SQL Date Function

I have problem regarding date function in the following statment and unable to sort out the real cause as yet, i am not finding any materail for using date function in sql where clause any one can help me why is it.
Sector Table
Sect_Id Varchar2(2),
Sect_name Varchar2(100),
Wef Date
:Adate--->Forms Field ,Datatype --->Char(11)
Trigger Post-Query <Block Level>
FRM-40735: POST-QUERY trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-01843.
Any help in this regard.
Thanks in advance

TO_DATE converts from a character string such as '2004-11-24' into an Oracle DATE. If you pass it an Oracle DATE, it first converts it to a character string using the default date format, then converts that back into a date. This is not only inefficient but unsafe, since the default date format can change, breaking your code.
TO_CHAR converts from various datatypes into a VARCHAR2 string. When converting from an Oracle DATE, it can provide the output in a variety of formats.
It's worth bookmarking the Oracle Documentation Library:
10g: download-west.oracle.com/docs/cd/B14117_01/nav/portal_3.htm
9i: otn.oracle.com/pls/db92/db92.docindex
TO_DATE(WEF,'DD-MON-YYYY')=TO_DATE(:ADATE,'YYYY-MM-DD');WEF is already a date. If you want to remove any time portion, use TRUNC(wef).

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    There are sql functions upper & lower.
    SELECT name  FROM table where upper(rdate) = '01-APR-06' order by name Or you could convert the date to a string, and use the toUpperCase & toLowerCase java.lang.String methods. It doesn't make much of a difference--do you want the java compiler to do the string conversion or the database?

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    Can you put an example on apex.oracle.com and provide a link, it will be much easier to help you out?
    blog : http://carlback.blogspot.com/
    apex examples : http://apex.oracle.com/pls/otn/f?p=11933:5

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    Hi Pablo
    Thats a tough one ... if you go custom with a data template you will at least get support on the data template functionality ie you have a problem when you try and build one. You will not get support on the query inside the data template as you might have gotten with the Oracle Report, well you could at least log a bug against development for a bad query.
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    1. You have to have R12 and
    2. You'll need to wait for the patch
    On reflection, if you are confident enough in the query then Oracle will support you on its implementation within a data template. Going forward you may be able to swap out your DT and out in the Oracle one without too much effort.
    Regards, Tim

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    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Amit,
    Thanks for your reply.
    Ok. So, Universe on top of Data Federator has limited functionality.
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    Plz help in the code,
    I am using SQL server 2008
    IF OBJECT_ID ('dbo.Calendar1') IS NOT NULL
         DROP PROCEDURE dbo.Calendar1
    CREATE  PROCEDURE [dbo].Calendar1 --4,1991
       @month int,
       @Year  int
     @startdateofMonthYear date,
     @EnddateofMonthYear Date
    Set @startdateofMonthYear=(Select cast(@Year as varchar(4)) +'-'+Right('00'+Cast(@month as varchar(2)),2) +'-'+'01')
    Set @EnddateofMonthYear = (SELECT case when @month IN (1,3,5,7,8,10,12) then cast(@Year as varchar(4)) +'-'+Right('00'+Cast(@month as varchar(2)),2) +'-'+'31'
    when @month IN(4,6,9,11) then cast(@Year as varchar(4)) +'-'+Right('00'+Cast(@month as varchar(2)),2) +'-'+'30'
    else  cast(@Year as varchar(4)) +'-'+Right('00'+Cast(@month as varchar(2)),2) +'-'+(CASE WHEN (@YEAR % 4 = 0 AND @YEAR % 100 <> 0) OR @YEAR % 400 = 0 THEN '29' else '28' End) 
    ;WITH CTE_DatesTable
    Select 1 daysint, Cast(SUBSTRING(cast(@startdateofMonthYear as varchar(20)),1,7) + '-'+CAST(1 as varchar(2)) as DATE) Calendardates
    SELECT   daysint+1,Cast(SUBSTRING(cast(@startdateofMonthYear as varchar(20)),1,7) + '-'+CAST(daysint+1 as varchar(2)) as DATE) Calendardates
    FROM CTE_DatesTable
    WHERE  daysint<= 
    (SELECT case when @month IN (1,3,5,7,8,10,12) then 31
    when @month IN(4,6,9,11) then 30
    else  (CASE WHEN (@YEAR % 4 = 0 AND @YEAR % 100 <> 0) OR @YEAR % 400 = 0 THEN 29 else 28 End) 
    [MonthName]=Case when @month = 1 then 'January'
     when @month  = 2 then 'February'
     when @month  = 3 then 'March'
     when @month  = 4 then 'April'
     when @month  = 5 then 'May'
     when @month  = 6 then 'June'
     when @month  = 7 then 'July'
     when @month  = 8 then 'August'
     when @month  = 9 then 'September'
     when @month  = 10 then 'October'
     when @month  = 11 then 'November'
     when @month  = 12 then 'December' 
    From CTE_DatesTable

