Datagrid headache

Ok i've written some code for a datagrid that will be populated with a list of titles from an xml file.
the xml file contains a list of articles which have 3 properties, a title, a body of text and an image.
so the datagrid is populated with the titles properties of the xml file, and i want the user to be able to click on the title they want and then click a "GO" button at the bottom of the page, and then the movie moves to the "article viewer" page, with the text fields filled out with the title and body of the corresponding article.
the problem i'm having is in the clickHandler when the user clicks on a cell.
how do i find which title the user has chosen, im fairly sure once i know that i can move forward.
var articlesXML:XML;
var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, xmlLoaded);
xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("flash_stuff/articles.xml"));
grid.addEventListener(ListEvent.ITEM_CLICK, clickHandler);
function xmlLoaded(evt:Event):void
    articlesXML = new XML(;
    var componentProvider:DataProvider = new DataProvider();
    for(var i:uint = 0; i< articlesXML.article.length(); i++ )
    grid.dataProvider = componentProvider;
function clickHandler(e:ListEvent):void
this code is located in frame 1 of the ArticleChooser section of the movie.
I hope someone can help

maybe this will solve your problem tion

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    We have a serious issue when it comes to datagrids in Flex 2
    and 3. Our datasource is a simple XML and what we are trying to do
    is display a checkbox in a datagrid that is binded to a node in the
    XML. For some reason, the checkbox cannot be binded .. all it does
    is display checked (true) all the time. I've researched this issue
    on the internet and, for the mostpart, people use an array data
    source. In the REAL world however, this cannot always be the case.
    Here is my XML:
    <mx:XMLList id="myCostVendor">
    Note: we are trying to bind the 'recselected' node. It has a
    value of either true or false.
    Here is the datagrid setup that currently does not work:
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Select"
    dataField="recselected" width="30">
    <mx:Box width="100%" height="100%"
    horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle">
    <mx:CheckBox selected="{data.recselected}" />
    So that's it guys. I really appreciate any help we could get.

    Well first, the xml text node will always be a string. The
    string "true" is not a boolean value, which is what the selected
    property needs.
    Try a ternary expression:
    selected="{(data.recselected.text() =='true')? true;false}"
    Now, that rendere will not work as is, because it does not
    save the selected state to the dataProvider. Renderers are
    recycled, and the ui state must always be determined form the
    dataProvider item.
    Have the renderer set the recselected propert on change.
    I have a full but simple example of a renderer on Search for itemrenderer.

  • Datagrid column in module causing memory leak

    Hi All
    I'm having trouble with a DataGrid column preventing a module from being release properly. I can't imagine this is the intended behaviour.
    Using this simple test case, a WindowedApplication and an mx:Module I wonder if anyone else can reproduce this problem. The issue goes away if you simply comment out the GridColumn Instance.
    Can anyone offer any advice?
    Many thanks
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx=""
                import mx.core.IVisualElement;
                import mx.modules.IModuleInfo;
                import mx.modules.ModuleManager;
                private var assetModule:IModuleInfo;
                protected function load_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                    assetModule = ModuleManager.getModule('DataGridTestModule.swf');
                    assetModule.addEventListener("ready", getModuleInstance);
                public function getModuleInstance(event:ModuleEvent):void
                    var sm:DisplayObject = assetModule.factory.create() as DisplayObject;
                    sm.addEventListener("close", closeModule);
                    contentHolder.addElement(sm as IVisualElement);
                private function closeModule(event:Event):void
          "close", closeModule);
                    contentHolder.removeElement( as IVisualElement);
                    assetModule = null;
        <s:VGroup width="100%" height="100%">
            <s:HGroup >
                <s:Button id="load" label="Load" click="load_clickHandler(event)"/>
            <s:BorderContainer id="contentHolder" width="100%" height="100%"/>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Module xmlns:fx=""
                          layout="absolute" xmlns:components="components.*">
                protected function close_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                    dispatchEvent(new Event('close', true, false))
        <s:BorderContainer id="contacts"
                           width="100%" height="100%"
            <s:Button id="close" label="Close" click="close_clickHandler(event)"/>
            <s:DataGrid id="queries" >
                        <s:GridColumn/> <!-- Comment out this GridColumn instance to see the leak disappear -->

    OK, So I've done some more testing. Creating the GridColumn in AS during the creationComplete event is a slight improvement. It seems to allow the DataGrid and the Module be GC'd, but it's still leaking memory somewhere. I just can't get my head around the Profiler. Also, it's going to be a massive headache if we have to rewrite our application to create all the GridColumns in AS. Surely this shouldn't be necessary?
    New test case below:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx=""
                import mx.collections.ArrayList;
                import mx.core.IVisualElement;
                import mx.modules.IModuleInfo;
                import mx.modules.ModuleManager;
                import spark.components.gridClasses.GridColumn;
                private var assetModule:IModuleInfo;
                private var sm:DisplayObject;
                protected function load_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                    assetModule = ModuleManager.getModule('DataGridTestModule.swf');
                    assetModule.addEventListener("ready", getModuleInstance);
                public function getModuleInstance(event:ModuleEvent):void
                    sm = assetModule.factory.create() as DisplayObject;
                    sm.addEventListener("close", closeModule);
                    contentHolder.addElement(sm as IVisualElement);
                private function closeModule(event:Event):void
          "close", closeModule);
                    contentHolder.removeElement( as IVisualElement);
                    assetModule = null;
        <s:VGroup width="100%" height="100%">
            <s:HGroup >
                <s:Button id="load" label="Load" click="load_clickHandler(event)"/>
            <s:BorderContainer id="contentHolder" width="100%" height="100%"/>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Module xmlns:fx=""
                          layout="absolute" xmlns:components="components.*">
                import flash.utils.setTimeout;
                import mx.collections.ArrayList;
                import spark.components.gridClasses.GridColumn;
                private var _col:ArrayList = new ArrayList();
                protected function close_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                    dispatchEvent(new Event('close', true, false))
                protected function module1_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
                    var gc:GridColumn = new GridColumn();
                    gc.headerText = 'Test Column';
        <s:BorderContainer width="100%" height="100%">
            <s:Button id="close" label="Close" click="close_clickHandler(event)"/>
            <s:DataGrid id="queries" columns="{_col}"/>

