DB Tool .vi files

I am transfering a Lab View program from a Windows XP to a Widows 7 computer.  When I run the program on the new machine, it cannot find a number of the DB .vi files.  I can't find them on the old computer.  Where are they located?  Mark

Never mind, didn't know there was an add-on Database Connectivity Toolkit that I needed to load.  Now getting Error Code -12 when I load the disc.

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    Here are some examples:
    My Blog: http://www.petervanderwoude.nl/
    Follow me on twitter: pvanderwoude

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    Put the jar in your class path.

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    Could you provide details on the migration process you followed ?
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    However, the trace file has 4031 error information:
    *** SERVICE NAME:(SYS$BACKGROUND) 2011-12-20 08:27:06.548
    *** SESSION ID:(546.1) 2011-12-20 08:27:06.548
    *** 2011-12-20 08:27:06.548
    AUTO SGA: Dumping stacks and disabling background sga tuning on error 604, simerr=0
    ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 2
    ORA-04031: unable to allocate 4120 bytes of shared memory ("shared pool","select shared_pool_size_for_...","Typecheck","kgghteInit")
    ----- Call Stack Trace -----
    calling call entry argument values in hex
    location type point (? means dubious value)
    ksedst+001c bl ksedst1 000000000 ? 646F33002040000 ?
    kmgsb_tune+0ce0 bl 03F5A418
    ksbcti+03d8 bl _ptrgl              
    ksbabs+025c bl ksbcti FFFFFFFFFFFD068 ? 000000006 ?
    70000004D63CBA0 ?
    kebm_mmon_main+02e4 bl 01FC6DA4
    ksbrdp+0408 bl _ptrgl              
    opirip+03fc bl 03F59B14
    opidrv+0448 bl opirip 110278B10 ? 41027B9D0 ?
    sou2o+0090 bl opidrv 3202AB38FC ? 440656000 ?
    opimai_real+0150 bl 01FC4EB4
    main+0098 bl opimai_real 000000000 ? 000000000 ?
    __start+0098 bl main 000000000 ? 000000000 ?
    --------------------- Binary Stack Dump ---------------------
    ========== FRAME [1] (ksedst+001c -> ksedst1) ==========
    Dump of memory from 0x0FFFFFFFFFFFBB70 to 0x0FFFFFFFFFFFBBE0
    FFFFFFFFFFFBB70 0FFFFFFF FFFFBBE0 42842228 00000000 [........B."(....]
    FFFFFFFFFFFBB80 00000001 000D9DE0 00000000 00000000 [................]
    FFFFFFFFFFFBB90 00000000 00000000 00000001 102242E8 [............."B.]
    FFFFFFFFFFFBBA0 00000000 00000000 0646F330 02040000 [.........F.0....]
    FFFFFFFFFFFBBB0 00000001 10000B00 00000001 05294C08 [.............)L.]
    FFFFFFFFFFFBBC0 00000000 0000025C 00000000 0000025C [.......\.......\]
    FFFFFFFFFFFBBD0 00000001 101902C0 0FFFFFFF FFFFBBE0 [................]
    ========== FRAME [2] (kmgsb_tune+0ce0 -> 03F5A418) ==========
    Dump of memory from 0x0FFFFFFFFFFFBBE0 to 0x0FFFFFFFFFFFBFE0
    FFFFFFFFFFFBBE0 0FFFFFFF FFFFCE60 00000000 00000000 [.......`........]
    FFFFFFFFFFFBBF0 00000001 04356164 00000000 00000000 [.....5ad........]
    (.... etc.)
    What am I doing wrong ?
    Oracle (compatible=9.2.0) on AIX.

    user12053739 wrote:
    My question here is not abuot ORA-4031 error and how to troubleshoot it, but about the error (FILE VALIDATION FAILED) that I receive in ORA-4031 Trobleshooting Tool on the Oracle Support web site. We do manuall analyses and troubleshooting as well, but would be nice if the tool works as well.Have you followed all the steps in (How to use the ORA-4031 Troubleshooting Tool on MOS [ID 1381442.1])? If yes, then I believe you need to log a SR for this issue as none of us maintain this tool, and you need someone from Oracle (development team who maintain it internally) to verify why you are getting that error when uploading the files.

  • Labview Full 6.1 - You get CIN Tools header files and what else?

    We have Labview 6.1 Base Level and are developing 3rd party instrument drivers, initially implementing the AI functions. I have disovered it would be nice to beable to use NumericArrayResize for which we need CIN Tools and may need to upgrade. What else would we get?
    Can we build polymorphic Vis?
    Can we include our third party driver in the Measurement and Instrument Explorer?
    Can we have DAQ channels registered to our instrument?
    Can we create a functions palette for our interface?
    Are we able to build a Labview installer for the driver?

    You can go to www.ni.com and get a complete list of all the features but briefly, the full version adds analysis, signal processing, custom graphics and animation, CIN/DLL tools. The professional version adds the applicaton builder, source code control, a differencing tool, and polymorphic VI creation.
    MAX is for NI hardware and IVI drivers - not LabVIEW instrument drivers. You say that you're using the AI functions which implies an NI DAQ board so the board should already be visible in MAX as well as the channels.
    I believe all versions of LabVIEW can create a custom palette. On your function palette, click the Options button and see if there's a Edit Palettes button. If there is, the LabVIEW help can guide you in the creation of your own .mnu fil
    es that you can save and distribute.
    The application builder (which is also available separately) includes an installer that could probably be used for driver installation but I've never tried it for that. When I've created LabVIEW instrument drivers, all I usually did was zip up the LLB and mnu files, place them in the instr.lib folder and then unzip them.

  • External Tool log files

    SQL Developer 1.1 Doesn't escape or check external tool titles for characters that cant be used in filenames.
    For example, on Windows, define a tool titled SQL*Plus. When you try to start it, you get a message saying that the file log_dir\SQL*Plus_date_and_time can't be created.
    I hope I'm not reporting a known issue, but I don't have access to metalink, and didn't see this in the forms already.

    Hi Will,
    Thanks for the report. This is indeed a previously unreported bug. I have filed it in our bug database as #5725824.
    The bug only occurs when you have the "Save Logs to File" option checked on the Environment/Log page in preferences. The workaround is to disable this option, or to change the name of the tool so that it does not contain illegal characters.

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    Hi ALL,
    Navigation Path
    After concurrent request gets complete--View Log-tools -copy Logfile-
    I am getting error "The Applications File Server could not open the file for read".
    Can you please put some light on this error.
    Your help is highly appreciated.

    What is the application release?
    Has this ever worked? If yes, any changes have been done recently?
    Can you reproduce the issue with all reported?
    Please make sure that the application listener is up. Also, run AutoConfig and make sure it completes successfully.

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    Is there a way to tell the voice over tool where the files should be placed? Just curious.

    In system settings, tell it to capture audio files separately from video files, and then select a scratch disk for the audio files. I think this will work, but not sure. I've never had to do it.

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