Date modified: Saturday, July -2147483642, 41221, 17:00

I have an external drive hooked up to a ruby red iMac year 2001 (Tiger 10.4.11) that's online via Aiport (using Wifi "b" flavor, neither "g" nor "n").
I am on an iMac (lamp style, year 2003 with Tiger 10.4.11) connected with Ethernet to the router. The external drive from the ruby red iMac is mounted.
I want to save/open a file to/from that mounted drive (I'm in the open/save dialog). In list view I see as modification date for all files and folders (except on root level) the following:
Saturday, July -2147483642, 41221, 17:00
I then ran Diskwarrior and Techtool on that external drive without errors but the "problem" persists.
The strange thing is, that if I try to reproduce this error, the dates sometimes are showing up normally. However it seems that the system shows first above mentioned weird date, then changes quickly to the normal date. It seems as if the system tries to "translate" a technical date into a human readable date...
Could somebody shed some light on this phenomenon? Is there reason for concern?

Hi Martin,
Is there reason for concern?
I think there is cause, not ever seeing it myself.
The strange thing is, that if I try to reproduce this error, the dates sometimes are showing up normally. However
My first guess is a RAM issue, but none of the RAM testers can be trusted UNLESS they find a problem, not if they don't find it.

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    Even Picasa is now confused (in the mac envirnoment). 

    No, as this is file metadata not photo metadata.
    You can adjust the date and time using the Photos -> Adjust Date and Time or even the Photos -> Batch Change command.

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    When a program is installed, it seems to be able to do it (sometimes inappropriately if it hijacks file associations without asking) so why can't I?  This is for 10.4.
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    Note that in HP case, it apparently does it at the file exchange preference level (or whatever it's called) since the OS then recognizes every file of those types as an HP file. In the iTunes case, it only does it if you download a new media file or open an existing file in iTunes, but again without changing the date it was last edited.
    Since these programs are able to change the default file association without changing the date the file was last edited, it should be reversible in Terminal, correct?  Why does it change "date modified" when you try and correct metadata using Get Info (or sometimes just by clicking an enclosing folder?) Date modified should be a record of when a file itself was edited, not when it was renamed, or other metadata. Otherwise stuff can't be sorted correctly.

    The unix commands you need are:
    and maybe find
    for cryptic details use the man command
    Macintosh-HD -> Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal
    man SetFileInfo
    You may use the SetFileInfo command to set the file type & the program which will open the file.
    # This little gem will do a get info on all files in a directory.
    mac $ ls  | xargs -I {} GetFileInfo "{}"
    file: "/Users/mac/playdoc/oddadocodd"
    type: ""
    creator: ""
    attributes: avbstclinmedz
    created: 05/01/2011 14:53:22
    modified: 05/01/2011 14:53:22
    file: "/Users/mac/playdoc/one.docx"
    type: ""
    creator: ""
    attributes: avbstclinmedz
    created: 05/01/2011 13:57:48
    modified: 05/01/2011 13:57:48
    file: "/Users/mac/playdoc/oneLineFile"
    type: "TEXT"
    creator: "!Rch"
    attributes: avbstclinmedz
    created: 05/07/2011 14:27:17
    modified: 05/07/2011 14:27:17
    file: "/Users/mac/playdoc/oneLineFile.txt"
    type: "TEXT"
    creator: "!Rch"
    attributes: avbstclinmedz
    created: 05/07/2011 14:27:49
    modified: 05/07/2011 14:27:49
    file: "/Users/mac/playdoc/three.docx"
    type: ""
    creator: ""
    attributes: avbstclinmedz
    created: 05/01/2011 13:58:03
    modified: 05/01/2011 13:58:03
    file: "/Users/mac/playdoc/two.docx"
    type: ""
    creator: ""
    attributes: avbstclinmedz
    created: 05/01/2011 13:57:56
    modified: 05/01/2011 13:57:56
    file: "/Users/mac/playdoc/weirder.doc.docx"
    type: ""
    creator: ""
    attributes: avbstclinmedz
    created: 05/01/2011 14:50:03
    modified: 05/01/2011 14:50:03
    # well, ! is a funnie character so we escape it.
    mac $ SetFile -t TEXT -c \!Rch two.docx
    mac $ GetFileInfo two.docx
    file: "/Users/mac/playdoc/two.docx"
    type: "TEXT"
    creator: "!Rch"
    attributes: avbstclinmedz
    created: 05/01/2011 13:57:56
    modified: 05/01/2011 13:57:56
    mac $
    mac $ date
    Sat May  7 14:40:56 EDT 2011
    mac $

