Custom Tag: Cannot find setter method for attribute

This has been working fine in appserver6.5.
In the jsp:
<display:table configFileDir="theDirectory"...>
The tld entry:
private String configFileDir = null;
public void setConfigFileDir( String v )
     v = v.trim();
this.configFileDir = v;
Help, I'm going nuts.

Then you also need to create a UI element that extends HtmlPanelGrid
that has a tModelKey member and getters/setters. That object will hold
the information so that you can use it in your bean.Whoops... ignore that! Sorry. Attributes are simply stored in the component map component.getAttributes().
Add to your Tag class:
public void setProperties(UIComponent component) {
    Tags.setString(component, "tModelKey", tModelKey);
public void release() {
    // see above
}Where is:public class Tags {
    public static void setString(UIComponent component, String attributeName, String attributeValue) {
        if (attributeValue != null) {
            if (UIComponentTag.isValueReference(attributeValue)) {
                setValueBinding(component, attributeName, attributeValue);
            } else {
                component.getAttributes().put(attributeName, attributeValue);
    public static void setValueBinding(UIComponent component, String attributeName, String attributeValue) {
        FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
        Application app = context.getApplication();
        ValueBinding vb = app.createValueBinding(attributeValue);
        component.setValueBinding(attributeName, vb);

Similar Messages

  • Unable to find setter method for attribute:

    I am using Jboss jboss-4.2.3.GA, JDK 1.6.
    I am trying to deploy our application on Jboss. When loading sources page or whenever we try to load the taglib we are getting the following error.
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: jspfile.jsp(67,1) Unable to find setter method for attribute: collection
    at org.apache.jasper.compiler.DefaultErrorHandler.jspError(
    at org.apache.jasper.compiler.ErrorDispatcher.dispatch(
    at org.apache.jasper.compiler.ErrorDispatcher.jspError(
    at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Generator$GenerateVisitor.evaluateAttribute(
    at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Generator$GenerateVisitor.generateSetters(
    at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Generator$GenerateVisitor.generateCustomStart(
    at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Generator$GenerateVisitor.visit(
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    The line corresponding in JSP file is ,
    <ssmb:list name="src_" collection="sources" showAll='<%= "" + true %>'>
    Please let me know if you have faced this issue before.

    Have you written this tag in a tld or a tag file?
    How have you declared the attribute "collection"?
    Does the class which implements the custom tag <ssmb:list> have a method in it: public void setCollection(String collection) ?

  • Unable to find setter method for attribute: forceIdIndexFormula

    When I try to use advanced dataTable tag and in particular the given property - I get the error.
    What could it be?

    In older versions of my faces "forceIdIndexFormula" , is not defined. So it errors out when u try to use it, since it doesnt know what forceIdIndexFormula is all about.
    When u try to assign a value to a attribute it will call its corresponding setter method. Since it is not found it errors out.
    The solution is you have to make use of the latest myfaces version which supports the forceIdIndexFormula attribute in the datatable.

  • Error : cannot find setter method....

    hi i am using Ant 1.6 and struts framework run a simple program to print a name
    i have followed all the basic steps create a struts application
    now the problem is
    when i am trying to acces the applicatin it is giving
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /index.jsp(9,2) Unable to find setter method for attribute: name
    the form tag in index.jsp is
    <html:form action="Name"name="nameForm" type="NameForm">
    the bean is
    package com;
    //import statements
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
    import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
    public class NameForm extends ActionForm {
    String name = null;
    public String getName() {
        return name;
      public void setName(String name) { = name;
      public void reset(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request) { = null;
    }  the struts-config.xml file...
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
        <!DOCTYPE struts-config PUBLIC
              "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 1.3//EN"
         <form-bean name="nameForm" type="com.NameForm"/>
         <action path="/Name"
                   <forward name="success" path="/displayname.jsp"/>
                   <forward name="failure" path="/index.jsp"/>
        </struts-config> advance

    Hal-.- wrote:
    I downloaded Lucene from its homepage, I have tried Lucene 2.3.0 and Lucene 2.2.0, but same errors occurs which is cannot find symbol method Text.
    I checked class Field under Lucene, it doesn't have Text function. Well there you go. You can't call methods that don't exist.
    What should I do to add two Fields "path" & "contents" into Document?It seems very likely that the object that represents an indexed document, has some way to express the concepts of "path" and "contents". You should probably just read the docs some more.
    But other than that I have no idea. Ask on a Lucene forum.

