DAX formula and Legend/Series variable on line chart

What I am trying to do is to find a DAX function that will not cumulate the 'startyear' variable (2006-2012) that is in the Legend/Series in a pivot table for a line chart I have (see below image of chart). The below functions just cause the startyear values
to cumulate all together (2006+2007+2008....) instead of treating the years as separate values:
=(CALCULATE(countrows(s1Perm1),FILTER(ALLSELECTED(s1Perm1),s1Perm1[ExitMonthCategory] <= MAX(s1Perm1[ExitMonthCategory]))))/(CALCULATE(COUNTROWS(s1Perm1),ALL(s1Perm1[Exit],s1Perm1[ExitMonthCategory])))
Does anyone know how to change the above DAX formula or have another one that will allow the values in the Legend/Series variable to cumulate individually?

Yes, it is a count, but they also must meet the criteria in the slicers chosen by the user.
Regardless, I tried your suggestion and unfortunately, it did not work--in that the year values in the Legend/series are still aggregating together, rather than individually--ie. the numerator below for 2007 and 2007 are combined:
12.3 %
17.9 %
15.2 %
22.0 %
21.8 %
31.5 %
25.9 %
37.5 %
30.9 %
44.6 %
37.9 %
54.8 %
42.8 %
61.9 %
72.0 %
104.2 %
89.7 %
129.8 %
107.8 %
156.0 %
118.9 %
172.0 %
124.3 %
179.8 %
125.9 %
127.2 %
183.9 %
130.9 %
189.3 %
131.7 %
132.1 %
192.9 %

Similar Messages

  • Drill Down for Multiple Series in a Line Chart

    I seem to have a problem with the drill-down functionality in a line chart that has multiple series.
    I have a line chart that displays the readings of a patient over a period of 1 month. For each day, there is the glucose level reading, blood pressure reading, etc... So, each reading is a different series in my line chart graph.
    The basic requirement is: With a mouse over event on the chart, I am willing to display all the data that belongs to that day. The data will be displayed at the bottom of the screen in a small panel. It is very simple to do it when the line chart has only 1 series:
    i) Enable drill down.
    ii) Choose 'Row' as insertion type.
    iii) Fill out the destination field.
    iv) Make sure your labels (at the bottom of the screen) get the data from the destination cell.
    When there is more than one series, it becomes very difficult. XCelsius will not let me use the same destination cells for different series. So, I will have to use other destination cells. In that case, I will not know on which day is the user on. Is there any way to achieve this functionality?
    Let me know if you need further information.

    This is certainly possible, but there's a bit of a trick to it (and really hard to explain without screenshots!). There's two halves to it:
    1. Write the date that has been selected to a cell (for each series).
    2. Write the name of the series that was clicked to some cell (this is the property 'Series Name Destination').
    So let's say your three series are Glucose, Blood Pressure and Temp. Have those series names in B1,C1,D1 (with your dates down in column A). Insert a row below the series names (2:2), and then set up your insertion type for the chart as 'row'. The source data (for all three series) should be your list of dates in column a. The insertion cells for the three series will be, in order, B2,C2,D2. Now, depending on which point is clicked in the chart, the selected day will be inserted into one of those three cells. Completely useless unless you know which series was clicked.
    So you need to insert the name of the series that was clicked ('Series Name Destination') into the spreadsheet, let's say in F1. The rest is just Excel formulas. The logic is, you can now tell what series was clicked, and go and look up the date that was inserted for that series, then go and look up the row that corresponds to that date. So to get the date that was just clicked, your formula (in F2) would be =HLOOKUP(F1,B1:D2,2,0).
    Then a VLOOKUP will get the results from that row of data. For example, if I inserted another row at row 3 (to show my 'result' values) the formula in B3 would be =VLOOKUP($F$2,$A$4:$D$13,2,0).
    I hope that makes sense.

