If we pin an object using this procedure, the objects only remain while the database is open? Once we shut down the database for administrative purposes for example, we will have to re-pin siad objects?
Metalink note 101627.1 seems to imply that if we dont automate the pinning then those objects wont get pinned.
Message was edited by:
Dan A

Thread continues at --> Re: adding objects to shared pool - how to monitor consequences
~ Madrid

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    Thank you !

    Your conclusion is just wrong. dbms_shared_pool.keep is geared at procedures and functions which you are calling over and over again, and which you can't afford to be reloaded often.
    The only thing you avoid by pinning a procedure is the overhead of reloading.
    Secondly in both cases you perform 10000000 inserts instead of 1 bulk insert and this is taking time.
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    2 select trunc(dbms_random.value(10,40)), trunc(dbms_random.value(10,40))
    3 from dual
    4* connect by level <= 1000000
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    And yes, you always should use a spfile, but this has nothing to do with the problem at hand.
    Sybrand Bakker
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    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE scott.p_millionrows IS
    FOR i IN 1..10000000 LOOP
    INSERT INTO scott.test(fld1,fld2)
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    Yohanes 林贤汉
    Edited by: SigCle on Oct 12, 2010 5:45 PM

    Your conclusion is just wrong. dbms_shared_pool.keep is geared at procedures and functions which you are calling over and over again, and which you can't afford to be reloaded often.
    The only thing you avoid by pinning a procedure is the overhead of reloading.
    Secondly in both cases you perform 10000000 inserts instead of 1 bulk insert and this is taking time.
    What you should do is
    SQL> l
    1 insert into scott.test
    2 select trunc(dbms_random.value(10,40)), trunc(dbms_random.value(10,40))
    3 from dual
    4* connect by level <= 1000000
    I can insert 1 million rows in 14.51 seconds
    Your method is the slowest possible.
    And yes, you always should use a spfile, but this has nothing to do with the problem at hand.
    Sybrand Bakker
    Senior Oracle DBA

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    cayenne wrote:
    sb92075 wrote:
    cayenne wrote:
    I'm reading on how to use the DBMS_SHARED_POOL package to remove a query from the shared pool.
    WHY? do you deem this to be a worthwhile activity?I have some developers that are wanting to test new search times...and want to 'reset' a few times to test how fast things will run on new queries hitting the database.
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  • Package.......StatsPack...Error..

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    SQL> show error
    2045/3 PLS-00201: identifier 'SYS.DBMS_SHARED_POOL' must be declared
    2045/3 PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    HOw to solve above error..Please check the following Package, and do help me.
    Note: I m connected perfstat user, no as SYS user.
    create or replace package body STATSPACK as
    /* Define package variables.
    Variables prefixed with p_ are package variables.
    p_snap_id integer; /* snapshot id */
    p_instance_number number; /* instance number */
    p_instance_name varchar2(16); /* instance name */
    p_startup_time date; /* instance startup time */
    p_parallel varchar2(3); /* parallel server */
    p_version varchar2(17); /* Oracle release */
    p_dbid number; /* database id */
    p_host_name varchar2(64); /* host instance is on */
    p_name varchar2(9); /* database name */
    p_new_sga integer; /* Instance bounced since last snap? */
    tmp_int integer; /* initialise defaults */
    p_def_snap_level number default 5; /* default snapshot lvl */
    p_def_session_id number default 0; /* default session id */
    p_def_ucomment varchar2(160) default null;
    p_def_pin_statspack varchar2(10) default 'TRUE';
    p_def_last_modified date default SYSDATE;
    /* Below are the default threshold (_th) values for choosing SQL statements
    to store in the stats$sqlsummary table - these statements will typically
    be the statements using the most resources.
    p_def_num_sql number default 50; /* Num. SQL statements */
    p_def_executions_th number default 100; /* Num. executions */
    p_def_parse_calls_th number default 1000; /* Num. parse calls */
    p_def_disk_reads_th number default 1000; /* Num. disk reads */
    p_def_buffer_gets_th number default 10000; /* Num. buf gets */
    p_def_sharable_mem_th number default 1048576; /* Sharable memory */
    p_def_version_count_th number default 20; /* Child Cursors */
    p_def_all_init varchar2(10) default 'FALSE';
    cursor get_instance is
    select instance_number, instance_name
    , startup_time, parallel, version
    , host_name
    from v$instance;
    cursor get_db is
    select dbid, name
    from v$database;
    procedure SNAP
    (i_snap_level in number default null
    ,i_session_id in number default null
    ,i_ucomment in varchar2 default null
    ,i_num_sql in number default null
    ,i_executions_th in number default null
    ,i_parse_calls_th in number default null
    ,i_disk_reads_th in number default null
    ,i_buffer_gets_th in number default null
    ,i_sharable_mem_th in number default null
    ,i_version_count_th in number default null
    ,i_all_init in varchar2 default null
    ,i_pin_statspack in varchar2 default null
    ,i_modify_parameter in varchar2 default 'FALSE'
    /* Takes a snapshot by calling the SNAP function, and discards
    the snapshot id. This is useful when automating taking
    snapshots from dbms_job
    l_snap_id number;
    l_snap_id := statspack.snap ( i_snap_level, i_session_id, i_ucomment
    , i_num_sql
    , i_executions_th
    , i_parse_calls_th
    , i_disk_reads_th
    , i_buffer_gets_th
    , i_sharable_mem_th
    , i_version_count_th
    , i_all_init
    , i_pin_statspack
    , i_modify_parameter);
    end SNAP;
    ( i_dbid in number default null
    , i_instance_number in number default null
    , i_snap_level in number default null
    , i_session_id in number default null
    , i_ucomment in varchar2 default null
    , i_num_sql in number default null
    , i_executions_th in number default null
    , i_parse_calls_th in number default null
    , i_disk_reads_th in number default null
    , i_buffer_gets_th in number default null
    , i_sharable_mem_th in number default null
    , i_version_count_th in number default null
    , i_all_init in varchar2 default null
    , i_pin_statspack in varchar2 default null
    , i_modify_parameter in varchar2 default 'TRUE'
    /* Calls QAM with the modify flag, and discards the
    output variables
    l_snap_level number;
    l_session_id number;
    l_ucomment varchar2(160);
    l_num_sql number;
    l_executions_th number;
    l_parse_calls_th number;
    l_disk_reads_th number;
    l_buffer_gets_th number;
    l_sharable_mem_th number;
    l_version_count_th number;
    l_all_init varchar2(5);
    l_pin_statspack varchar2(10);
    statspack.qam_statspack_parameter( i_dbid
    , i_instance_number
    , i_snap_level
    , i_session_id
    , i_ucomment
    , i_num_sql
    , i_executions_th
    , i_parse_calls_th
    , i_disk_reads_th
    , i_buffer_gets_th
    , i_sharable_mem_th
    , i_version_count_th
    , i_all_init
    , i_pin_statspack
    , 'TRUE'
    , l_snap_level
    , l_session_id
    , l_ucomment
    , l_num_sql
    , l_executions_th
    , l_parse_calls_th
    , l_disk_reads_th
    , l_buffer_gets_th
    , l_sharable_mem_th
    , l_version_count_th
    , l_all_init
    , l_pin_statspack);
    /* As we have explicity been requested to change the parameters,
    independently of taking a snapshot, commit
    ( i_dbid in number default null
    , i_instance_number in number default null
    , i_snap_level in number default null
    , i_session_id in number default null
    , i_ucomment in varchar2 default null
    , i_num_sql in number default null
    , i_executions_th in number default null
    , i_parse_calls_th in number default null
    , i_disk_reads_th in number default null
    , i_buffer_gets_th in number default null
    , i_sharable_mem_th in number default null
    , i_version_count_th in number default null
    , i_all_init in varchar2 default null
    , i_pin_statspack in varchar2 default null
    , i_modify_parameter in varchar2 default 'FALSE'
    , o_snap_level out number
    , o_session_id out number
    , o_ucomment out varchar2
    , o_num_sql out number
    , o_executions_th out number
    , o_parse_calls_th out number
    , o_disk_reads_th out number
    , o_buffer_gets_th out number
    , o_sharable_mem_th out number
    , o_version_count_th out number
    , o_all_init out varchar2
    , o_pin_statspack out varchar2
    /* Query And Modify statspack parameter procedure, allows query
    and/or user modification of the statistics collection parameters
    for an instance. If there are no pre-existing parameters for
    an instance, insert the Oracle defaults.
    l_instance_number number;
    l_dbid number;
    ui_all_init varchar2(5);
    l_params_exist varchar2(1);
    if ((i_dbid is null ) or (i_instance_number is null)) then
    l_dbid := p_dbid;
    l_instance_number := p_instance_number;
    l_dbid := i_dbid;
    l_instance_number := i_instance_number;
    end if;
    /* Upper case any input vars which are inserted */
    ui_all_init := upper(i_all_init);
    if ( (i_modify_parameter is null)
    or (upper(i_modify_parameter) = 'FALSE') ) then
    /* Query values, if none exist, insert the defaults tempered
    with variables supplied */
    select nvl(i_session_id, session_id)
    , nvl(i_snap_level, snap_level)
    , nvl(i_ucomment, ucomment)
    , nvl(i_num_sql, num_sql)
    , nvl(i_executions_th, executions_th)
    , nvl(i_parse_calls_th, parse_calls_th)
    , nvl(i_disk_reads_th, disk_reads_th)
    , nvl(i_buffer_gets_th, buffer_gets_th)
    , nvl(i_sharable_mem_th, sharable_mem_th)
    , nvl(i_version_count_th, version_count_th)
    , nvl(ui_all_init, all_init)
    , nvl(i_pin_statspack, pin_statspack)
    into o_session_id
    , o_snap_level
    , o_ucomment
    , o_num_sql
    , o_executions_th
    , o_parse_calls_th
    , o_disk_reads_th
    , o_buffer_gets_th
    , o_sharable_mem_th
    , o_version_count_th
    , o_all_init
    , o_pin_statspack
    from stats$statspack_parameter
    where instance_number = l_instance_number
    and dbid = l_dbid;
    when NO_DATA_FOUND then
    insert into stats$statspack_parameter
    ( dbid
    , instance_number
    , session_id
    , snap_level
    , ucomment
    , num_sql
    , executions_th
    , parse_calls_th
    , disk_reads_th
    , buffer_gets_th
    , sharable_mem_th
    , version_count_th
    , all_init
    , pin_statspack
    , last_modified
    ( l_dbid
    , l_instance_number
    , p_def_session_id
    , p_def_snap_level
    , p_def_ucomment
    , p_def_num_sql
    , p_def_executions_th
    , p_def_parse_calls_th
    , p_def_disk_reads_th
    , p_def_buffer_gets_th
    , p_def_sharable_mem_th
    , p_def_version_count_th
    , p_def_all_init
    , p_def_pin_statspack
    returning nvl(i_session_id, p_def_session_id)
    , nvl(i_snap_level, p_def_snap_level)
    , nvl(i_ucomment, p_def_ucomment)
    , nvl(i_num_sql, p_def_num_sql)
    , nvl(i_executions_th, p_def_executions_th)
    , nvl(i_parse_calls_th, p_def_parse_calls_th)
    , nvl(i_disk_reads_th, p_def_disk_reads_th)
    , nvl(i_buffer_gets_th, p_def_buffer_gets_th)
    , nvl(i_sharable_mem_th, p_def_sharable_mem_th)
    , nvl(i_version_count_th, p_def_version_count_th)
    , nvl(ui_all_init, p_def_all_init)
    , nvl(i_pin_statspack, p_def_pin_statspack)
    into o_session_id
    , o_snap_level
    , o_ucomment
    , o_num_sql
    , o_executions_th
    , o_parse_calls_th
    , o_disk_reads_th
    , o_buffer_gets_th
    , o_sharable_mem_th
    , o_version_count_th
    , o_all_init
    , o_pin_statspack;
    end; /* don't modify parameter values */
    elsif upper(i_modify_parameter) = 'TRUE' then
    /* modify values, if none exist, insert the defaults tempered
    with the variables supplied */
    update stats$statspack_parameter
    set session_id = nvl(i_session_id, session_id)
    , snap_level = nvl(i_snap_level, snap_level)
    , ucomment = nvl(i_ucomment, ucomment)
    , num_sql = nvl(i_num_sql, num_sql)
    , executions_th = nvl(i_executions_th, executions_th)
    , parse_calls_th = nvl(i_parse_calls_th, parse_calls_th)
    , disk_reads_th = nvl(i_disk_reads_th, disk_reads_th)
    , buffer_gets_th = nvl(i_buffer_gets_th, buffer_gets_th)
    , sharable_mem_th = nvl(i_sharable_mem_th, sharable_mem_th)
    , version_count_th = nvl(i_version_count_th, version_count_th)
    , all_init = nvl(ui_all_init, all_init)
    , pin_statspack = nvl(i_pin_statspack, pin_statspack)
    where instance_number = l_instance_number
    and dbid = l_dbid
    returning session_id
    , snap_level
    , ucomment
    , num_sql
    , executions_th
    , parse_calls_th
    , disk_reads_th
    , buffer_gets_th
    , sharable_mem_th
    , version_count_th
    , all_init
    , pin_statspack
    into o_session_id
    , o_snap_level
    , o_ucomment
    , o_num_sql
    , o_executions_th
    , o_parse_calls_th
    , o_disk_reads_th
    , o_buffer_gets_th
    , o_sharable_mem_th
    , o_version_count_th
    , o_all_init
    , o_pin_statspack;
    if SQL%ROWCOUNT = 0 then
    insert into stats$statspack_parameter
    ( dbid
    , instance_number
    , session_id
    , snap_level
    , ucomment
    , num_sql
    , executions_th
    , parse_calls_th
    , disk_reads_th
    , buffer_gets_th
    , sharable_mem_th
    , version_count_th
    , all_init
    , pin_statspack
    , last_modified
    ( l_dbid
    , l_instance_number
    , nvl(i_session_id, p_def_session_id)
    , nvl(i_snap_level, p_def_snap_level)
    , nvl(i_ucomment, p_def_ucomment)
    , nvl(i_num_sql, p_def_num_sql)
    , nvl(i_executions_th, p_def_executions_th)
    , nvl(i_parse_calls_th, p_def_parse_calls_th)
    , nvl(i_disk_reads_th, p_def_disk_reads_th)
    , nvl(i_buffer_gets_th, p_def_buffer_gets_th)
    , nvl(i_sharable_mem_th, p_def_sharable_mem_th)
    , nvl(i_version_count_th, p_def_version_count_th)
    , nvl(ui_all_init, p_def_all_init)
    , nvl(i_pin_statspack, p_def_pin_statspack)
    returning session_id
    , snap_level
    , ucomment
    , num_sql
    , executions_th
    , parse_calls_th
    , disk_reads_th
    , buffer_gets_th
    , sharable_mem_th
    , version_count_th
    , all_init
    , pin_statspack
    into o_session_id
    , o_snap_level
    , o_ucomment
    , o_num_sql
    , o_executions_th
    , o_parse_calls_th
    , o_disk_reads_th
    , o_buffer_gets_th
    , o_sharable_mem_th
    , o_version_count_th
    , o_all_init
    , o_pin_statspack;
    end if;
    end; /* modify values */
    /* error */
    (-20100,'QAM_STATSPACK_PARAMETER i_modify_parameter value is invalid');
    end if; /* modify */
    procedure STAT_CHANGES
    /* Returns a set of differences of the values from corresponding pairs
    based on the begin and end (bid, eid) snapshot id's specified.