  • Datagrid Image Renderer Broken in CS SDK but not Flex project

    Within a Photoshop Extension, I have a DataGrid which has an inline custom image renderer whose dataprovider is an ArrayCollection called "photos"  representing a list of photos and some metadata properties.  One of the properties "fileName" is concatenated with a path to a thumbnail image such as source="{'LR_AUTO/imported/thumbs/' + data.fileName}".
    The dataprovider is bound to a LCDS DataService. When the extension is first launched, the dataservice initializes the dataprovider with the existing values for the "photos" arraycollection.  The thumbnail images are correctly shown.
    However, when the DataService receives a new row and updates the photos dataprovider, the datagrid's new row shows a broken image for the thumbnail even though the path is correct.  I have dumped the photos dataprovider and verified that all information is correct.  When I close Photoshop and relaunch it from Flash Builder, once again LCDS initializes the photos ArrayCollection and THEN the thumbnail that previously showed as broken show up correctly.
    I have a ColdFusion Directory Watcher Gateway that watches a directory where Lightroom auto-imports images from a tethered capture session.  When the camera sends Lightroom a new image, the new image is processed by Lightroom and moved to a target directory, and since ColdFusion's Directory Watcher is watching that targeted directory, ColdFusion will create a thumbnail image in a subfolder and notifiy LCDS that of the new image and related metadata.
    *** This is the interesting part *** When Lightroom places new images in the target directory, this is propogated to the Photoshop Extension's datagrid, and the new row shows up as described earlier, showing a broken image for the thumbnail.  BUT, instead of Lightroom, if I manually copy images to the folder where ColdFusion is watching, then exact same code path is exectuted and in the Photoshop Datagrid the new row appears and THE THUMBNAIL IMAGE shows up correctly.
    The difference seems to be only in how the images are put in the original target location.  The problem is when Lightroom puts them there, but it works when I put them there as a user.
    *** More Interesting Info *** I have the Flex code for the Photoshop Extension duplicated in a standalone, non-CSSDK project using Flex 3.4 which I launch in a browser.  I have mirrored the code in the Photoshop extension, but in this manner, the problem does not exist.  With plain Flex 3.4 in a browser, whenever LCDS notifies the datagrid of a new photo record, the datagrid's new row ALWAYS shows the thumbnail correctly.
    A primary difference in how the thumbnail image is rendered is that in a browser, the Flex 3.4 project accesses the image assets over the network, however, in the Photoshop Extension, the image asset WITH THE SAME RELATIVE PATH is accessed over the local file system.
    source="{'LR_AUTO/imported/thumbs/' + data.fileName}"
    So in the case of the browser, this path is a relative URL and the image is retrieved over HTTP, however, in the PS Extension, the same path represents a file system path relative to the project folder.
    Unfortunately, because the Flash Player (including APE) cannot access BOTH the network and the local filesystem, so I cannot change the Extension to use network access.
    ** The important part to remember is that when I stop the Flash Builder debug session and close Photoshop, then relaunch the debug with Photoshop, then all the images show up correctly in the Extension.
    Your advice is appreciated.
    Thank you!
    Photoshop CS5 Extended 12.01 x32
    Flash Builder 4
    CS SDK 1.02
    Extension Builder SDK 3.4
    MacBook Pro / OS X 10.5 / Intel Core 2 Duo 2.66 GHz / Procs: 1 / Cores: 2 / Memory: 8 GB
    App configured for Photoshop CS5 and Photoshop CS5 Extended
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="" xmlns="*"
                    horizontalScrollPolicy="off" verticalScrollPolicy="off" verticalGap="0"
                    layout="vertical" horizontalAlign="left"  backgroundColor="#353535"
                public function handlePhotoClick(data:Object):void {
                    this.PreviewImageWindow = PreviewImage(PopUpManager.createPopUp(this,PreviewImage,true));
                    var filePath:String = data.dirPath + data.fileName;
                    PreviewImageWindow.y = 0;
                    PreviewImageWindow.x = 0;
        <mx:ArrayCollection id="photos"/>
        <mx:DataService id="ds" destination="NewsAgencyPhotos" autoSyncEnabled="true" autoCommit="true" conflict="conflictHandler(event)"/>
        <mx:Label text="News Agency Photos" fontSize="20" paddingBottom="30"/>
        <mx:Label text="Available Images" fontSize="15"/>
        <mx:DataGrid id="photoIPTC" dataProvider="{photos}" editable="true" width="220" rowCount="5" rowHeight="75" wordWrap="true">
                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="id" dataField="fileName" width="40" editable="false" sortDescending="true"/>
                <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="psLock" width="65" headerText="Status" editable="false" editorDataField="value">
                            <mx:ComboBox editable="false">
                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Photo" dataField="fileName" width="80" editable="false">
                            <mx:HBox horizontalAlign="center" horizontalScrollPolicy="off" verticalScrollPolicy="off">
                                <mx:Image click="outerDocument.handlePhotoClick(data);" source="{'LR_AUTO/imported/thumbs/' + data.fileName}" width="75" height="75"/>
    in this case, one array item existed when launched, then a second was added
    while running.  The first has its thumbnail show, the second item has broken image
      filterFunction = (null)
      length = 2
      list = (
        fillParameters = (Array)#2
        length = 2
        localItems = (Array)#3
          [0] (
            aperture = "F10"
            cameraLens = "EF24-70mm f/2.8L USM"
            cameraModel = "Canon EOS 7D"
            city = ""
            copyrightNotice = "¬© Steven Erat 2011"
            country = ""
            creator = "Steven Erat"
            description = ""
            dirPath = "/Users/stevenerat/LR_AUTO/imported/"
            fileName = "ERAT_STEVEN_20110122_162.jpg"
            focalLen = "42.0 mm"
            headline = ""
            id = 1
            iso = "100"
            keywords = "Alt, Dramatic, Fashion, Girl, Glamorous, Glamour, Inked, Model, Portrait, SOPHA"
            psLock = "New"
            shutterSpeed = "1/128 sec"
            state = ""
          [1] (
            aperture = "F10"
            cameraLens = "EF24-70mm f/2.8L USM"
            cameraModel = "Canon EOS 7D"
            city = ""
            copyrightNotice = "¬© Steven Erat 2011"
            country = ""
            creator = "Steven Erat"
            description = ""
            dirPath = "/Users/stevenerat/LR_AUTO/imported/"
            fileName = "ERAT_STEVEN_20110122_163.jpg"
            focalLen = "42.0 mm"
            headline = ""
            id = 2
            iso = "100"
            keywords = "Alt, Dramatic, Fashion, Girl, Glamorous, Glamour, Inked, Model, Portrait, SOPHA"
            psLock = "New"
            shutterSpeed = "1/128 sec"
            state = ""
        uid = "8BAC025E-60D1-11F1-3654-44BDB0D218CE"
        view = (mx.collections::ArrayCollection)#6
          filterFunction = (null)
          length = 2
          list = (
          sort = (null)
          source = (null)
      sort = (null)
      source = (null)

