;
    l_acc_rec sttm_cust_account%rowtype;
    l_acc_stat_row ty_r_acc_stat;
    Edited by: user13710379 on Jan 7, 2012 12:18 AM

    I see it more like shown below (possibly with no inline selects
    Try to get rid of the remaining inline selects ( left as an exercise ;) )
    and rewrite traditional joins as ansi joins as problems might arise using mixed syntax as I have to leave so I don't have time to complete the query
    select sca.branch_code "BRANCH",
           sca.cust_ac_no "ACCOUNT",
           to_char(p_applDate, 'YYYYMM') "YEARMONTH",
           sca.ccy "CURRENCY",
           sca.account_class "PRODUCT",
           sca.cust_no "CUSTOMER",
           sca.ac_desc "DESCRIPTION",
           null "LOW_BAL",
           null "HIGH_BAL",
           null "AVG_CR_BAL",
           null "AVG_DR_BAL",
           null "CR_DAYS",
           null "DR_DAYS",
    --     null "CR_TURNOVER",
    --     null "DR_TURNOVER",
           null "DR_OD_DAYS",
           w.dd "OD_LIMIT",
    --     sc.credit_rating "CR_GRADE",
           null "AVG_NET_BAL",
           null "UNAUTH_OD_AMT",
           sca.acy_blocked_amount "AMT_BLOCKED",
           x.dr_int "DR_INTEREST",
           x.cr_int "CR_INTEREST",
           y.fee_amt "FEE_INCOME",
           sca.record_stat "ACC_STATUS",
           case when trunc(sca.ac_open_date,'MM') = trunc(p_applDate,'MM')
                 and not exists(select 1
                                  from ictm_tdpayin_details itd
                                 where itd.multimode_payopt = 'Y'
                                   and itd.brn = sca.branch_code
                                   and itd.acc = sca.cust_ac_no
                                   and itd.multimode_offset_brn is not null
                                   and itd.multimode_tdoffset_acc is not null
                then 1
                else 0
           end "NEW_ACC_FOR_THE_MONTH",
           case when (trunc(sca.ac_open_date,'MM') = trunc(p_applDate,'MM')
                 and trunc(sc.cif_creation_date,'MM') = trunc(p_applDate,'MM')
                 and not exists(select 1
                                  from ictm_tdpayin_details itd
                                 where itd.multimode_payopt = 'Y'
                                   and itd.brn = sca.branch_code
                                   and itd.acc = sca.cust_ac_no
                                   and itd.multimode_offset_brn is not null
                                   and itd.multimode_tdoffset_acc is not null
                then 1
                else 0
           end "NEW_ACC_FOR_NEW_CUST",
           (select 1 from dual
             where exists(select 1
                            from ictm_td_closure_renew itcr
                           where itcr.brn = sca.branch_code
                             and itcr.acc = sca.cust_ac_no
                             and itcr.renewal_date = sysdate
                or exists(select 1
                            from ictm_tdpayin_details itd
                           where itd.multimode_payopt = 'Y'
                             and itd.brn = sca.branch_code
                             and itd.acc = sca.cust_ac_no
                             and itd.multimode_offset_brn is not null
                             and itd.multimode_tdoffset_acc is not null
           ) "RENEWED_OR_ROLLOVER",
           m.maturity_date "MATURITY_DATE",
           sca.ac_stat_no_dr "DR_DISALLOWED",
           sca.ac_stat_no_cr "CR_DISALLOWED",
    --     sca.ac_stat_block "BLOCKED_ACC", --Not Reqd
           sca.ac_stat_dormant "DORMANT_ACC",
           sca.ac_stat_stop_pay "STOP_PAY_ACC", --New
           sca.ac_stat_frozen "FROZEN_ACC",
           sca.ac_open_date "ACC_OPENING_DT",
           sca.address1 "ADD_LINE_1",
           sca.address2 "ADD_LINE_2",
           sca.address3 "ADD_LINE_3",
           sca.address4 "ADD_LINE_4",
           sca.joint_ac_indicator "JOINT_ACC",
           sca.acy_avl_bal "CR_BAL",
           0 "DR_BAL",
           0 "CR_BAL_LCY", t
           0 "DR_BAL_LCY",
           null "YTD_CR_MOVEMENT",
           null "YTD_DR_MOVEMENT",
           null "YTD_CR_MOVEMENT_LCY",
           null "YTD_DR_MOVEMENT_LCY",
           null "MTD_CR_MOVEMENT",
           null "MTD_DR_MOVEMENT",
           null "MTD_CR_MOVEMENT_LCY",
           null "MTD_DR_MOVEMENT_LCY",
           'N' "BRANCH_TRFR", --New
           sca.provision_amount "PROVISION_AMT",
           sca.account_type "ACCOUNT_TYPE",
           nvl(sca.tod_limit, 0) "TOD_LIMIT",
           nvl(sca.sublimit, 0) "SUB_LIMIT",
           nvl(sca.tod_limit_start_date, global.min_date) "TOD_START_DATE",
           nvl(sca.tod_limit_end_date, global.max_date) "TOD_END_DATE"