    This procedure is the only call to STATSPACK made by the statsrep
    Modified to include multi-db support.
    ( bid IN number
    , eid IN number
    , db_ident IN number
    , inst_num IN number
    , parallel IN varchar2
    , lhtr OUT number, bfwt OUT number
    , tran OUT number, chng OUT number
    , ucal OUT number, urol OUT number
    , rsiz OUT number
    , phyr OUT number, phyrd OUT number
    , phyrdl OUT number
    , phyw OUT number, ucom OUT number
    , prse OUT number, hprse OUT number
    , recr OUT number, gets OUT number
    , rlsr OUT number, rent OUT number
    , srtm OUT number, srtd OUT number
    , srtr OUT number, strn OUT number
    , lhr OUT number, bc OUT varchar2
    , sp OUT varchar2, lb OUT varchar2
    , bs OUT varchar2, twt OUT number
    , logc OUT number, prscpu OUT number
    , tcpu OUT number, exe OUT number
    , prsela OUT number
    , bspm OUT number, espm OUT number
    , bfrm OUT number, efrm OUT number
    , blog OUT number, elog OUT number
    , bocur OUT number, eocur OUT number
    , dmsd OUT number, dmfc OUT number -- begin OPS
    , dfcms OUT number, dfcmr OUT number
    , dmsi OUT number, dmrv OUT number
    , dynal OUT number, dynares OUT number
    , pmrv OUT number, pmpt OUT number
    , npmrv OUT number, npmpt OUT number
    , scma OUT number, scml OUT number
    , pinc OUT number, picrnc OUT number
    , picc OUT number, picrcc OUT number
    , pbc OUT number, pbcrc OUT number
    , pcba OUT number, pccrba OUT number
    , pcrbpi OUT number
    , dynapres OUT number, dynapshl OUT number
    , prcma OUT number, prcml OUT number
    , pwrm OUT number, pfpim OUT number
    , pwnm OUT number
    , dpms OUT number, dnpms OUT number
    , glsg OUT number, glag OUT number
    , glgt OUT number, glsc OUT number
    , glac OUT number, glct OUT number
    , glrl OUT number
    , gcge OUT number, gcgt OUT number
    , gccv OUT number, gcct OUT number
    , gccrrv OUT number, gccrrt OUT number
    , gccurv OUT number, gccurt OUT number
    , gccrsv OUT number
    , gccrbt OUT number, gccrft OUT number
    , gccrst OUT number, gccusv OUT number
    , gccupt OUT number, gccuft OUT number
    , gccust OUT number -- end OPS
    ) is
    bval number;
    eval number;
    l_b_session_id number; /* begin session id */
    l_b_serial# number; /* begin serial# */
    l_e_session_id number; /* end session id */
    l_e_serial# number; /* end serial# */
    /* Returns Library cache hit ratio for the begin and end (bid, eid)
    snapshot id's specified
    cursor LH (i_snap_id number) is
    select sum(pins), sum(pinhits)
    from stats$librarycache
    where snap_id = i_snap_id
    and dbid = db_ident
    and instance_number = inst_num;
    bpsum number;
    bhsum number;
    epsum number;
    ehsum number;
    if not LH%ISOPEN then open LH (bid); end if;
    fetch LH into bpsum, bhsum;
    if LH%NOTFOUND then
    (-20100,'Missing start value for stats$librarycache');
    end if; close LH;
    if not LH%ISOPEN then open LH (eid); end if;
    fetch LH into epsum, ehsum;
    if LH%NOTFOUND then
    (-20100,'Missing end value for stats$librarycache');
    end if; close LH;
    return (ehsum - bhsum) / (epsum - bpsum);
    function GET_PARAM (i_name varchar2) RETURN varchar2 is
    /* Returns the value for the init.ora parameter for the snapshot
    cursor PARAMETER is
    select value
    from stats$parameter
    where snap_id = eid
    and dbid = db_ident
    and instance_number = inst_num
    and name = i_name;
    par_value varchar2(512);
    if not PARAMETER%ISOPEN then open PARAMETER; end if;
    fetch PARAMETER into par_value;
    (-20100,'Missing Init.ora parameter '|| i_name);
    end if; close PARAMETER;
    return par_value;
    end GET_PARAM;
    function GET_SYSSTAT (i_name varchar2, i_beid number) RETURN number is
    /* Returns the value for the System Statistic for the snapshot
    cursor SYSSTAT is
    select value
    from stats$sysstat
    where snap_id = i_beid
    and dbid = db_ident
    and instance_number = inst_num
    and name = i_name;
    stat_value varchar2(512);
    if not SYSSTAT%ISOPEN then open SYSSTAT; end if;
    fetch SYSSTAT into stat_value;
    (-20100,'Missing System Statistic '|| i_name);
    end if; close SYSSTAT;
    return stat_value;
    end GET_SYSSTAT;
    function BUFFER_WAITS RETURN number is
    /* Returns the total number of waits for all buffers in the interval
    specified by the begin and end snapshot id's (bid, eid)
    cursor BW (i_snap_id number) is
    select sum(wait_count)
    from stats$waitstat
    where snap_id = i_snap_id
    and dbid = db_ident
    and instance_number = inst_num;
    bbwsum number; ebwsum number;
    if not BW%ISOPEN then open BW (bid); end if;
    fetch BW into bbwsum;
    if BW%NOTFOUND then
    (-20100,'Missing start value for stats$waitstat');
    end if; close BW;
    if not BW%ISOPEN then open BW (eid); end if;
    fetch BW into ebwsum;
    if BW%NOTFOUND then
    (-20100,'Missing end value for stats$waitstat');
    end if; close BW;
    return ebwsum - bbwsum;
    function TOTAL_EVENT_TIME RETURN number is
    /* Returns the total amount of time waited for events for
    the interval specified by the begin and end snapshot id's
    (bid, eid) by foreground processes. This excludes idle
    wait events.
    cursor WAITS (i_snap_id number) is
    select sum(time_waited_micro)
    from stats$system_event
    where snap_id = i_snap_id
    and dbid = db_ident
    and instance_number = inst_num
    and event not in (select event from stats$idle_event);
    bwaittime number;
    ewaittime number;
    if not WAITS%ISOPEN then open WAITS (bid); end if;
    fetch WAITS into bwaittime;
    if WAITS%NOTFOUND then
    (-20100,'Missing start value for stats$system_event');
    end if; close WAITS;
    if not WAITS%ISOPEN then open WAITS (eid); end if;
    fetch WAITS into ewaittime;
    if WAITS%NOTFOUND then
    (-20100,'Missing end value for stats$system_event');
    end if; close WAITS;
    return ewaittime - bwaittime;
    function LATCH_HITRATIO return NUMBER is
    /* Returns the latch hit ratio specified by the begin and
    end snapshot id's (bid, eid)
    cursor GETS_MISSES (i_snap_id number) is
    select sum(gets), sum(misses)
    from stats$latch
    where snap_id = i_snap_id
    and dbid = db_ident
    and instance_number = inst_num;
    blget number; -- beginning latch gets
    blmis number; -- beginning latch misses
    elget number; -- end latch gets
    elmis number; -- end latch misses
    if not GETS_MISSES%ISOPEN then open GETS_MISSES (bid); end if;
    fetch GETS_MISSES into blget, blmis;
    (-20100,'Missing start value for STATS$LATCH gets and misses');
    end if; close GETS_MISSES;
    if not GETS_MISSES%ISOPEN then open GETS_MISSES (eid); end if;
    fetch GETS_MISSES into elget, elmis;
    (-20100,'Missing end value for STATS$LATCH gets and misses');
    end if; close GETS_MISSES;
    return ( ( elmis - blmis ) / ( elget - blget ) );
    function SGASTAT (i_name varchar2, i_beid number) RETURN number is
    /* Returns the bytes used by i_name in the shared pool
    for the begin or end snapshot (bid, eid) specified
    cursor bytes_used is
    select bytes
    from stats$sgastat
    where snap_id = i_beid
    and dbid = db_ident
    and instance_number = inst_num
    and pool in ('shared pool', 'all pools')
    and name = i_name;
    total_bytes number;
    if i_name = 'total_shared_pool' then
    select sum(bytes)
    into total_bytes
    from stats$sgastat
    where snap_id = i_beid
    and dbid = db_ident
    and instance_number = inst_num
    and pool in ('shared pool','all pools');
    open bytes_used; fetch bytes_used into total_bytes;
    if bytes_used%notfound then
    (-20100,'Missing value for SGASTAT: '||i_name);
    end if;
    close bytes_used;
    end if;
    return total_bytes;
    end SGASTAT;
    function SYSDIF (i_name varchar2) RETURN number is
    /* Returns the difference between statistics for the statistic
    name specified for the interval between the begin and end
    snapshot id's (bid, eid)
    cursor SY (i_snap_id number) is
    select value
    from stats$sysstat
    where snap_id = i_snap_id
    and dbid = db_ident
    and instance_number = inst_num
    and name = i_name;
    /* Get start value */
    open SY (bid); fetch SY into bval;
    if SY%notfound then
    (-20100,'Missing start value for statistic: '||i_name);
    end if; close SY;
    /* Get end value */
    open SY (eid); fetch SY into eval;
    if SY%notfound then
    (-20100,'Missing end value for statistic: '||i_name);
    end if; close SY;
    /* Return difference */
    return eval - bval;
    end SYSDIF;
    function SESDIF (st_name varchar2) RETURN number is
    /* Returns the difference between statistics values for the
    statistic name specified for the interval between the begin and end
    snapshot id's (bid, eid), for the session monitored for that
    cursor SE (i_snap_id number) is
    select ses.value
    from stats$sysstat sys
    , stats$sesstat ses
    where sys.snap_id = i_snap_id
    and ses.snap_id = i_snap_id
    and ses.dbid = db_ident
    and sys.dbid = db_ident
    and ses.instance_number = inst_num
    and sys.instance_number = inst_num
    and ses.statistic# = sys.statistic#
    and sys.name = st_name;
    /* Get start value */
    open SE (bid); fetch SE into bval;
    if SE%notfound then
    eval :=0;
    end if; close SE;
    /* Get end value */
    open SE (eid); fetch SE into eval;
    if SE%notfound then
    eval :=0;
    end if; close SE;
    /* Return difference */
    return eval - bval;
    end SESDIF;
    function DLMDIF (i_name varchar2) RETURN number is
    /* Returns the difference between statistics for the statistic
    name specified for the interval between the begin and end
    snapshot id's (bid, eid)
    cursor DLM (i_snap_id number) is
    select value
    from stats$dlm_misc
    where snap_id = i_snap_id
    and dbid = db_ident
    and instance_number = inst_num
    and name = i_name;
    /* Get start value */
    open DLM (bid); fetch DLM into bval;
    if DLM%notfound then
    (-20100,'Missing start value for statistic: '||i_name);
    end if; close DLM;
    /* Get end value */
    open DLM (eid); fetch DLM into eval;
    if DLM%notfound then
    (-20100,'Missing end value for statistic: '||i_name);
    end if; close DLM;
    /* Return difference */
    return eval - bval;
    end DLMDIF;
    begin /* main procedure body of STAT_CHANGES */
    bfwt := BUFFER_WAITS;
    lhr := LATCH_HITRATIO;
    chng := SYSDIF('db block changes');
    ucal := SYSDIF('user calls');
    urol := SYSDIF('user rollbacks');
    ucom := SYSDIF('user commits');
    tran := ucom + urol;
    rsiz := SYSDIF('redo size');
    phyr := SYSDIF('physical reads');
    phyrd := SYSDIF('physical reads direct');
    phyrdl := SYSDIF('physical reads direct (lob)');
    phyw := SYSDIF('physical writes');
    hprse := SYSDIF('parse count (hard)');
    prse := SYSDIF('parse count (total)');
    gets := SYSDIF('session logical reads');
    recr := SYSDIF('recursive calls');
    rlsr := SYSDIF('redo log space requests');
    rent := SYSDIF('redo entries');
    srtm := SYSDIF('sorts (memory)');
    srtd := SYSDIF('sorts (disk)');
    srtr := SYSDIF('sorts (rows)');
    logc := SYSDIF('logons cumulative');
    prscpu := SYSDIF('parse time cpu');
    prsela := SYSDIF('parse time elapsed');
    tcpu := SYSDIF('CPU used by this session');
    exe := SYSDIF('execute count');
    bs := GET_PARAM('db_block_size');
    bc := GET_PARAM('db_block_buffers') * bs;
    if bc = 0 then
    bc := GET_PARAM('db_cache_size')
    + GET_PARAM('db_keep_cache_size')
    + GET_PARAM('db_recycle_cache_size')
    + GET_PARAM('db_2k_cache_size')
    + GET_PARAM('db_4k_cache_size')
    + GET_PARAM('db_8k_cache_size')
    + GET_PARAM('db_16k_cache_size')
    + GET_PARAM('db_32k_cache_size');
    end if;
    sp := GET_PARAM('shared_pool_size');
    lb := GET_PARAM('log_buffer');
    twt := TOTAL_EVENT_TIME; -- total wait time for all non-idle events
    bspm := SGASTAT('total_shared_pool', bid);
    espm := SGASTAT('total_shared_pool', eid);
    bfrm := SGASTAT('free memory', bid);
    efrm := SGASTAT('free memory', eid);
    blog := GET_SYSSTAT('logons current', bid);
    elog := GET_SYSSTAT('logons current', eid);
    bocur := GET_SYSSTAT('opened cursors current', bid);
    eocur := GET_SYSSTAT('opened cursors current', eid);
    /* Do we want to report on cluster-specific statistics? Check
    in procedure variable "parallel".
