DataGrid not reflecting changes after INSERT into Table. Delete from Table does.

Wow, it's been a while.
Hope you guys can help.
This is my DataGrid:
<DataGrid DataContext="{StaticResource TableAssetsViewSource}" ItemsSource="{Binding}" x:Name="TableAssetsDataGrid" AutoGenerateColumns="False" EnableRowVirtualization="True" Margin="15,10,10,10" RowDetailsVisibilityMode="VisibleWhenSelected" Grid.Column="1" HeadersVisibility="Column" CanUserResizeRows="False" IsReadOnly="True">
<Style TargetType="DataGridCell">
<Setter Property="BorderThickness" Value="0"/>
<DataGridTextColumn x:Name="NodeColumn" Binding="{Binding node}" Header="VS Number" Width="*"/>
<DataGridTextColumn x:Name="SerialColumn" Binding="{Binding serial}" Header="Serial Number" Width="*"/>
<DataGridTextColumn x:Name="NameColumn" Binding="{Binding name}" Header="Asset Name" Width="*"/>
<DataGridTextColumn x:Name="TypeColumn" Binding="{Binding type}" Header="Asset Type" Width="*"/>
<DataGridTextColumn x:Name="_dateColumn" Binding="{Binding date}" Header="Date Allocated" Width="*"/>
<DataGridTextColumn x:Name="PoColumn" Binding="{Binding po}" Header="Purchase Order" Width="*"/>
This is where I add a new Row to the Table:
Private Sub Button_Click_1(sender As Object, e As RoutedEventArgs)
Dim cbblocation As ComboBox = Me.FindName("LocationComboBox")
Dim row As DataRowView = DirectCast(cbblocation.SelectedItem, DataRowView)
Dim cbbtext As String = row.Item("node")
Dim cbbtype As ComboBox = Me.FindName("comboBoxType")
Dim cbbtext2 As String = cbbtype.Text
Dim RETAILISOAMDDataSetTableAssetsTableAdapter As Retail_ISO_AMD.RETAILISOAMDDataSetTableAdapters.tableAssetsTableAdapter = New Retail_ISO_AMD.RETAILISOAMDDataSetTableAdapters.tableAssetsTableAdapter()
RETAILISOAMDDataSetTableAssetsTableAdapter.AddNewAsset(cbbtext, txbSerial.Text, txbName.Text, cbbtext2, Date.Today, txbPO.Text)
node = cbbtext
Dim mp As New MainPage
End Sub
The RefreshGrid method:
Public Sub RefreshGrid(node As String)
Dim RETAILISOAMDDataSetTableAssetsTableAdapter As Retail_ISO_AMD.RETAILISOAMDDataSetTableAdapters.tableAssetsTableAdapter = New Retail_ISO_AMD.RETAILISOAMDDataSetTableAdapters.tableAssetsTableAdapter()
RETAILISOAMDDataSetTableAssetsTableAdapter.FillByNode(RETAILISOAMDDataSet.tableAssets, node)
Dim TableAssetsViewSource As System.Windows.Data.CollectionViewSource = CType(Me.FindResource("TableAssetsViewSource"), System.Windows.Data.CollectionViewSource)
Dim be As BindingExpression = BindingOperations.GetBindingExpression(TableAssetsViewSource, CollectionViewSource.SourceProperty)
End Sub
And this is what I use to delete a row from the table (and without doing anything special, the DataGrid auto-updates with the changes):
Private Sub Button_Click_4(sender As Object, e As RoutedEventArgs)
If TableAssetsDataGrid.SelectedIndex = -1 Then
MsgBox("You have selected nothing to Delete!", MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "Nothing Selected")
Dim dgv As DataGridTextColumn = Me.FindName("NodeColumn")
Dim row As DataRowView = DirectCast(Me.TableAssetsDataGrid.SelectedItem, DataRowView)
Dim dgvText As String = row.Item("node")
Dim dgv2 As DataGridTextColumn = Me.FindName("SerialColumn")
Dim row2 As DataRowView = DirectCast(Me.TableAssetsDataGrid.SelectedItem, DataRowView)
Dim dgvText2 As String = row.Item("serial")
Dim dgv3 As DataGridTextColumn = Me.FindName("NameColumn")
Dim row3 As DataRowView = DirectCast(Me.TableAssetsDataGrid.SelectedItem, DataRowView)
Dim dgvText3 As String = row.Item("name")
Dim dgv4 As DataGridTextColumn = Me.FindName("TypeColumn")
Dim row4 As DataRowView = DirectCast(Me.TableAssetsDataGrid.SelectedItem, DataRowView)
Dim dgvText4 As String = row.Item("type")
Dim dgv5 As DataGridTextColumn = Me.FindName("_dateColumn")
Dim row5 As DataRowView = DirectCast(Me.TableAssetsDataGrid.SelectedItem, DataRowView)
Dim dgvText5 As String = row.Item("date")
Dim dgv6 As DataGridTextColumn = Me.FindName("POColumn")
Dim row6 As DataRowView = DirectCast(Me.TableAssetsDataGrid.SelectedItem, DataRowView)
Dim dgvText6 As String = row.Item("po")
Dim RETAILISOAMDDataSetTableAssetsTableAdapter As Retail_ISO_AMD.RETAILISOAMDDataSetTableAdapters.tableAssetsTableAdapter = New Retail_ISO_AMD.RETAILISOAMDDataSetTableAdapters.tableAssetsTableAdapter()
RETAILISOAMDDataSetTableAssetsTableAdapter.RemoveAsset(dgvText, dgvText2, dgvText3, dgvText4, dgvText5, dgvText6)
Dim cbb As ComboBox = Me.FindName("cbbLocation")
Dim row7 As DataRowView = DirectCast(cbb.SelectedItem, DataRowView)
Dim cbbtext As String = row.Item("node")
End If
End Sub
--------- End of Edit
It is bound to a Dataset which gets it's data from a SQL Database.
Loading the Data and Filtering the data based on certain conditions work 100%. The problem I am having is as follows:
I have a form on the Page that takes input and inserts a row into the Database. When this happens, the DataGrid won't automatically reflect the changes (even if I recall the Fill Method of the Dataset). No matter what I do, I have to refresh the entire page
and THEN Fill the Dataset to see any changes.
This is what strikes me as odd...
When I do a delete row operation on the Database (Custom Method on the Dataset with conditions), and just Fill the Dataset again (without doing anything special), the row deletes and the changes is reflected IMMEDIATELY.
What am I doing wrong here? Why would Delete Row reflect the changes on the DataGrid but no Insert Row?
Thanks in Advance.
(P.S. I am very rusty with my developing skills, I haven't done this in YEARS)

