Date Function help

Dear All,
I have a table A with date coulmn called trans_date. It stores lot of months of data. I am trying to copy into table B only previous month's data. For example if i try to copy the data today...its suppose to pull March's data(01-MAR-2010 to 31-MAR-2010) only..Help me to wright the WHERE CONDITION...
With Regards

Hi, Phani,
SYSDATE is today's date (on the database server)
TRUNC (SYSDATE, 'MONTH') is the beginning of the current month
ADD_MONTHS (TRUNC (SYSDATE, 'MONTH'), 1) is one month before the beginning of the current month, that is, the beginning of last month.
You're interested in everything on or after the beginning of the last month (March 2010), but before the the beginning of the current month (April 2010), so
WHERE     trans_date     >= ADD_MONTHS (TRUNC (SYSDATE, 'MONTH'), -1)
AND     trans_date     <              TRUNC (SYSDATE, 'MONTH')I hope this answers your question.
If not, post a little sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements, relevant columns only) for all tables, and the results you want from that data (that is, the contents of the destination table after everything is finished).

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    I need to write a function below scenario
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    Please help me.
    Edited by: carmac on Jan 29, 2013 5:04 PM

    Check in plain SQL.. Enter the dates inthe format YYYYMMDD
    WITH t AS
            (SELECT TO_DATE (:dt1, 'YYYYMMDD') startdt,
                    TO_DATE (:dt2, 'YYYYMMDD') enddt
               FROM DUAL)
    SELECT *
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                               'SAT', NULL,
                               startdt + ROWNUM)
                  FROM t
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           (dt DATE);
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       FOR rec
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                      (SELECT TO_DATE (p_dt1, 'YYYYMMDD') startdt,
                              TO_DATE (p_dt2, 'YYYYMMDD') enddt
                         FROM DUAL)
              SELECT *
                FROM (    SELECT DECODE (TO_CHAR (startdt + ROWNUM, 'DY'),
                                         'SAT', NULL,
                                         startdt + ROWNUM)
                            FROM t
                      CONNECT BY ROWNUM <= (enddt - startdt))
               WHERE dt IS NOT NULL) LOOP
          PIPE ROW (t_dt (rec.dt));
       END LOOP;
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    Edited by: Included Function approach.

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    ---------------------------Sql statment------------------------------------------
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    rdate = <%= dateString %>
    Thanks in advance for any ideas anyone may have...

    There are sql functions upper & lower.
    SELECT name  FROM table where upper(rdate) = '01-APR-06' order by name Or you could convert the date to a string, and use the toUpperCase & toLowerCase java.lang.String methods. It doesn't make much of a difference--do you want the java compiler to do the string conversion or the database?

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    warm regards

    dates monitoring functionality - now called progress tracking is done for the this purpose when the PO is to nbe monitored
    the network activity (external) will have the reuqired dates based on scheduling
    the dates within date monitoring functionality have to be within these dates - meaning all your events Z001 etc are completed within the required delivery of the material. Dates monitoring helps to plan the delivery of the PO.
    Read sap help for more details

  • Print a DayName without using Date functions

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    I can take any date from calendar as reference  and calculate based on that date.
    ex: today is 2/20/2014 thursday . Next 7days again will be thursday, same way before 7days will be thursday.
    I need to loop in below procedure and get weekname. 
    Plz help in the code,
    I am using SQL server 2008
    IF OBJECT_ID ('dbo.Calendar1') IS NOT NULL
         DROP PROCEDURE dbo.Calendar1
    CREATE  PROCEDURE [dbo].Calendar1 --4,1991
       @month int,
       @Year  int
     @startdateofMonthYear date,
     @EnddateofMonthYear Date
    Set @startdateofMonthYear=(Select cast(@Year as varchar(4)) +'-'+Right('00'+Cast(@month as varchar(2)),2) +'-'+'01')
    Set @EnddateofMonthYear = (SELECT case when @month IN (1,3,5,7,8,10,12) then cast(@Year as varchar(4)) +'-'+Right('00'+Cast(@month as varchar(2)),2) +'-'+'31'
    when @month IN(4,6,9,11) then cast(@Year as varchar(4)) +'-'+Right('00'+Cast(@month as varchar(2)),2) +'-'+'30'
    else  cast(@Year as varchar(4)) +'-'+Right('00'+Cast(@month as varchar(2)),2) +'-'+(CASE WHEN (@YEAR % 4 = 0 AND @YEAR % 100 <> 0) OR @YEAR % 400 = 0 THEN '29' else '28' End) 
    ;WITH CTE_DatesTable
    Select 1 daysint, Cast(SUBSTRING(cast(@startdateofMonthYear as varchar(20)),1,7) + '-'+CAST(1 as varchar(2)) as DATE) Calendardates
    SELECT   daysint+1,Cast(SUBSTRING(cast(@startdateofMonthYear as varchar(20)),1,7) + '-'+CAST(daysint+1 as varchar(2)) as DATE) Calendardates
    FROM CTE_DatesTable
    WHERE  daysint<= 
    (SELECT case when @month IN (1,3,5,7,8,10,12) then 31
    when @month IN(4,6,9,11) then 30
    else  (CASE WHEN (@YEAR % 4 = 0 AND @YEAR % 100 <> 0) OR @YEAR % 400 = 0 THEN 29 else 28 End) 
    [MonthName]=Case when @month = 1 then 'January'
     when @month  = 2 then 'February'
     when @month  = 3 then 'March'
     when @month  = 4 then 'April'
     when @month  = 5 then 'May'
     when @month  = 6 then 'June'
     when @month  = 7 then 'July'
     when @month  = 8 then 'August'
     when @month  = 9 then 'September'
     when @month  = 10 then 'October'
     when @month  = 11 then 'November'
     when @month  = 12 then 'December' 
    From CTE_DatesTable