    if parallel = 'YES' then
    dmsd := DLMDIF('messages sent directly');
    dmfc := DLMDIF('messages flow controlled');
    dmsi := DLMDIF('messages sent indirectly');
    dmrv := DLMDIF('messages received');
    dfcms := DLMDIF('flow control messages sent');
    dfcmr := DLMDIF('flow control messages received');
    dynal := DLMDIF('dynamically allocated enqueues');
    dynares := DLMDIF('dynamically allocated resources');
    pmrv := DLMDIF('gcs msgs received');
    pmpt := DLMDIF('gcs msgs process time(ms)');
    npmrv := DLMDIF('ges msgs received');
    npmpt := DLMDIF('ges msgs process time(ms)');
    scma := DLMDIF('gcs side channel msgs actual');
    scml := DLMDIF('gcs side channel msgs logical');
    pinc := DLMDIF('gcs immediate (null) converts');
    picrnc := DLMDIF('gcs immediate cr (null) converts');
    picc := DLMDIF('gcs immediate (compatible) converts');
    picrcc := DLMDIF('gcs immediate cr (compatible) converts');
    pbc := DLMDIF('gcs blocked converts');
    pbcrc := DLMDIF('gcs blocked cr converts');
    pcba := DLMDIF('gcs compatible basts');
    pccrba := DLMDIF('gcs compatible cr basts');
    pcrbpi := DLMDIF('gcs cr basts to PIs');
    dynapres := DLMDIF('dynamically allocated gcs resources');
    dynapshl := DLMDIF('dynamically allocated gcs shadows');
    prcma := DLMDIF('gcs recovery claim msgs actual');
    prcml := DLMDIF('gcs recovery claim msgs logical');
    pwrm := DLMDIF('gcs write request msgs');
    pfpim := DLMDIF('gcs flush pi msgs');
    pwnm := DLMDIF('gcs write notification msgs');
    dpms := SYSDIF('gcs messages sent');
    dnpms := SYSDIF('ges messages sent');
    glsg := SYSDIF('global lock sync gets');
    glag := SYSDIF('global lock async gets');
    glgt := SYSDIF('global lock get time');
    glsc := SYSDIF('global lock sync converts');
    glac := SYSDIF('global lock async converts');
    glct := SYSDIF('global lock convert time');
    glrl := SYSDIF('global lock releases');
    gcge := SYSDIF('global cache gets');
    gcgt := SYSDIF('global cache get time');
    gccv := SYSDIF('global cache converts');
    gcct := SYSDIF('global cache convert time');
    gccrrv := SYSDIF('global cache cr blocks received');
    gccrrt := SYSDIF('global cache cr block receive time');
    gccurv := SYSDIF('global cache current blocks received');
    gccurt := SYSDIF('global cache current block receive time');
    gccrsv := SYSDIF('global cache cr blocks served');
    gccrbt := SYSDIF('global cache cr block build time');
    gccrft := SYSDIF('global cache cr block flush time');
    gccrst := SYSDIF('global cache cr block send time');
    gccusv := SYSDIF('global cache current blocks served');
    gccupt := SYSDIF('global cache current block pin time');
    gccuft := SYSDIF('global cache current block flush time');
    gccust := SYSDIF('global cache current block send time');
    end if;
    /* Determine if we want to report on session-specific statistics.
    Check that the session is the same one for both snapshots.
    select session_id
    , serial#
    into l_b_session_id
    , l_b_serial#
    from stats$snapshot
    where snap_id = bid
    and dbid = db_ident
    and instance_number = inst_num;
    select session_id
    , serial#
    into l_e_session_id
    , l_e_serial#
    from stats$snapshot
    where snap_id = eid
    and dbid = db_ident
    and instance_number = inst_num;
    if ( (l_b_session_id = l_e_session_id)
    and (l_b_serial# = l_e_serial#)
    and (l_b_session_id != 0) ) then
    /* we have a valid comparison - it is the
    same session - get number of tx performed
    by this session */
    strn := SESDIF('user rollbacks') + SESDIF('user commits');
    if strn = 0 then
    /* No new transactions */
    strn := 1;
    end if;
    /* No valid comparison can be made */
    strn :=1;
    end if;
    function SNAP
    (i_snap_level in number default null
    ,i_session_id in number default null
    ,i_ucomment in varchar2 default null
    ,i_num_sql in number default null
    ,i_executions_th in number default null
    ,i_parse_calls_th in number default null
    ,i_disk_reads_th in number default null
    ,i_buffer_gets_th in number default null
    ,i_sharable_mem_th in number default null
    ,i_version_count_th in number default null
    ,i_all_init in varchar2 default null
    ,i_pin_statspack in varchar2 default null
    ,i_modify_parameter in varchar2 default 'FALSE'
    RETURN integer IS
    /* This function performs a snapshot of the v$ views into the
    stats$ tables, and returns the snapshot id.
    If parameters are passed, these are the values used, otherwise
    the values stored in the stats$statspack_parameter table are used.
    l_snap_id integer;
    l_snap_level number;
    l_session_id number;
    l_serial# number;
    l_ucomment varchar2(160);
    l_num_sql number;
    l_executions_th number;
    l_parse_calls_th number;
    l_disk_reads_th number;
    l_buffer_gets_th number;
    l_sharable_mem_th number;
    l_version_count_th number;
    l_all_init varchar2(5);
    l_pin_statspack varchar2(10);
    l_sql_stmt varchar2(3000);
    l_slarti varchar2(20);
    l_threshold number;
    l_total_sql number := 0;
    l_total_sql_mem number := 0;
    l_single_use_sql number := 0;
    l_single_use_sql_mem number := 0;
    l_text_subset varchar2(31);
    l_sharable_mem number;
    l_version_count number;
    l_sorts number;
    l_module varchar2(64);
    l_loaded_versions number;
    l_executions number;
    l_loads number;
    l_invalidations number;
    l_parse_calls number;
    l_disk_reads number;
    l_buffer_gets number;
    l_rows_processed number;
    l_address raw(8);
    l_hash_value number;
    l_version_count number;
    l_max_begin_time date;
    cursor GETSERIAL is
    select serial#
    from v$session
    where sid = l_session_id;
    PROCEDURE snap_sql IS
    /* Gather summary statistics */
    insert into stats$sql_statistics
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , total_sql
    , total_sql_mem
    , single_use_sql
    , single_use_sql_mem
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , count(1)
    , sum(sharable_mem)
    , sum(decode(executions, 1, 1, 0))
    , sum(decode(executions, 1, sharable_mem, 0))
    from stats$v$sqlxs
    where is_obsolete = 'N';
    /* Gather SQL statements which exceed any threshold,
    excluding obsolete parent cursors
    insert into stats$sql_summary
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , text_subset
    , sharable_mem
    , sorts
    , module
    , loaded_versions
    , executions
    , loads
    , invalidations
    , parse_calls
    , disk_reads
    , buffer_gets
    , rows_processed
    , command_type
    , address
    , hash_value
    , version_count
    , cpu_time
    , elapsed_time
    , outline_sid
    , outline_category
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , substr(sql_text,1,31)
    , sharable_mem
    , sorts
    , module
    , loaded_versions
    , executions
    , loads
    , invalidations
    , parse_calls
    , disk_reads
    , buffer_gets
    , rows_processed
    , command_type
    , address
    , hash_value
    , version_count
    , cpu_time
    , elapsed_time
    , outline_sid
    , outline_category
    from stats$v$sqlxs
    where is_obsolete = 'N'
    and ( buffer_gets > l_buffer_gets_th
    or disk_reads > l_disk_reads_th
    or parse_calls > l_parse_calls_th
    or executions > l_executions_th
    or sharable_mem > l_sharable_mem_th
    or version_count > l_version_count_th
    /* Insert the SQL Text for hash_values captured in the snapshot
    into stats$sqltext if it's not already there. Identify SQL which
    execeeded the threshold by querying stats$sql_summary for this
    snapid and database instance
    insert into stats$sqltext
    ( hash_value
    , text_subset
    , piece
    , sql_text
    , address
    , command_type
    , last_snap_id
    select st1.hash_value
    , ss.text_subset
    , st1.piece
    , st1.sql_text
    , st1.address
    , st1.command_type
    , ss.snap_id
    from v$sqltext st1
    , stats$sql_summary ss
    where ss.snap_id = l_snap_id
    and ss.dbid = p_dbid
    and ss.instance_number = p_instance_number
    and st1.hash_value = ss.hash_value
    and st1.address = ss.address
    and not exists (select 1
    from stats$sqltext st2
    where st2.hash_value = ss.hash_value
    and st2.text_subset = ss.text_subset
    IF l_snap_level >= 6 THEN
    /* Identify SQL which execeeded the threshold by querying
    stats$sql_summary for this snapid and database instance.
    Capture the plans which were used for the high-load SQL if
    don't already have this data.
    Omit capturing plan usage information for cursors which
    have a zero plan hash value.
    Currently this is captured in a level 6 (or greater)
    snapshot, however this may be integrated into level 5
    snapshot at a later date.
    hl - high load
    insert into stats$sql_plan_usage
    ( hash_value
    , text_subset
    , plan_hash_value
    , cost
    , snap_id
    , address
    , optimizer
    select hl.hash_value
    , hl.text_subset
    , hl.plan_hash_value
    , hl.cost
    , max(hl.snap_id)
    , max(hl.address)
    , max(hl.optimizer)
    from (select /*+ ordered use_nl(sq) index(sq) */
    , ss.text_subset
    , sq.plan_hash_value
    , nvl(sq.optimizer_cost,-9) cost
    , ss.snap_id snap_id
    , ss.address
    , sq.optimizer_mode optimizer
    from stats$sql_summary ss
    , v$sql sq
    where ss.snap_id = l_snap_id
    and ss.dbid = p_dbid
    and ss.instance_number = p_instance_number
    and sq.hash_value = ss.hash_value
    and sq.address = ss.address
    and sq.plan_hash_value > 0
    ) hl
    where not exists (select /*+ no_unnest */
    from stats$sql_plan_usage spu
    where spu.hash_value = hl.hash_value
    and spu.text_subset = hl.text_subset
    and spu.plan_hash_value
    = hl.plan_hash_value
    and spu.cost = hl.cost
    group by hl.hash_value
    , hl.text_subset
    , hl.plan_hash_value
    , hl.cost
    , hl.optimizer;
    /* For all new hash_value, plan_hash_value, cost combinations
    just captured, get the optimizer plans, if we don't already
    have them. Note that the plan (and hence the plan hash value)
    comprises the access path and the join order (and not
    variable factors such as the cardinality).
    insert into stats$sql_plan
    ( plan_hash_value
    , id
    , operation
    , options
    , object_node
    , object#
    , object_owner
    , object_name
    , optimizer
    , parent_id
    , depth
    , position
    , cost
    , cardinality
    , bytes
    , other_tag
    , partition_start
    , partition_stop
    , partition_id
    , other
    , distribution
    , cpu_cost
    , io_cost
    , temp_space
    , snap_id
    select /*+ ordered use_nl(s) use_nl(sp.p) */
    , sp.id
    , max(sp.operation)
    , max(sp.options)
    , max(sp.object_node)
    , max(sp.object#)
    , max(sp.object_owner)
    , max(sp.object_name)
    , max(sp.optimizer)
    , max(sp.parent_id)
    , max(sp.depth)
    , max(sp.position)
    , max(sp.cost)
    , max(sp.cardinality)
    , max(sp.bytes)
    , max(sp.other_tag)
    , max(sp.partition_start)
    , max(sp.partition_stop)
    , max(sp.partition_id)
    , max(sp.other)
    , max(sp.distribution)
    , max(sp.cpu_cost)
    , max(sp.io_cost)
    , max(sp.temp_space)
    , max(new_plan.snap_id)
    from (select /*+ index(spu) */
    , spu.hash_value
    , spu.address
    , spu.text_subset
    , spu.snap_id
    from stats$sql_plan_usage spu
    where spu.snap_id = l_snap_id
    and not exists (select /*+ nl_aj */ *
    from stats$sql_plan ssp
    where ssp.plan_hash_value
    = spu.plan_hash_value
    ) new_plan
    , v$sql s
    , v$sql_plan sp
    where sp.hash_value = new_plan.hash_value
    and sp.address = new_plan.address
    and s.hash_value = new_plan.hash_value
    and s.address = new_plan.address
    and s.hash_value = sp.hash_value
    and s.address = sp.address
    and s.child_number = sp.child_number
    group by
    , sp.id;
    END IF; /* snap level >=6 */
    END snap_sql;
    begin /* Function SNAP */
    /* Get instance parameter defaults from stats$statspack_parameter,
    or use supplied parameters.
    If all parameters are specified, use them, otherwise get values
    from the parameters not specified from stats$statspack_parameter.
