Customer Service Declining

The customer service at Verizon continues to decline.  How do you get straight, accurate answers to questions regarding contracts, bills, channel lineup, and service.  If I have an issue with tiling, I am not going to become Verizon's tech (I don't get a 1099 from Verizon for that) to resolve the problem.

Hello Taxfun,
I was gratified to read that you decided to give Best Buy another shot after some previous lackluster experiences. However, I was dismayed by what your report of your encounter at the Butterfield Road store. There is never an occasion where it is appropriate for our representatives and managers to be anything but respectful of you and our other customers.They should also be well aware of our promotions and how to efficiently process them. I apologize for your having to cope with both a lack of knowledge and unprofessional behavior.
I will be reaching out to the store leadership with instructions for processing coupon transactions and I encourage you to revisit to make your purchase at your earliest convenience. 
Please know that I am very grateful that you shared your experience with us.
John|Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
 Private Message

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    Dear Customer Service:
    It is very frustrating for me. My Visa account keeps getting declined at Apple. I used this very same Visa card on Amazon with no problem. I checked my status for
    the card and it is still all good. My friends and I buy a lots of Apple applications on iTune.
    We have the correct CVV2, Expiration Date and Billing address, but you keeps declining us. Please fix this problem for me. The issuing bank for this card is Techcombank, one of the largest banks in Vietnam. According to the bank, the transaction is processed in the US. This is a legitimate Visa card.
    Please let me know as soon as possible. Apple does a disservice to its brand name by declining legitimate Visa account holders from using the cards in Vietnam.
    <Edited by Host>

    Just as a warning, your credit card number has been sent in the clear to probably thousands of people, including anyone who subscribes to e-mail alerts to this forum.  That's very, very bad.  The credit card should be considered compromised at this point, and you should cancel it immediately, if you haven't done so already.

  • Verizon Reception and Customer Service On Extreme Decline

    My husband has been a loyal Verizon customer for almost a decade and I was on Tmobile several years back.  He told me that Verizon was great and it was true...3 years ago, and so I decided to cancel my Tmobile service and join Verizon....even though it was much more expensive.  Verizon use to be known as the more expensive, but much better quality and reception carrier...(e.g. "Can you hear me now?" commercials, which funny, have now dropped off the face of the earth).   So we both had been on Verizon and been paying an arm and a leg and of course, we buy their phones, which come with these limited warranties and essentially stop working before the contract term is up, you end up renewing your contract.  We had no problem with doing this and I was able to get an IPhone 4S before the IPhone 5 came out.  That was middle of last year, and we had noticed the service was starting to go bad, but the people at the Corporate Verizon Store told me they were working on it and it would get better.  So I signed on the dotted line...and little did I know because I got another phone, the people at the store decided to add some "third phantom line" I didn't even know about so my bill jumped!  So we have two phones and are paying for three!  My bill runs for two phones with limited data and minutes to around $170.00-$190.00...which is fine if the service was worth anything.  But the service has just been going down the drain!  My calls get dropped, they go in and out, my emails don't load, the internet doesn't work half the time and my husband pretty much completely can't use his phone - he can't ever get any emails and never has reception.  I have to leave him voicemails or text him to call me because his phone always just goes straight to v/m.   So, we were pretty much fed up - we wanted to stick it out because my husband had been such a long time customer and we were hoping things with get better, but they didnt.  My husband was always telling me how great customer service was, and if you call them they will take care of you...but I don't know how they could make the service better. 
    But anyways, we call trying to see what the termination fee was and wow...$300+ for each line including a line no one told me they added on?  Seems like fraud.  So I googled it and apparently this was a big issues with Verizon doubling cancellation fees - how can they get away with this?  They said it goes down $10 for every month up until the day the contract terminates and even if you cancel a day before it would be over $100...So we were looking at $900+ to terminate!  Okay, fine, so seems like we are stuck apparently.  Funny, because when I went in 2012 to get a new phone, I explicitly asked if there was anything different (my friends who HAD verizon told me to be careful because Verizon is getting worse and worse and really sneaky) and they guy failed to mention that they doubled the cancellation fee...misrepresentation?  So we said fine, if we are stuck with awful service for a few more years, well we don't want to pay a premium for bad service (in fact, we were thinking to just get another phone with someone else in the mean time because we both need the phones and data packages for our work in Corporate America)...and we were paying $168 and the lady told us she can drop us down to $ you are trying to upsell me?  I know how much I pay each month.  Unreal.  And the lady at customer service was literally arguing with us.  It was unreal!  What happened Verizon??  I was really taken aback and we kept asking to talk to a supervisor because she was so unprofessional and rude and clearly trying to rip us off and she kept refusing for 30 minutes...Its been almost 2 hours on the phone with them and they said okay, we'll try to give you a tiny bit of credit and oh yeah, it takes 5 minutes to load one page on the internet and your calls get dropped and your email doesnt work?  Too bad, wait out your contract....I will be sure to tell all my friends and family members just how awful Verizon has become because I am just beyond disappointed.

    1. Verizon doesn't make any phones, the warranty comes from the manufacture. It is a one year limited waranty, same as ANY electronic device (hard drive, monitor, usb etc etc)
    you bought a subsizied phone, you didnt pay full price that is why there is an is not some trick or scam, it is common sense. (removed)
    2. verizon ad campaigns change, watch the superbowl last year there was a can you hear me now commercial.
    3. verizon invests more into its network than all the other carriers combined every year. Not every area will get the same service, some carriers are stronger than others.. what city do you live in?
    4. you pay for service, you get service. there is no loyalty here.
    5. where do you calls drop? have you tried marking them and putting in a ticket?
    6. where does your data drop, email not loading? are you indoors when this happens?
    7. Where is your husband when you call him and and it goes to VM, does he turn his phone off when he is at work?
    Comment edited as required by the Terms of Service.
    Message was edited by: Admin Moderator

  • EE is committed to providing excellent "Customer Service"

