Custom Development Options in IBP

Hi Experts,
Incase there is a requirement, which cannot be attained either by standard configuration of IBP or by using 'L' script option at key figure level, then what is the way forward ?
Is there a way, where we can perform custom development on top of existing solution ?

Hi Krishna,
IBP is a cloud based solution, There is no Custom Development option. That said the application is highly configurable in terms of modeling, planning views, analytics, etc so we dont see a real need for Custom Development. If there are certain requirements which cannot be met by the application, chances are they are in the roadmap or not in scope of IBP or we did not hear them much from Customers. If there are some Customer requirements you can reach out the Product / Solution team. We will be happy to assist.

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  • Translation of custom development

    Hi all,
    We are about to embark on a journey of translation... English to French.  We have all the information and understanding of what SE63 can provide for us.  What we are unclear on is strategies for the areas where SE63 does not cater for.  For example, how do we handle cases where there are hard coded literals?  Any tools, strategies to make this less painful?  Important to note we have over 3 million lines of custom code to get through, so a manual solution is not a good option. 
    Looking for general comments on others experience in this area of Custom Development where the Standard Translation Environment doesn't meet all the needs.  Even if you have comments of areas that were a pain, but don't necessarily have all the answers.  Would appreciate comments on things we may not have thought of yet.

    Hi Chris
    What I have seen at one of our customers was to get all customer program objects from TADIR, scan then and produce a report of what text literals were used where.  Still be a big job to replace these with text elements though.
    One of my colleagues suggested writing the ABAP to BABELFISH the literals and create the text-elements as the report runs, but I am of the opinion that this could be a mistake as BABELFISH can come up with some unusual translations.
    Good luck

  • Global list of all custom/developed objects

    Hi all!
    We need to get a list of all custom objects of a SAP systems.
    First time we think accessing TADIR to get all repository objects of the system and after this access, get all atributes for any of the retrieved objects.
      To a report, access TADIR and TRDIR dictionary tables. in TADIR use class of development custom or in TRDIR any of the user that don't belongs to SAP.
    But this solution to the problem is very effort and we should access so too many tables for the objects to get their attributes.
    Second time, we think filtering the objects using their namespace with FM TR_CHECK_NAME_CLASS, but this option jumps some objects, like VOFM generated objects or customer exits form VA01 transaction.
    Do any of you know the way of extracting a list of all Custom/developed objects for a System?

    Just check if this suffices.
    REPORT  zobjects no standard page heading
    TYPES: BEGIN OF ittemp,
           object    LIKE tadir-object,
           obj_name  LIKE tadir-obj_name,
           text      LIKE trdirt-text,
           author    LIKE tadir-author,
           devclass  like tadir-devclass,
           name_text LIKE v_username-name_text,
           tcode like tstc-tcode,
           korrnum like vrsd-korrnum,
           END OF ittemp.
          wafinal   TYPE ittemp.
    DATA : name  TYPE vrm_id,
          list  TYPE vrm_values,
          value LIKE LINE OF list.
    DATA:itfieldcat TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA:itrepid TYPE sy-repid.
    itrepid = sy-repid.
    DATA:itevent TYPE slis_t_event.
    DATA:itlistheader TYPE slis_t_listheader.
    DATA:walistheader LIKE LINE OF itlistheader.
    DATA:itlayout TYPE slis_layout_alv.
    DATA:top TYPE slis_formname.
    DATA:itsort TYPE slis_t_sortinfo_alv WITH HEADER LINE.
    PERFORM getdata.
    PERFORM alv.
    *&      Form  GETDATA
    FORM getdata.
    read the repository object table and link with username if found
    SELECT tadir~object
            INTO TABLE itfinal
            FROM tadir
            LEFT JOIN v_username
            ON tadirauthor = v_usernamebname
            LEFT JOIN trdirt
            ON tadirobj_name = trdirtname
            WHERE tadir~devclass = PACKAGE
            AND ( tadirobj_name LIKE 'Z%' OR tadirobj_name LIKE 'Y%' ).
    CHECK sy-subrc EQ 0.
    loop at itfinal.
    select single tcode from tstc into (itfinal-tcode) where pgmna =
    select single korrnum from vrsd into (itfinal-korrnum) where objname =
    modify itfinal.
    delete itfinal where korrnum is INITIAL.
    SORT itfinal BY author object.
    ENDFORM.                    "GETDATA
    *&      Form  ALV
    FORM alv.
    IF itfinal[] IS INITIAL.
        MESSAGE 'No Values exist for the Selection.' TYPE 'S'.
      DEFINE m_fieldcat.
        itfieldcat-fieldname = &1.
        itfieldcat-col_pos = &2.
        itfieldcat-seltext_l = &3.
        itfieldcat-do_sum = &4.
        itfieldcat-outputlen = &5.
        append itfieldcat to itfieldcat.
        clear itfieldcat.
      m_fieldcat 'OBJECT' ''   'OBJECT' ''       04  .
      m_fieldcat 'OBJ_NAME' '' 'PROGRAM NAME' '' 40 .
      m_fieldcat 'TCODE' ''    'TCODE' ''        20 .
      m_fieldcat 'TEXT' ''     'DESCRIPTION' ''  70 .
      m_fieldcat 'AUTHOR' ''   'AUTHOR' ''       80 .
      m_fieldcat 'DEVCLASS' '' 'PACKAGE' ''      30 .
      m_fieldcat 'KORRNUM' ''  'LATEST TRANSPORT REQUEST' '' 20 .
    itlayout-zebra = 'X'.
    itlayout-colwidth_optimize = 'X'.
            i_callback_program      = sy-repid
            is_layout               = itlayout
           i_callback_user_command =  'LIST1'
            i_callback_top_of_page  = 'TOP'
            it_fieldcat             = itfieldcat[]
            i_save                  = 'A'
         is_variant              = ITVARIANT
            it_events               = itevent[]
         is_print                = ITPRINTPARAMS
            it_sort                 = itsort[]
            t_outtab                = itfinal
            program_error           = 1
            OTHERS                  = 2.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    ENDFORM.                    "ALV
    *&      Form  TOP
        Top of page for ALV Report
    FORM top.
    describe table itfinal lines count.
            i_list_type           = 0
            et_events             = itevent
      LIST_TYPE_WRONG       = 1
      OTHERS                = 2
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    string1 = 'List of Objects in Development Class'.
    concatenate string1 ':' itfinal-devclass into title1.
    walistheader-typ = 'H'.
    walistheader-info = title1.
    APPEND walistheader TO itlistheader.
    string2 = 'Total No.of Objects'.
    concatenate string2 ':' count into title2.
    walistheader-typ = 'H'.
    walistheader-info = title2.
    APPEND walistheader TO itlistheader.
          it_list_commentary      = itlistheader
        I_LOGO                   = ''.
        I_END_OF_LIST_GRID       =
      CLEAR itlistheader.
    ENDFORM.                    "TOP
    *&      Form  list1
          ALV Interactive-
         -->R_UCOMM    text
    FORM list1 USING r_ucomm LIKE sy-ucomm rs_selfield TYPE slis_selfield.
      CASE r_ucomm.
        WHEN '&IC1'.
          IF rs_selfield-fieldname = 'OBJ_NAME'.
            READ TABLE itfinal INDEX rs_selfield-tabindex.
            SET PARAMETER ID 'RID' FIELD itfinal-OBJ_NAME.
          ELSEIF rs_selfield-fieldname = 'TCODE'.
            READ TABLE itfinal INDEX rs_selfield-tabindex.
            SET PARAMETER ID 'TCD' FIELD itfinal-TCODE.

