D5200 NEF files

My D5200 card has many NEF files that aren't converted with the adobe converter 7.3. Photoshop won't open them. What is the solution ?

This inquiry was made while I was under the false impression that the converter was of the form of a plug-in. After realizing that it is an executable program, I copied the NEF files from the chip into folders with Adobe Bridge, startted the conversion program, and all proceeded successfully.

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  • My D5200 NEF files do not open in Photoshop 14

    I have Nikon D5200, and according to Adobe, its Raw NEF files should open in Camera Raw 7.3 or later. However I have Camera Raw 8 in my photoshop 14 and it still says cannot open files, and suggests me to upgrade the plugin.
    However, when i try to upgrade, it says i have latest plugins installed, which is correct.
    I also have installed DNG converter 8.3 but it is also not detecting any raw files.
    Please help
    Thank you

    As Curt Y mentioned, either your ACR plugin is in the wrong location, or you have more than one ACR plugin for your version of Photoshop and they are conflicting.
    With the DNG coverter, it is important to understand that DNG converters only works on folders that contain raw files.
    Select the folder and then convert. This will convert all the raw files within the folder.
    If you  ry to use DNG converter to open the folder to select individual files this won't work.
    Select the folder not the individual files.

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    I probably missed this detail in what you’ve posted, but do you see the thumbnails of the three cameras’ raw files in Finder if you don’t convert to DNG?
    What has happened in the past is that the Apple raw interpreter doesn’t read thumbnails of DNGs it doesn’t like, where at least one thing it didn’t used to like was embedded lens corrections for mirrorless cameras.  Are the Olympus and Panasonic mirrorless—meaning there is no optical viewfinder and everything is seen on an LCD screen or perhaps an electronic view finder?  If so the reason these are different is that the camera is doing the lens distortion corrections automatically and this information is stored in the raw files and in the DNGs but Apple doesn’t know how to use these embedded lens corrections or doesn’t know how to read the newer DNG spec that does allow for this information to be embedded in the DNG, at least.
    Apple could just extract the embedded jpg preview and ignore the other parts of the file it doesn’t understand, but it apparently doesn’t do this.
    What I’m not sure about is if the Apple raw interpreter still has this problem or if you’re on an older system without the latest updates for camera raw decoding by Apple.

  • I can't read Nikon D5200 Raw NEF files with CS6 under Windows 8.1?

    I bought a new PC so I could use Photoshop CS6 more efficiently.  However, after I installed CS6, I can't read Nikon D5200 Raw NEF files under Windows 8.1.  I've tried updating CS6, but nothing seems to work.

    First, I hadto load the most recent version of  the Adobe Application Manager.  Then I could see all of the CS6 Updates including the most recent Camera Raw update.  
    I had to run one update at a time for it to work correctly.  
    But now I'm cooking with gas.
    Thanks for your help.

  • Cannot open Nikon D5200 RAW (NEF) Files in Bridge CS5.

    How do I sort this problem? Is there a bridge CS5 update for this camera? (I can't find one in Adobe Downloads)

    The D5200 was first supported in Camera Raw 7.3 (current version is 8.1)
    which was first supported in Bridge CS6
    Camera Raw 7.x is not compatible with CS5 or lower versions. Only CS6+
    Your options:
    Join the Adobe Cloud and get the latest versions of the software
    Upgrade to CS6 (perpetual license) which is still on sale but is now abandonware since the all-new Cloud-only CC versions of Adobe software will be released on June 17. CS6 will remain on sale but won't be patched or updated other than the occasional bugfix.
    Convert the D5200 Raw files to DNGs using the free DNG converter then open and edit the DNGs in CS5

  • Photoshop CS3 Camera Raw Update: unable to open Nikon D5200 Raw files

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    Camera Raw plug-in | Supported cameras
    The D5200 is supported in Camera Raw 7.3 and later. Older versions of Camera Raw cannot read D5200 Raw files.
    Raw 7.3 is only compatible with CS6, CC or CC 2014
    Camera Raw-compatible Adobe applications
    So you'll never be able to open Raw D5200 files in CS3.
    Why doesn’t my version of Photoshop or Lightroom support my camera?
    Choices: buy CS6 or join the Cloud.
    Free alternative: download the Adobe DNG converter, convert all D5200 Raw files to DNGs then open the DNGs in CS3
    Photoshop Help | Digital Negative (DNG)

