Date Field in Hierarchical ALV

Hello Friends,
I have a few fields in my Hierarchical ALV output which are initially hidden.
When I choose to display these fields by changing the Layout the date fields come out in the form
I need those fields as 
The date fields which are NOT hidden initially  are in the format MM/DD/YYYY. No problem there.
When I go to settings and choose column width optimize I am then able to see these date fields as MM/DD/YYYY.
In My code I already set this col width to optimize. It is also working . But for fields which are hidden initially I have to explicitly set the width optimize again .
This problem is not there in GRID ALV.
Why is the HIER ALV not putting the date fields in MM/DD/YYYY format.

Just pass the Edit option of the fieldcatalog for those specific fields...
fcat-edit = 'X'.
      i_callback_program       = sy-cprog
      i_callback_pf_status_set = 'PF_STATUS_SET'
      i_callback_user_command  = 'USER_COMMAND'    "<----  pass this
      i_callback_top_of_page   = 'TOP'
      is_layout                = it_layout
      it_fieldcat              = it_fcat
      i_default                = 'X'
      i_save                   = 'A'
      it_events                = it_event
      t_outtab                 = it_final
      program_error            = 1
      OTHERS                   = 2.
*&      Form  USER_COMMAND
*       text
*      -->R_UCOMM      text
*      -->RS_SELFIELD  text
FORM user_command USING r_ucomm LIKE sy-ucomm
                        rs_selfield TYPE slis_selfield.
  CASE r_ucomm.
    WHEN '&DATA_SAVE'.                "<-------check this
      PERFORM save_data.
ENDFORM.                    "USER_COMMAND

Similar Messages

  • Editable fields in Hierarchical ALV output

    Hi Experts,
    I have developed a report using hierarchical ALV display. I wanted to make some of the fields(in a particular column) editable in the output of Hierarchical ALV. Please provide your suggestions with examples.