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    Is there a setting I can choose somewhere to prevent this problem? If not, is there somewhere I can report this kind of glitch? I'm not sure if I'm using the exact language necessary to get the issue across so please let me know if you have any questions! Thanks!

    iCloud is not compatible with Snow Leopard, that is your problem.
    A quick way out is to purchase Soho Organizer which is compatible, even when running on Snow Leopard, it will correctly handle Contacts and Calendars from iCloud. $100, 2 user license.
    Soho Organizer
    There is a free trial if you want to try it.

  • Date Modified in iTunes 8

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    Go to website.
    Change it back.
    You will have 2 minutes to delete iCloud from iPhone.
    Change it to new one on website and verify.
    Sign in new one on the phone.

  • Is there a way to manually custom-edit the "Date created" and "Date modified" attributes of files in Mac OS 10.6?

    In "List View" in a Finder window, among the many column options are "Date created" and "Date modified." In "View Options" (command-J) for any folder, one can add these columns, along with the standard ones "Size," "Kind," "Label," etc.
    A user can alter a file's name, and a file's "label" (i.e. its color). On the other hand, a user can NOT arbitrarily edit/alter a file's official "size" -- other than by physically altering the contents of the file itself, obviously.
    But what about a file's "Date created" and "Date modified"? Can either of those be manually edited/changed, just as a file's name can be changed -- or is a file's creation-date an immutable attribute beyond the editorial reach of the user, just as a file's "size" is?
    And yes, a person can "alter" a file's "Date modified" by simply modifying the file, which would change its "Date modified" to be the moment it was last altered (i.e. right now). But (and here's the key question) can a user somehow get inside a file's defining attributes and arbitrarily change a file's modification date to be at any desired point in the past that's AFTER its creation date and BEFORE the present moment? Or will so doing cause the operating system to blow a gasket?
    If it is possible to arbitrarily manually alter a file's creation date or modification date, how would it be done (in 10.6)? And if it is NOT possible, then why not?

    sanjempet --
    Whew, that's a relief!
    But as for your workaround solution: All it will achieve is altering the created and modified dates to RIGHT NOW. What I'm looking to do is to alter the modification/creation dates to some point in the past.
    I'm not doing this for any nefarious reason. I just like to organize my work files chronologically according to when each project was initiated, but sometimes I forget to gather the disparate documents all into one folder right at the beginning, and as a result, sometimes after I finish a job, I will create a new folder to permanently house all the files in an old project, and when that folder is places in a bigger "completed projects" folder and then is organized by "Date created" or "Date modified" in list view, it is out-of-order chronologically because the creation and modification dates of that particular project folder reflect when the folder was created (i.e. today), and not when the files inside the folder were created (i.e. weeks or months ago).
    The simplest solution would simply to be able to back-date the folder's creation or modification date to match the date that the project actually started!

