Customize Movement Type : Reverse is not update the Serial No Status

Hi All,
Customize Movement Type : Reverse is not update the Serial No Status from ECUS to ESTO when reverse Delivery Order movement document.
Mind to guide where to check this configuration problems.
Thank you.

Hi All,
For the Customization Movement Type, Initial plan is copy from 602 but found out below different on Trans./ev serial no. Not sure the problems is from this site > How to change the configuration.

Similar Messages

  • Csi_item_instance_pub.update_item_instance not updating the serial no

    HI all,
    csi_item_instance_pub.update_item_instance not updating the serial no. for Sales order transaction.
    Actyally we have multiple error transaction for hte same serial no. for that i am planning to process the last transaction i.e. Sales order issue transaction.
    While updating the serial no. with latest transaction i am getting "Msg1: Invalid Party location provided. The Location (38916) passed for the Instance Location Type "HZ_PARTY_SITES" is invalid or does not exists in TCA tables."
    Even i had check for a customer this is the correct locaiton_id.
    Below is my code:
    which i took from one of the thread and pass my instance value.
    ln_order_num NUMBER;
    lc_p_sno VARCHAR2(30); -- Variable for printer serial no.
    LC_COMMIT VARCHAR2(5) := 'T';
    l_msg_count NUMBER;
    l_msg_data VARCHAR2(2000);
    t_output varchar2(2000);
    t_msg_dummy number;
    l_loc_id number :=38916;
    --x_msg_count NUMBER;
    CURSOR ib_cur IS
    SELECT cii.instance_id
    FROM csi_item_instances cii
    WHERE cii.instance_id = 734113452;--instance_id
    --ORDER BY 1;
    TYPE ib_rec_tbl_type IS TABLE OF ib_cur%ROWTYPE;
    ib_rec_tbl ib_rec_tbl_type;
    -- Variables needed to call the Item Instance update API
    l_api_version CONSTANT NUMBER := 1.0;
    --l_msg_count             NUMBER;
    --l_msg_data              VARCHAR2(2000);
    l_msg_index NUMBER;
    l_instance_id_lst csi_datastructures_pub.id_tbl;
    l_instance_header_rec csi_datastructures_pub.instance_header_rec;
    l_party_header_tbl csi_datastructures_pub.party_header_tbl;
    l_party_acct_header_tbl csi_datastructures_pub.party_account_header_tbl;
    l_org_unit_header_tbl csi_datastructures_pub.org_units_header_tbl;
    l_instance_rec csi_datastructures_pub.instance_rec;
    l_party_tbl csi_datastructures_pub.party_tbl;
    l_account_tbl csi_datastructures_pub.party_account_tbl;
    l_pricing_attrib_tbl csi_datastructures_pub.pricing_attribs_tbl;
    l_org_assignments_tbl csi_datastructures_pub.organization_units_tbl;
    l_asset_assignment_tbl csi_datastructures_pub.instance_asset_tbl;
    l_ext_attrib_values_tbl csi_datastructures_pub.extend_attrib_values_tbl;
    l_pricing_attribs_tbl csi_datastructures_pub.pricing_attribs_tbl;
    l_ext_attrib_tbl csi_datastructures_pub.extend_attrib_values_tbl;
    l_ext_attrib_def_tbl csi_datastructures_pub.extend_attrib_tbl;
    l_asset_header_tbl csi_datastructures_pub.instance_asset_header_tbl;
    l_txn_rec csi_datastructures_pub.transaction_rec;
    l_install_location_id NUMBER;
    l_return_status VARCHAR2(5);
    lc_init_msg_lst VARCHAR2(1) := 'T';
    ln_validation_level NUMBER;
    lc_error_text VARCHAR2(4000);
    l_install_location_type_code csi_item_instances.install_location_type_code%TYPE;
    j BINARY_INTEGER := 0;
    l_party_tbl_idx BINARY_INTEGER;
    --Create a savepoint
    -- SAVEPOINT dcrd_csi_upd_ib_snm;
    OPEN ib_cur;
    INTO ib_rec_tbl;
    CLOSE ib_cur;
    IF ib_rec_tbl.COUNT > 0
    --fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, 'Begin loop');