    In the above code, where do i pass the year and month?
    (Select 2000 YearID
    Union All
    Select YearID +1 From cte where YearID <2100
     In above condition from 2000 year its displaying.
    If i want in 90's year , Day name will not be correct.

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    Can I know the Hyperion Version you referring ?

  • Problem overloading "set data" function on Button DataGrid Renderer

    Hi all, I'm hoping this is something simple.
    I have a class that extends mx.controls.Button and implements mx.core.IDataRenderer.  I need to set the button icon whenever the Data property is set from the DataGrid.  My problem is that my overloaded set/get Data function are never called (I've stepped through the code in debug).  Instead the set/get functions in (Flex 3.4 SDK) get called.
    Here's the basics code:
    package controls
        import mx.controls.Button;   
        import mx.core.IDataRenderer;
        import mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridListData;   
        import mx.controls.listClasses.BaseListData;
        import mx.controls.Alert;
        import model.descriptors.compDescriptor;
        import events.exportClickedEvent;   
        public class exportButtonRenderer extends Button implements IDataRenderer   
            //    embed your icons
            public static var imageExport:Class;
            public static var imageBlank:Class;
            public function exportButtonRenderer()
            private var _listData:DataGridListData;
            override public function get listData():BaseListData
                return _listData;
            override public function set listData(value:BaseListData):void
                _listData = DataGridListData(value);
            private var _data:Object;       
            override public function get data():Object
                return _data;
            override public function set data(value:Object):void
                _data = value;
            override protected function clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
    Now I know I'm using the Flexlib TreeGrid and not a standard DataGrid but when I trace through all the code all code firing the set/get functions is coming from the DataGrid anyway.
    Here's the my Grid def in my main app mxml:
    Header 1
            dragEnabled="false" sortableColumns="false" showRoot="false"
             doubleClickEnabled="true" doubleClick="MKTXGrid_doubleClickHandler(event)" left="0" right="0" top="0" bottom="16">
                <flexlib:TreeGridColumn dataField="Name" headerText = "Name" minWidth="200" width="200" editable="true"/>
                <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="ExportName" headerText = "Export Name"/>
                <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="Export" headerText = "Export" width="50" minWidth="20" resizable="false">
                        <mx:Box horizontalAlign="center" width="100%" verticalScrollPolicy="off" horizontalScrollPolicy="off">
                            <controls:exportButtonRenderer label="Export" icon="@Embed(source='assets/icons/export.png')" width="12" height="12" useHandCursor="true">                        
                                        import events.exportClickedEvent;
                                        var e:exportClickedEvent = new exportClickedEvent();
                                        e.itemData = data;
    Nothing too special going on.
    I know this can be done, I've seen examples in the SDK: containers/accordionClasses/
    By the way I've stepped through the code of the TreeGridItemRenderer class in Flexlib which works correctly and the class def starts like this:
    import flash.display.DisplayObject;
    import flash.display.InteractiveObject;
    import flash.display.Shape;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.geom.Point;
    import flash.geom.Rectangle;
    import flexlib.controls.TreeGrid;
    import mx.controls.Image;
    import mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridListData;
    import mx.controls.listClasses.BaseListData;
    import mx.controls.listClasses.IDropInListItemRenderer;
    import mx.controls.listClasses.IListItemRenderer;
    import mx.core.IDataRenderer;
    import mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject;
    import mx.core.IToolTip;
    import mx.core.SpriteAsset;
    import mx.core.UIComponent;
    import mx.core.UITextField;
    import mx.managers.ILayoutManagerClient;
    import mx.styles.IStyleClient;
    public class TreeGridItemRenderer extends UIComponent
                                      implements IDataRenderer,
    Any help would be great!

