Data Entry Forms

Hi all,
Although I am submitting this question in the Dreamweaver forum - please excuse me if this belongs somewhere else.
We have a form that our employees fill out and submit on a daily/weekly/monthly basis.  We get hundreds of these forms weekly.  I am trying to come up with a way to have the data filled out on-line from our website.
We host our own web site and email, so if any added software is needed it would not be a problem.  Our web site is running on a Dell server running  MS Windows 2003 R2 using IIS.  I currently have a few Active Server Pages written in vbscript running for other purposes and I only mention that to indicate that I have some experience with HTML, ASP and SQL and I can pass data from the web to our others servers.
I would like to be able to duplicate the existing paper form as closely as possible for the users to fill out.  The form is two sided and on the front it contains a section of 10 line items - but the actual number of line items that can be sent is unlimited.
We have, currently, the full Adobe suite including Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Acrobat, etc.
Any help in the creating of this would greatly be appreciated.
Thank you.

I've moved this to the Dreamweaver forum that deals with developing server-side applications.
You don't say whether you want the forms to be printed out or whether the information is to be stored in a database.
For print-outs, you could replicate the forms in Acrobat and get them sent by email. To submit the data to a database, you can use Dreamweaver to create an HTML form. Dreamweaver also has some rather crude server behaviors that would automate the insertion of the data into a database. However, the server behaviors haven't been updated for many years, and they're not capable of validating the input before inserting it into the database. You would be better advised to create your own processing scripts.
Unfortunately, not many people here use ASP. Microsoft stopped development of classic ASP more than a decade ago, and most people have switched to PHP or ASP.NET.

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    I think that's too much of the wrong information.
    It sounds like you have multiple forms. Are they Modal or Non-Modal?
    What code do you use to call the form that's not working?
    Does it work initially and then stop working?

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    Do you want to create a detail record that will include some values from your master record??
    Or do you want to create a record with values from your Search criteria, only in the case you do not have any results?
    if it is the second case.
    When do you want to do that? After a press of button? or immediately?
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    Additionally, if you use ViewCriteria, you have to have bind variables for your search criteria that you will want to use.
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    dcminter wrote:
    It is a [form] and doesn't contain any complex business logic. So I want to get this simple business logic to different layer. But the problem is, I cannot clearly identify what are business logic of this kind of [form].Are you asking which bits are business logic?
    Suppose that the data comes into your system immaculate from some external system. Imagine that it will go out into some other system. The bits that you would still have to write are your business logic.That's a nice practical definition. Thank you, I'm stealing it.
    Also interesting to note that validation falls into that category... say you're recieving data from a magical external source... you still have to validate it.
    And of course you'd still have to store it somewhere, ans retrieve it.
    Yep, I definately like that definition.
    Cheers. Keith.

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    Payous999 wrote:
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    I have created simple Web Data Entry Form in Planning 11.1.2 and not able to load the data through it (cells are read only)
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    PayousAre you logging in as admin, are they definitely all stored/never share level 0 members, is it a currency application.
    Evaluation Order should not be an issue.
    Point 5 is a little worrying, what did you do to resolve the issue? does it refresh without any issues now?

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    With the omniportlet, you'll also have to test the form and so on :)
    My suggestion is indead an extra step but it is more flexible than just creation a DC from a WSDL. I already have done some implementation in Webcenter for web services and i started by just using the DC from a WSDL but soon i noticed that i needed more flexibility. That's why i suggest to create a proxy and create your own layer in front of it. This way you can easily control what you expose to your DC and do some initializations were needed. It offers a great deal of flexibility. That's why i suggest using the proxy + dc instead of wsdl + dc.
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    Many thanks,

    Data entry forms and other alternate views of data are best made in a database application. Spreadsheets like Excel or Numbers show data in rows and columns and that's it. If there are two many rows or columns to fit on a page, scrolling is unavoidable. Ditto for tables in Word or Pages.
    A database can create displays that put all related data on a single screen or page.
    Mac databases include Filemaker and Bento (by the same company). I'm sure there are others, I've just never heard of them.
    Good luck,

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    I think that's too much of the wrong information.
    It sounds like you have multiple forms. Are they Modal or Non-Modal?
    What code do you use to call the form that's not working?
    Does it work initially and then stop working?

