Customize jinternalframe titlebar

hai friends,
can anyone help me in customize jinternalframe titlebar. to change the titlebar background color. to change titlebar height. to change border color..
pls anyone helpme

hai friends,
can anyone help me in customize jinternalframe titlebar. to change the titlebar background color. to change titlebar height. to change border color..
pls anyone helpme

Similar Messages

  • Adding a button to a JInternalFrame titlebar

    hi ,
    i was looking for a way to add an additional button to the titlbar of my JInternalFrame , i found some very useful codes here but i still got a little problem , after i added the new button the title of my JInternalFrame becomes "..."
    i would like to hear any suggestion you guys have ,
    here is my code :
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicInternalFrameUI;
    import javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalInternalFrameTitlePane;
    import java.awt.*;
    public class InternalFrameTest extends JFrame{
        public InternalFrameTest() {
            JInternalFrame jInternalFrame = new JInternalFrame("InternalFrameTest",true,true,true,true);
            JDesktopPane desktop = new JDesktopPane();
            setSize(500, 500);
        private void myTitleBar(JInternalFrame internalFrame){
            BasicInternalFrameUI basicInternalFrameUI = (BasicInternalFrameUI)internalFrame.getUI();
            MetalInternalFrameTitlePane northPane = (MetalInternalFrameTitlePane)basicInternalFrameUI.getNorthPane();
            JButton iconifyButton = null;
            JButton maximizeButton = null;
            JButton closeButton = null;
            Component[] components = northPane.getComponents();
            for( int i=0; i < components.length; i++ ){
                if( components[i] instanceof JButton ){
                    if( i == 0 ){
                         iconifyButton= (JButton)components;
    }else if( i == 1 ){
    maximizeButton= (JButton)components[i];
    closeButton= (JButton)components[i];
    northPane.remove( components[i] );
    //create the additional button
    JButton additionalButton = new JButton("+");
    additionalButton.setFont(new Font("Arial",Font.BOLD,9));
    additionalButton.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(14,14));
    additionalButton.setMargin(new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0));
    //create a new buttons panel
    JPanel buttonsPanel = new JPanel();
    buttonsPanel.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(-1, 14));
    //adding the buttons to the buttons panel
    //adding the panel to the north pane of the internal frame
    northPane.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    new InternalFrameTest();
    thanks in advance ,

    In general, it is very bad practice to access internal structures of UI delegates. Every time you find yourself casting getUI() result to a specific class and accessing the internal components, you are digging a very nasty hole. In this case, just adding the button is not enough - the internal frame title pane has a custom layout manager that knows nothing about it.
    You will have to dig much deeper and create your own UI delegate for internal frames to handle all the cases (including theme support, rollover effects, layout and RTL). Another option is to use Substance LAF that provides an API to add custom buttons to title panes [1]. This example shows how to do this for top-level frames, but the same would work for internal frames as well.

  • Add button to JInternalFrame's titlebar.

    how do i add a button next to the minimize/maximize/close buttons in the JInternalFrame's titlebar. Thanks in advance.

    Looks like it's hard to do.
    However you can put a popup menu on the titlebar.
    import javax.swing.plaf.basic.*;
          JComponent comp = ((BasicInternalFrameUI)getUI()).getNorthPane();
          if (comp != null) {
         comp.addMouseListener(new MouseListener() {
           public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { System.out.println("mouseclick"); }

  • How to set the ToolTipText to the titlebar of the JInternalFrame.

    I have the requirement to set the ToolTipText on the Title Bar of the JInternalFrame. When the internal frame is minimized when we keep the mouse on the top of the Title Bar of the internal frame the tool tip should come.
    Please suggest me how to do this.
    Thanks in Advance.

    This API should NOT BE USED by Swing applications, as it will go away in future versions of Swing as its functionality is moved into JInternalFrame.I must admit I didn't read that part of the API.
    However, both of the above solutions your link to also use the "desktop icon" in the solution.
    I don't see any work around as we are dealing with two separate components. When an internal frame is minimized the internal frame is removed from the desktop pane and the desktop icon is added to the desktop pane. So you need to physically set the tool tip text of the desktop icon.
    What happens then?The code will need to be changed. We have no way of knowing how the API might be changed in the future, so we have to work with what we've got.
    So I guess all of the solutions are a case of "programmer beware".