  • Custom tag - unable to find setter method error

    I see this compileException on IAS but not on BEA app server and iWS.
    JSPProvider.processJSPFile(): jsp=searchContent.jsp, org.apache.jasper.compiler.CompileException
    Unable to find setter method for attribute: input
    The reason is because the custom tag has a setInput() that takes a String parameter while the getInput() returns an InputStream.
    Should both get and set methods have the same type of parameters or is this a due to a bug in the app server ?

    I see this compileException on IAS but not on BEA app
    server and iWS.
    JSPProvider.processJSPFile(): jsp=searchContent.jsp,
    Unable to find setter method for attribute: input
    The reason is because the custom tag has a setInput()
    that takes a String parameter while the getInput()
    returns an InputStream.
    Should both get and set methods have the same type of
    parameters or is this a due to a bug in the app server
    I was only going off info from the original post. The error specifically states "Unable to find setter method for attribute: input" with a lower case i for the input attribute. You also specifcally stated "The reason is because the custom tag has a setInput()" with a capital I for the setInput method. This would most definitely cause the error you were receiving. That is unless you corrected this between your original post and your followup testing.

  • Unable to find setter method

    Can anyone tell me how to overcome the error
    /tags/DBConnectionTest.jsp(8,0) Unable to find setter method for attribute: connection
    I get this error when i try to test a custom tag through a jsp. My jsp for testing the custom tag(s) is like this
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="db" %>
    <db:connection id="conn" url="jdbc:odbc:bidla2">
    <db:query id="getAllRows" connection="conn">Select name from events</db:query>
    I think there is some problem with the query tag because the jsp runs fine if i remove the line containing query tag. The query tag represents Is there anything extra that i need to add to it.
    Waiting for reply,
    Thank You !

    I am having the same problem.
    In my jsp I have:
    <db:query id="eventsForDay" connection="conn">
    SELECT name, description, start_date FROM Events
    WHERE EXTRACT(MONTH FROM start_date) = <%= month%>
    AND EXTRACT(YEAR FROM start_date) = <%= year%>
    AND EXTRACT(DAY FROM start_date) = <%= day%>
    My .tld file contains:
    <info>Specifies a SQL query</info>
    And the handler is :
    public class QueryTagHandler extends BodyTagSupport {
         private Connection con=null;
    private String id=null;
    private String test=null;
    public int doAfterBody() throws JspException {
         try {
              String query = getBodyContent().getString();
              System.out.println("[QueryTagHandler] doAfterBody, Query Body-> " + getBodyContent().getString());
              Statement stmt = getConnection().createStatement();
              ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
              this.pageContext.setAttribute(getId(), rs, pageContext.PAGE_SCOPE);
         } catch (Exception exc) {
              throw new JspException(exc.getMessage());
         return SKIP_BODY;
    public Connection getConnection() {
         return this.con;
    public void setConnection(String connection)
         this.con = (Connection)pageContext.findAttribute(connection);
    //System.out.println("[QueryTagHandler] setConnection, Attribute-> " + connection);
         //System.out.println("[QueryTagHandler] Connection : " + con);
    The error is : Unable to find setter method for attribute : connection
    What could be the problem ?????!!!!!!! I've googled for 2 days continuously and - no answer ... Can anyone help ?

  • JAX-WS web service - "Cannot find dispatch method"