    I expected that if my extension uses the local filesystem AND the network that I would get a Security Sandbox Exception as I recently described in this thread:
    However, I just tried changing my datagrid image renderer to access the thumbnail via HTTP and the thumbnail issue after Lightroom export does not happen.
                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Photo" dataField="fileName" width="80" editable="false">
                            <mx:HBox horizontalAlign="center" horizontalScrollPolicy="off" verticalScrollPolicy="off">
                                <mx:Image click="outerDocument.handlePhotoClick(data);" source="{'http://localhost:8500/LR_AUTO/imported/thumbs/' + data.fileName}" width="75" height="75"/>
    Furthermore, I can also open the image via the Photoshop DOM, and it does open correctly.  It seems that I do have a solution now, although I'm not certain as to why I'm not getting a Security Sandbox Exception as I described in the other post.
    Thanks for reading.

  • DataGrid does not display XML data

    Hello, and thanks for reading this...
    I am having a problem displaying XMLList data in a DataGrid.
    The data is coming from a Tree control, which is receiving it
    from a database using HTTPService.
    The data is a list of "Job Orders" from a MySQL database,
    being formatted as XML by a PHP page.
    If it would be helpful to see the actual XML, a sample is
    All is going well until I get to the DataGrid, which doesn't
    display the data, although I know it is there as I can see it in
    debug mode. I've checked the dataField property of the appropriate
    DataGrid column, and it appears correct.
    Following is a summary of the relevant code.
    ...An HTTPService named "get_all_job_orders" retrieves
    records from a MySQL database via PHP...
    ...Results are formatted as E4X:
    HTTPService resultFormat="e4x"
    ...An XMLListCollection's source property is set to the
    returned E4X XML results:
    ...The "order" node is what is being used as the top-level of
    the XML data.
    <mx:XMLListCollection id="jobOrdersReviewXMLList"
    ...The "jobOrdersReviewXMLList" collection is assigned to be
    the dataProvider property of a Tree list, using the @name syntax to
    display the nodes correctly, and a change event function is defined
    to add the records to a DataGrid on a separate Component for
    viewing the XML records:
    <mx:Tree dataProvider="{jobOrdersReviewXMLList}"
    ...Here is the relevant "jobPosForm" code (the Job Positions
    Form, a separate Component based on a Form) :
    ...A variable is declared:
    public var positionsArray:XMLList;
    ...The variable is initialized on CreationComplete event of
    the Form:
    positionsArray = new XMLList;
    ...The Tree's change event function is defined within the
    "jobPosForm" Component.
    ...Clicking on a Tree node fires the Change event.
    ...This passes an event object to the function.
    ...This event object contains the XML from the selected Tree
    ...The Tree node's XML data is passed into the positionsArray
    ...This array is the dataProvider for the DataGrid, as you
    will see in the following block.
    public function addTreePositionsToDG(event:Event):void{
    this.positionsArray = selectedNode.positions.position;
    ...A datagrid has its dataProvider is bound to
    ...(I will only show one column defined here for brevity.)
    ...This column has its dataField property set to "POS_TITLE",
    a field in the returned XML record:
    <mx:DataGrid width="100%" variableRowHeight="true"
    height="75%" id="dgPositions"
    dataProvider="{positionsArray}" editable="false">
    <mx:DataGridColumn width="25" headerText="Position Title"
    In debug mode, I can examine the datagrid's dataProvider
    property, and see that the correct XML data from the Tree control
    is present. However, The datagrid does not display the data in any
    of its 6 columns.
    Does anyone have any advice?
    Thanks for your time.

    Hello again,
    I came up with a method of populating the DataGrid from the
    selected Item of a Tree Control which displays complex XML data and
    XML attributes. After the user clicks on a Tree branch, I call this
    public function addTreePositionsToDG(event:Event):void{
    //Retrieve all "position" nodes from tree.
    //Loop thru each Position.
    //Add Position data to the positionsArray Array Collection.
    //The DataGrid dataprovider is bound to this array, and will
    be updated.
    positionsArray = new ArrayCollection();
    entire branch.
    for each (var position:XML in
    var posArray:Array = new Array();
    posArray.PK_POSITIONID = position.@PK_POSITIONID;
    posArray.FK_ORDERID = position.@FK_ORDERID;
    posArray.POS_TITLE = position.@POS_TITLE;
    posArray.NUM_YOUTH = position.@NUM_YOUTH;
    posArray.AGE_1617 = position.@AGE_1617;
    posArray.AGE_1821 = position.@AGE_1821;
    posArray.HOURS_WK = position.@HOURS_WK;
    posArray.WAGE_RANGE_FROM = position.@WAGE_RANGE_FROM;
    posArray.WAGE_RANGE_TO = position.@WAGE_RANGE_TO;
    posArray.JOB_DESCR = position.@JOB_DESCR;
    posArray.DES_SKILLS = position.@DES_SKILLS;
    So, I just had to manually go through the selected Tree node,
    copy each XML attribute into a simple Array, then ADD this Array to
    an ArrayCollection being used as the DataProvider for the DataGrid.
    It's not elegant, but it works and I don't have to use a Label
    Function, which was getting way too complicated. I still think that
    Flex should have an easier way of doing this. There probably is an
    easier way, but the Flex documentation doesn't provide an easy path
    to it.
    I want to thank you, Tracy, for the all the help. I checked
    out the examples you have at and they are very
    helpful. I bookmarked the site and will be using it as a resource
    from now on.