    I am not getting what u mean,.
    Coz I have done the editable property in my hierarcical ALV only...
    I have header line and correspodning item lines.
    In all header line I will make the 3rd column as editable...
    CHECK below
    *& Report  ZFIR_WRITE_OFF
    REPORT  zfir_write_off
                    NO STANDARD PAGE HEADING
                    MESSAGE-ID zles.
    TABLES: kna1, t001, zdunning_data, bsid, t052.
    To check for bukrs in selection screen
    DATA: BEGIN OF t_t001 OCCURS 0,
            bukrs TYPE t001-bukrs,
          END OF t_t001.
    To check for the customer in selection screen
    DATA: BEGIN OF t_kna1 OCCURS 0,
            kunnr TYPE kna1-kunnr,
            name1 TYPE kna1-name1,
          END OF t_kna1.
    *Data from BSID table
    DATA: BEGIN OF t_bsid OCCURS 0,
          bukrs LIKE bsid-bukrs,
          budat LIKE bsid-budat,
          kunnr LIKE bsid-kunnr,
          belnr LIKE bsid-belnr,
          zfbdt LIKE bsid-zfbdt,
          zterm LIKE bsid-zterm,
          dmbtr LIKE bsid-dmbtr,
          waers LIKE bsid-waers,
          vbeln LIKE bsid-vbeln,
          END OF t_bsid.
    *Data from ZDunning_data
    DATA: BEGIN OF t_zdunning OCCURS 0,
          belnr LIKE zdunning_data-belnr,
          kunnr LIKE zdunning_data-kunnr,
          zdef_notice_flg LIKE zdunning_data-zdef_notice_flg,
          zterm_notice_flg LIKE zdunning_data-zterm_notice_flg,
          END OF t_zdunning.
    *Data from t052 for base line days
    DATA: BEGIN OF t_t052 OCCURS 0,
          zterm LIKE t052-zterm,
          ztag1 LIKE  t052-ztag1,
          END OF t_t052.
    *with duedate and date for write off calculation
    DATA: BEGIN OF t_data OCCURS 0,
          belnr LIKE bsid-belnr,
          kunnr LIKE bsid-kunnr,
          zterm LIKE bsid-zterm,
          zfbdt LIKE bsid-zfbdt,
          ztag1 LIKE t052-ztag1,
          duedate LIKE bsid-zfbdt,
          wdate LIKE bsid-zfbdt,
          vbeln LIKE bsid-vbeln,
          dmbtr LIKE bsid-dmbtr,
          waers LIKE bsid-waers,
          budat LIKE bsid-budat,
          vbelv like vbfa-vbelv,
          Name1 like kna1-name1,
          END OF t_data.
    *Output display in ALV report
    DATA: BEGIN OF t_output OCCURS 0,
          Flag type C,
          bukrs LIKE bsid-bukrs,
          kunnr LIKE bsid-kunnr,
          vbeln LIKE bsid-vbeln,  "Invoice
          posnv like vbfa-posnv,
          wdate LIKE bsid-zfbdt,
          belnr LIKE bsid-belnr,
          dmbtr LIKE bsid-dmbtr,
          waers LIKE bsid-waers,
          budat LIKE bsid-budat,
          vbelv like vbfa-vbelv, "Contract
          name1 like kna1-name1,
          duedate like  bsid-zfbdt,
          END OF t_output.
    To get contract number for the billing document number
    DATA: BEGIN OF t_vbfa OCCURS 0,
          vbelv LIKE vbfa-vbelv,
          vbeln LIKE vbfa-vbeln,
          POSNV like vbfa-POSNV,
          END OF t_vbfa.
    data: begin of t_cust occurs 0,
          KUNNR like kna1-kunnr,
          name1 like kna1-name1,
          end of t_cust.
    data: begin of t_head occurs 0,
          VBELv like vbfa-vbelv,
          posnv like vbfa-posnv,
          end of t_head.
    data: begin of it_veda occurs 0,
          VBELn LIKE Veda-VBELN,
          POSNR LIKE Veda-VPOSN,
          end of it_veda.
                            VARIABLE DECLARATION
    DATA: l_duedate  LIKE bsid-zfbdt,
          l_wdate LIKE bsid-zfbdt.
                            VARIABLE FOR ALV DISPLAY
    DATA: t_fieldcat TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv,
          wa_fieldcat TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv.
    DATA: t_fieldcat1 TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv WITH HEADER LINE,
          wa_fieldcat1 TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv.
    DATA: t_layout TYPE slis_layout_alv.
    DATA: g_repid LIKE sy-repid.
    *Selection Screen Parameters for user input
    *Company Code
              p_bukrs LIKE t001-bukrs OBLIGATORY.
    *Customer Number
              s_kunnr FOR kna1-kunnr OBLIGATORY DEFAULT '0' TO 'ZZZZZZZZZZ'.
    *Write Off Date
              p_wodate TYPE sy-datum OBLIGATORY.
                            AT SELECTION-SCREEN
    *Selection Screen validation for Company code
      SELECT SINGLE bukrs FROM t001                             "#EC *
           INTO t_t001
           WHERE bukrs = p_bukrs.
      IF sy-subrc NE 0.
    *Error message for Invalid Company Code
        MESSAGE e000 WITH text-002.
    *Selection Screen Validation for Customer
      IF NOT s_kunnr IS INITIAL.
        SELECT SINGLE kunnr name1
             FROM kna1                                          "#EC *
             INTO t_kna1
             WHERE kunnr IN s_kunnr.
        IF sy-subrc NE 0.
    *Error message for Invalid Customer Number
          MESSAGE e000 WITH text-003.
      IF p_wodate IS INITIAL.
        p_wodate = sy-datum.
      PERFORM clear_data.
    *Get the Accounting Document Number and base line date  from BSID
      SELECT bukrs kunnr belnr budat zfbdt zterm dmbtr waers  vbeln
                  FROM bsid
                  INTO corresponding fields of TABLE t_bsid
                 WHERE kunnr IN s_kunnr AND
                        bukrs = p_bukrs.
      IF NOT t_bsid[] IS INITIAL.
    *Get the Dunning data based on the Accounting Document Number from BSID
        SELECT  belnr kunnr zdef_notice_flg zterm_notice_flg
                    FROM zdunning_data
                    INTO TABLE t_zdunning
                    FOR ALL ENTRIES IN t_bsid
                    WHERE kunnr = t_bsid-kunnr AND
                          belnr = t_bsid-belnr AND
                          zdef_notice_flg = 'Y' AND
                          zterm_notice_flg = 'Y'.
    *Get the base line days from t052 table based on BSID data
        SELECT zterm ztag1
                    FROM t052
                    INTO TABLE t_t052
                    FOR ALL ENTRIES IN t_bsid
                    WHERE zterm = t_bsid-zterm.
    *Calculate the due date(bse line date BSID-ZFBDT + base line days
    *T052-ZTAG )
        IF NOT t_zdunning[] IS INITIAL.
    Get the customer name
        Select KUNNR NAME1 from KNA1
                  INTO table t_cust
                  for all entries in t_zdunning
                  where kunnr = t_zdunning-kunnr.
         LOOP AT t_zdunning.
          LOOP AT t_bsid.
            CLEAR t_zdunning.
            READ TABLE t_zdunning WITH KEY belnr = t_bsid-belnr
                                       kunnr = t_bsid-kunnr.
            CHECK sy-subrc = 0.
            CLEAR t_t052.
            READ TABLE t_t052 WITH KEY zterm = t_bsid-zterm.
            IF sy-subrc = 0 .
              t_data-belnr = t_zdunning-belnr.
              t_data-kunnr = t_zdunning-kunnr.
            Clear t_cust.
            read table t_cust with key kunnr = t_zdunning-kunnr.
             if sy-subrc = 0.
             t_data-name1 = t_cust-name1.
              t_data-zterm = t_bsid-zterm.
              t_data-zfbdt = t_bsid-zfbdt.
              t_data-ztag1 = t_t052-ztag1.
              t_data-vbeln = t_bsid-vbeln.
              t_data-dmbtr = t_bsid-dmbtr.
              t_data-waers = t_bsid-waers.
              t_data-budat = t_bsid-budat.
    *calculate duedate
              CLEAR l_duedate.
              l_duedate = t_bsid-zfbdt + t_t052-ztag1.
              t_data-duedate = l_duedate.
    *calculate date for write off
              CLEAR l_wdate.
              l_wdate = l_duedate + 180.
              t_data-wdate = l_wdate.
              APPEND t_data.
              CLEAR l_wdate.
              CLEAR l_duedate.
          MESSAGE s000 WITH text-005.
    *Check the wdate with write off date in the selection screen value.
    *If this calculated date is Greater than value enetred in selection
    *screen, display the corresponding data in ALV report.
        IF NOT t_data[] IS INITIAL.
          SELECT vbelv vbeln
                    FROM vbfa
                    INTO TABLE t_vbfa
                    FOR ALL ENTRIES IN t_data
                    WHERE vbeln = t_data-vbeln.
                         VBTYP_V = 'G'.
    *If reason for cancelation is there, no writeoff.
       Select VBELn VPOSN VKUEGRU from Veda
             into table it_veda
             for all entries in t_vbfa
             where vbeln = t_vbfa-vbelv.
       SELECT vbelv
                    FROM vbfa
                    INTO TABLE t_Head
                    FOR ALL ENTRIES IN t_data
                    WHERE vbeln = t_data-vbeln
                         VBTYP_V = 'G'.
    loop at t_head.
    clear it_veda.
    Read table it_veda with key vbeln = t_head-vbelv
                                posnr = t_head-posnv.
    if not it_veda-VKUEGRU is initial.
    Delete  t_head where vbelv = it_veda-vbeln and
                              posnv = it_veda-posnr.
          LOOP AT t_data.
            IF t_data-wdate LE p_wodate.
              t_output-bukrs = p_bukrs.
              t_output-kunnr = t_data-kunnr.
              CLEAR t_vbfa.
              READ TABLE t_vbfa WITH KEY vbeln = t_data-vbeln.
              read table t_head with key vbelv = t_vbfa-vbelv
                                         posnv = t_vbfa-posnv.
              if sy-subrc = 0.
                t_output-vbelv = t_vbfa-vbelv.
                t_output-posnv = t_vbfa-posnv.
              t_output-name1 = t_data-name1.
              t_output-wdate = t_data-wdate.
              t_output-belnr = t_data-belnr.
              t_output-dmbtr = t_data-dmbtr.
              t_output-waers = t_data-waers.
              t_output-budat = t_data-budat.
              t_output-vbeln = t_data-vbeln.
              t_output-duedate  = t_data-duedate .
              APPEND t_output.
              clear t_output.
          MESSAGE s000 WITH text-006.
    *ALV display for the output records
        IF NOT t_output[] IS INITIAL.
          PERFORM alv_display.
          MESSAGE s000 WITH text-006.
        MESSAGE s000 WITH text-004.
    *&      Form  clear_data
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM clear_data .
    Clear T_cust.
    Refresh t_data.
    ENDFORM.                    " clear_data
    *&      Form  alv_display
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM alv_display .
    *To build the field catalogue
      PERFORM build_fieldcatalog1.
      PERFORM build_fieldcatalog.
    *To build the ALV layout
      PERFORM build_layout.
    *To displayt the data in ALV report
      PERFORM display_alv_report.
    ENDFORM.                    " alv_display
    *&      Form  build_fieldcatalog
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM build_fieldcatalog1 .
      REFRESH t_fieldcat1.
    CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
      wa_fieldcat-col_pos    = '1'.
      wa_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'VBELV'.
      wa_fieldcat-tabname = 'T_HEAD'.
      wa_fieldcat-seltext_l  = 'Contract Number'.
    wa_fieldcat-Checkbox = 'X'.
    wa_fieldcat-edit = 'X'.
    wa_fieldcat-no_out = 'X'.
      wa_fieldcat-outputlen  = '15'.
      APPEND wa_fieldcat TO t_fieldcat.
    CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
       wa_fieldcat-col_pos    = '2'.
      wa_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'POSNV'.
      wa_fieldcat-tabname = 'T_HEAD'.
      wa_fieldcat-seltext_l  = 'Item Number'.
      wa_fieldcat-outputlen  = '15'.
      APPEND wa_fieldcat TO t_fieldcat.
      CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
      wa_fieldcat-col_pos    = '3'.
      wa_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'VKUEGRU'.
      wa_fieldcat-edit = 'X'.
      wa_fieldcat-input = 'X'.
      wa_fieldcat-tabname = 'T_HEAD'.
    wa_fieldcat-drdn_hndl = '1'.
      wa_fieldcat-seltext_l  = 'Reason for Cancel'.
      wa_fieldcat-outputlen  = '25'.
      APPEND wa_fieldcat TO t_fieldcat.
      CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
    FORM build_fieldcatalog .
    REFRESH t_fieldcat.
      CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
      wa_fieldcat-col_pos    = '4'.
      wa_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'KUNNR'.
      wa_fieldcat-tabname = 'T_OUTPUT'.
      wa_fieldcat-seltext_l  = 'Customer Number'.
      wa_fieldcat-outputlen  = '15'.
      APPEND wa_fieldcat TO t_fieldcat.
      CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
      wa_fieldcat-col_pos    = '5'.
      wa_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'NAME1'.
      wa_fieldcat-tabname = 'T_OUTPUT'.
      wa_fieldcat-seltext_l  = 'Customer Name'.
      wa_fieldcat-outputlen  = '30'.
      APPEND wa_fieldcat TO t_fieldcat.
      CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
      wa_fieldcat-col_pos    = '6'.
      wa_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'VBELV'.
      wa_fieldcat-tabname = 'T_OUTPUT'.
      wa_fieldcat-seltext_l  = 'Contract Number'.
      wa_fieldcat-outputlen  = '20'.
      APPEND wa_fieldcat TO t_fieldcat.
      CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
      wa_fieldcat-col_pos    = '7'.
      wa_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'VBELN'.
      wa_fieldcat-tabname = 'T_OUTPUT'.
      wa_fieldcat-seltext_l  = 'Invoice No.'.
      wa_fieldcat-outputlen  = '10'.
      APPEND wa_fieldcat TO t_fieldcat.
      CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
      wa_fieldcat-col_pos    = '8'.
      wa_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'BELNR'.
      wa_fieldcat-tabname = 'T_OUTPUT'.
      wa_fieldcat-seltext_l  = 'Acc doc Number'.
      wa_fieldcat-outputlen  = '20'.
      APPEND wa_fieldcat TO t_fieldcat.
      CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
      wa_fieldcat-col_pos    = '9'.
      wa_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'WAERS'.
      wa_fieldcat-tabname = 'T_OUTPUT'.
      wa_fieldcat-seltext_l  = 'Currency'.
      wa_fieldcat-outputlen  = '15'.
      APPEND wa_fieldcat TO t_fieldcat.
      CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
      wa_fieldcat-col_pos    = '10'.
      wa_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'DMBTR'.
      wa_fieldcat-tabname = 'T_OUTPUT'.
      wa_fieldcat-do_sum        = 'X'.   "SUM UPON DISPLAY
      wa_fieldcat-datatype = 'CURR'.
      wa_fieldcat-seltext_l  = 'Amount'.
      wa_fieldcat-outputlen  = '15'.
      APPEND wa_fieldcat TO t_fieldcat.
      CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
      wa_fieldcat-col_pos    = '11'.
      wa_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'DUEDATE'.
      wa_fieldcat-tabname = 'T_OUTPUT'.
      wa_fieldcat-seltext_l  = 'Due Date'.
      wa_fieldcat-outputlen  = '20'.
      APPEND wa_fieldcat TO t_fieldcat.
    data: lt_dropdown type lvc_t_drop,
            ls_dropdown type lvc_s_drop.
    First listbox (handle '1').
      ls_dropdown-handle = '1'.
      ls_dropdown-value = 'KG'.
      append ls_dropdown to lt_dropdown.
      ls_dropdown-handle = '1'.
      ls_dropdown-value = 'G'.
      append ls_dropdown to lt_dropdown.
    call method g_grid->set_drop_down_table
               exporting it_drop_down = lt_dropdown.
    ENDFORM.                    " build_fieldcatalog
    *&      Form  build_layout
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM build_layout .
      t_layout-no_input          = 'X'.
      t_layout-colwidth_optimize = 'X'.
    ENDFORM.                    " build_layout
    *&      Form  display_alv_report
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM display_alv_report .
      g_repid = sy-repid.
      data g_keyinfo type SLIS_KEYINFO_ALV.
      g_keyinfo-HEADER01 = 'VBELV'.
      g_keyinfo-ITEM01 = 'VBELV'.
      g_keyinfo-HEADER02 = 'POSNV'.
      g_keyinfo-ITEM02 = 'POSNV'.
          i_interface_check              = 'I'
          i_callback_program             = g_repid
          i_callback_pf_status_set       = 'SET_STATUS'
          i_callback_user_command        = 'USER_COMMAND'
         is_layout                      = gs_layout
          it_fieldcat                    = t_fieldcat[]
         i_default                      = ' '
          i_save                         = 'A'
          i_tabname_header               = 'T_HEAD'
          i_tabname_item                 = 'T_OUTPUT'
         i_structure_name_header        = v_headers_table
         i_structure_name_item          = v_items_table
          is_keyinfo                     = g_keyinfo
         i_bypassing_buffer             = 'X'
          t_outtab_header                = t_head[]
         t_outtab_item                  = i_result
          t_outtab_item                  = t_output[]
          program_error                  = 1
          OTHERS                         = 2.
      REFRESH: t_fieldcat[].
      refresh t_fieldcat1[].
    ENDFORM.                    " display_alv_report
    form SET_STATUS using extab TYPE slis_t_extab.
      SET PF-STATUS  'ZEO_S1' .
    *&      Form  Top_Of_Page
    Top_Of_Page event in ALV
    FORM top_of_page .
      DATA: t_header TYPE slis_t_listheader,
            wa_header TYPE slis_listheader.
      wa_header-typ  = 'H'.
      wa_header-info = ' Write Off Worklist'.
      APPEND wa_header TO t_header.
      CLEAR wa_header.
          it_list_commentary = t_header.
    ENDFORM.                    "Top_Of_Page
    *User Command for the button
    form user_command using r_ucomm type syucomm
                              ls_selfield type SLIS_SELFIELD.
    case r_ucomm.
    when 'EXEC'.
    data: begin of lt_cancel occurs 0.
          include structure ZCANCEL.
    data  end of lt_cancel.
    Clear lt_cancel.
    Refresh lt_cancel.
         Data: ref1 type ref to cl_gui_alv_grid.
             E_GRID = ref1.
         call method ref1->check_changed_data.
          loop at t_Head where VKUEGRU is not initial.
           if ( t_HEAD-VKUEGRU  NE '1' ) or
               ( t_Head-VKUEGRU  NE '2' ) or
               ( t_head-VKUEGRU  NE '3' ).
             Clear t_head-vkuegru.
             message e000 with text-110.
            lt_cancel-vbeln = t_head-vbelv.
            lt_cancel-posnr = t_head-posnv.
            lt_cancel-VKUEGRU = t_head-VKUEGRU.
            Append lt_cancel.
            Clear lt_cancel.
               zcancel       = lt_cancel.
    message s000 .