    I'm getting the same error response every time I send a request to my JAX-WS web service:
    <ns2:Fault xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns3="">
       <faultstring>Cannot find dispatch method for {}Envelope</faultstring>
    </ns2:Fault>I've tried using JAX-WS RI 2.1.7 and 2.2 on my Tomcat server, but both return the same error response. It will return the WSDL just fine (when "?wsdl" is appended to the endpoint URL). I used "wsimport" to generate the necessary Java classes from my WSDL--it used JAX-WS RI 2.1.6 (the one included with the JDK I guess) to generate the Java source files.
    Other people online have had similar problems, but never with the SOAP element "{}Envelope", always with things specific to their WSDLs like "{}reqParams" or "{}CSIRead". I set a debug breakpoint at the start of my SIB method and it doesn't even get that far.
    Any ideas? Thanks for your help.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!-- This wsdl file is for an XDS-I.b Imaging Document Source Actor
         It can be used 'as is' to support Imaging Document Source Retrieve Imaging Document Set Transaction
         using Synchronous Web Services. 
    <definitions xmlns:soap=""
      xmlns="" xmlns:xsd=""
      xmlns:ihe="urn:ihe:iti:xds-b:2007" xmlns:iherad="urn:ihe:rad:xdsi-b:2009" xmlns:rs="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:xsd:rs:3.0"
      targetNamespace="urn:ihe:rad:xdsi-b:2009" xmlns:soap12=""
      xmlns:wsaw="" name="ImagingDocumentSource">
      <documentation>IHE XDS-I.b Imaging Document Source</documentation>
        <xsd:schema elementFormDefault="qualified"
          <!-- Include the message schema -->
          <xsd:include schemaLocation="../schema/IHE/XDS.b_DocumentRepository.xsd"/>
        <xsd:schema elementFormDefault="qualified"
          <!-- Include the message schema -->
          <xsd:include schemaLocation="../schema/IHE/XDSI.b_ImagingDocumentSource.xsd"/>
        <xsd:schema elementFormDefault="qualified"
          <!-- Include the message schema -->
          <xsd:include schemaLocation="../schema/ebRS/rs.xsd"/>
        <!-- While no elements are directly used from these schema in the WSDL,
          they need to be present here in order for
          code generating toolkits to work properly -->
        <xsd:schema elementFormDefault="qualified"
          <!-- Include the message schema -->
          <xsd:include schemaLocation="../schema/ebRS/lcm.xsd"/>
       <xsd:schema elementFormDefault="qualified"
          <!-- Include the message schema -->
          <xsd:include schemaLocation="../schema/ebRS/rim.xsd"/>
      <message name="RetrieveImagingDocumentSetRequest_Message">
        <documentation>Retrieve Imaging Document Set</documentation>
        <part name="body" element="iherad:RetrieveImagingDocumentSetRequest"/>
      <message name="RetrieveDocumentSetResponse_Message">
        <documentation>Retrieve Document Set Response</documentation>
        <part name="body" element="ihe:RetrieveDocumentSetResponse"/>
      <portType name="ImagingDocumentSource_PortType">
        <operation name="ImagingDocumentSource_RetrieveImagingDocumentSet">
          <input message="iherad:RetrieveImagingDocumentSetRequest_Message"
          <output message="iherad:RetrieveDocumentSetResponse_Message"
      <binding name="ImagingDocumentSource_Binding" type="iherad:ImagingDocumentSource_PortType">
        <soap12:binding style="document" transport=""/>
        <operation name="ImagingDocumentSource_RetrieveImagingDocumentSet">
          <soap12:operation soapAction="urn:ihe:rad:xdsi-b:2009:RetrieveImagingDocumentSet"/>
            <soap12:body use="literal"/>
            <soap12:body use="literal"/>
      <service name="ImagingDocumentSource_Service">
        <port name="ImagingDocumentSource_Port_Soap12" binding="iherad:ImagingDocumentSource_Binding">
          <soap12:address location="http://localhost:8080/webservice-test/ridsService"/>
         <a:Action soap:mustUnderstand="1">urn:ihe:rad:2009:RetrieveImagingDocumentSet</a:Action>
         <a:ReplyTo soap:mustUnderstand="1">
             <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
             <urn:StudyRequest studyInstanceUID="test1">
                <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
                <urn:SeriesRequest seriesInstanceUID="test2">
                   <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
                <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
    Response (HTTP 500):
    <ns2:Fault xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns3="">
       <faultstring>Cannot find dispatch method for {}Envelope</faultstring>

    I posted here to benefit anybody who is looking for a solution.
    The solution is to use WebServiceContext to get ServletContext, then use ServletContext to get parameters defined in web.xml.
    @Resource private WebServiceContext m_wsCxt;
    Then in method
    SOAPMessageContext soapCxt = (SOAPMessageContext) m_wsCxt.getMessageContext();
    ServletContext servletCxt = (ServletContext) soapCxt.get(;

