Cut & Paste Hidden Rows.

This is a fun problem. I use Excel as my main but i am running Numbers along side to test it so i can switch my office over. I have a Sheet that has multi hidden rows(for ex. an invintory list that has items not used any more) As I cut the data from Excel and paste into Numbers the hidden cells are ignored making the pasted data unuseable. Any Ideas?

The problem is that the clipboard format that both Excel and Numbers can use to interchange data is very weak (this is a guess, I don't have access to Excel for Mac right now to verify, but it is almost certainly the case). This format is basically tab delimited text; no formatting, no cell properties or the like carries over on a copy from one into a paste on the other, just textual values. Copy and paste of the hidden property of the rows in Excel isn't going to happen.
I think to migrate this data from Excel to Numbers you'll need to do something rather heavy handed. Perhaps there is a column (or one could be added to the Excel sheet temporarily) that would have, say, 1's for shown rows and 0's for hidden. (Maybe it possible for an Excel whiz here on the forum can concoct a formula that computes this). Then, with all rows shown in Excel, select the new column and the other data and copy and paste into Numbers. Now in Numbers, you'll want to re-establish the hidden rows. This can be done superficially by filtering the rows using "Sort & Filter". If this "light weight" hiding is not desirable, perhaps someone else on the forum can think of a way to actually hide the rows based on the 1's and 0's column. I tried a couple of things but failed.

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    Question: How to quickly update PL/SQL block/specs in a package
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    Hi Alex,
    I just had an "Ah! I see!" moment. I now understand why you're having trouble and I can explain things so you can move on... I hope!
    First it's important to understand that Oracle SCM is designed to support versioning of both files and Oracle Designer objects. Designer objects are stored as rows in specially structured tables that support that specific product. When you look at PL/SQL definitions in the RON you're looking at Designer definitions - not files. As I mentioned before, these are not the definitions of 'real' PL/SQL objects in the data dictionary, but definitions used by Designer (from which the real things can be generated - but that's another story).
    If you're using TOAD you should probably avoid accessing the Designer objects. You need to work with files.
    Here's a suggestion for a sequence of operations:
    - In the RON check out & download the file (e.g. mypkg.plb)
    - In TOAD load the package (from DB, or downloaded file), edit, update package in DB
    - In TOAD save as mypkg.plb (overwriting the downloaded copy)
    - IN RON upload mypkg.plb and check in
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    You could even automate this to an extent using SQL to query the data dictionary views (e.g. USER_SOURCE) after making changes to get the code and edit/overwrite the file contents that way.
    Does this help at all?

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    Office Version:  Office 2007;
    Operating System:Windows 7; 
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    I entered the question in the website below but received no feedback.  The Microsoft tech support group said I should contact this IT Pro forum.

    Unfortunately it is not easy; there are lots of individual items to deal with.
    You can use Application.OnKey to disable (or repurpose) the key combinations (e.g. Ctrl+X, Ctrl+V, Shift+Del, Shift+Insert ) that you don't want used.  Typically you would do this in Workbook_Open and reverse it in Workbook_BeforeClose (and you need to
    save the workbook if necessary within Workbook_BeforeClose to prevent the user from cancelling the Save Changes message after your code has done its work).
    In Excel 2003 you could use VBA to disable or make invisible the menu items and toolbar buttons that would do actions you didn't want the user to be able to carry out.  But in 2007 you have to write XML using the custom UI editor and save it in the
    XLSM file.  A good site for information on how to work with the ribbon in 2007 is
    If you get most of the way there and get stuck on some point, do come back.
    It would be good if MS extended the protection model to prevent cut and pasting other than values - it is a common requirement.  I will go now and make that suggestion to the developers.
    Bill Manville. Excel MVP, Oxford, England.