  • Search help for date field in Editable ALV

    Hello Friends,
    I am using editable alv using 'reuse_* '.
    I have used date as input field. While creating fieldcatlog also i have  declared dat as a mkpf-budat.
    But i am not getting serach help for date in output.
    Is it possible with reuse or i have to go by object oriented ?

    Just pass the Edit option of the fieldcatalog for those specific fields...
    fcat-edit = 'X'.
          i_callback_program       = sy-cprog
          i_callback_pf_status_set = 'PF_STATUS_SET'
          i_callback_user_command  = 'USER_COMMAND'    "<----  pass this
          i_callback_top_of_page   = 'TOP'
          is_layout                = it_layout
          it_fieldcat              = it_fcat
          i_default                = 'X'
          i_save                   = 'A'
          it_events                = it_event
          t_outtab                 = it_final
          program_error            = 1
          OTHERS                   = 2.
    *&      Form  USER_COMMAND
    *       text
    *      -->R_UCOMM      text
    *      -->RS_SELFIELD  text
    FORM user_command USING r_ucomm LIKE sy-ucomm
                            rs_selfield TYPE slis_selfield.
      CASE r_ucomm.
        WHEN '&DATA_SAVE'.                "<-------check this
          PERFORM save_data.
    ENDFORM.                    "USER_COMMAND

  • F4 Help on Date Field after ALV is generated

    Hi all,
    Now this might sound very simple question, but Im having some difficulty in this.
    My idea is to have an F4 on a date field after the ALV Grid report is executed. From the forum search, Ive got such answers as
    l_fieldcat-edit         = 'X'.
    l_fieldcat-F4AVAILABL = 'X'.
    Now the problem with this is that Im getting an error saying:
    The data object "l_fieldcat does not have a component called "F4AVAILABL".
    And then I tried this:
    l_fieldcat-fieldname    = 'DDATE'.
    l_fieldcat-ref_tabname = 'ZCST001'.
    Now at the report output when I press F4 on the date field it gives me a dump saying:
    Field symbol has not yet been assigned.
    Error in the ABAP Application Program
    The current ABAP program "CL_GUI_ALV_GRID===============CP" had to be terminated because it has come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.
    So Im kinda stuck now. Appreciate your suggestions.
    PS: Im on ECC6.
    PPS:The intended F4 on field is a custom field in a custom table.

    Run This:
    report ztest.
    TYPE-POOLS : slis.
    data: begin of it_final occurs 0,
    matnr like mara-matnr,
    ERSDA like mara-ERSDA,
    end of it_final.
    DATA: it_fieldcat     TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv,
          wa_fieldcat     TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv,
          wa_layout       TYPE slis_layout_alv,
          g_repid         TYPE sy-repid.
    select matnr ERSDA into table it_final from mara up to 10 rows.
      g_repid = sy-repid.
      PERFORM f_populate_fieldcat.
    *  PERFORM fill_zpayroll.
      PERFORM f_call_alv.
    *&      Form  f_populate_fieldcat
    *       text
    *  -->  p1        text
    *  <--  p2        text
    form f_populate_fieldcat .
    "Mat Number
      CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
      wa_fieldcat-tabname     = it_final.
      wa_fieldcat-fieldname   = 'MATNR'.
      wa_fieldcat-seltext_l   = 'MAT No.'.
      wa_fieldcat-outputlen   = 15.
      APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
      "Creation date
      CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
      wa_fieldcat-tabname     = it_final.
      wa_fieldcat-fieldname   = 'ERSDA'.
      wa_fieldcat-edit         = 'X'.
    wa_fieldcat-REF_TABname = 'MARA'.
    wa_fieldcat-REF_FIELDname = 'ERSDA'.
      wa_fieldcat-seltext_l   = 'Creation date '.
      wa_fieldcat-outputlen   = 15.
      APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
    endform.                    " f_populate_fieldcat
    *&      Form  f_call_alv
    *       text
    *  -->  p1        text
    *  <--  p2        text
    form f_call_alv .
          i_callback_program     = g_repid
          i_callback_top_of_page = 'TOP-OF-PAGE'
          is_layout              = wa_layout
          it_fieldcat            = it_fieldcat[]
          I_SAVE = 'A'
          t_outtab               = it_final
          program_error          = 1
          OTHERS                 = 2.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    endform.                    " f_call_alv
    In custom table date field must be referenced to DATS.
    P.S.I hope you already solved

  • Alv + date field problem

    Hi All
    I have a screen with a date field and an alv grid.
    When I hit the f4 help on the date field the date does not appear.
    When I test this screen in the screen painter the date picker shows up, but when I run the program it does not, it is like something is overwritting it.
    Can anyone help with this please
    Thank you

    setting the search help BU_DATE_CHAR didn't work.
    When I press the button on the date field or do an F4 the alv seems to get the focus. 
    Thanks anyway

  • Hierarchical ALV GRID in levels

    I need to display output as like below in the ALV grid,
    Output should be as like below,
    + BO_Descriptor_id1  BO Name
          +UUID1      TESTCODE     TESTCOUNT
                   TestCode  Test(Pass/Fail)
                   TestCode  Test(Pass/Fail)
                   TestCode  Test(Pass/Fail)
                   TestCode  Test(Pass/Fail)
          +UUID2      TESTCODE     TESTCOUNT
                   TestCode  Test(Pass/Fail)
                   TestCode  Test(Pass/Fail)
                   TestCode  Test(Pass/Fail)
                   TestCode  Test(Pass/Fail)
    + BO_Descriptor_id2  BO Name
          +UUID3      TESTCODE     TESTCOUNT
                   TestCode  Test(Pass/Fail)
                   TestCode  Test(Pass/Fail)
                   TestCode  Test(Pass/Fail)
                   TestCode  Test(Pass/Fail)
    Now, I am able tio display the data in the Hierarchical ALV grid.
          +UUID3      TESTCODE     TESTCOUNT
                   TestCode  Test(Pass/Fail)
                   TestCode  Test(Pass/Fail)
                   TestCode  Test(Pass/Fail)
                   TestCode  Test(Pass/Fail)
    Any suggestion  plz...
    Thanks in advance

    Go For ALV tree like below:
    *Fm for constructing the tree
          nodetab = it_node.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          callback_program     = sy-repid
          check_duplicate_name = '1'
          color_of_node        = '4'
          color_of_mark        = '3'
          color_of_link        = '1'
          color_of_match       = '5'
          node_length          = 30
          text_length          = 75
          use_control          = 'L'.ENDFORM.        "build_tree
    Edited by: shelly Malik on Aug 21, 2009 11:06 AM

  • How to display date field in ALV in format 'YYYY-MM-DD'?