      from sttm_cust_account sca,
           sttm_customer sc,
           (select sca.cust_ac_no
                   sum(gf.limit_amount * (scal.linkage_percentage / 100)) +
                       case when p_applDate >= sca.tod_limit_start_date
                             and p_applDate <= nvl(sca.tod_limit_end_date, p_applDate)
                            then sca.tod_limit else 0
                      ) dd
              from sttm_cust_account sca
                   getm_facility gf,
                   sttm_cust_account_linkages scal
             where gf.line_code || gf.line_serial = scal.linked_ref_no
               and cust_ac_no = sca.cust_ac_no
             group by sca.cust_ac_no
           ) w,
           (select acc,
                   sum(decode(drcr,'D',amt)) dr_int,
                   sum(decode(drcr,'C',amt)) cr_int
              from ictb_entries_history ieh
             where ent_dt between p_st_dt and p_ed_dt
               and drcr in ('C','D')
               and liqn = 'Y'
               and entry_passed = 'Y'
               and exists(select null
                            from ictm_pr_int ipi,
                                 ictm_rule_frm irf
                           where ipi.rule = irf.rule_id
                             and ipi.product_code = 
                             and irf.book_flag = 'B'
             group by acc,brn
           ) x,
           (select acc,
                   sum(amt) fee_amt
              from ictb_entries_history ieh
             where ieh.ent_dt between p_st_dt and p_ed_dt
               and exists(select product_code
                            from ictm_product_definition ipd
                           where ipd.product_code =
                             and ipd.product_type = 'C'
             group by acc,brn
           ) y,
           ictm_acc m,
           (select sca.cust_ac_no,
                           ) existence
              from sttm_cust_account sca
                   left outer join
                   (select ac_no,ac_branch
                      from actb_daily_log
                     where trn_dt = p_applDate
                       and auth_stat = 'A'
                   ) t1
                on (sca.cust_ac_no = t1.ac_no
               and  sca.branch_code = t1.ac_branch
                   left outer join
                   (select account,account
                      from catm_amount_blocks
                     where effective_date = p_applDate
                       and auth_stat = 'A'
                   ) t2
                on (sca.cust_ac_no = t2.account
               and  sca.branch_code = t2.branch
                   left outer join
                   (select acc,brn
                      from ictm_td_closure_renew itcr
                     where renewal_date = p_applDate
                   ) t3
                on (sca.cust_ac_no = t3.acc
               and  sca.branch_code = t3.brn
                   left outer join
                   (select cust_ac_no,branch_code
                      from sttm_ac_stat_change
                     where status_change_date = p_applDate
                       and auth_stat = 'A'
                   ) t4
                on (sca.cust_ac_no = t4.cust_ac_no
               and  sca.branch_code = t4.branch_code
                   left outer join
                   (select cust_ac_no,branch_code
                      from cstb_acc_brn_trfr_log
                     where process_date = p_applDate
                       and process_status = 'S'
                   ) t5
                on (sca.cust_ac_no = t5.cust_ac_no
               and  sca.branch_code = t5.branch_code
                   left outer join
                   (select cust_ac_no,branch_code
                      from sttbs_provision_history
                     where esn_date = p_applDate
                   ) t6
                on (sca.cust_ac_no = t6.cust_ac_no
               and  sca.branch_code = t6.branch_code
                   left outer join
                   (select cust_ac_no,branch_code
                      from sttms_cust_account_dormancy
                     where dormancy_start_dt = p_applDate
                   ) t7
                on (sca.cust_ac_no = t7.cust_ac_no
               and  sca.branch_code = t7.branch_code
           ) z
    where sca.branch_code = p_branch_code
       and sca.cust_no = sc.customer_no
       and sca.cust_ac_no = w.cust_ac_no
       and sca.cust_ac_no = x.acc
       and sca.branch_code = x.brn
       and sca.cust_ac_no = y.acc
       and sca.branch_code = y.brn
       and sca.cust_ac_no = m.acc
       and sca.branch_code = m.brn
       and sca.cust_ac_no =
       and sca.branch_code = z.branch_code
       and z.existence is not nullRegards