  • How to register custom report under Custom Development Application

    Hi 2 all
    How to register custom report under the Custom Development application in R12 vision DB, and also confirm location/folder of Custom Development application in R12.

    You may or may not need to "register" the workflow - it depends on the changes that you made and which Item Type you modified. Some applications are essentially hard-coded to use a specific item type and process, some hard-coded to use an item type but you can configure the process to use, and some allow you to specify which item type and which process to use.
    Without knowing exactly what you have done, though, there is no specific advice that anyone can give you here on what you need to do, apart from to ensure that you have saved the new definition to the database.
    Matt - the ONLY independent resource for Oracle Workflow development
    Alpha review chapters from my book "Developing With Oracle Workflow" are available via my website
    Have you read the blog at ?
    WorkflowFAQ support forum:

  • The custom development is not visible .

    Hi Gurus,
    I am trying to do the custom developments in SAP CRM 7 .
    Eg : Creating a new component with a table view .
    When I am trying to execute the custom development , Internet  explorer  opens but I cant see any thing .
    Not even frame .
    NOTE : Its not throwing any error .
    Eg 2 : Adding a new view in the overview page of an existing component .
    I cant see the assignment block in the view set configuration .
    Is there any configuration need to be done for making the custom developments available ?
    NOTE : This is a new system .
    Thanks in advance .
    Edited by: naval  bhatt on Jul 22, 2011 11:37 AM

    Hi Naval,
      Please check whether you added your view under the main window in Runtime Repository.

  • Creation of New Custom Development Object in Solar02

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    Based on my analysis, it looks like Solution Manager only allows to link pre-existing development objects but not creating new objects.  Is that right?  If  not please advice how can we add new custom objects through solution manager.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Sandeep Alapati

    solar01/02 is the tools for documenation, it is not for creating objects. 
    basically it should allow you to enter any developement objects names, irerespective of whether they are created in the back end system or not.
    please provide the screenshots.

  • Post Upgrade Step "Adjust custom development"

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    Hi Pravin,
    Hope this helps you - - you can use this checklist for 2004s too!

  • How to deploy custom development with JDI

    We use JDI to deploy webdynpro for ESS application. for that we create a track, check in ESS components in the track and set up run time systems. now we are going to do custom development, for example: create interactive forms, etc.. we would like to use the same procedure to deploy modifications, but we could not found any software components to check in for the track. we are wondering, what should we do for our customer development? how do we create track without any software components?
    Jane Zhou

    U can create the prduct and component by logging to SLD
    and then clicking on software catlog...