  • Pi 7.1: Exception when contacting WS - "Cannot find dispatch method"

    Hi All,
    I have been receiving the following error message as shown in ICM log, where the trace level is set to 3, when a request is sent to a Web Server.
    ...<SOAP:Faultmlns:SOAP='htt//'><faultco>SOAP:Client</ultcode><faultring>Cannot find dispatch method for arg0</faultstring/SOAP:Fault>..
    No error message is returned using a soap client (as soapUI), after loading the same wsdl file.
    About the configuration of the SOAP Communication Channel, no conversion parameter have been set and no SOAP Action has been set because the seme exception is also raised by setting "arg0" as SOAP Action.
    The structure of the response message is like this.
    Any help will be well appreciated.
    Many thanks in advacne for your kind support.

    Hi All !!
    This problem has been solved with the last SAP_XI* Patches.
    We install:
    SAP_XIESR  SP06 Patch 11
    SAP_XIAF   SP06 Patch 11
    SAP_XITOOL SP06 Patch 10
    and the problem...... SOLVED !!!

  • Error to invoke service by soap  : Cannot find dispatch method

    i m using jdevelopper 11g and oracle 10g , i write a fonction soap like that:
    -- create or replace function get_naissance(id in varchar2, url in varchar2) return varchar2 as soap_request varchar2(30000);
    soap_request varchar2(30000);
    soap_respond varchar2(30000);
    http_req utl_http.req;
    http_resp utl_http.resp;
    resp XMLType;
    soap_request:= '<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
    *<env:Envelope xmlns:env="" xmlns:ns1="http://communes/"> <env:Header/>*
    *<env:Body> <ns1:getNaissanceFindById> <arg0>272001</arg0> </ns1:getNaissanceFindById> </env:Body> </env:Envelope> ';*
    http_req:= utl_http.begin_request ( 'http://localhost:7101/naissances-Naissances-webapp/naissanceWS' , 'POST' , 'HTTP/1.1' );
    utl_http.set_header(http_req, 'Content-Type', 'application/soap+xml');
    utl_http.set_header(http_req, 'Content-Length', length(soap_request));
    utl_http.set_header(http_req, 'SOAPAction', '');
    utl_http.write_text(http_req, soap_request);
    http_resp:= utl_http.get_response(http_req);
    utl_http.read_text(http_resp, soap_respond);
    resp:= XMLType.createXML(soap_respond);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('naissance is : '||soap_respond);
    resp:= resp.extract('//ns2:getNaissanceFindByIdResponse/return' , 'xmlns:ns2="http://communes/"' );
    -- dbms_output.put_line('naissance: '||resp.getStringVal());
    -- return resp.getStringVal();
    there generate an error
    *naissance is : <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><S:Envelope xmlns:S=""><S:Body><S:Fault xmlns:ns4=""><S:Code><S:Value>S:Sender</S:Value></S:Code><S:Reason><S:Text xml:lang="fr">Cannot find dispatch method for {http://communes/}getNaissanceFindById</S:Text></S:Reason></S:Fault></S:Body></S:Envelope>*
    the method getNaissanceFindById is correctly implement , the web service run correctly :
    */** <code>select o from Naissance o where o.naissanceid like :id</code> */*
    *@RequestWrapper(className = "jaxws.overloaded.GetNaissanceFindById2")*
    *@ResponseWrapper(className = "jaxws.overloaded.GetNaissanceFindById2_Response")*
    *@WebMethod(operationName = "getNaissanceFindById_2")*
    *public Naissance getNaissanceFindById(String id) {*
    RETURN (Naissance)em.createNamedQuery("Naissance.findById").setParameter("id", id).getSingleResult();
    the result when i put id= 272001 when the service is running :
    *<env:Envelope xmlns:env="" xmlns:ns1="http://communes/">*
    *<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>*
    *<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">*
    *<ns2:getNaissanceFindById_2Response xmlns:ns2="http://communes/">*
    *<datnais>1962-11-09 00:00:00.0</datnais>*
    so i need your help to resolve this error it's amazing , if you want athers details i 'll give u
    thank you

    Please note you're on the SQL Developer forum, so I doubt you'll get answers here...
    Have fun,