  • How to truncate a field in a Select Query

    Hello Gurus,
    I am new in SAP, i have a question i am making an appointment letter in SMARTFORMS , in global declaration (initialization) i am using a select query
    where BET01 is the Amount field which is getting printed in the smart form but its takes 5 to 6 character blank spaces in the printing time, i want to truncate this space (remove this space ) in the print time , please tell me how to remove this space , the field size is 13 , how can i reduce the field size in my smartform query. please help . G_BET01 is a variable

    Maybe you can use this.
    DATA: d_char(15).
    'Then you can remove the spaces using :
    CONDENSE d_char no-gaps.

  • Regarding SELECT query

    Dear experts,
    Is there a way for the following SELECT query to be improved?
    The problem that I'm seeing here is that the same table (l_item_tab) is being queried twice in the SELECT query (due to the "table joins", a and b). How can I improve the data retrieval here? And I also can't change the SELECT query to be out of the loop - ledger is a select-option and multiple values are possible.
    * Get Ledger
      SELECT * FROM t881 INTO TABLE lt_t881
        WHERE rldnr IN s_rldnr.
      LOOP AT lt_t881.
    *   Get FI-SL user-defined item table based on ledger
        PERFORM get_sl_item_tab USING lt_t881-rldnr CHANGING l_item_tab.
      " L_ITEM_TAB is populated here
    *   Get SL line items
        FROM (l_item_tab) AS a
            rldnr         IN s_rldnr             " Ledger
        AND rbukrs        IN s_bukrs             " Company code
        AND ryyrkeg_wwsub IN s_wwsub             " Subsystem
        AND racct         IN s_racct             " Account no
        AND ryymac        IN s_yymac             " Management area
        AND rtcur         IN s_rtcur             " Trx currency
        AND docnr         IN s_docnr             " Doc. number
        AND docty         IN s_docty             " Doc. type
        AND docct         EQ c_docct_l           " Doc. category (L = Local)
        AND ryear         IN s_ryear             " Fiscal year
        AND budat         IN s_budat             " Posting date
        AND yystodt       IN s_stodt             " Reversal date
        AND yystgrd       IN s_stgrd             " Reversal reason
        AND yyintref      IN s_intref            " Interface ID
        AND NOT exists
          ( SELECT * FROM (l_item_tab) AS b
                 b~rldnr    = a~rldnr     AND
                 b~docnr    = a~docnr     AND
                 b~rbukrs   = a~rbukrs    AND
           ( ( ( b~docct    = c_docct_y
              OR b~docct    = c_docct_x ) AND
                 b~refryear = a~ryear )   OR
             ( ( b~docct    = c_docct_u
              OR b~docct    = c_docct_t ) AND
                 b~ryear    = a~ryear ) )
    Edited by: Rob Burbank on Jun 23, 2010 12:33 PM

