Dataload fail

Hi Gurus, I see that a load has failed with "error 4 in update". It is a text infopackage loaded for master data infoobject. Looks like there might be invalid character that might be causing this error message. I do not see the option to go to PSA from the monitor nor when I go to PSA from RSA1, I see the PSA request for this infosource. Where can I go to fix this problem?

You cannot correct this on BI side if the load is not thru PSA.
Do this - Go for " From PSA to datatarget " load will fail after running.
Now u can go to PSA from RSMO -Find the error record correct it - Right Click on Req - Update with scheduler
Message was edited by:
        Jr Roberto

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  • DSO dataload Fail on particular condition

    Hi Friends,
    I have the following requirement and I couldnt find the solution. Kindly help me.
    There is a transformation to DSO in which "Cost center" is a read Master data from "Material".
    The client will be changing the master data of material at times.
    So the requirement is, for a particular material say "180005" if the cost center is "5001", then the dataload should be successful. If the costcenter is other than "5001", then the dataload should fail. And it should indicate "Master Data has been changed" in the error message.
    I dont have an clue how to acheive this.
    Kindly give your inputs.

    Hi M Tibollo,
    Thanks for the quick reply and valuable time.
    M Tibollo wrote:
    if the sy-subrc is not null, enter a message in the message tab of the routine.
    Can you please elaborate on this.
    I understood the following from your sugesstion,
    1. The Master data of material (costcenter) is read through start routine.
    2. Conditional check is done in field routine of costcenter.
        (IF Material = '180005' and Costcenter = '5001'.
         sy-subrc = 0.
         sy-subrc = 1.
    3. IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        here how to enter a message in message tab of the routine. I never had done it before.
    My doubt is will the data load also fails?

  • Iin process chain master dataload failed

    Error when sending data request
    The request IDoc could not be sent to the source system using RFC.
    System Response
    There is an IDoc in the Warehouse outbox that did not arrive in the ALE inbox of the source system.
    Further analysis:
    Check the TRFC log.
    You can access this log using the wizard or menu path "Environment -> Transact. RFC -> In Data Warehouse".
    Error handling:
    In particular, check the authorizations for the background user in BI.
    main problem is this is  not occuring daily .only in sundays it is failing with this particular error.
    please help me providing a clear solution
    advance thanks

    May be there are some RFC connection issue during Sunday?
    This might be due to Basis activity to clean up the failed logs and the other acttivities...
    So check with your basis to get the proper status.
    The only thing what you do is that you need to get thedetails of their activities and timings and accordingly you need to change the loading timings of the process chains.
    Hope this helps..

  • ODI dataloading Fails With ORA-01729: database link name expected

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              can any one provide me the solution for this error..

    The correct syntax for denoting a table in a remote database follows:
    username.table_name@ database_name

  • Null transformation in Studio generated rules fails to build / load

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    Todd Binenstock

    Thanks. It's been a trip. Yes, ultimately I gave up and got an NVL() put into the view I was given.
    I looked at the load rule and it appears to do the null substitution when you manually retrieve/view the records within the rule, but it clearly fails to work when it actually builds/loads.
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    I was trying to use the tool for transformations instead of SQL, mostly to see what it can do. So far, not so happy on the nulls. I think its more of a load rule issue than a Studio issue. Just wish someone would make it work like you'd expect. I am getting good at workarounds, but a little tired of things almost working as advertised.
    Todd Binenstock

  • Problem in Dataload for Statistics Infocube

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    An exception occurred that is explained in detail below.
    The exception, which is assigned to class 'CX_PARAMETER_INVALID_RANGE', was not
    caught in  procedure "GET_MD_TIMESTAMP" "(METHOD)", nor was it propagated by a RAISING   clause.
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    Parameter has invalid value: Parameter SYST_DATE/SYST_TIME has invalid value
    From the Short dump, it seems the dataload failures is due to the problem in Time stamp & date variation.  We checked the system date and time and is showing the correct value only.  We are confused on what could be the problem.  Is there any specific OSS Note to solve this issue? 
    Your help is highly appreciated.

    Hi Daya,
    Thanks for your time.
    I tried the step.  I gave the Source system name as {"BITCLNT001" & Datasource name as "0TCT_DS01", i am getting a pop-up message "There is no Datasource with these attributes".   
    The Datasource name is correct only, i am not sure why this pop message is displayed.