  • Cannot find CFML template for custom tag

    Why am I getting this error when my code looks like this?
    Cannot find CFML template for custom tag UPSPrice.
    ColdFusion attempted looking in the tree of installed custom tags but did not find a custom tag with this name. If you are using per-applica
    <Cfif NOT form.shipzip IS "">
    <CF_UPSPrice SERVICE="#form.upsshiptype#" FROM="#shopshipzip#" TO="#FORM.shipzip#" WEIGHT="#getshipweight.totwei#">
    <CF_UPSPrice SERVICE="#form.upsshiptype#" FROM="#shopshipzip#" TO="" WEIGHT="#getshipweight.totwei#">

    UPSPrice.cfm file:
    Cold Fusion custom tag obtain UPS shipping costs from
    CALLTAG   - (optional) Electronic or basic call tag issued, valid options
                           are NONE BASIC or ELECTRONIC, defaults to NONE.
    COD       - (optional) Package is being sent C.O.D., valid options are YES
                           and NO, defaults to NO.
    FROM      - (required) Source (ship from) postal code.
    HANDLING  - (optional) Requires special handling (eg. - any article that
                           is not fully encased in an outside shipping container,
                           or any package that exceeds 60 inches in length).
    HAZARD    - (optional) Package contains hazardous material, valid options are YES
                           and NO, defaults to NO.
    HEIGHT    - (optional) Height (in inches) of oversized package.
    LENGTH    - (optional) Length (in inches) of oversized package.
    OVERSIZED - (optional) Package is oversized, valid options are YES and NO,
                           defaults to NO.
    RESPONSE  - (optional) Delivery confirmation service, valid options are
                           NONE BASIC SIGNATURE ALTERNATE or ALL, defaults to
    SATDELIV  - (optional) Saturday delivery, valid options are YES and NO,
                           defaults to NO.
    SATPICKUP - (optional) Saturday pickup, valid options are YES and NO,
                           defaults to NO.
    SERVICE   - (required) UPS Service ID, valid service IDs are:
                           1DM    - Next Day Air Early AM
                           1DML   - Next Day Air Early AM Letter
                           1DA    - Next Day Air
                           1DAL   - Next Day Air Letter
                           1DP    - Next Day Air Saver
                           1DPL   - Next Day Air Saver Letter
                           2DM    - 2nd Day Air A.M.
                           2DA    - 2nd Day Air
                           2DML   - 2nd Day Air A.M. Letter
                           2DAL   - 2nd Day Air Letter
                           3DS    - 3 Day Select
                           GNDCOM - Ground Commercial
                           GNDRES - Ground Residential
    SHIPNOT1  - (optional) First ship notification, valid options are NONE
                           DOMESTIC or INTERNATIONAL, defaults to NONE.
    SHIPNOT2  - (optional) Second ship notification, valid options are NONE
                           DOMESTIC or INTERNATIONAL, defaults to NONE.
    TOCOUNTRY - (optional) Destination country code, defaults to US if not
                           specified. Visit the UPS site for a complete list of
                           valid two letter country codes.
    TO        - (required) Destination (ship to) postal code.
    VALUE     - (optional) Declared value for carrier liability, carrier assumes
                           $100 by default.
    VERBCONF  - (optional) Verbal confirmation of delivery, valid options are YES
                           and NO, defaults to NO.
    WEIGHT    - (required) Weight (in pounds) of package, fractions may be used.
    WIDTH     - (optional) Width (in inches) of oversized package.
    This tag submits a shipping cost request to UPS for processing, and returns
    price and shipping information. CF_UPSPrice sets the following variables that
    you may use within your template after the call to CF_UPSPrice:
    UPS_BaseCharge     - Base shipping charge.
    UPS_Charge         - Total charge.
    UPS_Error          - Error message, if there was one.
    UPS_ErrorCode      - Error code, if there was one.
    UPS_FromCountry    - Source country code.
    UPS_FromPostal     - Source postal code.
    UPS_GuaranteedBy   - Guranteed delivery time.
    UPS_OptionalCharge - Total of optional charges.
    UPS_Service        - UPS service ID.
    UPS_Success        - YES if request was successful, NO if not.
    UPS_ToCountry      - Destination country code.
    UPS_ToPostal       - Destination postal code.
    UPS_ToZone         - Destination zone.
    UPS_Weight         - Billed weight.
    To use just call <CF_UPSPrice> from within your Cold Fusion template,
    passing at least the required attributes TO FROM SERVICE and WEIGHT.
    Obtain price for next day package from NY to CA:
      <CF_UPSPrice SERVICE="1DA" FROM="11213" TO="90046" WEIGHT="1.5">
      <CFOUTPUT>Cost is #DollarFormat(UPS_Charge)#</CFOUTPUT>
    Sending a oversized package C.O.D. via second day air:
      <CF_UPSPrice SERVICE="2DA" FROM="11213" TO="90046"
       WEIGHT="1.5" HEIGHT="13" WIDTH="12" LENGTH="20" COD="Yes">
    Using form fields:
      <CF_UPSPrice SERVICE="#service#" FROM="#from#" TO="#to#" WEIGHT="#weight#">
    Ben Forta ([email protected]) 10/14/97
    With help from Dave Beckstrom ([email protected])
    <!--- Initialize variables --->
    <CFSET proceed = "Yes">
    <CFSET error_message = "">
    <!--- Get UPS service --->
    <CFIF proceed>
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.service")>
      <CFSET product = ATTRIBUTES.service>
      <CFSET proceed = "No">
      <CFSET error_message = "SERVICE must be specified!">
    <!--- Get destination postal code --->
    <CFIF proceed>
    <CFIF IsDefined("")>
      <CFSET destPostal =>
      <CFSET proceed = "No">
      <CFSET error_message = "TO postal code must be specified!">
    <!--- Get source postal code --->
    <CFIF proceed>
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.from")>
      <CFSET origPostal = ATTRIBUTES.from>
      <CFSET proceed = "No">
      <CFSET error_message = "FROM postal code must be specified!">
    <!--- Get weight --->
    <CFIF proceed>
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.weight")>
      <CFSET weight = ATTRIBUTES.weight>
      <CFSET proceed = "No">
      <CFSET error_message = "WEIGHT postal code must be specified!">
    <!--- If all okay, process other options --->
    <CFIF proceed>
    <!--- Get destination country --->
    <CFSET destCountry = "US">
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.tocountry")>