    I act on behalf of the account holder, my sister Ms Katharine ***** who is unable to deal with the account due to being registered with mental illness. She has difficulty processing too much information and at times back ground noise and general conversation can confuse her. Therefore things like dealing with bills and accounts, filing in forms and understanding what is happening around her, can be difficult. With this in mind I act on her behalf for all her accounts, mobile, broadband, Tv, Gas Electric etc.
    She has been an EE customer for 20 months now and only has a rolling one month Mobile Broadband account with EE. She is not a phone customer.
    I raised a complaint against a member of staff Ms ****** ***** because she contacted me to appologise for another member of staff who implied they didn't need to deal with me as I wasn't the account holder even though I am named on the account and have only ever been the person who deals with the account. After appologising for that member of staff Ms ***** then proceeded to fabricate details concerning the account and make things up on the telephone as the call proceeded. Bearing in mind she is calling me from the "customer relations" department and has all the time in the world to check the account, confirm accurate details and then call me in her own time, I saw no reason for her to "wing it" and make it up as she went along. I asked her twice if she had checked the account details before calling me and I was twice given the response "thats irrelivant". She clearly wantd to avoid answering that reasonable question. I could clearly tell she had not checked the account and this made the situation more complicated and worse. This was dissapointing considering she was supposed to be calling to resolve an issue and was a representative from the Customer Relations department. Several things she stated during the call did not ring true and it was clear she had called unprepared and was fabricating certain things or making them up as she went along. On this basis I called EE back after she hung up with the intent to raise a complaint against her as I felt Customer Relations should be resolving issues, not making them worse.
    Initially when calling EE on Wednesday the 1st July 2015 and speaking to customer services in Darlington, I was told I would be put through to Customer Relations and speak to Ms ****** *****s manager Ms ****** *********.
    After explaining that I wished to raise a complaint, I was put on hold while awaiting transfer to the Customer Relations department. On that day alone I was on the phone for 2hours and 34minutes mostly on hold and being transfered between the departments of Darlington, South Wales, New Delhi and North Tyne. I never got through to customer relations. Eventually I was told by a Manager in North Tyne that they would get through to Customer Relations for me and then call me back that day, to save me being on hold any longer. The call back from EE never happened that day. Something I expected as I had been told this four times in the past over the last 20 months and those call backs never happend either. I chased the matter up the following day on Thursday the 2nd of July and that day I spent 2 hours and 17 minutes on the phone. Again mostly on hold or being transfered between departments. Again I was promised a callback later that day and again that never happened that day. An email was sent to the Customer relations department requesting that they contact me directly. I did get through to the "Complaints Escalation" department but they refused to transfer me to the Customer Resolutions department even though thats where three previous staff members said they were transfering me and even confirmed the name of the Manager of that department so there is no confsuion. Needless to say I refused the offer off the call back that hadn't happened on the two previous days or on the four other occassions in the past 20 months. And to be clear I was told that someone would call me back "today".
    On Friday the 3rd of July I called again as I had received no reply and spent just over 1hour and 10minutes on the phone. This time I spoke to a lovely Lady called R*** M*** in South Wales and she was extremely polite and genuine which was refreshing and completely unEE like. Although she was unable to help due to the way in which EE set up its complaints system, she was very considerate and understanding of my frustration after 6 hours on the phone over 3 days and still getting nowhere.
    On Wednesday the 8th July I received a call back from the original department I was supposed to be put through to (Customer Relations) and spoke to the Manager ******* ******** who was quick to point out that she had "just received the email" sent on Thursday the 2nd of July and was pressing in getting accross her point that she had replied quickly to the email knowing the call was recorded.
    The call lasted 30 minutes and I felt from the moment she called, her aim was about resolving the issue with the intent of "closing the complaint" by offering money or requesting "what I would like" as a resolution. I clearly stated the experiences I had over the past three days to raise a complaint and the just over 6 hours on the phone to EE. Again the focus seemed to be to get to the end of the call and close the complaint via an obvious cash offer. On numerous occasions she seemed to want to lead the conversation in that direction yet showed little interest in the actual complaint. It wasn't until I asked her to accomplish what she had initially called me about, namely to listen to my complaint, that she stopped talking and actually listened. Prior to her call three managers, 2 in North Tyne and 1 in Greenoch near Glasgow all stated that the original call I received "would be listened to" and checked for the things I stated in the complaint. Unsurprisingly, when I asked at the end of Ms *******s call, what she made of the conversation when she listned to it, she told me she hadn't listened to it and was unable to, contradicting the three other managers.
    When raising the complaint with ****** in North Tyne, he informed me he was taking the matter seriously and was going to raise an internal complaint as per protocal and the Ombudsmans guidelines. I spent just under 15 minutes talking with him. At the end of that call, after he asked "is there anything else I can help you with today", I asked him what the complaint was about. He couldn't tell me and started to list things he was trying to remember from the conversation but none were the actual thing I brought to his attention in the first place. Therefore, how do you take the matter seriously and raise an internal complaint if you can't remember what it is? I seriously doubt that these "internally raised complaints" actually happen and it is convenient just to say they do so that the customer can then be told "but we can't discuss the results with you due to privacy and work environment practices".
    I spoke to New Delhi twice while being passed from pilar to post and the line was very bad when being transfered from North Tyne and New Delhi offered to call me back. I explained to the first chap that he couldn't call a mobile broadband device as it is not a phone but the guy persisted and needless to say I received no call back. Ten minutes later, exactly the same situation and this time the chap asked for my mobile number. I gave it to him and he replied "thats not an EE number, sorry I can't help you". He then asked me why I was calling if that wasn't an EE number. I explained the account concerned a mobile broadband device and he said again, "Sorry I can't help you" and terminated the call.
    Also while trying to raise the complaint I was told twice that I wasn't the customer. Obviously some people may need the assistance of a carer, social worker, community nurse or family member to help them. This is lost on EE. When they don't know how to handle a complaint, or their hands are tied by interanl system structure or they get caught lying, they resort to the tactic of asking to speak to the account holder or telling me I am not the account holder.
    I have also been told on three occasions that I was being transfered to a department that I could not be transfered to. Two managers later told me I should not have been told this and that it is impossible to transfer me to that department. There were numerous other things that happened during the 6 hours on the phone to EE. If I put them in this statement, you wouldn't believe me and think I was making it up. Then again, this EE and I have read some of the other statements on here.... and they don't suprise me either.
    I was offered £10 on the account for my time on the phone by a manager. By that point I really didn't care at all or bother to wuestion if it had actually been put on the account. I declined any credit or cash offer from Ms ******* ***** in her call back as I felt the service was so appauling and the structure of making a complaint to lengthy and unreasonable. I didn't wish to be just another complaint "satisfactorily deal with" by being "paid off". I have also experienced such customer service in the past and was offered a £10 goodwill gesture. It is clear to me that EE resolve complaints and internal issues by paying off customers (they call it resolving issues), rather than properly handling complaints and taking them seriously. EEs complaints system is "designed" to be difficult to raise a complaint or raise it to another level. Something the Ombudsman brought to their attention in the recent fine they gave to EE. Clearly EE wouldn't have so many complaints if it provided a customer service that was fair and easy to use and had little to complain about in the first place. Even during the call back I was told that Vodaphone was most complained about company, yet the statistics from the Ombudsman for 2015 clearly show that EE has received the most complains concerning Broadband. The thing I was calling about. Even during a callback to resolve an issue, EE still were trying say someone else was worse and deflect attention.
    I was very, very happy to see the £1 million pound fine they received from the Ombudsman on Friday. Before I am insulted by any more EE staff memebers, who tell me I have the right to leave at any time, as happened twice while raising the complaint, I'd like to point out that I am happy with the product and the price I pay for it. The Product isn't the problem. It's the Customer Service.
    Just because I am happy with the product, it doesn't mean I forfeit my right to complain about reasonable issues. In short I feel, TalkTalk are just inept and a bit clueless whereas Everything Everywhere and deceitful and intentionally pervasive when handling complaints. I also feel that the actual amount of complaints may be far higher than the statistics show and that customers give up complaining when being left on hold for so long or realising the complaints procedure is worthless and too difficult to use. This then keeps the amount of complaints lower than they actually are.
    The service I received trying to raise a reasonable complaint was atrocious and in My personal view, clearly reflects why so many EE customers complain about the company and the Ombudsman fined it so heavily. Clearly they have not learnt their lesson, despite their statement on Friday that that fine was for past issues. I would happily see EEs licence to opperate removed or atleast brought in to question based on this and other customers experiences. If you have a complaint, don't let EE tell you, "its only you" or "its just your opinion". It isn't.... And the Ombudsman says so.
    This was easily the worse Customer Service experience I have ever had in my life.
    8th July 2015

    Hi ,
    I am very sorry for all the problems you have stated in the post.
    Can you advise me what the query was? I will try help as best I can.

  • Serious and rapidly increasing Customer Service Failures...

