Custom formatting in evdre with one row

Lets say I want the top row of my report to include $ but the rest of the rows to not. What would I put in the format range of the APPLY TO section? I tried DATA,FIRSTROW but that did not work. Thanks!
DEFAULT     12,345                                                                                      DATA

Try this
CRITERIA    EVALUATE In     FORMAT                                    USE                             PARAMETERS       APPLY TO
KEY=""        ROW       (Numberformat-$ ENGLISH (US))       NUMBERFORMAT                                          DATA

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    I have a ECF Multi Value field (MVF) at the Task Level and have created a report.  In Excel it wants to add it as a Pivotable, which makes sense and I end up with a row for each MVF.  If a Task has 3 MV selected there are 3 rows returned.
    I want to see if it will return only one row (row per task). 
    Example of Result Required
    PTask name , MVf Value1, MVF Value2, MVF Value 3.
    Build Car             X                                    
    Build Bike            X                     X
    Is it possible?  is there something in my SQL Query I can do or is there something in Excel I can configure?
    Result being Returned
    PTask name , MVf Value1, MVF Value2, MVF Value 3.
    Build Car             X                                    
    Build Car                                                    X
    Build Bike            X                    
    Build Bike                                 X
    SQL Query
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    '%' + 'CPT' + '%','X','') AS [CPT],
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    MSP_EpmProject_UserView INNER JOIN
    MSP_EpmTask_UserView ON
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    [MSPCFTASK_Service Areas_AssociationView] ON
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    Andrew Payze

    Hi Andrew,
    I'm not a developer, but I found something in my documentation that could help you. This is a SQL store procedure that returns in an Excel pivot table something like below (GR_test6 being a project and values in the next column being multivalue project ECF
    SELECT proj.ProjectName,
    lt.MemberFullValue AS 'VLookupField'
    FROM dbo.MSP_EpmProject_UserView AS proj
    LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[MSPCFPRJ_ProjectECF_AssociationView] AS MVassoc -- view for multi value field
    ON proj.ProjectUID = MVassoc.EntityUID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.MSP_EpmLookupTable AS lt
    ON MVassoc.LookupMemberUID = lt.MemberUID
    order by ProjectName asc
    Hope this helps.
    Guillaume Rouyre - MBA, MCP, MCTS

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    Jonh I. Haas, Inc.

    What I am trying to do is a cash flow report and the first group is 'Starting Cash' it has only one row so I want ot hid the subtotals. This is followed by two other groupings, Cash Receipts and Cash Payments. I'm doing this as a cross tab as the months will vary at runtime.
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    localtable         fields
    =========  =============
    customertable   fname,lname
    accounttable     type,accountnumber
    Want to end up with a new table that has one row per column. It should look like this:
    TableName             ColumnName
    ============ ==========
    CustomerTable        Fname
    CustomerTable        Lname
    AccountTable          Type
    AccountTable          AccountNumber
    Tried this code but have two issues (1) My query using the Splitfields functions gets "Subquery returned more than 1 value" (2) some of my Fields has hundreds of collumns in the commas delimited list. It will returns "Msg 530, Level 16, State
    1, Line 8. The statement terminated. The maximum recursion 100 has been exhausted before statement completion.maxrecursion greater than 100." Tried adding OPTION (maxrecursion 0) in the Split function on the SELECT statment that calls the CTE, but
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    DROP FUNCTION [dbo].[SplitFields]
    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[SplitFields]
    @String NVARCHAR(4000),
    @Delimiter NCHAR(1)
    WITH Split(stpos,endpos)
    SELECT 0 AS stpos, CHARINDEX(@Delimiter,@String) AS endpos
    SELECT endpos+1, CHARINDEX(@Delimiter,@String,endpos+1)
    FROM Split
    WHERE endpos > 0
    'Data' = SUBSTRING(@String,stpos,COALESCE(NULLIF(endpos,0),LEN(@String)+1)-stpos)
    FROM Split --OPTION ( maxrecursion 0);
    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#ifs_tables') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #ifs_tables
    SELECT *
    INTO #ifs_tables
    FROM (
    SELECT 'CustomerTable' , 'Lname,Fname' UNION ALL
    SELECT 'AccountTable' , 'Type,AccountNumber'
    ) d (dLocalTable,dFields)
    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tempFieldsCheck') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tempFieldsCheck
    SELECT * INTO #tempFieldsCheck
    ( --SELECT dLocaltable, dFields from #ifs_tables
    SELECT dLocaltable, (SELECT [Data] FROM dbo.SplitFields(dFields, ',') ) from #ifs_tables
    ) t (tLocalTable, tfields) -- as Data FROM #ifs_tables
    SELECT * FROM #tempFieldsCheck