  • Automated MetaData Load

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    Many thanks.

    .err genrates only when
    no proper names for member
    no proper alise name .. while data loading...etc etc
    These things can also be achived via some programing langague ... like java .. but u need to know all the possible error and your programme should be able to find out where it has gone wrong so that it can rebuild if any new member or child is missing via data load
    unix > u can use SED functions to do that which will find and replace any possible outcomes
    itb happen to me some time back where i used Java to replace some mmebr which used to get rejected while data loading .. but it was like specific butin ur case u have to know all possible outcomes ...

  • Report names in AL11

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    1. where can I find the table which is having daily dataloads status, i.e. I want to know the load is sucess or failed?. If success how many records update to cube.
    2. I'm running RSCRM_BAPI and dumpig the Reports into Application Server (AL11), I wanto dump the reports based on daywise like.
    i.e. I want to give file name called SOH + date, I know that in description we can give Text variable with customer exit then we get date, but in Technical name I want Date like above.
    3.Totally I have 4 dataloads through process chain only and if any one of the dataload failed I don't want to update the files in Application server i.e. don't want to run RSCRM_BAPI.
    Here the importency is for FIle name + date SOH07112008 (it means Stock on Hand on 07-11-2008).
    I want to trigger mail in each stage.
    i.e. Dataloads, RSCRM_BAPI triggered or not?. and files updated in AL11 or not?
    How can I do it.

    Dear Praveen,
    How can dump the report in AL11 based on date, i.e. I want to SOH07112008 like that, dynamically need to change the data at the end of SOH, because I don't want to overwrite files in AL11, I want to keep files for one week.
    My requirement is:
    I have 4 reports in BW, that I want to run every day at 5 AM and then keep in some path "\Reports", so how can I do it?. please tell me.
    Hi, is there nay other way to dump the reports in to FTP path like "\Reports".
    Please suggest me.
    Edited by: Ganga on Nov 7, 2008 12:32 PM

  • BW Statistics - 0BWTC_C03  - unable to run extractor and get data

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    and deselected all and then selected the ODS Objects and Cubes that I wanted data to be calculated for.
    I went into the cube that I was interested in 0BWTC_C03 and saw that there was an error on the dataload.
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    fields for selection.
    Has anyone run into the problem before?
    Are they any sort of setup tables that can be emptied?  I just need to pull data from today on.  I don't want the
    system to try to load any of the previous data (it wasn't valuable).

    hi Jana,
    not sure if deleting statistical data will solve the problem,
    to delete statistical data (RSDDSTAT* tables), you can go to RSA1 - InfoProvider - Tools - BW Statistics for InfoProvider, in next screen there is 'delete statistical data' (trash icon), or you can try program (se38) RSDDK_STA_DEL_DATA, specify the date. please note once these tables' data deleted, it will be gone.
    hope this helps.

  • Query to check modified records

    I have a situation, one of my user was running dataload on production database and somehow dataload failed its sequence and opened screens and it was not supposed to. Today, we discovered that some BOM master records were modified and diagnosing the issue from Last_updated_by column and username is pointing to a session of the same user. The conclusion is that dataload might have changed other records too.
    To solve this issue, I need to code a SQL that will give me a list of all tables / records in the database that were changed by this user on an particular date.
    Can someone please tell me am I safe to get the table name from all_tables or does things work different in APPS 11i?
    Edited by: aali on 09-May-2011 01:41

    You may be overcautious.
    Typically (but not always), when data load goes out of sync, it is rare that it will affect unrelated entities (unless you had ALT key in the dataload file).
    Which screens were you performing data load on? Were they bom screens?
    You can use the following
    SELECT    'select count(1) '
           || table_name
           || ' from '
           || owner
           || '.'
           || table_name
           || ' where last_update_date > sysdate - 1 and last_updated_by = 11531;'
      FROM all_tables AT
              SELECT 1
                FROM all_tab_columns atc
               WHERE atc.table_name = AT.table_name
                 AND atc.owner = AT.owner
                 AND atc.column_name = 'LAST_UPDATED_BY')
       AND EXISTS (
              SELECT 1
                FROM all_tab_columns atc
               WHERE atc.table_name = AT.table_name
                 AND atc.owner = AT.owner
                 AND atc.column_name = 'LAST_UPDATE_DATE')
       --AND owner IN ('AP','GL','AR','FND')Add code to narrow down the list above otherwise it will return too many records.
    Hope this helps,
    Sandeep Gandhi

  • Dataload BI 7 EHP1 from SAP 4.7 fails

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    "Extraction: Missing Message: Request Received".
    However the connection works and all parameters have been set as proposed by SAP. Comunication and idoc settings are o.k.

