Customer Exit EXIT_SAPLCORF_005

I'm trying to use the customer-exit EXIT_SAPLCORF_005 to modify a service order after saving some order confirmations using transaction IW41.
The customer-exit or better the coding in include ZXCOFU05 is called, but currently I've no idea how to modify the appropriate service order (given in structure/table caufvd_tab) that way it gets saved to database.
Why do I want the service order to get saved to database this way? That's because our BW will import the order's PMCO data only when it gets triggered from a service order modification.
Basically this means when sbdy. adds some order confirmations (which means a new PMCO record is created) the order itself is not changed at all, hence, the BW trigger is not fired and the new PMCO data is not imported into BW.
Is it possible to change an service order from within customer-exit EXIT_SAPLCORF_005 this way so it acts like a modified document from within transaction IW32?  Or perhaps anybody knows about a better place or better way to get this new PMCO records into the BW.

Have a look [here|] under the Confirmations section

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    Hi Sameer,
    Most likely, I'm missing something, but I think that the answer is very simple.
    IF I_STEP = 2. “ After selecting of input variable
    In this typical user exit coding you have a user entered value in LOC_VAR_RANGE (originally in I_T_VAR_RANGE) and you construct your user exit variable value in E_T_RANGE.
    Best regards,
    Message was edited by: Eugene Khusainov

  • Diff b/w "Customer exits" and "User-exit"

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    Thanks in advance.

    Types of Exits
    There are several different types of customer exits. Each of these exits acts as hooks where you can attach or "hang" your own add-ons.
    Menu Exits
    Menu exits add items to the pulldown menus in standard SAP applications. You can use these menu items to call up your own screens or to trigger entire add-on applications.
    SAP creates menu exits by defining special menu items in the Menu Painter. These special entries have function codes that begin with "+" (a plus sign). You specify the menu item’s text when activating the item in an add-on project.
    Screen Exits
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    Function Module Exits
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    SAP application developers create function module exits by writing calls to customer functions into the source code of standard R/3 programs. These calls have the following syntax: CALL CUSTOMER-FUNCTION ‘001’.
    <b>User exits:</b>
    In order to find out the user exits for any tcode,
    1. get the developement class of the tcode from SE93.
    2. Now goto transaction SMOD and press F4,
    3. give in the Deve class in the dev class and Press ENTER
    this will show u the exits for any tcode.
    or execute this report
    which gives the list of exits for a tcode
    For information on Exits, check these links
    Check out these links too...
    ****Reward points if helpful.
    All the best

  • What is diff b/w user & customer exit

    Good afternoon everybody,
    Plz differentiate user exit and customer exit.
    What is the way to findout user exits and how to modify it.
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Venkat,
    Check the following description
    Customer exits: The R/3 enhancement concept allows you to add your own functionality to SAP’s standard business applications without having to modify the original applications. SAP creates customer exits for specific programs, screens, and menus within standard R/3 applications. These exits do not contain any functionality. Instead, the customer exits act as hooks. You can hang your own add-on functionality onto these hooks.
    If you want to enhance the functionality of your SAP System, you should take advantage of the exits available in standard R/3 applications. There are two main reasons why you should use exits rather than modifying SAP software yourself. Add-ons attached to exits have the advantage that:
    They do not affect standard SAP source code
    When you add new functionality to your SAP System using SAP’s exits, you do not alter the source code of standard SAP programs in any way. The code and screens you create are encapsulated as separate objects. These customer objects are linked to standard applications, but exist separately from SAP’s standard software package.
    They do not affect software updates
    When you add new functionality to your SAP System using SAP’s exits, your objects (called customer objects) must adhere to strict naming conventions. When it comes time to upgrade a to a new software release, customer objects’ names ensure that they will not be affected by any changes or new additions to the standard software package.
    In contrast to customer exits, user exits allow developers to access and modify program components and data objects in the standard SAP System.
    User exits: Programs with user exits contain subroutine calls at certain points in their syntax that are identified by the prefix USEREXIT. The actual user exits are located in an include that has been assigned to a module pool. This is where customers can include any changes (enhancements) that they want to make to the system. These includes are always processed during program flow.
    I hope this helps.

  • Default value of BeX customer Exit variable not Displayed in WeBI??