  • Setting the font of the titlebar on JInternalFrames

    hi all,
    i am trying to change the font of the titles of JinternalFrames..
    i have tried it but cant pass compilation..
    i have done.. title.setFont(X,X,X);
    is this possible to set the fonts of titles of frames?
    If i cant do it like this, is there another way around this?
    thank u ..

  • Turn off banner/titlebar from inside customize...

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    The call to PortletRendererUtil.renderPortletHeader(pr, out, headerTitle); seems to determine that it needs to render the title bar or not dependent upon these region settings.
    My thought would be to control the same thing it checks before it calles the renderPortletHeader.
    Ideas? Thanks.

    Well Stix Hart, I was starting to think I was going to have to wait FOREVER for the answer :-)
    Hehe, that was awesome, works like a charm. I totally forgot about using the Place dialog, let alone looking there for the setting.
    Thank you!

  • Repaint Problem in JInternalFrame!!!! help plz.

    I have a question I have an application that has internal frames, Basically it is a MDI Application. I am using JDK 1.2.2 and windows 2000. The following example shows that when I drag my JInternalFrames only the border is shown and the contents are not shown as being dragged that's fine, but the application I am running have lot of components in my JInternalFrames. And when I drag the JInternalFrame my contents are not being dragged and that's what I want but when I let go the internalFrame it takes time to repaint all the components in the internalFrame. Is there any way I can make the repaint goes faster after I am done dragging the internalFrame. It takes lot of time to bring up the internalframe and it's components at a new location after dragging. Is there a way to speed up the repainting. The following example just shows how the outline border is shown when you drag the internalFrame. As there are not enough components in the internal frame so shows up quickly. But when there are lots of components specially gif images inside the internalframe it takes time.
    /*************** MDITest ************/
    import javax.swing.*;
    * An application that displays a frame that
    * contains internal frames in an MDI type
    * interface.
    * @author Mike Foley
    public class MDITest extends Object {
    * Application entry point.
    * Create the frame, and display it.
    * @param args Command line parameter. Not used.
    public static void main( String args[] ) {
    try {
    "" );
    } catch( Exception ex ) {
    System.err.println( "Exception: " +
    ex.getLocalizedMessage() );
    JFrame frame = new MDIFrame( "MDI Test" );
    frame.setVisible( true );
    } // main
    } // MDITest
    /*********** ************/
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    * A top-level frame. The frame configures itself
    * with a JDesktopPane in its content pane.
    * @author Mike Foley
    public class MDIFrame extends JFrame implements Serializable {
    * The desktop pane in our content pane.
    private JDesktopPane desktopPane;
    * MDIFrame, null constructor.
    public MDIFrame() {
    this( null );
    * MDIFrame, constructor.
    * @param title The title for the frame.
    public MDIFrame( String title ) {
    super( title );
    * Customize the frame for our application.
    protected void frameInit() {
    // Let the super create the panes.
    JMenuBar menuBar = createMenu();
    setJMenuBar( menuBar );
    JToolBar toolBar = createToolBar();
    Container content = getContentPane();
    content.add( toolBar, BorderLayout.NORTH );
    desktopPane = new JDesktopPane();
    desktopPane.putClientProperty("JDesktopPane.dragMode", "outline");
    desktopPane.setPreferredSize( new Dimension( 400, 300 ) );
    content.add( desktopPane, BorderLayout.CENTER );
    } // frameInit
    * Create the menu for the frame.
    * <p>
    * @return The menu for the frame.
    protected JMenuBar createMenu() {
    JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar();
    JMenu file = new JMenu( "File" );
    file.setMnemonic( KeyEvent.VK_F );
    JMenuItem item;
    file.add( new NewInternalFrameAction() );
    // file.add( new ExitAction() );
    menuBar.add( file );
    return( menuBar );
    } // createMenuBar
    * Create the toolbar for this frame.
    * <p>
    * @return The newly created toolbar.
    protected JToolBar createToolBar() {
    final JToolBar toolBar = new JToolBar();
    toolBar.setFloatable( false );
    toolBar.add( new NewInternalFrameAction() );
    // toolBar.add( new ExitAction() );
    return( toolBar );
    * Create an internal frame.
    * A JLabel is added to its content pane for an example
    * of content in the internal frame. However, any
    * JComponent may be used for content.
    * <p>
    * @return The newly created internal frame.
    public JInternalFrame createInternalFrame() {
    JInternalFrame internalFrame =
    new JInternalFrame( "Internal JLabel" );
    new JLabel( "Internal Frame Content" ) );
    internalFrame.setResizable( true );
    internalFrame.setClosable( true );
    internalFrame.setIconifiable( true );
    internalFrame.setMaximizable( true );
    return( internalFrame );
    * An Action that creates a new internal frame and
    * adds it to this frame's desktop pane.
    public class NewInternalFrameAction extends AbstractAction {
    * NewInternalFrameAction, constructor.
    * Set the name and icon for this action.
    public NewInternalFrameAction() {
    super( "New", new ImageIcon( "new.gif" ) );
    * Perform the action, create an internal frame and
    * add it to the desktop pane.
    * <p>
    * @param e The event causing us to be called.
    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) {
    JInternalFrame internalFrame = createInternalFrame();
    desktopPane.add( internalFrame,
    JLayeredPane.DEFAULT_LAYER );
    } // NewInternalFrameAction
    } // MDIFrame
    I'll really appreciate for any help.
    Thank you