    I have been a "Mercedes Plan/Equipment" user, since April, 2002.
    I live in a rural area (Southeastern WA State), and the regional carrier was highly inadequate. I found Verizon to be a superior alternative.
    My experience, led many of my fellow citizens (all 500) of us, to purchase Verizon service and phones.
    Personally, my "problems" did not begin; until I moved to Whidbey Island, WA, in late 2005. I explored "plan options," with help from several CSP's, and my son in-law...who sold me the plan (he owned his own, independent store at the time).
    Shortly after, I assume (I should have  personally monitored my service plan more carefully, rather than trusting that Verizon would keep me advised of plan changes and new, improved plans...back when plans "got better; as opposed to worse!") several less expensive programs became available, to accommodate my needs. Believe it or not, I was paying nearly $500/month?!
    Fortunately, in a "routine" call about reception problems, my CSP was SHOCKED to see what I was paying, versus what I was "using." She determined I had paid approximately $242/mo. more than necessary...for 13 months!! Yes, I feel quite the fool...
    Verizon was unapologetic; but the CSP FOUGHT to get me at least one month's refund. Sigh...nearly $3000 into the funding of a rapidly deteriorating entity?!
    Well, other than some incredibly helpful company store employees (who have become less and less able to assist?!), my "Verizon Experience" has progressively deteriorated into "Verizon Inexperience/Poor experience/Incompetence/Nightmare and FRUSTRATION!"
    Anyone else "feel the pain," and sad to see the decline of this (unfortunately) near "monopolistic" entity?
    Sigh, if only another carrier provided as strong a coverage map...with caring and competent customer service and support!!
    I returned to my "little farm community" in mid-2009; where many of the people I had "sold" on Verizon, sought to "wring my neck!"
    Verizon, in order to accommodate "commuter students and faculty" from several institutions of higher education in our area; put in a new, very powerful tower (primarily for data service) about 10 miles east of town.
    This has DESTROYED voice service in our community. The good news is, data is actually quite good?!
    Verizon has promised a solution (many of us complained...and continue to do so) and have been repeatedly "promised" a solution for 3.5 years.
    It seems, since the wavelength for voice is shorter, it is more easily disrupted by obstacles; even weather.
    Our phones, first seek a Verizon tower, then switch to a "roaming" tower, if the signal is poor. Unfortunately, just a minor movement of the phone can initiate this action...resulting in the phone becoming confused and dropping the call, or so badly degrading the transmission, it can't be understood.
    Last week, in a conversation with a CSP; re, a different issue; I brought up the idea that Verizon should give us all "signal boosters." He kept reiterating I could buy one for $250, so I hung up!
    This morning, I checked my Gmail Spam (not sure why I did?)...and discovered to emails from Verizon, sent to MULTIPLE email addresses(??), and regarding a phone number and RIDICULOUS amount of dollars paid on somebody's account?!
    The emails appear to be 100% legit.
    I am concerned that Verizon e-statements have been "hacked?!?!"
    Gmail assures me, my account has not been "hacked."
    I am enclosing a copy of the "SPAM" e-mail I received this morning; but with all references to multiple e-mails REMOVED.
    This morning, I sent an "incensed" e-mail to might explain a bit more (it does NOT even include all the inconveniences) about my frustration.
    Any suggestions would be appreciated.
    I am forwarding a copy of the e-mail, and a detailed list of problems to both the FCC and the FTC. It has been suggested that I acquire the services of an attorney...either as an individual, or perhaps, on behalf of the community.
    Here is a copy of the e-mail, sent this morning:
    {The continued demise of Verizon service, and increasing general incompetence; continue to amaze and frustrate.
    Voice service from my home and hometown was "destroyed" in 2009, by a newly installed tower. Promises to repair have been bogus...most recently, a supposed agreement to add a translator or such, to local Inland Cell. tower. HAH!
    I pay late every part of my "protest."
    Two years ago, YOU switched ownership of my plan; to a person that DID NOT EVEN EXIST! The "Carline *******" was close to that of my then 74 year-old sister, "Carolyn *******." In the process of solving the problem; the original call was "dropped" SIX TIMES! I had to get "Carolyn" on conference call (frightening and confusing her) get the account (opened under my name and Social Sec. number in 2002), switched back to me?! The inconvenience was increased, by having to create a BRAND NEW ACCOUNT and new billing cycle.
    Last week, I noticed my brother, "Lester *****" has his phone, 509.951.****, STILL LISTED AS "CARLINE *******?!" A phone adviser promised to fix it; but as of yesterday (i reviewed my online statement) it appeared unchanged? I also told the poor young "pawn," Verizon should provide all local customers with free "signal boosters." Yeah, right! He continued to "recite his script;" about my "buying one" I hung-up on him.
    Back in 2006, a phone adviser, identified that I had been sold the wrong plan...and had paid approx. $242/mo. too much, for 13 months?!
    She was able to get me a refund of just "ONE MONTH." Thanks MUCH!
    Today, I received in my SPAM Gmail (which I by chance checked); two e-mails from what appears to be Verizon? A "late notice," and a "notice of payment;" both sent to MULTIPLE ADDRESSES, and identifying the last four digits of a phone number I DO NOT RECOGNIZE. I am so sorry to be STUCK WITH VERIZON... THIS EMAIL, THE SPAM will all go to the FCC.
    Joseph A. *****}
    If there are many of you out there, with similar struggles; perhaps we should "unite and fight?!"

    Just to add to the mix. 
    We were told today that the wayleaves team had written to 1 of our neighbours asking for permissions and that they were awaiting their response. I have spoken to the neighbour in question (he works away from the poperty) and he has said that he has sent 2 replies already so where have they gone (sat on someones desk no doubt)? They also said they didn't need to contact the middle property as the connection would be overhead (complete rubbish as the lines here are underground). Although, I have subsequently contacted the middle property (who also live away, it's a holiday let) who have told me that they have received a letter from BT asking for their permission and they replied in earnest, and BT have replied to their reply acknowledging thier reply and sending them a cheque of £25 compensation. 
    Basically no one knows what is going on, and I don't know what to do....

  • Is there anywhere to file a formal complaint about poor customer service in billing?

    I would prefer a physical address or email address but I can voice it out on Twitter if preferred. I have had Verizon for FIFTEEN years. Non stop. 15 loyal years. Plus we have Fios and have had that for 4 years. I give Verizon a considerable chunk of my money. That being said, when we switched our bank accounts a few months back I made a mistake and picked the wrong account for our payment on the online payment system for Verizon. In fact I did it 2x. Which caused the payment to decline because we don't use that bank. I was rushed and made a mistake. Due to this I now have to get out cash and go into a Verizon Store and pay. This is craziness. And yes I am aware I can also call and dole out my credit card number to you over the phone. While that seems like a safe thing to do...... I prefer not to. Also I travel internationally for work which makes the call and the going to a store even more difficult. So as any reasonable person I call Verizon Customer Service thinking there must be some fix to this after all I have been with them so long. Well the first person admitted to me it could be overridden and transferred me to his supervisor who just outright refused. So there is your answer, Verizon does not care about loyalty or the 15 years of current payments. I want this addressed further and want to file a complaint. I also will leave Verizon the first chance I get, cell and cable. Amazing that a business can thrive with such poor customer service. Other companies I patronize recognize loyalty and reward it. Not Verizon. Lesson learned. I will be sure to spread this word far and wide. This could have been a simple resolution costing nothing for Verizon.

    click here and scroll toward the bottom:
    Contact Us | Verizon Wireless
    You also could file a Notice of Dispute:

  • Horrible customer service, how do you stay in business?