  • Finding x and y values of a Line Chart

    For instance, I had a line chart with x and y axis. When I move mouse to the line chart how can I determine x and y axis values? With mouseMoved metod i can find the coordinates but coordinates doesn't help me to find x and y values of the line chart.
    How can I find x and y values of a Line Chart?
    Thanks in advance

    Translate from model to view and back. Another way to do this is to create an
    AffineTransform for the modelToView and use it to transform the points. Create an inverse
    transform to use in the viewToModel method. Add a ComponentListener and reset the transforms
    in the componentResized method to keep them updated.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.font.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import java.text.NumberFormat;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class Translation extends JPanel {
        JLabel xLabel;
        JLabel yLabel;
        NumberFormat nf;
        double[] data = { 16.0, 32.9, 7.4, 18.9, 12.3 };
        final int Y_GRADS = 5;
        final int PAD = 35;
        final int SPAD = 3;
        final int TICK = 2;
        double maxVal;
        public Translation() {
            nf = NumberFormat.getInstance();
            maxVal = getMaxValue();
        protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
            Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
        private void plotData(Graphics2D g2) {
            for(int j = 0; j < data.length; j++) {
                Point2D.Double p = modelToView(j, data[j]);
                if(j < data.length-1) {
                    Point2D.Double next = modelToView(j+1, data[j+1]);
                    g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(p, next));
                g2.fill(new Ellipse2D.Double(p.x-2, p.y-2, 4, 4));
        private Point2D.Double modelToView(double x, double y) {
            double h = getHeight();
            Point2D.Double p = new Point2D.Double();
            p.x = PAD + x*(getWidth() - 2*PAD)/(data.length-1);
            p.y = h-PAD - y*(h - 2*PAD)/maxVal;
            return p;
        public Point2D.Double viewToModel(double x, double y) {
            double h = getHeight();
            Point2D.Double p = new Point2D.Double();
            p.x = (x - PAD) * (data.length-1) / (getWidth() - 2*PAD);
            p.y = (h - PAD - y) * maxVal / (h - 2*PAD);
            return p;
        private void drawAxes(Graphics2D g2) {
            int w = getWidth();
            int h = getHeight();
            double xInc = (double)(w - 2*PAD)/(data.length-1);
            double yInc = (double)(h - 2*PAD)/Y_GRADS;
            // Abcissa
            g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(PAD, h-PAD, w-PAD, h-PAD));
            // Tick marks
            double y1 = h-PAD, y2 = y1+TICK;
            for(int j = 0; j <= data.length; j++) {
                double x = PAD + j*xInc;
                g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(x, y1, x, y2));
            // Labels
            Font font = g2.getFont().deriveFont(14f);
            FontRenderContext frc = g2.getFontRenderContext();
            LineMetrics lm = font.getLineMetrics("0", frc);
            float sx, sy = h - PAD + SPAD + lm.getAscent();
            for(int j = 0; j < data.length; j++) {
                String s = String.valueOf(j);
                float width = (float)font.getStringBounds(s, frc).getWidth();
                sx = (float)(PAD + j*xInc - width/2);
                g2.drawString(s, sx, sy);
            // Ordinate
            g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(PAD, PAD, PAD, h-PAD));
            // Tick marks
            double x1 = PAD, x2 = PAD-TICK;
            for(int j = 0; j <= Y_GRADS; j++) {
                double y = PAD + j*yInc;
                g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(x1, y, x2, y));
            // Labels
            for(int j = 0; j <= data.length; j++) {
                String s = nf.format(maxVal*(1.0 - (double)j/data.length));
                float width = (float)font.getStringBounds(s, frc).getWidth();
                sx = (float)(PAD - SPAD - width);
                sy = (float)(PAD + j*yInc + lm.getAscent()/3);
                g2.drawString(s, sx, sy);
        private double getMaxValue() {
            double max = -Double.MAX_VALUE;
            for(int j = 0; j < data.length; j++) {
                if(data[j] > max) {
                    max = data[j];
            return max;
        MouseMotionListener sweep = new MouseMotionAdapter() {
            public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {
                Point2D.Double p = viewToModel(e.getX(), e.getY());
        private JPanel getLast() {
            xLabel = new JLabel();
            yLabel = new JLabel();
            Dimension d = new Dimension(45, 25);
            JPanel panel = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
            GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
            gbc.insets = new Insets(2,2,2,2);
            addComponents(new JLabel("x ="), xLabel, panel, gbc, d, true);
            addComponents(new JLabel("y ="), yLabel, panel, gbc, d, false);
            return panel;
        private void addComponents(JComponent c1, JComponent c2, Container c,
                                   GridBagConstraints gbc, Dimension d, boolean b) {
            gbc.weightx = b ? 1.0 : 0;
            gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
            c.add(c1, gbc);
            gbc.weightx = b ? 0 : 1.0;
            gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
            c.add(c2, gbc);
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            Translation test = new Translation();
            JFrame f = new JFrame();
            f.getContentPane().add(test.getLast(), "Last");