    Hi experts,
    I am not getting displayed the date field in ALV in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD' if it is different than my user setting's format (DD.MM.YYYY).
    Tried with the edit mask
    LVC_S_FCAT-EDIT_MASK = '____-__-__'  but it does not work.
    I could not find the conversion routine for this. Is it possible to write customer conversion routine?
    I have to use DATE field, otherwise if I display this format in CHAR10 field , sorting in ALV does not work for this field.
    Kind regards,

    TYPE-POOLS : slis, KKBLO.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF t_data,
           sel     TYPE char1,
           matnr   TYPE matnr,
           bldat   type char10,
           END OF t_data.
    DATA: it_tab TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_data,
          it_fcat TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv.
    DATA: wa_tab TYPE t_data,
          wa_fcat TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv,
          wa_layout type SLIS_LAYOUT_ALV.
    data: lv_repid    TYPE syrepid.
    data : lv_date    type NLEI-IBGDT,
           lv_outdate type RN1DATUM-DATEX,
           lv_format  type RN1DATUM-FORMAT value 'YYYY-MM-DD'.
    lv_repid = sy-repid.
    lv_date = sy-datum.
        datin         = lv_date
        format        =  lv_format
       DATEX         = lv_outdate.
       move lv_outdate to wa_tab-bldat.
    wa_tab-matnr = '0000001'.
    APPEND wa_tab TO it_tab.
    lv_date = sy-datum + 1.
        datin         = lv_date
        format        =  lv_format
       DATEX         = lv_outdate.
       move lv_outdate to wa_tab-bldat.
    wa_tab-matnr = '0000002'.
    APPEND wa_tab TO it_tab.
    lv_date = sy-datum + 2.
        datin         = lv_date
        format        =  lv_format
       DATEX         = lv_outdate.
       move lv_outdate to wa_tab-bldat.
    wa_tab-matnr = '0000003'.
    APPEND wa_tab TO it_tab.
    wa_fcat-fieldname = 'SEL'.
    wa_fcat-ref_fieldname = 'XCHPF'.
    wa_fcat-ref_tabname = 'MARA'.
    wa_fcat-edit = 'X'.
    wa_fcat-checkbox = 'X'.
    APPEND  wa_fcat TO  it_fcat.
    CLEAR :  wa_fcat.
    wa_fcat-fieldname = 'MATNR'.
    wa_fcat-ref_fieldname = 'MATNR'.
    wa_fcat-ref_tabname = 'MARA'.
    APPEND  wa_fcat TO  it_fcat.
    CLEAR :  wa_fcat.
    wa_fcat-fieldname = 'BLDAT'.
    wa_fcat-ref_fieldname = 'BLDAT'.
    wa_fcat-ref_tabname = 'BKPF'.
    APPEND  wa_fcat TO  it_fcat.
    call 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY'' after this
    Edited by: Ankur Parab on Oct 1, 2009 2:50 PM
    Edited by: Ankur Parab on Oct 1, 2009 2:51 PM

  • Average value for a Date Field in an OO Alv Grid.

    Hi Abapers.
    I've been searching for some info about averages in OO Alv grid lists but cannot find an answer to what I'm really need. The question is that, for getting an average, a 'C' value must be set in the field DO_SUM of the fieldcatalog structure for a field.
    Now, the problem is that I need the average of a date field (in 'normal' date format). I've tried it several times and read a lot of things but cannot find a real answer: Could it be done the average of a date field (e.g. for dates 01.05.2009, 02.05.2009 and 03.05.2009 the average is 02.05.2009).
    Best Regards.

    It will come along with the standard tool bar.For number fields, you can see it(Mean).

  • Date field not updated when select on F4 value on editable ALV Grid

    Can some one look into this to see what was wrong.
    I have a report that display fields extracted from a ZTable and display on an ALV Editable Grid.
    The data are displayed as read only mode for these fields:
    Field A -   type char20 and have a search help available.
    Start Date - type dats
    End Date - type dats.
    Field B
    Field C ...
    When user select to add new record,  Field A, Start Date and End Date must be editable, the rest are read only.
    On field A because there is search help available, I have no problem select data on F4 pull down menu and the data is updated on the grid.
    But on field start date and end date, there is F4 menu and when you pull down, it shows the calendar date.  But when I select the date to change, it acts like nothing happens.  I run the debug mode and found out that in function module 'F4IF_FIELD_VALUE_REQUEST', after you select the date field, I got the return code irc = 8 from line 305 of this FM.
    Here is what I did.
    I build field catalog similar like BCALV_EDIT04  (add table type lvc_t_styl to each extracted record to indicate which field will be  editable.
    In the PBO,  I build field catalog and set style as enable for these fields:
          i_structure_name = p_struct
          ct_fieldcat      = p_t_fieldcat.
    LOOP AT p_t_fieldcat INTO ls_fcat.
        CASE   ls_fcat-fieldname.
           when 'Field_A'.
               ls_fcat-ref_table = 'ZTABNAME'.
            ls_fcat-ref_field = 'FIELD_A'.
            ls_fcat-edit = 'X'.
            MODIFY p_t_fieldcat FROM ls_fcat.
       when 'START_DATE' or 'END_DATE'.
        ls_fcat-style = CL_GUI_ALV_GRID=>MC_STYLE_enabled.
             MODIFY p_t_fieldcat FROM ls_fcat.
    Just curious, I copied program BCALV_EDIT_08 to ZBCALV_EDIT08 and make field booking date as editable to test.  When I select to change booking date from F4 menu pull down, the new date is populated to the screen field.  So what was wrong between my program and BCALV_EDIT_08?  Thanks for your help.  I am stuck on this problem for 2 days and could not figure out what was wrong.

    not sure why you use that FM for date filed , you just need in the field catalog make sure that are use a date field of reference , anyway check program BCALV_EDIT_01

  • Alv edit  date field f4 help

    i am using normal alv edit report, in list 2 field date fields, this 2 fields are editable, how to get the date f4 help, pls give  me solution

    hi i have define this type,
    types: begin of TY_FINAL,
           CREDATE         type SY-DATUM, "SY-DATUM,
           DOCNUM(5)       type C,
           PERSON(35)      type C,
           TKNUM           type TKNUM,
           NAME1           type NAME1,
           ORT01           type ORT01,
           VBELN           type VBELN,
           AGENT_PNO(4)    type C,
           AGENT(10)       type C,
           TO_ORDER(7)     type C,
           INCO1           type INCO1,
           INCO2           type INCO2,
           LCNUM           type LCNUM,
           VSART           type VSART,
           DATXA           type DATXA,
           LOADING(10)     type C,
         DATLOAD(10)     type C,  "SY-DATUM,
         SHIPDATE(10)    type C,  "SY-DATUM,
           DATLOAD         type  dats "SY-DATUM,
           SHIPDATE        type SY-DATUM,
           ABLAD           type ABLAD,
           SHIPLOAD        type C,
           IMPORT          TYPE C,
           VIA(10)         type C,
           PORT(10)        type C,
           MARKS(13)       type C,
           PRO_DESCR(10)   type C,
           NTGEW           type NTGEW,
           BRGEW           type BRGEW,
           NOTE(15)        type C,
           WH_SH_DOCU(15)  type C,
           WHEN_SHIP(15)   type C,
           ENCLOSURE(10)   type C,
           ZTERM           type VBRK-ZTERM,
           VTEXT           type VTEXT,
           BOX             type C,
           end of TY_FINAL.

  • Please tell me how to adjust field width for alv data .

          Please tell me how to adjust field width for alv data . Also i want to remove zeros after decimal coming in field.

    Hello Ranu,
    You need to set OUTPUTLEN field from field catalog table for every column.
    DATA lt_fieldcat TYPE lvc_t_fcat
    DATA lw_fcat type lvc_s_fcat .
    lw_fcat-fieldname = 'BNAME' .
    lw_fcat-inttype = 'C' .
    lw_fcat-outputlen = '12' .  -----> for e.g. set width of column BNAME
    lw_fcat-coltext = 'User Name' .
    lw_fcat-seltext = 'User Name' .
    APPEND lw_fcat to lt_fieldcat .
    Hope this resolves your issue!


    Explain clearly

    i guess u mean date "Handling"
    What abt date handling?

  • Editable ALV - Standard F4 on Date field not choosable

    Hi all,
            Have made an editable ALV (All rows) . One date field where i can use F4 help (mean i can see date when i press f4) but selection is not possible. I cant double click the date. when i click on particular date and and press the TICK button ,value not populated in AVL ..

    Hi Sri_neo,
       I tried your scenario its working fine, when we double click  on the date which is from F4 help it is reflecting on ALV grid.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Sridhar S.

  • Field Catalogs in ALV

    Hi Friends,
    Please help me out, I am new to ABAP.
    Please anybody explain me the functionality of Field catalogs in ALVs?
    How many methods are there to pass data to ALVs, i.e., in how many ways?
    Hope u will help me.

