Customer -master upload using bapi

hai ..
  can any body send me some example for customer master  creation using bapi ..
  in this account -group is mandatary..
but i did.nt find  acc-group in bapi structures ..
plz do helpful ..
Tanx in advance ..

Check the below links.
Reward if found helpful.
Boobalan Suburaj

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  • I am unable to upload the customer master data using BAPI.?

    Hi Guru's,
    i am unable to upload the customer master data using BAPI.(BAPI_CUSTOMER_CREATEFROMDATA1)
    Please guide me how upload the data...
    Thanks in iadvance

    Hello Srinivas
    This BAPI does not allow to create a new customer from scratch but only to copy an existing customer to a new one and change its address data.
    The reference customer has to be provided using IMPORTING parameter PI_COPYREFERENCE. See also the BAPI documentation for more details.
    The BAPI does the same like transaction XD01 with Reference.

  • Material Master Upload using Bapi getting error "****** not a valid unit of

    Hi Gurus,
    i am uploading material master using BAPI Material_master_save_data , where the volume and Unit of Volume is Blank, Still i am getting error as "****** not a valid unit of volume ".kindly help me to resolve the issue.Many Thanks In advance.

    I could able to solve the issue for invalid unit Error ....Now i am getting **** unit of measure is not defined , pls check your entry or else i am getting alternate unit of mesure is same as base unit of measure .
    I have used below logic for Purchase Order Unit and Base Unit of measure .
          if wa_upload-unmsr EQ wa_upload-ord_uom .
            bapi_mara1-base_uom = wa_upload-unmsr.
            bapi_mara1-po_unit = wa_upload-ord_uom .
          elseif wa_upload-unmsr NE wa_upload-ord_uom.
            wa_upload-ord_uom = wa_upload-alt_uom.
            bapi_mara1-po_unit = wa_upload-ord_uom.
    Many Thanks for your help.

  • Customer Master Update using BAPI

    Hi all,
        I am using class CMD_EI_API for updating customer master, but this class does not supports processing of  license data ( databaase table -> KNVL ) and Permitted Alternative Payee data ( database table -> KNZA ) for customer. Are there any BAPIs which support saving of KNVL and KNZA data.
    Kaushal Shah.

    Not released too
    @kaushal-Please read the doc of the class, it would have been mentioned that it will not do any validation and the correct data must be supplied.

  • Material master upload using BAPI...