    dbms_output.put_line('Begin loop');
    FOR i IN ib_rec_tbl.FIRST .. ib_rec_tbl.LAST
    --Set savepoint before processing record.
    --SAVEPOINT dcrd_csi_upd_ib_snm;
    l_instance_header_rec.instance_id := ib_rec_tbl(i).instance_id;
    csi_item_instance_pub.get_item_instance_details(p_api_version => l_api_version
    ,p_commit => fnd_api.g_false
    ,p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_false
    ,p_validation_level => fnd_api.g_valid_level_full
    ,p_instance_rec => l_instance_header_rec
    ,p_get_parties => fnd_api.g_true
    ,p_party_header_tbl => l_party_header_tbl
    ,p_get_accounts => fnd_api.g_true
    ,p_account_header_tbl => l_party_acct_header_tbl
    ,p_get_org_assignments => fnd_api.g_true
    ,p_org_header_tbl => l_org_unit_header_tbl
    ,p_get_pricing_attribs => fnd_api.g_false
    ,p_pricing_attrib_tbl =>l_pricing_attribs_tbl
    ,p_get_ext_attribs => fnd_api.g_false
    ,p_ext_attrib_tbl => l_ext_attrib_tbl
    ,p_ext_attrib_def_tbl => l_ext_attrib_def_tbl
    ,p_get_asset_assignments => fnd_api.g_false
    ,p_asset_header_tbl => l_asset_header_tbl
    ,p_resolve_id_columns => fnd_api.g_false
    ,p_time_stamp => SYSDATE
    ,x_return_status => l_return_status
    ,x_msg_count => l_msg_count
    ,x_msg_data => l_msg_data
    lc_error_text := NULL;
    l_instance_rec.instance_status_id :=510;
    l_instance_rec.instance_id := l_instance_header_rec.instance_id;
    l_instance_rec.install_date := sysdate;--'13-APR-2011';--sysdate;--'12-MAR-2008';
    l_txn_rec.transaction_type_id := 33;
    l_instance_rec.instance_usage_code :='OUT_OF_ENTERPRISE';
    -- l_instance_rec.INV_SUBINVENTORY_NAME :='STAGE';
    l_instance_rec.install_location_type_code := 'HZ_PARTY_SITES';
    --l_instance_rec.install_location_id := 38916;
    l_instance_rec.location_id := l_loc_id;--38916;
    l_instance_rec.location_type_code := 'HZ_PARTY_SITES';
    l_instance_rec.object_version_number := l_instance_header_rec.object_version_number;
    l_txn_rec.transaction_id := fnd_api.g_miss_num;
    l_txn_rec.transaction_date := SYSDATE;
    l_txn_rec.source_transaction_date := SYSDATE;
    l_txn_rec.transaction_type_id := 8; --Id for DATA_CORRECTION transaction type
    --Change Owner party details
    --FOR i IN l_party_header_tbl.FIRST..l_party_header_tbl.LAST
    -- LOOP
    -- IF l_party_header_tbl(i).relationship_type_code = 'OWNER'
    l_party_tbl(j).instance_party_id := l_party_header_tbl(i).instance_party_id;
    l_party_tbl(j).relationship_type_code := l_party_header_tbl(i).relationship_type_code;
    l_party_tbl(j).party_id := 167048;
    l_party_tbl(j).contact_flag := 'N';
    l_party_tbl(j).object_version_number := l_party_header_tbl(i).object_version_number;
    l_party_tbl_idx := j;
    j := j + 1;
    --END IF;
    --END LOOP;
    dbms_output.put_line('l_party_tbl count is '||l_party_tbl.COUNT);
    j := 0;
    dbms_output.put_line('l_party_acct_header_tbl count is '||l_party_acct_header_tbl.COUNT);
    --Change Owner party account details
    --FOR i IN l_party_acct_header_tbl.FIRST..l_party_acct_header_tbl.LAST
    -- LOOP
    -- IF l_party_acct_header_tbl(i).relationship_type_code = 'OWNER'
    -- THEN
    l_account_tbl(j).ip_account_id := l_party_acct_header_tbl(i).ip_account_id;
    l_account_tbl(j).instance_party_id := l_party_acct_header_tbl(i).instance_party_id;
    l_account_tbl(j).party_account_id := 133045;--61217;
    l_account_tbl(j).object_version_number := l_party_acct_header_tbl(i).object_version_number;
    l_account_tbl(j).bill_to_address := 37729;--77370;