    this will be very helpful for ALV REPORTING.....
    Sap provides a set of ALV (ABAP LIST VIEWER) function modules which can be put into use to embellish the output of a report. This set of ALV functions is used to enhance the readability and functionality of any report output. Cases arise in sap when the output of a report contains columns extending more than 255 characters in length.  In such cases, this set of ALV functions can help choose selected columns and arrange the different columns from a report output and also save different variants for report display. This is a very efficient tool for dynamically sorting and arranging the columns from a report output. The report output can contain upto 90 columns in the display with the wide array of display options.
    The commonly used ALV functions used for this purpose are;
    The different steps used for getting the above function modules into use are:
    Step 1
    Sap standard type pools:  SLIS , KKBLO .
    Sap standard tables types taken from the type pools are:  SLIS_LAYOUT_ALV ,
    Internal tables to used in the program declared based on the above table types
    Step 2 (Optional)
    The variants in the list display can be both user-specific and general. The user can programmatically set the initial (default) variant for list display.
    The default variant can be found using the function module 'REUSE_ALV_VARIANT_DEFAULT_GET'.
    Sample code:
                i_save     = variant save condition ( A=all, U = user-specific )
                cs_variant = internal table containing the program name (and the default variant---optional )
                not_found  = 2.
    The user can also choose from the list of existing variants using the function module ‘REUSE_ALV_VARIANT_F4’.
    Step 3
    A field catalog is prepared using the internal table (I_FIELDCAT) of type SLIS_T_FIELDCAT_ALV. Field catalog containing descriptions of the list output fields (usually a subset of the internal output table fields).
    A field catalog is required for every ALV list output to add desired functionality (i.e. Key, Hotspot, Specific headings, Justify, Col. position etc) to certain fields of the output. If not mentioned specifically, then the defaults are taken. The possible values and defaults are listed below.
    The field catalog for the output table is built-up in the caller's coding. The build-up can be completely or partially automated by calling the REUSE_ALV_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE module.
    The minimal field catalog is documented below. This can be done in a routine using a local variable. The user can use the other optional parameters to assign output attributes to different fields in the output, which differ from the default.
    A field catalog need not be built-up and passed explicitly only under the following conditions:
    1.     The internal table to be output has the same structure as a Data Dictionary structure which is referred to in the internal table declaration using LIKE or INCLUDE STRUCTURE. In this case the attributes of the different fields is taken directly from the table and the attributes (key fields, length, texts etc) need to state explicitly.
    2.     all fields in this structure are to be output
    3.     The structure name is passed to ALV in the parameter I_STRUCTURE_NAME of the function module REUSE_ALV_LIST_DISPLAY.
    All the values entered in the catalog is specific to the particular field whose name is entered in the fieldname FIELDNAME of the fieldcat structure. The name of the table is also entered in the corr. Fieldname TABNAME of the structure.
    The different possible attributes are:
    •     Row_pos (row position): Only relevant if the list output is to be multi-line (two or three lines) by default. So, this attribute can be used maintain certain level of alignment in the output.
                         Value set: 0, 1 – 3
    •     Col_pos (column position): This parameter is relevant when the fields in the output are to be different from the sequence of the fields in the internal table used for display.       The parameter specifies the relative column position of the field in the list output. The column order can be changed interactively by the user. If this parameter is initial for all field catalog entries, columns appear in the internal table field sequence.
    Value set: 0, 1 – 60
    •     Fieldname (field name): This is the name of the internal table field for which the parameters are passed in the catalog.
    Value set: internal output table field name (required parameter)
    •     Tabname (internal output table): Name of the internal output table that contains the field FIELDCAT-FIELDNAME above.
                         Value set: SPACE, internal output table name.
    •     Ref_fieldname (reference field name): Name of the Data Dictionary field referred to. This parameter is only used when the internal output table field described by the current field catalog entry has a reference to the Data Dictionary (not a program field), and the field name in the internal output table is different from the name of the field in the        Data Dictionary. If the field names are identical, naming the Data Dictionary structure or table in the FIELDCAT-REF_TABNAME parameter is sufficient.
        Value set: SPACE, Data Dictionary field name.
    •     Ref_tabname (reference table/structure field name): Structure or table name of the referred Data Dictionary field.        This parameter is only used when the internal output table field described by the current field catalog entry has a Data Dictionary reference (not a program field).
    Value set: SPACE, name of a Data Dictionary structure or table
    Link to currency unit
    •     Cfieldname (currency unit field name): This is used for currency fields that have a reference to any unit field. This is only relevant for amount columns with associated unit. This parameter contains the Name of the internal output table field containing the currency unit associated with the amount field FIELDCAT-FIELDNAME. The field in FIELDCAT-CFIELDNAME must have its own field catalog entry.
    Value set: SPACE, output table field name
    •     Ctabname (internal currency unit field output table): Name of the internal output table containing the FIELDCAT-CFIELDNAME field.
    Value set: SPACE, output table field name.
            Link to measurement unit
    •     Qfieldname (measurement unit field name): Only relevant for quantity columns with unit link. Name of the internal output table field containing the measurement unit associated with the quantity field FIELDCAT-FIELDNAME. The field in FIELDCAT-QFIELDNAME must have its own field catalog entry.
    Value set: SPACE, output table field name.
    •     Qtabname (internal measurement unit field output table): Name of the internal output table containing the FIELDCAT-QFIELDNAME field.
    Value set: SPACE, output table field name.
    •     Outputlen (column width): This parameter is used if the desired output length for a field is desired to be different from the internal output table field. For fields with a Data Dictionary link this parameter can be left initial. For fields without a Data Dictionary link (program field) the parameter must be given the value of the desired field list output length (column width).
    Initial = column width is the output length of the referred Data Dictionary field (domain).
    N = column width is n characters.
          Value set: 0 (initial), n.
    •     Key (key column): By default, the system makes some fields in the output as key fields, provided the fields are key fields in their referencing table. Using this parameter, fields other than key fields of the referencing table can be made key field. This parameter is most important if the output needs to contain some field which are not scrollable or cannot be hidden.
    If the internal output table contains fields that are key fields from different tables, then all those fields in the report output becomes unscrollable and cannot be hidden. So, the fields in the output internal table should not be referenced from tables in which they are key fields. Instead, they should be referenced to the tables in which they are not key fields, incase they are not desired as key field in the output.
    'X' = key field (key field output in color) and Key fields can not be interactively hidden. Parameter FIELDCAT-NO_OUT must be left initial.
          Value set: SPACE, 'X'.
    •     Key_sel (hideable key column): This parameter is only relevant for the fields which are made key fields using FIELDCAT-KEY = 'X'. Using this parameter the Key field can be hidden interactively.
    The key column sequence cannot be changed interactively by the user. The output is controlled by the FIELDCAT-NO_OUT parameter analogously to non-key fields.
    Value set: SPACE, 'X'.
    •     No_out (field in field list): This parameter is used to remove certain fields from the output during initial display.  The user can however interactively choose the field for output from the field list in the display variant.
                'X' = field is not displayed in the current list.
            Value set: SPACE, 'X'.
    •     Tech (technical field): This parameter is used to make certain field display only in the field catalog. The fields with this parameter set cannot be output in the list nor can they be displayed interactively from the catalog.
                        'X' = technical field.
           Value set: SPACE, 'X'.
    •     Emphasize (highlight columns in color): As name suggests, this field parameter is used to highlight certain field with chosen colors.
    Value set: SPACE, 'X' or 'Cxyz' (x:'1'-'9'; y,z: '0'=off ,'1'=on).
    'X' = column is colored with the default column highlight color.
                        'Cxyz' = column is colored with a coded color:
                      -  C: Color (coding must begin with C)
                     -  X: color number
                      -  Y: bold
                       -  Z: inverse
    •     Hotspot (column as hotspot): This parameter is used to make certain field appear as hotspot i.e. a hand is displayed if the cursor is positioned on the field value. Single click on such fields cause the PICK OR F2 events to happen.
             Value set: SPACE, 'X'.
                        'X' = column cells are output as hotspots.
    •     Fix_column (fix column): This parameter is used to fix certain columns in the output. All columns to be fixed must have this flag, starting from the left. If a column without this flag is output, only the columns to the left of this column are fixed. The user can change the column fixing interactively.
                         Value set: SPACE, 'X'.
            'X' = column fixed (does not scroll horizontally).
    •     Do_sum (sum over column): the user can also call this function interactively.
                      Value set: SPACE, 'X'.
    'X' = a sum is calculated over this internal output table field.
    •     No_sum (sums forbidden): No sum can be calculated over this field, although the data type of the field would allow summing.
             Value set: SPACE, 'X'.
    •     Icon: The parameter displays certain column contents as icons. The internal output table column contents must be valid icon strings.
                        Value set: SPACE, 'X'.
                         'X' = column contents to be output as an icon.
    •     Symbol: The internal output table column must be a valid symbol character.
    Value set: SPACE, 'X'
                        'X' = column contents are to be output as a symbol.
    •     Just (justification): This parameter is used for alignment of the contents of the output table. This is only relevant for CHAR or NUMC fields in the output internal table. The justification of the column header always follows the justification of the columns. Independent justification of the column header is not possible.
    Value set: SPACE, 'R', 'L', and ‘C’.
           ' ' = Default justification for this data type
           'R' = right-justified output
           'L' = left-justified output
           'C' = centered output.
    •     Lzero (leading zeros): By default ALV outputs NUMC fields right-justified without leading zeros. Using this parameter only the NUMC fields can be displayed with leading zeroes.
                       Value set: SPACE, 'X'.
                        'X' = output with leading zeros.
    •     No_sign (no +/- sign): This parameter is used to suppress the signs of the output fields. It is only relevant for the value fields.
        Value set: SPACE, 'X'.
               'X' = value output without +/ sign.
    •     No_zero (suppress zeros): Only relevant for value fields.
                 Value set: SPACE, 'X'.
                        'X' = suppress zeros.
    •     Edit_mask (field formatting): To apply the report output formatting options same as in the WRITE statement in report writing.
               Value set: SPACE, template.
    The following parameters are used for customizing the texts in the heading of the output of the columns. The texts are taken from the Data Dictionary for fields with a Data Dictionary reference. If this is not desired, the text parameters can also be specified. The Data Dictionary texts are then ignored.
    If the user changes the column width interactively, the column header text with the appropriate length is always used.
    The interactive function 'Optimize column width' takes account of both the field contents and the column headers: if all field contents are shorter than the shortest column header, the column width depends on the column header.
         The 'long field label' is also used in display variant definition,
            Sort, etc.  Popup.
    •     seltext_l (long field label)
    •     seltext_m (medium field label)
    •     seltext_s (short field label)
    •     reptext_ddic(header) Analogous to the Data element main header
    •     Ddictxt (specify text) : You can specify with values 'L', 'M',  and 'S', the keyword that should always be used as column header. If the column width changes, no attempt is made in this case to find an appropriate header for the new output width.
    Value set: SPACE, 'L', 'M', and ‘S’.
    Sample code:
    Suppose I_PO_DETAILS is an internal table containing two fields EBELN (PO number) and EBELP (PO item no).
    DATA: L_FIELDCAT TYPE SLIS_FIELDCAT_ALV.     “Local variable to hold the parameters                                                                               
    for a particular field of the field catalog
      L_FIELDCAT-KEY = 'X'.         “The PO no is made the key field,
                          “Colored and non scrollable
      L_FIELDCAT-HOTSPOT = 'X'.     “The po no becomes a hotspot
      L_FIELDCAT-SELTEXT_M = 'P order No'.
      L_FIELDCAT-SELTEXT_L = 'Purchase order No'.
      L_FIELDCAT-KEY = 'X'.         “The po item no is made the key field,