    Helo SDNers,
    I am trying to upload material master using BAPI.
    data :  begin of t_mat occurs 0,
            material type matnr,             " Material - MATNR
            ind_sec type mbrsh,              " Industry sector  - MBRSH
            mat_typ type mtart,              " Material type - MTART
            plant type werks_d,              " plant - WERKS_D
            stge_loc type lgort_d,           " Storage location - LGORT_D
            sales_org type vkorg,            " Sales org - VKORG
            distr_chan type vtweg,           " Distribution channel - VTWEG
            mat_desc type maktx,             " Material description - MAKTX
            base_uom type meins,             " Base unit of measurement- MEINS
            mat_grp type matkl,              " material group - MATKL
            division type spart,             " Division - SPART
            gen_itmcatmgrp type MTPOS,       " General item category group -MTPOS_MARA
            gros_weight type BRGEW,          " Gross weight - BRGEW
            net_weight type NTGEW,          " Net weight - NTGEW
            mat_grppack type MAGRV,          " Material group pack - MAGRV
            delv_plant type DWERK_EXT,       " Delivery plant
            tax_clasif type TAXKM,           " Tax classification
            item_catgrp type MTPOS,          " Item category group
            aval_check type MTVFP,           " Availability check
            trans_grp type TRAGR,            " Transportation group
            load_grp type LADGR,             " Loading group
            pur_grp type EKGRP,              " Purchasing grp,
            mrp_type type DISMM,             " MRP type
            mrp_contr type DISPO,            " MRP Controller
            lot_size type DISLS,             " Lot size,
            gr_processing type WEBAZ,        " GR Processing time
            schdmargin_key type FHORI,       " Schedule margin key
            batch_mangment type XCHPF,       " Batch management
            strog_cond type RAUBE,           " Storage condition
            source_list type KORDB,          " Source list
            mrp_grp type DISGR,              " MRP group
            reorder_point type MINBE,        " Reorder point
            procurement_type type BESKZ,     " Procurement type
            sp_procurement_type type SOBSL,  " Special  Procurement type
            inhouse_prod type DZEIT,                    " Inhouse production
            safety_stock type EISBE,         " Safety stock
            strategy_group type STRGR,       " Strategy group
            availabilty_grp type MTVFP,      " Availability group
            batch_entry type KZECH ,         " Batch entry
            valuation_class type BKLAS,      " Valuation class
            price_control type VPRSV,        " Price control
            moving_price type VERPR,         " Moving price
            standard_price type STPRS,       " Standard price - STPRS
            langu(2),                        " Language
    end of t_mat.
    this is my internal table i have these many content in my excel file
    please explain me what the following code does .....
    move-corresponding wa to bapi_head.
    bapi_head-basic_view = 'X'.
    bapi_head-sales_view = 'X'.
    bapi_head-purchase_view = 'X'.
    bapi_head-mrp_view = 'X'.
    bapi_head-forecast_view = 'X'.
    bapi_head-work_sched_view = 'X'.
    bapi_head-prt_view = 'X'.
    bapi_head-storage_view = 'X'.
    bapi_head-warehouse_view = 'X'.
    bapi_head-quality_view = 'X'.
    bapi_head-account_view = 'X'.
    bapi_head-cost_view = 'X'.
    and also please help with an example how do i upload data from IT (my internal table) using BAPI.
    Ranjith N