    Hello Thomas,
    I searched SDN and Notes using START_OF_BACKGROUNDTASK but found nothing helpful. How about right click on source systems and choose "check"? And can you load global settings from the source systems? This is for confirming RFC connection is ok.
    And could you please also check tcode SM21, ST22 and see if there's anything useful?
    Or please consider send an OSS message to SAP. The version is really new

  • Demantra dataload help - Update of datastore failed !

    Hello All
    I have been working on a POC to load some sample data into demantra 7.2. Its a plain vanilla demantra install. This is the data I have ...
    Item :
    Location :
    Organization 1
    Site 1
    Organization 1
    Site 2
    Organization 1
    Site 1
    Organization 1
    Site 2
    I have configured : sales_date,actual_quantity,ship, description and data model is looking something like this;
    Item source :
    Location source:
    Data model:
    >>> However, when I am trying to build the data model, I am getting this error message.
    I don't see any error recorded in the log files as well. Need pointers, how to debug data model issues.
    Sorry for the long post. Appreciate any help/ pointers on this.

    I managed to load the data with no errors. Now I can see the data in worksheets. However, I had to use the existing (seeded) item and location levels in the data model.
    To investigate what I was doing wrong, I again tried to load the data by creating new item and location levels in data model.
    These are the steps I followed to add new levels --
    1 - Add new columns in T_SRC_LOC_TMPL, item and sales from external tool
    2 - Inserted the relevant data into newly added columns
    2 - Right click on the existing level and select "Create Relation" and selecting the appropriate table and col names in Select Source Data.
    3 - Now when I try to rebuild the model by selecting "Upgrade existing model". Its throwing error
    Error: ORA 20001: ORA 20001: ORA 20002 -24344 ORA-ORA-24344: Success with compilation error in PACKAGE BODY DATA_MODEL.BUILD_CHECK_DATA line 3095
    Am i missing any important step of adding a new level? Can someone please advise if what I did is making sense and help me resolve this.
    Many Thanks
    - Amit

  • Dataload problem in Ouline having duplicate members enabled

    Hello All,
    I have changed the 'Duplicate member name allowed' option in an essbase Outline properties from 'false' to 'true' in ver 9.3.1. Now, when I am going to load data through SQL rule file, then it is showing following errors--
    ODBC Layer Error: Native Error code [936]
    Failed to Establish Connection With SQL Database Server. See log for more information
    Transaction [ 0x280001( 0x4905b7d3.0x1e848 ) ] aborted due to status [1021001]
    and nothing is being loaded. The same SQL script is running fine in SQL Plus. Suppose, Outline has 3 dimentions as follows ------
    Category---Cat A
    X(duplicate member-child of cat A)
    Cat B
    X(duplicate member- child of cat B)
    Accounts---- Counts
    in sql script, data is retrieved as
    FY08 [Cat A].[X ] 50 100
    FY08 [Cat A].[Y ] 50 100
    FY08 [Cat B].[X ] 50 100
    (where 50 is counts and 100 is data of Amounts)
    Is any changes is required for the aforesaid outline property changes? How essbase handle the matter internally?
    Can anyone give me an illustrative example about how to handle dataload as well as Data retrieve part as far as Duplicate member option enabled Outline is concerned? Is there anything we will need to take into mind related to that?
    As the option has newly came in ver 9 and not there in the previous essbase versions, so it is a little bit confusing. Please elaborate accordingly.
    Thanks for all of your inputs.
    Edited by: ess_ess on Oct 27, 2008 4:26 AM
    Edited by: ess_ess on Oct 27, 2008 6:38 AM