    l_account_tbl(j).ship_to_address := 37730;--77648;
    l_account_tbl(j).parent_tbl_index := l_party_tbl_idx;
    j := j + 1;
    -- END IF;
    -- END LOOP;
    dbms_output.put_line('l_account_tbl count is '||l_account_tbl.COUNT);
    --j := 0;
    --Change Operating Unit details
    FOR i IN l_org_unit_header_tbl.FIRST..l_org_unit_header_tbl.LAST
    IF l_org_unit_header_tbl(i).relationship_type_code = 'SOLD_FROM'
    l_org_assignments_tbl(j).instance_ou_id := l_org_unit_header_tbl(i).instance_ou_id;
    l_org_assignments_tbl(j).instance_id := l_org_unit_header_tbl(i).instance_id;
    l_org_assignments_tbl(j).relationship_type_code := l_org_unit_header_tbl(i).relationship_type_code;
    l_org_assignments_tbl(j).active_start_date := sysdate;--'13-APR-2011';--sysdate;
    --l_org_assignments_tbl(j).operating_unit_id := 86;
    l_org_assignments_tbl(j).object_version_number := l_org_unit_header_tbl(i).object_version_number;
    END IF;
    END LOOP;*/
    -- Call instance update API if a serial no. is to be updated
    ,'Updating IB record for IB# ' || ib_rec_tbl(i).instance_id);*/
    dbms_output.put_line('Updating IB record for IB# ' || ib_rec_tbl(i).instance_id);
    csi_item_instance_pub.update_item_instance(p_api_version => l_api_version
    ,p_commit => LC_COMMIT --Handled outside API
    ,p_init_msg_list => lc_init_msg_lst
    ,p_validation_level => ln_validation_level
    ,p_instance_rec => l_instance_rec
    ,p_ext_attrib_values_tbl => l_ext_attrib_values_tbl --Null
    ,p_party_tbl => l_party_tbl --Null
    ,p_account_tbl => l_account_tbl --Null
    ,p_pricing_attrib_tbl => l_pricing_attrib_tbl --Null
    ,p_org_assignments_tbl => l_org_assignments_tbl --Null
    ,p_asset_assignment_tbl => l_asset_assignment_tbl --Null
    ,p_txn_rec => l_txn_rec
    ,x_instance_id_lst => l_instance_id_lst
    ,x_return_status => l_return_status
    ,x_msg_count => l_msg_count
    ,x_msg_data => l_msg_data);
    dbms_output.put_line('API STATUS# ' || l_return_status);
    if l_msg_count > 0
    for j in 1 .. l_msg_count loop
    ( j
    , l_msg_data
    , t_msg_dummy
    t_output := ( 'Msg'
    || To_Char
    ( j
    || ': '
    || l_msg_data
    ( SubStr
    ( t_output
    , 1
    , 255
    end loop;
    end if;
    IF l_return_status = 'S'
    , 'Error updating the install base for IB# ' || ib_rec_tbl(i)
    dbms_output.put_line('Error updating the install base for IB# ' || ib_rec_tbl(i)
    FOR i IN 1 .. l_msg_count
    fnd_msg_pub.get(p_msg_index => -1
    ,p_encoded => 'F'
    ,p_data => l_msg_data
    ,p_msg_index_out => l_msg_index);
    lc_error_text := lc_error_text || (substr(l_msg_data, 1, 255));
    --Rollback the transaction if error occured.
    --ROLLBACK TO dcrd_csi_upd_ib_snm;
    , 'Install base update successful for IB# ' || ib_rec_tbl(i)
    dbms_output.put_line('Install base update successful for IB# ' || ib_rec_tbl(i)
    lc_error_text := 'SUCCESS!';
    END IF;
    --Update the temporary table record status
    --update_status(ib_rec_tbl(i).snm_id, l_return_status, lc_error_text);
    --Commit transactions.
    END IF;
    WHEN no_data_found THEN
    --fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, 'No records to process');
    dbms_output.put_line('No records to process');
    /* fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, 'Error in update_ib procedure');
    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, to_char(SQLCODE) || ' - ' || SQLERRM);
    dbms_output.put_line('Error in update_ib procedure');
    dbms_output.put_line(to_char(SQLCODE) || ' - ' || SQLERRM);
    Edited by: user13275176 on Apr 14, 2011 7:07 AM