    Your internet sales team fraudulently induced me into signing contracts worth $1200 for new smartphones by promising me free data for which I was apparently not eligible. This is completely documented in a chat transcript and I believe this was purposeful. After walking me through the upgrade process, the internet sales person told me I had to 'combine' orders into the one share plan by calling customer service. Not one of the five people I talked to after that had any idea what he was talking about in regards to 'combining' my orders. Not one. I think he fraudulently induced me into contracts worth $1200 and then passed me off to someone else who would deliver the bad news in the hopes they could convince me to accept a lesser deal. This is called bait and switch.
    This is my story:
    As a 10-year customer of Verizon, I was looking to upgrade my phones and account into the new Edge program. Our two lines always use less than 2Gs of data per month. I priced AT&T's NEXT plan and received an emailed confirmation from them that the monthly payments for the LG G3 and the Samsung Galaxy 5 PLUS unlimited minutes and texting with 2Gs of data would be $134.45 plus tax. I approached the online sales staff with this information and asked what Verizon could do for me. "Dencil" initially stated the same plan would cost me $169 and some change at Verizon.
    "Dencil" told me via chat that to meet AT&T's price, I could upgrade to Edge, sign up for the 250MB plan and receive 1 free Gig of data per new smartphone purchased for 24 months. It will give me the price to basically match AT&Ts offer and my necessary 2Gs of data.
    "Dencil" walked me through upgrading my phones. The website will only allow you to upgrade one phone to Edge at a time and you have to checkout each time (I expect this is related to the financing contract required per phone). "Dencil" told me that I would have to call customer service to get the lines 'combined' again into the share plan. He said customer service would make sure I received my 2 gigs of free data as he had no direct access to my account. This is all documented in the chat transcript. 
    When I finally reached customer service, I spent two hours, was transferred four times and spoke to five people. No one had any idea why the lines needed "combined." The first customer service rep transferred me to sales without telling me. Sales informed me they did not know anything about the free 2G promotion at all (I found this particularly surprising since there is a banner advertising it on your website, but I digress) and they could not help me. I was then transferred back to customer service.
    When the customer service rep picked up, I explained my issues and asked to be escalated. He didn't do that, put me on hold for about 20 minutes and even though I explained that sales already told me they could not help me, he never came back and then went ahead and transferred me back to sales without warning. I have no idea what he was doing for 20 minutes.
    The sale person I talked to this time also had no idea about the free 2G promotion and suggested I get back in touch with my original sales person, "Dencil". I had already explained it was an internet chat. I asked him how he would suggest I find "Dencil". The sales rep got very rude with me explaining that this was not his job and his job was... I cut him off and asked him to transfer me to someone who could help. Back to customer service I went. At this point, I was then disconnected. The disconnection was likely my fault as in my frustration I began punching as many numbers as possible just to get to a person. 
    After calling back, I spoke with a very nice lady who did escalate me as requested. The customer service supervisor informed me that my new account did not need to be 'combined' and she didn't understand what "Dencil" meant. She also told me the free 1 G per smart phone did not apply to the 250 MB plan. I explained that I was promised this and there is record proof. The customer service supervisor basically told me I was out of luck. She offered to upgrade me to the 1 G and then provide me a credit for another Gig for 1 year. That wasn't a comparable offer by half.
    When I explained the deal I was offered by AT&T, she stopped just short of calling me a liar. The difference in plans is almost $30 (as quoted in the chat by "Dencil"). She told me Verizon would never allow their chief competitor to be that much cheaper and that she "keeps up on these things." I offered to send her my AT&T documentation confirming it and she declined.  I then went over each charge explaining the differences. She thought she was going to show me how the costs were actually the same between the plans, but she never completed that action. I expect it was because she realized that's not true. 
    Throughout my conversation with the supervisor, I asked that my phone orders be cancelled and that my account be returned to its original status. She finally told me she complied and my order was cancelled.  Lo and behold, about 18 hours later, one of the phones SHIPPED.  I contacted customer service and they told that "oops, one of the phones slipped through, no worries, I could just refuse delivery."  Okay, fine, but then an hour later, the SECOND phone SHIPPED.  That one must have 'slipped' through also.

    Sprint Unveils First Attempt at Lower Pricing Under New CEO | DSLReports, ISP Information
    Also refuse everything and get proof from FedEx that it was returned or refused. take a photo of each package to be able to track back.
    Good Luck

  • Horrible customer service with a bad phone for the first time in years!

    I would like someone  - hopefully a manager to review my communication with the customer service representative last night.  Apparently you only staff sales staff at night and I would not buy anything from this person.  My first call rather than telling me that the support staff were not in until morning she just disconnected chat on me without saying as much as good bye.  I then started a chat on the service line and got the same person.  i asked her if i could speak to a manager or supervisor - she left me sitting on chat for over 20 minutes and never came back.  These messages have been sent to email for your review.  Aside from having purchased the most expensive phone that does not work along with an insurance plan that I was told only replaces phones with new phones vs refurbished (this is not the truth) and the policy only kicks in after the factory warrantee is over so I sit with a droad less than one year old certified refurbished that goes on and off as it pleases and randomly dials numbers.  This is better than the original phone which I paid between the phone and the insurance over 300.00 for less than 1 yr ago that decided to slowly die and completely died xmas eve after I was in a car accident.  Then the phone came with no sim card after I paid extra for shipping and the local store would not give me a sim card would only sell me one.  This would be the retailer were I purchased the phone - a verizon retailer. 
    I have never in my life had an issue with anyone on the phone until last night - i was asking for one of my lines that is eligible for an upgrade next month to change it now so I can get a working phone or US Cellular has offered to buy out all four of my plans.  I have always been a fan of verizon and never had issues other then never getting my rebates..........I have not received this one which still does not appear in the system and we have had 4 people submit the info now.  (Because I sent the phone back I can no longer give you the numbers unless I find the paperwork copies i kept).  A couple years ago I had the same thing happen when i purchased my phones from a verizon store - the rebates never came.  That has really been my only complaint other than this current phone is horrible - the first one was brand new and slowly died over a couple weeks.  I spend two hours troubleshooting the problems with a very nice man on the phone - he went above and beyond what he needed to do to test this phone  Then the certified refurbished phone came with no sim cared - we were very specific that we thought it was a combination of a phone defect and the sim card.  I paid extra for shipping so my kids could still reach me and it came with no sim card.  I called and you all send me to the verizon store in Monona WI where i purchased the  phone for a sim card and they would not give me one without charging I had to wait again for you to send me a sim card.  Well the phone is slowly dying again this time with random on and off and random dialing while fully charged or even sitting on the charger itself.  I do not think my request of the young lady was that big but point blank she did not want to talk to my if I was not buying.  She should not be on the phones - you do not disconnect from people in anger and you do not answer a chat and just leave someone sitting there until they hang up out of frustration.  In my office that would be grounds for immediate termination (I do not want to see anyone lose there job) but she needs serious training.  She cannot handle conflict management, she cannot simply answer a question or tell you that a department is not available until morning - all understandable answers.  Hanging up on someone or just leaving them sit there - not acceptable.  I get paid 75.00 per  hour of which she has wasted approx 5 either on the phone filing complaints or trying to get in contact with you - who is going to pay for my time because of your staff and her tempore tantrum.  My 7 yr old would get in trouble for behaving that way.  I expect a resolution to this issue today!  I expect a phone call from a manager today!  If I do not hear from someone i will file a complaint with the better business bureau - put an article in the paper in Madison Wisconsin about recent service decline in verizon and I will cancel all of my accounts with your company as well as have my husbands attorney dissolve the contract for his business and his technicians can use another service.   (He is scheduled to had phones out on Monday - that will no happen if this is not resolved)
    Thank you - I look forward to hearing from you today to hear how you plan to reconcile this issue.
    Tammy <Personal information removed for privacy.>
    (The conversations were saved by email so you should have copies of both the hang up and then the call where she just left me sitting and waiting!  If you do not have copies of the emails I do please feel free to ask!
    Message was edited by: Verizon Moderator

       I tried for 30 minutes to get to billing and all I could get was a computer that wanted money, no option for service rep. I had to change the date on one of my payments and ever since I have been getting texts saying I missed a payment and I had to call them. After I went through the aboved mentioned I finally called the new business line and was able to get transfered to billing. The lady was rude and didn't want to wait on my responses. She said I had schechuled it for the 1st and that why I was getting these texts , I was holding the paper, gave her the conformation number and told her it was for the seventh, all of a sudden the phone starting breaking up.  I never had problems like this till my idenity was stolen and some guys got into my checking account, we caught it early and was able to close the account and open another. I had verizon on auto bill in the account and that was the only one I forgot put in the new info. Of course it was returned as closed. As soon as I saw this I checked the profile and changed it. They charged me the fee ( of course) and I called them to explain why this happened and apologized. Ever since then I have been treated like I'm a bum and that I don't pay my bill. I have been with them since 2000 and I'm thinking of changing it in September when the contract is up.