  • How to dynamically add new line series to the line chart in flex?

    i need to add line series dynamically..and each line  series should have a different data provider...

    A chart can have only 1 dataProvider which in my case is an ArrayCollection.
    The chart will update every time the dataProvider changes if you use binding.
    So you have to write a function that periodically populates the ArrayCollection with data from the server and the chart will update automatically.
    'Using line charts' tutorial from Adobe: http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/html/charts_types_08.html#243339

  • How to plot Actual and Target on the same line chart in webi

    We have a requirement where we need to plot a graph on webi. The data is something like:-
    Month     Regional Office     Actual      Target
    12014     Midwest               768          876
    22014     Eastern               1908          1876
    Can anyone please suggest something.

    Hi Shirley Ray,
    May i know the exact requirement...
    IF you want to show the data in graph,its just simple
    you can show regional office and month on  x axis,measure on y axis like below chart.
    right click on table and convert it into column chart.
    Samatha B

  • How do I set default colors for XY chart series (lines and legend)

    I am implementing a line chart and need to override the default (caspian style) colors for the line colors and the legend symbols. I'm not displaying the chart symbols themselves as that would make the chart look bad. I've been able to successfully set the default colors for the lines via the CSS below, but cannot find a way to do the same for the series symbols that appear in the chart legend. How do I do this? Thanks.
    .default-color0.chart-series-line {
      -fx-stroke: rgb(0, 102, 255);
    .default-color1.chart-series-line {
      -fx-stroke: rgb(0, 255, 102);
    Figured it out. Need to do the following:
    .default-color0.chart-line-symbol {
      -fx-background-color: rgb(R, G, B);
    }Edited by: 998038 on May 16, 2013 4:09 PM

    Here is some css to customize the line and legend colors in a line chart.
    /** file: chart.css
        place in same directory as LineChartWithCustomColors.java */
    .default-color0.chart-series-line {
      -fx-stroke: rgb(0, 102, 255);
    .default-color1.chart-series-line {
      -fx-stroke: rgb(0, 255, 102);
    .default-color0.chart-line-symbol {
      -fx-background-color: rgb(0, 102, 255), white;
    .default-color1.chart-line-symbol {
      -fx-background-color: rgb(0, 255, 102), white;
    }And a test harness to try it:
    import javafx.application.Application;
    import javafx.event.*;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.chart.*;
    import javafx.scene.control.*;
    import javafx.scene.input.*;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    public class LineChartWithCustomColors extends Application {
        @Override public void start(final Stage stage) {
            stage.setTitle("Line Chart Sample");
            //defining the axes
            final NumberAxis xAxis = new NumberAxis();
            xAxis.setLabel("Number of Month");
            final NumberAxis yAxis = new NumberAxis();
            //creating the chart
            final LineChart<Number,Number> lineChart =
                    new LineChart<>(xAxis,yAxis);
            lineChart.setTitle("Stock Monitoring, 2010");
            //defining a series
            XYChart.Series series = new XYChart.Series();
            series.setName("My portfolio");
            //populating the series with data
              new XYChart.Data(1, 23),
              new XYChart.Data(2, 14),
              new XYChart.Data(3, 15),
              new XYChart.Data(4, 24),
              new XYChart.Data(5, 34),
              new XYChart.Data(6, 36),
              new XYChart.Data(7, 22),
              new XYChart.Data(8, 45),
              new XYChart.Data(9, 43),
              new XYChart.Data(10, 17),
              new XYChart.Data(11, 29),
              new XYChart.Data(12, 25)
            //adding a context menu item to the chart
            final MenuItem resizeItem = new MenuItem("Resize");
            resizeItem.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
              @Override public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
                System.out.println("Resize requested");
            final ContextMenu menu = new ContextMenu(
            lineChart.setOnMouseClicked(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {
              @Override public void handle(MouseEvent event) {
                if (MouseButton.SECONDARY.equals(event.getButton())) {
                  menu.show(stage, event.getScreenX(), event.getScreenY());
            Scene scene =
              new Scene(
        public static void main(String[] args) {