    Siegfried Boes wrote:
    > > Will certainly try this out too..
    > maybe you should think twice .... The usage of a subselect is that the result set is not transferred to the application server it is only needed
    > during the selection.
    > You should anser the following questions:
    > + who wrote the code? you or? I get the impression that you don't know what is intended.
    > + SQL Trace, what are the numbers for repeated executions, (go to summary by SQL statement), duration, execution, records
    > + how many different tables are accessed, l_item_tab is dynamic
    > + what knid of tables are accessed?
    > Siegfried
    Hi Siegfried,
    - The codes are currently existing ones and they were not written by me too. I just do know that the first / main SELECT statement in the query is for retrieving FI special ledger line item data records, while the second / sub SELECT statement is to ensure that the line item data records are not already reversed, and not a reversal.
    - In the summarized SQL trace of a sample test run: executions = 1, identical executions = 0, duration = 700247324 (almost 100% of the total processing durations), records = 0 (there should be more records returned in an actual production run)
    - Only one table, ZZGLV4A (custom) is accessed based on the selection screen variant. ZZGLV4A is an FI special ledger line item table and its data volume: 455 mil. data records. Note: The codes are written for a report that runs in the background, and the selection screen variant is used for the executions too. The table accessed (l_item_tab is ZZGLV4A in this case) depends on the ledger inputted here - only one ledger is specified for the current selection screen variant.
    - Table accessed - FI special ledger line item data.
    I tried tuning the query a little further by just properly specifying the WHERE fields - only a minimal improvement is observed, an average of about 6% of runtime improvement only (tested via SE30 in the development box for ZZGLV4A but its table volume is 4 mil. data records here only). This obviously works only for the table ZZGLV4A for now, I'm afraid.
    Any other ideas on how such subqueries can be improved generally (maybe secondary indexes)? The subquery is certainly re-hitting the same table at least twice.
    Thanks for the inputs once again!

  • Dynamic field in select query

    Hi Team,
    I have to select dynamic fields from database table GLT0.
    This depends on period value given on screen.
    If period is 01 then fields will be hsl01.
    If period is 02 then fields will be hsl01 and hsl02.
    If period is 03 then fields will be hsl01,hsl02 and hsl03 .
    so on...till 12..
    My code is throwing exception at select query.
    "Error in module RSQL of the database interface."
    My code :
    *"      Type declaration to store field name as per given period
    TYPES : BEGIN OF y_fieldname        ,
               fieldname(10)  TYPE c    ,
             END OF y_fieldname         .
    data  t_fieldname  TYPE  STANDARD TABLE OF y_fieldname   .
      DO p_monat TIMES.
         clear w_count .
          MOVE sy-index TO w_count
          IF sy-index LE c_9.
            CONCATENATE c_hsl
            INTO      e_fieldname-fieldname.
            APPEND e_fieldname TO t_fieldname.
            CONCATENATE c_hsl
            INTO     e_fieldname-fieldname.
            APPEND e_fieldname TO t_fieldname.
      Get Local Currency Amounts
      from table glt0 depending on period
        SELECT (t_fieldname)
          FROM glt0
          INTO TABLE t_glto_with_saknr
          FOR ALL ENTRIES IN t_bukrs
         WHERE rldnr EQ c_00
           AND rrcty EQ c_0
           AND rvers EQ c_001
           AND bukrs EQ t_bukrs-bukrs
           AND ryear EQ p_gjahr
           AND racct IN r_saknr.
    Please guide me.
    Thanking u in advance.
    Sangeeta Verma

    Hi Asik,
    I m selecting all fields now as suggestd by u so in one record i have hsl01 to hsl12.
    I have to calculate balance into e_glt0_bal-bal .This balance is summation of e_glt0_bal-hsl01 till  e_glt0_bal-hsl12 (depending on monat).
    I m using logic in process then
    my code now :
    data:    w_monat_bal type string  .
              DO p_monat TIMES.
                MOVE c_01 TO w_count .
                CONCATENATE 'e_glt0_bal-hsl'
                       INTO w_monat_bal.
                ASSIGN w_monat_bal TO <fs_monat_bal>.
                e_glt0_bal-bal = e_glt0_bal-bal + <fs_monat_bal>.
                w_count = w_count + c_01.
    But <fs_monat_bal> can not be added.
    Giving exception :
    Unable to interpret "e_glt0_bal-hsl01" as a number.
    If I do <fs_monat_bal> type GLT0-hslvt instead to type any
    Then assigning from w_monat_bal  is not possible.