    Hi ,
    First you upload your Excel data into Internal Table.
    Move all data to Respected BAPI Structures.
    and then call 'BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA' and pass all structures.
    Sample Code:
          filename                = p_fname
          i_begin_col             = v_c1
          i_begin_row             = l_v_r
          i_end_col               = v_cl
          i_end_row               = v_rl
          intern                  = i_excel
          inconsistent_parameters = 1
          upload_ole              = 2
          OTHERS                  = 3.
      IF sy-subrc eq 0.
        LOOP AT i_excel.
          CASE i_excel-col.
            WHEN 0001.
              wa_final-field1 = i_excel-value.
            WHEN 0002.
              wa_final-field2 = i_excel-value.
            WHEN 0003.
              wa_final-field3 = i_excel-value.
            WHEN 0004.
              wa_final-field4 = i_excel-value.
            WHEN 0005.
              wa_final-field5 = i_excel-value.
            WHEN 0006.
              wa_final-field6 = i_excel-value.
            WHEN 0007.
              wa_final-field7 = i_excel-value.
            WHEN 0008.
              wa_final-field8 = i_excel-value.
            WHEN 0009.
              wa_final-field9 = i_excel-value.
            WHEN 0010.
              wa_final-field10 = i_excel-value.
            WHEN 0011.
              wa_final-field11 = i_excel-value.
            WHEN 0012.
              wa_final-field12 = i_excel-value.
            WHEN 0013.
              wa_final-field13 = i_excel-value.
            WHEN 0014.
              wa_final-field14 = i_excel-value.
            WHEN 0015.
              wa_final-field15 = i_excel-value.
            WHEN 0016.
              wa_final-field16 = i_excel-value.
    *-at end of each row, a record needs to append the internal table
          AT END OF row.
            APPEND wa_final TO i_final.
            CLEAR: wa_final.
    Move all your Inatrnal tbale data to respected BAPI structures
    *&      Form  MOVE_HEADDATA
       * Move Header data to BAPI Header.
    FORM move_headdata .
    Move Header Data to BAPI Fields
      MOVE : wa_final-matnr      TO wa_mathead-material,
             wa_final-mbrsh      TO wa_mathead-ind_sector,
             wa_final-mtart      TO wa_mathead-matl_type.
    To get UOM
      SELECT SINGLE * FROM t006 INTO t006 WHERE msehi = wa_final-meins.
      MOVE: t006-isocode TO wa_mara-base_uom_iso,
            c_x          TO wa_marax-base_uom_iso.
    **-- Move Material Descriptions
      PERFORM move_materialdescription .
    ENDFORM.                    " MOVE_HEADDATA
    *&      Form  MOVE_CLIENTDATA
          * Move Basic data to Clientdata
    FORM   move_clientdata .
      MOVE : wa_final-spart      TO wa_mara-division,
             wa_final-bismt      TO wa_mara-old_mat_no,
             wa_final-extwg      TO wa_mara-extmatlgrp,
             wa_final-mtpos_mara TO wa_mara-item_cat,
             wa_final-groes      TO wa_mara-size_dim,
             wa_final-zeivr      TO wa_mara-doc_vers,
             wa_final-ekwsl      TO wa_mara-pur_valkey.
      MOVE : c_x      TO wa_marax-division,
             c_x      TO wa_marax-old_mat_no,
             c_x      TO wa_marax-extmatlgrp,
             c_x      TO wa_marax-item_cat,
             c_x      TO wa_marax-size_dim,
             c_x      TO wa_marax-doc_vers,
             c_x      TO wa_marax-pur_valkey.
    ENDFORM.                    " MOVE_CLIENTDATA
          * Move storage location data to STORAGELOCATIONDATA
    FORM move_storagelocationdata .
      CLEAR: wa_mard,wa_mardx.
      MOVE : wa_final-werks      TO wa_mard-plant,
             wa_final-lgort      TO wa_mard-stge_loc.
      MOVE : wa_final-werks      TO wa_mardx-plant,
             wa_final-lgort      TO wa_mardx-stge_loc.
    *&      Form  MOVE_SALESDATA
         * Move Salesdate to SALESDATA
    FORM move_salesdata .
      MOVE : wa_final-vkorg      TO wa_mvke-sales_org,
             wa_final-vtweg      TO wa_mvke-distr_chan,
             wa_final-dwerk      TO wa_mvke-delyg_plnt,
             wa_final-versg      TO wa_mvke-matl_stats,
             wa_final-ktgrm      TO wa_mvke-acct_assgt,
             wa_final-mtpos      TO wa_mvke-item_cat,
             wa_final-mvgr1      TO wa_mvke-matl_grp_1,
             wa_final-mvgr2      TO wa_mvke-matl_grp_2,
             wa_final-mvgr3      TO wa_mvke-matl_grp_3,
             wa_final-mvgr4      TO wa_mvke-matl_grp_4,
             wa_final-mvgr5      TO wa_mvke-matl_grp_5,
             wa_final-vrkme      TO wa_mvke-sales_unit.
      MOVE : wa_final-vkorg      TO wa_mvkex-sales_org,
             wa_final-vtweg      TO wa_mvkex-distr_chan,
             c_x                 TO wa_mvkex-delyg_plnt,
             c_x                 TO wa_mvkex-matl_stats,
             c_x                 TO wa_mvkex-acct_assgt,
             c_x                 TO wa_mvkex-item_cat,
             c_x                 TO wa_mvkex-matl_grp_1,
             c_x                 TO wa_mvkex-matl_grp_2,
             c_x                 TO wa_mvkex-matl_grp_3,