    Try this
    DECLARE @DemoTable table
    localtable char(100),
    fields varchar(200)
    INSERT INTO @DemoTable values('customertable','fname,lname')
    INSERT INTO @DemoTable values('accounttable','type,accountnumber')
    select * from @DemoTable
    SELECT A.localtable ,
    Split.a.value('.', 'VARCHAR(100)') AS Dept
    FROM (SELECT localtable,
    CAST ('<M>' + REPLACE(fields, ',', '</M><M>') + '</M>' AS XML) AS String
    FROM @DemoTable) AS A CROSS APPLY String.nodes ('/M') AS Split(a);
    (@String varchar(8000), @Delimiter varchar(10) )
    RETURNS @RESULTS TABLE (ID int identity(1,1), Val varchar(8000))
    DECLARE @Value varchar(100)
    WHILE @String is not null
    SELECT @Value=CASE WHEN PATINDEX('%'+@Delimiter+'%',@String) >0 THEN LEFT(@String,PATINDEX('%'+@Delimiter+'%',@String)-1) ELSE @String END, @String=CASE WHEN PATINDEX('%'+@Delimiter+'%',@String) >0 THEN SUBSTRING(@String,PATINDEX('%'+@Delimiter+'%',@String)+LEN(@Delimiter),LEN(@String)) ELSE NULL END
    SELECT @Value
    SELECT localtable ,f.Val
    FROM @DemoTable t
    CROSS APPLY dbo.ParseValues(t.fields,',')f

  • Problem with one row filter - images are messed up

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    Look here to see what I mean.
    I have tried to edit the template, but that didn't work.
    Thanks, Tony

    Well I put an example up on and found that the problem wasn't there.
    I had modified my page template to include a second stylesheet. When I removed the reference to the second style sheet the filter row returned to normal. Odd.
    I guess I need to dig into why this is the case now, but at least I know where to look.
    Thanks, Tony
    Edit: the problem was that my second stylesheet had "spacer" defined in it which was over-ridding the properties of the apex-finder class.
    {height: 350px;
    background-color: #F2F2f0;
    color: #CC6600;
    font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-size: 85%;
    vertical-align: middle;
    padding: 15px 15px;
    }Removing this from my second stylesheet solved the problem
    Edited by: T on Dec 5, 2008 8:53 AM

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    However, when I select a group of files in the finder, secondary click, and run the service, the action only completes the first file. The other files remain open in photoshop (they do not get resized, or saved).
    What am I doing wrong?
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    Service recieves selected "image files" in "any application"
    Save for Web:
    save to: "a web folder I made for this practice"
    use "Adobe photoshop CS
    type: jpeg
    constrain size to 800 X 800
    Then the second part of the workflow is"Make names Web-Friendly.
    I found these plugins on Apples download page, called "save for web 2.5"
    Any help would be great.

    where i said one file.. i mean one file tipe ex: .M2T .jpg .mp4 etc

  • Formatting Issue - datatables with one to many relationship

    I am a newbie and I have designed a report in CR2008 and my datasource for the report is an XSD file. There are 2 tables Table A and B.
    Table A is as follows:
    AID     Name     Reference     Period          Manager
    5       Name 1     Ref 1          July 2009     User Name 1
    8     Name 2     Ref 2          August 2009     User Name 2
    9     Name 3     Ref 3          March 2009     User Name 9
    45     Name 4     Ref 4          May 2008     User Name 4
    88     Name 5     Ref 5          June 2009     User Name 1
    There are other coloumns too in the datatable, but that shouldnt matter.
    Table B is as follows:
    ID     A_ID     DateKey     DateValue          Name
    1     5     Date1     2009-09-29 00:00:00.000     Start Date
    2     5     Date2     2009-08-11 00:00:00.000     Fieldwork Complete
    3     5     Date3     2009-08-14 00:00:00.000     Report Issued
    4     5     Date4     2009-07-17 00:00:00.000     Report Finalised
    5     5     Date5     2009-07-10 00:00:00.000     Close Date
    6     8     Date1     2009-08-11 00:00:00.000     Start Date
    7     8     Date4     2009-09-29 00:00:00.000     Report Finalised
    I want the report to be in the following format:
    ID     Name     Reference     Period     Manager     StartDate     Fieldwork          ReportIssue     Finalised      Closed
    I have written a formula to display the date value where the date key matches for A_ID.
    But when I run the report I get the result as follows:
    ID     Name     Reference     Period     Manager     StartDate     Fieldwork          ReportIssue     Finalised      Closed
    5     Name1     Ref1          July 2009     UName 1     29/09/2009                                   
                                            11/08/2009                                                                                          14/08/2009                                                                                          17/07/2009                                                                                     10/07/2009     

