DB buffer cache vs. SQL query & PL/SQL function result cache

Hi all,
Started preparing for OCA cert. just myself using McGraw Hill's exam guide. Have a question about memory structures.
Actually, DB buffer cache is used to copy e.g. SELECT queries result data blocks, that can be reused by another session (server process).
There is also additional otion - SQL query & PL/SQL function result cache (from 11g), where also stored the results of such queries.
Do they do the same thing or nevertheless there is some difference, different purpose?
thanks in advance...

There is also additional otion - SQL query & PL/SQL function result cache (from 11g), where also stored the results of such queries.Result cache located in shared pool.So it is one component of shared pool.When server process execute query(and if you configured result cache) then result will store in shared pool.Then next execution time run time mechanism will detect and consider using result cache without executing this query(if data was not changed this is happen detection time)
Do they do the same thing or nevertheless there is some difference, different purpose?.Buffer cache and result cache are different things and purpose also,but result cache introduced to improve response time of query in 11g(but such mechanism also implemented in 10g subquery execution,in complex query).In buffer cache holds data blocks but not such results.
Edited by: Chinar on Nov 4, 2011 4:40 AM
(Removing lots of "But" word from sentences :-) )

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    Hello Friends,
    I have a page with type SQL Query ( PL/SQL function body returning query ).
    I have written a pl/sql block that returns a sql query - select statment.
    Some times i am getting no data found error - does it got to do with the variable that stores the query .
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
    Error ERR-1101 Unable to process function body returning query.
    When the query is returned with records where exactly the records are stored is it in the variable declared in pl/sql block or with the Oracle Apex implicit cursor.
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    l_return_stmt varchar2(32767);
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    l_from varchar2(32000);
    l_where varchar2(32000);
    l_order_by varchar2(32000);
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    l_from := ' from '||:P10_RELATION;
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    l_where := '';
    end if;
    if length(:P10_ORDER_BY) > 0 then
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    l_order_by := '';
    end if;
    l_return_stmt := l_select||l_from||l_where||l_order_by;
    :P10_STMT := l_return_stmt;
    return l_return_stmt;
    Appreciate your help in this regard.
    Edited by: kumar73 on Apr 22, 2010 6:38 AM

    It looks like the query string you are trying to pass back exceeds the 32K limit for a varchar. Where this is happening is kind of difficult to tell as it could be any number of points, and also depends on what you are passing into the process via page items.
    I would first try to establish what combination of page items causes this error to occur. Then, starting from the bottom and working your way backwards, I would start 'switching off' some of the items you use to build your query until it breaks again, thus establishing which part is leading to the error.
    Also, I'm not sure what :P10_STMT is doing (are you maybe using this for visiblity of the query created)?
    It looks like the query string you are trying to pass back exceeds the 32K limit for a varchar. Where this is happening is kind of difficult to tell as it could be any number of points, and also depends on what you are passing into the process via page items.
    I would first try to establish what combination of page items causes this error to occur. then, starting from the bottom and working your way backwards, I would start 'switching off' some of the items you use to build your query until it breaks again, thus establishing which part is leading to the error.
    Also, I'm not sure what :P10_STMT is doing (are you maybe using this for visiblity of the query created)?

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    Firstly...don't compare the timings from Toad, since often Toad only fetches the first few records for you (i.e. it pages them).
    Secondly....the database link could be a factor here, but without seeing your query it's too hard to say.
    Can you post the query somewhere (on a webserver say)?

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    If your function is a stored function that is called from within APEX (function body not coded into the app itself), have you made sure that the function has been created and compiles ok prior to installing your apex app.
    If there are some dependency issues between other PL/SQL units or database objects that are causing your function not to be compiled, you apex install will fail as you are trying to reference an uncompelled bit of pl/sql.
    Let me know how you get on

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    v_query := 'select
    AND A.INFOONLY = 1' ;
    END IF;
    RETURN v_query;
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    v_query varchar2(4000);
    if :P63_TRAN_INFO = 2 THEN
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    AND A.INFOONLY = 1' ;
    END IF;
    RETURN v_query;

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    l_query varchar2(1000);
    l_query:='select to_char(recording_date,'MM')from re_productive';
    return l_query;
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    Function returning SQL query: Query cannot be parsed within the Builder. If you believe your query is syntactically correct, check the generic columns checkbox below the region source to proceed without parsing.
    (ORA-06550: line 4, column 42: PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "MON" when expecting one of the following: . ( * @ % & = - + ; < / > at in is mod remainder not rem <> or != or ~= >= <= <> and or like between || multiset member SUBMULTISET_ The symbol ". was inserted before "MON" to continue.)
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    any quick help please.