  • Can any one send select query for this?

    can any one plese send select query for the following query.please send as early as possible.
    Loop through the I_BSID internal table to fill records in I_OUTPUT.Combine data from I_BSID, I_KNKK, I_KNKK_KNKLI, I_KNA1 and I_KNVV into I_OUTPUT based on the linking conditions .Field Description Source are
    I_OUTPUT-BUKRS     Company code     I_BSID-BUKRS
    I_OUTPUT-KUNNR     Customer number     I_BSID-KUNNR
    I_OUTPUT-NAME1     Customer Name     I_KNA1-NAME1
    I_OUTPUT-KNKLI     Credit account     I_KNKK-KNKLI
    I_OUTPUT-KDGRP     Customer Group     I_KNKK-KDGRP
    I_OUTPUT-KLIMK     Credit Limit     I_KNKK_KNKLI-KLIMK
    I_OUTPUT-KVGR1     Business Unit     I_KNVV-KVGR1
    I_OUTPUT-REBZG     Invoice Number     I_BSID-REBZG
    I_OUTPUT-BLDAT     Invoice Date     I_BSID-BLDAT
    I_OUTPUT-WAERS     Document Currency     I_BSID-WAERS
    I_OUTPUT-DUE_DATE     Due Date     Based on below
      Get the Payment terms days combining I_BSID and I_T052 based on the linking conditions mentioned above.    Note : a) Baseline Date : If baseline date I_BSID-ZFBDT is blank , use the Document Date.b) Payment Term Days :If I_BSID-ZBD3T is not blank, take this as Payment Term Days for Due date calculation.
                       If I_BSID-ZBD3T is Blank, then get payment term days from I_T052 based on I_BSID-ZTERM. If there are more than one record in I_T052 for the given Payment term, get the day part from baseline date and select the first record where the day limit I_T052-ZTAGG is greater than the day part.If I_BSID-ZBD3T is blank and I_BSID-ZTERM is also blank, then take Y000 (Due Immediately) as Payment term and proceed with the above logic. Set the payment term field blank while printing.
    Calculate Due date : For Debits, Determine Due Date = Baseline Date + Payment term Days(not discount days)                                                          For  Credits  Due date = Baseline date.Then, move the amount I_BSID-DMBTR to respective buckets (Not yet Due, Current Due, Past due 1-30, Past Due 31-60 etc.)  Based on the due date.
    praveen kumar.A

    To get Open Items you can use Function module:
    data:i_items TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF rfpos.
    bukrs = p_bukrs
    kunnr = wa_customer-kunnr
    t_postab = i_items
    no_open_items = 1
    OTHERS = 2.
    Table I_items will have all the open items for that Customer in the given company code.
    Well for Clear Items: Try
    Hope it helps.

  • How to write selection Query for the following requirment.

    Hi All,
    I am new to ABAP, I need a help ,
    I need to select all plants(WERKS) from MARC at Plant/Material level,
    then I need to take all sales organozation(VKORG) from T001w,
    then I need the company code(BUKRS) from TVKO based on VKORG,
    then I need the currency key(WAERS) from T001 based on BUKRS,
    Can any one help me in writing selection Query for the same?
    Thanks All,

    Its easy for you if you learn SELECT with JOIN to complete your task. So SEARCH the forum with SELECT statement and you will get a lot of examples using which you can write your own.
    If you struck up anywhere revert back.
    Karthik D