    I tried what you suggested, but it hasnt worked.
    In your code, you have used the date ID,
    if {} = 1 then
      formula = {b.datevalue}
    end if
    but the table contains dates from several A_IDs, and I want to get the dates for the respective A_ID, So shouldnt I be matching the A_ID's first? I also dont understand how the max function helps here?
    My report is already grouped by Table A, ID.
    My report should be a join of the two tables, a left outer join to be exact.
    Also, if my XML data contains only one record for Table A, dates still come out in a separate line. I dont quite understand where the problem is?
    Thank you...

  • Content Conversion: One row with one header and multiple item structures. Possible?

    Dear all,
    I have a input that looks like this:
    Here's the actual input
    TEHGMESS0026000000288S0001TEI2____026200006112410400000000           18010000000000                                                      00126000000000126000120600000000002000000000                                    000WESTMONOBERTBE2014052309422408120003 000000000000000000000000000000JTEI2____026200006112410400000000           19010000000000                                                      00126000000000126000120600000000002000000000                                    000WESTMONOBERTBE2014052309422408120003 000000000000000000000000000000J
    HeaderKey = TEHGMESS
    ItemKey = TEI2____
    Is it possible to process this via MessageTransformBean (my actual scenario is JMS to IDoc)? I already tried but I only succeeded when having new lines in my input to separate between Header and (multiple) Items.
    So when the input and my configuration looks like below it works, but when I only have a single row input it doesn't work, even when specifying xml.recordHeader.endSeparator = '0' / xml.recordItem.endSeparator = '0'. I even tried xml.endSeparator = '0' but no luck.
    Input that works
    TEI2____026200006112410400000000           18010000000000                                                      00126000000000126000120600000000002000000000                                    000WESTMONOBERTBE2014052309422408120003 000000000000000000000000000000J
    TEI2____026200006112410400000000           19010000000000                                                      00126000000000126000120600000000002000000000                                    000WESTMONOBERTBE2014052309422408120003 000000000000000000000000000000J
    Matching configuration that works for input which structures are delimited by new line.
    Any clues on this? Is it even possible to have multiple structures in one row? Many thanks in advance

    SAP came back to me with this answer:
    First, I would like to point the documentation for Message Transform
    Bean (MTB) in 7.4:
    As it is written at the beginning of this document, MTB is used to
    call classes written for the Plain Adapter Engine. So you may find
    additional documentation about the parameters for convertion in the
    documentation of the Plain Adapter Engine
    ( it is written that the structures by default are
    arranged line-by-line. The endSeparator just adds additional character
    string as a separator after the last column in a row.
    I hope that this answers your question. MTB expects the data to be
    structured line by line.
    You may add a custom module, which transforms the message in the
    expected format.
    If you have a look at the second link there's even a more precise wording that multiple structures within one line are not supported:
    Even if no specification is made here, a line break must follow since substructures are always expected as a line of the document.
    Bottom line is that it's not supported by now and verfied by me with PI 7.4 SP5
    Many thanks to Ambrish, Amit and Hareesh for the valuable input. Will probably try to work things out for now following Ambrish's / Hareesh's suggestion as this seems easier to implement. Amit's proposal with a dedicated module however would probably be the more polished solution.