      <CFSET destCountry = ATTRIBUTES.tocountry>
    <!--- Get oversized --->
    <CFSET oversized = "0">
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.oversized")>
      <CFIF ATTRIBUTES.oversized>
       <CFSET oversized = "1">
    <!--- Get COD --->
    <CFSET cod = "0">
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.cod")>
       <CFSET cod = "1">
    <!--- Get hazard --->
    <CFSET hazard = "0">
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.hazard")>
      <CFIF ATTRIBUTES.hazard>
       <CFSET hazard = "1">
    <!--- Get handling --->
    <CFSET handling = "0">
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.handling")>
      <CFIF ATTRIBUTES.handling>
       <CFSET handling = "1">
    <!--- Get calltag --->
    <CFSET calltag = "0">
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.calltag")>
      <CFIF ATTRIBUTES.calltag IS "BASIC">
       <CFSET calltag = "1">
       <CFSET calltag = "2">
    <!--- Get Saturday delivery --->
    <CFSET saturdaydelivery = "0">
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.satdeliv")>
      <CFIF ATTRIBUTES.satdeliv>
       <CFSET saturdaydelivery = "1">
    <!--- Get Saturday pickup --->
    <CFSET saturdaypickup = "0">
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.satpickup")>
      <CFIF ATTRIBUTES.satpickup>
       <CFSET saturdaypickup = "1">
    <!--- Get response --->
    <CFSET response = "0">
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.response")>
      <CFIF ATTRIBUTES.response IS "BASIC">
       <CFSET response = "1">
       <CFSET response = "2">
       <CFSET response = "3">
       <CFSET response = "4">
    <!--- Get vcd --->
    <CFSET vcd = "0">
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.verbconf")>
      <CFIF ATTRIBUTES.verbconf>
       <CFSET vcd = "1">
    <!--- Get first ship notify --->
    <CFSET firstshipnotify = "0">
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.shipnot1")>
       <CFSET firstshipnotify = "1">
       <CFSET firstshipnotify = "2">
    <!--- Get second ship notify --->
    <CFSET secondshipnotify = "0">
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.shipnot2")>
       <CFSET secondshipnotify = "1">
       <CFSET secondshipnotify = "2">
    </CFIF> <!--- End process params --->
    <!--- If have all params, process request --->
    <CFIF proceed>
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="accept_UPS_license_agreement" VALUE="yes">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="13_product" VALUE="#product#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="15_origPostal" VALUE="#origPostal#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="19_destPostal" VALUE="#destPostal#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="22_destCountry" VALUE="#destCountry#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="23_weight" VALUE="#weight#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="29_oversized" VALUE="#oversized#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="33_hazard" VALUE="#hazard#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="34_handling" VALUE="#handling#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="35_calltag" VALUE="#calltag#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="37_saturdaydelivery" VALUE="#saturdaydelivery#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="38_saturdaypickup" VALUE="#saturdaypickup#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="39_response" VALUE="#response#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="44_firstshipnotify" VALUE="#firstshipnotify#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="45_secondshipnotify" VALUE="#firstshipnotify#">
    <!--- Check if succeeded --->
    <CFIF ListFirst(CFHTTP.FileContent, "%") IS "UPSOnLine3">
      <!--- Success, set variables --->
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_Success = "Yes">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_Service = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 2, "%")>
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_FromPostal = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 3, "%")>
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_FromCountry = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 4, "%")>
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_ToPostal = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 5, "%")>
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_ToCountry = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 6, "%")>
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_ToZone = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 7, "%")>
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_Weight = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 8, "%")>
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_BaseCharge = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 9, "%")>
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_OptionalCharge = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 10, "%")>
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_Charge = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 11, "%")>
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_GuaranteedBy = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 12, "%")>
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_Error = "">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_ErrorCode = "">
      <!--- Failed, set variables and error message --->
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_Success = "No">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_Service = "">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_FromPostal = "">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_FromCountry = "">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_ToPostal = "">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_ToCountry = "">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_ToZone = "">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_Weight = "">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_BaseCharge = "">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_OptionalCharge = "">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_Charge = "">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_GuaranteedBy = "">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_Error = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 2, "%")>
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_ErrorCode = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 3, "%")>
    <!--- Failed, display error message, and abort --->
    <CFOUTPUT><H1>Error: #error_message#</H1></CFOUTPUT>