    Hello Experts,
    We are stuck with a problem where WeBI report is created on top of BeX query and we are not able to see the default value of Bex Customer exit variable in WeBI run. Here is the complete scenario:
    1. One restricted KF is created in BeX, restricted with Customer exit variable on net Due date. And this variable is mandatory, ready for input, and Default value in calculated is user exit as current Week's Monday.
    2. So, by default KF data should be restricted to Monday of current week, if user does not change this value.
    3. Now, WeBI report is created on top of this Bex query, and all is working fine, i.e. we are getting variable as Prompt in WeBI, but Default value is not shown while Running the Webi Report.
    So, need your inputs on the same, if default values from BeX in WeBI is supported or not? If yes, why this is happening, and how to resolve it?
    Please notice, the restrcition is in KF only, it is not a separate restrcition on Net Due date in Filter area or in Defualt area of BeX
    and we are on SAP BW 7.1 and BOXI 3.1 SP4.
    Edited by: VIPUL GOYAL on Nov 23, 2011 9:44 PM

    See 1285993 - Support of Customer Exit Variables from BEx query into WebIntelligence via OLAP universe
    WebI will prompt when executed, but the default values calculated by the user exit  - do not appear.
    Note: If the BEx variable has property 'ready for input' set / enabled, then its WebI prompt shows ok, but no default value appears.
    This behaviour expected 'by design' (in the context of the product's current limitations) as explained in the online guide below:
    Please refer to Chapter 7, page 44, document link here:
    Characteristic variable > processing type > Customer Exit  is "Supported, without user entry"                                                                               
    -->  This should be understood as meaning "User will not be shown a prompt"

  • How do I use the Exclude in the customer exit

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    Hi MICK,
      If you want to write code in customer exit and exclude some values for the variable in query,note the following things
    -  l_s_range-sign = 'E'.
       Here 'E' means exclude
    - Create the variable with OPTIONAL
      Otherwise your customer exit won't work
    Hope this helps.
    Assign points if helpful
    Aaron Wang

  • Code to 2 DSO fields in 'Customer Exit'

    For my Customer Exit code, I want to read 2 fields (BEG_FORPER & END_INPER) from DSO 'ZHRPY_O50' & append them to 'Customer Exit' variable 'ZACTDATE'.
    Could someone help me with this code?

          END OF CRM_SALO00.
        FROM /BIC/AZHRPY_O0500
    Make minor syntax check to the above code and that will read the data from the activate table and put it into internal table. Now you need the code to read from internal table and place it in customer exit variable.
    CLEAR l_s_range.
    l_s_range-low = INTERNAL-TABLE-BEG_FORPER .
    l_s_range-sign = 'I'.
    l_s_range-opt = 'EQ'.
    APPEND l_s_range TO e_t_range.
    Check the syntax and make the necessary changes.