                               “Colored and non scrollable
      L_FIELDCAT-SELTEXT_S = 'Item No'.
      L_FIELDCAT-SELTEXT_M = 'Item No`.
      L_FIELDCAT-SELTEXT_L = 'PO Item No'.
    Thus the catalog for the report output is prepared.
    Step 4
    The next step is to build an event table, which are used for firing both user commands and the system dependent events i.e. top of page, end of page etc.
    A list of possible events is populated into an event table (I_EVENTS) when this table is passed to the function module REUSE_ALV_EVENT_NAMES_GET. The return table from this function module contains all the possible events.
    The function module contains following import and export parameters.
    This parameter has possible values from 0-4.
    The parameter I_LIST_TYPE is of TYPE SLIS_LIST_TYPE and is DEFAULT 0 .
    This table is of TYPE SLIS_T_EVENT and returns to the program the name of all the possible events.
    The table structure contains the fields:
         I_EVENTS-NAME: Name of the Callback event.
    I_EVENTS-FORM: Name of the form routine that should be called in the calling program at the event.
    Only events with a form routine name are processed.
    The I_EVENTS table returns with the following possible constants:
    1.     Slis_ev_item_data_expand TYPE slis_formname VALUE 'ITEM_DATA_EXPAND'.     
    Only relevant for hierarchical-sequential lists using the layout parameter IS_LAYOUT-EXPAND_FIELDNAME of the structure IS_LAYOUT. Exit for passing item entries (ITEM table) for a header record that was expanded interactively by the user.
    2.     Slis_ev_reprep_sel_modify TYPE slis_formname VALUE 'REPREP_SEL_MODIFY'.
    RS_SELFIELD-TABINDEX contains the header table index for which the item entries are to       be put in the global item output table (T_OUTTAB_SLAVE). The Callback is only called if ALV has no items for a header that is to be expanded.
    RFLG_ALL is passed with 'X' if the user shows all items. The application must ensure that    entries are not repeated in the item table.
        RS_SELFIELD is initial in this case.         
    3.     Slis_ev_caller_exit_at_start TYPE slis_formname VALUE 'CALLER_EXIT'.
    Is called at the beginning of the function module to make special settings. It is not usually used.          
    4.     Slis_ev_user_command TYPE slis_formname VALUE 'USER_COMMAND'.
    As this is a frequently-used Callback event, the form routine can also be passed        directly in the interface by passing the user command in the IMPORTING parameter           I_CALLBACK_USER_COMMAND.
    5.     Slis_ev_top_of_page TYPE slis_formname VALUE 'TOP_OF_PAGE'.
       Equivalent to the list processing TOP-OF-PAGE event.           
    6.     Slis_ev_top_of_coverpage TYPE slis_formname VALUE 'TOP_OF_COVERPAGE'.       
    The selection information and list status are output together (if they exist) on a separate page by default
    7.     Slis_ev_end_of_coverpage TYPE slis_formname VALUE 'END_OF_COVERPAGE'.       
    Analogously to TOP_OF_COVERPAGE the user can add other information
    to the information output by ALV (selection information, list status) at this event.
    8.     Slis_ev_foreign_top_of_page TYPE slis_formname VALUE ‘FOREIGN_TOP_OF_PAGE'.
    The Top-of-page event is always processed in ALV and is only passed to the caller via the Callback mechanism. This is still the case if the caller, e.g. by a user action, processes a branch list which was not formatted by ALV (e.g. a popup with additional information about the list record selected and displayed by ALV).
    In this case, top-of-page cannot be formatted by ALV analogously to the basic list, it must be handled completely by the caller. The event top-of-page still occurs in ALV. When ALV notices a top-of-page which was not caused by an ALV output, the form routine in FOREIGN_TOP_OF_PAGE is called.
    9.     Slis_ev_foreign_end_of_page TYPE slis_formname VALUE 'FOREIGN_END_OF_PAGE'.  
    The event end-of-page is always processed in ALV and only passed to the caller via callback. This is still the case, e.g. when the caller processes a details list which was not formatted by ALV (e.g. a popup with further information about selected list records which were displayed by ALV).
    In this case, end-of-page cannot be formatted by ALV analogously to the basic list, it must be handled completely by the caller. The event end-of-page still occurs in ALV. When ALV notices an end-of-page that was not caused by an ALV output, the form routine in FOREIGN_END_OF_PAGE is called.                             
    10.     Slis_ev_pf_status_set TYPE slis_formname VALUE 'PF_STATUS_SET'.
    If a user list status is to be set, it must be done in the form routine assigned to this event. The ALV function codes, which must not be active, are in the Parameter RT_EXTAB. This table must be passed with the SET PF-STATUS command (with inactive user function codes as well, if necessary).
    The STANDARD status of the function group SALV should be used as a          template for a user-specific status. As this is a frequently used Callback event, its form routine can also be passed directly in the interface in the IMPORTING parameter I_CALLBACK_PF_STATUS_SET.
    11.     Slis_ev_list_modify TYPE slis_formname VALUE 'LIST_MODIFY'.     
                                             R_INDEX LIKE SY-TABIX
                                             R_INDEX_ITEM LIKE SY-TABIX
                                             R_INDEX_SUM LIKE SY-TABIX.
    12.     Slis_ev_top_of_list TYPE slis_formname VALUE 'TOP_OF_LIST'.  
    Information output at the start of the list     
    13.     Slis_ev_end_of_page TYPE slis_formname VALUE 'END_OF_PAGE'.
    Information output at the end of a page. This is only called for printing.
    14.     Slis_ev_end_of_list TYPE slis_formname VALUE 'END_OF_LIST'.     
    Information output at the end of the list
    15.     Slis_ev_after_line_output TYPE slis_formname VALUE 'AFTER_LINE_OUTPUT'.
    Output information after each output line. Should only be used in justified cases because it costs a lot of performance.
    16.     Slis_ev_before_line_output TYPE slis_formname VALUE   'BEFORE_LINE_OUTPUT'.       
    Output information before each output line. Should only be used in justified cases because it costs a lot of performance.         
    17.     Slis_ev_subtotal_text TYPE slis_formname VALUE  'SUBTOTAL_TEXT'.                        
    This event table (I_EVENTS) is now checked with the desired constants. If the desired constant is found, then the corresponding field for the FORM NAME is populated with the name of the routine containing the corresponding event.
    Sample code :
               I_LIST_TYPE = 0
                ET_EVENTS   = I_EVENTS.
                               INTO L_I_EVENT.
      IF SY-SUBRC = 0.
                               INTO L_I_EVENT.
      IF SY-SUBRC = 0.
                               INTO L_I_EVENT.
      IF SY-SUBRC = 0.
    This will prepare the events table for the report.
    The report will contain three forms for the above events:
    1.     FORM TOP_OF_PAGE : This form will contain the top of page event for the report i.e header etc
    Using the function module ‘REUSE_ALV_COMMENTARY_WRITE’, the internal table containing the headings for top of page event can be passed to the list output. Also, any logo specific to the report can be passed to the function module.
    2.     FORM END_OF_PAGE : This form will contain the end of page event for the report i.e footer etc
    3.     FORM USER_COMMAND : This form will contain the desired user command i.e pick/line selection
    Step 5
    A layout is build for the report output list description USING the internal table declared above (I_LAYOUT).
    Output list description structure.
         The parameters are described under the following heads:
    •     Display options
    •     Exceptions
    •     Totals
    •     Interaction
    •     Detail screen
    •     Display variants (only for hierarchical-sequential lists)
    •     Color
    •     Other
    The layout table is of type slis_layout_alv_spec and has the following fields:
    Display options                                                
    1. Colwidth_optimize (1) TYPE c: This parameter optimizes the length of the different columns in the output. The width of the different col. now depends on the max. Length of the data in the column.
    Value set: SPACE, 'X'
    'X' = optimizes the column width so that all contents are displayed completely.                   
    2. No_colhead(1) TYPE c : This parameter suppresses the column headings                    
    Value set: SPACE, 'X'.
    'X' = column headers are not output
    3. No_hotspot(1) TYPE c :  The heading of the report output are not output as hotspot.       
    Value set: SPACE, 'X'.
    'X' = column headers are not output as hotspot
    4. Zebra(1) TYPE c : The report is output in the striped pattern.             
    Value set: SPACE, 'X'.
    'X' = striped pattern (e.g. for wide lists)
    5. No_vline(1) TYPE c : The report output contains columns only separated by space and no lines.  It is not relevant for: hierarchical-sequential lists and multiple-line lists.
    Value set: SPACE, 'X'.
    'X' = columns separated by SPACE
    6. No_min_linesize(1) TYPE c : The report  line size is equal to the width of the list. It is not relevant for block lists.
    Value set: SPACE, 'X’.
    'X' = line size depends on list width
    '  ' = Line size is set to 80 or MIN_LINESIZE (if > 0) .
    7. Min_linesize LIKE sy-linsz: The report output contains a minimum possible length of line. If initial min_linesize is set to 80 by default, then this parameter is used to customize it. The prerequisite for this is that the parameter no_min_linesize should be ' '.
    Value set: 0, 10 - 250
    If the list is wider, the format uses the list width (maximum 250 or MAX_LINESIZE (if > 0)).
    8. Max_linesize LIKE sy-linsz: The default max. Linesize is 250. To change this default value, this parameter can interactively-define the maximum list width setting.
    Value set: 0, 80 - 1020
    9. Window_titlebar LIKE rsmpe-tittext: To set the titlebar on the report output.                            
               10. No_uline_hs(1) TYPE c.
    11. Lights_fieldname TYPE slis_fieldname: Internal output table field containing the codes of exceptions to be output.
                      Output table field code:  '1' = red traffic light
                                    '2' = yellow traffic light
                                         '3' = green traffic light Fieldname for exception 
         Value set: SPACE, internal output table field name.
    12. Lights_tabname TYPE slis_tabname: Name of the internal output table that contains the field in the parameter LIGHTS_FIELDNAME. If LIGHTS_FIELDNAME is not empty, this field must also be filled for hierarchical-sequential lists. Only relevant for hierarchical-sequential lists.
    .     Value set: SPACE, internal output table name.
    13. Lights_rollname LIKE dfies-rollname: The documentation of this data element is displayed when you call F1 help for an exception column.
    Value set: SPACE, data element name.
               14. Lights_condense(1) TYPE c : If a list record is output with 'red traffic light', each
               Subtotal that includes this record is also output with 'red traffic light'.
               Value set: SPACE, 'X'
               'X' = the 'maximum' exception of the items in the subtotal is output at subtotal level.
    15. No_sumchoice(1) TYPE c : This parameter allows the choice for summing up
    Only by fieldcatalog.
    Value set: SPACE, 'X'
    'X' = fields which are to be summed, passed by the calling program (FIELDCAT-DO_SUM = 'X'). The user should not be able to change this value interactively.
    16. No_totalline(1) TYPE c : Removes the option of having totals after sub-totals.
    Value set: SPACE, 'X'
    'X' = no total record is to be output. Subtotals can still be calculated and output. The fields in the subtotals are flagged DO_SUM = 'X' in the field list.
    17. No_subchoice(1) TYPE c : Does not allow the user to interactively change the field chosen for subtotals.
    Value set: SPACE, 'X'
    'X' = value whose change triggers subtotals, provided by the calling program. The user should not be able to change this value interactively.
    18. No_subtotals(1) TYPE c : No subtotals possible          
    Value set: SPACE, 'X'
    'X' = no subtotals.
    19. Numc_sum(1)  TYPE c : Totals only possible for NUMC-Fields.
    20. No_unit_splitting TYPE c: No separate total lines by inh.units   
    21.totals_before_items TYPE c: Display totals before the items   
    22. Totals_only(1) TYPE c :  Show only totals      
    Value set: SPACE, 'X'
    'X' = only total records are output.
    23. Totals_text(60) TYPE c : Text for 1st col. in totals   
    Value set: SPACE, string (max.60)
    ' ' = The first column in the total record contains an appropriate number of '*'s to indicate the total by default. If the first column is wide enough, the string 'Total' is output after the asterisks.
    'String’ = The string passed is output after the total indicated by '*', if the column is wide enough.
    24. Subtotals_text(60) TYPE c : Texts for subtotals
    Value set: SPACE, string (max.60)
    ' ' = In the first column of subtotal records, the subtotal is indicated by an appropriate number of '*' by default. If the first column is not a subtotal criterion, the string 'Total' is output after the asterisks, if the column is wide enough.
    'String’ = the string passed is output after the subtotal indicated by '*', if the column is wide enough and the first column is not a subtotal criterion. If it is a subtotal criterion, its value is repeated after the total, if the column is wide enough.
    25. Box_fieldname TYPE slis_fieldname: Fieldname for checkbox in the report output. If the list has checkboxes at the start of records (for selecting several records), this parameter contains the internal output table field name indicated by the checkbox selection column. The field is a checkbox at the start of list records without a list header.
    Value set: SPACE, internal output table field name
    26. Box_tabname TYPE slis_tabname: Name of the internal output table that contains the field in the parameter BOX_FIELDNAME. If BOX_FIELDNAME is not empty, this field must also be filled for hierarchical-sequential lists.
    Value set: SPACE, internal output table name.
    27. Box_rollname LIKE dd03p-rollname: rollname for checkbox          
    28. Expand_fieldname TYPE slis_fieldname: fieldname flag ‘expand’. The user can show or hide the items by clicking on the folder symbol (hotspot). If the items for a header entry are only to be read by the calling program and passed to ALV when a header has been expanded interactively, this can be controlled via the CALLBACK event        'ITEM_DATA_EXPAND'.