>>And what about the the most important question, how exactly is TableAssetsViewSource defined in the XAML markup and what is
its Source property set or bound to? And what about the reproducable sample...?
Here is the Markup of the TableAssetsViewSource:
<CollectionViewSource x:Key="TableRegionsViewSource" Source="{Binding tableRegions, Source={StaticResource RETAILISOAMDDataSet}}"/>
<CollectionViewSource x:Key="TableLocationsViewSource" Source="{Binding tableLocations, Source={StaticResource RETAILISOAMDDataSet}}"/>
<CollectionViewSource x:Key="TableAssetsViewSource" Source="{Binding tableAssets, Source={StaticResource RETAILISOAMDDataSet}}"/>
The ItemsSource of the DataGrid is bound to the TableAssetsViewSource:
<DataGrid DataContext="{StaticResource TableAssetsViewSource}" ItemsSource="{Binding}" x:Name="TableAssetsDataGrid" AutoGenerateColumns="False" EnableRowVirtualization="True" Margin="15,10,10,10" RowDetailsVisibilityMode="VisibleWhenSelected" Grid.Column="1" HeadersVisibility="Column" CanUserResizeRows="False" IsReadOnly="True">
Just remember, this code was auto-generated with the drag & drop onto the Page, so I did little in terms of setting the actual bindings.
All in all, what I have done so far works as intended, except that when I want to add a row to the table it does not reflect, and that it only shows after refreshing/restarting the application.
I will try and put together a reproducable sample.