  • UserExit or Customer Exit for F110 - '*' on Vendor Line Item Payment Run

    Dear all,
    Currently in F110, when processing for vendor payments, the item text ( or segment text) is only printed out when item text begins with an asterik ' * '. The asterik is meant to indicate that this document/item is posted from external system. You may do a F1 on the text field for detail explanation.
    In the event, asterik is not present on the item text even if the text is not blank, it will not be printed at all.
    Here are two OSS notes on the asteriks: 312623 and 1292333.
    *------- Segementtext
      IF REGUP-SGTXT(1) NE '*'.
    User is requesting for item text to be printed at all time, when the text exist, regardless of ' * '.
    Does anyone know of a user exit / customer exit that i could use to do modification for SGTXT ?
    Would appreciate it, if you could share your suggestions / experiences - on this matter, even if it doesn't need to be resolved through user exits.  Thanks in advance have fot following exits for F110;
    Transaction Code - F110                     Parameters for Automatic Payment
    Enhancement/ Business Add-in            Description
    RFFOX074                                Frame for user exit RFFOX074 (in program RFFOCH_U)
    RFFOX075                                Frame for user exit RFFOX075 (in program RFFOCH_U)
    RFFOX081                                Frame for user exit RFFOX081 (in program RFFOF__T)
    RFFOX082                                Frame for user exit RFFOX082 (in program RFFOF__T)
    RFFOX100                                Frame for user exit RFFOX100 (in program RFFOUS_T)
    RFFOX101                                Frame for user exit RFFOX101 (in program RFFOUS_T)
    RFFOX102                                Frame for user exit RFFOX102 (in program RFFOUS_T)
    RFFOX103                                Frame for user exit RFFOX103 (in program RFFOUS_T)
    RFFOX104                                user exit
    RFFOX105                                Frame for user exit RFFOX105 (in program RFFOUS_T)
    RFFOX200                                Frame for user exit RFFOX200 (in program RFFONZ_T)
    RFFOX210                                Frame for user exit RFFOX210 (in program RFFOAU_T)
    RFFOX211                                Frame for user exit RFFOX211 (in program RFFONZ_T)
    RFFOX230                                General program for user exit RFFOX230 (in program RFFOJP_L)
    RFFOX240                                Enhancement for User Exit 240 (RFFOAT_P)
    RFFOX250                                Enhancement for User Exit 250 (RFFODK_E)
    RFFOX901                                Framework for user exit RFFOX901 (in program RFFOM100)
    RFFOX902                                Framework for user exit RFFOX902 (in program RFFOM100)
    FDTAX001                                Enhancement to Transaction FDTA (event after the download)
    FEDI0002                                Function exits for EDI DOCS in FI - Incoming pyt adv.notes
    FEDI0003                                Function exits for EDI docs in FI - Save PEXR segments
    FEDI0004                                Function exits for EDI docs in FI - particular events
    FEDI0006                                Function Exits for EDI-docs in FI: Save IDCR Segments
    RFFOX003                                Frame for user exit RFFOX003 (in program RFFOM100)
    RFFOX041                                Framework for user exit RFFOX041 (in program RFFOBE_I)
    RFFOX042                                Framework for user exit RFFOX042 (in program RFFOBE_E)
    RFFOX043                                Framework for user exit RFFOX043 (in program RFFOBE_D)
    RFFOX061                                Frame for user exit RFFOX061 (in program RFFOCH_P)
    RFFOX062                                Frame for user exit RFFOX062 (in program RFFOCH_P)
    RFFOX063                                Frame for user exit RFFOX063 (in program RFFOCH_P)
    RFFOX064                                Frame for user exit RFFOX064 (in program RFFOCH_P)
    RFFOX065                                Frame for user exit RFFOX065 (in program RFFOCH_P)
    RFFOX066                                Frame for user exit RFFOX066 (in program RFFOCH_P)
    RFFOX071                                Frame for user exit RFFOX071 (in program RFFOCH_U)
    RFFOX072                                Frame for user exit RFFOX072 (in program RFFOCH_U)
    RFFOX073                                Frame for user exit RFFOX073 (in program RFFOCH_U)
    Business Add-in
    FI_BSTM_MC_EXIT                         FI Account Statement: Exit from MultiCash Conversion
    FI_F110_SCHEDULE_JOB                    F110: Check before scheduling a proposal/update run

  • Error while trying to Execute the Query with Customer Exit

    Hi Experts,
           I am having a Query with Customer Exit, it is working fine for all the Employess, except for one. When i try to remove the Customer Exit it is working for her too. Below is the error i am getting.
    system error in program SAPLLRK0 and form RSRDR; CHECK_NAV_INIT_BACK

    Hello Kris,
    Are you working with multiprovider? Please check if OSS notes 813454,840080 or 578948 are applicable in your case.

  • How to get data for current week and previous week using customer exit in Bex.

    Hi everyone,
    I have a scenario in which I need to display data for current week and previous week (based on "sy_datum" the program has to calculate current week and previous week) in Bex using  Customer exit. I have created one variable in Bex Query Designer and I have written code for the variable in CMOD. But it is not working fine, (I know that we can do the same by using offset value in Bex). Can some one guide me how to achieve my requirement using customer exit.
    Thanks in Advance,
    G S Ramanjaneyulu.

    Hi krishna,
    Thanks for your quick reply, can you have a look at my code,
    case i_vnam.
    ranges : pre_week for sy-datum.
    data : start_date type DATS,
           end_date TYPE dats .
    ************FM TO GET FIRST DATE OF CURRENT WEEK ************************
        DATE_IN  = sy-datum
        DATE_OUT = start_date.   " WEEK FIRST DATE
    end_date = START_DATE + 6.   " WEEK LAST DATE
    **********PREVIOUS WEEK DATES IN PRE_WEEK******************
    pre_week-SIGN   = 'I'.
    pre_week-option = 'BT'.
    pre_week-LOW    = START_DATE.
    pre_week-HIGH   = END_DATE.
    APPEND  pre_week.
    G S Ramanjaneyulu.