    You haven't escaped your quotes in the string. Try this...
    l_query VARCHAR2(32767);
    l_query:= 'select to_char(recording_date,''MM'') from re_productive';
    RETURN l_query;

  • SQL Query (PL/SQL Function Body returning SQL query) doesn't return any row

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    SQL Query (PL/SQL Function Body returning SQL query).
    In a search screen the users can enter different numbers, separated by an ENTER.
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    If (:P30_POD Is Not Null) Then
    v_where := v_where || v_condition || 'POD IN (''''''''||REPLACE(''' || :P30_POD || ''', CHR(13) || CHR(10), '','')||'''''''''')';
    v_condition := ' AND ';
    End If;
    But the query doesn't return any rows.
    I tried to reproduce it in Toad:
    select * from asx_worklistitem
    POD IN (''''||REPLACE('541449200000171813'||CHR(13) || CHR(10)||'541449206006341366', CHR(13) || CHR(10), ''',''')||'''')
    ==> This is the query that does't return any rows
    select (''''||REPLACE('541449200000171813'||CHR(13) || CHR(10)||'541449206006341366', CHR(13) || CHR(10), ''',''')||'''')
    from dual;
    ==> This returns '541449200000171813','541449206006341366'
    select * from asx_worklistitem
    where pod in ('541449200000171813','541449206006341366');
    ==> and when I copy/paste this in the above query, it does return my rows.
    So why does my first query doesn't work?
    Doe anyone have any idea?
    Kind regards,
    Message was edited by:

    Thanks for the help.
    I made it work, but via the following code:
    If (:P30_POD Is Not Null) Then
    v_pods := REPLACE(:P30_POD, CHR(13) || CHR(10));
    v_where := v_where || v_condition || 'POD IN (';
    v_counter := 1;
    WHILE (v_counter < LENGTH(v_pods)) LOOP
    v_pod := SUBSTR(v_pods, v_counter, 18);
    IF (v_counter <> 1) THEN
    v_where := v_where || ',';
    END IF;
    v_where := v_where || '''' || v_pod || '''';
    v_counter := v_counter + 18;
    v_where := v_where || ')';
    v_condition := ' AND ';
    End If;But now I want to make an update of all the records that correspond to this search criteria. I can give in a status via a dropdownlist and that I want to update all the records that correspond to one of these POD's with that status.
    For a region you can build an SQL query via PL/SQL, but for a process you only have a PL/SQL block. Is the only way to update all these records by making a loop and make an update for every POD that is specified.
    Because I think this will have a lot of overhead.
    I would like to make something like a multi row update in an updateable report, but I want to specify the status from somewhere else. Is this possible?

  • Help with translating SQL query from SQL Server syntax to Oracle syntax

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    [LMT(MTR)] = MAX(case when TYPE = 'LMT' then VALUE end),
    [AAD(KGM)] = MAX(case when TYPE = 'AAD' then VALUE end),
    [VOL(MTQ)] = MAX(case when TYPE = 'VOL' then VALUE end)
    FROM yourtable
    Your help is highly appreciated, thanks in advance.

    Like this,
    MAX(case when TYPE = 'LMT' then VALUE end) LMT_MTR,
    MAX(case when TYPE = 'AAD' then VALUE end) AAD_KGM ,
    MAX(case when TYPE = 'VOL' then VALUE end) VOL_MTQ
    FROM yourtable
    GROUP BY ID-Arun

