DataFile resource ownership request

When ORCL opens the database at startup, what type of resource request is made? The hypothetical scenario is this:
The database is down. I am doing a 3rd party cold backup (no RMAN). (This is assuming the 3rd party product has a tablespace open for read.)
Then someone else unwittingly goes to start up the database. Does the database request exclusive access to the tablespace? Will there be some type of error in the database startup process?
Obviously, if there is no error, the backup has the potential of being inconsistent (worthless) since the database wouldn't be in backup mode etc. etc.
I've dug through admin gde and concepts with no luck in finding anything about this.

Jesus... can someone please upload this package somewhere? I can't install skype
Thank you!
Edit: Managed to install the static version with dependencies from AUR (lib32-libxss and lib32-libxv)
Last edited by tempsanity (2008-03-27 20:04:14)

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    More or less you can use the following:
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                        prntPrvsndPrsInsKey = resultGetObjects .getLongValue("Process Instance.Key");

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    *1)* Well there is an OOTB filter available from the product for that purpose. As you progress to Step 3: Provide resources of the Grant Resource option, you will automatically see a drop down for filter values as follows:
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    So you are never supposed to navigate through thousands of resources to fetch your required resource. The whole thing which I talked about is when you are requesting to create a Grant Resource request for other users as your question stated.
    *2)* If in case you are talking about the self request part then you can do it with the help of UI customization by extending the action class for tcRequestProvisionResourceAction. You can just update the JSP to also show an extra filter criterion with filter values fetched from a pre-defined lookup in OIM. In addition to it you will also put a search Go button which calls your method to curtail the final resultset which is passed to the populateTableData method for resource list.
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    Hi Srinivasu,
    Well you already have lots of valid suggestions above but this problem might be causing for various reasons. As you have already checked the permissions for the set of the users having this problem, it might be worth checking if there are many nodes of the server instance and if any of these are not working properly. It can happen that when those set of users are trying to access the resource, the request is hitting specific server nodes which is unable to find the resource for some reasons. You can try asking the users to clear their browser cache and try again so that when the users try to access the same resource again it might go to different node this time.
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    Edited by: whowalks on Mar 11, 2013 8:16 AM

    Found the answer ... mark change the resource type from Application to System .. voila !

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    Hi Santosh,
    I created seperate approval process for the same resource object.
    It's working.
    Thanks Santosh.
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    Here is a duplicate thread:
    Based on the description, the issue occurs only when you try to add Universal Group Security or Global Security Group.
    Please recreate a new security group to check if this issue persists.
    Besides, please use EMS to configure the Automated Booking Policies to check result.
    Best regards,
    Belinda Ma
    TechNet Community Support

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    by deafult the ootb fucntionality is such that it provides the requester's info instead of the beneficiary's info at the object form level. This is because the request is not submitted at that stage and unless the request is submitted there OIM does not know who is the target user of the request. this is not a bug and there is no solution to this.
    if you need to populate the object form with say request id after the submission of the request you can do so, as a first step in the approval workflow using the apis write back to the object form. In the approval workflow too you can capture the request id and with the request id you can get all the request details using the api's.
    If the request id then say for example needs to be passed to the process form , you can have the data flow map the field on the object form to the corresponding field o nthe process form and then use that field for getting the target user's info.