  • Displaying Customer Exit Variable with derived value from another ODS

    Hi All,
    Sorry if this question has been answered before.  I searched the forums and could not find anything specific to my problem.
    I am new to BEx Query.  Customer is requesting a variable(s) be created which will be displayed as a column along with other CKF and RKF.  This query is a payroll query for US/Canada.  This new variable will be based on the user input date for the query.  We are to take this date and go look up the actual pay date for the pay period to which the user input date belongs.  The pay date is stored in another ODS.
    So far, as far as the changes to the Customer Exit ZXRSRU01 are concerned, I would perform the logic when I_STEP = 2.  Do a basic selection off the second ODS, derive the pay date, and store in range table E_T_Range.
    The data displayed off the user input date is displayed in rows.  This is done six times, going back seven days for each row (first row is data for period user entered date to user entered date - 7 days; second row is data for period user entered date - 7 days to user entered date - 14 days; etc ...).  For this to happen  correctly, I am assuming the variable(s) are to to have characteristic types 'Not ready for input', 'Mandatory', 'Customer Exit', and 'Single Value'.
    My question is ... How do I display the six variables in columns (how are they to be defined in the query) and the characteristics I list above, are they correct? Does this need to be a replacement path variable?
    Edited by: Amir Hasan on Jun 11, 2009 6:24 PM
    Edited by: Amir Hasan on Jun 11, 2009 6:25 PM

    Hi Amir,
    What i can understand from u r requirement is you want to few columns that will show something like below,
    User entered date = x
    Period of X to Period of (X-7)       Period of X to Period of (X-14).....
    This can be done by CMOD for variable only.
    Logic steps :
    1) Take the user input.
    2) Find out the period by using T009B table and store in temp variable.
    3) Do day -7 and find out period for the same
    4) Assing period of X to ls_range-high range and X-7 to ls_range-low.
    Let me know if you have any doubt

  • Display Error Message in BW Report based on Customer Exit Variable

    I need to display an error message in the BW report based on the value of a customer exit variable - i was able to do this successfully in BW3.5 using the below code.
      WHEN 'ZUPN'. "Here ZUPN is the customer exit variable
        IF i_step = 1.
          <check for condition -- if successful, variable flag = 1, else variable flag = 0>
          IF flag = 0.
            MESSAGE e157(00). "Error Message
    I have upgraded my system to BI 7.0 now. Whenever the variable check is not successful, it displays a blank screen instead of the error message in the report. Please advice if we need to change the code and how ??

      Thanks for u r reply.This warning message appears every time i execute the report through portal.
    Any idea ?

  • Key Date a Customer Exit and Variant use

      I have a query and it includes time dependent data. The key date uses a  variable that is filled with the current date in a customer exit. Works nicely when the query is executed. However, if I save a variant with various values for variables on the starting/selection screen, the date is saved as a constant date and not dynamic based on the current date so that when the variant is selected to be used on a different day, the key date is the date the variant was saved and not the current date. This can be handled in R/3 ABAP report variants but I've not found a way to do it in BEx. Any help?

    If you are running on BI 7.0 you can maintain variants with the below code. make data sy-datum instead of user input.
    You can also chect the document. It also contains a method for bw 3.5 variants.
    You can schedule this program in a process chain or make variations of this as needed.
    [How To… Troubleshoot Information Broadcasting (BEx Workbooks)|]
    *& Program to mass update BEx Variants within SAP NetWeaver 2004s *
    parameter variable like RSRVARIANT-VARI.
    parameter vname like RSRVARIANT-VNAM.
    parameter sign_01 like RSRVARIANT-SIGN.
    parameter opt_01 like RSRVARIANT-OPT.
    parameter low_01 like RSRVARIANT-LOW.
    parameter high_01 like RSRVARIANT-HIGH.
    tables: RSRVARIANT.
    select * from RSRVARIANT.
    if rsrvariant-VARI = variable AND rsrvariant-vnam = vname.
    rsrvariant-SIGN = sign_01.
    rsrvariant-OPT = opt_01.
    rsrvariant-LOW = low_01.
    rsrvariant-HIGH = high_01.
    elseif rsrvariant-vnam = vname.
    rsrvariant-SIGN = sign_01.
    rsrvariant-OPT = opt_01.
    rsrvariant-LOW = low_01.
    rsrvariant-HIGH = high_01.
    update rsrvariant.
    if sy-subrc <> 0. insert rsrvariant. endif.