    In the above code, where do i pass the year and month?
    (Select 2000 YearID
    Union All
    Select YearID +1 From cte where YearID <2100
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    Thanks a lot in advance,

    Hi there,
    1) First day of current month
    select trunc(sysdate, 'MM') from dual;
    2) last day of current month.
    select trunc(add_months(sysdate, 1), 'MM') - 1 from dual;
    3) first day of previious month
    select trunc(add_months(sysdate, -1), 'MM') from dual;
    4) last day of previous month
    select trunc(sysdate, 'MM') - 1 from dual;
    5) first day of a month that is 3 months from now.
    select trunc(add_months(sysdate, 3), 'MM') from dual;
    6) last day of a month that is 3 months from now.
    select trunc(add_months(sysdate, 4), 'MM') - 1 from dual;cheers,

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    thanks in advance.

    Binary data is binary data - "image" is only an intrepretation of binary data.  Therefore your question makes little sense in the context of sql server since it does not have any facilities to utilize images.  Since you provide no context, I'm
    guessing that you are trying to retrieve an image stored in the database in a varbinary column and have your application use it as an image.  If so, you should post your question to a forum that is specific to your development environment.  

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    hi guys,
    can anyone tell me what is the DATE function to get the name of day for a date given
    (12/dec/2004)---returns SUNDAY

    Hi peter
    Your Query will return an error.
    SQL> select to_char(to_date('12/dec/2004', 'mm/mon/yyyy'), 'DAY')from dual;
    select to_char(to_date('12/dec/2004', 'mm/mon/yyyy'), 'DAY')from dual
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-01816: month may only be specified once.
    month is specified twice.
    select to_char(to_date('12/dec/2004', 'dd/mon/yyyy'), 'DAY')from dual;

  • Trunc date function not working correctly

    Another quick question if people don't mind. Bit confused about the trunc date function. I'm following the sql fundamentals exam guide and using their examples:
    select trunc(to_date('02-jun-2009 13:00','dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi')) day from dual;
    this returns the 2nd of june, as it should, because, as far as i'm aware, leaving the optional variable out defaults the precision to 'day'. but when i explicitly add the variable 'day', as the guide has done with 'week' 'month' and 'year' in the following examples (so i assume this format is correct rather than dd/mon/yyyy), something goes wrong:
    select trunc(to_date('02-jun-2009 13:00','dd-mon-yyyy' hh24:mi'), 'day') day from dual;
    this returns the 31st of may. which is incorrect.
    however replacing 'day' with 'dd' provides the correct answer of the 2nd again.
    this isn't a major issue, it just bothers me that the guide seems (again) to be mistaken, something that is rapidly becoming a trend in their examples. i'd also quite like to know why this is happening, as it will help improve my understanding of sql in general - perhaps there is some sort of default to allow the correct use of the variable 'day' i'm overlooking and that the guide hasn't made clear.
    btw, i'm working in sqlplus - although developer has some odd results too.
    thanks alot,

    967660 wrote:
    Another quick question if people don't mind. Bit confused about the trunc date function. I'm following the sql fundamentals exam guide and using their examples:
    select trunc(to_date('02-jun-2009 13:00','dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi')) day from dual;
    this returns the 2nd of june, as it should, because, as far as i'm aware, leaving the optional variable out defaults the precision to 'day'. but when i explicitly add the variable 'day', as the guide has done with 'week' 'month' and 'year' in the following examples (so i assume this format is correct rather than dd/mon/yyyy), something goes wrong:
    select trunc(to_date('02-jun-2009 13:00','dd-mon-yyyy' hh24:mi'), 'day') day from dual;
    this returns the 31st of may. which is incorrect.
    however replacing 'day' with 'dd' provides the correct answer of the 2nd again.
    this isn't a major issue, it just bothers me that the guide seems (again) to be mistaken, something that is rapidly becoming a trend in their examples. i'd also quite like to know why this is happening, as it will help improve my understanding of sql in general - perhaps there is some sort of default to allow the correct use of the variable 'day' i'm overlooking and that the guide hasn't made clear.
    btw, i'm working in sqlplus - although developer has some odd results too.
    thanks alot,
    nick'day' doesn't trunc to the beginning of the day. It truncates to the first day of the week: in your case 31st May.
    'ddd' truncates to the beginning of the day.
    So, leaving the second parameter out defaults to 'ddd' not 'day'.