  • How can i access a mysql table without putting the data in a datagrid

    I developed my air app with a datagrid which uses a php service to display all data from a table of strings in MySql.
    I now do not need the datagrid, how can i get the data from my database without putting it into a dataGrid? Do i need an array? how do i do this? anyone got any example code?

    Balakrishnan V wrote:
    var resultArrayCollection:ArrayCollection=new ArrayCollection()
    protected function resultHandler(event:ResultEvent)
         result=event.result as ArrayCollection
    You can use the result array collection now inside your program for any further changes / manipulations.
    Hope this helps; If you have further doubts, do ask...
    Balakrishnan V
    Hi, yeah this helps,
    however, how would i generate a result handler for a service that has not been called yet? Sorry my knowledge of services is very limited.
    This is a php service, get_all service that returns all the rows from a mysql table.
    I can see the service box with the service i want to use:
    but how do i pass that to a result handler?

  • DataGrid not reflecting changes after INSERT into Table. Delete from Table does.

    Wow, it's been a while.
    Hope you guys can help.
    This is my DataGrid:
    <DataGrid DataContext="{StaticResource TableAssetsViewSource}" ItemsSource="{Binding}" x:Name="TableAssetsDataGrid" AutoGenerateColumns="False" EnableRowVirtualization="True" Margin="15,10,10,10" RowDetailsVisibilityMode="VisibleWhenSelected" Grid.Column="1" HeadersVisibility="Column" CanUserResizeRows="False" IsReadOnly="True">
    <Style TargetType="DataGridCell">
    <Setter Property="BorderThickness" Value="0"/>
    <DataGridTextColumn x:Name="NodeColumn" Binding="{Binding node}" Header="VS Number" Width="*"/>
    <DataGridTextColumn x:Name="SerialColumn" Binding="{Binding serial}" Header="Serial Number" Width="*"/>
    <DataGridTextColumn x:Name="NameColumn" Binding="{Binding name}" Header="Asset Name" Width="*"/>
    <DataGridTextColumn x:Name="TypeColumn" Binding="{Binding type}" Header="Asset Type" Width="*"/>
    <DataGridTextColumn x:Name="_dateColumn" Binding="{Binding date}" Header="Date Allocated" Width="*"/>
    <DataGridTextColumn x:Name="PoColumn" Binding="{Binding po}" Header="Purchase Order" Width="*"/>
    This is where I add a new Row to the Table:
    Private Sub Button_Click_1(sender As Object, e As RoutedEventArgs)
    Dim cbblocation As ComboBox = Me.FindName("LocationComboBox")
    Dim row As DataRowView = DirectCast(cbblocation.SelectedItem, DataRowView)
    Dim cbbtext As String = row.Item("node")
    Dim cbbtype As ComboBox = Me.FindName("comboBoxType")
    Dim cbbtext2 As String = cbbtype.Text
    Dim RETAILISOAMDDataSetTableAssetsTableAdapter As Retail_ISO_AMD.RETAILISOAMDDataSetTableAdapters.tableAssetsTableAdapter = New Retail_ISO_AMD.RETAILISOAMDDataSetTableAdapters.tableAssetsTableAdapter()
    RETAILISOAMDDataSetTableAssetsTableAdapter.AddNewAsset(cbbtext, txbSerial.Text, txbName.Text, cbbtext2, Date.Today, txbPO.Text)
    node = cbbtext
    Dim mp As New MainPage
    End Sub
    The RefreshGrid method:
    Public Sub RefreshGrid(node As String)
    Dim RETAILISOAMDDataSetTableAssetsTableAdapter As Retail_ISO_AMD.RETAILISOAMDDataSetTableAdapters.tableAssetsTableAdapter = New Retail_ISO_AMD.RETAILISOAMDDataSetTableAdapters.tableAssetsTableAdapter()
    RETAILISOAMDDataSetTableAssetsTableAdapter.FillByNode(RETAILISOAMDDataSet.tableAssets, node)
    Dim TableAssetsViewSource As System.Windows.Data.CollectionViewSource = CType(Me.FindResource("TableAssetsViewSource"), System.Windows.Data.CollectionViewSource)
    Dim be As BindingExpression = BindingOperations.GetBindingExpression(TableAssetsViewSource, CollectionViewSource.SourceProperty)
    End Sub
    And this is what I use to delete a row from the table (and without doing anything special, the DataGrid auto-updates with the changes):
    Private Sub Button_Click_4(sender As Object, e As RoutedEventArgs)
    If TableAssetsDataGrid.SelectedIndex = -1 Then
    MsgBox("You have selected nothing to Delete!", MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "Nothing Selected")
    Dim dgv As DataGridTextColumn = Me.FindName("NodeColumn")
    Dim row As DataRowView = DirectCast(Me.TableAssetsDataGrid.SelectedItem, DataRowView)
    Dim dgvText As String = row.Item("node")
    Dim dgv2 As DataGridTextColumn = Me.FindName("SerialColumn")
    Dim row2 As DataRowView = DirectCast(Me.TableAssetsDataGrid.SelectedItem, DataRowView)
    Dim dgvText2 As String = row.Item("serial")
    Dim dgv3 As DataGridTextColumn = Me.FindName("NameColumn")
    Dim row3 As DataRowView = DirectCast(Me.TableAssetsDataGrid.SelectedItem, DataRowView)
    Dim dgvText3 As String = row.Item("name")
    Dim dgv4 As DataGridTextColumn = Me.FindName("TypeColumn")
    Dim row4 As DataRowView = DirectCast(Me.TableAssetsDataGrid.SelectedItem, DataRowView)
    Dim dgvText4 As String = row.Item("type")
    Dim dgv5 As DataGridTextColumn = Me.FindName("_dateColumn")
    Dim row5 As DataRowView = DirectCast(Me.TableAssetsDataGrid.SelectedItem, DataRowView)
    Dim dgvText5 As String = row.Item("date")
    Dim dgv6 As DataGridTextColumn = Me.FindName("POColumn")
    Dim row6 As DataRowView = DirectCast(Me.TableAssetsDataGrid.SelectedItem, DataRowView)
    Dim dgvText6 As String = row.Item("po")
    Dim RETAILISOAMDDataSetTableAssetsTableAdapter As Retail_ISO_AMD.RETAILISOAMDDataSetTableAdapters.tableAssetsTableAdapter = New Retail_ISO_AMD.RETAILISOAMDDataSetTableAdapters.tableAssetsTableAdapter()
    RETAILISOAMDDataSetTableAssetsTableAdapter.RemoveAsset(dgvText, dgvText2, dgvText3, dgvText4, dgvText5, dgvText6)
    Dim cbb As ComboBox = Me.FindName("cbbLocation")
    Dim row7 As DataRowView = DirectCast(cbb.SelectedItem, DataRowView)
    Dim cbbtext As String = row.Item("node")
    End If
    End Sub
    --------- End of Edit
    It is bound to a Dataset which gets it's data from a SQL Database.
    Loading the Data and Filtering the data based on certain conditions work 100%. The problem I am having is as follows:
    I have a form on the Page that takes input and inserts a row into the Database. When this happens, the DataGrid won't automatically reflect the changes (even if I recall the Fill Method of the Dataset). No matter what I do, I have to refresh the entire page
    and THEN Fill the Dataset to see any changes.
    This is what strikes me as odd...
    When I do a delete row operation on the Database (Custom Method on the Dataset with conditions), and just Fill the Dataset again (without doing anything special), the row deletes and the changes is reflected IMMEDIATELY.
    What am I doing wrong here? Why would Delete Row reflect the changes on the DataGrid but no Insert Row?
    Thanks in Advance.
    (P.S. I am very rusty with my developing skills, I haven't done this in YEARS)