    To ensure duplicate member outline hierarchies are built correctly, use qualified member names in data source or use the rules files to construct qualified member names from fields in the data source
    suppose we have this data set-
    West India Delhi 12344
    West India Bangalore 46544
    East "New york" "New york" 126787     
    Here I am using the RULE FILE to construct qualified member names--
    Step 1:- Create the additional TEXT fields, create one field each for the
    following text elements-
    Step 2:- Using the MOVE operation, move the fields to the following sequence:
    1 . .2 . .3 . .4 ..5 ... 6 . 7 . . . 8
    [   west  ].[  India  ].[  Delhi  ] 12344
    step 3:- Using JOIN operation, join together fields 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 to create a
    signle field as
    1     .     . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
    [west].[India].[Delhi] 12344
    you should specified the full qualified name in your DATA SOURCE.
    Hope it will help you.

  • Essbase Error(1021001) Failed to Establish Connection With SQL Database...?

    Hi there!
    I am very new in Essbase and I am receiving the error message quoted below while trying to load data in a Cube. Weird thing is that we have checked all connections already and they are working correctly, however this process is still failing.
    If someone can give us an idea to troubleshoot it, that would be really appreciated.
    Thanks very much in advance for any help and regards!
    MAXL> deploy data from model 'Production_GL_Cube_SchemaModel' in cube schema '\Production_GL\Cube_Schemas\Production_GL_Cube_Schema' login AdminUserAccount identified by MyPassword on host '' to application 'ORA_HFM' database 'GL' overwrite values using connection 'ServerName' keep all errors on error ignore dataload write 'E:\Logs\DataLoad_Error_2013.';
    BPM Connect Status: Success
    Failed to deploy Essbase cube. Caused by: Failed to load data into database: GL. Caused by: Cannot get async process
    state. Essbase Error(1021001): Failed to Establish Connection With SQL Database Server. See log for more information
    BPM maxl deployment ...failure.

    Hi Celvin,
    Thanks for your reply and my apologies for not coming back before on this issue.
    For the benefit of other readers, after hours struggling with the issue, we focused our attention in the following portion of the ORA_HFM.log file:
    [Sat Apr 20 11:48:34 2013]Local/ORA_HFM/GL/Service_Acct@Native Directory/54996/Info(1013157)
    Received Command [Import] from user [Service_Acct@Native Directory] using [GL.rul] with data file [SQL]
    [Sat Apr 20 11:48:34 2013]Local/ORA_HFM/GL/Service_Acct@Native Directory/8964/Info(1021041)
    Connection String is [DRIVER={DataDirect 6.1 Oracle Wire Protocol};;Port=1521;SID=PRODUCTION;UID=...;PWD=...;ArraySize=1000000;]
    [Sat Apr 20 11:48:34 2013]Local/ORA_HFM/GL/Service_Acct@Native Directory/8964/Info(1021006)
    SELECT Statement [SELECT cp_127."ACCT" AS "Accounts_CHILD",
             cp_127."PERIOD_MEMBER" AS "Period_CHILD",
             cp_127."PERIOD_YEAR" AS "Years_CHILD",
             'INPUT'  AS "View_CHILD",
             cp_127."ENTITY"  AS "Entity_CHILD",
             cp_127."PRODUCT_LINE" AS "Custom1_Product_CHILD",
             cp_127."Function" AS "Custom4_Function_CHILD",
             cp_127."B_U" AS "Business_Unit_ORACLEBUSINESS",
             cp_127."ORACLEFUNCTION" AS "Oracle_Function_CHILD",
             cp_127."LEGALENTITY" AS "Oracle_Entity_CHILD",
             'P' || cp_127."PRODUCTLINE" AS "Oracle_Product_CHILD",
             'A'[Sat Apr 20 11:48:34 2013]Local/ORA_HFM/GL/Service_Acct@Native Directory/8964/Info(1021043)
    Connection has been established
    [Sat Apr 20 11:48:34 2013]Local/ORA_HFM/GL/Service_Acct@Native Directory/8964/Info(1021044)
    Starting to execute query
    [Sat Apr 20 11:48:34 2013]Local/ORA_HFM/GL/Service_Acct@Native Directory/8964/Info(1021013)
    ODBC Layer Error: [S1000] ==> [[DataDirect][ODBC Oracle Wire Protocol driver][Oracle]ORA-04063: view "REP_ESSBASE.VW_GL_BALANCES" has errors]
    [Sat Apr 20 11:48:34 2013]Local/ORA_HFM/GL/Service_Acct@Native Directory/8964/Info(1021014)
    ODBC Layer Error: Native Error code [4063]
    [Sat Apr 20 11:48:34 2013]Local/ORA_HFM/GL/Service_Acct@Native Directory/8964/Error(1021001)
    Failed to Establish Connection With SQL Database Server. See log for more information
    [Sat Apr 20 11:48:34 2013]Local/ORA_HFM/GL/Service_Acct@Native Directory/8964/Error(1003050)
    Data Load Transaction Aborted With Error [1021001]
    Then we concentrated in the following error message: *ODBC Layer Error: [S1000] ==> [[DataDirect][ODBC Oracle Wire Protocol driver][Oracle]ORA-04063: view "REP_ESSBASE.VW_GL_BALANCES" has errors]*
    So, we checked the database and noticed the schema and their views were damaged and -due to this- they lost all their properties (like data types, for example). So, we had to recompile all of them in order to avoid any loss of data. This was done in TOAD, as per the following info:
    Finally, once all the views on this schema were rebuilt and fixed, we were able to deploy the Cube again.
    Hope this help in the future. Cheers!!