    ( p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , i_snap_level, i_session_id, i_ucomment, i_num_sql
    , i_executions_th, i_parse_calls_th
    , i_disk_reads_th, i_buffer_gets_th, i_sharable_mem_th
    , i_version_count_th, i_all_init
    , i_pin_statspack
    , i_modify_parameter
    , l_snap_level, l_session_id, l_ucomment, l_num_sql
    , l_executions_th, l_parse_calls_th
    , l_disk_reads_th, l_buffer_gets_th, l_sharable_mem_th
    , l_version_count_th, l_all_init
    , l_pin_statspack);
    /* Generate a snapshot id */
    select stats$snapshot_id.nextval
    into l_snap_id
    from dual
    where rownum = 1;
    /* Determine the serial# of the session to maintain stats for,
    if this was requested.
    if l_session_id > 0 then
    if not GETSERIAL%ISOPEN then open GETSERIAL; end if;
    fetch GETSERIAL into l_serial#;
    /* Session has already disappeared - don't gather
    statistics for this session in this snapshot */
    l_session_id := 0;
    l_serial# := 0;
    end if; close GETSERIAL;
    l_serial# := 0;
    end if;
    /* The instance has been restarted since the last snapshot */
    if p_new_sga = 0
    p_new_sga := 1;
    /* Get the instance startup time, and other characteristics */
    insert into stats$database_instance
    ( dbid
    , instance_number
    , startup_time
    , snap_id
    , parallel
    , version
    , db_name
    , instance_name
    , host_name
    select p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , p_startup_time
    , l_snap_id
    , p_parallel
    , p_version
    , p_name
    , p_instance_name
    , p_host_name
    from sys.dual;
    end if; /* new SGA */
    /* Work out the max undo stat time, used for gathering undo stat data */
    select nvl(max(begin_time), to_date('01011900','DDMMYYYY'))
    into l_max_begin_time
    from stats$undostat
    where dbid = p_dbid
    and instance_number = p_instance_number;
    /* Save the snapshot characteristics */
    insert into stats$snapshot
    ( snap_id, dbid, instance_number
    , snap_time, startup_time
    , session_id, snap_level, ucomment
    , executions_th, parse_calls_th, disk_reads_th
    , buffer_gets_th, sharable_mem_th
    , version_count_th, serial#, all_init)
    ( l_snap_id, p_dbid, p_instance_number
    , SYSDATE, p_startup_time
    , l_session_id, l_snap_level, l_ucomment
    , l_executions_th, l_parse_calls_th, l_disk_reads_th
    , l_buffer_gets_th, l_sharable_mem_th
    , l_version_count_th, l_serial#, l_all_init);
    /* Begin gathering statistics */
    insert into stats$filestatxs
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , tsname
    , filename
    , phyrds
    , phywrts
    , singleblkrds
    , readtim
    , writetim
    , singleblkrdtim
    , phyblkrd
    , phyblkwrt
    , wait_count
    , time
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , tsname
    , filename
    , phyrds
    , phywrts
    , singleblkrds
    , readtim
    , writetim
    , singleblkrdtim
    , phyblkrd
    , phyblkwrt
    , wait_count
    , time
    from stats$v$filestatxs;
    insert into stats$tempstatxs
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , tsname
    , filename
    , phyrds
    , phywrts
    , singleblkrds
    , readtim
    , writetim
    , singleblkrdtim
    , phyblkrd
    , phyblkwrt
    , wait_count
    , time
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , tsname
    , filename
    , phyrds
    , phywrts
    , singleblkrds
    , readtim
    , writetim
    , singleblkrdtim
    , phyblkrd
    , phyblkwrt
    , wait_count
    , time
    from stats$v$tempstatxs;
    insert into stats$librarycache
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , namespace
    , gets
    , gethits
    , pins
    , pinhits
    , reloads
    , invalidations
    , dlm_lock_requests
    , dlm_pin_requests
    , dlm_pin_releases
    , dlm_invalidation_requests
    , dlm_invalidations
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , namespace
    , gets
    , gethits
    , pins
    , pinhits
    , reloads
    , invalidations
    , dlm_lock_requests
    , dlm_pin_requests
    , dlm_pin_releases
    , dlm_invalidation_requests
    , dlm_invalidations
    from v$librarycache;
    insert into stats$buffer_pool_statistics
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , id
    , name
    , block_size
    , set_msize
    , cnum_repl
    , cnum_write
    , cnum_set
    , buf_got
    , sum_write
    , sum_scan
    , free_buffer_wait
    , write_complete_wait
    , buffer_busy_wait
    , free_buffer_inspected
    , dirty_buffers_inspected
    , db_block_change
    , db_block_gets
    , consistent_gets
    , physical_reads
    , physical_writes
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , id
    , name
    , block_size
    , set_msize
    , cnum_repl
    , cnum_write
    , cnum_set
    , buf_got
    , sum_write
    , sum_scan
    , free_buffer_wait
    , write_complete_wait
    , buffer_busy_wait
    , free_buffer_inspected
    , dirty_buffers_inspected
    , db_block_change
    , db_block_gets
    , consistent_gets
    , physical_reads
    , physical_writes
    from v$buffer_pool_statistics;
    insert into stats$rollstat
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , usn
    , extents
    , rssize
    , writes
    , xacts
    , gets
    , waits
    , optsize
    , hwmsize
    , shrinks
    , wraps
    , extends
    , aveshrink
    , aveactive
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , usn
    , extents
    , rssize
    , writes
    , xacts
    , gets
    , waits
    , optsize
    , hwmsize
    , shrinks
    , wraps
    , extends
    , aveshrink
    , aveactive
    from v$rollstat;
    insert into stats$rowcache_summary
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , parameter
    , total_usage
    , usage
    , gets
    , getmisses
    , scans
    , scanmisses
    , scancompletes
    , modifications
    , flushes
    , dlm_requests
    , dlm_conflicts
    , dlm_releases
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , parameter
    , sum("COUNT")
    , sum(usage)
    , sum(gets)
    , sum(getmisses)
    , sum(scans)
    , sum(scanmisses)
    , sum(scancompletes)
    , sum(modifications)
    , sum(flushes)
    , sum(dlm_requests)
    , sum(dlm_conflicts)
    , sum(dlm_releases)
    from v$rowcache
    group by l_snap_id, p_dbid, p_instance_number, parameter;
    /* Collect parameters every snapshot, to cater for dynamic
    parameters changable while instance is running
    if l_all_init = 'FALSE' then
    insert into stats$parameter
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , name
    , value
    , isdefault
    , ismodified
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , name
    , value
    , isdefault
    , ismodified
    from v$system_parameter;
    insert into stats$parameter
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , name
    , value
    , isdefault
    , ismodified
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , i.ksppinm
    , sv.ksppstvl
    , sv.ksppstdf
    , decode(bitand(sv.ksppstvf,7),1,'MODIFIED',4,'SYSTEM_MOD','FALSE')
    from stats$x$ksppi i
    , stats$x$ksppsv sv
    where i.indx = sv.indx;
    end if;
    /* To cater for variable size SGA - insert on each snapshot */
    insert into stats$sga
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , name
    , value
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , name
    , value
    from v$sga;
    /* Get current allocation of memory in the SGA */
    insert into stats$sgastat
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , pool
    , name
    , bytes
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , pool
    , name
    , bytes
    from v$sgastat;
    insert into stats$system_event
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , event
    , total_waits
    , total_timeouts
    , time_waited_micro
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , event
    , total_waits
    , total_timeouts
    , time_waited_micro
    from v$system_event;
    insert into stats$bg_event_summary
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , event
    , total_waits
    , total_timeouts
    , time_waited_micro
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , e.event
    , sum(e.total_waits)
    , sum(e.total_timeouts)
    , sum(e.time_waited_micro)
    from v$session_event e
    where e.sid in (select s.sid from v$session s where s.type = 'BACKGROUND')
    group by l_snap_id, p_dbid, p_instance_number, e.event;
    insert into stats$sysstat
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , statistic#
    , name
    , value
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , statistic#
    , name
    , value
    from v$sysstat;
    insert into stats$waitstat
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , class
    , wait_count
    , time
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , class
    , "COUNT"
    , time
    from v$waitstat;
    insert into stats$enqueue_stat
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , eq_type
    , total_req#
    , total_wait#
    , succ_req#
    , failed_req#
    , cum_wait_time
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , eq_type
    , total_req#
    , total_wait#
    , succ_req#
    , failed_req#
    , cum_wait_time
    from v$enqueue_stat
    where total_req# != 0;
    insert into stats$latch
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , name
    , latch#
    , level#
    , gets
    , misses
    , sleeps
    , immediate_gets
    , immediate_misses
    , spin_gets
    , sleep1
    , sleep2
    , sleep3
    , sleep4
    , wait_time
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , name
    , latch#
    , level#
    , gets
    , misses
    , sleeps
    , immediate_gets
    , immediate_misses
    , spin_gets
    , sleep1
    , sleep2
    , sleep3
    , sleep4
    , wait_time
    from v$latch;
    insert into stats$latch_misses_summary
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , parent_name
    , where_in_code
    , nwfail_count
    , sleep_count
    , wtr_slp_count
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , parent_name
    , "WHERE"
    , sum(nwfail_count)
    , sum(sleep_count)
    , sum(wtr_slp_count)
    from v$latch_misses
    where sleep_count > 0
    group by l_snap_id, p_dbid, p_instance_number
    , parent_name, "WHERE";
    insert into stats$resource_limit
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , resource_name
    , current_utilization
    , max_utilization
    , initial_allocation
    , limit_value
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , resource_name
    , current_utilization
    , max_utilization
    , initial_allocation
    , limit_value
    from v$resource_limit
    where limit_value != ' UNLIMITED'
    and max_utilization > 0;
    insert into stats$undostat
    ( begin_time
    , end_time
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , snap_id
    , undotsn
    , undoblks
    , txncount
    , maxquerylen
    , maxconcurrency
    , unxpstealcnt
    , unxpblkrelcnt
    , unxpblkreucnt
    , expstealcnt
    , expblkrelcnt
    , expblkreucnt
    , ssolderrcnt
    , nospaceerrcnt
    select begin_time
    , end_time
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , l_snap_id
    , undotsn
    , undoblks
    , txncount
    , maxquerylen
    , maxconcurrency
    , unxpstealcnt
    , unxpblkrelcnt
    , unxpblkreucnt
    , expstealcnt
    , expblkrelcnt
    , expblkreucnt
    , ssolderrcnt
    , nospaceerrcnt
    from v$undostat
    where begin_time > l_max_begin_time
    and begin_time + (1/(24*6)) <= end_time;
    insert into stats$db_cache_advice
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , id
    , name
    , block_size
    , buffers_for_estimate
    , advice_status
    , size_for_estimate
    , estd_physical_read_factor
    , estd_physical_reads
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , id
    , name
    , block_size
    , buffers_for_estimate
    , advice_status
    , size_for_estimate
    , estd_physical_read_factor
    , estd_physical_reads
    from v$db_cache_advice
    where advice_status = 'ON';
    insert into stats$pgastat
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , name
    , value
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , name
    , value
    from v$pgastat;
    insert into stats$instance_recovery
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , recovery_estimated_ios
    , actual_redo_blks
    , target_redo_blks
    , log_file_size_redo_blks
    , log_chkpt_timeout_redo_blks
    , log_chkpt_interval_redo_blks
    , fast_start_io_target_redo_blks
    , target_mttr
    , estimated_mttr
    , ckpt_block_writes
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , recovery_estimated_ios
    , actual_redo_blks
    , target_redo_blks
    , log_file_size_redo_blks
    , log_chkpt_timeout_redo_blks
    , log_chkpt_interval_redo_blks
    , fast_start_io_target_redo_blks
    , target_mttr
    , estimated_mttr
    , ckpt_block_writes
    from v$instance_recovery;
    if p_parallel = 'YES' then
    insert into stats$dlm_misc
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , statistic#
    , name
    , value
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , statistic#
    , name
    , value
    from v$dlm_misc;
    end if; /* parallel */
    /* Begin gathering Extended Statistics */
    IF l_snap_level >= 5 THEN
    END IF; /* snap level >=5 */
    IF l_snap_level >= 10 THEN
    insert into stats$latch_children
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , latch#
    , child#
    , gets
    , misses
    , sleeps
    , immediate_gets
    , immediate_misses
    , spin_gets
    , sleep1
    , sleep2
    , sleep3
    , sleep4
    , wait_time
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , latch#
    , child#
    , gets
    , misses
    , sleeps
    , immediate_gets
    , immediate_misses
    , spin_gets
    , sleep1
    , sleep2
    , sleep3
    , sleep4
    , wait_time
    from v$latch_children;
    insert into stats$latch_parent
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , latch#
    , level#
    , gets
    , misses
    , sleeps
    , immediate_gets
    , immediate_misses
    , spin_gets
    , sleep1
    , sleep2
    , sleep3
    , sleep4
    , wait_time
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , latch#
    , level#
    , gets
    , misses
    , sleeps
    , immediate_gets
    , immediate_misses
    , spin_gets
    , sleep1
    , sleep2
    , sleep3
    , sleep4
    , wait_time
    from v$latch_parent;
    END IF; /* snap level >=10 */
    /* Record level session-granular statistics if a specific session
    has been requested
    if l_session_id > 0
    insert into stats$sesstat
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , statistic#
    , value
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , statistic#
    , value
    from v$sesstat
    where sid = l_session_id;
    insert into stats$session_event
    ( snap_id
    , dbid
    , instance_number
    , event
    , total_waits
    , total_timeouts
    , time_waited_micro
    , max_wait
    select l_snap_id
    , p_dbid
    , p_instance_number
    , event
    , total_waits
    , total_timeouts
    , time_waited_micro
    , max_wait
    from v$session_event
    where sid = l_session_id;
    end if;
    commit work;
    RETURN l_snap_id;
    end SNAP; /* Function SNAP */
    begin /* STATSPACK body */
    /* Query the database id, instance_number, database name, instance
    name and startup time for the instance we are working on
    /* Get information about the current instance */
    open get_instance;
    fetch get_instance into
    p_instance_number, p_instance_name
    , p_startup_time, p_parallel, p_version
    , p_host_name;
    close get_instance;
    /* Select the database info for the db connected to */
    open get_db;
    fetch get_db into p_dbid, p_name;
    close get_db;
    /* Keep the package
    sys.dbms_shared_pool.keep('PERFSTAT.STATSPACK', 'P');
    /* Determine if the instance has been restarted since the previous snapshot
    select 1
    into p_new_sga
    from stats$database_instance
    where startup_time = p_startup_time
    and dbid = p_dbid
    and instance_number = p_instance_number;
    when NO_DATA_FOUND then
    p_new_sga := 0;
    end STATSPACK;
    Warning: Package Body created with compilation errors.
    SQL> show error
    2045/3 PLS-00201: identifier 'SYS.DBMS_SHARED_POOL' must be declared
    2045/3 PL/SQL: Statement ignored

    When i compiled the package, it compiled with following error.
    Warning: Package Body created with compilation errors.
    SQL> show error
    2045/3 PLS-00201: identifier 'SYS.DBMS_SHARED_POOL' must be declared
    2045/3 PL/SQL: Statement ignored

  • Installation OEM on Windows XP

    Sequence of installation I have done:
    1. Format c:
    2. Install new Windows XP
    3. Update the system
    4. download OEM 10g from Oracle
    5. setup OEM 10g with a new Database
    - setup failed with in this point:
    Configuration assistant "OMS Configuration" failed.
    If I press "next" the installation is finished but OEM does not work.
    I have tried to install OEM with new database and using existing DB,the result the same.
    The new created database looks fine.
    - log file:
    C:\oracle\product\10g\oms10g\opmn\bin\opmnctl startall
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Start Opmn Error = CMD /C C:\oracle\product\10g\oms10g\opmn\bin\opmnctl startall
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:PerformSecureCommand:runCmd:CMD /C C:\oracle\product\10g\oms10g\opmn\bin\opmnctl startall have completed with exitCode=206
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:PerformSecureCommand:runCmd:Command Output stdout:
    'opmnctl: starting opmn and all managed processes...