    if you fill the ranges
    r_rundate-sign = 'I'.
    r_rundate-option = 'EQ'.
    r_rundate-low = '20080613'.
    r_rundate-high = '20080613'.
    APPEND r_rundate.
    EQ = 'equal', the select check the record with data EQ r_rundate-low.
    change EQ with BT  
    BT = between
    r_rundate-sign = 'I'.
    r_rundate-option = 'BT'.
    r_rundate-low = '20080613'.
    r_rundate-high = '20080613'.
    APPEND r_rundate.
    reward if useful, bye

  • 'Show JInternalFrame Contents While Dragging'

    I have a question I have an application that has internal frames, Basically it is a MDI Application. I am using JDK 1.2.2 and windows 2000. The question is that when you go to the desktop right click properties and in Effects tab you uncheck the 'Show Window Contents While Dragging' checkBox. Now when I run my application and my parent window that is a frame pops up, if I drag the window i.e. my parent frame it doesn't dragg the contents onlt thw windows border is dragged, means it doesn't repaints that is fine. But when I try to drag one of the internal frame it shows me the contents inside the internalFrame being dragged too and I don't want to see these contents while internal frame is being dragged. So how can I make my application not to show the contents inside the JInternalFrames not to be shown while dragging the JInternalFrame. Any help is really appreciated.
    for an example I have added a code example to see the effect that I got from the forums just for an example to show. If you have unchecked the option 'Show Window Contents While Dragging' in Effects tab when you go to the desktop right click properties and the Effects Tab or in the controlPanel dblClick Display and go to Effects tab and uncheck this checkBox. Now run this example and see when you drag the main window contents inside it including JInternalFrame doesn't get dragged just the boundry of the dragging frame is shown. Now if you try to drag the JInternalFrame. Contents inside that are dragged too. And I don't want this behavior. I don't want to see the contents.
    /*************** MDITest ************/
    import javax.swing.*;
    * An application that displays a frame that
    * contains internal frames in an MDI type
    * interface.
    * @author Mike Foley
    public class MDITest extends Object {
    * Application entry point.
    * Create the frame, and display it.
    * @param args Command line parameter. Not used.
    public static void main( String args[] ) {
    try {
    "" );
    } catch( Exception ex ) {
    System.err.println( "Exception: " +
    ex.getLocalizedMessage() );
    JFrame frame = new MDIFrame( "MDI Test" );
    frame.setVisible( true );
    } // main
    } // MDITest
    /*********** ************/
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    * A top-level frame. The frame configures itself
    * with a JDesktopPane in its content pane.
    * @author Mike Foley
    public class MDIFrame extends JFrame implements Serializable {
    * The desktop pane in our content pane.
    private JDesktopPane desktopPane;
    * MDIFrame, null constructor.
    public MDIFrame() {
    this( null );
    * MDIFrame, constructor.
    * @param title The title for the frame.
    public MDIFrame( String title ) {
    super( title );
    * Customize the frame for our application.
    protected void frameInit() {
    // Let the super create the panes.
    JMenuBar menuBar = createMenu();
    setJMenuBar( menuBar );
    JToolBar toolBar = createToolBar();
    Container content = getContentPane();
    content.add( toolBar, BorderLayout.NORTH );
    desktopPane = new JDesktopPane();
    desktopPane.setPreferredSize( new Dimension( 400, 300 ) );
    content.add( desktopPane, BorderLayout.CENTER );
    } // frameInit
    * Create the menu for the frame.
    * <p>
    * @return The menu for the frame.
    protected JMenuBar createMenu() {
    JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar();
    JMenu file = new JMenu( "File" );
    file.setMnemonic( KeyEvent.VK_F );
    JMenuItem item;
    file.add( new NewInternalFrameAction() );
    // file.add( new ExitAction() );
    menuBar.add( file );
    return( menuBar );
    } // createMenuBar
    * Create the toolbar for this frame.
    * <p>
    * @return The newly created toolbar.
    protected JToolBar createToolBar() {
    final JToolBar toolBar = new JToolBar();
    toolBar.setFloatable( false );
    toolBar.add( new NewInternalFrameAction() );
    // toolBar.add( new ExitAction() );
    return( toolBar );
    * Create an internal frame.
    * A JLabel is added to its content pane for an example
    * of content in the internal frame. However, any
    * JComponent may be used for content.
    * <p>
    * @return The newly created internal frame.
    public JInternalFrame createInternalFrame() {
    JInternalFrame internalFrame =
    new JInternalFrame( "Internal JLabel" );
    new JLabel( "Internal Frame Content" ) );
    internalFrame.setResizable( true );
    internalFrame.setClosable( true );
    internalFrame.setIconifiable( true );
    internalFrame.setMaximizable( true );
    return( internalFrame );
    * An Action that creates a new internal frame and
    * adds it to this frame's desktop pane.
    public class NewInternalFrameAction extends AbstractAction {
    * NewInternalFrameAction, constructor.
    * Set the name and icon for this action.
    public NewInternalFrameAction() {
    super( "New", new ImageIcon( "new.gif" ) );
    * Perform the action, create an internal frame and
    * add it to the desktop pane.
    * <p>
    * @param e The event causing us to be called.
    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) {
    JInternalFrame internalFrame = createInternalFrame();
    desktopPane.add( internalFrame,
    JLayeredPane.DEFAULT_LAYER );
    } // NewInternalFrameAction
    } // MDIFrame
    I'll really appreciate for any help.
    Thank you