             c_x                 TO wa_mvkex-matl_grp_4,
             c_x                 TO wa_mvkex-matl_grp_5,
             c_x                 TO wa_mvkex-sales_unit.
    ENDFORM.                    " MOVE_SALESDATA
          * Move MATERIALDESCRIPTION to Material Description
    FORM move_materialdescription .
      CLEAR: wa_makt,i_makt.
      MOVE : wa_final-maktx TO wa_makt-matl_desc,
             sy-langu       TO wa_makt-langu.
      APPEND wa_makt TO i_makt.
      CLEAR wa_makt.
    *&      Form  basic_data
    FORM basic_data .
    **-- Move Material Data at Storage Location Level
      PERFORM move_storagelocationdata .
      MOVE : wa_final-vkorg      TO wa_mvke-sales_org,
             wa_final-vtweg      TO wa_mvke-distr_chan.
      MOVE : wa_final-vkorg      TO wa_mvkex-sales_org,
             wa_final-vtweg      TO wa_mvkex-distr_chan.
    **-- Move Material Data at Client Level
      PERFORM move_clientdata .
    IF ALT_UOM is not Given in flat file Move BASEUOM as ALT_UOM
      IF wa_final-meinh EQ c_space.
        MOVE : wa_final-meins     TO wa_marm-alt_unit,
               wa_final-meins     TO wa_marmx-alt_unit.
        MOVE : wa_final-meinh      TO wa_marm-alt_unit,
                wa_final-umren      TO wa_marm-numerator.
        MOVE : wa_final-meinh     TO wa_marmx-alt_unit,
               c_x                TO wa_marmx-numerator.
      MOVE : wa_final-numtp      TO wa_marm-ean_cat,
             wa_final-brgew      TO wa_marm-gross_wt,
             wa_final-volum      TO wa_marm-volume,
             wa_final-voleh      TO wa_marm-volumeunit,
             wa_final-gewei      TO wa_marm-unit_of_wt.
      APPEND wa_marm TO i_marm.
      CLEAR wa_marm.
      MOVE : c_x                TO wa_marmx-ean_cat,
             c_x                TO wa_marmx-gross_wt,
             c_x                TO wa_marmx-volume,
             c_x                TO wa_marmx-volumeunit,
             c_x                TO wa_marmx-unit_of_wt.
      APPEND wa_marmx TO i_marmx.
      CLEAR wa_marmx.
    ENDFORM.                    " basic_data
    *&      Form  sales_data1
    FORM sales_data1 .
    Move Sales & Plant Data
      MOVE : wa_final-werks      TO wa_marc-plant,
             wa_final-mtvfp      TO wa_marc-availcheck,
             wa_final-ladgr      TO wa_marc-loadinggrp,
             wa_final-prctr      TO wa_marc-profit_ctr.
      MOVE : wa_final-werks      TO wa_marcx-plant,
             c_x                 TO wa_marcx-availcheck,
             c_x                 TO wa_marcx-loadinggrp,
             c_x                 TO wa_marcx-profit_ctr.
      MOVE: wa_final-tragr      TO wa_mara-trans_grp,
            c_x                 TO wa_marax-trans_grp.
    **-- Move Sales Data
      PERFORM move_salesdata .
    Move Tax Data
      MOVE : 'JP'              TO wa_mlan-depcountry_iso,
            'MWAR'             TO wa_mlan-tax_type_1,
             wa_final-taklv    TO wa_mlan-taxclass_1.
      APPEND wa_mlan TO i_mlan.
      CLEAR wa_mlan.
    ENDFORM.                    " sales_data1
    *&      Form  purchase_data
    FORM purchase_data .
    Move Plant Data
      MOVE : wa_final-werks      TO wa_marc-plant,
             wa_final-werks      TO wa_marcx-plant.
    Move PO data
      MOVE : wa_final-ekgrp  TO wa_marc-pur_group,
             wa_final-kautb  TO wa_marc-auto_p_ord,
             wa_final-usequ  TO wa_marc-quotausage,
             wa_final-kordb  TO wa_marc-sourcelist,
             c_x             TO wa_marcx-pur_group,
             c_x             TO wa_marcx-auto_p_ord,
             c_x             TO wa_marcx-quotausage,
             c_x             TO wa_marcx-sourcelist.
      MOVE: wa_final-matkl  TO wa_mara-matl_group,
            wa_final-bstme  TO wa_mara-po_unit,
             c_x            TO wa_marax-matl_group,
             c_x            TO wa_marax-po_unit.
    ENDFORM.                    " purchase_data
    *&      Form  mrp_data
    FORM mrp_data .
    **-- Move Material Data at Storage Location Level
      PERFORM move_storagelocationdata .
    Move All MRP data
      MOVE: wa_final-diskz TO wa_mard-mrp_ind,
            c_x            TO wa_mardx-mrp_ind.
      MOVE : wa_final-werks TO wa_marc-plant,
             wa_final-dismm TO wa_marc-mrp_type,
             wa_final-dispo TO wa_marc-mrp_ctrler,
             wa_final-beskz TO wa_marc-proc_type,
             wa_final-sobsl TO wa_marc-spproctype,
             wa_final-mtvfp TO wa_marc-availcheck,
             wa_final-minbe  TO wa_marc-reorder_pt,
             wa_final-fxhor  TO wa_marc-pl_ti_fnce,
             wa_final-disls  TO wa_marc-lotsizekey,
             wa_final-bstmi  TO wa_marc-minlotsize,
             wa_final-bstma  TO wa_marc-maxlotsize,
             wa_final-bstfe  TO wa_marc-fixed_lot,
             wa_final-mabst  TO wa_marc-max_stock,
             wa_final-ausss  TO wa_marc-assy_scrap,
             wa_final-dzeit  TO wa_marc-inhseprodt,
             wa_final-plifz  TO wa_marc-plnd_delry,
             wa_final-webaz  TO wa_marc-gr_pr_time,
             wa_final-fhori  TO wa_marc-sm_key,
             wa_final-eisbe  TO wa_marc-safety_stk,
             wa_final-strgr  TO wa_marc-plan_strgp,
