Customised validation in jsf

pls help
my requirement is that, in the case of implementing customised validation in jsf ,i have to call an xml(which is outside of our application context ) in backing bean's method using java unified expression laguage . i'm not able to parse and read this xml's data using expression language.
please send code.

I should not used the hx library.So,please give a soluntion other than this.
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    <h:selectOneRadio id="myradio" required="true" ... >
    <h:message for="myradio" />Submit the form, if the radio is not selected while the 'required' attribute is set to true, you will get a default validation error in the h:message.
    Get through a good JSF book/tutorial and read on about the validation. JSF offers a robust and highly customizeable validation framework. The error messages are also customizeable. The only difference with the Javascript approach is that it costs one trip to the server as well. But the big advantage is that it is much more robust. As Javascript is clientside, it can easily be disabled by the client or even hacked by the client.
    Here are some useful links:
    JSF book:
    JSF specification:
    JSF tutorial (Java EE tut chapter 10 and on):

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    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="h"%>
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="f"%>
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c"%>
         <%@ include file="../includes/header.jsp"%>
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                 if((document.createForm.courseId.value=='') ||(document.createForm.courseId.value==null))
                    alert("Please Enter Course Id");     
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              <table width="768" height="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0"
                                                      <td width="200" height="25" align="left" class="formtext">
                                                           Course Id:
                                                      <td height="25" align="left">
                                                           <h:inputText id="courseId"  value="#{bean.courseId}"  required="true"  />
                                                      <td width="200" height="25" align="left" class="formtext">
                                                           File Name:
                                                      <td height="25" align="left">
                                                           <h:inputText id="fileName" value="#{bean.fileName}" />
                                       <td colspan="2" align="center" class="formtext">
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                                                 onclick=" return validate();" />
                        <td width="12" valign="top" background="images/tile_left_right.jpg">
                             <img src="images/tile_left_right.jpg" width="6" height="1" />
         <%@ include file="../includes/footer.jsp"%>

    Have you checked the element ID's? Maybe you have overlooked the woodstocked ID's. Look in the generated HTML source and base your Javascript on this.

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    In you are unlikely to see the various truncate/drop issues relating to large numbers of small extents - unless you use dictionary managed tablespaces.
    There are a couple of possible threats with small extents and highly concurrent inserts with ASSM that might be a temporary problem when the object size is small. There may still be some issues with large uncommitted inserts or deletes making other session's work very hard to identify free blocks until the large transaction has committed - these things can be hard to test.
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    Really you need to think through your requirements and them model them on your system - some of the anomalies have changed several times over the last three years.
    Jonathan Lewis
    Now on Twitter: @jloracle

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    public class isEmpty implements Validator{
         public isEmpty(){}
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              String firstName=(String)value;
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                   message.setSummary("First Name is Empty");
                   message.setDetail("First Name is Empty");
    faces-config is
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    <h:inputText value=#{mybean.lcFirstname} id="T5" required="true">
    <f:validator validatorId="isEmpty"/>
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    any problem in this isEmpty function?any one give me a solution with an example
    advance thanks
    with regards

    Thanks for reply.i was expecting this one and it is working fine .but i want to validate null or empty string using
    validator tag.Is any other way to do this .There is no standard way to do this. You may consider to write your own implementation of the JSF LifeCycle.
    can u give some explanation to create messagebundle Check chapter of the JSF specification: []
    whether it will be useful to validate empty string?The default behaviour is:
    The 'required' attribute already validates the empty value. If the value is empty and the 'required' attribute is set to true, then the "field is required" message will show up (text may depend on the message settings and configuration -- in JSF 1.2 you can use the 'requiredMessage' attribute to specify that message right in the JSF page). If the value is not empty, then the attached validator will be fired, regardless of the setting of the 'required' attribute. If the value is empty and the 'required' attribute is false or not set, then no validation will be taken place.jsf