  • Sql query(PL/SQL function body return SQL query) with in(x,y,z) condition

    I've set up a region definition of type "SQL Query(PL/SQL function body return SQL query). In my query I make use of an "in" condition. When I populate :P755_INC_BARG_UNIT with a value of 0F (no quotes), I get the correct count. However, when I set :P755_INC_BARG_UNIT to 0F, 0E I get an invalid count. What do I have to set the page item to?
    When running the query in TOAD, and setting :P755_INC_BARG_UNIT to the string inside the brackets (0F, 0E) I get the proper count.
    The code I use is shown below. Any help would be appreciated,
    v_sql VARCHAR2(32767);
    SELECT count(*) "cnts",
    ''Faculty data file IDs missing in appt table'' "err_type"
    FROM hradmin.et_faculty_salary fs left outer join
    hradmin.appointments appt
    ON trim(fs.empl_id) = appt.emp_emp
    and appt.ear_activ <> ''Z''
    and appt.ear_type = ''F''
    and (appt.ear_class in (''A'',''B'',''C'',''D''))
    and appt.ear_bargunit in ( :P755_INC_BARG_UNIT )
    WHERE appt.emp_emp is null
    RETURN v_sql;

    try something like:
    v_sql VARCHAR2(32767);
    v_sql :=  REPLACE(v_sql, ':P755_INC_BARG_UNIT',:P755_INC_BARG_UNIT);
    RETURN v_sql;
    END; But before doing it read this:
    After reading you will be able to find the best solution yourself.

  • What is the best way to Optimize a SQL query : call a function or do a join?

    Hi, I want to know what is the best way to optimize a SQL query, call a function inside the SELECT statement or do a simple join?

    If you're even considering a join, then it will probably be faster.  As Justin said, it depends on lots of factors.
    A user-defined function is only necessary when you can't figure out how to do something in pure SQL, using joins and built-in functions.
    You might choose to have a user-defined function even though you could get the same result with a join.  That is, you realize that the function is slow, but you believe that the convenience of using a function is more important than better performance in that particular case.

  • SQL Query With analytical function

    Below is the scenario which i am looking for in sql query using analytical functions
    Col1          col2
    50                 0
    0                   0
    -150          -100
    -200              -200
    300               0
    -100              0
    -300              -100
    500               400
    -100              0Any help really appreciated
    Thanks in advance
    Edited by: unique on Aug 10, 2010 4:53 AM
    Edited by: unique on Aug 10, 2010 4:55 AM
    Edited by: unique on Aug 10, 2010 4:55 AM

    Oh,In this case,There is OLAP solution ;-)
    OLAP samples of my homepage http://www.geocities.jp/oraclesqlpuzzle/oracle-sql1-olap.html
    with work(SK,Val) as(
    select  1,  50 from dual union
    select  2,   0 from dual union
    select  3,-150 from dual union
    select  4,-200 from dual union
    select  5, 300 from dual union
    select  6,-100 from dual union
    select  7,-300 from dual union
    select  8, 500 from dual union
    select  9,-100 from dual)
    select SK,Val,GID,
    case when Val > 0
         then greatest(0,sum(Val) over(partition by GID))
         else Least(0,Val+greatest(0,sum(Val) over(partition by GID
                                     order by SK rows between unbounded preceding
                                                          and 1 preceding)))
         end as COL3
    from (select SK,Val,
          sum(greatest(0,sign(Val))) over(order by SK) as GID
          from work)
    order by SK;
    SK   VAL  GID  COL3
    1    50    1     0
    2     0    1     0
    3  -150    1  -100
    4  -200    1  -200
    5   300    2     0
    6  -100    2     0
    7  -300    2  -100
    8   500    3   400
    9  -100    3     0