             wa_final-wzeit  TO wa_marc-replentime,
             wa_final-lgfsb  TO wa_marc-sloc_exprc,
             wa_final-sbdkz  TO wa_marc-dep_req_id,
             wa_final-kzbed  TO wa_marc-grp_reqmts,
             wa_final-miskz  TO wa_marc-mixed_mrp,
             wa_final-stlal  TO wa_marc-alternative_bom,
             wa_final-stlan  TO wa_marc-bom_usage.
      MOVE : wa_final-werks TO wa_marcx-plant,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-mrp_type,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-mrp_ctrler,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-proc_type,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-spproctype,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-availcheck,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-reorder_pt,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-pl_ti_fnce,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-lotsizekey,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-minlotsize,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-maxlotsize,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-fixed_lot,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-max_stock,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-assy_scrap,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-inhseprodt,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-plnd_delry,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-gr_pr_time,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-sm_key,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-safety_stk,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-plan_strgp,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-replentime,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-sloc_exprc,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-dep_req_id,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-grp_reqmts,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-mixed_mrp,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-alternative_bom,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-bom_usage.
    ENDFORM.                    " mrp_data
    *&      Form  accounting_data
    FORM accounting_data .
    Move Plant Data
      MOVE: wa_final-werks TO wa_marc-plant,
            wa_final-werks TO wa_marcx-plant.
    Move Account Data
      MOVE :  wa_final-werks TO wa_mbew-val_area,
              wa_final-bklas TO wa_mbew-val_class,
              wa_final-vprsv TO wa_mbew-price_ctrl,
              wa_final-verpr TO wa_mbew-moving_pr,
              wa_final-peinh TO wa_mbew-price_unit,
              wa_final-stprs TO wa_mbew-std_price.
      MOVE :  wa_final-werks TO wa_mbewx-val_area,
              c_x TO wa_mbewx-val_class,
              c_x TO wa_mbewx-price_ctrl,
              c_x TO wa_mbewx-moving_pr,
              c_x TO wa_mbewx-price_unit,
              c_x TO wa_mbewx-std_price.
    ENDFORM.                    " accounting_data
    *&      Form  cost_data
    FORM cost_data .
    Move Plant Data
      MOVE: wa_final-werks TO wa_marc-plant,
            wa_final-awsls TO wa_marc-variance_key,
            wa_final-verid  TO wa_marc-prodverscs,   " Production Version
            wa_final-werks TO wa_marcx-plant,
            c_x            TO wa_marcx-variance_key,
            c_x            TO wa_marcx-prodverscs.
    Move Cost Data
      MOVE :  wa_final-werks TO wa_mbew-val_area,
              wa_final-bklas TO wa_mbew-val_class,
              wa_final-vprsv TO wa_mbew-price_ctrl,
              wa_final-ekalr TO wa_mbew-qty_struct.
      MOVE :  wa_final-werks TO wa_mbewx-val_area,
              c_x            TO wa_mbewx-val_class,
              c_x            TO wa_mbewx-price_ctrl,
              c_x            TO wa_mbewx-qty_struct.
    ENDFORM.                    " cost_data
    Call All Structures in to BAPI
          headdata             = wa_mathead
          clientdata           = wa_mara
          clientdatax          = wa_marax
          plantdata            = wa_marc
          plantdatax           = wa_marcx
          storagelocationdata  = wa_mard
          storagelocationdatax = wa_mardx
          valuationdata        = wa_mbew
          valuationdatax       = wa_mbewx
          salesdata            = wa_mvke
          salesdatax           = wa_mvkex
          return               = i_return
          materialdescription  = i_makt
          unitsofmeasure       = i_marm
          unitsofmeasurex      = i_marmx
          taxclassifications   = i_mlan.
      IF i_return-type = 'A' OR i_return-type = 'E' .
        DATA : l_v_string TYPE string,
               l_v_msg1   TYPE string,
               l_v_msg2   TYPE string.
        MOVE i_return-message TO l_v_string.
        CONDENSE l_v_string.
        PERFORM fill_error_table USING 'E'
        v_error = v_error + 1.
        CLEAR: l_v_string.
      ELSEIF i_return-type = 'S'.
        PERFORM fill_error_table USING 'S'
        v_success = v_success + 1.
      ENDIF .
          wait = 'X'.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        COMMIT WORK AND WAIT.      "for the update to table Transcation