  • Misrepresentation by Verizon - and lack of "Customer Service"

    I have tried to follow the "proper channels" and no one seems to care - so here is the letter I sent to the "Correspondence Team"  minus my personal information. 
    Verizon Wireless
    Attn:  Correspondence Team
    P.O. Box 5029
    Wallingford, CN  06492
    To Whom It May Concern,
    First, please know, we have been loyal customers with Verizon for approximately 8 years; and, up until this point in time, we have been pleased with our service provided by Verizon Wireless.  With this timespan of provided service, I am estimating that we have spent in excess of $15,000 with your company.
    We have two children in college, and with their urging, we recently decided to upgrade our phones to the smart phone technology.  For years, we had been satisfied with our antiquated flip-phones.  This is where our nightmare began.  On March 31st, we saw an advertisement for Verizon that you were offering a new plan for the amount of $160.00 per month with unlimited text, talk, and 10GB of data – with a buy one get one free Samsung Galaxy S4 phone.  We attempted to explore this offer on-line; however, your website was not working.  We then saw an advertisement on your website for a phone number to call about the “Edge Program.”  We called the number and were connected with Charles Brown.  He was eager to assist us with our needs.  I do not have his employee number; however, his phone number is (888) 924-7934 ext. 8486. 
    For about the next 2 hours, Mr. Brown discussed the plan with us and assured us that this was the plan that would be the most beneficial. The new plan would provide the unlimited text, talk, 10 GB of data and 4 new smart phones.   During this time, he assured us that our bill would be no more than $175.00 per month for both the service plan and the phones. He stated that we were up for renewal on several of our phones and we would receive rebates on each of these phones.  He continued to assure us that with our initial deposit on the phones and with the rebates, our total bill would not be more than $175.00 per month.  We signed the agreements with him continuing to assure us of this situation.  The night we signed the contracts, we received 17 emails regarding our new service. 
    Within the next few days, we received two of the phones.  The bill that arrived stated our bill would be $240.00 for these two phones.  We contacted Charles and he stated:  “Oh, don’t worry about that!  When you have activated all 4 phones, the rebates will kick in.”  It then took an addition two weeks to receive our next two phones.
    We then received our next statement for the period of March 13 through April 12 for the amount of $380.00.  We attempted to contact Charles with no success.  We thought, well, we just activated the phones.  Perhaps, these rebates have not taken effect yet. We paid $180.00 and again attempted to contact Charles.  We have made these attempts numerous times to no avail.  Apparently, he has made his commission and is done.
    Our next bill arrived with a current charges of $278.35 with an additional past due balance of $200.04.  No credits or rebates had been applied.
    On May 21, 2014, I contacted Verizon Customer Service. After speaking with one lady, I asked to speak to a supervisor.  I was connected with Kelli (employee number 992300).  I told her of the above stated events and gave her our concerns over the fact that we had been lied to by Mr. Brown.  She placed me on hold to do “a little research.”  When she returned, I also inquired if all sales phone calls were recorded.  She stated they were.  She asked if we were offered the plan with a 2 year renewal contract and I told her that during our 2 hour conversation with Mr. Brown, that the only plan we were offered was the “Edge” program.  She then offered to switch us to a 2 year renewal service plan including the phones we had received for $183.00 per month.  I agreed to this verbal agreement.  She then asked if we had signed the Edge contract and I stated that yes we had with the assurance from Charles that we would receive the rebates. She then retracted her offer and stated the best she could do was a 6 to 12 month credit to our account.  I declined and asked her to listen to Charles Brown’s recorded conversation with us.  She stated she would and stated twice that she would call us back within one hour. It is now May 25th and we have yet to hear from her.
    After one and half hours passed, I called the customer service number again and after asking several times to speak with a supervisor, I was connected to Marcus (6805).  He did tell me that it would take up to 72 hours to research this type of request. I stated that I thought that was reasonable; however, I was promised a return call within 1 hour.  He stated he would continue to follow up on this situation.
    In all honesty, I do not expect to hear from either of these representatives.  I feel that I was make promises just to get me off the phone and they have no intentions of following up on my requests. 
    We do not wish to cancel our service with Verizon; however, we are feeling that we may have no choice in this matter.  We feel we have been lied to, ignored, and unvalued as a loyal customer. I also feel that “calling customer service” would be a waste of my time and energy and would only result in further frustration and anxiety.  We contacted AT&T and they have stated they would be more than thrilled to meet our telecommunication needs.
    What can you do to help? Please review our multiple conversations with Mr. Brown.  You will then find that our concerns of untruthful statements are legitimate.  We would be more than happy to switch to the 2 year contract for $183.00 per month. If this is not available, we will be forced to switch to another service provider.
    We would appreciated any further consideration of this matter and if would like additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us at our home number or respond on this forum.
    A Very Unhappy, and soon to be former, Customer

    Although long in your post the situation was somehow messed up.
    Like the AT&T plan you are alluding to the price is $160 plus taxes and fees per month in addition to the Edge Plan charges of at least $100 for the four phones ($25x4=$100) so that would be $260 plus taxes and fees. There could also be pro rata charges for partial month of service. First bill is higher in many cases.
    Now if you were just going to purchase four new smart phones under a 2 year contract each there is the cost per device at subsidy say $200 each or ($200x4=$800).  Plus 4 upgrade fees at $30 is $120 plus the cost of a plan you choose with shared data. So $920 plus plan say at the lowest rate share plan to be $160 plus taxes and surcharges. You would have received an invoice way over $1000.00 so you were put on the edge plan.
    You were misinformed as you have to pay a cost for each device for 20 months.
    You may have not heard that point in the conversation. Or it may not have been told at time of sale.
    I hope the letter works out.
    Good Luck

  • What does it take to get a VZW Customer Service Rep to call you back?? READY TO CANCEL SERVICE OF 4 LINES!

    Has anyone else had problems with VZW customer service? I have been lied to repeatedly and am on the verge of terminating my contracts. To begin, I sent my daughters, who are authorized users, into the store - which is 40 minutes from my house- to upgrade and renew 2 lines. I called Apple to upgrade initially, but my account has a corporate discount, so they were unable to upgrade my lines of service. I called the closest VZW store, again 40 minutes away, spoke with the sales associate DUSTIN. I told DUSTIN exactly what I wanted and advised that my daughters would be in to upgrade the lines.
      When my daughters arrived, there were 2 people in line ahead of them. As the other customers were taken care of and left, it became closing time. Another representative approached DUSTIN telling him he did not "need to do all that, just hurry and get them out". YES!!! The other rep told him to hurry and get the sale out of the store!!! WHO PAYS YOUR BILLS? WHO PROVIDES YOU WITH THAT PAYCHECK AND COMMISSION MONTHLY?? YES, we the customer do!!!
    Next, DUSTIN brought out a selection of cases, car chargers and screen protectors from the back of the store advising my daughter to "pick one", as he presented the selection of cases to her. She advised she did not want or need the cases or other items he was offering. He told her the case and screen protector "comes with it". HE LIED to her!! This is unethical and deceptive!! It was not until she arrived home, after being rushed out of the store, she noticed the additional charged for the case and screen protector - which was supposedly included.
    I called VZW *611 immediately. I spoke with a gentleman named CASEY who empathized with me and stated he would forward this information to his manager to have his manager contact me. I have waited for a return call and have not received one. If I do not hear back from VZW today, I am returning 2 lines of service, cancelling all 4 lines and taking my service to a carrier that will do what they promise and not unethically obtain sales from paying customers.
    The bonus to this story- my daughter is a minor! Not only did he manipulate and lie, but did so to a child!!! I have been a VZW customer for over a decade. When I cancel my service, everyone will know why. In addition, I talked my LARGE corporation into obtaining corporate accounts with VZW. I can assure you, that will also be revoked.
    Best Wishes