  • Sql like function in View Object for progammatically

    Hi friends,
    I used Jdeveloper ,I need how to get the datas from database using sql like function(select * from tablename where name like 'p%') using viewCriteria by
    Thanks & Regards,
    Edited by: priya on Apr 8, 2011 3:48 AM
    Edited by: priya on Apr 8, 2011 3:49 AM

    Check the docs: http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E15523_01/web.1111/b31974/bcadvvo.htm#sm0341

  • XLR Get Other Data Function

    Hi all,
    Im wondering if I can use cell valeu data in the Where clause of the GetOtherData function.
    EG Get Invoice Key where Payment No = whatever is in cell D9.
    I keep getting syntax errors.
    I'm trying to report accross 2 modules - AR and Banking.
    I need to display Invoice data as well as related payment data.
    In report composer after making my AR selections, I try to drag and drop data from the Banking module to show payment data related to the Invoices.
    The data is not retrieved.
    I was wondering if this might be possible using the GetOtherData function in Advanced Report Builder.
    Can I show data related to whats in a certain cell in my report?
    Thanks for any suggestions.
    John O'Brien

    In composer, you cannot use two modules together to get the information in each module.
    Get other Data function can get the value in a specific field in tables. Please check online help file, there is detailed example about it.
    the syntax in using Get Other Data is exactly same in SQL.
    Maggie An
    SAP Business One Forum Team

  • PL/SQL Pipelined Function to Compare *ANY*  2 tables

    I am trying to create a pipelined function in 10g R1 that will take the name of two tables, compare the the tables using dynamic SQL and pipe out the resulting rows using the appropriate row type. The pipelined function will be used in a DML insert statement.
    For example:
    create table a (f1 number, f2, date, f3 varchar2);
    create table b (f1 number, f2, date, f3 varchar2);
    create table c (f1 number, f2, date, f3 varchar2);
    create or replace TYPE AnyCollTyp IS TABLE OF ANYTYPE;
    create or replace TYPE CRowType IS c%ROWTYPE;
    create or replace TYPE CRowTabType IS table of CRowType;
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION compareTables (p_source IN VARCHAR2, p_dest IN VARCHAR2)
    CURSOR columnCur (p_tableName IN user_tab_columns.table_name%TYPE)
    SELECT column_name, column_id
    FROM user_tab_columns
    WHERE table_name = p_tableName
         ORDER BY column_id;
    l_cur sys_refcursor;
    l_rec ANYTYPE;
    l_stmt VARCHAR2 (32767);
    l_stmt := 'select ';
    FOR columnRec IN columnCur (p_dest)
    l_stmt := l_stmt || CASE
    WHEN columnRec.column_id > 1
    THEN ','
    ELSE ''
    END || columnRec.column_name;
    l_stmt := l_stmt || ' from ' || p_source;
    l_stmt := l_stmt || ' minus ';
    l_stmt := l_stmt || ' select ';
    FOR columnRec IN columnCur (p_dest)
    l_stmt := l_stmt || CASE
    WHEN columnRec.column_id > 1
    THEN ','
    ELSE ''
    END || columnRec.column_name;
    l_stmt := l_stmt || ' from ' || p_dest;
    OPEN l_cur FOR l_stmt;
    FETCH l_cur
    INTO l_rec;
    PIPE ROW (l_rec);
    CLOSE l_cur;
    END compareTables;
    The pipelined function gets created without error. However, the testCompare procedure gets an error:
    SQL> create or replace procedure testCompare is
    insert into c
    select *
    from (TABLE(CAST(compareTables('a','b') as cRowTabType)));
    dbms_output.put_line(SQL%ROWCOUNT || ' rows inserted into c.');
    Warning: Procedure created with compilation errors.
    SQL> show errors
    3/4 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    5/47 PL/SQL: ORA-22800: invalid user-defined type
    Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? Is there a better way to compare any two tables and get the resulting rows?

    904640 wrote:
    Hi All,
    Is it possible to post messages to weblogic JMS queue from pl/sql procedure/function?
    From this Queue, message will be read by OSB interface.
    Any help will be highly appreciated.

  • Calling SQL Server function in ODI

    Hi All,
    In the Target data store in the interface I have a column called COUNT_BY_CERTDATE column and in the mapping I have teh following syntax, which does not work.
    SUM(CASE WHEN ((dbo.getcertdate(person_id,getdate()) >= current_timestamp) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END). The 'getcertdate' is a SQL Server function which returns a date.
    I am getting a "Expression is not valid for this DBMS error" with the details as getcertdate is not a recognized built in function name. Please help on fixing this issue.
    Thanks for your time and help.

    Its defined on the source.
    I am getting the following error, when I execute it.
    ODI-1228: Task Load_Fact_Table1 (Integration) fails on the target MICROSOFT_SQL_SERVER connection SQLSERVER_USAASC.
    Caused By: java.sql.SQLException: [FMWGEN][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]Cannot find either column "main" or the user-defined function or aggregate "main.dbo.getCertDate", or the name is ambiguous.
    Edited by: ssk1974 on Dec 20, 2012 6:30 AM

  • Raw to date function in oracle

    I would like to know the details and usage of Raw to date function in oracle database.Could some one let me know the function details?

    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
    SQL> set serveroutput on
      2   rv RAW(32) := '786B060818023A';
      3   dt DATE := NULL;
      4  BEGIN
      5    dbms_stats.convert_raw_value(rv, dt);
      6    dbms_output.put_line(TO_CHAR(dt, 'DD-MON-YYYY'));
      7  END;
      8  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    PS: This is not my own example. I don't recollect the link I got this example from. Will post the link if I come across it again. I think its www.psoug.org (not sure)

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