  • Problem in Customer Master Upload using LSMW

    I am using LSMW direct input method to upload customer master. I have used ZSOURCE structure as parent structure and for multilple entries like Bank details and contact details i have used other child structure like ZBANK and ZCONTACT. I am using separate flat file for Bank and contact details.
    I have used one common field 'ID' as the first field both on ZSOURCE, ZBANK and ZCONTACT structure to link-up. Thus, i am able to load multiple records for Bank data. But i am unable to get contact details.
    Also, value for Reconciliation account(KNB1-AKONT) and sales group(KNVV-VKGRP) is not passed to screen.
    I have checked 'Generate Read Program','Read Data', 'Generate Conversion Program' and 'Convert Data' step again and again. Upto step 'Display Converted Data', data is converted successfully, but the same field values are not passed to screen.
    Can you pls help me to get the value..

    LSMW will have a Indicator for headr and itam, i do not remember the correct field, but it will have an indicator, check the fields, there will be a single charecter lenght field, that should be the indicator, and using that we can write the logic.
    check that single charecter field, if that is X that means the header record is processed, and do the items.
    and, this is another way, try this out also
    YOu can do this in "Define Source Structures" step,
    the HEADER is defined first,
    then the DETAIL below the HEADER.
    add the fields to the structures.
    Both should have some common key field
    Please take care that the name of the common field is the same.
    Once you do this it is linked. The you have a header and item corresponding to that header. then run the LSMW as you would.
    Re: Table control in LSMW