  • Pasting Table rows

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    When you select a row in the displayed table, look at the structure. You will notice that the row element is NOT selected, just the cell elements. You are correct that if you select the row element in the structure view and cut, you cannot paste the row at the appropriate place. On the other hand, you can insert a row element from the Elements catalog, which inserts the appropriate cell elements also. I think Frame is doing NOT actually copying or cutting the row element, but just the cell elements it contains. I am using Frame 9.
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    > This only happens with a specific table.
    If you can isolate the trigger factor, that would enable two things:
    1. other FM users, some with Support, could confirm and re-report,
    2. Adobe would be able to find the root cause quicker.
    Is it a specific Table Catalog table, regardless of content, or
    specific table content regardless of table format?
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    crashes, it's often well after the real damage has already happened.
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    It got moved into a table cell, and was largely invisible.
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    or sufficient degeneracy (e.g. unbalanced tags, garbage structs,
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    I need some help since I don't know the syntax for creating shell scripts.
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    on run {input, parameters}
    tell application "Finder"
    set theWindow to window 1
    set thePath to quoted form of (POSIX path of (target of theWindow as string))
    end tell
    tell application "Terminal"
    do script with command "mv \"" & input & "\"" & thePath in window 1
    end tell
    return input
    end run
    This gets the copied file path from clipboard before, as input, and then recognizes the active finder window as thePath so then executes the mv command for the input file to the thePath window.
    It doesn't work as expected since it connects both file/window paths into a single path instead of leaving a space between them so the mv command can't recognize two separate paths.
    What's the correct syntax for that line
    do script with command "mv \"" & input & "\"" & thePath in window 1
    to leave a space between input and thePath under the mv command?
    Also this requires the terminal app to be open in the background.
    After I get this to work I want to do the exact same thing using shell script within automator, so I won't need Terminal to be open all the time.
    And the next step will be to cut/paste multiple files/folders but that should be easy to do once I get the hang of it.

    Try using:
    on run {input, parameters}
    tell application "Finder"
    set theWindow to window 1
    set thePath to quoted form of (POSIX path of (target of theWindow as string))
    end tell
    do shell script "mv \"" & input & "\" " & thePath
    return input
    end run

  • How can I Cut & paste an address from one address book to another on my PC.

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    After a couple of years I would like to tidy up my address books & cut & paste some of them from here to there. However there seems to be no cut & paste or copy & paste feature that I can locate anywhere????
    I can't drag & drop an address from one to another either.
    Can anyone please help

    Cut and paste a whole contacts information has never available because it entails different components. Cut/Copy and paste has always been available if you are only selecting one part of the information, but this means you have to open a specific contacts Properties.
    '''How to drag and drop contacts between address books:'''
    In the left Directory Pane, select the address book containing the contact you want to move. You should see a list of contacts in the right Contact Pane.
    Drag & Drop process:
    * Left click and hold down on a contact in the list to grab, then drag that contact to the left and hover over the address book where you want to put the contact. Then release the mouse button to drop into that address book.
    You can move more than one contact.
    * Hold down 'Ctrl' key and use mouse to select and highlight various contacts.
    * then use the D&D process - (left click, hold down on any highlighted contact to grab all highlighted contacts).

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    In iMovie 11, how can you cut/paste a clip that has subtitles and actually have the subtitles get cut/pasted. When I try, the subtitles disappear into the void and I have to do the subtitling all over again.

    If you think this is a bug, you can report it here:
    Apple - Mac OS X - Feedback

  • Clicking on an email address on a webpage, opens outlook express, but does not create a new mail, which it used to. annoying as it then means cutting & pasting the details

    As I said above, clicking on an email address on a webpage, opens outlook express which is my default email client. In the past it used to also open a new mail, ready for me to type the message but now it does not. It works if I load internet explorer as the browser but does not in firefox. I prefer firefox, so can someone help me resolve this. Its so annoying to have to open a new mail then cut & paste the email details.

    I posted this reply elsewhere in the support forum but I'll copy it here for you, as follows....
    I had the same problem. Initially thought I needed a string (code) to run the "Create new e-mail" command for Outlook but I didn't. I did a few things that eventually made it work, but I don't know for certain which one it was so here goes.
    1.) Go to Control Panel and click on Internet Properties. Go to the Programs tab and double-check that Outlook Express is your default e-mail client. (This is probably for IE).
    2. Close Outlook Express. Select the RUN command from the Start Menu and type the following: <msimn /reg>. Only type the info between the brackets. Click the OK button and wait about 5 seconds. Nothing will happen on screen but the information is being silently written to the registry.
    3. Open Outlook Express and go to the Tools Menu. Select Options. On the General tab, look down to the Default Messaging Programs. More than likely, the top option will say that "This application is NOT the default Mail handler" Click the button next to it that says "Make Default". This should trigger an available option in Firefox, below, if it was not already available.
    4. In Firefox, go to the Tools menu. Select Options. Click on Applications. Under the column, "Content Type" look for the mailto function. In the column Action, select "Use Outlook Express (default)" if it is not already selected. "(default)" must be part of the phrase. Somehow there is code behind this option that will bring up a new e-mail in Outlook that otherwise does not work if Outlook is selected manually. (To choose Outlook manually, you will indeed have to find the string code somewhere.)