    That is a wrong way to do that (I am not sure of the business needs and the situation in you are in that is forcing you to do that).
    If you want the instance as if it is in Inventory, perform inventory receipt transaction. You should not just change the ownership (rather I should say you 'cannot' since the API should not allow you change the instance usage code to INVENTORY and location to Inventory just like that) and location details as inventory without performing the transaction in inventory.
    What about your inventory, you do not want quantity back in inventory?

  • Movement type 647 does not currently support serial numbers  management

    we can't do "shipment start/PGI for DOWN shipment 1178184 DN# 40309339.
    Error message " Movement type 647 does not currently support serial numbers  management" see also attachment
    Error is like that
    Stop : Save Shipment
      Stop : Shipment 0001178184 :Action for Shipment start
    Read Activities profile ZPGI
    Main issue
    Stop: Movement type 647 does not currentely support serial number management.
    Delivery 001114455 in shipment could not be posted GI
    Ssome problem with the movement type 647. 
    what I understand is, its a SD movement which place the material in transit and automatically executes
    the 101 movement. If possible please help in this matter.
    Pls help what exactly issue and resolution .

    Check this thread
    [STO with delivery in 1 step (mvt. type 647) with serial numbering   |STO with delivery in 1 step (mvt. type 647) with serial numbering]
    G. Lakshmipathi

  • Movement type 101 does not currently support serial

    Hi experts,
    I'm trying to realize MIGO for a PO with a material with serial number.
    The error msg is " Movement type 101 does not currently support serial number Management." IO306
    I already config. spro>plant maintenance & customer service>master data in plant maintenance & customer service->technical objects>serial number management-->define serialization attributes for movement types
    Plant Maintenance and Customer Service -->Master Data in Plant Maintenance and Customer Service -->Technical Objects --Serial Number Management -->Define Serialization Attributes for Movement Types
    And assigned the material to attributes ate MM02.
    I have know ideia what else i have to do.
    Is there anone here already see that?
    Antonio Oliveira

    try posting GR via MB01 transaction instead of MIGO and let us know if you are getting same issue.
    also there are few OSS notes created for this kind of issue which has to do with maintainenance of table V_T156SY, check below thread
    Movement type 101 does not currently support

  • Movement type 317 does not currently support serial number management

    Movement type 317 - support serial number management?
    We are using SAP ECC 6.0. and trying to create a structured material from constituent components with the WM 317. The components are using serial numbers. When we try to post the material document we get an error message:
    u201CMovement type 317 does not currently support Serial number managementu201D
    Movement type 317 does not currently support serial number management
    Message no. IO306
    With the help of * under the business operation, the entry in table T156S used here under movement type 317 defines that no serial numbers are supported here.
    System Response
    Termination of the transaction called up.
    Is any new availability which support serial number management in warehouse movement 317?

    Is the scenario relates to Retail ??  Movement Type 317 is used for Creation of a structured material from constituent components (Retail).  Check Note 131969 - Recommendation: Store returns in SAP Retail Release 4.0
    G. Lakshmipathi

  • Movement type 124 does not currently support serial number management

    Movement type 124 does not currently support serial number management
    when I post goods return in qa12, the system shows movement type 124 doesn't support serial number.
    Could anyone can tell me where I can set the movement type for serial number?

    Unfortunately it is impossible to post a return delivery from the usage-decision for a material with serial number profile, which is in goods receipt blocked stock. This is is missing functionality
    The possibility in the standard would be the following :
    1. Close the inspection lot. Please do the stock-posting in a way, that    you post to 'GR blocked stock'. Remark : No physical is   done. This is only necessary to achieve, that status SPCO is set.
    2. Post the reutrn delivery with the MM-IM-transaction (e.g. MIGO).
    Please check, if this is possible.

  • Approval Workflow does not update the Content Approval status if started automatically

    I’m using a simple Approval Workflow associated with
    Content Approval on site pages. It works fine when I set it to be started manually (by using
    Allow this workflow to be manually started by an authenticated user with Edit Item permissions
     option) and on the completion of the workflow the
    Content Approval status is updated accordingly. But when I set it to be started automatically (by using
    Start this workflow when a new item is created
     / Start this workflow when an item is changed
    options), it does not updates the Content Approval status. Note that I’ve set the
    Update the approval status after the workflow is completed (use this workflow to control content approval)
    option to true.