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    You can only insert into one table at a time. Take a look here :
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    What user interface are you using?
    If the tool doesn't support the SQL*Plus syntax (set serveroutput on), it probably has an option somewhere to enable DBMS Output. Not even knowing what tool you're using, it's impossible for us to guess where that option might be configured.
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    stock_id   stock_code stock_description              stock_type terriory_code preferred code
    1185072     AED                    
    1185073     ARA     CURRENCY ARGENTINA PESO               
    1185074     ATS     CURRENCY AUSTRIAN SCHS     
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    stock_code        territory_code    stol_type stock_id  stck_code_type sys_entry_date
    AED          0 1185072     0     6/22/2007 3:59:13.000 PM
    ARA          0 1185073     0     6/22/2007 3:59:13.000 PM
    ATS          0     1185074     0     6/22/2007 3:59:13.000 PM
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    Edited by: user12852882 on Jun 12, 2010 2:37 AM

    It can be done using SQL (no loops required)
    insert into stock_table (stock_id,stock_code,stock_description)
    select stock_id,get_stock_code,stockdesc  /* get_stock_code is a function providing stock_code - usually a sequence value */
      from (select t.stock stock_id,t.stockdesc,s.stock_id stock_stock_id
              from temp_table t,stock_table s
             where t.stock = s.stock_id(+)
    where s.stock_id is null;
    insert into stol_table (stock_code,sys_entry_date) /* not clear where other values to be inserted will come from */
    select stock_code,sysdate
      from (select t.stock_code,s.stock_code stol_stock_code
              from (select distinct stock_code
                      from (select alias1 stock_code from temp_table union all
                            select alias2 from temp_table union all
                            select alias3 from temp_table union all
                            select alias4 from temp_table union all
                            select alias5 from temp_table union all
                            select alias6 from temp_table union all
                            select alias7 from temp_table union all
                            select alias8 from temp_table union all
                            select alias9 from temp_table union all
                            select alias10 from temp_table union all
                            select alias11 from temp_table union all
                            select alias12 from temp_table union all
                            select alias13 from temp_table union all
                            select alias14 from temp_table union all
                            select alias15 from temp_table union all
                            select alias16 from temp_table union all
                            select alias17 from temp_table union all
                            select alias18 from temp_table union all
                            select alias19 from temp_table union all
                            select alias20 from temp_table
                           )                                           /* use unpivot instead if you are 11g */
                     where stock_code is not null
                   ) t,stol_table s
             where t.stock_code = s.stock_code(+)
    where s.stock_code is null;
    and think about damorgan's post, you'll never regret it (especially when you will not just think)

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    Here's some code to demonstrate. Note that relational tables, not an object table, are used to store object instances:
    create or replace type TInnerNestedTable
    is table of varchar2(20)
    create or replace type TOuterNestedTable
    is table of TInnerNestedTable
    create or replace type TMyObject
    is object
         id     varchar2(20)
    ,     tab     TOuterNestedTable
    table     T_MY_OBJECT
         id          varchar2(20)     not null
    ,     primary key (id)
    table     T_MY_OBJECT_TAB_OUTER
         id          varchar2(20)     not null
    ,     outerIndex     integer          not null
    ,     primary key (id, outerIndex)
    ,     foreign key (id) references T_MY_OBJECT on delete cascade
    table     T_MY_OBJECT_TAB_INNER
         id          varchar2(20)     not null
    ,     outerIndex     integer          not null
    ,     innerIndex     integer          not null
    ,     innerValue     varchar2(20)
    ,     primary key (id, outerIndex, innerIndex)
    ,     foreign key (id, outerIndex) references T_MY_OBJECT_TAB_OUTER on delete cascade
    create or replace view V_MY_OBJECT
    of TMyObject
    with object identifier (id)
    ,     cast(multiset(
              select     cast(multiset(
                        select     i.innerValue
                        from     T_MY_OBJECT_TAB_INNER i
                        where =
                        and     i.outerIndex = o.outerIndex
                   ) as TInnerNestedTable)
              from     T_MY_OBJECT_TAB_OUTER o
              where =
         ) as TOuterNestedTable)
    from     T_MY_OBJECT t
    create or replace trigger TR_II_V_MY_OBJECT
    instead of insert on V_MY_OBJECT
    for each row
         into     T_MY_OBJECT
         values     (
         into     T_MY_OBJECT_TAB_OUTER
         ,     outerIndex
         ,     rownum
         from     table( o;
         into     T_MY_OBJECT_TAB_INNER
         ,     outerIndex
         ,     innerIndex
         ,     innerValue
         ,     o.outerIndex
         ,     rownum
         ,     value(i)
         from     (
              ,     rownum outerIndex
              ,     value(o) innerTab
              from     table( o
              ) o
         ,     table(o.innerTab) i;
    into     V_MY_OBJECT
    values     (
         new TMyObject(
         ,     TOuterNestedTable(
              ,     TInnerNestedTable('AA')
              ,     TInnerNestedTable('AB')
    into     V_MY_OBJECT
    values     (
         new TMyObject(
         ,     TOuterNestedTable(
              ,     TInnerNestedTable('Hello', 'World!')
    /Selecting from the view shows the results:
    select     value(o)
    from     V_MY_OBJECT o
    2 rows selected.Hope that helps...