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:PerformSecureCommand:runCmd:Command Output stderr:
    opmn id=ora_em_rep:6201
    5 of 6 processes started.
    ias-instance id=EnterpriseManager0.ora_em_rep
    --> Process (pid=3456)
    failed to start a managed process after the maximum retry limit
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:OmsPlugIn:Requested Configuration Step 5 have been completed with status=false
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:EmcpPlug:invoke:Completed EmcpPlug invoke method on an aggregate=oracle.sysman.top.oms for Action=configuration in step=2:microstep=0
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:The plug-in OMS Configuration has failed its perform method
    INFO: OuiConfigVariables:IAction.perform() was called on {Action state:OUICA in CfmAggregateInstance: OuiConfigVariables:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g:label=0}

    INFO: Creating new CFM connection
    INFO: Creating a new logger for encap_oms
    INFO: Unmarshalling C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g\inventory\ContentsXML\ConfigXML\encap_oms.1_0_0_0_0.xml
    INFO: Creating a new logger for oracle.sysman.top.oms
    INFO: Unmarshalling C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g\inventory\ContentsXML\ConfigXML\oracle.sysman.top.oms.10_2_0_2_0.xml
    INFO: Creating a new logger for oracle.sysman.top.agent
    INFO: Unmarshalling C:\ORACLE\product\10g\agent10g\inventory\ContentsXML\ConfigXML\oracle.sysman.top.agent.10_2_0_2_0.xml
    INFO: Creating a new logger for oracle.calypso
    INFO: Unmarshalling C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g\inventory\ContentsXML\ConfigXML\oracle.calypso.10_1_2_1_0.xml
    INFO: Creating a new logger for oracle.java.j2ee.iascfg
    INFO: Unmarshalling C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g\inventory\ContentsXML\ConfigXML\oracle.java.j2ee.iascfg.10_1_2_1_0.xml
    INFO: Creating a new logger for oracle.apache.apache
    INFO: Unmarshalling C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g\inventory\ContentsXML\ConfigXML\oracle.apache.apache.1_3_31_0_0.xml
    INFO: Creating a new logger for oracle.oid.oradas
    INFO: Unmarshalling C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g\inventory\ContentsXML\ConfigXML\oracle.oid.oradas.10_1_2_1_0.xml
    INFO: Creating a new logger for oracle.iappserver.iasobject
    INFO: Unmarshalling C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g\inventory\ContentsXML\ConfigXML\oracle.iappserver.iasobject.10_1_2_0_2.xml
    INFO: Creating a new logger for oracle.apache
    INFO: Unmarshalling C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g\inventory\ContentsXML\ConfigXML\oracle.apache.10_1_2_1_0.xml
    INFO: Creating a new logger for oracle.iappserver.iapptop
    INFO: Unmarshalling C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g\inventory\ContentsXML\ConfigXML\oracle.iappserver.iapptop.10_1_2_0_2.xml
    INFO: Creating a new logger for oracle.rdbms.jazn.config
    INFO: Unmarshalling C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g\inventory\ContentsXML\ConfigXML\oracle.rdbms.jazn.config.10_1_2_0_2.xml
    INFO: Creating a new logger for oracle.iappserver.repository.api
    INFO: Unmarshalling C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g\inventory\ContentsXML\ConfigXML\oracle.iappserver.repository.api.10_1_2_0_2.xml
    INFO: Creating a new logger for oracle.iappserver.iappcore
    INFO: Unmarshalling C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g\inventory\ContentsXML\ConfigXML\oracle.iappserver.iappcore.10_1_2_0_2.xml
    INFO: No description found in C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g\inventory\ContentsXML\ConfigXML for aggregate=oracle.sysman.top.agent
    INFO: Creating a new logger for OuiConfigVariables
    INFO: Unmarshalling C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g\inventory\ContentsXML\ConfigXML\OuiConfigVariables.1_0_0_0_0.xml
    INFO: No description found in C:\ORACLE\product\10g\agent10g\inventory\ContentsXML\ConfigXML for aggregate=oracle.sysman.ccr
    INFO: Creating a new logger for OuiConfigVariables
    INFO: Unmarshalling C:\ORACLE\product\10g\agent10g\inventory\ContentsXML\ConfigXML\OuiConfigVariables.1_0_0_0_0.xml
    WARNING: {oracle.sysman.emCfg.core.CfmAggregateRef ref to oracle.sysman.ccr:null:LATEST(unresolved_version):common} was marked unavailable: There are no loaded aggregates for oracle.sysman.ccr:common
    INFO: Aggregate Description encap_oms: successfully loaded
    INFO: Aggregate Description oracle.sysman.top.oms: successfully loaded
    INFO: Aggregate Description oracle.sysman.top.agent: successfully loaded
    INFO: Aggregate Description oracle.calypso: successfully loaded
    INFO: Aggregate Description oracle.java.j2ee.iascfg: successfully loaded
    INFO: Aggregate Description oracle.apache.apache: successfully loaded
    INFO: Aggregate Description oracle.oid.oradas: successfully loaded
    INFO: Aggregate Description oracle.iappserver.iasobject: successfully loaded
    INFO: Aggregate Description oracle.apache: successfully loaded
    INFO: Aggregate Description oracle.iappserver.iapptop: successfully loaded
    INFO: Aggregate Description oracle.rdbms.jazn.config: successfully loaded
    INFO: Aggregate Description oracle.iappserver.repository.api: successfully loaded
    INFO: Aggregate Description oracle.iappserver.iappcore: successfully loaded
    INFO: Aggregate Description OuiConfigVariables: successfully loaded
    INFO: Aggregate Description OuiConfigVariables: successfully loaded
    INFO: Successfully returning from CfmFactory.connect()
    INFO: encap_oms:IAction.perform() was called on {Action state:configuration in CfmAggregateInstance: encap_oms:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g:label=-1}
    INFO: CfwProgressMonitor:actionProgress:About to perform Action=configuration Status=is running with ActionStep=0 stepIndex=0 microStep=0
    INFO: oracle.java.j2ee.iascfg:About to execute plug-in OC4J Configuration Assistant
    INFO: oracle.java.j2ee.iascfg:The plug-in OC4J Configuration Assistant is running
    INFO: oracle.java.j2ee.iascfg:Launching CmdExec
    INFO: oracle.java.j2ee.iascfg:ExitCode=0
    INFO: oracle.java.j2ee.iascfg:The plug-in OC4J Configuration Assistant executed as attached=true in separate process with exitcode=0
    INFO: oracle.java.j2ee.iascfg:The plug-in OC4J Configuration Assistant has successfully been performed
    INFO: oracle.apache.apache:About to execute plug-in HTTP Server Configuration Assistant
    INFO: oracle.apache.apache:The plug-in HTTP Server Configuration Assistant is running
    INFO: oracle.apache.apache:Launching CmdExec
    INFO: oracle.apache.apache:ExitCode=0
    INFO: oracle.apache.apache:The plug-in HTTP Server Configuration Assistant executed as attached=true in separate process with exitcode=0
    INFO: oracle.apache.apache:The plug-in HTTP Server Configuration Assistant has successfully been performed
    INFO: oracle.rdbms.jazn.config:About to execute plug-in Java Security Configuration Assistant
    INFO: oracle.rdbms.jazn.config:The plug-in Java Security Configuration Assistant is running
    INFO: oracle.rdbms.jazn.config:Launching CmdExec
    INFO: oracle.rdbms.jazn.config:ExitCode=0
    INFO: oracle.rdbms.jazn.config:The plug-in Java Security Configuration Assistant executed as attached=true in separate process with exitcode=0
    INFO: oracle.rdbms.jazn.config:The plug-in Java Security Configuration Assistant has successfully been performed
    INFO: oracle.calypso:About to execute plug-in Web Cache Configuration Assistant
    INFO: oracle.calypso:The plug-in Web Cache Configuration Assistant is running
    INFO: oracle.calypso:Launching CmdExec
    INFO: oracle.calypso:ExitCode=0
    INFO: oracle.calypso:The plug-in Web Cache Configuration Assistant executed as attached=true in separate process with exitcode=0
    INFO: oracle.calypso:The plug-in Web Cache Configuration Assistant has successfully been performed
    INFO: oracle.iappserver.iappcore:About to execute plug-in Oracle Application Server Instance Configuration Assistant
    INFO: oracle.iappserver.iappcore:The plug-in Oracle Application Server Instance Configuration Assistant is running
    INFO: oracle.iappserver.iappcore:Launching CmdExec
    INFO: oracle.iappserver.iappcore:ExitCode=0
    INFO: oracle.iappserver.iappcore:The plug-in Oracle Application Server Instance Configuration Assistant executed as attached=true in separate process with exitcode=0
    INFO: oracle.iappserver.iappcore:The plug-in Oracle Application Server Instance Configuration Assistant has successfully been performed
    INFO: oracle.iappserver.iapptop:About to execute plug-in OC4J Instance Configuration Assistant
    INFO: oracle.iappserver.iapptop:The plug-in OC4J Instance Configuration Assistant is running
    INFO: oracle.iappserver.iapptop:Launching CmdExec
    INFO: oracle.iappserver.iapptop:ExitCode=0
    INFO: oracle.iappserver.iapptop:The plug-in OC4J Instance Configuration Assistant executed as attached=true in separate process with exitcode=0
    INFO: oracle.iappserver.iapptop:The plug-in OC4J Instance Configuration Assistant has successfully been performed
    INFO: oracle.iappserver.iapptop:About to execute plug-in Register DCM Plug-Ins With EM
    INFO: oracle.iappserver.iapptop:The plug-in Register DCM Plug-Ins With EM is running
    INFO: oracle.iappserver.iapptop:Launching CmdExec
    INFO: oracle.iappserver.iapptop:ExitCode=0
    INFO: oracle.iappserver.iapptop:The plug-in Register DCM Plug-Ins With EM executed as attached=true in separate process with exitcode=0
    INFO: oracle.iappserver.iapptop:The plug-in Register DCM Plug-Ins With EM has successfully been performed
    INFO: oracle.iappserver.iapptop:About to execute plug-in DCM Repository Backup Assistant
    INFO: oracle.iappserver.iapptop:The plug-in DCM Repository Backup Assistant is running
    INFO: oracle.iappserver.iapptop:Launching CmdExec
    INFO: oracle.iappserver.iapptop:ExitCode=0
    INFO: oracle.iappserver.iapptop:The plug-in DCM Repository Backup Assistant executed as attached=true in separate process with exitcode=0
    INFO: oracle.iappserver.iapptop:The plug-in DCM Repository Backup Assistant has successfully been performed
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:About to execute plug-in EM Technology Stack Upgrade
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:The plug-in EM Technology Stack Upgrade is running
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Launching CmdExec
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:ExitCode=0
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:The plug-in EM Technology Stack Upgrade executed as attached=true in separate process with exitcode=0
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:The plug-in EM Technology Stack Upgrade has successfully been performed
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:About to execute plug-in OMS Configuration
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:The plug-in OMS Configuration is running
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Internal PlugIn Class: oracle.sysman.emcp.oms.OmsPlugIn
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Classpath = C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g\sysman\jlib\omsPlug.jar;C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g\jlib\emConfigInstall.jar;C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g\sysman\jlib\emCORE.jar;C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g\sysman\jlib\emagentSDK.jar;C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g\sysman\jlib\log4j-core.jar;C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g\jdbc\lib\classes12.jar
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:EmcpPlug:invoke:Starting EmcpPlug invoke method on an aggregate=oracle.sysman.top.oms for Action=configuration in step=2:microstep=0
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:OmsPlugIn:perform:omsHome=C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g:ORACLE_HOME_GLOBAL=C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g:Flags:NEED_OMS=true:omsService=true:startSevice=false:stopService=false
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Result Set from Database for nodes and sids is processed for dbUser=sysman, s_reposPwd=******, connectString=ora_em_rep:1521:emrep
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:fixNodeNames:The repository host name specified contains no domain extention=ora_em_rep:Fixin is not done!
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:mkDescriptor:Connect Descriptor created=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=ORA_EM_REP)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=emrep)))
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:OmsPlugIn:perform:Performing Action=configuration with options = Specified: -configureOms in OracleHome=C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:PerformSecureCommand:runCmd:Performing Command=CMD /C C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g\opmn\bin\opmnctl stopall
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:PerformSecureCommand:runCmd:CMD /C C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g\opmn\bin\opmnctl stopall have completed with exitCode=0
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:PerformSecureCommand:runCmd:Command Output stdout:
    'opmnctl: stopping opmn and all managed processes...