    >>And what about the the most important question, how exactly is TableAssetsViewSource defined in the XAML markup and what is
    its Source property set or bound to? And what about the reproducable sample...?
    Here is the Markup of the TableAssetsViewSource:
    <local:RETAILISOAMDDataSet x:Key="RETAILISOAMDDataSet"/>
    <CollectionViewSource x:Key="TableRegionsViewSource" Source="{Binding tableRegions, Source={StaticResource RETAILISOAMDDataSet}}"/>
    <CollectionViewSource x:Key="TableLocationsViewSource" Source="{Binding tableLocations, Source={StaticResource RETAILISOAMDDataSet}}"/>
    <CollectionViewSource x:Key="TableAssetsViewSource" Source="{Binding tableAssets, Source={StaticResource RETAILISOAMDDataSet}}"/>
    The ItemsSource of the DataGrid is bound to the TableAssetsViewSource:
    <DataGrid DataContext="{StaticResource TableAssetsViewSource}" ItemsSource="{Binding}" x:Name="TableAssetsDataGrid" AutoGenerateColumns="False" EnableRowVirtualization="True" Margin="15,10,10,10" RowDetailsVisibilityMode="VisibleWhenSelected" Grid.Column="1" HeadersVisibility="Column" CanUserResizeRows="False" IsReadOnly="True">
    Just remember, this code was auto-generated with the drag & drop onto the Page, so I did little in terms of setting the actual bindings.
    All in all, what I have done so far works as intended, except that when I want to add a row to the table it does not reflect, and that it only shows after refreshing/restarting the application.
    I will try and put together a reproducable sample.

  • How do I set only the first row of a DataGrid as the selected row?

    I have a "Go" button on a search form that fetches data into an already data bound grid.  After the data is fetched, I want to make the first row in the Datagrid the selected row, as if the user clicked on it.  If the result set is empty, I don't want the code to crash.  (I only want one row to be able to be selected at a time)
                protected function btnGo_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                    getSBJsResult.token = baa_data_svc.getSBJs(cmbSrch.text);
                    grdSBJs. //  ?????  What goes here to select the first row?

    This should do it.
    If this post answered your question or helped, please mark it as such.
    if(myDataGrid.dataProvider.length > 0){
      myDataGrid.selectedIndex = 0;