  • How to use Multiple Single Option for selection in the Customer Exit

    How can we handle the multiple single values in the customer exit variable.
    I have a requirement which is as follows -
    Table A fiields -> Field Coach, Partner 2, Relation between PArtner 1 & Partner 2, Valid from, valid to date.
    Table B ->  Service Month, Start Date, End Date.
    Table C -> Billing Date, Execution Partner,cal month /year.
    For the Field coach in TABLE A, multiple Partner 2 are present.
    Report has to be built on Table C.
    User inputs the Service month and Field Coach . User can enter multiple field coach values.
    For the All the Field Coach values entered, corresponding Partner2's have to be found from Table A and to be passed to the Execution Partner in Table C.
    Now if we want to use customer exit variable on the field Execution Partner, how can we handle the Multiple Single selections in the customer exit.

    While creating the variable you must have to specify multiple value.
    In customer exit
    write code multiple times and append the values.
    For example:
    when 'variable'.
    l_s_range - sign = 'I'.
    l_s_range - OPT = 'EQ.
    l_s_range - LOW = EXECUTION PARTNER 1.
    l_s_range - sign = 'I'.
    l_s_range - OPT = 'EQ.
    l_s_range - LOW = EXECUTION PARTNER 2.
    l_s_range - sign = 'I'.
    l_s_range - OPT = 'EQ.
    l_s_range - LOW = EXECUTION PARTNER 3.

  • How to Verify the Variable Input in Customer EXIT

          I have a requirement to find out "Estimated Hours Total Calculation" with User input date range. I know little bit knowledge about Customer Exits please some one give me how to write code in CMOD. I have requirement how to get the Extimated Hours Total Calculation is follows ....
            Actual hours are the Hour Meter Reading used by the truck, it's calculated based on the "from and to" date parameters.       
    Collect the initial hours and adjusted hours from EM.       
    Get the PMN and Service Order data close to or within the Date Range.     
    1) If the Fleet Management Date (Start-up Date on EM) started before the input date Date Range (From-Date), calculate the average usage (in hours) based on the initial hours and the first PMN (or SO) falls within the Date Range to estimate the hour usage at start of Date Range. 
    2) If the Fleet Management Date started after the From-Date, use the Hour Meter (EM) as the Estimated Hours Begin. 
    3)If the last PMN (or SO) fell short of the Date Range (To-Date), obtain the Estimated Hours End by applying the average usage to fill the time-gap.       
    4)If the last PMN (or SO) fell after the Date Range (To-Date), get the Estimated Hours End by getting the next to last PMN performed inside the window parameter,           
         calculate the average usage between the two PMN's (or SO's) then apply the weighted average to fill the time-gap.       
    Adjusted Hours, if not zero or null, needs to be added to the Ending Hours to achieve the real number. 
    For Example
    User Input Date Range:  Jan. 1, 2006 - Dec. 31, 2006          
    Initial Hour (Equipment Master):  10          
    Adjusted Hours (Equipment Master): 0          
    Fleet Management Date (Equipment Master):  Dec. 1, 2005          
    1st PM Notification (Feb. 1, 2006):  410          
    Last PM Notification (Feb. 1, 2007):  2810          
    Second to last PMN (Dec. 1, 2006):  2410          
         Equipment was put into service (12/1/05) before the Date Range, needs to find the Estimated Hours Begin.     
         The first PM was performed (2/1/06) exactly two months from in-service date (12/1/05).
         Average monthly usuage from first PMN = (410 - 10) / 2 = 200
         Estimated Hours Begin = 200 + 10 = 210 (estimated Hour Meter Reading on Jan. 1, 2006)
         Average monthly usuage from the last 2 PMN = (2810 - 2410) / 2 months = 200
         Estimated Hours End = 2410 + 200 + 0 (adjusted hours) = 2610 (estimated Hour Meter Reading on Dec. 31, 2006)
         Estimated Hours Total = 2610 - 210 = 2400
               Please give me your valuable answers. Please let me know if you need any further information.
    Dave Sam.

    well, your requirement seems clear but complex and needs more clarification:
    - what kind of infoprovider do you use
    - what is posted in your provider, I mean which characteristics and and key figures (name and descriptions)
    - what is the user input
    depending on that, the implementation may vary
    Please clarifiy

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