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    in Core JSF from David Geary there is a chapter on using
    Jakarta Commons Validator for javaScript validation
    source could be found here:

  • About Validation in JSF

    i encounter such a problem that: when a jsf page fails in validation, i cannot do anything on that page till validation success or i kill the session. For example when i fill a field with an inappropriate value, it fails in validation. then i send another parameter to that page which is appropriate to the scope of validation. then the jsf page refreshes but the value that caused the validation failed is rendered not the parametre i sent. when i asked it to the senior developers they said it is such the way. they said the wrong value kept somehow. if u share your knowledge i will be appreciate. santiago

    you can create a demo use JSF achitecture, and create the simple page,
    for example ,login.jsp, and add tag <h:inputText/> <h:commandButton/> in you login page,
    add custom validation and custom converter to <h:inputText/>
    for your tag <h:commandButton/>, adding the phaseListener and track the JSF lifeCycle by log4j.
    you will learn more about component-based JSF achitecture.

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    Thanks in advance.

    Thanks for the link,
    The problem is that it only lets you customise certain alert messages (related to an online store) whereas I need a way to customise specific messages related to my custom form. Do you know if there is another way to do this?

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                                                            required="true" validator="#{RegistrationBean.checkFirstName}">
                                                            <a4j:support event="onblur" reRender="msg" onsubmit="true" oncomplete="true" />                                 
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              String name = (String) value;
                  System.out.println("Name *******");
                  String message = bundle.getString("Name_Required");
                         new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, message,message));                    
                  String message = bundle.getString("Name_exists");
                         new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, message,message));                    
           }could anyone suggest me where i went wrong

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    You should set the immediate="true" attribute.

  • Date Validation in JSF & Richfaces

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    Can anyone please help me on this...

    The date correction is done based on the pattern date you use and it's done on the client. <f:convertDateTime> is called on the server. It's still called but produces no conversation error as the value is correct. Also, <f:convertDateTime> is converter, not validator.
    Hope this helps...

  • Validations in JSF

    Hi All,
    I have 4 input fields in my JSP. Atleast one is required and not all are mandatory. So i have added a hidden input field and written a custom validator that is called for every submit.
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    Now if i give the input as "aaaaaaa", then the error message from "mask" is displayed. If i now enter "0000000", then the validation message from custom component is displayed. Now after this, if i enter "aaaaaaa", it shows both messages.
    the reason is that i have used UIInput.getValue() in my custom component. The getValue() is "0000000" and UIInput.getSubmittedValue() is "aaaaaaa". Why is the previous input retained?
    Can someone provide a solution?

    abhi004 wrote:
    I tried using the attribute readonly="true", but I am losing the data held by these fields from the corresponding bean when I click submit.Then there's a bug somewhere. This behaviour (losing value) should only occur when you used the disabled attribute. The readonly attribute should still send the value to the server side.

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    I have a h:inputText in my JSP. I have associated the value of this component with a backing bean property of type Double.
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    If you want to allow letters in a Double, use String instead of Double then.
    I guess this is because of the life cycle where conversion - validation - action takes place.Are you using h:message by the way? I can't see how you can guess when a clear conversion error message just shows up.

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  • Number Validation in jsf  Issue

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    I have a text box in which user can enter only number i done the validtion for it..
    It displays...
    value must be an integer number between -2147483648 and 2147483647
    But i want ot display only 'value must be integer' i want to omit the rest of the part..
    I tried
    <h:inputText value="#{employee.age}" required="true" requiredMessage="Value must be integer"
    <f:validateLongRange minimum="0 maixmum="100" />
    Please suggest the solution for it please

    santigo wrote:
    You can find the .properties file and change the message. But i do not recommend it to u.Why not? You're free to customize any general error messages. You're not forced to use the standard error messages.
    but you can write your custom validater.Too much more work than simply creating a propertiesfile with a single line in it, putting it in the classpath and specifying it in the faces-config.xml.

Maybe you are looking for