  • Opening an Excel file with custom formatting while BEx is open

    we just noticed something pretty weird (first time I see it in my carreer). One of the end users had BEx open (just launched the BEx Analyzer without actually opening a query/workbook) and tried to open one of her "own" Excel sheets out of Explorer.
    The file opened but all of a sudden the custom formatted currency fields changed from US$ amounts to DM amounts??? I assume DM stands for Deutsche Mark (a currency which has not been in use for about 9 years I believe). This "custom" format seems to only appear when BEx is opened. End user has Excel03 with BI AddOn 7.X Support Package 8, Patch 1, Revision 1443. When I do this on my own pc (I have Excel07 and the same BI AddOn), I get exactly the same behavior, be it a bit slower (I can see the file opening with $ amounts which slowly change to DM amounts). There are no macro's in the Excel workbook (was one of my first checks). I also tried opening the file from within Excel, but it gives the same weird behavior. Next check was to open a BI report first (so there was no empty BEx session) and then open the file in Excel... still the same.
    Ok, then I assumed it would use some kind of "marker" to point to the correct entry in the list of custom formats, but even that is not true. In the original file (opened in Excel when BEx is not open), it takes position 43. If I open the file while BEx is open, it takes position 49.
    Did anyone experience this before?

    you are using BI Frontend SP 801 and the next available Frontend SP should provide a fix for the issue. I would recommend to install Frontend SP 902, the latest one. Note [1294215|] describes the issue and refers to Frontend SP 900.

  • Does USD NACHA CCD Plus Format support one single payment with one vendor?

    We are implementing USD NACHA CCD Plus Format file for my customer.
    Have the following query:
    Does USD NACHA CCD Plus Format support one single payment with one vendor and another single payment with
    different vendor in single file or will it generate two files for two payments or will it support single payment only.
    Can anyone help us in this regard.

    I have created one invoice1 with one vendor and another invoice 2 with
    different vendor processed the PPR using USD NACHA CCD Plus Format .
    Both two payments came single file.
    But we know that USD NACHA CCD Plus Format support Single Payment only.
    Can anyone help us in this regard.

  • How to process Customer format parameters with Payment Medium Workbench

    I have one bank transfer scenario PC00_M99_FPAYM requiring supplying a payment using the French format FR_ETEBAC_CRT_DOM but the execution date of the bank transfer should be replaced by the banku2019s value date. I planned to enter this required date using the Customer format parameters when running PMW.
    The issue I tried to solve is described here below.
    How to extract the Customer format parameters assigned to the payment medium format FR_ETEBAC_VRT_DOM when processed by the Payment medium Workbench in order to fill the Customer specific user-defined fields (ZREF01 to ZREF10 in structure FPAYHX)?
    I noticed the event type 06 authorizes function modules similar like FI_PAYMEDIUM_SAMPLE_06 but the customer format parameters are only available at low level in function module FI_PAYM_MEDIUM_OPEN (example gc_format_params_c)
    Can someone help on this matter?  That would be great.
    Thanks in advance,

    Just sharing my findings and proposed solution.
    This worked
    The expected date is the value date/payee's bank.
    This date is created by the bank transfer program prior to be processed by Payment Medium Creation Tool (SAPFPAYM)
    According to functional investigation it sounds like the bank transfer program does not allow working with the value date/payee's bank.
    The investigation has been done in the Payment Medium Creation Tool. It allows adding the required value date/payee's bank into a customer format parameter.
    Required configuration and development:
    - Clone the current sap format FR_ETEBAC_VRT-DOM into a new Customized format ZFR_ETEBAC_VRT-DOM
    - Clone the corresponding DMEE object FR_ETEBAC_VRT-DOM into a new DMEE object tree type PAYM ZFR_ETEBAC_VRT-DOM
    - Create a new data structure: ZFR_Bank_Transfer with field CRVAL Value Date at Payee's Bank (comp type PRQ_CRVAL)
    - Assign customer structure ZFR_Bank_Transfer to payment format ZFR_ETEBAC_VRT-DOM and declare field CRVAL as required field
    - Build function module ZFI_PAYMEDIUM_06_FR in charge to extract value date/payee's bank from the customer structure and move it to the customer specific user-defined field ES_FPAYHX_CREF-ZREF01
    -  in new DMEE object tree type PAYM ZFR_ETEBAC_VRT-DOM Replace Source field FPAYH-ZALDT by FPAYHX-ZREF01 in the header record

  • How to return one ROW with Multiple value seperated by Colon in a SQL Query

    I have a SQL query as mentioned.
    select deptno
      from deptI want to mofidfy this query, so that this should return me department list with colon delimeted in one ROW.