  • Changing Owner & Business Group of ASD Custom Resource

    So this is a bit of an expansion of this discussion:
    You will see that pizzle85 managed to solve his challenge of BG object ownership by using an ASD Service Catalog Request located in each Business Group's Entitlements so a member of the business group can just run the Provision required to bring the BG item under management in the business group.  This is quite an effective method to solve the need.  He then has a Resource Action that allows for re-"Provision" which changes owner within the business group: a necessary task because managers tend to move around a lot so they can look busy. (just kidding, I love managers--who have a sense of humor)  So to change owner... just perform a "provision" again.
    Apparently this is one of the best kept secrets in vRA because it has been hard to figure out, and nobody is writing about it.  (I can only assume that there is some SE out there who has worked with the developers to get this capability going and it hasn't been shared widely.)
    Note: I think Business Groups as a Service is something I need to plan for (vs centrally managed Business Groups) even though their future implementation might vary, so my examples here are related to that effort because I am too lazy to demonstrate a generic example.  BUT... the idea is... ownership of ASD Inventory Objects (representing ANY Custom Resource) can be modified using this method.  Ownership includes both the owner represented by "ME" in the Items list... and the Business Group  (subtenant Reference & Label) where the item resides in inventory.
    In 6.2.x, I have not found any method in the vRO plugin for vRA to be able to change ownership and business group of an ASD Custom Resource Inventory Item, but it can be accomplished via a combination of (1) ASD Service Catalog or Resource Action "Provision" capabilities and (2) REST calls through the vRA plugin service channels.  (the latter uses the plugin service account authorizations/entitlements)
    Consider this image...
    This could represent a central management point for many business groups: where I can assign a set of resource actions allowing for automation of various business group needs, an anchor point for actions.   Those in the sktest business group Support User or Manager Role would be able to see all the business groups globally if they were all provisioned in sktest.  (a bucket to manage from)
    This also could represent a starting point where business groups are created as real objects, returned as custom resources, and "provisioned" as inventory object items.  But once there...maybe you want to move it?
    Let's say we later decided, seantesting doesn't belong in sktest because we wanted to change from the "we manage it for you" model to the "manage it yourself" model.  How do you move it?
    Like this...
    And it moves now owned by the vRA plugin service account... (which an entitled user could run Take Ownership and own it in that business group)
    The service account obviously needs to be part of the destination business group and as it ends up, has to have an entitlement to any "provision" action in the business group even though the object doesn't exist there.
    This is a tricky hack and this is how it works...
    1. vRO workflow calls the Take Ownership Action in vRA via REST (front door process).  As noted before, this has a provision attribute to the action which we know changes the owner.  So we would expect that the owner would change to the user that is making the request: which is the service account.  The service account becomes the owner, but this wouldn't change the Business Group.
    2. So we change subtentantRef and subtenantLabel in the REST call to the business group we want to target, even though the object isn't in inventory in that business group.  And Voila! The business group item representation re-provisions as a new owner in a new business group.  Effectively changing the owner and moving the object from one BG to another BG using the management-method vs the self-service-method (the latter as pizzle85 did).
    Again... maybe you care less about Business Groups.  Maybe you would prefer self-service. It is the capability of moving a custom resource inventory representation that matters.
    Here is an example of the REST call to run the "Take Ownership" action.  I have a script before this that pulls in all the variables for the "Resource" I am targeting (from the BusinessGroup object ID), the action I am running  (Take Ownership ID), the business group Ref and Label) and some of the properties I need for the Take Ownership action like bgName... but those are actually not necessary. (all of the "entries" are what is required per the Take Ownership request... if that request didn't require any inputs, there would be no entries... it is the top change of subtenant that allows for the BG move)
    System.log("resourceRef: " + resourceRef);
    System.log("resourceActionRef: " + resourceActionRef);
    System.log("targetRef: " + targetRef);
    System.log("targetLabel: " + targetLabel);
    System.log("bgName: " + bgName);
    var payload ={
    {"key": "provider-rYouSure","value":{"type":"boolean","value":"true"}},
    {"key": "provider-bgName","value": {"type": "string","value":bgName}}]}
    payload = System.getModule("org.dojotoolkit.dojo.json").serialize(payload);
    var catalogRest = cafeHost.createRestClient(vCACCAFEServicesEnum.CATALOG_SERVICE);
    var response ="consumer/requests",payload);
    Best of luck in your Automation Efforts!

    Turns out... it is likely not required as part of the request data.

  • How to assign approvaal policy for a request template in OIM 11g

    When I request for resource in OIM 11g, It's always going for Default approval of xelsysadm.
    I want this Request level approval must go to "Beneficiary Manager approval". While requesting I am selecting request template (which I created) for Provision resource as Request type.I have already set "Beneficiary Manager approval" as request level approval for this request template.
    I have created one approval policy, How can I assign this approval Policy to request template so that When i submit this request , it should go to my Manager approval.

    Hi Rajiv,
    I do not need approval of Operational level. I want to stop the approval process after request level approval.
    Here you are saying to create a new approval policy and set as AUTO Approval as true. There are some default approval policies which comes with OIM 11g and one of the approval policy is trigeering the Operaional level approval. So I think I do not need to create new approval policy and I can use exsting approval policy and modify as you suggested selecting AUTO APPROVAL and create approval rule as request template=="XYZ".
    I am not sure which default approval policy trigeering the Operational approval now. Can you pls tell me that?
    Can you pls confirm that, there is only way to restrict Opertional Approval by selecting "AUTO APPROVAL" true and put the approval rule as request template=="XYZ"
    Thanks Rajiv for your help all the time.

  • Multiple resource objects provision issue in OIM10g

    Hi Team,
    We're facing an issue regarding multiple access policy trigger for a specific resource object in OIM.
    The scenario is whenever we try to process the enablement or creation of users through flat file recon, users are created / enabled with multiple resource objects in their resource profiles.
    When we checked in User Resource Access History report, we observe that the access policy has been triggering multiple times for these users resulting in users with multiple resource objects. Amongst these one shows provisioned/Enabled and the other shows provisioning/in some cases Provisioned/Enabled.
    Please advise as this has become an ongoing issue and also has led into data mess-up.
    Appreciate your help on this one..

    The terminology sounds a little confusing to me:
    If you mean you wanna create multiple IT Resources for a single IT Resource Instance so that the user can select the appropriate IT Resource during request creation -> All good upto here. But then since the Object/Request Form attached to a resource would be the same, so any user would always see the same form fields for creationg request.
    Example: Users creating request for Oracle Database Accounts but different server locations
    If it means you just need to create multiple Resource Objects then its a straighaway standard requirement and could be handled with normal Connector Development methodology.
    Example: Users creating requests for different resources like Oracle Database Accounts & Active Directory Accounts

  • OIM Authorization policy for specific resource

    Hi gurus,
    Can we create an authorization policy in OIM for allowing resource administrators to add/modify a specific resource only?
    Example: For all users, Admin user-A should be able to add/modify AD resource only.
    Admin User-B should be able to add/Modify iPlanet resource only
    Thanks in advance.