    It is recommended to select "Start this workflow to approve publishing a major version of an item" when you want to use the workflow to manage content approval for
    a library.
    According to the Notes for “Enable Content Approval” option in
    this reference:
    If you are using this Approval workflow to manage content approval (moderation) for a library, and you selected the Start this workflow to approve publishing a major version
    of an item check box on the Add a Workflow page..
    If you did not select the Start this workflow to approve publishing a major version of an item check box on the Add a Workflow page because you do not want this workflow to
    be the default content approval workflow for a library, you can select the Update the approval status (use this workflow to control content approval) check box to make this workflow a secondary content approval workflow that specific users can
    start manually.
    That means having an approval workflow start automatically when a document is changed or created is not a good practice when you want to use the workflow to manage
    content approval for a library. You should either select "Start this workflow to approve publishing a major version of an item" or give users the option to start the workflow manually at the time they want to submit for an approval.
    Thanks & Regards.
    Lily Wu

  • Update the serial number status

    Hello Gurus,
       We are facing very often the error message "System status ESTO is active (EQU 14584774)" due to, somethime, the serial number we want to receive is on the plant already.
      we know the reason about this error and we have decide to ignore it by changing the status of the serial number in to available with SQ02.
    However, we want to automatize this status updating at the time to make the reception by posting the inbound delivery).
    Does anyone of you know about a FM to change the serial number status? or maybe a user or a badi,
    PLease, give me some ideas, as I have been looking in everywhere for an easy solution  without success.
    thanks a lot in advance

    Hi David,
    Go to the T.code BS22 and select I0184 - ESTO and double click on the line.
    Then select PMS1 - Good Receipt and change the radio button to Allowed or Warning and save it.
    Warning: Once you activate this setting, you will no more receive any error or need to change the status of the SN, even if the SN already exist in the warehouse.I mean same SN will be allowed for multiple GR transactions, even though the SN already exist in the warehouse.
    Best option is to change to warning option, provided this does not Impact your business scenario.

  • Migo (Movement type 101) does not update quntity in the report.

    Dear experts,
    I have a custome report for goods receipt (ABAP Query).
    In this report, quntity (unrestricted stock) is not updated when I do MIGO (mType 101). The quntity however, is updated in MMBE unrestricted stock columm after MIGO.
    Could you please help me how to make quntity updated in the report when I do MIGO with movement type 101?
    I thank in advance for all replies.
    Edited by: Bhajan Singh on Feb 9, 2010 10:19 AM

    Thanks R.S. Nambi for your rpely.
    The question is solved.
    I went to query, then Additional fields and picked movement tyep-quntity field, went to Local fields and added complex calculation for mtype 101.
    I am going to close this thread.

  • FI/CO  / MM Issue - Sales, Movement type 251 is not hitting the Inventory G

    Hi All,
    I have an issue which i am not able figure out. I need ur suggestion to correct it.
    Scenario -
    We ran Sales at POS and transfrred the sales via Idoc.
    It updates the Revenue G/L account.
    It creates Article document and reduces the inventory.
    But when click on the FI documents for the inventory it syas no financial document exsists. I checked the configuration for vauation key with valuation area and movment type its perfect. Infact if i see the sales transaction which we performed before 10-Aug-2008 do have the financial documents and the inventory G/L account is also updated. Anything after 10-Aug-2008 till date having issue.
    Could you please advice whta do i need to check?
    Thank you so much for your time.

    Hi Guru
    How are you? Hope u r doing well..
    Plse check whether you have assigned the GL Accounts for movement types 251/252.& inbound profile  Movement type dependent control of good movement in IMG - SD-POS Interface-Inbound- Movement type dependent control of goods movement.