  • Export and Import of data fails

    Import and Export of data fails. Sometimes the application itself crashes when i try to import data. The error i get while importing data using a rule file is
    Reading Rule SQL Information For Database [Rev_FLA]
    Reading Rules From Rule Object For Database [Rev_FLA]
    Parallel dataload enabled: [1] block prepare threads, [1] block write threads.
    Unable to Allocate Aligned Memory for [pMemByte] in [adDatGetFreeBuffer].
    Reducing cache memory pages from [3996] to [1545] due to a lack of virtual memory.
    Transaction [ 0x1004a( 0x4e576783.0x92ba8 ) ] aborted due to status [1130203].
    Data Load Transaction Aborted With Error [1130203]
    Unexpected Essbase error 1003050
    The error from the application log is
    [Fri Aug 26 14:59:29 2011]Local/Plan_UAT/Rev_FLA/HypUser/25336/Info(1013166)
    Received Command [Import] from user [HypUser] using [L_RevFLA.rul]
    [Fri Aug 26 14:59:29 2011]Local/Plan_UAT/Rev_FLA/HypUser/25336/Info(1003040)
    Parallel dataload enabled: [1] block prepare threads, [1] block write threads.
    [Fri Aug 26 14:59:30 2011]Local/Plan_UAT/Rev_FLA/HypUser/22716/Info(1008139)
    Unable to Allocate Aligned Memory for [pMemByte] in [adDatGetFreeBuffer].
    [Fri Aug 26 14:59:30 2011]Local/Plan_UAT/Rev_FLA/HypUser/22716/Info(1006064)
    Reducing cache memory pages from [3996] to [1545] due to a lack of virtual memory.
    [Fri Aug 26 14:59:39 2011]Local/Plan_UAT/Rev_FLA/HypUser/22716/Warning(1080014)
    Transaction [ 0x1004a( 0x4e576783.0x92ba8 ) ] aborted due to status [1130203].
    [Fri Aug 26 14:59:41 2011]Local/Plan_UAT/Rev_FLA/HypUser/25336/Error(1003050)
    Data Load Transaction Aborted With Error [1130203]
    [Fri Aug 26 14:59:41 2011]Local/Plan_UAT/Rev_FLA/HypUser/25336/Info(1003037)
    Data Load Updated [1.52368e+007] cells
    [Fri Aug 26 14:59:41 2011]Local/Plan_UAT/Rev_FLA/HypUser/25336/Error(1013289)
    Command [Import] failed due to memory allocation failure
    What am i supposed to do? This happens in all the three cubes of the applicaion i Have. In all the three cubes, Index and data cache are set to 0.5 GB and the server RAM is 64GB.
    The size of the file i am trying to import is not more than 0.5 GB.

    You need to check how much memory your application is consuming, if it is windows 32bit then that will need to be less than 2GB.
    It sounds to me like it is asking for more than 2GB and cannot address anymore, the combination of the caches for all the databases in the application could be taking it close to the maximum and when the application asks for more memory it cannot get any from the OS.

Maybe you are looking for

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