    Sadly, i've had a few unethical issues of my own and i'm an adult. I do think there was some responsiblity on the daughters' part to verify what they were paying for before leaving the store even though you made an honest attempt to have things laid out prior to their arrival. In regards to VZW's service, It has declined horribly over the past few years. I've been a customer since they were orignally a company called PrimeCo and I'm on the verge of switching providers myself. I had a defective phone that was replaced 6 times in one year..the store manager called me out the blue to apologize for the defective phones and offered me a free upgrade at no charge. He NEVER told me that he was extending my contract and treating it like a normal upgrade. I didn't find out until i went for my New Every Two purchase. I also received a letter stating they were discontinuing the New Every Two Program, but i still would be able to use my last upgrade on my next purchase. Of course when the renewal period came around, there was no such record of the offer and I got nothing. It's now time to renew my contract again and upgrade, but as before, there is absolutely no incentive for me doing so. I'm still going to pay the same as any new customer that walks through the door, still paying an activation fee, and i don't have unlimited everything like most other providers are currently offering. So please tell me again WHY i would want to renew my contract and purchase a new phone from Verizon when i can go elsewhere and get all types of perks???
    All in all, i truly sympathize with you and as of today, i'm looking to purchase a new phone this afternoon with another provider.

  • Where is the customer service from VZW

    Since February 19th I have been trying to Early Edge by eligible phone line and have been unsuccessful through the current day. What I finally got from Verizon Wireless after a 4th visit to the store was that there was a glitch in the Verizon Wireless software that controls validating that a device installment plan has fallen off and it is now eligible to enter a new device installment plan or edge agreement.
    First on February 19th they told me it takes 24-48 business hours for the account to update so I got back to the store to find out that I still can't upgrade.  Then they supposedly discovered that I had to wait until the new billing cycle so that was the reason why I couldn’t complete the early upgrade.  The new billing cycle comes and goes as of the 7th and with no luck still not able to early edge because it still shows an outstanding device loan on my account, which was paid off completely on February 19th.  They even confirm it in their system but it wont let them remove it.  Now this is all while the special device that was being held for me (Gold Verizon Note 3) was sold without anyone contacting me to let me know.  This was after they promised to hold it back in February until my new billing cycle, which in theory should have been the date I could complete the early edge agreement.
    So the store manager works and finds a store that’s willing to send him a gold note 3 that they have in inventory.  I made customer service over the phone and in the store promise that the device would be held until it could be added to my account.  Because the last time the store made the promise they sold the device and didn’t tell me. They didn’t even give me the courtesy of saying we had to sell it but we will work to have another in for you ASAP.  This is the abbreviated version of my still lingering frustration with Verizon because it is now March 14, 2014; 7 days past the start of my new billing cycle and they still have not fixed the problem. 
    See below for more details that I sent to one of their customer service representatives via email:
    Sent on March 12, 2014 at 11:18 AM
    As I told you by phone I have been trying to make the change in device and use the early edge program since February 19th to no avail.  I want to more due diligence from Verizon Wireless when dealing with loyal customers.  You guys use to have a statement of “The First Time You Call It Becomes Our Problem.”  It seems that Verizon Wireless has done away with this mantra and replaced it with “No Matter How Many Times The Customer Comes In or Calls; It Remains the Customers Problem.”  I have physically been into the store 4 times each time spending more than an hour sometimes 2 hours or more trying to find out what was going on with my account.  I see that Verizon Wireless not only has a tendency to bounce its customers around from department to department over the phone but that they also do this to their store employees.  I believe my total years with Verizon Wireless is in excess of 10 as I started with Verizon just after the purchase of Primeco in the Daytona Beach Area.  I have found that as Verizon Wireless grows my experiences have become less and less stellar and more of a pain point.  I am a business and management faculty as well as a college administrator so I spend my days teaching others how to become great entrepreneurs and even greater organizations that serve the greater good.  One of my focuses is on customer services and the relations of the enterprise.  What I see is a company that has grown so big so fast that they have forgotten the cornerstone upon which their success was built. 
    I hope that my message somehow makes it into a training that Verizon Wireless holds with its employees to remind them that you are a service organization that would not exist without customers.  This means that you return to your original mantra of taking on the responsibility for issues the first time a customer calls and not the 4th or 5th or even after they threatened to pick up the pin and publish journal articles or periodicals about the lax services of an organization to big to fail.  This also means that Verizon Wireless shouldn’t launch a program until they have "within reason" reviewed all possible scenarios.  It would seem that my particular scenario is not one that is so farfetched that it could not have been played out and properly addressed before it ever hit “main street”. 
    In one of my classes I started teaching Customer Service 3.0 Predictive Services with Drive.  I designed this series to anticipate the customers needs based on recognizable patterns in their behavior.  This is not a new concept its just one that has been revived from the past.  One that Verizon Wireless should actively deploy across its operation. Long-standing customers have certain behavioral trends that can be categorized into a number of vats.  The most important lesson in my most recent interactions with Verizon Wireless that have soured my relationship is that no one within Verizon Wireless is willing to own mistakes until the customer explodes.  A simple phone call well in advance of the 7th of March could have fixed my biggest issue with Verizon Wireless and the local store in Daytona Beach.  A phone that was being held for me was sold and no one bother to call me.  The store made good by calling other locations to find that exact same phone and got it shipped and available on Monday but there is still something fundamentally wrong with not being accountable to the customer. When did this become the rule rather than an unacceptable exception to the rule?  If the district manager was in fact the person that made the decision to pull the phone and sell it to someone else then the district manager should have acted within the acceptable bounds of “Good Customer Service” and personally called the customer.  Our rank within an organization does not negate our responsibilities to admit ownership of our decision(s) even if there are consequences. 
    I heard that another employee ordered the same phone from a Verizon store in Tampa and had been waiting and apparently they didn’t know whose phone came in. I know that this was a bunch of lip service because the phone that was ordered for me came from within the district and it was setup so that an employee could pick it up the next day and bring it to the store.  I know it was the phone that was meant for me because I was in the store that next day which was the first day we tried to activate the phone and learned that I had to wait until the new billing cycle.  Don’t try and insult a customers intelligence because you only serve to make a mild situation even worse. I was in the store when the the location that had the phone was called and it was staged for pickup by an employee that lived in the area but worked at the Daytona location.  My trust in an organization that would pull such a stunt and think that I would actually believe it drops lower than the approval rating currently held by the US Congress.  Lie to me and our relationship becomes nothing more than a guarded transactional one. 
    My trust in Verizon Wireless has been destroyed by the actions of a district manager.  It does not matter how much effort the store manager Angel or even yourself have put into making it right the fact still remains there is a fundamental wrong that only the district manager could hope to fix through a written apology.  Because this person elected not to do so my resolve in no longer being a strong promoter of Verizon Wireless among peers and students is gone.  Because I now perceive Verizon Wireless to be disloyal to its customers and unwilling to admit fault.  You cannot offer apologies for the actions of a district manager nor can the store manager.  It would be the equivalent of me denying some student privileges that he/she was promised and passing it off on someone else because I don’t feel I should have to be bothered with it.
    It is my hopes that Verizon Wireless returns to its fundamentals of quality customer service not just on the surface but also at the very roots of the organization.  The cost to acquire a new customer is much higher than the cost to retain an existing customer.  There are 112 textbooks that echo this sentiment.
    The 112 books was an exaggeration I can only physically put my hand on 13 that are on my bookshelves. 