  • Function result Cache in oracle 11G

    i am reading the following article and trying to reproduce same set of statements to learn about function result cache.
    Details about my output:
    SQL> create or replace
    function not_cached
    ( p_owner in varchar2 )
    return number
    l_cnt number;
    select count(*)
    into l_cnt
    from t
    where owner = p_owner;
    return l_cnt;
    Function created.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.13
    SQL> create or replace
    function cached
    ( p_owner in varchar2 )
    return number
    l_cnt number;
    select count(*)
    into l_cnt
    from t
    where owner = p_owner;
    return l_cnt;
    Function created.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.08
    SQL> exec dbms_output.put_line( not_cached( 'SCOTT' ) );
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Elapsed: 00:00:01.06
    SQL> exec dbms_output.put_line( not_cached( 'SCOTT' ) );
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Elapsed: 00:00:01.01
    SQL> SQL> exec dbms_output.put_line( not_cached( 'SCOTT' ) );
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Elapsed: 00:00:01.02
    SQL> SQL> set serveroutput on
    SQL> exec dbms_output.put_line( not_cached( 'SCOTT' ) );
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Elapsed: 00:00:01.02
    SQL> SQL> exec dbms_output.put_line( cached( 'SCOTT' ) );
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Elapsed: 00:00:01.02
    SQL> SQL> exec dbms_output.put_line( cached( 'SCOTT' ) );
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Elapsed: 00:00:01.02
    SQL> SQL> exec dbms_output.put_line( cached( 'SCOTT' ) );
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> exec dbms_output.put_line( cached( 'SCOTT' ) );
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Elapsed: 00:00:01.01
    I am supposed to get the results quickly for "cached" call. However, i still dont see any change in the response time. May i know what i am missing here?
    Thank you

    Try to play with

  • SQL Query C# Using Execution Plan Cache Without SP

    I have a situation where i am executing an SQL query thru c# code. I cannot use a stored procedure because the database is hosted by another company and i'm not allowed to create any new procedures. If i run my query on the sql mgmt studio the first time
    is approx 3 secs then every query after that is instant. My query is looking for date ranges and accounts. So if i loop thru accounts each one takes approx 3 secs in my code. If i close the program and run it again the accounts that originally took 3 secs
    now are instant in my code. So my conclusion was that it is using an execution plan that is cached. I cannot find how to make the execution plan run on non-stored procedure code. I have created a sqlcommand object with my queary and 3 params. I loop thru each
    one keeping the same command object and only changing the 3 params. It seems that each version with the different params are getting cached in the execution plans so they are now fast for that particular query. My question is how can i get sql to not do this
    by either loading the execution plan or by making sql think that my query is the same execution plan as the previous? I have found multiple questions on this that pertain to stored procedures but nothing i can find with direct text query code.

    I did the query running different accounts and different dates with instant results AFTER the very first query that took the expected 3 secs. I changed all 3 fields that i've got code for parameters for and it still remains instant in the mgmt studio but
    still remains slow in my code. I'm providing a sample of the base query i'm using.
    select i.Field1, i.Field2, 
    d.Field3  'Field3',
    ip.Field4 'Field4', 
    k.Field5 'Field5'
    from SampleDataTable1 i, 
    SampleDataTable2 k, 
    SampleDataTable3 ip,
    SampleDataTable4 d 
    where i.Field1 = k.Field1 and i.Field4 = ip.Field4 
    i.FieldDate between '<fromdate>' and  '<thrudate>' 
    and k.Field6 = <Account>
    Obviously the field names have been altered because the database is not mine but other then the actual names it is accurate. It works it just takes too long in code as described in the initial post. 
    My params setup during the init for the connection and the command.
    sqlCmd.Parameters.Add("@FromDate", SqlDbType.DateTime);
            sqlCmd.Parameters.Add("@ThruDate", SqlDbType.DateTime);
            sqlCmd.Parameters.Add("@Account", SqlDbType.Decimal);
    Each loop thru the code changes these 3 fields.
        sqlCommand.Parameters["@FromDate"].Value = dtFrom;
        sqlCommand.Parameters["@ThruDate"].Value = dtThru;
        sqlCommand.Parameters["@Account"].Value = sAccountNumber;
    SqlDataReader reader = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader();
            while (reader.Read())
    One thing i have noticed is that the account field is decimal(20,0) and by default the init i'm using defaults to decimal(10) so i'm going to change the init to 
       sqlCmd.Parameters["@Account"].Precision = 20;
       sqlCmd.Parameters["@Account"].Scale = 0;
    I don't believe this would change anything but at this point i'm ready to try anything to get the query running faster. 

  • PL/SQL Function Result Cache?

    Hi all,
    As we know, there's a new feature in 11g, called 'result cache', this 'result cache' can be shared throughout the whole instance, but if I got it right, only sql query result and function return value are cached, right? how about the store procedure, I mean, procedure also has its 'return value'--the output parameter, could it benefit from this new feature?
    Another question is, if my PL/SQL Function just retrieves the table and returns the result without any complicated calculation, is it necessary to enable the 'result cache' mechanism on this Function? because we already have 'db buffer cache' if the only thing we do is to query tables.
    Many thanks.