  • Detection Method of Date Modified fails due to copied files date modified change

    I've been working through an issue for some time now and I think it's a bug with SCCM 2012 SP1. I've built literally 50 deployments in "Application Management" in SCCM 2012, but I've been chasing my tail on a few of them throwing the
    "succeeded but couldn't detect" error. The few that have given me problems are all copying text files and then detect the modified date to verify that the file is there. All worked when I initially built them in Windows 8 but are now failing
    randomly...even on a machine where they previously worked and I deleted the files to test the deployment again. 
    What I'm doing:
    My java deployment requires policies which we control with the Deployment.config, and java.policy files. A simple script creates the directories and copies the files. I then create a deployment type for this "ConfigFileCopy.cmd"
    and create a detection rule for each file that I am moving over. The detection rule looks for a "date modified" date between the beginning and end of the date for the day I modified the file. This allows me to modify the files to change our
    java policies and then redeploy them with the "new" modified date as the detection rule, which forces the update.
    The problem:
    When I first created my deployment, everything worked pretty well. The files copy out and the script runs successfully. There were some minor tweaks I need to make to my scripts, so I did and then updated the content for the deployment type. I believe this
    is where things go a little wonky. At this point, my deployment starts failing with the "0x87D00324" error.
    Looking through the logs, everything looks good. The reason configuration manager is failing on detecting the modified date for those files, as it turns out, is because the modified dates don't meet the criteria. So that part is properly failing the detection.
    The problem is that the modified dates are correct on the server but not the client. Looking in c:\windows\ccmcache, I can see multiple folders....presumably one for each version of the application that I updated. Looking at any of the newer content folders
    for this app, the modified dates are the date and time the file was copied out to the workstation, which is incorrect as the file hasn't been modified during that process.
    The odd part, is that this doesn't happen EVERY time on EVERY machine. My primary desktop is windows 8.1 and received the files correctly and installed without issue. My test win 8.1 laptop initially received them correctly, but then as I refined the scripts
    it began picking up the wrong modified dates and started failing.
    I found a similar issue to this existed in SCCM 2007 ( so I suspect that this is truly just a bug that hasn't been addressed (or maybe is fixed in R2). Unfortunately
    we have business reasons we can't upgrade to R2 at this time so I'm hoping someone has experienced this and has some sort of work around that might get me by for now. If someone can confirm it is fixed in R2, that would help my case to upgrade as well.  
    I can work around the issue by changing my logic to detect any date greater than a specific date. But I shouldn't have to do that and I'm concerned there are scenarios I haven't thought of that will cause unexpected behavior or failures with that.

    This outlines the behavior. It's apparently by design. 
    "SCCM has a habit of changing the ‘Date Modified’ timestamp of all files it delivers when it detects an ‘upgrade’ of the source files for that application. It typically does not touch the timestamp
    of the source files if it delivers a brand new install to a client that has never received the software, however if a single file in the source folder is changed for that application, then SCCM tries to use a previous version of the application in the cache
    (C:\windows\ccmcache) and only downloads the new file that has change. This results in all files having their ‘Data Modified’ timestamp changing (except for the brand new file). Therefore determining if that application has delivered
    successfully using ‘Date Modified’ timestamps is not recommended. The key to seeing this process in action is looking at the file properties in the
    C:\windows\ccmcache\<sccm code> folder for that application, particularly before and after a file is updated in the original source SCCM application folder."

  • In my opinion, the real solution is for Apple to offer us a choice of the photo sort order in ITunes. My preference would be filename, perhaps with options to choose the Date Taken attribute, file timestamp or date modified filestamp (EXIF date fields as

    I tryed to sort my pictures with buying Apps and following suggestion from apple, but without any success. In my opinion, the real solution is for Apple to offer us a choice of the photo sort order in ITunes. My preference would be filename, perhaps with options to choose the Date Taken attribute, file timestamp or date modified filestamp.

    Not a problem when using iPhoto on a Mac, which the transfer of photos is primarily based on - not manually managing photo storage as seems to be common with Windoze.
    The same should be available with a supported photo management app on a PC.