  • DataGrid ItemRender and font family

    i am writing a custom data grid ItemRender that, for every
    cell, displays a numeric value. Additionally, if the xml data
    structure defines an attribute for a given row, it is supposed to
    display a colored arrow in the same cell.
    Reading the data and determining if to display the arrow, and
    the color of the arrow work fine. I am trying to embed the
    windgings font to display the arrow, that way I can set the color
    programatically. As I said, reading the data works fine, the
    coloring of the 'arrow' works fine. My problem is I cannot change
    the fontFamily of any label in the item renderer. Even the entire
    renderer itself. Below is my code, followed by several other things
    I have tried. Thanks for the help.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:HBox xmlns:mx=""
    width="100%" height="100%"
    horizontalScrollPolicy="off" verticalScrollPolicy="off">
    src: local("wingdings");
    fontFamily: myArrowFont;
    font-anti-alias-type: advanced;
    font-weight: bold;
    fontFamily: myArrowFont;
    font-weight: bold;
    font-size: 12;
    import mx.controls.listClasses.BaseListData;
    import mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridListData;
    protected var _listData:DataGridListData;
    public function get listData():BaseListData
    return _listData;
    public function set listData(value:BaseListData):void
    _listData = DataGridListData(value);
    override public function set data(value:Object):void = value;
    switch(value[_listData.dataField][email protected]())
    case 'up':
    cellArrow.text = 'é';
    case 'down':
    cellArrow.text = 'ê';
    case 'equal':
    cellArrow.text = 'd';
    cellArrow.text = '';
    cellText.text = value[_listData.dataField];
    <mx:Label id="cellText" text=""/>
    <mx:Spacer width="100%"/>
    <mx:Label id="cellArrow" styleName="arrowStyle"
    I have tried using <mx:Label id="cellArrow"
    I have set the fontFamily='myArrowFont' in the base HBox tag
    as well, and it doesn't change the font of either the cellArrow or
    cellText label.
    I have also used
    cellArrow.setStyle('fontFamily','myArrowFont') in the override set
    data method.
    I have written the same component in ActionScript
    implementing the same functionality.
    The cellArrow label's text and color are set correctly to the
    data, however I cannot get the font to change to windgings.
    I have tried setting the DataGridColumn fontFamily to the
    wingdings font, and all it does is change the header text of the
    column, not any of the rows.
    The actual datagrid is created entirely in actionscript,
    because it is part of a control that will build a datagrid with X
    number of columns, defined in a data structure. That code works
    fine as well, and is below, incase it helps.
    //_dataP is an XMLList from an httpservice or web service
    that defines our grids
    var colsX:XMLList = _dataP..column; //get an xmllist of our
    var len:int = colsX.length(); //and store the length
    var cols:Array = new Array(); //create an empty array to hold
    each column
    var col:DataGridColumn; //a data grid column reference
    for(var i:int = 0; i < len; i++)
    col = new DataGridColumn(); //create a new column
    col.headerText = colsX
    .@text; //set the header text
    col.dataField = colsX.@field; //and data field
    col.itemRenderer = new ClassFactory(quadBoxItemRenderer);
    cols.push(col); //add it to the array
    _grid.columns = cols; //set our columns array as the columns
    of the grid
    var rows:XMLList = _dataP..row;
    _grid.rowCount = (rows.length() == 0) ? 1 : rows.length();
    _grid.dataProvider = rows; //and give it the list of rows
    _grid.percentWidth = 100;
    any help is vastly appreciated. Thanks.

    Disregard my question - I've unfortunately failed to check the font-family string as submitted by the server and it turned out to still have a colon character in front of it...
    I guess I've spent a few too many nights working on this making me susceptible to tiredness and a strangely blank mind...
    My apologies,

  • Special characters into datagrid through the use of buttons

    I have a datagrid for word input, I'm trying to create a "special characters" panel, kind of like google's new "virtual keyboard" thing on, so that the user can enter data into the datagrid cells using characters that aren't on their keyboards.
    I manage to do this just fine, using the solution below. I know this is probably not the best/most effective way to do this, so any suggestions for making the code better will be appreciated. I only started using Flex a month ago.
    grid.addEventListener(DataGridEvent.ITEM_EDIT_BEGIN, selectColumn)
    function selectColumn(event:DataGridEvent):void
    var selectedColumn:DataGridColumn = grid.columns[event.columnIndex];
    selCol = selectedColumn.dataField;
    //The function for adding a special character to the selected datagrid column by clicking a button:
    //(inputWordArray is the dataprovider for the grid called "grid" )
    protected function clickSomeButton(event:MouseEvent):void
    var colIndex:int = new int;
    if (selCol == "from"){
    inputWordArray[grid.selectedIndex].from = inputWordArray[grid.selectedIndex].from + "æ";
    colIndex = 0;
    else if (selCol == "to"){
    colIndex = 1;
    inputWordArray[grid.selectedIndex].to = inputWordArray[grid.selectedIndex].to + "æ";
    grid.dispatchEvent(new DataGridEvent(DataGridEvent.ITEM_EDIT_BEGINNING, false, false, colIndex, null, grid.selectedIndex));
    The problem is that this only adds a letter at the end of the selected item's value, not at a specific position within the word specified by the position of the cursor. This is what I need to achieve. I have no idea even what to search for, if anyone could please give me a hint that'd be great.

    You will probably need to capture the editor's selectionBeginIndex and

  • Flash 2.0 Datagrid component bug ?