  • Photoshop 2014 not recognizing nef files

    hi all-
    i updated to ps14 two days ago and now nef files are unrecognizable in camera raw and ps for that matter. the nef files open fine in lightroom. in fact, i always open in lightroom and open in raw from there. everything was working perfectly until the update. anyone else experiencing the same problem?
    i'm on a mac running 10.9.3. lightroom 5.5 and as stated, ps14. thanks for any help.

    jusdejules wrote:
    I took to the internet and found that I needed to download the Adobe DNG Converter.
    Not quite.
    There are two options:
    Update the Adobe Camera Raw (ACR) plug-in used by Photoshop to recognize and process Raw files, or
    If your version of Photoshop is not compatible with the version of ACR required to open Raw files from your camera, then download and install the DNG converter to convert Raw files to DNGs then open the DNGs in your version of Photoshop
    The limitation with the ACR plugin is that
    different versions of ACR support different camera models Camera Raw plug-in | Supported cameras and
    ACR is only compatible with specific versions of Photoshop. Full list here: Camera Raw-compatible Adobe applications
    In your case, the D5200 was first supported in ACR 7.3.
    Photoshop CS6 shipped with ACR 7.0 and is compatible up to ACR 8.5 (8.3 with Windows XP).
    So, in PHotoshop, check your version of Camera Raw (Help > About Plug-Ins > Camera Raw). Click Help > Updates to update ACR.

  • NEF files

    I recently purchased a Nikon D5200 and my photos are not recognized when I want to download them to iPhoto. I am taking the pictures in RAW so they are .nef files. How can I download these photos to iPhoto?

    NEF files from the Nikon D5200 are recognized as long as your Mac is running Mavericks.
    The RAW support is determined by the version of OS X that the Mac is running because it is part of the operating system.

  • When will we be able to read NEF files from a NIKON 5200?

    Just got a Nikon D5200. Photoshop and Bridge cannot read NEF files from this camera. It worked fine with my D3100 camera. When will we be able to read NEF files from a NIKON 5200?

    Welcome to the forum!
    As often, we cannot give a simple answer without more informations: what version of Photoshop and Bridge are you talking about?
    The rule of thumb is to update Camera Raw to the latests version compatible with Photoshop, and if it does not work, to download the last version of the DNG converter and use it on the files to convert them to DNG that can be opened in the older versions of Camera Raw and other raw converters.
    Normally, to update go to Help>Updates...
    According to http://helpx.adobe.com/creative-suite/kb/camera-raw-plug-supported-cameras.htmlhe first version of Camera Raw that can open the NEF from the 5200 is Camera Raw 7.3, that works with Photoshop CS6. If you version of Photoshop is older, you'll need to use the DNG converter 7.4:
    (but, since you don't state what operating system you are using, here are the links for both versions:
    PC http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/product.jsp?product=106&platform=Windows
    Mac: http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/product.jsp?product=106&platform=Macintosh )

  • Nikon D5200 raw files coversion dng CS5

    Is it necessary to purchase CS6 or subscribe to CC to be able to read my .nef files from the D5200? I understand the purpose of the .dng but it is indicated the convertor is free. However, when opening the download page, there is no button for download. If the converter is free . . . where is it? If not, what do I need to purchase?

    you need cr 7.3 or better.
    ps cs5 is only compatible with, at most, cr 6.7.  ps cs6 is only compatible with, at most,  7.1 and ps cc is compatible with cr 8.1.  so you need ps cc, but i'm not sure ps is the program you want to use.
    if not, pse  11 would work with 7.3, lightroom 4.3 would work with 7.3.
    further you can use the free dng converter with any adobe program, https://blogs.adobe.com/lightroomjournal/2013/06/camera-raw-8-1-and-dng-converter-8-1-now- available.html

  • Lr5 won't import nikon 5200 nef files.

    My Lightroom 5 doesn't import my Nikon D5200 raw files.