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:PerformSecureCommand:runCmd:Command Output stderr:
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:OmsPlugIn:Requested Configuration Step 0 have been completed with status=true
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:PerformSecureCommand:runCmd:Performing Command=CMD /C C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g\bin\EMDeploy.bat
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:PerformSecureCommand:runCmd:CMD /C C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g\bin\EMDeploy.bat have completed with exitCode=0
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:PerformSecureCommand:runCmd:Command Output stdout:
    'Environment :
    ORACLE HOME = C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g
    STAGE DIR = C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/j2ee/OC4J_EM/applications/em
    TEMP DIR = C:\DOCUME~1\oracle\LOCALS~1\Temp
    PSEP = ;
    Info : C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/lib/ojsp.jar does not exist
    Info : C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/lib/ojsputil.jar does not exist
    Info : C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/syndication/lib/syndserver.jar does not exist
    Info : C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/rdbms/jlib/xsu12.jar does not exist
    Info : C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/network/jlib/netcfg4em12.jar does not exist
    Info : C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/encryption/jlib/ojmisc.jar does not exist
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/lib/ojsp.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/webservices/lib/wsdl.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/lib/dsv2.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/lib/classgen.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/rdbms/jlib/jmscommon.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/lib/ojsputil.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/lib/oraclexsql.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/jlib/providerutil.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/syndication/lib/syndserver.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/lib/xschema.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/rdbms/jlib/xsu12.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/jlib/regexp.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/oui/jlib/OraInstaller.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/network/jlib/netcfg4em12.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/encryption/jlib/ojmisc.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/jlib/orai18n.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/portal/jlib/pdkjava.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/portal/jlib/ptlshare.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/jlib/share.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/jlib/uix2.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/jlib/ohw.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/jlib/commons-el.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/jlib/jsp-el-api.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/jlib/oracle-el.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emCORE.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emCfg.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emPid.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emProvisioningAll.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emSDKsamples.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emcliload.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emclidownload.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emcoreALL.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emcoreAgent.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emcoreTest.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emcore_emjsp.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emcore_emjspf_classes.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emdloader.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emagentSDK.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emagentTest.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/iview.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/jviewsall.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/qsma.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/svgdom.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/omsPlug.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/lib/xml.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/lib/xmlmesg.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/jcb.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/log4j-core.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/jlib/emConfigInstall.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emDB.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emdb_emjsp.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/ewm-1_1.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emas.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emasSDK.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emas_emdjsp.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emas_emjsp.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emd_java.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/webapps/emd/WEB-INF/lib/iview.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emcs_emdjsp.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emcs_emjsp.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emcs.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emcsSDK.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/j2ee/asprovALL.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/j2ee/collabsuiteuser.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/j2ee/empp_emjsp.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/j2ee/esadmin.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/j2ee/escommon.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/j2ee/esemres.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/j2ee/esldap.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/j2ee/ocsaddressbook.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/j2ee/ocsclient_gc.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/j2ee/ocscommon.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/j2ee/oracle_bc4j_rb.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/j2ee/oracle_discoverer_rb.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/j2ee/oracle_discussions_rb.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/j2ee/oracle_files_rb.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/j2ee/oracle_forms_rb.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/j2ee/oracle_ifs_rb.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/j2ee/oracle_integb2b_engine_rb.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/j2ee/oracle_integb2b_instance_rb.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/j2ee/oracle_integic_rb.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/j2ee/oracle_integrationbam_rb.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/j2ee/oracle_integrationbpm_rb.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/j2ee/oracle_portal_em.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/j2ee/oracle_portal_emjsp.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/j2ee/oracle_portal_rb.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/j2ee/oracle_repserv_em.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/j2ee/oracle_repserv_emjsp.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/j2ee/oracle_repserv_rb.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/j2ee/oracle_sso_emjsp.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/j2ee/oracle_sso_server_em.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/j2ee/oracle_sso_server_rb.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/j2ee/oracle_wireless_rb.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/j2ee/oracle_workspaces_rb.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/j2ee/paALL.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/j2ee/pafALL.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/j2ee/pafJAXB.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/j2ee/racALL.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/j2ee/ultrasearch_gc.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/sysman/jlib/j2ee/um.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    exeuting cmd line : C:/ORACLE/product/10g/oms10g/jdk/bin/java -classpath "C:/ORACLE/product/10g/oms10g/sysman/jlib/emCORE.jar;C:/ORACLE/product/10g/oms10g/sysman/jlib/emagentSDK.jar;C:/ORACLE/product/10g/oms10g/sysman/jlib/log4j-core.jar" oracle.sysman.emSDK.util.help.BuildMasterHelpSet C:/ORACLE/product/10g/oms10g/j2ee/OC4J_EM/applications/em/em
    0 [main] DEBUG emSDK.util.help - processing config file locale : enUS
    47 [main] DEBUG emSDK.util.help - processing config file locale : _de
    78 [main] DEBUG emSDK.util.help - processing config file locale : _es
    109 [main] DEBUG emSDK.util.help - processing config file locale : _fr
    141 [main] DEBUG emSDK.util.help - processing config file locale : _ja
    172 [main] DEBUG emSDK.util.help - processing config file locale : _ko
    187 [main] DEBUG emSDK.util.help - processing config file locale : ptBR
    219 [main] DEBUG emSDK.util.help - processing config file locale : zhCN
    250 [main] DEBUG emSDK.util.help - processing config file locale : zhTW
    281 [main] DEBUG emSDK.util.help - processing config file locale : _it
    exeuting cmd line : C:/ORACLE/product/10g/oms10g/jdk/bin/jar cfM "C:/DOCUME~1/oracle/LOCALS~1/Temp/em_27112006_095620/em.war" *
    exeuting cmd line : C:/ORACLE/product/10g/oms10g/jdk/bin/jar cfM "C:/ORACLE/product/10g/oms10g/lib/em.ear" em.war META-INF
    exeuting cmd line : C:/ORACLE/product/10g/oms10g/jdk/bin/java -Xmx512M -DemLocOverride=C:/ORACLE/product/10g/oms10g -classpath "C:/ORACLE/product/10g/oms10g/dcm/lib/dcm.jar;C:/ORACLE/product/10g/oms10g/jlib/emConfigInstall.jar;C:/ORACLE/product/10g/oms10g/jdbc/lib/ojdbc14.jar;C:/ORACLE/product/10g/oms10g/lib/dms.jar;C:/ORACLE/product/10g/oms10g/j2ee/home/oc4j.jar;C:/ORACLE/product/10g/oms10g/lib/xschema.jar;C:/ORACLE/product/10g/oms10g/lib/xmlparserv2.jar;C:/ORACLE/product/10g/oms10g/opmn/lib/ons.jar;C:/ORACLE/product/10g/oms10g/dcm/lib/oc4j_deploy_tools.jar" oracle.j2ee.tools.deploy.Oc4jDeploy -verbose -inifile C:/ORACLE/product/10g/oms10g/j2ee/deploy.ini -redeploy -oraclehome C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g
    Reading ini file - 'C:/ORACLE/product/10g/oms10g/j2ee/deploy.ini'
    Adding web-app 'em.war' for app 'em'.
    OC4J instance 'OC4J_EM': Adding Environment variable 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' with value 'C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/lib:C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g/network/lib'
    OC4J instance 'OC4J_EM': Adding Environment variable 'ORACLE_HOME' with value 'C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g'
    OC4J instance 'OC4J_EM': Adding java command line option '-Xmx512M -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -DORACLE_HOME=C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g -Dajp.keepalive=true'
    Adding web-app 'RlmUIX.war' for app 'rlmgr'.
    Adding web-app 'EMAgentPush.war' for app 'EMAgentPush'.
    Initializing DCM...done.
    Creating OC4J instance 'OC4J_EMPROV' (protected)...done.
    Creating OC4J instance 'OC4J_EM' (protected)...done.
    Starting OC4J instance 'OC4J_EMPROV'...done.
    Redeploying application 'EMAgentPush' to OC4J instance 'OC4J_EMPROV'.
    Notification ==> Application Deployer for EMAgentPush STARTS [ 2006-11-27T09:57:45.640EST ]
    Notification ==> Undeploy previous deployment
    Notification ==> Removing files for app file:/C:/ORACLE/product/10g/oms10g/j2ee/OC4J_EMPROV/applications/EMAgentPush.ear
    Notification ==> Copy the archive to C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g\j2ee\OC4J_EMPROV\applications\EMAgentPush.ear
    Notification ==> Unpack EMAgentPush.ear begins...
    Notification ==> Unpack EMAgentPush.ear ends...
    Notification ==> Initialize EMAgentPush.ear begins...
    Notification ==> Initialize EMAgentPush.ear ends...
    Notification ==> Initialize EMAgentPush begins...
    Notification ==> Initialize EMAgentPush ends...
    Notification ==> Application Deployer for EMAgentPush COMPLETES [ 2006-11-27T09:57:56.015EST ]
    Starting OC4J instance 'OC4J_EM'...done.
    Redeploying application 'rlmgr' to OC4J instance 'OC4J_EM'.
    Notification ==> Application Deployer for rlmgr STARTS [ 2006-11-27T09:58:00.875EST ]
    Notification ==> Undeploy previous deployment
    Notification ==> Removing files for app file:/C:/ORACLE/product/10g/oms10g/j2ee/OC4J_EM/applications/rlmgr.ear
    Notification ==> Copy the archive to C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g\j2ee\OC4J_EM\applications\rlmgr.ear
    Notification ==> Unpack rlmgr.ear begins...
    Notification ==> Unpack rlmgr.ear ends...
    Notification ==> Initialize rlmgr.ear begins...
    Notification ==> Initialize rlmgr.ear ends...
    Notification ==> Initialize RlmUIX begins...
    Notification ==> Initialize RlmUIX ends...
    Notification ==> Application Deployer for rlmgr COMPLETES [ 2006-11-27T09:58:03.843EST ]
    Redeploying application 'em' to OC4J instance 'OC4J_EM'.
    Notification ==> Application Deployer for em STARTS [ 2006-11-27T09:58:03.890EST ]
    Notification ==> Undeploy previous deployment
    Notification ==> Removing files for app file:/C:/ORACLE/product/10g/oms10g/j2ee/OC4J_EM/applications/em.ear
    Notification ==> Copy the archive to C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g\j2ee\OC4J_EM\applications\em.ear
    Notification ==> Unpack em.ear begins...
    Notification ==> Unpack em.ear ends...
    Notification ==> Initialize em.ear begins...
    Notification ==> Initialize em.ear ends...
    Notification ==> Initialize em begins...
    Notification ==> Initialize em ends...
    Notification ==> Application Deployer for em COMPLETES [ 2006-11-27T09:58:43.156EST ]
    Calling updateConfig to notify DCM of new deployments...done.
    Adding dependent libraries for application 'EMAgentPush'...done.
    Adding OC4J mount points for application 'EMAgentPush'...done.
    Adding OC4J mount points for application 'rlmgr'...done.
    Adding OC4J mount points for application 'em'...done.
    Calling SMI to save changes.
    SMISession.saveChanges succeeded.
    Binding web app 'EMAgentPush' to default-web-site for application 'EMAgentPush' in OC4J instance 'OC4J_EMPROV'
    Web app 'EMAgentPush' bound successfully.
    Binding web app 'RlmUIX' to default-web-site for application 'rlmgr' in OC4J instance 'OC4J_EM'
    Web app 'RlmUIX' bound successfully.
    Binding web app 'em' to default-web-site for application 'em' in OC4J instance 'OC4J_EM'
    Web app 'em' bound successfully.
    Calling updateConfig to notify DCM of new web-bindings...done.
    Adding application 'EMAgentPush' to the DCM repository...done.
    Application 'EMAgentPush' deployed successfully.
    Stopping OC4J instance 'OC4J_EMPROV'...done.
    Adding application 'rlmgr' to the DCM repository...done.
    Application 'rlmgr' deployed successfully.
    Adding application 'em' to the DCM repository...done.
    Application 'em' deployed successfully.
    Stopping OC4J instance 'OC4J_EM'...done.
    Calling SMI to retry init of failed plugins...done.
    Terminating DCM...done.
    Copying C:/ORACLE/product/10g/oms10g/j2ee/deploy.ini to C:/ORACLE/product/10g/oms10g/j2ee/deploy.ini.1164639589046.bak.
    Writing any undeployed entries back to C:/ORACLE/product/10g/oms10g/j2ee/deploy.ini.
    Oc4jDeploy tool completed successfully!
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:PerformSecureCommand:runCmd:Command Output stderr:
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:OmsPlugIn:Requested Configuration Step 1 have been completed with status=true
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:OmsPlugIn:Requested Configuration Step 2 have been completed with status=true
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:PerformSecureCommand:runCmd:Performing Command=C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g\sysman\admin\emdrep\bin\RepManager.bat -connect (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=ora_em_rep)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=emrep))) -action drop -repos_user SYSMAN -output_file C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g\sysman\log\emca_repos_drop09_59_49.log
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:PerformSecureCommand:runCmd:C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g\sysman\admin\emdrep\bin\RepManager.bat -connect (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=ora_em_rep)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=emrep))) -action drop -repos_user SYSMAN -output_file C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g\sysman\log\emca_repos_drop09_59_49.log have completed with exitCode=0
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:PerformSecureCommand:runCmd:Command Output stdout:
    'Enter SYS user's password :
    Getting temporary tablespace from database...
    Found temporary tablespace: TEMP
    Checking SYS Credentials ... OK.
    Dropping the repository..
    Quiescing DB ... Failed.
    Checking for Repos User ... Exists.
    Repos User exists..
    Clearing EM Contexts ... OK.
    Dropping EM users ...
    Dropping Repos User ... Done.
    Dropping Roles/Synonymns/Tablespaces ... Done.
    Unquiescing DB ... Done.
    Dropped Repository Successfully.
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:PerformSecureCommand:runCmd:Command Output stderr:
    ''stty' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    'stty' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:PerformSecureCommand:runCmd:Performing Command=C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g\sysman\admin\emdrep\bin\RepManager.bat -connect (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=ora_em_rep)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=emrep))) -action create -repos_user SYSMAN -metalink_username NOTAVAILABLE_ -output_file C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g\sysman\log\emca_repos_create10_07_19.log -ecm_datafile C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g\oradata\mgmt_ecm_depot1.dbf -datafile C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g\oradata\mgmt.dbf
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:PerformSecureCommand:drain:Spaced passwords by=200 ms
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:RepManager Create Repository Error = C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g\sysman\admin\emdrep\bin\RepManager.bat -connect (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=ora_em_rep)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=emrep))) -action create -repos_user SYSMAN -metalink_username NOTAVAILABLE_ -output_file C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g\sysman\log\emca_repos_create10_07_19.log -ecm_datafile C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g\oradata\mgmt_ecm_depot1.dbf -datafile C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g\oradata\mgmt.dbf . Please check the log file at 12
    'Enter SYS user's password :
    Enter repository user password :
    Enter MetaLink user password :
    Getting temporary tablespace from database...
    Found temporary tablespace: TEMP
    Checking SYS Credentials ... OK.
    Checking DB Init Parameters ... OK.
    Checking for Repos User ... Does not Exist.
    Loading necessary DB objects ...
    Checking DB Object (DBMS_SHARED_POOL , PACKAGE) ... Exists.
    DBMS POOL package exists.
    Done Loading necessary DB objects
    Creating repos user ... Failed.
    Repository Creation failed. Failed to create Repos User.
    ''stty' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    'stty' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    'stty' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    'stty' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    'stty' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    'stty' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:PerformSecureCommand:runCmd:C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g\sysman\admin\emdrep\bin\RepManager.bat -connect (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=ora_em_rep)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=emrep))) -action create -repos_user SYSMAN -metalink_username NOTAVAILABLE_ -output_file C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g\sysman\log\emca_repos_create10_07_19.log -ecm_datafile C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g\oradata\mgmt_ecm_depot1.dbf -datafile C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g\oradata\mgmt.dbf have completed with exitCode=12
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:PerformSecureCommand:runCmd:Command Output stdout:
    'Enter SYS user's password :
    Enter repository user password :
    Enter MetaLink user password :
    Getting temporary tablespace from database...
    Found temporary tablespace: TEMP
    Checking SYS Credentials ... OK.
    Checking DB Init Parameters ... OK.
    Checking for Repos User ... Does not Exist.
    Loading necessary DB objects ...
    Checking DB Object (DBMS_SHARED_POOL , PACKAGE) ... Exists.
    DBMS POOL package exists.
    Done Loading necessary DB objects
    Creating repos user ... Failed.
    Repository Creation failed. Failed to create Repos User.