  • Color not consistent for Line Chart and Legend for prev and curryr

    I am trying to pull last year and current year data in line chart with different color coding. I have multiple parameters selection on single chart. For some it reflects the color properly and for others it interchanges the color.
    Crystal xI R2..
    Please let me know the solution.

    Please re-post if this is still an issue or purchase a case and have a dedicated support engineer work with you directly:

  • Dynamic change color of series in line chart

    I would like to be able to dynamically change the color of the individual series in a line chart, based on user preference. It works excellent having dynamic labels on the series using the &item. syntax and a before header computation.
    The same approach for the color does not seem to work. I get errors like undefined entity....
    Any ideas?
    Best regards Jesper

    Very surprisingly the following code (also generated by the macro recording) works ok.
    (I selected the serie inside the chart instead of selecting the serie in the legend)
        With Selection.Format.Fill
            .Visible = msoTrue
            .ForeColor.ObjectThemeColor = msoThemeColorAccent3
            .ForeColor.TintAndShade = 0
            .ForeColor.Brightness = -0.25
            .Transparency = 0.3000000119
        End With
    If an MVP or Microsoft official come accross this, I suggest further testing as it is very likely a bug (with the first set of code generated by Excel)

  • Horizontal Bar Chart and Overlaying Line Chart

    I am using SSRS 2008 and developing my reports in BIDS.
    I have a report with two data points. I want to chart the first as a bar (horizontal) chart and then the second as an overlaying line chart.
    I created both data series, originally, as a bar chart. I have clicked on the second series in the "Drop Data Fields Here" area and changed the chart to a line chart. When I do that, it changes both series to a line chart.
    However, if I use the column (vertical) chart for the first series, it will let me make the second one a line chart.
    Is this a limitation of SSRS 2008? Can I not have one data point be the horizontal bar chart and the second one a line chart?
    If so, are there any suggestions how to get around this?

    Both charts for SSRS 2005/2008 are very limited when it comes to horizontal charts and are infact supporting only left-to-right bar charts, with no ability to combine them with other charting types (lines, areas, points etc.). For a SSRS charting solution that supports all types of charting type combinations in left-to-right and right-to-left horizontal fashion you can use Nevron Chart for SSRS - www.nevron.com. Besides a huge number of charting types and subtypes (most of which are not available in the MS Chart for SSRS 2008) it also provides better image quality in 2D and 3D modes, more settings, has support for rich text formatting in texts, has image filters, ability to customize via C# code and implements many more large and small charting related details.
    Best regards,

  • Drilldown on line chart w/3 series to 3 different pie charts w/ DV

    Hello experts,
        My situation is the following. I have a Line chart representing sales on 3 different series(actual, budget and last year) along the 12 months. Then 3 different pie chart that link the office sales of each serie and each month. I successfully linked the drill down data, but I can't make it workout the dynamic visibility everytime you select a different serie on the line chart, because of the common issue of the insertion that doesn't clear the previous selection when you make another one. I'll attach the xlf file as a txt. Hope you can make it work.
    Thanks a lot
    Gaston Bigi

    Hi Gaston,
    Take the reference of these blog posts.
    Filtering Through Combo Box
    Source Data Component Usage
    Drill down Made Easy
    If there is still an issue achieving it, let us know.
    Most probably the second link here should solve the issue.