    LR 4.3 or higher will open D5200 NEFs if nothing is wrong with them.  Since LR 5 is having problems, the files are likely corrupted.
    The most common problem is that older Nikon software Transfer/ViewNX was used to work with these newer files and the obsolete software has changed something in the files that makes them unrecognizable to Adobe products.
    First test with an NEF that you copy directly from the memory card to the hard-drive of your computer without using or touching it with any Nikon products.  If this works then you’ve likely found the source of the problem, and either install Nikon products that are at least as new as your camera or stop using Nikon products with raws from your newer camera.
    The corruption to already corrupted files can be reversed using a utility from here:

  • Nikon D5200 raw files

    I have an old version of Photoshop (CS5.1) that will never read my new camera's raw files, so I'm looking to buy Lightroom. I've downloaded the trial version just to see if it works. I've also downloaded the DNG 8.3 converter. Lightroom does not read the files. The DNG converter doesn't read the files.

    Lightroom 5.3 and DNG Converter 8.3 should have no problems with Nikon D5200 NEF raw files. Are there error messages?
    A possible cause of the problem is that some version of Nikon software modify the photo file header so that Adobe software cannot recognize the files. If you are using Nikon software to transfer the photos to your computer, try using Adobe software or your operating system to transfer the photos from camera card directly to your computer. If the photos are no longer on the camera card but only on your computer somewhere, the files can be repaired so that Adobe software can recognize them, see http://forums.adobe.com/message/6181267#6181267

  • My LR 4 suddenly no longer recognized my memory cards. I am using the same cards and cameras but consisitently get the error message:"files not imported because the files could not be read. they are jpg and nef files...I am stuck without my workhorse! Any

    My LR 4 suddenly no longer recognized my memory cards. I am using the same cards and cameras but consisitently get the error message:"files not imported because the files could not be read. they are jpg and nef files...I am stuck without my workhorse! Any advice is helpful. This has never happened in 6 years

    answered in your other thread LR 4 suddenly no longer recognizes files.

  • Can't open NEF files in Adobe Bridge CS4

    My camera is a Nikon D90 and I downloaded the Camera Raw.plugin Version 5.2. to open NEF files in Photoshop and Bridge from the CS4 collection. It works perfectly to open NEF files in Photohop but Bridge is not able to show the files. I cleared the cache already.
    Does anybody know, what the problem could be?
    Thanks for your help!

    Maybe the plugin is in the wrong folder? It should be in the Common Files/Adobe folder tree, rather than the Adobe/Photoshop CS4 folder tree (where only Photoshop can see it). Also, make sure there's only one Camera Raw.8bi installed.

  • No longer able to view NEF files in Bridge or edit in Camera Raw 4.6

    I have found similar questions in various Adobe forums, but I have not located a solution to my problem.
    Bridge CS3
    Photoshop CS3 Extended
    Camera Raw version
    Nikon D300s
    Up until 2 weeks ago I have been copying my NEF files from my CF card via reader, opening Bridge, selecting thumbnail of NEF and opening it in Photoshop CS3. At which point I can process with Camera Raw 4.6.
    Now, once new NEF files copied and Bridge opened, I only see NEF icons. When I double click the file, Photoshop opens and a box appears with the following text: Could not complete your request because it is not the right kind of document.
    Upon inspecting the differences between NEF files that I can edit and the new NEF files that I cannot, I notice in the metadata file properties that the application of the successful files is ver. 2.00 and the duds is ver. 1.00.
    What "application" is the metadata referring to? I think this may be a Nikon setting, but it would help me understand the problem better if I knew what "application" this is.
    I can convert the new NEF files into jpgs using Adobe DNG Converter, but this GREATLY complicates a previously straightforward work flow process.
    Thank you for any light that may be shed on vexing dilemma,

    Very grateful for your response and time.
    The Application I am talking about can be found when you open up a NEF file in Bridge and look at the Metadata tab on the right. Within that is the File Properties tab and the Application Ver. is the 3rd item from the top (after Filename and Document Type).
    Yes, I do have only the one ACR file (Camera Raw.8bi.) in the program file/COMMON FILE/Adobe/plug ins/cs3/file formats.
    I have also realized (brilliantly late in the game) that it is only the NEF files shot from my new D300s that do not work. No problem with the NEF files shot with my D100. So this leads me to conclude that my Bridge/Photoshop CS3 does not support the Camera Raw 5 that seems to be required for the D300s. Argh.
    By upgrading my camera equipment, I have outmoded my requisite software.
    I must say, that the recent post advisory on the forum site ("Raw files appear as icons") was supremely timely. While this does not solve my problem, it did help me understand the compatibility issues with the D300s and CS3. I have learned the following: D300s are supported by Camera Raw 5.5 which does not work with CS3. Is this correct?
    Dazed, but not beaten down,

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