    Recently I found a bug in Datagrid component. The swf file
    which contain datagrid act differely in IE 6, and IE 7.
    This is what I've done:
    1) Compile swf, export it together with html file.
    2) Run the html file
    3)Press on one of the cell,drag it and then release it
    outside of the browser/flash canvas.
    4)Move the mouse pointer back to flash canvas
    5)The grid will scroll automatically( move the move up and
    down to test)
    6)After a few times mouse pointer movement, suddenly IE
    crash, CPU usage 100%
    I have tested the swf file on firefox 2.007 and stand alone
    flash player, however, none of the flash player have this bug.
    Therefore I suspect that the ActiveX flash plugin for IE cause this
    This is the source code, which I use to create the datagrid
    for testing.
    ps: open one fla file, drag datagrid component from component
    panel to the stage or it will not run.
    import mx.controls.DataGrid;
    var header = "Stock Code/\nName,Type,Status,Order
    Date\nTime,Duration,OrderQty/\nPrice,Matched Qty/\nPrice,Trd
    Curr/\nMatched Value,Account No/\nOrder No";
    var wid =
    "90,43.2699356842522,91.5969497381748,87.4747020181826,60.4473499934867,67.9851014914014, 90.2231829093762,111.8984058876167,134.104372277509";
    var alig = "left ,left, left , left , left , right , right ,
    right , left ";
    var halig = "center ,center,center , center , center , center
    , center , center , center ";
    var fxdata:Array = new Array();
    fxdata[0]= new Array("67676
    GPACKET","Buy","Expired","05/09/2007 06:04:20 PM","Day","200
    4.34","0 0.00","MYR 0.00","423423423432");
    fxdata[1]= new Array("054066
    FASTRAK","Buy","Expired","05/09/2007 01:45:18 PM","Day","47,900
    0.27","0 0.00","MYR 0.00","fdsfsdfsdf");
    fxdata[2]= new Array("737013
    HUBLINE","Sell","Expired","05/09/2007 11:53:19 AM","Day","400
    0.69","0 0.00","MYR 0.00","93743");
    fxdata[3]= new Array("31474
    L&G","Buy","Expired","03/09/2007 11:35:35 AM","Day","500
    0.70","0 0.00","MYR 0.00","389dskjfsd");
    fxdata[4]= new Array("38182
    GENTING","Buy","Expired","28/08/2007 11:38:59 AM","Day","500
    7.35","0 0.00","MYR 0.00","90sklsdakl");
    fxdata[5]= new Array("05005
    PALETTE","Buy","Expired","28/08/2007 11:08:23 AM","Day","500
    0.115","0 0.00","MYR 0.00","jsdaflk;as");
    fxdata[6]= new Array("093082
    GPACKET","Buy","Expired","27/08/2007 03:49:43 PM","Day","300
    3.82","0 0.00","MYR 0.00","jsdafj;sda");
    fxdata[7]= new Array("644769
    KELADI","Buy","Expired","27/08/2007 11:05:36 AM","Day","10,000
    0.30","0 0.00","MYR 0.00","jsadjf;lkdas");
    fxdata[8]= new Array("676653
    KASSETS","Buy","Expired","24/08/2007 06:15:33 PM","Day","500
    2.93","0 0.00","MYR 0.00","jlsdf;adas");
    fxdata[9]= new Array("473323
    JAKS","Buy","Expired","23/08/2007 04:45:03 PM","Day","100 0.915","0
    0.00","MYR 0.00","jjkljsdlfasd");
    fxdata[10]= new Array("03069
    IPOWER","Buy","Expired","22/08/2007 10:18:01 AM","Day","9,800
    0.365","0 0.00","MYR 0.00","jlajsd;lfjads");
    fxdata[11]= new Array("05025
    LNGRES","Buy","Expired","21/08/2007 03:08:06 PM","Day","9,900
    0.28","0 0.00","MYR 0.00","jlkjsdafl");
    fxdata[12]= new Array("01308 N2N","Buy","Expired","21/08/2007
    10:34:51 AM","Day","200 1.71","0 0.00","MYR 0.00","mjkjadsflasd");
    fxdata[13]= new Array("70069
    IPOWER","Buy","Cancelled","21/08/2007 10:02:08 AM","Day","0
    0.37","0 0.00","MYR 0.00","jkjasd;fsda");
    fxdata[14]= new Array("03069
    IPOWER","Buy","Cancelled","20/08/2007 07:20:54 PM","Day","0
    0.38","0 0.00","MYR 0.00","jkjsdlkfjsdaf");
    fxdata[15]= new Array("12651
    MRCB","Buy","Replaced","20/08/2007 05:31:59 PM","Day","900 2.35","0
    0.00","MYR 0.00","upuewoirwe");
    var mdtgrid:DataGrid;
    function initial(){
    _root.mdtgrid =
    _root.createClassObject(mx.controls.DataGrid, "xxx",
    function setData(){ //insert data to datagrid
    var temp:Array = new Array();
    for (var i in _root.fxdata){
    = new Object();
    for (var j in _root.fxdata){
    [j] = _root.fxdata[j];
    _root.mdtgrid.dataProvider =temp;
    function setdgStyle(){
    var rowhight = 40;
    var noofrow = 8;
    var headerheight = 35;
    var gridheight = (rowhight * noofrow) + headerheight ;
    _root.mdtgrid.setSize(800, gridheight);
    _root.mdtgrid.rowHeight =rowhight;
    function setHeader(datasource:Array){ //set header label
    var leng:Number = _root.mdtgrid.columnCount;
    var sleng:Number = datasource.length;
    var temp:Object;
    for (i =0 ;i<leng;i++){
    if (i>=sleng){
    _root.mdtgrid.getColumnAt(i).headerText = datasource
    function setWidth(datasource:Array){ //set columns width
    var leng:Number = _root.mdtgrid.columnCount;
    var sleng:Number = datasource.length;
    var temp:Object;
    for (i =0 ;i<leng;i++){
    if (i>=sleng){
    _root.mdtgrid.getColumnAt(i).width = Number(datasource);
    function setAlign(datasource:Array){ //set Alignment
    var leng:Number = _root.mdtgrid.columnCount;
    var sleng:Number = datasource.length;
    var temp:Object;
    for (i =0 ;i<leng;i++){
    if (i>=sleng){
    temp = _root.mdtgrid.getColumnAt(i);

    Anyone know how to fix it ?

  • Urgent help required to make variableRowHeight & rowCount work hand in hand for a Datagrid

    I am using variableRowHeight property on a datagrid to wrap the text and this works perfectly.
    At the same time, I have to assign rowCount dynamically. My logic for caluculating rowCount is rowcount = sampleData.length > 5 ? 5:sampleData.length; where sampleData is my ArrayCollection. The caluculation happens correctly.
    The issue here is rows of the datagrid do not show correctly.
    From the post I understood that both variableRowHeight & rowCount do not work hand in hand.
    So, I tried removing variableRowHeight and it works fine. The solution says using measureHeightOfItems and viewMetrics to calculate the height may solve the issue. I did not understand it very clearly.
    Can anyone let me know the solution with example.
    <?xml version="1.0"?><mx:Application  xmlns:mx="" initialize="init()" xmlns:itemren="
    import com.vo.HeaderVO; 
    import com.vo.DataVO; 
    import mx.utils.ObjectUtil; 
    import mx.collections.IViewCursor; 
    import mx.controls.Alert; 
    import mx.collections.ArrayCollection; 
    public static var sampleData:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection (); 
    public var rowcount:int; 
    public function init():void { 
    sampleData.addItem( { AssetNo :
    "234567890", AssetName : "Asset Name 1", Amount : "10000.02" } );sampleData.addItem( { AssetNo :
    "234567891", AssetName : "Asset Name 2", Amount :"2.04" } );sampleData.addItem( { AssetNo :
    "234567892", AssetName : "Asset Name 3", Amount : "4578.00" } );sampleData.addItem( { AssetNo :
    "234567893", AssetName : "Asset Name 4", Amount : "384.00" } );sampleData.addItem( { AssetNo :
    "234567894", AssetName : "Asset Name 5", Amount : "21454.20" } );sampleData.addItem( { AssetNo :
    "234567890", AssetName : "Asset Name 1", Amount : "10000.02" } );sampleData.addItem( { AssetNo :
    "234567891", AssetName : "Asset Name 2", Amount :"2.04" } );sampleData.addItem( { AssetNo :
    "234567892", AssetName : "Asset Name 3", Amount : "4578.00" } ); 
    trace ("sampleData.length ========= "+sampleData.length); 
    rowcount = sampleData.length > 5 ? 5:sampleData.length;
    trace("count is ==== "+rowcount); 
    trace("dg.rowCount is === "+ObjectUtil.toString(dg.rowCount)); 
     <mx:Panel title="POC for dynamic rowCount of datagrid" height="100%" width="100%" paddingTop="
    10" paddingLeft="10" paddingRight="10"> 
    <mx:DataGrid id="dg" width="50%" wordWrap="true" variableRowHeight="
     <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="AssetNo" headerText="Asset No" paddingLeft="20" />
     <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="AssetName" headerText="Asset Name" paddingLeft="20"/>
     <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="Amount" headerText="Amount" paddingLeft="20"/>  