    29. Hotspot_fieldname TYPE slis_fieldname: Used to make the fieldname flag hotspot.
    30. No_input(1) TYPE c : The fields are only display fields.
            Value set: SPACE, 'X'
    'X' = all ready-for-input fields in a list are displayed as not ready-for-input. (Record selection checkboxes and fields which can be made ready-for-input via the field list parameter FIELDCAT-INPUT = 'X')
    31. F2code LIKE sy-ucomm: To assign an ALV standard function code to double-click (F2), assign the function code to this parameter. Ex.: to assign the ALV standard function 'Detail' ('&ETA') to F2.
                      => LAYOUT-F2CODE = '&ETA'.
    Value set: SPACE, function code
    32. Confirmation_prompt: confirm. Prompt when leaving       
    Value set: SPACE, 'X'
    'X' = if one of the functions ‘Back (F03)', ‘Exit (F15)' or ‘Cancel (F12)' occurs, a confirmation prompt appears.
    33. Key_hotspot(1) TYPE c : The key fields are displayed as hotspot. The columns defined in the field catalog as key fields (FIELDCAT-KEY = 'X') are output as hotspots, i.e. clicking on a key column (highlighted in color in the list) calls the function under F2.
    Value set: SPACE, 'X'.
    34. Reprep(1) TYPE c :  report report interface active.     
    35. Group_buttons(1) TYPE c :  group-buttons for COL1 - COL5 . Group output fields via FIELDCAT-SP_GROUP in the field list, and pass the group name to the list module in the interface parameter IT_SPECIAL_GROUPS.           
    Value set: SPACE, 'X'.
    36. No_keyfix(1) TYPE c : Used to make the key fields scrollable.
    Value set: SPACE, 'X'.
    ' ' = The key columns defined in the field catalog by FIELDCAT-KEY = 'X' are fixed in the list output. These columns do not scroll horizontally. The item table key columns are fixed in hierarchical-sequential lists. The header table key fields are not considered here.
    'X' = key columns not fixed
    37. Get_selinfos(1) TYPE c : To read selection screen.
    Value set: SPACE, 'X'.
    If the calling program is a report with an ABAP/4 selection screen, setting this parameter makes ALV read the selection screen again. If the selections are read successfully, a pushbutton, via which the user can call a popup which lists the report selections in a simple form, becomes active on the results list output by ALV.
    38.     group_change_edit(1) TYPE c :  Settings by user for new group     
    Value set: SPACE, 'X'
    'X' = the user can enter a format option for each sort criterion in the sort/subtotal popup, for the list format when this value changes (e.g. new page or underline).
    39.     No_scrolling(1) TYPE c : Does not allow scrolling of the list to the right.
    Value set: SPACE, 'X'.
    40. Expand_all(1) TYPE c : Expand all positions                   
    Detailed screen                                                    
    40.     Detail_popup(1) TYPE c : show detail in popup.
    Value set: SPACE, 'X'
    '  '  = List record detail display in full-screen mode, with top-of-page.
    'X'  = list record detail display in popup (without top-of-page).
    41. Detail_initial_lines(1) TYPE c : show also initial lines   
    Value set: SPACE, 'X'
    '  ' = Only fields whose contents are not initial are output in the detail view.
    'X' = initial field contents are also output in detail.
    41.     detail_titlebar(30) type c : Titlebar for detail screen
    Value set: SPACE, string (max.30)
    ` ' = ' Detail: Display' is output as the title of the detail window.
                  'String’ = the string passed is output as the title of the detail window. 
    Display variants                                                   
    42. Header_text (20) TYPE c: Text for header button. Only relevant for hierarchical-sequential lists. You can toggle between display field and field list views via pushbuttons in the display variant definition popup for hierarchical-sequential lists. The views refer to the hierarchy level of the fields. This is technically a toggle between the header table and item table fields.   
    Value set: SPACE, CHAR (20)
    ' ' = The header table field pushbutton text is 'Header' by default.
    CHAR (20) = header table field pushbutton text.
    43.item_text(20) TYPE c : Text for item button. Only relevant for hierarchical-sequential lists. You can toggle the view between the display fields and the field list via pushbuttons in the display variant definition popup for hierarchical-sequential lists. The views refer to the hierarchy level of the fields. This is technically a toggle between the header table and item table fields.        
    Value set: SPACE, CHAR (20)
    ' ' = The pushbutton text for the item table fields is 'Item' by default.
    CHAR (20) = item table field pushbutton text.
    44.default_ item(1) TYPE c : Items as default. Only relevant for hierarchical-sequential lists.
         Value set: SPACE, 'X'
    ' ' = The header table fields are displayed by default in the display variant definition popup. The user can switch to the item table fields interactively.
    'X' = the item table fields are displayed by default in the display variant Definition Popup.    The user can switch to the header table fields interactively.
    45. Info_fieldname TYPE slis_fieldname: infofield for listoutput. A whole list record can be colored individually using a color code in a column of the internal output table for the record. Assign the name of the field containing the color code to this parameter.
    Value set: SPACE, internal output table field name
    The internal output table field must be of type CHAR(3).
    The code must have the following syntax:  'Cxy':
            C = color (all codes must start with 'C')
            X = color number ('1'-'9')
            Y = bold ('0' = off, '1' = on)
    46. Coltab_fieldname TYPE slis_fieldname: Cells can be colored individually using a color code which is contained in a column of the internal output table for the record containing the cell. Assign the name of the field to this parameter.       
    47. List_append(1) TYPE c :  no call screen. It is only useful to output block-lists without specifying the above modules if the number of list blocks exceeds, or may exceed, the maximum number specified in the block module documentation. These operations are not possible for user-defined block lists.
    Example code :
           I_LAYOUT-f2code       = ws_fcode.
           I_LAYOUT-zebra        = 'X'.
    I_LAYOUT-colwidth_optimize = 'X'.
    I_LAYOUT-no_keyfix = 'X'.
    I_LAYOUT-get_selinfos = 'X'.
    I_LAYOUT-no_hotspot = 'X'.
           I_LAYOUT-no_input = 'X'.
    I_LAYOUT-hotspot_fieldname = FIELDNAME.
    I_LAYOUT-no_input          = ‘X’.
    I_LAYOUT-no_vline          = `X’.
    I_LAYOUT-no_colhead        = ‘ ‘.
    I_LAYOUT-lights_condense   = ` `.
    I_LAYOUT-totals_text       = ` `.
    I_LAYOUT-subtotals_text    = ` `.
    I_LAYOUT-totals_only       = ` `.
    I_LAYOUT-key_hotspot       = ‘X’.
    I_LAYOUT-detail_popup      = ‘X’.
    I_LAYOUT-group_change_edit = ‘X’.
    Step 6
    This step is required to get the selection screen information in the report output.
    The prerequisite for this is to set the parameter LAYOUT-GET_SELINFOS of the IMPORTING structure.
    The parameters to be passed in the IS_SEL_HIDE table are:
    o mode:              'R' = only the entries passed in the internal table IS_SEL_HIDE-T_ENTRIES       
    Are output in the pop up. Selection info, which the list tool read in the selection screen (when called by a report with a selection screen), is replaced by the values passed.
    'S' = the selection info which the list tool read in the selection screen of the calling report are modified by the entries in the table IS_SEL_HIDE-T_ENTRIES.
    o t_entries:         Selection info table
    o t_entries-mode:   'A' = output the selection info for the current table record in the info popup.
    'D' = do not output select option or SELNAME parameter selection info in   the popup.
    o t_entries-selname: (only used in t_entries-mode = 'D') : Name of the select option or parameter.
    The following table fields are only used in t_entries-mode = 'A'. They contain the selection information to be added.
    •     t_entries-field:  DDIC field name of the field for which selection information is to be output.
    •     t_entries-table:  DDIC table names of t_entries-field.
    •     t_entries-stext:  Field name in info popup.
    •     If t_entries-field and t_entries-table have been entered, this text is taken from DDIC.
    •     t_entries-valuf:  Selection condition 'from' value (external format)
    •     t_entries-valut:  Selection condition 'to' value (external format)
    •     t_entries-sign0:  (I)nclusive (E)xclusive
    •     t_entries-option:  All values of the select options Option field allowed.
    Step 6
    The Table IT_SORT is populated with the sort criteria for the different fields.
    The caller specifies the sorting and/or subtotaling of the basic list in the internal table IT_SORT.
    This internal table has the following fields:
         o spos :  Sort sequence
         o fieldname :  Internal output table field name
         o tabname : Only relevant for hierarchical-sequential lists. Name of the internal output table.
         o up : 'X' = sort in ascending order
         o down : 'X' = sort in descending order
         o subtot : 'X' = subtotal at group value change
         o group : '* ' = new page at group value change ,'UL' = underline at group value change
                             Step 7
    The final step in the output of the report is the use of two ALV functions modules.
    The first function module is used to pass the field catalog to the report output and merge it with the internal output table.
    FUNCTION reuse_alv_fieldcatalog_merge.                                
    ""Lokale Schnittstelle:                                             
    *” IMPORTING                                                    
    *"             VALUE(I_PROGRAM_NAME) LIKE  SY-REPID OPTIONAL          
    *"             VALUE(I_CLIENT_NEVER_DISPLAY) TYPE  SLIS_CHAR_1        
    *"                             DEFAULT 'X'                            
    *"             VALUE(I_INCLNAME) LIKE  TRDIR-NAME OPTIONAL            
    *"       CHANGING                                                     
    *"             VALUE(CT_FIELDCAT) TYPE  SLIS_T_FIELDCAT_ALV           
    *"       EXCEPTIONS                                                   
    *"              INCONSISTENT_INTERFACE                                
    *"              PROGRAM_ERROR                                         
    Import parameters 
    I_PROGRAM_NAME: Program in which the internal output table is declared and populated   
    I_INTERNAL_TABNAME: Internal output table name
    I_STRUCTURE_NAME: Structure name (structure, table, and view)
    I_CLIENT_NEVER_DISPL: Hide client fields default ‘X’
    I_INCLNAME: Data declarations include name
    CHANGING parameter
    CT_FIELDCAT: Field catalog with field descriptions
    The variant based on a program-internal table should only be used for rapid prototyping since the following restrictions apply:                                                                               
    1.   Performance is affected since the code of the table definition must always be read and interpreted at runtime.                                                                               
    2.   Dictionary reference are only considered if the keywords LIKE or  INCLUDE STRUCTURE (not TYPE) are used.
    Step 8
    The other function module is used to display the internal output table with the contents
    FUNCTION reuse_alv_list_display.                                          
    ""Lokale Schnittstelle:                                                 
    *” IMPORTING                                                        
    *"             VALUE(I_INTERFACE_CHECK) DEFAULT SPACE                     
    *"                             DEFAULT SPACE                              
    *"                             DEFAULT SPACE                              
    *"             VALUE(IS_LAYOUT) TYPE  SLIS_LAYOUT_ALV OPTIONAL            
    *"             VALUE(IT_EXCLUDING) TYPE  SLIS_T_EXTAB OPTIONAL            
    *"             VALUE(IT_SPECIAL_GROUPS) TYPE  SLIS_T_SP_GROUP_ALV         
    *"                             OPTIONAL                                   
    *"             VALUE(IT_SORT) TYPE  SLIS_T_SORTINFO_ALV OPTIONAL          
    *"             VALUE(IT_FILTER) TYPE  SLIS_T_FILTER_ALV OPTIONAL          
    *"           VALUE(I_DEFAULT) DEFAULT 'X'
    "             VALUE(I_SAVE) DEFAULT SPACE                             
    "             VALUE(IS_VARIANT) LIKE  DISVARIANT                      
    "                             STRUCTURE  DISVARIANT DEFAULT SPACE     
    "             VALUE(IT_EVENTS) TYPE  SLIS_T_EVENT OPTIONAL            
    "             VALUE(IS_PRINT) TYPE  SLIS_PRINT_ALV OPTIONAL           
    "             VALUE(I_SCREEN_START_COLUMN) DEFAULT 0                  
    "             VALUE(I_SCREEN_START_LINE) DEFAULT 0                    
    "             VALUE(I_SCREEN_END_COLUMN) DEFAULT 0                    
    "             VALUE(I_SCREEN_END_LINE) DEFAULT 0                      
    "       EXPORTING                                                     
    "             VALUE(E_EXIT_CAUSED_BY_CALLER)                          
    "       TABLES                                                        
    "              T_OUTTAB                                               
    "       EXCEPTIONS                                                    
    "              PROGRAM_ERROR
    Import parameters
    I_INTERFACE_CHECK: Interface consistency check log output.
    I_CALLBACK_PROGRAM: Name of the calling program
    I_CALLBACK_PF_STATUS_SET: Set EXIT routine to status.   
    I_CALLBACK_USER_COMMAND: EXIT routine for command handling
    I_STRUCTURE_NAME: Internal output table structure name     
    IS_LAYOUT: List layout specifications 
    IT_FIELDCAT: Field catalog with field descriptions
    IT_EXCLUDING: Table of inactive function codes   
    IT_SPECIAL_GROUPS: Grouping fields for column selection
    IT_SORT: Sort criteria for first list display
    IT_FILTER: Filter criteria for first list output
    IS_SEL_HIDE     : Selection information modification
    I_DEFAULT:      Initial variant active/inactive logic
    I_SAVE: Variants can be saved
    IS_VARIANT     : Variant information
    IT_EVENTS: Table of events to perform  IT_EVENT_EXIT :  Standard fcode exit requests table 
    IS_PRINT: Print information
    IS_REPREP_ID: Initialization keys for Re/Re interface
    I_SCREEN_START_COLUMN: Coordinates for list in dialog box
    I_SCREEN_START_LINE: Coordinates for list in dialog box
    I_SCREEN_END_COLUMN: Coordinates for list in dialog box        
    I_SCREEN_END_LINE: Coordinates f