  • SELECT Query performance tunning

    Hi All,
      our objective is to read value from  three  DSO  table, for that  we have written three select query .
    In this we have used three internal talbes.
    We have written in END routine.
    A model select statement for reading the Values in DSO and move statement i have given .
    for 1,75000 records it is taking about 8 hours for DTP to run .
    Usually they are meaning that it will take just 20 minutes.
    Can anbody help on this please ??????????????????????????????
    SELECT logsys
        FROM (c_poadm_det)
        INTO TABLE t_podetails
         FOR ALL ENTRIES IN result_package
       WHERE logsys   EQ result_package-logsys
         AND doc_num  EQ result_package-doc_num
         AND doc_item EQ result_package-doc_item.
    LOOP AT result_package
    ASSIGNING <result_fields>.
        UNASSIGN <fs_podetails>.
        READ TABLE t_podetails
         ASSIGNING <fs_podetails>
          WITH KEY logsys    = <result_fields>-logsys
                   doc_num   = <result_fields>-doc_num
                   doc_item  = <result_fields>-doc_item.
        IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
          MOVE <fs_podetails>-/bic/gpusiteid TO <result_fields>-/bic/gpusiteid.
          MOVE <fs_podetails>-/bic/gpumtgrid TO <result_fields>-/bic/gpumtgrid.
          MOVE <fs_podetails>-/bic/gpuspntyp TO <result_fields>-/bic/gpuspntyp.
    IF <result_fields>-order_quan NE ' '.
            MOVE c_true TO <result_fields>-/bic/gpucount.

      In the Read statement just use BINARY SEARCH it will improve the performance. Before putting BINARY SEARCH first the
    internal table should be sort like wht field you giving the condition in read statement.
    sort t_podetails by logsys doc_num doc_item."add this line
    LOOP AT result_package
    ASSIGNING <result_fields>.
    UNASSIGN <fs_podetails>."why your giving the unassigned here it will give the dump. why because the field symbol is not assigned after the read symbol only they going to assign.
    READ TABLE t_podetails
    ASSIGNING <fs_podetails>
    WITH KEY logsys = <result_fields>-logsys
    doc_num = <result_fields>-doc_num
    doc_item = <result_fields>-doc_item. " use BINARY SEARCH here
    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    MOVE <fs_podetails>-/bic/gpusiteid TO <result_fields>-/bic/gpusiteid.
    MOVE <fs_podetails>-/bic/gpumtgrid TO <result_fields>-/bic/gpumtgrid.
    MOVE <fs_podetails>-/bic/gpuspntyp TO <result_fields>-/bic/gpuspntyp.
    IF <result_fields>-order_quan NE ' '.
    MOVE c_true TO <result_fields>-/bic/gpucount.

  • Select Query on TCURR table

    Hello All,
    I am writing select query on TCURR table , but unable to get the values from table though i cansee the entries in table for the same condition as i provided int he program .
    Is there an peculiar reason for the sme .
    MY query is as follows.
    SELECT  * FROM tcurr INTO TABLE g_t_tcurr
                                     WHERE kurst = 'M'                             AND fcurr = g_f_waers
                                 AND tcurr = 'AUD'
                                 AND gdatu LE l_f_datum (MKPF-BUDAT).
    Any help is appreciated .

    Please check the datatype and try again...
             DATC(8)       TYPE C,
             GDATU_OLD(8)  TYPE C.
    *exc_type = 'M'.
    SELECT * FROM  tcurf  into table g_t_tcurr
               WHERE  kurst       = exc_type
               AND    fcurr       = for_curr
               AND    tcurr       = loc_curr
               AND    gdatu      GE datc
               AND    mandt       = mandt
               ORDER BY PRIMARY KEY.
    FM: CONVERT_TO_LOCAL_CURRENCY_N can be used to convert the amt from local currency to Foreign currency.

  • Select Query Problem

    Hi Experts,
    I am having a select query in which I am using a variable in the where condition but it is giving error. Please suggest how to use variable in the select query.
    The query I am using is a s below.
    select * from zexc_rec into table it_ZEXC_REC
           LIFNR in S_LIFNR and
          DOCNO in S_DOCNO and
          DOCTYP in doc_typ and
          DATE1 in S_DATE1 and
          MATNR in S_MATNR.
    Here doc_typ is a variable.

    use RANGES type variable instead of variable . It acts as a select-options variable. Thn use this variable in SELECT query with IN.
    Eg :
    RANGES r_t510 FOR t510-lgart.
        r_t510-low = '1600'. 
        APPEND r_t510.
        r_t510-low = '3190'. 
        APPEND r_t510.
    Note  : can be use SIGN, OPTIONS properties too in RANGES type.
    More deatils go through on HELP of RANGES

  • Oracle 11g :SELECT query blocked..??