    Nicely written, but alas it will fall on deaf ears and blind eyes.
    The problem here is not the store manager, the district manager or the untrained personnel in the stores. It comes down to supply and demand and the act of securing customers.
    You wanted to stay with Verizon, you were willing to purchase another device, the relationship is then you are purchasing goods or services to remain a customer. The snafu is your account was not updated. Then because the people you spoke to did not have an answer for the situation, they lied to you.
    Not a good business decision on the face of it, however after being lied to, after having your device sold out from under you, your decision is now to proceed to get that device replaced and remain a customer.
    The long tirade you wrote is more effective if you simply cancelled your relationship with Verizon Wireless and show you are a informed consumer via walking to another service who may value your money more. You will note I did not say 'Value You More"  since over the last few years customer services have rapidly declined at Verizon Wireless.
    Profits for the shareholders ( yep my wife and I own a load of Verizon stock) and insane payments to the management are now focused on making money over the slight annoyances of a small minority of customers with varied issues.
    You see 120 Million customers is what they are looking at. The shear numbers mean a few hundred thousand customers leaving or posting how unhappy they are is minuscule so until that 120 Million drop down to 60 Million or even less Verizon Wireless will not be in any hurry to placate you or 59,000,999 customers until the bottom line is affected.
    I hope you actually get your device, I would be very surprised if they tell you another story on Monday  which 100 text books would not have any bearing on taking care of the customers.
    Many times people can teach but in real life the world is not a text book. There are no flow charts to handle the scenario that get in the way.
    Good Luck

  • Customer Service botched Pricematch, no recourse

    This has been a nightmare for the past 2 months. To avoid a lengthy paragraph that would prove difficult to read, here's what happened, line by line: 1. Saw Soleus Mini GPS watch on for $99.99, total w/tax $108.862. Ordered while using a $35.31 giftcard3. Store Pick-up, final total: $73.55 4. Found watch on for $69.30 the next day5. Called 1-888-BESTBUY6. Customer service representative looked for it on Amazon, verified pricematch, new total will be: $33.99 7. Two weeks later, called 1-888-BESTBUY because no refund was applied to my credit card8. Customer service said I should wait a full billing cycle (i.e. next month) 9. Two more weeks later, no refund, called 1-888-BESTBUY10. Customer service said pricematch was not valid because it was a 3rd party vendor on Amazon. 11. This conversation ensued: "But the rep I talked to had checked and confirmed that it was valid." -No, sorry it was not shipped and sold by Amazon. "Well, okay, then can you pricematch to the one by Amazon? I see it online right now for $71.47." -No, the purchase is now past your return/exchange period, so we cannot pricematch. "But I had called 2 weeks ago and the rep said I should wait 2 more weeks. If I had been told that my pricematch was invalid then, I would've asked to pricematch the direct Amazon price and it would've been fine." -Sorry, I can't do anything because our system doesn't allow pricematching past the return period. "Is there a manager I can talk to who can make an exception in the system?" -No, we don't have that ability. 12. Opened a dispute with my credit card company13. After investigation, they recommended I contact Best Buy again for resolution, before taking further action 14. Here I am, posting on this forum. If there is no recourse to be found here, I will take to Twitter and file a BBB complaint, before moving on to greater measures. Is all this time worth $35? No, but living a life based on principles and holding others accountable to theirs is. I hope Best Buy can rectify this, since it does not seem ill-intentioned - just a mistake on the part of one customer service representative.

    Hello outlierm455,
    Best Buy's Price Match Guarantee is a great way to ensure that you get the best possible price on the exciting products you purchase. I was disappointed to read that your request was declined, and I apologize for any incorrect information that you may have received when you called us.
    Requests for to price match our online competitors must be made at the time of purchase (you can find more information at the link above). With that said, I have some information for you about this situation, so please watch for a private message from me. To check your forum inbox, ensure that you have signed in with your user name and password, then click on the envelope icon in the upper right of this page.
    I'm grateful that you wrote to us.

  • Verizon does not know what customer service means

    I tried to pay my bill online using the Verizon gift card that I received when I signed up for Verizon Fios. It would not let me do it. I got an error message that my payment transaction failed because of an invalid card or authorization is decline by my financial institution. I had more than enough to pay my bill on this card. So I called the card company and I was told that Verizon lets you pay your bill with this card one time only. Apparently what I should have done was instead of putting the exact amount of the bill I should have put the total amount that’s on the card. Speaking to customer service was a big hassle. Besides the fact that the line was not clear the representative had an accent. She was very polite and tried to be very helpful but I could not hear her. She suggested that I try to pay my bill by phone. When I asked her if there was a charge for doing that, she said ‘yes’. I cannot believe that you charge customers just for paying their bill!!!! That is the most amazingly insane thing I have ever heard of in my life. I mean if the customer is willing and able to pay her bill, why are you punishing her with an extra charge? I cannot believe that Verizon is all about doing what’s easiest and cheapest for Verizon and not easiest and most helpful for the customers. Do you pass on those savings of going the easy way to your customers? I think not. I certainly have not seen any evidence of that. Due to my perseverance, some luck, and probably a lot of help from a higher power I went back online and was able to resolve the issue myself. (So much for customer service.) At least I hope I resolved the issue. I received confirmation that the total amount that I put in was received so let’s hope so. At least I hope I’m not charged any fees because I was mistaken in my premise that the bill was paid. I really believe that the government should investigate these charges that you keep piling on. I am out of work for two years and I cannot afford extra charges just for paying my bill!!!! Which is the most ludicrous thing I have ever heard of. The other problem is that you people believe that everybody is computer literate to the tech degree. Also you don’t take into consideration any disability that a customer might have. With my eyesight it is somewhat difficult to read the screen properly all the time. So when I signed up, I had to call customer service and I’m now being charged $10 more per month. Apparently I was under the mistaken impression that it was all about the customer and not about the company. I guess I was wrong. Life is not without problems and I’m sad and appalled to see that Verizon isn’t there to help their customers with them. I thought customer service meant service to the customer. I don’t see it. This is all making me rethink about signing up with Verizon in the first place. I thought Verizon was better than this. And add insult to injury I don’t believe I can call customer service with my complaint. Beside the fact that I think I might be charged for customer service, I seriously doubt that they would do anything about it anyway. So I am putting it on this blog.  

    On July 1, 2015 I went online and paid my bill using the Verizon gift card that I received. When I go on my account there is this message  Paid in full.Thank you for paying your bill with Auto Pay. Your account is paid in full. Under that message is the total amount due of the bill (and it is not 0.00) and the due date July 7, 2015. How is this possible? Is my bill paid or not? How do I get two conflicting statements on one page? Can someone tell me what this is all about? I hope to God I do not have to pay a late fee because as far as I'm concerned I paid my bill. I can't help that the web site did not update. Now I have to try to find the customer service number as I don't see it on Verizon's web site. No suprise there. 