    have you checked your bindings not only for the WF --> Method, also for the Method --> WF?
    Of course I mean the bindings between Task and Method / Method and Task
    Edited by: Christoph Schle on Dec 21, 2007 11:05 AM

  • How do I get rid of the 3d effect when opening home screen? It gives me a headache.

    How do I get rid of the 3d effect when opening home screen? It gives me a headache.

    jimginakouri wrote:
    It's more of a "zoom-in/zoom-out" every time you turn on home screen or open/close an app.
    THAT you can't change. Silly of Apple not to provide a setting to back out the animation effects either as a whole or individually.

  • How do I reference the data object in a DataGrid to show an image correctly in Acrobat?

    I'm creating an inferface for an Acrobat application  and I'm having a issue with displaying an image in a grid.  When I hard code the source="statusNONE.png" it works as intended (with an image, not the image associated with each grid item), however, when I try to use the source="{data.@icon}" to reference the dataProvider (XMLListCollection) I get nothing.  Not a broken image or anything.  I think I may just not be referencing the XMLListCollection correctly, otherwise I don't know why it would work with hard coding vs. fetching the string from the XML.
    //Application Header (Flex 4.5)
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx=""
                                     width="100%" height="100%" creationComplete="eaton_creationCompleteHandler(event)"
    //Sample of XML that gets used as basis for XMLListCollection
         <Annot name='TEST' index='14' feedback='' canConstruct='0' icon='statusNONE.png'/>
    //creation of the XMLListCollection from String
    [Bindable] protected var fullXML:XML;
    [Bindable] protected var fullXMLCol:XMLListCollection;
    protected function loadXML(xmlString:String):void
          fullXML = new XML(xmlString);
         var fullXMLList:XMLList = fullXML.children();
          fullXMLCol = new XMLListCollection(fullXMLList);
    <s:DataGrid left="0" top="0" bottom="0" width="142" dataProvider="{fullXMLCol}"
                                            requestedRowCount="4" rowHeight="30"
                                            <s:GridColumn dataField="@name" headerText="Annotations"></s:GridColumn>
                                            <s:GridColumn headerText="status" width="30" >
                                                                                    <s:Image width="30" height="30" source="{data.@icon}"/> //THIS IS THE PART THAT SEEMS TO BE GIVNG ME TROUBLE!
                                  <fx:Object dataField1="Sample Data" dataField2="Sample Data" dataField3="Sample Data"></fx:Object>
    Additional information.  I'm using the resources tab for the flash embedding in Acrobat for my images. This works when I am hard coding the file name string works for the source without having to add a full path, the images are not technically bundled into the swf.   I just don't understand why using the data object to get that same string would show different results.
    tl;dr: GridItemRenderer works to show images when hard coded but not when using {data}.
    UPDATE: Figured it out, needed to add a toString() to the data.@icon.   I had assumed it was a string being handed over, I assumed wrong.

    Probably because data.@icon isn't a String, it is an XMLList, and source property is an Object not a String so the runtime doesn't automatically convert it.
      Try [email protected]()

  • Datagrid rearranging columns?

    I'm having a problem. This code i have written will import
    the XML but it rearranges the fields when i do this:
    "for (var subKey:String in data[0])"
    All of the fields come through but the subKey order is not in
    the order of the actual XML. Is there any way to get the
    "$ColumnNames[$w]" var from php over to flex in the same order?
    I don't know if i just reinvented the wheel, but it was
    definitely a good learning experience.
    MXML is first then PHP is second. Some of the code is copied
    off other examples. I didn't see any copyrights but let me know if
    there are any problems. O and the error thing doesn't work on the
    PHP page.

    I am look for a solution to a similar problem.
    I've got this nice little .fla that displays a DataGrid component (Flash CS3 Professional) using a DataProvider created from XML loaded from URLRequest/URLLoader (.asp source, but could be PHP, etc.).
    It works great except for one little annoying item.  The order of the columns seems to be totally arbitrary.
    I was expecting the order of the column to be the same as they occur in the XML DATA element.
    Here is a sample DATA element (there are serveral such DATA elements in the XML:
      <AreaName>TN, VA</AreaName>
      <BoardName>TN, VA</BoardName>
    Here is the function that builds DataGrid:
    function returnAJAXcallback(evtObj:Event):void{
    // executed by URLLoader event listener "complete"
    // load the XML returned from .asp into XML object
    var myXML:XML = XML(;   
    // create a data provider from the XML
    var myDP = new DataProvider(myXML);  
    // create a DataGrid
    var myDataGrid:DataGrid = new DataGrid;  
    // set the data provider
    myDataGrid.width = 900;
    myDataGrid.height = 500;
    // show DataGrid on stage
    for each (var child:XML in myXML.DATA) {
      trace(child) ;  // list each DATA segment
    Here is the order that the columns appear in the DataGrid (left to right):
    So, how in the world does Flash come up with this order?
    Why not default to the order in which the columns appear in the XML?
    Now, if some nice person knows the answer (I'm pretty new to Flash), what do I need to do (with as little code as possible) to get the columns ordered in a similar fashion to the order in which the XML data elements appear?
    Thanks to all.

Maybe you are looking for