    OIM authorization policies do not extend to resource operations, only operations on OIM users and roles. For restricting operations on resources you can set data object permissions on the resource objects themselves. An alternative approach in OIM is to provision resources via requests, where you can limit requests to work with specific allowed resources and be accessible to specific administrators.

  • SUNW.gds resource creation problem / service startup failure

    We have a vendor provided set of application server start and stop scripts that we are trying to mold into a GDS resource. The scripts must be run as a user not as root. This app takes about 6 minutes to start up and it creates about 400 processes in doing so. We gave the user cluster.modify auth so it can create the resource, and the command takes but when the resource is being created, the startup script does not seem to fire. So I'm a little stumped as to make this thing run under the user account project settings. The other thing I noticed is the ports that I specify in the list are never present until the end of the 6 minutes of startup junk, and the GDS seems to log problems about these ports at the onset of creation. Here is the command for the create:
    clrs create -g ss_wfm-rg -t SUNW.gds  \
    -p Start_Command="/home/appl/advxrt/R8.0g/TOP/SOLARIS/bin/StartServer" \
    -p Stop_Command="/home/appl/advxrt/R8.0g/TOP/SOLARIS/bin/ShutdownServer" \
    -p Resource_dependencies=advxprd,ss_hasp-rs \
    -p Port_list=22100/tcp,23100/tcp,27100/tcp,4100/tcp,17100/tcp \
    -p Start_timeout=420 \
    -p Stop_timeout=120 \
    -p Child_mon_level=-1 \
    ss_server_gds-rsAnd from the messages log...
    Aug 18 07:31:04 prddsm01nd01 SC[SUNW.gds:6,ss_wfm-rg,ss_server_gds-rs,gds_svc_start]: [ID 141062 daemon.error] Failed to connect to host advxprd and port 221
    00: Connection refused.
    Aug 18 07:31:04 prddsm01nd01 SC[SUNW.gds:6,ss_wfm-rg,ss_server_gds-rs,gds_svc_start]: [ID 805735 daemon.error] Failed to connect to the host <advxprd> and po
    rt <22100>.
    Aug 18 07:31:06 prddsm01nd01 Cluster.PMF.pmfd: [ID 887656 daemon.notice] Process: tag="ss_wfm-rg,ss_server_gds-rs,0.svc", cmd="/bin/sh -c /home/appl/advxrt/R
    8.0g/TOP/SOLARIS/bin/StartServer", Failed to stay up.
    Aug 18 07:31:06 prddsm01nd01 Cluster.PMF.pmfd: [ID 534408 daemon.notice] "ss_wfm-rg,ss_server_gds-rs,0.svc" restarting too often ... sleeping 30 seconds.
    Aug 18 07:31:06 prddsm01nd01 Cluster.RGM.rgmd: [ID 650825 daemon.error] Method <gds_svc_start> on resource <ss_server_gds-rs> terminated due to receipt of si
    gnal <9>Basically I would like to know if the ports list should include all ports that the app will eventually listen on, or some, or minimal? The other biggy is how to get this thing to launch as a user and if it fail over to another node does not start as root. I tried doing an su - acctname -c "script" but it won't start it. Thanks!

    Detlef or anyone familiar with GDS...
    We agree here that customizing the GDS using your template is the way to go. What I have noticed is that since creating the wrapper scripts to call the newtask command, setup the environment, etc, when the wrapper script finishes (kicking off the native script) the RGM sees this as a fault and immeidately tries to restart the agent. Here is a snippet of the messages log.
    Sep 24 13:48:03 devdsm01nd01 Cluster.PMF.pmfd: [ID 887656 daemon.notice] Process: tag="ss_stage-rg,ss_stage_server_gds-rs,0.svc", cmd="/bin/sh -c /home/appl/advxtst/tds/", Failed to stay up.
    Sep 24 13:48:03 devdsm01nd01 Cluster.RGM.rgmd: [ID 784560 daemon.notice] resource ss_stage_server_gds-rs status on node devdsm01nd01 change to R_FM_FAULTED
    Sep 24 13:48:03 devdsm01nd01 Cluster.RGM.rgmd: [ID 922363 daemon.notice] resource ss_stage_server_gds-rs status msg on node devdsm01nd01 change to <Service daemon not running.>
    Sep 24 13:48:03 devdsm01nd01 SC[SUNW.gds:6,ss_stage-rg,ss_stage_server_gds-rs,gds_probe]: [ID 670283 daemon.notice] Issuing a resource restart request because the application exited.So we figured out that if we suspend the RG, then we can of course stop and start the app all day long using the clrs dis|enable commands but is using these wrapper scripts still the way to go even with the GDS template? Even assigning the user's project settings to the resources does not seem to allow the native vendor supplied startup scripts to launch (they say it is purely because we did not setup the working directory, etc, correctly, which the wrapper scripts do quite well). Is is normal for the wrapper script to "die" but yet have GDS probe the ports after X amount of time? Is this where the sleeping dummy comes into play?
    thanks in advance!

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