    try this:
    JDesktopPane desktopPane = new JDesktopPane();
    desktopPane.putClientProperty("JDesktopPane.dragMode", "outline");Both parameters passed to 'putClientProperty' must be strings.
    Hope this helps

  • Customize the icon

    Does anybody know how to customize the icon on JFrame?The default icon is the Java cup on the upper left corner of the
    JFrame. I want to change it into my own icon.
    Any suggestion would be appreciated

    Hi dhah,
    Use the setImageIcon(Image img) of java.awt.Frame to set your icon in the titlebar.
    If you are using a Properties file, you have to do like this:
    I hope this will help you out.
    Developer Technical Support,
    Sun Microsystems,

  • Setting the font of the titlebar of JInternal Frames??

    hi all,
    i am trying to change the font of the titles of JinternalFrames..
    i have tried it but cant p*** compilation..
    i have done.. title.setFont(X,X,X);
    is it possible to set the fonts of titlebars of frames?
    If i cant do it like this, is there another way around this?
    thank u ..

    If you tried it and it doesn't work, then that likely means they work the same as JFrames, where the title bar is rendered by the operating system and not by Java. If you are using Windows, that means you have to go into the Control Panel and adjust the Display properties to change the font.

  • Modify the Buttons of a TitleBar of a windowedApplication

    Hi all,
    I'd like to modify the button of my title bar of my windowed
    application (it's an AIR application).
    At first, I wanted to change the title rendrer so I modify my
    application-app.xml and add the following lign :
    [code]<systemChrome>none</systemChrome>[/code] (au lieu
    de standard)
    So my title is well displayed thanks those ligns in my css
    file :
    [code]WindowedApplication {
    color: #000000;
    backgroundAlpha: 1;
    title-text-style-name : "titleTextStyle";
    buttonStyleName: "buttonBarButton";
    firstButtonStyleName: "firstButtonBarButton";
    lastButtonStyleName: "lastButtonBarButton";
    background-image : "styles/OldSchool/bg.gif";
    backgroundColor: #EEEEEE;
    .titleTextStyle {
    font-family : luna;
    font-size : 30;
    By I don't manage to customize my buttons that are grey and
    small (not handsome) instead of the fancy colors as usual (red,
    yellow, green). I saw in debug that the application had a TitleBar
    with a closeButton, a minimize and a maximize, but the following
    ligns don't change anything..
    [code]TitleBar {
    buttonStyleName: "buttonBarButton";
    firstButtonStyleName: "firstButtonBarButton";
    lastButtonStyleName: "lastButtonBarButton";
    or :
    disabledSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    downSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf", symbol="wideCloseBttn");
    overSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf", symbol="wideCloseBttn");
    upSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf", symbol="wideCloseBttn");
    selectedDisabledSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    selectedDownSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    selectedOverSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    selectedUpSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    color: #ffffff;
    textRollOverColor: #ffffff;
    // ButtonBars
    buttonStyleName: "buttonBarButton";
    firstButtonStyleName: "firstButtonBarButton";
    lastButtonStyleName: "lastButtonBarButton";
    buttonStyleName: "buttonBarButton";
    firstButtonStyleName: "firstButtonBarButton";
    lastButtonStyleName: "lastButtonBarButton";
    buttonStyleName: "roundedButtonBarButton";
    firstButtonStyleName: "roundedFirstButtonBarButton";
    lastButtonStyleName: "roundedLastButtonBarButton";
    // ButtonBarButtons
    disabledSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    downSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    overSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    selectedDisabledSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    selectedDownSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    selectedOverSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    selectedUpSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    upSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    color: #000000;
    textRollOverColor: #000000;
    disabledSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    downSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    overSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    selectedDisabledSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    selectedDownSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    selectedOverSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    selectedUpSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    upSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    color: #000000;