  • LSMW : Customer Master upload

    i am uploading customer master data using the standard object : 0050 and program : RFBIDE00.
    I am trying to upload data like Street2, street3 and street 4 which can be viewed in the street address drop down in transacction XD01/02. In my lsmw i am using the mapping for these fields in the structure BIADDR2 where the fields i mapped to are str_suppl1, str_suppl2, str_suppl3.
    but when i try and upload data i do not get these fields updated even though i have given  them in the upload file.
    Please can anyone tell me the reason why it is doing so?
    Thanks and Regards

    Hi Swanand,
    We have done the customer master upload using LSMW but with the IDoc variant (message type DEBMAS). You can upload all data you need using this IDoc.

  • How to upload different views of customer master data using LSMW-IDOC

    I need to upload customer master data  using LSMW Idoc method for my client. Now customer will have different views like main view, Sales data, Company code data, Partner function data etc. And except main data all other data can be multiple for each customer. We are going to upload data from tab delimited .TXT file. Should I propose different LSMW for upload different views for the customer from different .TXT files? or we can upload all the customer related data (like main view data and partner function data )from a single .TXT file. Kindly suggest which one in convenient and how we can prepare the data file in both cases.

    convinient is the method that you can handle.
    but as the guy who loads the data you have to load the data like they are available, like it is convinient for others to prepare the data.
    In general there is no problem to use an IDOC method to load a customer master with multiple comany codes and several sales orgs in one shot.
    the data can be in one source file, but need then to be maintained in a certain way
    Example1: all data in 1 structure
    GD1 - CC1 - SO1
    GD1 - CC2 - SO2
    GD1 - CC2 - SO3
    in this case the GD (general data) is redundand in each line which has different Company code data or different Sales Org data
    Example2: all data in 3 sturcures but one file
    Example3: data delivered in 3 files - you join the files in LSMW, they must have a common identifier like the old customer number in the beginning of each file
    FILE General data:
    file Compamy code data:
    file Sales org data:
    LSMW is flexible and can handle each of this scenarios, are you flexible too?

  • Using RFBIDE00 for customer master upload

    Hi all,
       Does any one used batch input program RFBIDE00 for Customer master  Upload data in to SAP.
       Could you please explain how to use it...  its urgent, appreciare if your early reply..
       I am planing to use it through Run the program from SE38..

    hi good sap1,
    Batch Input - Customer Master Data (RFBIDE00)
    All new fields for customer master records can be transferred to the R/3 System also with the report RFBIDE00.
    Furthermore, the batch input can be carried out with the existing record definitions. By means of the end of record marker, the report recognizes which record structures do not yet correspond to the extended record layout and initializes the new fields with NODATA.
    It is pointed out in the batch log, which structures are yet to be maintained. This should be done as soon as possible to be able to use the new functions or fields
    It is now possible to pass the information concerning tax categories and withholding types (for the extended withholding functionality) and the special Argentine fields via the standard batch-input program. Please look at the standard documentation if you need further information on the program.
    Additional Fields
    The additional fields have been added to the structures BKNA1 (general information) and BKNB1 (company code data). Please use transaction SE12 to see the fields of the structures.
    Enrichments for Tax Categories
    The following table shows how to fill the interface table BKNAT to pass the tax category data:
    Record type
    Table name
    Flag: Delete entry
    Tax category
    Enrichments for Extended Withholding Data
    The following description shows how to fill the interface table BKNBW to pass the tax category data:
    Record type
    Table name
    Flag: Delete entry
    Withholding type
    reward me points if usefull

  • Customer Master Create using CRMXIF_PARTNER_SAVE (IDOC)-documentation

    HI All,
    please send me some documents related to the following question
    Customer Master Create using CRMXIF_PARTNER_SAVE (IDOC)
    Radha Krishna

    Hi Krishna,
    Check out the documentation available on
    SAP CRM - 4.0 > Customer Relationship Management > Master Data > CRMXIF_PARTNER_SAVE
    In the meanwhile I shall check if I have something better and more detailed.