  • , I-tunes can no longer 'locate' my library , after a botched cut & paste attempt to back-up onto an external drive. Still syncing with i-Pod but playlists lost , podcasts no longer syncing, Can't play music .. how to restore back to original state .

    I-tunes can no longer 'locate' my library , after a botched cut & paste attempt to back-up onto an external drive.Cant play any music as it "can't find" the library  Still syncing with i-Pod but playlists lost , podcasts no longer syncing.   How to restore back to original state . I have tried re-installing  - with no change

    I do the same thing as you do...
    My music is on an external drive as to not use up gigabytes of storage that need not be used for media.
    There are a couple basic principles to iTunes that I believe you should know.
    1. iTunes is not a media storage program. It does not store your media "in iTunes". It simply is an organization tool for your media already on a hard disk.
    2. As iTunes is not a storage mechanism, it has no way to "know" whether or not the media that is listed is actually there. This is where the "design" of iTunes comes into play.
    I like to think of iTunes as a bread-crumb trail. The "music" in iTunes, isn't actually there. The bread crumb is the location on the external hard drive.
    If that bread crumb trail disappears (in this case the external drive you use). If said external drive is not plugged in, that bread crumb trail is not able to be followed. iTunes is "lost" and unable to find the media. The only way to remedy this is to place the media on your local drive.
    To address your issue of the library. If you hold down shift, you can select your library on your external drive. It will be a file with an .itl extension. The folder name will be your external drive.
    I go into edit > preferences > advanced and set my library to the correct location. Make sure you check the box "Copy to iTunes Folder when importing" (or whatever it says).
    You can't fix the issue of iTunes not seeing the media if your drive is unplugged unless you physically move the content to your OS HDD...Or any other HDD you use.

  • Cut & paste no longer work in Safari with iOS 5

    I can't seem to cut & paste text in Safari under iOS 5.  Has that feature been removed?

    Since I attempted to sync this morning, I did not have a chance to troubleshoot more before work.
    I will try the following later:
    1) Turn off iDevice, restart PC, re-sync
    2) Turn off iDevice, uninstall iTunes, restart PC, re-sync
    3) Turn off iDevice, uninstall iTunes, restart PC, backup to iOS 5.0.1 & re-sync
    4) Return iPhone to Sprint for another one.

  • Cut/Paste from Word to Illustrator CS3 for Mac suddenly not working

    This issue regards Illustrator CS3 for Mac on a Mac Pro with 6 GB.
    Exactly one week ago I created a number of Illustrator files by cutting charts from a Word 2008 document and pasting them into an Illustrator document.
    In the past I have dragged the images (or clip art) or simply used Control-C or even Control-X, but by whatever method I opted for, getting the image from Word to Illustrator CS3 has not been a problem.
    Yesterday I got a new chart and a request to replace an old image - one that I had created last week on Tuesday by the Drag/Drop or Cut/Paste method.   For reasons I can't begin to imagine the process simply won't work now.
    I also find that if I simply select text in a Word Document, hit Ctrl-C and then try a Ctrl-V in Illustrator I don't get to see my text pasted in - ONLY if I already have a text block open and the cursor in place will I get to see the text copied over into Illustrator.  This is very strange and not at all how things have worked in the past - typically I would see the new Text Object just appear, and then I could move it to wherever I wanted. 
    I have opened up a number of old files that I know were created with copied text and also opened the associated Word files (earlier versions of Word) and again find that I can't copy text over, or even move images over - even though I clearly could do this before.  I have also tried entirely new files - also with no success.
    I was at an Apple one-to-one session this morning and they were more than mystified by this.  I can Cut and Paste into Adobe Photoshop Elements, but I can't even cut and paste from Adobe Photoshop Elements into Illustrator CS3.   I can drag the Photoshop file (from the Finder window) into the Illustrator document and poof - get my image that way, but it's as an image only.  If the base image in question is a vector image or something else having a plurality of elements, I can't then select the elements in Illustrator to change their color, delete them, or otherwise play with them.
    I have brought up a word document on another Mac system that also has Illustrator CS3 and find that it too can't drag/drop cut/paste between the two applications.   At Apple, we did confirm that such ability is operational in the new Illustrator CS4, but none of their store systems still have CS3 to provide yet a third system to test.
    I have deleted my Illustrator CS3 preferences, tried flushing the p-ram, and of course run fix and repair permissions - no dice.
    My Mac systems update daily and there is nothing in the main update log that shows anything for Adobe or Office (nor do I think there should be).  Adobe Update reports that everything is up to date, and I don't see a history file to know what might have changed in the last week.   Office also reports fully up to date and happy.
    As I can cut and paste the images into an email for Mail and into Photoshop, I am fairly certain that it is NOT a Microsoft Office 2008 issue.  The fact that another Mac with Illustrator CS3 also can't cut and paste suggests that is is really not something personal to my main system.
    It is almost as if this is some clandestine "update" intended to encourage me to buy Illustrator CS4.  Given that I bought Illustrator CS3 less than a year ago, I really am not eager to buy the new version.   The greeting on the Adobe Support page that CS3 is no longer the current version and therefore supported was most annoying.
    I am really hoping that someone out there has an idea of what to try changing, removing and/or adjusting with respect to Adobe Illustrator CS3.

