How to implement JavaScript validation in JSF

Dear all,
if i wish to implement JavaScript front end validation function in JSF. what should i do?

in Core JSF from David Geary there is a chapter on using
Jakarta Commons Validator for javaScript validation
source could be found here:

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    I have a problem with my code can any one suggest me on this. for your reference here i'm attaching my code.
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="h"%>
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="f"%>
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c"%>
         <%@ include file="../includes/header.jsp"%>
         <h:form id="createForm">
             function validate() { 
                 if((document.createForm.courseId.value=='') ||(document.createForm.courseId.value==null))
                    alert("Please Enter Course Id");     
                     return false; 
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                                                      <td width="200" height="25" align="left" class="formtext">
                                                           Course Id:
                                                      <td height="25" align="left">
                                                           <h:inputText id="courseId"  value="#{bean.courseId}"  required="true"  />
                                                      <td width="200" height="25" align="left" class="formtext">
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                                                      <td height="25" align="left">
                                                           <h:inputText id="fileName" value="#{bean.fileName}" />
                                       <td colspan="2" align="center" class="formtext">
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                                                 onclick=" return validate();" />
                        <td width="12" valign="top" background="images/tile_left_right.jpg">
                             <img src="images/tile_left_right.jpg" width="6" height="1" />
         <%@ include file="../includes/footer.jsp"%>

    Have you checked the element ID's? Maybe you have overlooked the woodstocked ID's. Look in the generated HTML source and base your Javascript on this.

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    Ummmm, I may be off the beaten path, but by the time your javascript is called the h:selectOneMenu would be a select tag within the dom. You should be able to reference that tag as you normally would.

  • How to do javascript validation in jsp

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    <%@taglib uri="" prefix="netui-data"%>
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    %> Select accessorries for your
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    <td> </td>
    <td bgcolor="#DAECFB">
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    <td> </td>
    Can anybody help me

    So how i can do thisLet's try this again shall we.
    You said you have previously validated HTML with
    JavaScript right?
    Do the same thing. It works exactly the same. Don't
    ask me how when you know how.(..and ask your questions in a java script forum if you have any problems. Java script isn't Java)

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    u2018AFRange_Validate(true, 0, true, 100)u2019
    and also can i force setfocus() in the formal javascript in the interactive forms ? so if the validation not correct the user cannot quit from the field.
    Thank You and Best Regards
    Fernand Lesmana

    Use the exit event.
    You can set focus to the fields as;
    Kind Regards

  • How to implement such validation requirement?

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    only numbers and letters are allowed for both of them,
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    JDev: 11g.

    Do you just want to display them as red or also validate on them?
    If its just display, you can try this:
    Set both fields to autoSubmit="true" and immediate="true"
    set the styleclass to depeding on the values like this:
    styleClass="#{bindings.A.inputValue == bindings.B.inputValue ? 'AFFieldText': 'customErrorStyleClass'}"-Anton

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    My validator class file is
    package com.obs.ftw.util.validation;
    public class isEmpty implements Validator{
         public isEmpty(){}
         public void validate(FacesContext context, UIComponent uiComponent,Object value) throws ValidatorException{
              System.out.println("Inside the validate");
    FacesContext context=new FacesContext();
              String firstName=(String)value;
                   FacesMessage message=new FacesMessage();
                   message.setSummary("First Name is Empty");
                   message.setDetail("First Name is Empty");
    faces-config is
    jsf page is
    <h:message for="T5"></h:message>
    <h:inputText value=#{mybean.lcFirstname} id="T5" required="true">
    <f:validator validatorId="isEmpty"/>
    this function calls isEmpty constructor.but system.out.println("Hi") isn't called which is defined inside the validate()
    any problem in this isEmpty function?any one give me a solution with an example
    advance thanks
    with regards

    Thanks for reply.i was expecting this one and it is working fine .but i want to validate null or empty string using
    validator tag.Is any other way to do this .There is no standard way to do this. You may consider to write your own implementation of the JSF LifeCycle.
    can u give some explanation to create messagebundle Check chapter of the JSF specification: []
    whether it will be useful to validate empty string?The default behaviour is:
    The 'required' attribute already validates the empty value. If the value is empty and the 'required' attribute is set to true, then the "field is required" message will show up (text may depend on the message settings and configuration -- in JSF 1.2 you can use the 'requiredMessage' attribute to specify that message right in the JSF page). If the value is not empty, then the attached validator will be fired, regardless of the setting of the 'required' attribute. If the value is empty and the 'required' attribute is false or not set, then no validation will be taken place.jsf

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    I can get the pressed key using javascript but how can I call the corresponding java method? And if I use javascript, that means that a UI-component should gain the focus first to call its javascript method. In this case I don`t even need javascript, because I need a general possibility to catch a key pressed event.
    Thanks for suggestions

    Hi Dan,
    Here is some key listner code that makes sure the user only enters numbers. Maybe you can change it for the return button (I think the charCode of the return button is 10, btw)
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function checkIt(evt)      
         var charCode = (evt.charCode) ? evt.charCode : ((evt.which) ? evt.which : evt.keyCode);
         if (charCode > 31 && (charCode < 48 || charCode > 57))
              alert("Please make sure entries are numbers only.");
              return false;
              return true;
    </script>And in the h:inputText I have onkeypress="return checkIt(event)"

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    hi,dear all:
    we design a jsp page with tiles,everything is ok.
    But we got a problem: when we design many input text or radio button or listbox on our page1.jsf,it will reload to itself when it got error with the component that user keyin and render the page on the top place.
    we want user will see the place that he keyin error (droll automatic) not the top of the page.
    we see that already done by's "smart navigation",but we must write in jsf.
    How to do that next step? thank you very much.