  • How to deploy custom development

    We use JDI to deploy webdynpro for ESS application. for that we create a track, check in ESS components in the track and set up run time systems. now we are going to do custom development, for example: create interactive forms, etc.. we would like to use the same procedure to deploy modifications, but we could not found any software components to check in for the track. we are wondering, what should we do for our customer development? how do we create track without any software components? If we don't use JDI, how do you get the modifications in to development environment after they are tested in NWDI? Do you allow developers to connect to sdm for development system driectly?
    Jane Zhou

    For that we should be creating a software component in SLD.
    Define the required DC's for that.
    After doing this we need to create track for this software component.
    From then the way to develop will be same as modifying any ESS application the only change will be instead of saying create project in inactive DC's we say create application for the new Software component.
    Nagaraju Donikena.

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    To implement this, I have found myaccount.xml file in UI of myaccounts module. In this file, I found only menu headings but not menu options. Can anyone explain where data of menu options were populated from and how can I add my custom menu options? I also have tried to delete the menu heading but there was no effect. Please help!! I'm on WEC 1.0.

    Hi Daro,
    the path to the billing module is "". But nevertheless
    1.  you need only to enhance in your current modul the metadata.xml file with the link to your own myaccount.xml which you can create.
    2. and then you can define within the new file the menu options you need.
    3. the last step is to update your shop configuration with the new menu options.
    Best regards,

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    1) You posted to the Numbers on Mac OS X forum ( Apple Support Communities > iWork > Numbers >   Discussions ).  The iWork for iOS forum is more likely to provide the direct answer...
       it is here:
    2) you can add custom formats (demonstrating from Numbers for Mac OS X) by opening the cells inspector:
    Then naming the new format and setting the parameters of the format:
    If the currency symbol is not in the list then you can preceed (or follow) the value with the proper symbol:
    I decided to demonstrate this by showing a preceeding infinity sign before the amount:

  • When printing in Adobe, missing the Custom Scale option.

    Adobe Version 11.0.2
    Windows 7 64 bit.
    Doesn't matter what type of network printer I select.  When selecing to print a document, under Page Sizing & Handling, there is no "Custom Scale" option.  There is on other workstations. 
    Thank you.

    Very strange.  The only thing I can suggest is to update to 11.0.5.

  • Problem with custom development for documents in Record Management

    In Record Management i have setup a record model. It contains Bor objects, documents, cases and so on.
    Each kind of record managent object has it own requirements.
    For the documents there is a requirement which demands that if the scandate is changed also the date till which the document must be helded in the system must be changed.
    This cannot be done automatically via default SAP and i don't want to let the customers do it there selfs, to much risk they make errors, so this must be done via custom development.
    The logic searches in a enhanced method for the right attributes from the importing list of available attributes of the particular document.
    This is going well in the development system but when i transport it to the test system it fails. I have noticed that the content of a custom developed field ( for example ZSCANDATE) is loaded well but a default field like SRM_DOM_STORAGE_START not. The systems returns an error that the description of the attribute is missing. When i look in the DMWB ( DocuMent WorkBench )  i dont see errors, but afcorse there is one.
    What can i have forgotten in my record management installation?
    Offcorse the test system is a copy of a working development system, but you have also some things that are system dependent. and i think i have forgotten some of those..
    If you have a idea let me know!
    kind regards,
    Anton Pierhagen.

    Hi BalusC,
    thanks for the quick answer. I tried it as you said and now I get a validation error in my h:messages tag on my jsf page after submitting the form. There are no errors in my JBoss console, just this one word on my jsf page. Do you have any idea what this could mean?
    My two lists look like this:
    private ArrayList<GroupBean> selectedItems = new ArrayList<GroupBean>();
    private ArrayList<SelectItem> allGroups = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();The allGroups list gets filled like this:
    for (GroupBean group: groups){
    allGroups.add(new SelectItem(group, group.getName()));
    }where groups is a simple collection of GroupBeans which I read from the database. This seems to be correct; at least my list of checkboxes shows the correct group names.
    Now here is my selectManyCheckbox:
    <t:selectManyCheckbox id="sensor_access" value="#{sensorBacker.selectedItems}" layout="pageDirection" layoutWidth="3">
    <f:selectItems value="#{sensorBacker.allGroups}"/>
    </t:selectManyCheckbox>Any idea what goes wrong here?
    Thanks for your help!

  • How to enable the full list of developer options on A806?

    How to enable the full list of developer options
    Moderator note:Moved from
    Edited & created a new thread.

    -Go to menu, settings,
    -about phone
    -scroll to the bottom and find "build number"
    -tap it 7 times (upon completion, it will say that you're a developer)
    -the menu is now near the bottom of the main settings menu (just above about phone)

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    When I try to set a reminder to repeat every month the reminder app automatically sets a "custom repeat" of "every month that has 29 days in it". Where did this custom repeat option come from? I don't think I created it. How can I delete it?

    Hi Chris,
    Thanks for your reply.
    I am using the native iOS reminders app. I have tried closing the app and powering my phone off and on, but to no avail. I was under the impression that one can set custom reminders using siri? I have friend with a toddler who was playing with my phone. I figured maybe she set off Siri and a custom reminder was set by mistake?

Maybe you are looking for

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