    I tried the Select by Path option - can't believe I missed it - and found it made no difference.
    I actually uninstalled and reinstalled the whole app.  When I tried to simply re-install (can't remember it's exact phrase) it got part way through and then demanded another disk - but I only have one DVD with the application - the extra DVD is for tutorials and it didn't accept that one either.  So I restarted that process and chose to completely uninstall.  Then reinstalled - hey with only my one disk - gee, just like the first time.   And then it seemed to work.
    I was not aware of the save as PDF option - but yes I have Adobe Acrobat Pro 9 for Mac so that option is there - and it seems to work too.  
    There were of course a slue of updates, and I let them all proceed - but even with them all in place the system is fine and I can once again drag and drop / cut and paste things back and forth.   I just tried a text block and "The Quick Brown Fox" pasted in with a clipping mask about 10 times the size of the document, but other than that it was ok.  
    So I have things working again on my primary system.   Will try and figure out what's wrong with the other one - but a reinstall might be the easiest game there too.

  • Cut/Paste not working in Microsoft Remote Desktop for Mac

    I am using Microsoft Remote Desktop V8.05 build 24428 on a Mac under the latest Mavericks OS, and I find that Cut and Paste are not working. When I paste on Remote Desktop Windows always pastes the last thing cut/copied under the Windows remote session,
    rather than whatever I just cut/copied in another Mac window.
    I am well  aware that the keystrokes are different, and I tried to follow the instructions on another question which indicated that I should select the console session  checkbox on Remote Desktop's 'Connection' configuration window. However Remote
    Desktop no longer seems to have that option ... the topmost line now shows 'Admin Console' and checking it did not help with cut/paste.
    I hope you can tell me how to get this working as cut/paste is a great convenience.

    Clipboard redirection is not supported in current versions of Microsoft Remote Desktop. However, I will help to submit this as customer wish to the product team.
    Thanks for your understanding.
    Jeremy Wu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Tried to paste a resume and i get this as a answer (copy/cut/paste is not available in mozilla and firefox ?

    i have a mac pro and i copied a pdf form resume to a site
    called local and tried to paste it and this
    is what showed up as a answer (copy/cut/paste is not available
    in mozilla and firefox
    i have firfox 6.0.1 can you help me please

    * - AllowClipboard Helper

  • Suddenly I cant copy and paste copy/cut/paste is not available in Mozillia and firefox. Never seen this before

    I have never seen this before when I try to copy and paste, I get a
    "Copy/cut/ paste is not available in Mozilla and firefox. Do you want more information about this issue? "
    I have copied and pasted hundreds of times before with Mozilla and firefox . This just happened suddenly.
    when I go to find more information on this issue, it give a long drawn out explanation I cant follow.
    What happened?

    When you right-click the link, the page immediately tells you you can't copy, or does that occur after you choose Copy Link Location?
    If it appears immediately, you can switch a setting in Firefox that should prevent sites from blocking the normal right-click menu. Here's how you would do that:
    (1) In a new tab, type or paste '''about:config''' in the address bar and press Enter. Click the button promising to be careful.
    (2) In the search box above the list, type or paste '''context''' and pause while the list is filtered
    (3) Double-click the '''dom.event.contextmenu.enabled''' preference to switch it from true to false.
    This setting does have a complication: On Google Maps and other sites that have their own right-click menu, Firefox's menu then will block the site's menu. To clear Firefox's menu so you can access the site's menu tap either the Alt key or Esc key once (but sometimes Esc removes both).

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