Current controlled voltage source trouble

Hello, I've searched around and can't find anything that explains why I'm getting errors when trying to simulate this circuit.  I would apppreciate any help.  I need the votage source on the right to be controlled by the current going through R4, specifically 150 * I(R4).  I can't seem to get it to work.  Thanks for your time.
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You should use the AC button on the multi-meter instrument.
Tien P.
National Instruments

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    Hi Milas,
    I think this is what the question wants you to do.
    Tien P.
    National Instruments

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    Hi there,
    Instead of using the current controlled voltage source, we can place an ABM(Analog Behavior Model) source in Multisim.
    After you place the ABM source, double-click it. In the ABM source dialog box, select the value tab. In this value field you can define a mathematical or codniton statement that will act as a stimulus in your circuit.
    In this case, let's type: 5*(V(1)-V(0))/2
    Here V(1) and V(0) are the net name using the syntax V(<net name>) 
    Attached is the schematic for reference
    Hope it helps!
    National Instruments
    The Analog Behavior Model Source.ms13 ‏60 KB

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    Go to Solution.

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    Thank for your reply...I have tried to construct the circuit already.But the current that i get from calcuation is 254.8mA, and from the multisim, i get 181.819mA,i dont know which part i connect wrongly.Here is the circuit that i done.

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    There are an excellent series of NI Tutorials on DAQmx.  Not that they are easy to find, but start here:  DAQmx White Papers.  This is an especially useful White Paper:  The Top 10 DAQmx Functions.
    Something that also helps a lot is to configure your device using MAX (and use MAX to run it to be sure it is working correctly).  Once you have it configured, save it as a Task, which encapsulates all of the "picky details" (such as channel names/numbers, sampling rates, clock sources, etc.).  When you go to write your code, simply right-click on the Start Task VI and create a constant, expand the Constant (which should show you MAX's Tasks), and choose the Task you just created.  No need for numerous confusing DAQmx Configuration VIs.
    Bob Schor

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    Are you using Elvis I or II?  From your post, I will assume it is Elvis I but please correct me if this is not the case.  Page 38 of the manual shows that ACH5 is used for capacitor or diode measurements for the DMM.  To measure current, use the connectors on the front of the Elvis unit and then route the current HI/LO on the protoboard to either the oscilloscope or an analog input channel.  You can use the DMM Soft Front Panel to monitor current as well.
    Message Edited by h_baker on 07-09-2009 04:54 PM
    National Instruments
    Applications Engineer
    Digital Multimeter Resources

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    But the current flows through the inductance L has DC component as in the picture attached (the red sine wave).  Is it  a bug ?, please tell me how to correct it.
    phasor.jpg ‏183 KB

    Hi there,
    As strange as this may sound, this is not a bug. OK, this sounds really funny, but I am totally serious, and I am going to explain why:
    In a circuit energy must be conserved.
    An inductor is a purely reactive component, that is, it does not dissipate any power.
    When simulation starts, Multisim assumes the inductor current to be 0, which may seem reasonable. The voltage across the inductor is also 0 at this point. This is the initial condition.
    The voltage across the inductor increases, and thus, the current increases. The current keeps increasing during the first 2 quadrants of the sinusoidal phase output.
    The current never decreases until the voltage drop is negative.
    But by the time an entire cycle is over, the current is back to 0. This makes sense as energy is conserved and the inductor is not absorbing any energy.
    OK. Now look at what happened. During the whole cycle, the current was positive only! The current increased during the first half of the cycle and returned to 0 during the second half. This is because of the fluke of initial conditions! In fact, a good circuit simulator will maintain the DC offset for a long duration. The DC offset may drift because of rounding errors and the like.
    This will never be observed in real life as real inductors have winding resistance and other problems.
    OK, so, if you would like to see no DC offset, do the following:
    Run your simulation
    Record the DC offset that you want to eliminate
    Stop your simulation
    Double click the offending inductor in the Multisim schematic
    Click on the Value tab
    Check the Initial conditions box under Additional SPICE simulation parameters
    Enter the negative of the DC offset that you recorded in step 2 into the box right next to it
    Start your simulation. Did your offset go away? Or did it double?
    If your offset doubled, take away the sign from the DC offset that you entered in step 7. I bet you know why.
    It took me a while to figure this one out. Hope that helps!
    Software Developer
    National Instruments - Electronics Workbench Group

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    Is there any way to do this in labview?
    Thanks in advance.

    Unfortunately I don't have drivers for either of 'Pfeiffer vacuum gauge controller' and 'TDK lambda power supply'...!!
    But went through your code, and it looks like you're reading from both the instruments... but you should be reading only from 'Pfeiffer vacuum gauge controller' and should be writing (current or voltage or both values) to 'TDK lambda power supply'...!!
    Now before you write the new (current or voltage or both) value(s)... you can place a simple algorithm that will calculate new value (based on reading from 'Pfeiffer vacuum gauge controller')....!!
    I am not allergic to Kudos, in fact I love Kudos.
     Make your LabVIEW experience more CONVENIENT.

  • DC voltage sources

    Anyone out there with experience using LabVIEW to control DC
    voltage sources over
    a GPIB interface?