  • How to set "Date Modified" as default tab in Open File window

    Photoshop CS5.1
    When I click on Open File, the window that comes up has several default columns (FileName, Date, Size, etc).
    I can right-click on the tab bar and add "Date Modified" to the tabs, but I would like to have "Date Modified" be a default column whenever I open the file selector (and no matter which folder I open up).
    I cannot find a way to do this. I want to know the last date I modified a file, not when it was created.
    Is there a way to universally set this column as a default?

    Date modified always shows for me in Details view.
    I believe what columns are showing has to do with what columns you've set in Windows Explorer...
    Here's an excerpt paraphrased from my Configure the Windows 7 "To Work" Options book that may cover what you need:
    Open Windows Explorer...
    Navigate to a folder of the type you want to see (e.g., one containing your Photoshop images) and set Details view. 
    Make the window look the way you'd like future Explorer windows to look.  Reorganize Details view columns, e.g., to Name, Size, Type, Date Created, Date Modified, Attributes, etc. and size them so they fit.
    Choose Tools - Folder options, then click the View tab.
    Click [ Apply to Folders ] to apply the above settings to all folders.
    [ OK ] to exit.
    Hope this helps. 
    If the Date modified still doesn't stick for you, there are some other things I've done (and documented) to tweak the configuration of my systems that may help make my seeing the columns being set as shown in the attached image when I choose File - Open in Photoshop.

  • Is Bridge supposed to sort raw files by date modified?  Not on my systems.

    I have just installed photoshop/bridge cs5 on two windows 7 systems, home premium 64 bit, one an i3 chip and the other an i7 chip.  I was formerly using cs3.
    I see that Bridge is not sorting my raw files by date modified like it did before.  It sorts jpg files okay.  I noticed that the xmp files associated with the raw files, when I hover over them in Windows Explorer show the correct modified date but the thumbnail icon shows only creation date, which I assume is as it shou ld be.  Why doesn't Bridge CS5 sort raw files by date modified as it did in CS3?  CS3 must have referred to the xmp file modified date to use for sorting, I would think.
    I should also mention that the metadata file does not show the correct date modified, but gives the same date as the creation date.  Also the thumbnails for raw images that have been modified correctly show the icon that indicates it was modified.
    Also, I see that when you hover over a thumbnail in Bridge CS5 nothing is revealed about the file.  In CS3 Bridge hovering over a thumbnail showed several pieces of data about the file including anything in the file info.
    Is this just how Bridge CS5 works or have I missed a setting somewhere in Bridge or Windows?

    Curt, thanks for your response.  The tool tips
    was not checked and did result in "hovering"
    working.  I'm not sure why that's called tool tips, but okay.
    I have just installed the software in the last
    few days.  I almost immediately got an update
    notice and installed the update.  I thought I was
    up to date.  Then, just a while ago I got another
    update notice.  After installing it the sorting
    now works.  Thanks much.  Problems seem to be solved.

  • PDF or Excel file saved to Network folder Intermittently has "Date Modified" changed to an older date

    Client saves files locally to her Win 7 64-bit laptop and they are fine when it comes to the date modifed stamp. On occasion a few of these files each day, when saved to the home directory on the server, get the Date Modified stamp changed. Time is never
    the same and can be set for las tweek or - literally - 1990, 2004, 2010, etc. I have seen tech articles talking about the different options for saving the file date based on an embedded image or attachment of some type, but that has been ruled out. And this
    is not the local saved file time being modified within the first minute or two of a locally copied file.
    Any ideas how a file saved to a network share can randomly and intermittently have the date modified to a much older date? Have scanned for malware as well.... Thanks!

    Make sure the server or nas where it's saved is sync'ed with it,s time source, and be sure it's update for the OS's patch.
    Regards, Philippe
    Don't forget to mark as answer or vote as helpful to help identify good information. ( linkedin endorsement never hurt too :o) )
    Answer an interesting question ? Create a
    wiki article about it!