    Hi Experts,
    could you please explain why the below SQL query is blocked?
    SELECT 1 FROM DUAL is blocking the SQL statement on GTTAPPUSR@gttccuatcriba04 ( SID=469 ) blocked SQL -> DELETE FROM GTTDB.PURCHASE_ENTRY_ID=:1
    SELECT 1 FROM DUAL is blocking the SQL statement on GTTAPPUSR@gttccuatcriba04 ( SID=367 ) blocked SQL -> DELETE FROM GTTDB.PURCHASE_ENTRY_ID=:1
    I am scratching my head without any solution when I had a look at the db today. Thanks in advance for your help.
    Edited by: user12075620 on Dec 4, 2012 8:58 AM

    The SELECT statement is not blocking the UPDATE. As I said in the previous reply, the string that this query produces does not match the logic.
    This query is (at least on the surface) correctly identifying that session 1 is blocking session 2. Session 1 holds some lock that session 2 is waiting on. So far, so good. Since session 2 is waiting on the lock, we can easily enough see what session 2 is running (the UPDATE statement). But since session 1 is not blocked, it is potentially off running a ton of other SQL statements (or no SQL statement at all). The query is looking to see what session 1 is running currently. It has no way of determining what session 1 ran at some point in the past to acquire the lock in the first place.
    Going back to my KING example,
    At noon, session 1 runs
    UPDATE emp
       SET sal = sal * 2
    WHERE ename = 'KING'Session 1 now has a lock on the KING row in the EMP table. But session 1 neither commits nor rolls back, it is still in a transaction. Session 1 might not have any more activity for a long time-- the user might go off to lunch, for example (obviously, applications should not be designed to allow users to maintain open transactions indefinitely, but not all applications are designed correctly). Or it might start running other queries. Let's say that session 1 now runs a query that is going to go for an hour
    SELECT *
      FROM giant_view_with_lots_of_computationsNow, at 12:45, session 2 comes in and runs
    UPDATE emp
       SET bonus = 100
    WHERE ename = 'KING'Session 2 is blocked. Session 2 is running the UPDATE statement. Session 1 still holds the lock but it is running some completely unrelated SQL statement.
    If we run the query you posted, the query will correctly report that session 1 is running the query against the GIANT_VIEW_WITH_LOTS_OF_COMPUTATIONS but incorrectly imply that this SELECT query is the source of the lock. It is not. It simply happens to be the query that the session that does hold the lock happens to be executing at the current moment (why the application seems to be running a lot of queries that select a constant from dual is a separate question).

  • Oracle SQL Select query takes long time than expected.

    I am facing a problem in SQL select query statement. There is a long time taken in select query from the Database.
    The query is as follows.
    select /*+rule */,f1.fdn,p1.attr_name,p1.attr_value from fdnmappingtable f1,parametertable p1 where = and ((f1.object_type ='ne_sub_type.780' )) and ( ( in(select id from fdnmappingtable where fdn like '0=#1#/14=#S0058-3#/17=#S0058-3#/18=#1#/780=#5#%')))order by asc
    This query is taking more than 4 seconds to get the results in a system where the DB is running for more than 1 month.
    The same query is taking very few milliseconds (50-100ms) in a system where the DB is freshly installed and the data in the tables are same in both the systems.
    Kindly advice what is going wrong??

    SQL> @/alcatel/omc1/data/query.sql
    2 ;
    9 rows selected.
    Execution Plan
    Plan hash value: 3745571015
    | Id | Operation | Name |
    | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | |
    | 1 | SORT ORDER BY | |
    | 2 | NESTED LOOPS | |
    | 3 | NESTED LOOPS | |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
    5 - filter("F1"."OBJECT_TYPE"='ne_sub_type.780')
    6 - access("P1"."ID"="F1"."ID")
    7 - filter("FDN" LIKE '0=#1#/14=#S0058-3#/17=#S0058-3#/18=#1#/780=#5#
    8 - access("F1"."ID"="ID")
    - rule based optimizer used (consider using cbo)
    0 recursive calls
    0 db block gets
    0 consistent gets
    0 physical reads
    0 redo size
    0 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
    0 bytes received via SQL*Net from client
    0 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
    0 sorts (memory)
    0 sorts (disk)
    9 rows processed

  • Select query differences between oracle 9 and oracle 8.