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:PerformSecureCommand:runCmd:Command Output stderr:
    ''stty' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    'stty' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    'stty' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    'stty' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    'stty' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    'stty' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:RepManager Create Repository Error = 12. Please check the log file at C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g\sysman\log\emca_repos_create10_07_19.log
    WARNING: oracle.sysman.top.oms:EmcpPlug:startProcessing:Exception in runner=RepManager Create Repository Error = 12. Please check the log file at C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g\sysman\log\emca_repos_create10_07_19.log
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:EmcpPlug:invoke:Completed EmcpPlug invoke method on an aggregate=oracle.sysman.top.oms for Action=configuration in step=2:microstep=0
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Internal PlugIn for {Micro Step state:step:2:configuration in CfmAggregateInstance: oracle.sysman.top.oms:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g:label=0} failed with an unhandled exception:
    java.lang.Exception: RepManager Create Repository Error = 12. Please check the log file at C:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g\sysman\log\emca_repos_create10_07_19.log
         at oracle.sysman.emcp.util.EmcpPlug.startProcessing(EmcpPlug.java:389)
         at oracle.sysman.emcp.util.EmcpPlug.invoke(EmcpPlug.java:360)
         at oracle.sysman.emCfg.core.PerformMicroStep.runJavaClass(PerformMicroStep.java:509)
         at oracle.sysman.emCfg.core.PerformMicroStep.executeMicroStep(PerformMicroStep.java:121)
         at oracle.sysman.emCfg.core.ActionPerformer.performMicroStep(ActionPerformer.java:917)
         at oracle.sysman.emCfg.core.ActionPerformer$Performer.run(ActionPerformer.java:1038)
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:The plug-in OMS Configuration has failed its perform method
    INFO: OuiConfigVariables:IAction.perform() was called on {Action state:OUICA in CfmAggregateInstance: OuiConfigVariables:\ORACLE\product\10g\oms10g:label=0}
    INFO: Framework waiting for Action to complete at 10:07:22.640
    INFO: CfwProgressMonitor:actionProgress:About to perform Action=OUICA Status=is running with ActionStep=0 stepIndex=0 microStep=0
    INFO: OuiConfigVariables:About to execute plug-in OUI_CA
    INFO: OuiConfigVariables:The plug-in OUI_CA is running
    INFO: OuiConfigVariables:Launching CmdExec
    INFO: OuiConfigVariables:ExitCode=0
    INFO: OuiConfigVariables:The plug-in OUI_CA executed as attached=true in separate process with exitcode=0
    INFO: OuiConfigVariables:The plug-in OUI_CA has successfully been performed
    INFO: done waiting for Action from 10:07:22.640
    INFO: Cfm.save() was called
    INFO: Cfm.save(): 15 aggregate instances saved

  • Error, trouble, when patching OMS GridControl to

    I have an error when I try to patch my OMS GridControl. Always at the OMS patch configuration
    content of configToolFailedCommands
    oracle.sysman.emcp.oms.OmsPatchUpgrade -configureOms
    oracle.sysman.emcp.oms.StartOMS -configureOms
    content of CfmLogger_2008-04-14_11-00-34-AM.log
    INFO: Creating new CFM connection
    INFO: Creating a new logger for oracle.sysman.patchset
    INFO: Unmarshalling E:\OracleHome\oms10g\inventory\ContentsXML\ConfigXML\oracle.sysman.patchset.10_2_0_4_0.xml
    INFO: No description found in E:\OracleHome\oms10g\inventory\ContentsXML\ConfigXML for aggregate=oracle.sysman.top.agent
    INFO: Creating a new logger for OuiConfigVariables
    INFO: Unmarshalling E:\OracleHome\oms10g\inventory\ContentsXML\ConfigXML\OuiConfigVariables.1_0_0_0_0.xml
    INFO: Creating a new logger for oracle.sysman.top.oms
    INFO: Unmarshalling E:\OracleHome\oms10g\inventory\ContentsXML\ConfigXML\oracle.sysman.top.oms.10_2_0_4_0.xml
    INFO: Creating a new logger for oracle.sysman.ccr
    INFO: Unmarshalling E:\OracleHome\oms10g\inventory\ContentsXML\ConfigXML\oracle.sysman.ccr.10_2_6_0_0.xml
    WARNING: {oracle.sysman.emCfg.core.CfmAggregateRef ref to oracle.sysman.top.agent:null:LATEST(unresolved_version):common} was marked unavailable: There are no loaded aggregates for oracle.sysman.top.agent:common
    INFO: Aggregate Description oracle.sysman.patchset: successfully loaded
    INFO: Aggregate Description OuiConfigVariables: successfully loaded
    INFO: Aggregate Description oracle.sysman.top.oms: successfully loaded
    INFO: Aggregate Description oracle.sysman.ccr: successfully loaded
    INFO: Creating a new logger for oracle.sysman.top.oms
    INFO: Unmarshalling E:\OracleHome\oms10g\inventory\ContentsXML\ConfigXML\oracle.sysman.top.oms.10_2_0_2_0.xml
    INFO: Creating a new logger for oracle.calypso
    INFO: Unmarshalling E:\OracleHome\oms10g\inventory\ContentsXML\ConfigXML\oracle.calypso.10_1_2_1_0.xml
    INFO: Creating a new logger for oracle.java.j2ee.iascfg
    INFO: Unmarshalling E:\OracleHome\oms10g\inventory\ContentsXML\ConfigXML\oracle.java.j2ee.iascfg.10_1_2_1_0.xml
    INFO: Creating a new logger for oracle.apache.apache
    INFO: Unmarshalling E:\OracleHome\oms10g\inventory\ContentsXML\ConfigXML\oracle.apache.apache.1_3_31_0_0.xml
    INFO: Creating a new logger for oracle.oid.oradas
    INFO: Unmarshalling E:\OracleHome\oms10g\inventory\ContentsXML\ConfigXML\oracle.oid.oradas.10_1_2_1_0.xml
    INFO: Creating a new logger for oracle.iappserver.iasobject
    INFO: Unmarshalling E:\OracleHome\oms10g\inventory\ContentsXML\ConfigXML\oracle.iappserver.iasobject.10_1_2_0_2.xml
    INFO: Creating a new logger for oracle.apache
    INFO: Unmarshalling E:\OracleHome\oms10g\inventory\ContentsXML\ConfigXML\oracle.apache.10_1_2_1_0.xml
    INFO: Creating a new logger for oracle.iappserver.iapptop
    INFO: Unmarshalling E:\OracleHome\oms10g\inventory\ContentsXML\ConfigXML\oracle.iappserver.iapptop.10_1_2_0_2.xml
    INFO: Creating a new logger for oracle.rdbms.jazn.config
    INFO: Unmarshalling E:\OracleHome\oms10g\inventory\ContentsXML\ConfigXML\oracle.rdbms.jazn.config.10_1_2_0_2.xml
    INFO: Creating a new logger for oracle.iappserver.repository.api
    INFO: Unmarshalling E:\OracleHome\oms10g\inventory\ContentsXML\ConfigXML\oracle.iappserver.repository.api.10_1_2_0_2.xml
    INFO: Creating a new logger for oracle.iappserver.iappcore
    INFO: Unmarshalling E:\OracleHome\oms10g\inventory\ContentsXML\ConfigXML\oracle.iappserver.iappcore.10_1_2_0_2.xml
    INFO: No description found in E:\OracleHome\oms10g\inventory\ContentsXML\ConfigXML for aggregate=oracle.sysman.top.agent
    WARNING: {oracle.sysman.emCfg.core.CfmAggregateRef ref to oracle.sysman.top.agent:null:LATEST(unresolved_version):common} was marked unavailable: There are no loaded aggregates for oracle.sysman.top.agent:common
    WARNING: {oracle.sysman.emCfg.core.CfmAggregateRef ref to oracle.sysman.top.agent:null:LATEST(unresolved_version):common} was marked unavailable: There are no loaded aggregates for oracle.sysman.top.agent:common
    INFO: Aggregate Description oracle.sysman.patchset: successfully loaded
    INFO: Aggregate Description OuiConfigVariables: successfully loaded
    INFO: Aggregate Description oracle.sysman.top.oms: successfully loaded
    INFO: Aggregate Description oracle.sysman.ccr: successfully loaded
    INFO: Aggregate Description oracle.sysman.top.oms: successfully loaded
    INFO: Aggregate Description oracle.calypso: successfully loaded
    INFO: Aggregate Description oracle.java.j2ee.iascfg: successfully loaded
    INFO: Aggregate Description oracle.apache.apache: successfully loaded
    INFO: Aggregate Description oracle.oid.oradas: successfully loaded
    INFO: Aggregate Description oracle.iappserver.iasobject: successfully loaded
    INFO: Aggregate Description oracle.apache: successfully loaded
    INFO: Aggregate Description oracle.iappserver.iapptop: successfully loaded
    INFO: Aggregate Description oracle.rdbms.jazn.config: successfully loaded
    INFO: Aggregate Description oracle.iappserver.repository.api: successfully loaded
    INFO: Aggregate Description oracle.iappserver.iappcore: successfully loaded
    INFO: Successfully returning from CfmFactory.connect()
    INFO: Cfm.save() was called
    INFO: Cfm.save(): 15 aggregate instances saved
    INFO: oracle.sysman.patchset:IAction.perform() was called on {Action state:patchsetconfigure in CfmAggregateInstance: oracle.sysman.patchset:\OracleHome\oms10g:label=0}
    INFO: CfwProgressMonitor:actionProgress:About to perform Action=patchsetconfigure Status=is running with ActionStep=0 stepIndex=0 microStep=0
    INFO: CfwProgressMonitor:actionProgress:About to perform Action=patchsetconfigure Status=is running with ActionStep=1 stepIndex=1 microStep=0
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:About to execute plug-in OMS Oneoff Patch Application
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:The plug-in OMS Oneoff Patch Application is running
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Launching CmdExec
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:ExitCode=0
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:The plug-in OMS Oneoff Patch Application executed as attached=true in separate process with exitcode=0
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:The plug-in OMS Oneoff Patch Application has successfully been performed
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:About to execute plug-in Repository Upgrade
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:The plug-in Repository Upgrade is running
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Internal PlugIn Class: oracle.sysman.emcp.oms.RepositoryPatchUpgrade
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Classpath = E:\OracleHome\oms10g\sysman\jlib\omsPlug.jar;E:\OracleHome\oms10g\jlib\emConfigInstall.jar;E:\OracleHome\oms10g\sysman\jlib\emCORE.jar;E:\OracleHome\oms10g\sysman\jlib\emagentSDK.jar;E:\OracleHome\oms10g\sysman\jlib\log4j-core.jar;E:\OracleHome\oms10g\jdbc\lib\classes12.jar
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:EmcpPlug:invoke:Starting EmcpPlug invoke method on an aggregate=oracle.sysman.top.oms for Action=patchsetConfiguration in step=1:microstep=0
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:called initialize method
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:
    Invoking Repmanager tool ...
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:The value of ORACLE_HOME is E:\OracleHome\oms10g
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:The value of ConnectDes is (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=VMORACLE01)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=rep)))
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:The command is E:\OracleHome\oms10g\sysman\admin\emdrep\bin\RepManager -connect (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=VMORACLE01)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=rep))) -action upgrade -verbose -repos_user sysman -output_file E:/OracleHome/oms10g/sysman/log/emrepmgr.log.
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:[RepositoryPatchUpgrade]:Initialize Environment Variable:{CLIENTNAME=T8193, PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE=x86, NEED_EXIT_CODE=TRUE, TMP=C:\Temp\1, ClusterLog=C:\WINDOWS\Cluster\cluster.log, __PROCESS_HISTORY=E:\Source\Grid control\p3731593_10204\3731593\Disk1\setup.exe;E:\Source\Grid control\p3731593_10204\3731593\Disk1\install\setup.exe, COMPUTERNAME=VMORACLE01, OS=Windows_NT, PROMPT=$P$G, PERL5LIB=E:\OracleHome\db10g\perl\5.8.3\lib\MSWin32-x86;E:\OracleHome\db10g\perl\5.8.3\lib;E:\OracleHome\db10g\perl\5.8.3\lib\MSWin32-x86;E:\OracleHome\db10g\perl\site\5.8.3;E:\OracleHome\db10g\perl\site\5.8.3\lib;E:\OracleHome\db10g\sysman\admin\scripts, SystemDrive=C:, HOMEDRIVE=C:, LOGONSERVER=\\SIDOMP01, PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=x86 Family 15 Model 4 Stepping 8, GenuineIntel, ProgramFiles=C:\Program Files, NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS=2, TEMP=C:\Temp\1, SMS_LOCAL_DIR=C:\WINDOWS, USERDOMAIN=SCT, PROCESSOR_LEVEL=15, USERDNSDOMAIN=SCT.GOUV.QC.CA, Path=E:\OracleHome\db10g\bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem, SESSIONNAME=RDP-Tcp#1, USERNAME=admora, PATHEXT=.COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH, ComSpec=C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe, SystemRoot=C:\WINDOWS, windir=C:\WINDOWS, PROCESSOR_REVISION=0408, USERPROFILE=C:\Documents and Settings\admora, oracle_home = e:\OracleHome\agent10g, CommonProgramFiles=C:\Program Files\Common Files, oracle_home=e:\oraclehome\oms10g, APPDATA=C:\Documents and Settings\admora\Application Data, HOMEPATH=\Documents and Settings\admora, ALLUSERSPROFILE=C:\Documents and Settings\All Users}
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:calling constructEnvVariables
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Constructed Env Variable:{CLIENTNAME=T8193, PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE=x86, NEED_EXIT_CODE=TRUE, TMP=C:\Temp\1, ClusterLog=C:\WINDOWS\Cluster\cluster.log, __PROCESS_HISTORY=E:\Source\Grid control\p3731593_10204\3731593\Disk1\setup.exe;E:\Source\Grid control\p3731593_10204\3731593\Disk1\install\setup.exe, COMPUTERNAME=VMORACLE01, OS=Windows_NT, PROMPT=$P$G, PERL5LIB=E:\OracleHome\db10g\perl\5.8.3\lib\MSWin32-x86;E:\OracleHome\db10g\perl\5.8.3\lib;E:\OracleHome\db10g\perl\5.8.3\lib\MSWin32-x86;E:\OracleHome\db10g\perl\site\5.8.3;E:\OracleHome\db10g\perl\site\5.8.3\lib;E:\OracleHome\db10g\sysman\admin\scripts, SystemDrive=C:, HOMEDRIVE=C:, LOGONSERVER=\\SIDOMP01, PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=x86 Family 15 Model 4 Stepping 8, GenuineIntel, ProgramFiles=C:\Program Files, NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS=2, TEMP=C:\Temp\1, SMS_LOCAL_DIR=C:\WINDOWS, USERDOMAIN=SCT, PROCESSOR_LEVEL=15, USERDNSDOMAIN=SCT.GOUV.QC.CA, Path=E:\OracleHome\db10g\bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem, SESSIONNAME=RDP-Tcp#1, USERNAME=admora, PATHEXT=.COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH, ComSpec=C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe, SystemRoot=C:\WINDOWS, windir=C:\WINDOWS, PROCESSOR_REVISION=0408, USERPROFILE=C:\Documents and Settings\admora, oracle_home = e:\OracleHome\agent10g, ORACLE_HOME=E:\OracleHome\oms10g, CommonProgramFiles=C:\Program Files\Common Files, oracle_home=e:\oraclehome\oms10g, APPDATA=C:\Documents and Settings\admora\Application Data, HOMEPATH=\Documents and Settings\admora, ALLUSERSPROFILE=C:\Documents and Settings\All Users}
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Upgrade->Executing Command: CMD /c E:\OracleHome\oms10g\bin\emctl status emkey
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms: Command Exit Code:1
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms: Command Output:----------
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Release 4 Grid Control
    Copyright (c) 1996, 2007 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    The Em Key is configured properly, but is not secure. Secure the Em Key by running "emctl config emkey -remove_from_repos".