    What kind of voltage sources? We control DC Voltage standards and DC power supplies here using GPIB and LabVIEW. What do you need to know?

  • HP 6632A as DC voltage source

    Hi all,
    Anyone with experience programming the HP 6632A or any
    other dc voltage source?
    The source in my lab setup is programmed to supply
    output dc voltage to an external circuit while
    injecting as little current as possible.
    My questions relate to output settling time and
    voltage polarity:
    Is the instrument's default output settling time of 5
    seconds a fixed quantity? Simple tests I've conducted
    seem to suggest otherwise.
    Can one program the source to output negative
    voltages or must one physically invert the polarity
    at the point of connection to the external circuit?
    You may reply directly to my e-mail address.
    Best regards,

    The settling time you describe seems incredibly long. I though it was
    more like 50mS than 5000mS. Also I was pretty sure that I could set
    voltages negative as well as positive. Check your manual for the spec
    The 6632A is similar to the 66312 and 66332 and 66311B families in
    terms of programming, just the specs change a bit from model to model.
    I developed a calibration stand for these power supplies a couple
    years ago but I don't remember the specs very well any more.
    [email protected]
    "Andrew C.J.O. Wandera" wrote in message news:...
    > Hi all,
    > Anyone with experience programming the HP 6632A or any
    > other dc voltage source?
    > The source in my lab setup is programmed to supply
    output dc voltage to an external circuit while
    > injecting as little current as possible.
    > My questions relate to output settling time and
    > voltage polarity:
    > Is the instrument's default output settling time of 5
    > seconds a fixed quantity? Simple tests I've conducted
    > seem to suggest otherwise.
    > Can one program the source to output negative
    > voltages or must one physically invert the polarity
    > at the point of connection to the external circuit?
    > You may reply directly to my e-mail address.
    > Best regards,
    > Andrew

  • How to measure current and voltage and rpm with daq device

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     i was going to use a 20amp 50mv, or a 20amp 100mv current shunt and connect wires directly into the AI input terminals of the scc-68 from the current shunt would these be suitable. would current shunts such as these be suitable to use or
    is it ok to use either a current shunt or should a hall effect sensor be used  such as this . which of them would be more accurate or are both of them fairly accurate.
    when i am measuring voltage can i connect two resistors between the positive and negative of the wires going to the battery and connect two wires from either side of the resistor directly into the analog inputs of the scc-68 and measure the 12-15 volts directly would the pci6221 and scc-68 be able to measure the voltage drop across the resistor.
    i wanted to measure rpm also does it matter whether the proximity switch has 2 or 3 wires and should it have an analog or digital/frequency output for cponnecting to the scc-68

  • Need recommendations for hardware and software - Current control

    Hi all,
    I am doing a project related to current control.
    The purpose is to keep the current at constant. So I measure the current and get the value; and send a analog signal to tell our machine to discharge or to charge in order to keep the current at constant. I need to write the program to give analog signal to machine based on the current input.
    Also, the machine can communicate with user. User can monitor the machine operation statuse and current level, etc.
    I want to use LabView to program, since it doesn't cost a lot of time. I saw there is LabView RT LabView FPGA, etc. I am confused whether all of these are just diffrent function for LabView or different software. Which one I should use?
    For hardware, I have no idea what is compactible with LabVeiw. What I should use?
    I am totally new to this. I'll appreciate a lot if anyone can give suggestions.

    Depending on your budget, operating constraints, timeframe and the transducers you're using a wide variety of equipment might suit your needs. I'd suggest calling the sales department. From, follow the Contact NI link in the top right corner of the screen. From there you can find information about getting in contact with sales. They help spec out systems all the time.
    Verne D. // LabVIEW & SignalExpress Product Support Engineer // National Instruments

  • Using XY Graph to plot current and voltage

       I'm making an I-V curve tracer, and am hoping to plot current and voltage measurements I'm acquiring onto an XY Graph in realtime.  I'm using Labview 2010 on Windows Vista, with the VISA drivers installed; my acquisition hardware is an Arduino Uno communicating over USB to serial via VISA drivers.
    My data is coming in over the serial port formatted like "voltage,current":
    I've read through the relevant documentation for the graph builder, the 4 samples included with LabView, and quite a few posts on this forum.  I modified Jazlan's sample VI to read the current and voltage, and display the values on the front panel - it works just fine.  However, when I wire those values to an Express XY Graph builder (and set the 'clear data on each call' property to false) and run the software, it just sort of freezes... I try to stop it, but it keeps running for about 10-20 seconds.  The current/voltage values are not updated, nor is anything displayed in the XY graph.
    Am I not sending the correct input to the graph builder?
    Should I just wire up my values directly to the XY graph by concatenating values to an array, and then clustering it?
    Also, on the right border of my case structure, one of the orange squares is not solid - how do I fix that?
    any help much appreciated!
    block.jpg ‏140 KB ‏76 KB

    thanks for the tip Tim,
        I wired up the stop button to the VISA close block, and now I'm able to run and stop it multiple times without freezing.
    1)  I know how to add shift registers, but why do I need one?  It doesn't seem like I need to pass values from one iteration of the while loop to another...
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