  • Terrible Transfer Experience - 10+ hours with bad customer service

    I've been a Verizon Fios customer for 3 years. For the most part service has been good, though there were a few instances where I've lost internet and cable for no apparent reason for a few days here and there. However, my experience with Verizon Fios over the past few days has been a nightmare. I called Verizon a few weeks ago to tell them that I was moving from an apartment on the 5th floor of my building to an apartment on the 7th floor in the same building. Additonally, I wanted to sign a 2-year contract for phone, tv, and internet. This process went smoothily and my service to my old apartment was to be cut off on 8/10/2012 while the same day my new apartment went get the Triple-play deal on the same day (8/10/2012).
    The day finally arrives and Verizon goes 1 for 2 by shutting off my old apartment service (at 6am no less) while not activating my new service. I was told that a servicemen was to be sent between 1pm-5pm. At 4:00pm I call Tech support to check on the status of my order, and they tell me that there are "engineering problems" in my building and there are not enough "ports" for my service, but that a technician is on his way; he's just running late. 6:30pm rolls in and still no contact from a technician or anyone. I call again, 45 minute wait, talk to another support person who tells me the techician is still coming; just running late. It's now 10pm and I call Tech support again. I get tossed around from department to department (Tech Support, Sales, Fiber-Optic installation) and finally I'm told that the "engineering problem" will be resolved in the morning 8/12/2012.
    The next morning, 8/12/2012, 11am, no contact at all so I call Tech Support again, 35 minute wait. They now tell me that no technician will be coming out because there's a "serious engineering problem" and they try to schedule me for 8/16/2012. I say that's unacceptable, and that I need a technician out that day (8/12/2012). My customer support puts me on hold for 20 minutes, comes back on the phone, only to hang up on me. I stop trying to call Tech support, and head out of my building around 4pm and right in front of my building is a Fios technician. He says that he's there for another apartment! I ask him about the "serious engineering problems" they're having in my building. He has no idea what I'm talking about and when asked if he'd take a look at our apartments connection, he declines. So at this point, I know I've previously been lied to about my techinical issues and that they couldn't send out a technician until 8/16/2012.
    Extremely frustrated, I call customer service tech support again, 45 minute wait, and I talk to Michele who tells me that my order is still pending (yea I figured that) but that it's in the system as only phone and TV, no internet! So it just keeps getting better! She fixes the order to reflect tv, phone, internet and and then connects me to Fios "elite" customer service, to reschedule my technician appointment, and to talk about compensation (first mention of this). I talk to Carolyn{edited for privacy} (SP?) at Elite customer service and she says she is talking to dispatch to get a technician out that day 8/12/2012. I get put on hold for 40 minutes and then Carolyn comes back on the phone to say that she'll give me a call back when a technician has been dispatched. I give her my cell number and say goodbye. Hours go by and no call back. I call back customer service, immediately ask for "elite" customer service. I get put in touch with Ms. C{edited for privacy}. I ask to be put in touch with Carolyn, but Ms. C{edited for privacy} has no idea who I'm talking about.  I tell Ms. C{edited for privacy} my story (pretty angrily at this point). I request that she tell me the employee numbers of the people that have worked on my account the past couple of days so that I can make a formal complaint. Ms. C{edited for privacy} tells me my account has only been notated once (the 10pm call I made on 8/10/2012). Ms. C{edited for privacy} offers to reschedule my technican but offers first again 8/16/2012. I say no way, and then she offers me 8/12/2012. I accept reluctantly.  I also inquire about the compensation Carolyn mentioned, and Ms. C{edited for privacy} says that she can't discuss that until installation is complete. Ms. C{edited for privacy} says she'll call me Monday (8/13/2012) to make sure installation went accordingly I ask Ms. C{edited for privacy} for a direct line of contact so I can call her. She gives me the number 443-436-3954. I ask her "Are you sure this is a direct line and I won't be on hold for 45 mintues". She says of course. Turns out this number is a voice mailbox number and doesn't put me in touch with anyone.
    Sunday 8/13/2012 rolls around. Our techinican shows up on time (hallelujah!!). Lloyd, our technician, is the first Verizon Fios representative who's on top of his stuff. He quickly deduces that the "serious engineering problem" was simply that the people that lived in the apartment before us did not cancel their subscription. Therefore, they were taking up the "port" we needed for service. Lloyd does his job, and in under 2.5 hours. We have TV and internet, but no phone because Lloyd's technical support needs to do some things on their end.
    So the tally at the end of this awful expereience:
    1) 10+ hours of calling customer service, tech support, fiber optic installation, sales, and "elite" customer service.
    2) Over 5 hours of wait time.
    3) Spoke with 12-15 representatives with 3-4 different stories for my problem.
    4) Complete failure of communication from Fios.
    5) TV and internet installed 2 days late
    6) Phone still uninstalled
    7) Too many lies to count
    I am debating if I should just switch at this point, but I'm not sure if Verizon will penalize me (like they haven't done enough already!) . Anyone know if there's a grace period at which to cancel without penalty? Also Moderators, can you please have someone from your "super duper elite" customer service call me cause this issue is still not resolves and I still need to file a formal complaint either with your corporate office or my state business bureau.

    Since we haven't heard back from you or have received a form submission as requested in your private support case, it appears assistance is no longer required. If you need any future help with your Verizon service, please make a post here on the forums so we can assist.
    **If someones post has helped you, please acknowledge their assistance by clicking the red thumbs up button to give them Kudos. If you are the original poster and any response gave you your answer, please mark the post that had the answer as the solution**
    Notice: Content posted by Verizon employees is meant to be informational and does not supersede or change the Verizon Forums User Guidelines or Terms or Service, or your Customer Agreement Terms and Conditions or plan

  • Need help from executives above elite customer services

    Below is our attempts to change our services with Verizon FIOS.  It has been an ongoing frustration with different infromation and redirection.  We are trying to get a consistant answer form someone in the customer service division.  Otherwise we will be forces to seek another provider.
    This is a copy of our last email to Verizon
    Below is a copy of an email to your company on December 3rd.  There was no response to this email and when  we called on to the last offer made to us in writing we were told that it was no longer available.  This continued redirection and misinformation is what one would consider a "bait and switch" tactic.  At this time if we do not get a response to this email by Monday 12/22/14 we will pursue another provider. 
    ----- Forwarded Message -----
    From: {edited for privacy}
    To: {edited for privacy}
    Sent: Wednesday, December 3, 2014 8:03 PM
    Subject: Re: A preview of your order
    To Whom It May Concern:
    We have become thoroughly frustrated with your customer service and sales associates.  We have talked to them on at least 4 occasions over the last month, and during which times they have made multiple offers and none of these representatives tell us the same story.
         On 10/20/14, we went online requesting pricing for dropping our home phone and TV services.  We were told that they could not offer us anything and asked us to call 800-837-4966 and talk to the Elite Service representative. When we called this number we spoke with Michael who offered internet at 15/15 Mbps for $54.99 a month for 12 months with no contract.  We told him we would discuss it and call back.  He said that would be fine and any representative could make us this offer.
         On 11/18/14, we called back and were told that we could not get the $54.99/12 months with no contract, but we could get an Internet/TV bundle for $52.99 a month with a 2 year contract.  We decided that we did not like this offer and declined.
         On 11/18/14, we called back a few minutes later to try to find Michael and were told that his conversation was not recorded and they did not know of him.  We were informed that we were talking to a call center in California.  The representative apologized for the confusion, and she told us that 15/15 Mbps was no longer available as a speed option and we had to have 25/25 Mbps.  She could only offer this at a rate of $64.99 per month.  She could give us the triple play listed in the email below on a month-to-month basis so that we could decide what we wanted to do.  She also told us we had until 12/19 to make a decision.
         On 12/3/14/, we called the sales center to ask about pricing for a double play package.  The representative said we could not get 25/25 Mbps and could only get 15/15 Mbps.  He offered a rate of $84.99 on a month-to-month contract.  At this point the conversation ended.
    Our intentions started as an effort to cut costs by stopping TV and telephone services.  We have been told many different things about what we can get and no one has the same information.  We have been customers for a very long time, but given this multitude of misinformation we are strongly considering leaving Verizon altogether.
    I hope that someone can contact us via this email and clear things up.
    We look forward to your reply.
    Go to Solution.

    Welcome to the forums.  You're talking to other customers here.
    Verizon doesn't communicate with customers by email other than to send order confirmations.  You need to call or chat with them.  For an issue like yours, I suggest you talk to their retention department.  It is reached by calling them and selecting "cancel all services" from the phone menu.
    Good Luck.
    If a forum member gives an answer you like, give them the Kudos they deserve. If a member gives you the answer to your question, mark the answer as Accepted Solution so others can see the solution to the problem.

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