    textRollOverColor: #000000;
    disabledSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    downSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    overSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    selectedDisabledSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    selectedDownSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    selectedOverSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    selectedUpSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    upSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    color: #000000;
    textRollOverColor: #000000;
    disabledSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    downSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    overSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    selectedDisabledSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    selectedDownSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    selectedOverSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    selectedUpSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    upSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    color: #000000;
    textRollOverColor: #000000;
    disabledSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    downSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    overSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    selectedDisabledSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    selectedDownSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    selectedOverSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    selectedUpSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    upSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    color: #000000;
    textRollOverColor: #000000;
    disabledSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    downSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    overSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    selectedDisabledSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    selectedDownSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    selectedOverSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    selectedUpSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    upSkin: Embed(source="wmp11.swf",
    color: #000000;
    textRollOverColor: #000000;
    with the wmp11.swf contained in the same folder as my css
    file but nothing happens !
    Does anybody knows how to resolve it ?
    Thanks !

    Hello Casperloo, 
    Your last statement makes me a liitle suspicious of what's going. So you cannot create a property node such as the ones below. 
    What about manually left clicking one of the properties and changing it like in the image below?
    Also is this only occurring with the specific property you are trying to utilize or all Daqmx Timing properties?
    Best Regards,
    Izzy O.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • FF9 - can i hide window control buttons in titlebar (min, max, close) with userchrome.css?

    I use FF9. In userscript.css i hide titlebar and orange app button, but window control buttons still visible! I just can`t find working script.
    I dont need min-max-close button and wont to hide it without extension if possible.
    Here is screenshort:

    Try this code in userChrome.css below the default @namespace line.
    The customization files userChrome.css (interface) and userContent.css (websites) are located in the chrome folder in the user profile folder.
    #titlebar-buttonbox { display:none!important; }

  • How can I bring JInternalFrame on top

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    I'm having a problem.. I just want to bring my JInternalFrame on top.. means I have JTextPane. button .. etc.... when I am running my code.. internalframe is appearing below of these components...
    what should I do to bring this top...?
    thanx in advance..

    I need to make frame which shows all icons(emotions..) and user can insert any of them...
    so when I click on the toolbar .. this has to popup... that is what my intention..Then why not use a JPopupMenu instead and customize it to contain all the icons you want.
    You could
    1. set the layout to GridLayout
    2. create a method which uses a string array of filenames to populate the menu with imageicons and adds the necessary listeners.

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    public myInternalFrame() {

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