  • Cannot find CFML template for custom tag SELECTDATE

    I am not a ColdFusion developer and just moved a site from one server to another. That site is developed by someone else not me and I just moved the site to ColdFusion server. Site is working fine except a few pages where I am getting this error:
    Cannot find CFML template for custom tag SELECTDATE
    I read a little bit about custom tags. These are files that needs to be placed in a certain folder from where ColdFusion reads them.
    So that means I will need to ask the developer who developed this site to provide me with this custom tag file, which when I will place in appropriate folder, this page will start working? And without that file I cannot do anything about it?

    As Dan says, they're just CFM files.  Usually one can identify them as follows:
    * they're in the same directory as a file calling <cf_somefilename[...]>, wherein there is a somefilename.cfm is the name of the file
    * they're in one of the directories set as custom tag directories (in CFAdmin, or Application.cfc)
    * they have references to "thistag" or the attributes scope in them (although the latter can produce false positives on Fusebox sites)
    By the sounds of it, your issue is - like I said before - you haven't got your custom tag dirs set up in CFAdmin (or in Application.cfc, which I didn't mention before).  Investigate that.

  • Setter method for custom action attributes

    I'm using Sun App server. The container is saying I need to implement a setter method for a custom action attribute? I defined a set<variable() and this didn't fix the problem. What kind of setter method is it expecting?

    nevermind, found solution

  • Updating PS 13.04x64 to 13.06 for Yosemite, would not insatll, says to contact customer support, cannot find way to do that

    Updating Photoshop CS6 13.04x64 to 13.06, won't install, message says to contact customer support, cannot find way to do that6

    Hello DogeHD , deeply sorry for the inconvenience. I've just sent you a private message with all the information regarding this case.
    If my post answers your question, please mark it as "Accept as Solution."