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    2) i see the item rendered correctly in the HorizontalList
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    added item, all the others that were already in the list work fine
    (highlight and can be selected).
    I've tried calling validateNow() on the HorizontalList after
    inserting into the dataprovider but it doesn't help at all.
    Please help.

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    Is the above set up performance inefficient? Is partitioning the table in which the trigger inserts will improve the performance?

    I think if you want to consider an efficient solution, I would look at not implementing your requirements using triggers. If possible consider an API approach where whatever "applicaiton" is being used calls a PL/SQL package that will update both tables if necessary. There are a number of disadvantages to using triggers.
    Edited by: Centinul on Jan 2, 2009 11:48 PM
    Check out this recent thread on triggers: Should one really avoid triggers???

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    I am working on a page with all the layers hidden.
    So the thumbnail is blank
    When I show a layer it appears on the page.
    The thumbnail however does not change.
    Why do the thumbnails not reflect changes I make to pages?

    Hi Jules,
    The behavior is same in Acrobat 11 as well. The thumbnails do not get refreshed till you close the document and reopen.

  • A trigger that changes an insert into an update?

    This is probably a quite unusual question, but is it possible to create a trigger that changes an insert into an update?
    So, if someone tries to do something like this:
    INSERT INTO SOME_TABLE (column1, column2, column3) VALUES (value1, value2, value3);
    ...the trigger is able to change it into:
    UPDATE SOME_TABLE column1=value1, column2=value2, column3=value3 WHERE ID=1;
    Can it be done?

    You can do things like that in an INSTEAD OF INSERT trigger.
    See the PL/SQL manual for details:
    INSTEAD of triggers only work on views. Of course, you can create a view as "SELECT * FROM some_table" just so you can use an INSTEAD OF trigger.

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    Hi Suport,
    My iphone was stolen yesterday so I decided to delete my device in find my iphone,  but the it has not yet been deleted bec the device is not connected to the internet yet. Can I undo my changes before it will be deleted from icloud? I want to undo the changes because I may find my phone when it connects to the internet. Thank you
    See image below:
    email is [email protected] for questions thank you Apple. I hope you could help me.

    Sorry, you can't undo your action remotely.

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    Any deletion Flag should also be checked?
    Thanks in advance!

    Thanks for reply !
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    Why they are appearing in PRPS table and how it can be deleted?
    Thanks !

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    PRODCTL                        F9001                                                     1683         46       2171            11-12-13 18:23:39             0                   NO
    Audit is enable in my enviroment?
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    SQL> show parameter audit
    NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
    audit_file_dest                      string      /oracle/admin/pbowe/adump
    audit_sys_operations                 boolean     TRUE
    audit_syslog_level                   string
    audit_trail                          string      DB, EXTENDED
    please help

    LOGMiner --> Using LogMiner to Analyze Redo Log Files
    AUDIT --> Configuring and Administering Auditing

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