  • Movement Type 511 when  stock in the Inventory is nil

    Hello Sir / Madam  ,
    I have some queries regarding 511 Movement type :
    Free-of-charge delivery from vendor.
    When this movement type is posted it updates the Stock (MARD-LABST) as well as the Valuation Table (MBEW-LBKUM). (Unrestricted movement)
    But the Total Value of the stock is not updated .( MBEW-SALK3 is not updated ) but to adjust this the new price is calculated which is just before the posting divided by the new total stock.
    For Example :
    MARD - LABST = 10 , MBEW-LBKUM = 10 , MBEW-SALK3 = 100 , MBEW-VERPER = 10
    Then after 511 movement type the situation will be as follow , please see that how VERPER changes
    Qty posted using 511 movement type = 10
    MARD - LABST = 20 , MBEW-LBKUM = 20, MBEW-SALK3 = 100 ,
    MBEW-VERPER =  5 <<<<< Calculated -- MBEW-SALK3 / 20  = 100 / 20 = 5
    MBEW-SALK3 is not changed.
    Which is expected .......
    Now if we want to sell this Material at higher price or lower we can post the price change .
    Question : I have a situation wherein I would like to know the usage of 511 movement type ?
    I am trying to explain this situation with some scenarious....
    A shopkeeper have decided he will maintain a particular variety of Pen under different Material number  and in his SAP he created this Material with MAP .
    But the stock is zero for this Material in the system due to sale. So he can not do initial entry for stocks ( 561 Mvt type ).
    Now there is some vendor who is Pen  supplyer for this shopkeeper and  for promotion he gives 50 Pens of this Variety  to this Shopkeeper . The shopkeeper does 511 (Free-of-charge delivery from vendor ) in his SAP system for this Pen . So MARD-LABST , MBEW-LBKUM are updated . But MBEW-SALK3 remains Zero .
    MARD - LABST = 50 , MBEW-LBKUM = 50, MBEW-SALK3 = 0
    Now The shopkeeper purchases some quantity or he does some inhouse production so he wants to do 561 movement type for this Pen .
    Now This should update the Inventory but this should also update the inventory Value (MBEW-SALk3) but this will never happen since MBEW-SALK3 = 0  due to 511 Movement type and the VERPER which is price will also become zero for this material.
    This case was during the initial maintaience for this Material but even in later stages of movement if sometime the inventory stock becomes zero for this Material and 511 is done just after this then the further movements ( 561 ) which is valuated is not updating the MBEW-SALK3 .
    One possible work around could be posting the price change after the above situations which could make the total value (SALK3) zero  or we can supply external price in mb1c transaction.
    Further if he receives the stock via 101 then the mbew-salk3 is updated which is equal to Net value in PO divided by total stock mbew-lbkum.
    Is there any other way for making the total value not zero ?
    Can you please give the effects and the possible practical situations which you might have faced with this movement type postings ?
    Thanks a lot for the help in advance !
    Best Regards

           The function is 2 stemps. (1.Transfer 2. G/R )
            1st stemp created document movt. 351 49xxxxx2631.  (After the step .   inventory moved
         Plant B with amt.  1,345.52)
            2nd. movement  posted intransit to storage loc. (Same plant)
         Hence  the amount is same value. ( SAP not created FI doc.)

  • Movement type 101 does not currently support

    Dear Experts
    there is an error occur at the Time of MB31 with 101 Movement type
    Movement type 101 does not currently support serial number Management.

    Serialization config is missing for 101.
    Check in below config
    spro>plant maintenance & customer service>master data in plant maintenance & customer service->technical objects>serial number management-->define serialization attributes for movement types
    Check with the help of PM or CS consultant

  • The workflow could not update the item, possibly because one or more columns for the item require a different type of information. Outcome: Unknown Error

    Received this error (The workflow could not update the item, possibly because one or more columns for the item require a different type of information.) recently on a workflow that was
    working fine and no changes were made to the workflow.
    I have tried a few suggestions, i.e. adding a pause before any ‘Update’ action (which didn’t help because the workflow past this action without incident); checked the data type being written
    to the fields (the correct data types are being written); and we even checked the list schema to ensure the list names and the internal names are aligned (they
    are), but we still cannot figure out why the workflow is still throwing this error.
    We located the area within the workflow step where it is failing and we inserted a logging action to determine if the workflow would execute the logging action but it did not, but wrote the same error message.
    The workflow is a Reusable Approval workflow designed in SharePoint Designer 2010 and attached to a content type. 
    The form associated with the list was modified in InfoPath 2010. 
    Approvers would provide their approval in the InfoPath form which is then read by the workflow.
    Side note - items created after the workflow throws this Unknown Error some seem to be working fine. 
    We have deleted the item in question and re-added it with no effect. 
    Based on what we were able to determine there don’t seem to be any consistency with how this issue is behaving.
    Any suggestions on how to further investigate this issue in order to find the root cause would be greatly appreciated?

    I understand that the reusable workflow doesn’t work properly now. Have you tried to remove the Update list item action to see whether the workflow can run without issue?
    If the workflow runs perfectly when the Update list item action is removed, then you need to check whether there are errors in the update action. Check whether the values have been changed.
    Entan Ming
    Entan Ming
    TechNet Community Support

  • The workflow could not update the item, possibly because one or more columns for the item require a different type of information using Update Item action

       I got error  "The workflow could not update the item, possibly because one or more columns for the item require a different type of information "I  found out the cause is  Update Item action       
    I need to update item in another List call Customer Report ,the field call "Issues"  with data type  "Choice"   to yes
    then the error arise .   please help..