    That's because you put your component in a Box.  The DataGrid is setting the Box's .data property and no code is setting the one on your component.  You shouldn't really need Box.  You can override updateDisplayList to center your Button instead.
    Alex Harui
    Flex SDK Developer
    Adobe Systems Inc.

  • Need milli seconds part in XSLT Date Function  current-dateTime()

    Hi All,
    I am calling date function, current-dateTime() in XSL. The output format is 2012-04-05T16:38:01-07:00 (Without milli seconds)
    How to get the milli seconds part...?

    Hi Arik....
    At last i got it. :)
    Followed the below steps.
    Created a String variable "currentDateTimeValue" in BPEL.
    I have used the below code in JavaEmbedding in BPEL.
    java.text.SimpleDateFormat sdf = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat();
    //Date Pattern looks lil weird. But some Web service accepts only this format.
    String formattedDate = sdf.format(new java.util.Date());
    addAuditTrailEntry("Formatted datetime string is: " + formattedDate);
    setVariableData("currentDateTimeValue", formattedDate);
    Created a Simple XSD with an element "DateElement" of String type.
    Assigned "currentDateTimeValue" value to "DateElement" element, in Assign activity.
    Now added this DateElement in Transformation activity, as a second source variable. Mapped this data to the required target element in my XSL.
    uh-huh I got the output...
    Thanks a ton ARIK :D u r really helpful...

  • Trunc date function not working correctly

    Another quick question if people don't mind. Bit confused about the trunc date function. I'm following the sql fundamentals exam guide and using their examples:
    select trunc(to_date('02-jun-2009 13:00','dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi')) day from dual;
    this returns the 2nd of june, as it should, because, as far as i'm aware, leaving the optional variable out defaults the precision to 'day'. but when i explicitly add the variable 'day', as the guide has done with 'week' 'month' and 'year' in the following examples (so i assume this format is correct rather than dd/mon/yyyy), something goes wrong:
    select trunc(to_date('02-jun-2009 13:00','dd-mon-yyyy' hh24:mi'), 'day') day from dual;
    this returns the 31st of may. which is incorrect.
    however replacing 'day' with 'dd' provides the correct answer of the 2nd again.
    this isn't a major issue, it just bothers me that the guide seems (again) to be mistaken, something that is rapidly becoming a trend in their examples. i'd also quite like to know why this is happening, as it will help improve my understanding of sql in general - perhaps there is some sort of default to allow the correct use of the variable 'day' i'm overlooking and that the guide hasn't made clear.
    btw, i'm working in sqlplus - although developer has some odd results too.
    thanks alot,

    967660 wrote:
    Another quick question if people don't mind. Bit confused about the trunc date function. I'm following the sql fundamentals exam guide and using their examples:
    select trunc(to_date('02-jun-2009 13:00','dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi')) day from dual;
    this returns the 2nd of june, as it should, because, as far as i'm aware, leaving the optional variable out defaults the precision to 'day'. but when i explicitly add the variable 'day', as the guide has done with 'week' 'month' and 'year' in the following examples (so i assume this format is correct rather than dd/mon/yyyy), something goes wrong:
    select trunc(to_date('02-jun-2009 13:00','dd-mon-yyyy' hh24:mi'), 'day') day from dual;
    this returns the 31st of may. which is incorrect.
    however replacing 'day' with 'dd' provides the correct answer of the 2nd again.
    this isn't a major issue, it just bothers me that the guide seems (again) to be mistaken, something that is rapidly becoming a trend in their examples. i'd also quite like to know why this is happening, as it will help improve my understanding of sql in general - perhaps there is some sort of default to allow the correct use of the variable 'day' i'm overlooking and that the guide hasn't made clear.
    btw, i'm working in sqlplus - although developer has some odd results too.
    thanks alot,
    nick'day' doesn't trunc to the beginning of the day. It truncates to the first day of the week: in your case 31st May.
    'ddd' truncates to the beginning of the day.
    So, leaving the second parameter out defaults to 'ddd' not 'day'.

  • Javascript Date() function not working

    I'm experiencing some problems with the Date() function in javascript. The problem is that the function doesn't seem to work. For example when I do "var date = new Date();;" in the enter event of a date field, I get "Date is not a function" error message in de javascript debugger.
    Is there anyone out there who knows how why the Date function is not working in LiveCycle Designer. Am I using the Date function in an improper way or maybe I am using the wrong function?
    Please can anyone help me out?