  • Time Series Line Chart - Monthly Sales - Make $0 or "No Sales" show up - not skipped

    Post Author: kevinday17
    CA Forum: Charts and Graphs
    I have been messing with my chart for a while and I guess I'll just ask for help since I can't figure it out.  All I am trying to do is chart out monthly sales dollars by customer.  Simple enough...I have it working except I want to be able to see a $0 plotted on my graph when there were no sales in a month.  Currently it just skips over that month and goes to the next where there is data (month after i.e next group summary field)).  I've tried all sorts of ways of grouping.  If I use the "group by date, monthly," on the "Order Date" field, I can't chose it as the "On Change of" under Advanced chart (single arrow is greyed out).   So I ended up making a huge formula to make my own groups of months.  My GH2 is the customer (and my chart), GH3 is my Grouping for month and year, and the detail is every single sales order.  My graph points are based on summary data; sum of all the sales orders for that customer for that month. 
    How do I tell Crystal Reports that if there were no sales in December, then tell me 0.  Don't just ignore it.
    Maybe there is an option to make the X Axis Fixed with points (month-year, in order).  It would be nice to have it uniform for every customer.  I would love to see every graph that prints out have 36 x-axis coordinates; one for every month of the last 36 months (jan-05, feb-05, mar-05......dec-07) regardless of whether or not the customer had sales or not.
    Thanks so much in advance. 

    Post Author: V361
    CA Forum: Charts and Graphs
    I have CR XI, I created a formula and used it to create the chart section
    if (isnull ()) then 0 else
    So if your AMNT is a null value it should put 0, else the AMNT

  • Hint Values on Line Chart

    When you setup a line chart, the LABEL portion of the SQL query becomes the X axis value on the line chart. When there are multiple series on a line chart, each series is its own distinct line. If the series has a LABEL that is not yet on the chart, it adds that label to the x axis at the end of the axis. If the new series has a LABEL that is already on the chart, then it places the Value on that existing place on the x-axis. This Label is also used in the Hint portion of the chart.
    So lets compare the number of Sales per day of a Department across a length of time, say 3 months. So, on first working day on Jan dept A has 31 sales. On the second working day of January thay make 35 sales and so on until March 31. Our company doesn't work on weekends so we won't have sales on those dates. Dept B has their numbers for the same dates.
    We setup a series for each month (Jan, Feb, March). Then we place the total number of orders for each date on the graph and connect the dots! Great! But wait, the more months I add, the shorter each line gets on the graph. What if we were comparing 3 years worth of data instead of 3 months. The x-axis would have 600-700 values instead of 60-70 values. Oh my.
    What if we make each series of data its own line over the same scale? That way each month shows in the same space with the first day of the month at the left and the last day of the month near the right. Sounds good. But wait, we are now making up a scale. And when we do this, the Hints on the data points become meaningless. I want to show the actual date value in the hint but have the line over my custom X-Axis. What I need is an additional field that I can use to add to the Hint portion of the chart. Obviously, this would require using custom xml and a custom data element, but is this even possible given the constraints of the SQL syntax?
    To visualize this issue better: http://apex.oracle.com/pls/otn/f?p=28155:1

    Andy -
    I need to thank you for the direction on the substitution variables reference. That will be a major help.
    However, i must correct a statement (underlining is mine)
    So, if you switch to Custom XML and find the <tooltip> tag and add {%SeriesName} after the existing {%Name} entry, you end up with the _"day of the month" (which is your value)_ and the Series Name value, which is January - so, "1 January"This is a common misconception that the numeric value on the x axis represent the "day of the month" , when in fact it does not. You logically cannot use the day of the month for this type of axis. Why not? It is because weekends are excluded. So, one month may begin on a Friday. If that were the case then the 2nd of the month would be a Saturday, which would work for a single series of data. But what about when you add in the next month and it begins on a Tuesday. Well then, if you use the day of the month as the value, the 2nd day of the second series actually gets plotted after all the days of the first month.
    The solution is that you have to generate a common arbitrary scale for all series of data. When you do that, you lose the date values.
    I have tried to illustrate all of this by adding to the existing examples in the link provided above. Some other odd behaviors of using the day of the month as the x-axis value can be seen as well. I have also implemented the suggestion of adding the {%SeriesName} tag to the Hint via the custom xml.