    Hi Morven,
    As of now, PL/SQL Result cache feature is only enabled for stored functions and not for procedures. This is due to the objectives they achieve. Functions are usually computative and procedures are for logic implementation.
    And for enabling result caching feature for a function, you are the better judge as u can test the performance in both the case. But, i would support enabling the cache because oracle 11g provides Cache as a different SGA component. db_buffer_cache will also be used for buffering other data blocks and not the result sets.
    Hope my explanation is fine.

  • APEX,PDF's, BI Publisher and SQL Query returning SQL code..

    I don't know if I should be posting this in this Forum or the BI Publisher forum, so I am posting in BOTH forums..
    I love APEX, let me say that first.. And appreciate the support offered here by the group, but am running int a confusing issue when BI Publisher tries to build a report from the above type APEX report..
    Here is my dilemma:
    I have a number of reports that are part of a Oracle package. They return an SQL Query back to a reports region on a page. I am having to deal with the column names returned are col01, col02..
    The issue I have is, when building the Application Level query to download the XML sample from in building RTF layouts in Word, you can not use this code, you MUST use a standard SQL Select.
    I have taken the sql from the function returning sql, and copied into the application query, supplying the required data values for bind variables being used in the query.
    An XML file is produced, and I use this to build the RTF format file that I load back into APEX and try to use it for the PDF rendering of the report. I can view the output as a PDF in the Word add on, but when I try using it with the report, it is returning an empty PDF file.
    Can anyone tell me what error log files on the bi publisher side I can look at to see what error is happening?
    Thank you,
    Tony Miller
    Title adjusted to allow people to know what I am talking about...
    Message was edited by:
    Tony Miller

    You can find the log as follows:
    - go to http://[yourserver]:[yourport]/em
    - logon to OC4J EM: oc4jadmin/[yourpassword]
    - click on "logs" at the bottom of the page
    - in the hgrid/tree, expand OC4J->home->Application
    - click on view log icon
    You can also observe what's going on in BI Publisher
    by going to the command prompt from where you started
    Or, as a third option, you can locate the file on
    your file system, depending on your setup, the path
    would be something similar to this:
    With that said though, I don't expect you'll find
    much in there that would help with your particular
    problem. I suspect you either get no rows in your XML
    at runtime, due to some session state issues, or your
    XML structure does in fact not match your RTF
    I'm not quite following your problem description,
    i.e. when did you do what and are you associating
    your report layout with a report query or report
    region. So just some general notes, your query needs
    to be parseable at design-time, when exporting the
    XML, so that you get the XML file with the proper
    column names derived from your query. If you want to
    use your RTF template with a standard report region,
    you must export the XML file first using the advanced
    XML structure option. And of course the column names
    in your report query need to match the column names
    in your report region.
    Perhaps this helps you further diagnose what's going
    on, if you have additional information that could
    help, let me know. And if you could stage this on
    apex.oracle.com, I'd be happy to take a look.
    Thanks for looking at this issue. Below find my remarks to your questions..
    Re: your query needs
    to be parseable at design-time, when exporting the
    XML, so that you get the XML file with the proper
    column names derived from your query.At the start of this process, the query code was a function in a package. The function was returning an SQL select statement, for a report region on a page. I took the select statement, built an application query to build a sample of the xml for BI Publisher desktop (Add-on for Word). The code was producing the usual Col01, Col02.. since at design time that is were the column names.
    When I then took the xml from this and built the rtf for loading into my APEX application.
    When testing the Application Query with this RTF report layout, I am getting PDF's. When using it with the report region sending an xml feed to BI Publisher I am getting nothing back.
    I have since taken the sql code and moved it back into the report region, and set the region to have a type of straight SQL Query. I have even tried to hard-code the parameters I was getting from the page to limit data returned.
    Is it possible to see the xml being produced by the APEX page?
    Re: Stage this on apex.oracle.com.. I would love to, but we would have HIPPA issues if I posted the data on a public website.
    Can I send you the RTF file and the xml file that the application query is creating to see if there something weird about them?
    Thank you,
    Tony Miller

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