    Hi Paul,
    Thanx for you reply. It worked fine.
    I also found out that following works as well:
    var MyDate = util.scand("dd-mm-yyyy",new Date());
    console.println("this date: "+util.printd("dd-mm-yyyy", MyDate));

  • Date Functions in Discoverer Query

    It has been a while since I logged into the forum. Sorry at present my contribution is only to get help. Hope to help others in future.
    Here is teh problem I am facing.
    We have frequent requirement to get the sales comparison by last year to this year
    in Week to Date, Month to Date, Year to Date timeline.
    To accomplish I use Custom Date functions in my Discoverer which results in query like below
    SELECT o100229.curr_division_code,
    SUM (DECODE (discotw_admin.fiscal_cal_by_wk.flyrweek (:fyrweek),
    o100059.fiscal_year_week, o100341.tot_lines_ext_i_s_avg_cst,
    The "discotw_admin.fiscal_cal_by_wk.flyrweek (:fyrweek)" is the function I use to get the Last year week number nased on the parameter for this week number.
    But the problem with this approach is it fires the Function every time a record is read by the query which makes the query to run long time.
    Is there anyway I can use a subquery that fires the function only once and use the value of the function in the main query in Discoverer.
    I did tried to create a custom folder for the Date functions and use it in the query so that the query references the field on the cusom folder. But still I do not see any improvement in the performance.
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Jay
    Yes, calculating like this on every row will have a drag on performance.
    Have you considered using one of the analytic functions LAG or LEAD? They are designed for this type of reporting.
    If you have considered them and rejected them can you explain why.
    Another possibility is to use a SUM analytic like this:
    SUM(Selling Price SUM)
    OVER(PARTITION BY Size,Product
    The caveat here is that RANGE INTERVAL must be a YEAR and the ORDER BY must return a date!
    Does this help?
    Best wishes

  • Decode variant data w/o using 'Variant To Data' function.

    I need to decode variant data w/o having foreknowledge of the type used to create it. That is, I'm using the 'Flattened String To Variant' function which gives me the info I need, but it's all contained within one indicator. I need some way to break this info down into its constituent elements.
    For instance, let's say I have the flattened data and type descriptor from a cluster with two elements, a boolean and a string, but not the structure itself. Passing this flattened data and/or the type descriptor into a function, I would get a 2D array (or the like) as output containing the name of the boolean (its label), its value, and the name of the string and its corresponding value.
    There must be a way to
    do this, and I suspect it's been done already, but I can't find any reference to it.
    I have attached a file named which demostrates this problem.
    Remember, even though I know the name of the control, I won't know the type, so I cannot use the 'Variant To Data' function to deference these values. I can make ready use of DLLs, CINs, or LabVIEW code for the solution.
    Thanks ahead of time for any help! Greg
    Attachments: ‏26 KB

    You might be able to take advantage of the Variant to Flattened String VI from the Advanced>>Data Manipulation>>Variants pallette. This VI converts a Variant to a flattened data string and a type descriptor. The type descriptor is explained in ap note 154. You might be able to create a VI that would parse data from the flattened data string using the type descriptor. You might have to represent each piece of data as a flattened string to work around the data flow issues in LabVIEW.

  • SQL Date Function

    I have problem regarding date function in the following statment and unable to sort out the real cause as yet, i am not finding any materail for using date function in sql where clause any one can help me why is it.
    Sector Table
    Sect_Id Varchar2(2),
    Sect_name Varchar2(100),
    Wef Date
    :Adate--->Forms Field ,Datatype --->Char(11)
    Trigger Post-Query <Block Level>
    FRM-40735: POST-QUERY trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-01843.
    Any help in this regard.
    Thanks in advance

    TO_DATE converts from a character string such as '2004-11-24' into an Oracle DATE. If you pass it an Oracle DATE, it first converts it to a character string using the default date format, then converts that back into a date. This is not only inefficient but unsafe, since the default date format can change, breaking your code.
    TO_CHAR converts from various datatypes into a VARCHAR2 string. When converting from an Oracle DATE, it can provide the output in a variety of formats.
    It's worth bookmarking the Oracle Documentation Library:
    TO_DATE(WEF,'DD-MON-YYYY')=TO_DATE(:ADATE,'YYYY-MM-DD');WEF is already a date. If you want to remove any time portion, use TRUNC(wef).

  • XLR Get Other Data Function

    Hi all,
    Im wondering if I can use cell valeu data in the Where clause of the GetOtherData function.
    EG Get Invoice Key where Payment No = whatever is in cell D9.
    I keep getting syntax errors.
    I'm trying to report accross 2 modules - AR and Banking.
    I need to display Invoice data as well as related payment data.
    In report composer after making my AR selections, I try to drag and drop data from the Banking module to show payment data related to the Invoices.
    The data is not retrieved.
    I was wondering if this might be possible using the GetOtherData function in Advanced Report Builder.
    Can I show data related to whats in a certain cell in my report?
    Thanks for any suggestions.
    John O'Brien

    In composer, you cannot use two modules together to get the information in each module.
    Get other Data function can get the value in a specific field in tables. Please check online help file, there is detailed example about it.
    the syntax in using Get Other Data is exactly same in SQL.
    Maggie An
    SAP Business One Forum Team

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