  • Customer master Upload

    Iam doing Customer master Upload.............My proble is...
    Some of my Customers are GOvt customers...Lets say..R&B Karnataka....having 50 customer masters in Diff R&B(Bangalore/mysore/Etc...)
    Some times Bangalore branch may gives the orders ,sometimes it is ship to party also...
    How can i handle this Customer master in SAP...
    Please let me know if you need more clarity

    Dear Venky,
    In very simple Terms:
    If a Purchase Order comes from a Client, that Client needs to be Created as Sold-to-Party.
    All the Branches/ Subsidaries, where Vendor needs to Delivery Shipment, Send Invoices, recieves  Payment; need to be created as Partner Function (say, Ship-to-Party, Bill-to-Party & Payer) and must be assigned to Sold-to-Party.
    There is nothing like Govt. Customer or Corporate Clients.
    So, if your scenerio requires that much No. of Customers (as Sold-to-Parties), go for it.
    Best Regards,

  • Sales order details uploading using BAPI method in LSMW

    Hi Guys,
    Sales order details uploading using BAPI in LSMW, could you please suggest me, is any standard method or programs is available for this.
    I have some queries about this.
    1) One header line having multiple line items, in this case  we able to upload use the  LSMW method,
        if possible please tell me the steps.
      2) Do we need to do any config changes while uploading data?     
      3) Flat file should be which format.
      4) Steps to process each step wise if possible.
    Please help me

    Hi Gouri Sankar,
    would you be able to upload the sales orders with multiple line items using BAPI LSMW?
    if so could you plz suggest?
    Thanks in advance.

  • Customer master changes using DEBMAS/ DEBMAS-03

    hi All,
    Following is the scenario/ requirement:
    My client wants to use the standard Msg type DEBMAS and basic type DEBMAS03.
    We want to activate change pointers for the msg type. However, in the existing business, there would be lot of changes per day i.e. ~ 10 changes per day--which would trigger 10 IDocs. I want to put the partner profile in collect mode. However, I want your help in checking if its possible to collate / combine all the 10 IDocs and put it into 1 IDoc and send it at the end of day?
    If so, would also request a possible draft solution road map.
    Am sure, there are experts out here who can share their valuable inputs.
    Fast responses will be highly appreciated.

           It would be again a lot of work in terms of coding and designing the IDoc Structure again.
           It should not be a problem while sending Customer Master changes using Change Pointers. As you said, you can set the Partner Profile Configuration to Collect IDocs and send it at the end of the Day.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Venkat Phani Prasad Konduri

  • ISU Business Partner Master data Upload using BAPI?

    Hi Experts,
    I used BAPI "BAPI_ISUPARTNER_CREATEFROMDATA" to upload ISU Business Partner master data.
    This BPAI is not uploading the following topics:
    1. Communication Address like Telephone,extension, email and etc., are not uploading.
    2. Middle name, nick name etc, the field which are under the Expand symbol not uploading.
    3. Reference customer also not uploading.
    strctures what I used are:
    general data : BAPIISUBPD
    Reference customer: BAPIBPPARA-MUSTER_KUN
    I am passing all the data but not uploading some of the field values (above) using that BAPI.
    Could you please let me know the solution?
    Please help me out!
    Thanks in advance.

    Try with below details:
    for communication : BAPIISUBPA & BAPIISUBPAX.
    general data : BAPIISUBPD & BAPIISUBPDX

  • Uploading the pricing master records using bapi

    Hi I have to transfer the pricing database from legacy to SAP using bapi but I am not able to find a bapi for that. Pls guide.

    Check BAPI: BAPI_PRICES_CONDITIONS. You can also find sample codes in SDN for the BAPI.
    Check this link [Example for Price Conditions|Re: Sample code for  BAPI_PRICES_CONDITIONS]
    Edited by: Eswar Rao  Boddeti on Sep 22, 2008 3:52 PM

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