    I have a problem using the select query between oracle 7 and oracle 9i I don't have the same result :
    With oracle7
    SQL> select 'champ1','champ2' from DUAL;
    champ1 champ2
    With Oracle 9
    SQL> select 'champ1','champ2' from DUAL;
    'CHAMP1' 'CHAMP2'
    champ1 champ2
    So Can someone tell me how to solve this problem ? Is there a parameter in oracle 9 to set?

    Whenever you are posting anything over internet forums like this - you should be very careful about not just posting the details which requires to solve the problem - also should be sensible about your question.
    This is not at all desired when you are posting such question. It may be because - you may not well aware of the fact.
    My suggestion is -> First Go through the basics Of SQL in general.
    Then go for any specific product like Oracle/ SQL Server/ Sybase etc.
    And, finally learn the advanced commands of that DB.
    You asked it - may be you thought the difference in output in terms of lines. But, that is not your actual output. That is the graphical display part only.
    You can get the quite familier output by first type the following command ->
    set lin 310Regards.
    Satyaki De.

  • Select Query resulting in Scientific Notation

    Hello all,
    I am running a Select query through a batch file that extracts data from an Oracle database. Several of the fields that I am extracting from contain numbers that are up to 38 digits long. When I extract the data, it converts the numbers into scientific notation and it is important for me to have the entire field. Is there something I can change to my query that will pull the data in its entire form? This is what I'm running now:
    select * FROM ML.APPT where APPTDATE >= to_date('01/1/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'
    I apologize in advance if this has been answered already.

    When the extractor finishes, it returns the data into a flat file.
    don't quite understand the TO_CHAR function. Does this function mean I need to say something like this: select "TO_CHAR('column name', 99999999999999999999999999999999999999" FROM ML.APPT where APPTDATE >= to_date('01/1/2010','mm/dd/yyyy')
    Yes- if the tool you use to extract the data (your 'extractor') is converting the numeric data to a string then it is responsible for creating the string in the proper format. If the number is an integer that can have as many digits as you have '9's in your sample format string then that is what you need to do.
    Here is how sql*plus (Oracle's tool) will display the data using default settings
    SQL> select 12345678901234567890123456789012345678 no_format,
      2  to_char(12345678901234567890123456789012345678, '99999999999999999999999999
    999999999999') with_format
      3   from dual;
    1.2346E+37  12345678901234567890123456789012345678
    ----- TOAD will display something similiar but the default uses more decimal digits in the scientific notation data
    1.23456789012346E37, 12345678901234567890123456789012345678You can either format the numeric data in the query using TO_CHAR or the 'extractor' can do it when it converts the data to a string.

  • Select-options in SELECT query - syntax error

    Hi all,
      I get the error below when I try to use the select options in a SELECT query . Please help me.
    "The IN operator with "SO_AWART" is followed neither by an internal
    table nor by a value list."
    The code i have used(Logical database  PNP is used):
    TABLES: pernr,
    INCLUDE ztime_cwtr_top.    " global Data
    INCLUDE ztime_cwtr_f01.
    Get data from CATSDB table. Workdates within the date interval are considered.
      SELECT pernr workdate awart catsquantity beguz enduz status
      FROM catsdb
      INTO TABLE it_catsdb
      WHERE pernr  = pernr-pernr    AND
           workdate GE pn-begda     AND
           workdate LE pn-endda     AND
           status   IN ('20', '30') AND
           awart    IN  so_awart .
          awart    IN ('1100', '1137', '1138', '1139', '1140',
                      '1147', '1148', '1149', '1157', '2003' ).
    when I give the values directly i do not get any syntax error, but when I use select options in the where condition I get the syntax error.
    I have tried different options like using only the select-options in the where condition.
    Thanks in advance.....

    Code with syntax error:
    include .
    include z...fo1.
    select-options: xxxxxxx
    Code  with no syntax error:
    select-options: xxxxxxx
    include .
    include z...fo1.
    Thanks for all your help,

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