Custom Videoplayer like the one on Facebook

Hi All,
Is there a tutorial for developing a Flash Video Player which expands on clicking? You can refer the videos embedded on facebook. They appear in smaller player but when clicked expand to fit the content.
thanks for providing me with some samples/tutorials.

Are u talking about fullscreen mode? If yes then you can refer this link
It will help you provide full screen feature to your flash video player.

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    Hi again Bob,
    I believe I've found the feature you were speaking about now. Information on the "In the Store" feature of iTunes can be found here:
    Apple - iTunes - Inside iTunes - Using In the Store from within your iTunes Library. -your-itunes-library.html
    Thanks for using the Apple Support Communities. Have a good one!

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    NI REP : drohacek
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    completely set up before you do any compiling? 
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    have come up with a truly “visual” table control before now.
    Grant M. Johnson
    Project Engineer
    LECO Corporation

    Hello Grant
    You can most certainly use Excel with VC++ 6.0. Measurement Studio won't provided you with any classes to talk to Excel in VC++ 6.0. This is because Excel allows control via Automation and you can use its automation API to do anything you need with Excel. This is what CVI uses as well.
    You can see this MSDN article on how to set this up. This mentions VC.NET, but it should work the same way.
    Here is one that talks about VC 6.0 and Excel.
    Here is a code project article about this.
    Even with .NET, you have to do thru the Excel Automation support. Excel started shipping with Primary Interop Assemblies (PIA) which are .NET wrappers about the Excel Automation object model. C++ Automation is definetely not as nice as .NET, BTW
    See this document for more information about the Excel object model.
    I would not recommend using the CVI Excel libraries if all you want to use them for is Excel automation. You will end up creating un-necessary dependencies and go through extra layers that way. You can make calls straight to Excel from VC++ without requiring CVI.
    One quick observation about your excel approach. If you decide to use Excel as your table, you might be requiring everyone who uses your application to have Excel installed on their machines. Just wanted to make sure this was acceptable to you.
    Have you looked at the Datagrid Activex control, which is one of the common controls that ships with Visual Studio? You can add it to Visual Studio by right-clicking and picking it from the list of installed activex control. If you have not already, you should check it out.
    Microsoft has made significant improvements in the number of controls they provide with .NET. They have a Datagrid control that seems to be what you need.
    Measurement Studio did add some high level classes for Excel and Word Automation that simplify some common tasks, but these exists for VS 2003 C++ and VS 2005 C++, not for VC 6.0. Underneath, we end up using the same Excel automation classes, so you can easily setup something similar for VC 6.0. Plus you can find alot of references online on how to use the Excel Automation object model with C++.
    We currently have no plans in Measurement Studio to create a table control unfortunately. I am assuming when you said graph, you actually meant table, since Measurement Studio already  provides a ActiveX graph controls for VC++ 6.0 that is very similar to the CVI graph.
    On a side note, VC++ 6.0 is really really old. Have you considered upgrading?
    To summarize
    - Yes, you can use Excel with Vc++ 6.0 without mstudio.
    - Try using the Datagrid Activex control if you just need a table.
    - Measurement Studio provides high-level excel and word classes for VC++ 6.0
    - Measurement Studio provides a graph control for VC++ 6.0 which is very similar to the CVI graph.
    - Measuremnt Studio does not have a table control.
    - VC++ 6.0 is really really old. Have you considered upgrading?
    Bilal Durrani

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    Hello Andieas
    Why open a new window for fast browsing??
    Open new tabs.
    Just right click on what you want to open and click "Open in new Tab"
    It is easy and doesn't consume memory from your computer as well as easy to navigate.
    Hope you'll like it

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    Hello Satya,
    So if it's a 'mere' technical limitation, then there should be a way to create centralized development for Java
    It might be an old mainframe environment, but from the development process point of view, centralized environment offers benefit where lots of versioning problem (library or data dictionary) can be solved.
    I used to work in a distributed development environment to create a web based FI/SD/MM related application. We have tons of classic problem of '<i>it is working in my environment, but not in yours</i>' type of thing. With centralized (read: ABAP), version integrity problem can be reduced to minimum.
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    OK, you are getting closer. Now, use your result, and place a Layer above that. Use the Pen Tool to create the "pen strokes" basically tracing over your background image. Then, when you have created each Path (or Sub-Path), choose Stroke Path, with probably the Pencil Tool and a Brush size that is small enough.
    Not sure which versions of PS these are good for, but here are some plug-ins, that might be helpful.
    AKVIS Sketch
    Sketch Effects
    Sketch Master
    I see that one of my old favorites, Flaming Pear's India Ink is not around any more.
    Good luck,

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    Once the Lion download is complete quit the installer and follow these directions. The file you need to make a boot disk disappears after you install Lion.
    Egg Freckles | Burning A Lion Boot Disc
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    Message was edited by: R_Kelly

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