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    use javascript. use the buttons on one panel and forms on another panel.
    for buttons onclick events change the form "action" and send the hidden parameters you want.

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    Thanks in advance.

    I found the solution. We can create a database routine to which we pass all the values and in the routine we create two different insert statements. Based on the number of roles selected we can control the loop to create number of records in role table.

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    create table master_ACTIVITY
    1. How do i use hierarchical tree for adding and deleting item into it.
    2. In my other form i use the item from hierarchical tree. so how to get the return value of the selected item in a hierarchical tree. and which of filed in this table i need in other forms to connect to this table and get values.
    please send a sample form to [email protected]
    thank you
    saji daniel

    It got worked.
    I have another problem now. I have 2000 records in my tree. when i populate it is taking time to populate.
    I want to display only parent trees ie Level 1 & 2 Items. But the Level 1 & 2 should have '+' symbol to display.
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    Any solution ?.

  • Creating data entry forms in numbers

    How do I create a data entry form in Numbers for Macbook Air?

    Hi Francie,
    Ever since I switched to the Mac over a decade ago, I've been puzzled by why Apple gives the keyboard interrupt such low priority. When the computer gets busy, keystrokes start to lag. Sometimes, rarely, they are even lost.
    The computer gets very busy with Flash websites. If you have several Safari Windows or Tabs running with Flash animation, the fans will start to rev up, a laptop will start to warm your legs (ok in the winter) and your keyboard will lag.
    The computer also gets busy when you are editing a large Numbers iWork '09 document. Large for Numbers '09 is not really very big compared to many Excel documents that we are used to seeing in a business setting. This is because Numbers '09 constantly recalculates the document as you type. It doesn't wait for you to finish an entry, it just gets busy recalculating. They tried to address this recalculation problem in iWork '13 (Version 3).
    In general, your spreadsheet work will go better if Numbers is the only app you have running. At least close windows, tabs and apps that you aren't using.
    One lsat thing is your Free Memory. If you are short on RAM, Restarting your computer will free-up memory by releasing allocations for apps that you may have closed earlier. This is a pain, so it's best to install as much RAM as your computer will hold.

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    What did you get when you print to "Adobe PDF" ?

  • "Correct" way to do data entry form?

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    The data entered will be passed to a PL/SQL procedure that will then be sent to another application. There are no database tables being read, nor are any being updated.Sounds like it would best to start with a wizard-generated Form on a Procedure based on the procedure.
    Is there a "best practice" method for creating a data entry screen so that I can have data fields that I control location on the screen (or at least horiz and vert spacing between fields)?Use item attributes to control the structure of the HTML table used to layout the form, or try using the Drag and Drop Layout tool. The appearance can then be customized using CSS&mdash;such as margin and/or padding properties to provide more generous item spacing, e.g.
    .formlayout td {
      padding-bottom: 1em;

  • Multiple page data entry form

    I need to build a multiple page data entry screen for users
    to enter information into the DB table. There are many fields I
    need to capture and store in a table. Some of the fields are multi
    line text field for the users to enter a few lines of text in a
    textbox. But right now, I wasn’t sure which approach I should
    1. Use session variables to capture the data as the users are
    completing the multiple page data entry then store all the values
    at the end when the user finish entering all the data.
    2. Create a temporary table in a DB to capture the data until
    the user is finished then store the values in the temporary table
    back to the real table.
    I hope someone can provide me with some suggestions on this.
    Thank you in advance for any assistance.

    It depends on how you want to handle:
    User fills out first couple of pages only. He may or may not
    come back.
    User fills out a couple of pages and then uses browser to go
    back to page 1, which he changes and resubmits.

Maybe you are looking for