    In 10g:
    select rtrim(xmlagg(xmlparse(content deptno || ':')).getstringval(), ':') data
    from   dept;
    10:20:30:40with apologies for the abuse of XML...

  • How to select one row in a table with radio button

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    I have a VO where there is an attribute (isDefault [String]) that identifies the default record in the view. The possible values are 'Y' for yes and 'N' for no. Obviously only one record can have the 'Y' value.
    In my page I have created an ADF Table (with the usual data control drag & drop). I would to transform the default inputText of "isDefault" field with a selectOneRadio component in order to permit the user to select (and save contextually in the DB) the default row of this table.
    Can you explain me how? I'm using JDeveloper
    Thanks in advance.

    Baduel wrote:
    thanks for your responses. Yes, it's easier to use af:selectBooleanCheckbox but I need that the selection is mutually exclusive (only one row can be selected). >If this is possible also with the boolean checkbox please tell me how.- Let's try with CheckBox :
    1. At the ViewObjectImpl level (for example, YourViewObjectImpl), add the following code:
      private oracle.jbo.Key currSelectedRowKey = null;
      public void doRowSelection(Key newKey) {
          // de-select old one
          if (currSelectedRowKey != null) {
              Row[] rows = findByKey(currSelectedRowKey,  1);
              if (rows != null && rows.length > 0)
                   rows[0].setStatusAsBoolean(Boolean.FALSE); // cast to the appropriate row Impl class if need !
         // remember a new selected row key:
        currSelectedRowKey = newKey;
      }In the ViewRowImpl, in the transient attr settter, do as follows:
      public void setStatusAsBoolean(Boolean value) {
         setStatus(value.booleanValue() ? ONE : ZERO);
         if (value.booleanValue()) {
             YourViewObjectImpl vo = (YourViewObjectImpl)getViewObject();
       }   P.S. The above was not tested at all, but should give you an idea

  • Select event not triggered in table with only one row

    Hi all,
    I am building a BI VC application where query data is displayed in a table. When the user clicks on a table row another query is then triggered and output in a second table. The output from table 1 is linked to the input of query2/table2 with a select event.
    The problem that I am facing is that if there is only one row in table 1, the select event is never triggered. If, however there are two or more rows in the table the select event is triggered and query 2 is executed. I have searched the forums but all I could find on select event problems was how to avoid the initial select event.
    Has anyone else experienced this issue and what is the workaround or is this a bug in Visual Composer? We are on VC 7.0 SP19.
    Astein Meland

    Thanks Chittya,
    Yes we have considered this option as well. But as we have more than one table linked together we would like to avoid having to manually click several buttons.
    In the end I found Note 1364334 describing bugfixes released in VC 7.0 SP20:
    "Normally, when a Visual Composer table is populated from a data service, the first row is selected by default. However, we have found that if only one data row is returned from the data service, this row is not selected by default and cannot be manually selected by clicking on it either."
    So I think we will just have to upgrade our Portal to the latest support packs to solve this problem.

  • Mapping scenario with one customer and many invoices

    I am receiving a flat file with one customer and n-invoice records. The file could look like this:
    13317350071000010806372131000                 0015890009876543X
    13317350071000010806372131000                 0015890009876543X
    13317350071000010806372131013                 0015890009876443X
    13317350071000010806372131014                 0015890009872343X
    where the first line is customer and the rest are invoices.
    My question is: How can I get this into a structure like this:
    When using content conversion (Customer,1,Invoice,*) there has to be specified a key field, which is not a possibility. Do I have to create a UDF for this to get the mapping I want?
    Thanks for your answers!
    regs Ole Mugaas

    Thanks for your answers!
    As I can see from the Krawcyk blog, he is only using one node and maybe that's why he don't have to use keyField. We have also come to the conclusion that we have to use keyfield, but then we have to give the fields out own values. This is not good enough since the values are predefined. Creating a "placeholder" in each data type would not be a good answer because then our customers have to send an additional field in the file which would cause a lot of work.
    Do you know how this can be solved with the keyfield? Is it possible to create a keyField and give it a value that is already there, ex:
    Invoice.keyFieldValue = Invoicenumber (where Invoicenumber is a field specified in the DT) ?
    regards Ole

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