    Thanks for the quick response Nikhil.
    Our SPF 2010 server is relatively small to many setups I am sure. The list with the issue only has 4456 items and there are a few associated lists, eg lookups, Tasks, etc see below for count.
    Site Lists
    Engagements = 4456 (Errors on this list, primary list for activity)
    Tasks = 7711  (All workflow tasks from all site lists)
    Clients = 4396  (Lookup from Engagements, Tslips, etc)
    Workflow History = 584930 (I periodically run a cleanup on this and try to keep it under 400k)
    Tslips = 3522 (Engagements list can create items here, but overall not much interaction between lists)
    A few other lists that are used by workflows to lookup associations that are fairly static and under 50 items, eg "Parters Admin" used to lookup a partners executive admin to assign a task.
    Stunpals - Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties.

  • Selected file cannot be linked because its type (video) does not match the original file's type

    I've been using Premiere Elements 9 for a couple of years now, and a few months ago I began having problems importing AVI files created from a BlackMagic Intensity Pro capture card.  (These issues were not previously occurring, and since they surfaced, I have exhausted the various settings for the BlackMagic card, used various software such as BlackMagic's own Media Express as well as the freeware VirtualDub, and still have the following problems.)
    In addition, these AVI files play just fine, in their entirety, using Windows Media Player and in Quicktime.
    The problem (or possibly two, but I suspect they could be related) is that most of the AVI files I attempt to import will either (1) import all video and NO audio, or (2) import ONLY a short segment of audio and video, and the length that Elements imports varies.  Usually only in the range of a minute or two.  The rest of the file is not imported at all.
    After much digging in forums, and testing various settings in trying to figure out the issue, I decided to back up all of my files and completely wipe all hard drives and start over with a fresh installation of Windows and Premiere Elements 9.  I haven't installed much else yet, as I wanted to first find out if the reinstallation improved things with Elements.
    For the first project I created in Elements after the reinstallation, Elements successfully imported an entire AVI that was nearly 2 hours long, audio and video.  This was a file that previously would not import properly into Elements.  This suggested that my earlier installation of Elements must have been corrupted somehow.  At this point I was very hopeful that all was well.
    I proceeded to edit the video as I had wanted, saved the project, and exported it to an MPEG format file.  I had originally wanted to export it as an MOV, but I hadn't yet installed Quicktime, so Elements couldn't do that just yet.  The MPEG export was successful and plays fine.
    However, I then installed Quicktime, and once it was finished, I restarted the PC and reloaded the same project.  This time, Elements claimed the media was offline.  I double-clicked on a segment of the video, and directed Elements to the raw file, but then an error message popped up:  "The selected file cannot be linked because its type (video) does not match the original file's type (audio and video)."  This was the same file I had JUST edited and of which I created an MPEG.
    I tried creating a new project and the "Get Media" function to import the AVI again, but this time only the video imported with NO audio.  (This would explain why the error message said what it did, but not why the audio wasn't imported.)
    What in the world is going on with Elements???  I am baffled since the ONLY task I have done on this machine after a complete reinstallation of both Windows and Elements is edit one AVI.  I find it very hard to believe that just installing Quicktime caused this.
    Some info on my system:
    System:  Asus P6T w/ Intel i7 920 and 12 GB memory
    OS: Windows 7 Ultimate
    Video Software:  Premiere Elements 9
    Capture Card:  BlackMagic Intensity Pro (PCI-e)
    Capture Software:  AVIs recorded with either BlackMagic Media Express or VirtualDub (only prior to the reinstallation, as neither of these programs are currently installed)
    I'm getting to the point with Elements that I might need to just abandon it and find something else that is more reliable.  Anybody have suggestions to help with this, so I won't have to migrate?

    We think that we need to start off with definiting the properties of these .avi files that you are importing into Premiere Elements 9.0/9.0.1 (assumed that you are working for the required 9.0.1 Update).
    You say that the "avi" was created from a "BlackMagic Intensity Pro capture card". What are the properties of this .avi that you imported into Premiere Elements? Not all .avi are created equal. What is the video and audio compression, frame size, frame rate, interlaced or progressive, pixel aspect ratio, typical duration?
    Based on the properties of the video what have you been setting as the project preset?
    Let us start here.
    More later.

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