    Hi Dan,
    Here is some key listner code that makes sure the user only enters numbers. Maybe you can change it for the return button (I think the charCode of the return button is 10, btw)
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function checkIt(evt)      
         var charCode = (evt.charCode) ? evt.charCode : ((evt.which) ? evt.which : evt.keyCode);
         if (charCode > 31 && (charCode < 48 || charCode > 57))
              alert("Please make sure entries are numbers only.");
              return false;
              return true;
    </script>And in the h:inputText I have onkeypress="return checkIt(event)"


    I am making use of Logical Database in my report, and I want to do screen validation with the screen which already exists in the system? Is it possible to do so? If yes, then how? The LDB, I am using is PSJ.
    Also, I would like to know, can we define our own selection screen incase of LDB? How is that possible if the answer is yes to it.BUt here I am not talking about dynamic selection screen. What I mean to say is that..., can we restrict the selection screen in LDB, by defining the fields which are required in the selection screen on execution of the report?
    Someone, please guide.
    Points will be rewarded for a satisfactory answer.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Ravi,..
    Chk out the link -
    Yes, we can define our own selection screen and that will come right below your LDB selection screen.
    AND also LDB selection screen can be restricted ..for this you have to code in PBO of report for hiding the elements which u don't required.

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    Just a simple question, how to render the following case purely by JSF?
    case 1.
    It includes 2 radio button2, these 2 radios are in virtual layout, this is not different,
    but I need attach other items(such as input text filed, select menu... etc) after each
    radio button,,,,,
    case 2.
    5 raidos, 3 one the first row, and the others 2 on the second row....
    I had sleep on it for a long time, but still no answer...
    anyone can help me?
    Thanks a lot.

    I am not sure what you mean by case.? do you want to
    insert other components between the radio buttons ? in
    that case why don't you make them as two separate
    lists ?yes, I want to insert other components between the 2 radio buttons.
    the 2 raido buttons are in the same group, check one will auto uncheck another,
    so i think two spearate lists is not fit my require.
    For case 2, try using two SelectItemGroups, one for
    each set of radio buttons and see if that gives you
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    When I clicked to a button I want to make some check with javascipt and then run server side java code. With jsp I used to add onclick javascipt and if it is ok, I just submit to servlet and run the java code in servlet. How can I do this with visual jsf

    If you are trying to display total number of pages in a report, Add the below formula in the column of the report and hide that column in the report.
    FX = sum(count(1))/25
    You can then reference the column in the narrative view like this: "Total pages in the report are @5" and out put may be "Total Pages in the report are 30".
    You can also use something like the below:
    To calculate them use fi:
    CEILING(CAST(RCOUNT("FactColumn In the Report (Sum All)") as DOUBLE)/ 25) for the page number
    CEILING(CAST(COUNT("FactColumn In the Report (Sum All)") as DOUBLE)/ 25) for the total pages
    Put the above formula in the column and reference it in the narrative view like I mentioned in the previous example.
    If you are report view is pivot, then please refer to this link:
    Hope this helps.

  • My Proxy: How to implement a validation before insert/update

    In my env, the OIM User has an attribute called Employee Grade. When the user is configuring My Proxy, he/she can select users who grade who has grade equals or higher... I created a Rule Generator adapter and I tried to assign it to the Pre-Insert of Users.Proxy data object. Problem: There is no field availabe for this entity and I thought it was related to the table PXD (PXD_ORIG_USR_KEY and PXD_PROXY_KEY).
    If I could access those fields, I would search the proxy user by PXD_PROXY_KEY and get he/she grade. After that, compare with the grade of the original user.
    I alse have to iimplement the same logic when the user reasign a task to another user.
    Have you ever implemented that or have any idea?
    Renato Guimaraes.
    Edited by: Renato.Guimaraes on 05/10/2009 13:58 - Implement the same logic to reassign task

    One option is to implement the proxy funtion as a separate RO. Makes it possible to do validation in the approval process but will force you to manually implement any functionality that you would like to have associated with the function.
    Probably not easier than a GUI customization but I wanted to mention the option.
    Best regards

  • How to avoid page validation in JSF / ADF

    In my form I have "cancel" button ( type="reset" ). But when I press it, validation started. But I don't need validation when this button pressed.
    What I can do to avoid validation ?

    You should set the immediate="true" attribute.

  • Customised validation in jsf

    pls help
    my requirement is that, in the case of implementing customised validation in jsf ,i have to call an xml(which is outside of our application context ) in backing bean's method using java unified expression laguage . i'm not able to parse and read this xml's data using expression language.
    please send code.

    I should not used the hx library.So,please give a soluntion other than this.
    Message was edited by:

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