  • SSRS 2008 Line Chart Issue.

    We are facing an issue with SSRS 2008 charts. We have a report which shows dynamic number of series on a line chart. The data values may not exist for all series for
    the same x axis points. We expected SSRS to connect the missing points as average and have set the empty point option to average.
    The issue is that the
    lines for interpolated points only appear when we set the color of empty point to say red and not when it is set to automatic. We need the interpolated line in the same auto
    colour as the original line as we will have markers for the data points from the DB and no markers for empty points.
    The interpolated lines extend backwards in the series also – we expect it to only fill the gaps and not extend backward or forward.
    Are these issues known and is there a work around for these issues ? We got your name from one of the SSRS community discussions. Could you please connect us with
    the right person if you are not the right contact for this issue ?
    I also got following reply from one of the MS guy, it says
    Hi Akshay,
    The lines should not go backward.  I have seen this happen before and I’ll have to double-check on what that occurs. If you
    are using a Category Axis, make sure you set the sorting to use a Cdate() expression.  I think that might be it ,but I’ll have to double check.
    As far as using the auto-coloring on the series when you have empty points like this, I don’t think that’s possible.  It would require
    a DCR.  You may need to implement something along the lines described in this article  http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa964128(SQL.90).aspx.
    When I tried the suggestions I over come the auto colouring issue and also used CDATE () but lines still extend bacawords. Can anyone suggest what to do it this situation

    Hi AKshay_Jadhav,
    Firstly, I am not sure who is that MS guy you mentioned without the detail name. Based on my understanding to your issue, I think you could utilize the function
    IsNothing in reoprting services to have a check whether the value is null, if it is Null, you should give a average value to this point, if not leave it to be the original value. Of course, you could achieve this in T-SQL. To
    the color and marker, we could type in the expression in both feature to control their display effort.
    Hope this helps.
    Challen Fu
    Challen Fu [MSFT]
    MSDN Community Support | Feedback to us
    Get or Request Code Sample from Microsoft
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.

  • Stacked bar chart/line chart combination

    I use Crystal Reports 10.I need to produce a chart containing 2 series on the same graph with:
    - one series as a stacked bar chart type,
    - one series as a line chart type (not stacked).
    I tried doing 2 separate charts and superimposing one over the other, but the user wants to export it to excel and when they do so, the graphs appear as 2 separate images rather than one. it appears correctly in pdf though.
    How can i achieve this, either in 1 graph or as separate 2 graphs ?
    Any help appreciated...
    Thanks in advance,

    Hello Swathy,
    If you can get both series in one chart then you can convert one series into line.
    To do this right click on the Bar that you want to display as line.Select the series option and then select "Line" from the drop down of "Show Selected Series as:" option.
    Hope this will help!
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Line chart question (lines are not connected)

    I have a simply report which basically counts the data by Month and Type. So I have 3 columns: Month, Type, Count (count column has a formula). Then I created a line chart. For some month, some type, there is no data. I noticed in those scenarios, the lines in the chart becomes disconnected. For example, let's say I have Jan, Feb, March, April. There is a type called "User Error". For this type, Jan has 10, Feb has 4, March has no data. April has 4. In the chart, I have month on x-axis. Count on Y-axis. Type is the data stream. So for this type, the line goes from Jan to Feb. It disappears for March and then reappears as a dot for April.
    The line looks like ugly. I would like to have a continuous line. So for March, the line should go to 0 on the Y-axis.
    Does anyone have a suggestion how to do this?

    I think you can solve this with a case statement in the count column:
    WHEN "column formula" IS NULL
    THEN 0
    ELSE "column formula"
    Hope this works for you.
    Regards, Tim

Maybe you are looking for