  • How to create space between Header text of Hierarchical ALV List.

    I am display data using Hierarchical ALV List.
    In Perform of field catalog, I am writing this code:
    PERFORM fill_catalogue USING :
         'CHKBX'      'T_HEADER' 20  'Sess Decision Box'(t19) 'X',
          'SESS_NO'    'T_HEADER' 11  'Session'(t20)           ' ' ,
          'SESS_STAT'  'T_HEADER'  4  'Status'(t39)            ' ',
          'HOLD_STAT'  'T_HEADER'  4  'HOLD'(t52)              ' ',
          'ICON'       'T_HEADER'  9  'Tracking'(t21)          ' ' ,
          'CREATE_DT'  'T_HEADER' 10  'Archiving Date'(t22)    ' '  ,
          'AGING'      'T_HEADER' 50  'Aging'(t23)             ' ',
          'OBJECT'     'T_HEADER' 12  'Archive Obj'(t24)       ' ',
          'HOLD_INFO'  'T_HEADER' 100 'Hold Reason'            ' ' ,
          'YFY_DATA'   'T_HEADER' 4  'Data Fiscal Year'(t48)  ' ' ,
          'COMMENTS'   'T_HEADER' 50  'Session Notes'(t26)     ' ' ,
          'DATATYPE'   'T_HEADER' 50  'Archive Object Description'(t25) ' ',
          'APPR_STAT'    'T_ITEM' 16  'Approval Status'(t29)   ' ',
          'DESTR_DT_REV' 'T_ITEM' 10  'New Date'(t30)          ' ',
          'REJCT_REASON' 'T_ITEM' 60  'Rejection Reason'(t31)  ' '  .
    At output of this program , there are two rows in HEADER details.
    I want text 'Session notes' of 2nd row  under 'Archiving Date' of 1st row.
    For this i have to create space between 'Data Fiscal Year' & 'Session notes' text.
    How i can do this.

    You can use TOP-OF-PAGE event and pass this event to Hierarchical ALV FM.
    Kartavya Kaushik.

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