  • JAXB is not generating the setter method for my tag

    I am generating java classes form my .xsd file using JAXB.
    The xsd definition has defnes a Form as a sequence of FormElement, where FormElement is a choice of graphical components like text etc. Form can have 0 or unbounded elements of typeFormElement
    <xs:element ref="sswfm:FormElement" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    It is creating the getter method for this tag like this-
    java.util.List getFormElement();
    but does not create setter method, namely, setFormElements which I would like to use when marshalling from swing to XML.
    If i remove the maxOccurs="unbounded, it is creating the setter method for this tag.But i want to keep this tag as it it and needs the setter method also.
    What should i do? Has one tried this before. HELP if you can
    Thank you in advance.

    Hi RavindraKshirsagar,
    We have a problem like you faced. Our requirement is that, we need to generate dynamically the PERSON element in our javabean.
    <xs:element name='SERVICE_REQUESTER'>
                        <xs:element ref='ORGANIZATION' />
                        <xs:element ref='PERSON' maxOccurs='unbounded' />
         </xs:element>For this maxOccurs, as JAXB is not generating any Setter Method. As we need to get data dynamically from external application. If you could help us in handling this case dynamically, it will be well and good.
    Please send us the script / code asap.

  • Setting value for attribute  'PO_NUMBER_SOLD'  using setter method

    Hi Experts,
    I need to set the value of a screen field according to some condition. I am using setter method of this attribute to set the value but it is not getting changed.
    I have written following code in DO_PREPARE_OUTPUT method of implementation class ZL_ZZBT131I_ZCREDITCHECK_IMPL using setter method of attribute
    Get Referral Authorization Code
          lv_val1 = me->typed_context->crechkresph->get_po_number( attribute_path = 'PO_NUMBER' ).
          me->typed_context->crechkresph->set_po_number( attribute_path = 'PO_NUMBER'
                                                            value     = ' ' ).
    while debugging I found that in method set_po_number set_property method has been used:--
                          iv_attr_name = 'PO_NUMBER_SOLD' "#EC NOTEXT
                          iv_value     = <nval> ).
    In set_property method  following code is getting executed
              if <VALUE> ne IV_VALUE.
                if ME->MY_MANAGER_ENTRY->DELTA_FLAG is initial.
                first 'change' -> proof that entity is locked
                  if ME->MY_MANAGER_ENTRY->LOCKED = FALSE.
                    if ME->LOCK( ) = FALSE.
                flag entity as modified
                ME->ACTIVATE_SENDING( ).
              change value
                <VALUE> = IV_VALUE.
              log change
                set bit LV_IDX of ME->CHANGE_LOG->* to INDICATOR_SET.
            check if it is a real read-only field or a display mode violation
              assert id BOL_ASSERTS subkey 'READ-ONLY_VIOLATION'
                     fields ME->MY_INSTANCE_KEY->OBJECT_NAME
                     condition ME->CHANGEABLE = ABAP_TRUE.
    and in debugging I found that if part ( ME->IS_CHANGEABLE( ) = ABAP_TRUE and
               LV_PROPS_OBJ->GET_PROPERTY_BY_IDX( LV_IDX ) ne IF_GENIL_OBJ_ATTR_PROPERTIES=>READ_ONLY) fails and hence else part is getting executed and hence my field a real read-only field or a display mode violation is happening according to comments in code.
    What shall I do so that I would be able to change the screen field value?
    Any help would be highly appreciated.

    Try this:
    data: lr_entity type cl_crm_bol_entity.
    lr_entity = me->typed_context->crechkresph->collection_wrapper->get_current( ).
    lr_entity->set_property( iv_attr_name = 'PO_NUMBER' value = '').
    Also, make sure the field is not read-only.

Maybe you are looking for

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  • Could Mapping Template  be used in Multi Message mapping

    I had a 1:1 message mapping: MM_A but later i foudd that the mapping should be 1:n Multi message mapping so firstly i created mapping template of MM_A but the template doesn't work when i am doing the multi mapping. Could Mapping Template  be used in

  • SLD and CIM models

    Hi, I am looking for a possibility to do extended reporting on SLD-Content (Product, Version SWC etc) that was created by users. I know I can do a select and export of the model, but then I have a huge XML file. (And I have to know what was created b