  • InDesign will not open files in Date Modified order

    I have never had this problem before, but suddenly InDesign will not import/open my files (photos) in Date Modified order. No matter how I select the files or order/arrange the files in the File\Place window, they open in name order. I have 200 separate folders with six photos each. These are to be placed in the InDesign document in date modified order. Someone suggested batch renaming the files using Adobe Bridge, however the files are in 200 individual folders for a reason and I don't want to open each folder and batch rename 6 at a time. I have reset my InDesign preferences with no luck. I am using Version CS5.5 of InDesign, Mac OS X 10.7.5. Any suggestions?

    It usually only confuses a discussion to open a new thread on the same subject.
    I'm directing you back to the original discussion you opened earlier today instead of starting another one:
    I'm also locking this discussion.

  • Copying files to my MBA Early 2011, 10.6.7 changes their 'date modified' to the current date. It happens only to some of the files copied. Any idea what my be causing it. Never had this problem before, on othe macs I have owned.

    Copying files to my new MBA (early 2011) running 10.6.7 results in their 'modification date' to change to the current date. Any idea what may be causing it. It happens only to some of the files (there is no pattern to it.). I have not seen it previously in many other macs I have owned.

    Hi all
    I am bumping this thread again because I can't believe that I am the only one experiencing this issue. At times it is costing me hours repeatedly copying files until eventually the date doesn't show as modified.
    I thought I had cracked it earlier by changing the Sharing & Permissions settings, and applying to enclosed items the ability for Everyone, Me and Staff fo have Read & Write permissions - but that doesn't seemed to have changed much.
    Copying in smaller batches helps sometimes, but then other times it makes no odds, and the Date Modified date shows as the original date for a few seconds, only to change to today's date. Driving me nuts because there is no pattern to it.
    Files which I have copied and show their original modified date, when moved to a subfolder, then have their date changed to today!!! Copying other files into the folder results in files that were previously OK having their Date Modified changed!
    Am I on the only one?

  • Why doesn't Lightroom organise videos/photos lacking "date taken" by "date modified" instead of "date created"?

    This still seems to be a problem with Lightroom 5. This post is one of the top results after trying to Google this problem, and it's for LR3. I can't understand why something so fundamental to video (and some photo) organisation has been overlooked for so long.
    I've been trying to import and organise all my old photos and videos by date with LR5. They've been backed up and copied many times over the years, most recently to an external drive last week. So every file has a "date created" of last week. But "date modified" remains the original recorded date.
    This doesn't matter for photos with a proper EXIF "date taken" - but LR5 looks at the "date created" for videos, making it completely useless for organising them into date-based folders. It puts videos I recorded in 2010 (as per "date modified") into a 2014-12 folder. Why.
    It's not just a video problem - some photos I took with devices that didn't record EXIF "date taken" are also filed into folders from this month, even though the "date modified" on them is correct as being from 5 years ago.
    How can I rely on LR5 for importing and date-based organisation when it relies on files (lacking "date taken") having never been copied or backed up?

    I use exiftool to modify the  Creation and Modification time of the files. After that I use LR "Ajust time" feature to set the time of the movies in LR to the file creation time (last point). This works fine for me.
    For MOV (Quicktime):
    exiftool "-FileModifyDate<TrackCreateDate"  "-FileCreateDate<TrackCreateDate"
    For AVI:
    exiftool "-FileModifyDate<DateTimeOriginal"  "-FileCreateDate<DateTimeOriginal" *.avi
    Depnding on your camera (and container format mov, avi) you may also ajust the time zone, e.g.
    exiftool -FileModifyDate+=1 -FileCreateDate+=1 -if "$CameraModelName =~ /EOS 600D/i" *.mov
    Which time in the container (MOV, AVI) you use as source, depends on your workflow. I edit my mov files before import. Therfore "CreateDate" is the time when I edited the file. Quicktime and (some) avi file contain a time when the containing stream was created. I use this vaule as source.
    exiftool <filename> gives you detailed information about all available times.

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