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms: Command Error:----------
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Please enter repository password:
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:calling run commands with inputs
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Upgrade->Executing Command: CMD /c E:\OracleHome\oms10g\sysman\admin\emdrep\bin\RepManager -connect (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=VMORACLE01)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=rep))) -action upgrade -verbose -repos_user sysman -output_file E:/OracleHome/oms10g/sysman/log/emrepmgr.log.
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms: Entering another input
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms: Command Exit Code:0
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms: Command Output:----------
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Enter SYS user's password :
    Enter repository user password :
    Getting temporary tablespace from database...
    Found temporary tablespace: TEMP
    Environment :
    ORACLE HOME = e:/oraclehome/oms10g
    REPOSITORY HOME = e:/oraclehome/oms10g
    SQLPLUS = e:/oraclehome/oms10g/bin/sqlplus
    SQL SCRIPT ROOT = e:/oraclehome/oms10g/sysman/admin/emdrep/sql
    EXPORT = e:/oraclehome/oms10g/bin/exp
    IMPORT = e:/oraclehome/oms10g/bin/imp
    LOADJAVA = e:/oraclehome/oms10g/bin/loadjava
    JAR FILE ROOT = e:/oraclehome/oms10g/sysman/admin/emdrep/lib
    JOB TYPES ROOT = e:/oraclehome/oms10g/sysman/admin/emdrep/bin
    Arguments :
    Action = upgrade
    Repos User = SYSMAN
    Default tablespace = MGMT_TABLESPACE
    Default Data file = mgmt.dbf
    Dflt Dfile Init size = 20m
    Dflt Dfile Ext size = 20m
    ECM tablespace = MGMT_ECM_DEPOT_TS
    ECM Data file = mgmt_ecm_depot1.dbf
    ECM Dfile Init size = 100m
    ECM Dfile Ext size = 100m
    ECM CSA tablespace = MGMT_TABLESPACE
    ECM CSA Data file = mgmt_ecm_csa1.dbf
    ECM CSA Dfile Init size = 100m
    ECM CSA Dfile Ext size = 100m
    TEMP tablespace = TEMP
    Create options = 3
    Verbose output = 1
    Output File = E:/OracleHome/oms10g/sysman/log/emrepmgr.log.
    Repos creation mode = CENTRAL
    MetaLink user name = NOTAVAILABLE_
    MetaLink URL = http://updates.oracle.com
    Export Directory = e:/oraclehome/oms10g/sysman/log
    Import Directory = e:/oraclehome/oms10g/sysman/log
    Path Separator = "\;"
    Checking SYS Credentials ... rem error switch
    Return code = 0.OK.
    rem error switch
    Upgrading the repository..
    Checking for Repos User ... Return code = 0.Exists.
    Loading necessary DB objects ...
    Checking DB Object (DBMS_SHARED_POOL , PACKAGE) ... rem error switch
    Return code = 0Exists.
    rem error switch
    DBMS POOL package exists.
    Return code = 0.
    Done Loading necessary DB objects
    Checking repository version..
    Upgrading EM Schema ... using new rep manager framework
    rem error switch
    parsing component core
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** Start header analysis ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** End header analysis ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] The following dump is meant for debugging purposes
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** Start SQL objects dump ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** End SQL objects dump ****************
    parsing component db
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** Start header analysis ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** End header analysis ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] The following dump is meant for debugging purposes
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** Start SQL objects dump ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** End SQL objects dump ****************
    parsing component pa
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** Start header analysis ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** End header analysis ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] The following dump is meant for debugging purposes
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** Start SQL objects dump ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** End SQL objects dump ****************
    parsing component connector
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** Start header analysis ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** End header analysis ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] The following dump is meant for debugging purposes
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** Start SQL objects dump ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** End SQL objects dump ****************
    parsing component ias
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** Start header analysis ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** End header analysis ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] The following dump is meant for debugging purposes
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** Start SQL objects dump ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** End SQL objects dump ****************
    parsing component integic
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** Start header analysis ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** End header analysis ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] The following dump is meant for debugging purposes
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** Start SQL objects dump ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** End SQL objects dump ****************
    parsing component sso_server
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** Start header analysis ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** End header analysis ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] The following dump is meant for debugging purposes
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** Start SQL objects dump ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** End SQL objects dump ****************
    parsing component bc4j
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** Start header analysis ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** End header analysis ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] The following dump is meant for debugging purposes
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** Start SQL objects dump ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** End SQL objects dump ****************
    parsing component forms
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** Start header analysis ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** End header analysis ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] The following dump is meant for debugging purposes
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** Start SQL objects dump ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** End SQL objects dump ****************
    parsing component wireless
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** Start header analysis ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** End header analysis ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] The following dump is meant for debugging purposes
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** Start SQL objects dump ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** End SQL objects dump ****************
    parsing component workflow
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** Start header analysis ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** End header analysis ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] The following dump is meant for debugging purposes
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** Start SQL objects dump ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** End SQL objects dump ****************
    parsing component ocs
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** Start header analysis ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** End header analysis ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] The following dump is meant for debugging purposes
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** Start SQL objects dump ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** End SQL objects dump ****************
    parsing component portal
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** Start header analysis ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** End header analysis ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] The following dump is meant for debugging purposes
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** Start SQL objects dump ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** End SQL objects dump ****************
    parsing component integrationbpm
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** Start header analysis ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** End header analysis ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] The following dump is meant for debugging purposes
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** Start SQL objects dump ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** End SQL objects dump ****************
    parsing component integrationbam
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** Start header analysis ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** End header analysis ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] The following dump is meant for debugging purposes
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** Start SQL objects dump ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** End SQL objects dump ****************
    parsing component discoverer
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** Start header analysis ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** End header analysis ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] The following dump is meant for debugging purposes
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** Start SQL objects dump ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** End SQL objects dump ****************
    parsing component pp
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** Start header analysis ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** End header analysis ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] The following dump is meant for debugging purposes
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** Start SQL objects dump ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** End SQL objects dump ****************
    parsing component ifs
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** Start header analysis ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** End header analysis ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] The following dump is meant for debugging purposes
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** Start SQL objects dump ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** End SQL objects dump ****************
    parsing component repserv
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** Start header analysis ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** End header analysis ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] The following dump is meant for debugging purposes
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** Start SQL objects dump ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** End SQL objects dump ****************
    parsing component beehive
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** Start header analysis ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** End header analysis ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] The following dump is meant for debugging purposes
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** Start SQL objects dump ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** End SQL objects dump ****************
    parsing component content
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** Start header analysis ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** End header analysis ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] The following dump is meant for debugging purposes
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** Start SQL objects dump ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** End SQL objects dump ****************
    parsing component integb2b
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** Start header analysis ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** End header analysis ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] The following dump is meant for debugging purposes
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** Start SQL objects dump ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** End SQL objects dump ****************
    parsing component ci
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** Start header analysis ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** End header analysis ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] The following dump is meant for debugging purposes
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** Start SQL objects dump ****************
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ********** End SQL objects dump ****************
    executing query :
    "select component_name, component_mode, version from SYSMAN.MGMT_VERSIONS where version<>'0'"
    executing query :
    "select tablespace_name, table_name from all_tables where owner ='SYSMAN' and table_name in ( 'MGMT_TARGETS' , 'MGMT_JOB_PARAMETER' ) order by table_name asc"
    component integic is already at
    component sso_server is already at
    component bc4j is already at
    component forms is already at
    component wireless is already at
    component workflow is already at
    component portal is already at
    component integrationbpm is already at
    component integrationbam is already at
    component discoverer is already at
    component ifs is already at
    component repserv is already at
    component integb2b is already at
    executing core schema_upgrade scripts from version
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** Start Final order for schema_upgrade (from version: scripts in component: core *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** End Final order for schema_upgrade (from version: scripts in component: core *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    executing core recreation scripts
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** Start Final order for recreate scripts in component: core *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** End Final order for recreate scripts in component: core *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    executing db schema_upgrade scripts from version
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** Start Final order for schema_upgrade (from version: scripts in component: db *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** End Final order for schema_upgrade (from version: scripts in component: db *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    executing db recreation scripts
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** Start Final order for recreate scripts in component: db *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** End Final order for recreate scripts in component: db *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    component pa does not exist in the current schema. create it.
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** Start Final order for create scripts in component: pa *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** End Final order for create scripts in component: pa *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    component connector does not exist in the current schema. create it.
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** Start Final order for create scripts in component: connector *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** End Final order for create scripts in component: connector *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    executing ias schema_upgrade scripts from version
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** Start Final order for schema_upgrade (from version: scripts in component: ias *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** End Final order for schema_upgrade (from version: scripts in component: ias *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    executing ias recreation scripts
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** Start Final order for recreate scripts in component: ias *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** End Final order for recreate scripts in component: ias *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    component integic is already at
    skipping integic upgrade
    component sso_server is already at
    skipping sso_server upgrade
    component bc4j is already at
    skipping bc4j upgrade
    component forms is already at
    skipping forms upgrade
    component wireless is already at
    skipping wireless upgrade
    component workflow is already at
    skipping workflow upgrade
    executing ocs schema_upgrade scripts from version
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** Start Final order for schema_upgrade (from version: scripts in component: ocs *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** End Final order for schema_upgrade (from version: scripts in component: ocs *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    executing ocs recreation scripts
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** Start Final order for recreate scripts in component: ocs *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** End Final order for recreate scripts in component: ocs *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    component portal is already at
    skipping portal upgrade
    component integrationbpm is already at
    skipping integrationbpm upgrade
    component integrationbam is already at
    skipping integrationbam upgrade
    component discoverer is already at
    skipping discoverer upgrade
    executing pp schema_upgrade scripts from version
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** Start Final order for schema_upgrade (from version: scripts in component: pp *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** End Final order for schema_upgrade (from version: scripts in component: pp *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    executing pp recreation scripts
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** Start Final order for recreate scripts in component: pp *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** End Final order for recreate scripts in component: pp *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    component ifs is already at
    skipping ifs upgrade
    component repserv is already at
    skipping repserv upgrade
    component beehive does not exist in the current schema. create it.
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** Start Final order for create scripts in component: beehive *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** End Final order for create scripts in component: beehive *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    component content does not exist in the current schema. create it.
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** Start Final order for create scripts in component: content *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** End Final order for create scripts in component: content *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    component integb2b is already at
    skipping integb2b upgrade
    executing ci schema_upgrade scripts from version
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** Start Final order for schema_upgrade (from version: scripts in component: ci *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** End Final order for schema_upgrade (from version: scripts in component: ci *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    executing ci recreation scripts
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** Start Final order for recreate scripts in component: ci *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** End Final order for recreate scripts in component: ci *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    executing core pre data upgrade scripts from versio
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** Start Final order for pre_data_upgrade (from version: scripts in component: core *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** End Final order for pre_data_upgrade (from version: scripts in component: core *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    executing core data upgrade scripts from version
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** Start Final order for data_upgrade (from version: scripts in component: core *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** End Final order for data_upgrade (from version: scripts in component: core *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** Start Final order for post_data_upgrade: scripts in component: core *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** End Final order for post_data_upgrade: scripts in component: core *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    executing db pre data upgrade scripts from versio
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** Start Final order for pre_data_upgrade (from version: scripts in component: db *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** End Final order for pre_data_upgrade (from version: scripts in component: db *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    executing db data upgrade scripts from version
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** Start Final order for data_upgrade (from version: scripts in component: db *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** End Final order for data_upgrade (from version: scripts in component: db *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** Start Final order for post_data_upgrade: scripts in component: db *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** End Final order for post_data_upgrade: scripts in component: db *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    running post_creation process for component pa
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** Start Final order for post_create scripts in component: pa *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** End Final order for post_create scripts in component: pa *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** Start Final order for outofbox scripts in component: pa *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** End Final order for outofbox scripts in component: pa *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    running post_creation process for component connector
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** Start Final order for post_create scripts in component: connector *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** End Final order for post_create scripts in component: connector *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** Start Final order for outofbox scripts in component: connector *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** End Final order for outofbox scripts in component: connector *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    executing ias pre data upgrade scripts from versio
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** Start Final order for pre_data_upgrade (from version: scripts in component: ias *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** End Final order for pre_data_upgrade (from version: scripts in component: ias *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    executing ias data upgrade scripts from version
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** Start Final order for data_upgrade (from version: scripts in component: ias *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** End Final order for data_upgrade (from version: scripts in component: ias *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** Start Final order for post_data_upgrade: scripts in component: ias *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** End Final order for post_data_upgrade: scripts in component: ias *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    component integic is already at
    skipping integic data upgrade
    component sso_server is already at
    skipping sso_server data upgrade
    component bc4j is already at
    skipping bc4j data upgrade
    component forms is already at
    skipping forms data upgrade
    component wireless is already at
    skipping wireless data upgrade
    component workflow is already at
    skipping workflow data upgrade
    executing ocs pre data upgrade scripts from versio
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** Start Final order for pre_data_upgrade (from version: scripts in component: ocs *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** End Final order for pre_data_upgrade (from version: scripts in component: ocs *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    executing ocs data upgrade scripts from version
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** Start Final order for data_upgrade (from version: scripts in component: ocs *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** End Final order for data_upgrade (from version: scripts in component: ocs *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** Start Final order for post_data_upgrade: scripts in component: ocs *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** End Final order for post_data_upgrade: scripts in component: ocs *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    component portal is already at
    skipping portal data upgrade
    component integrationbpm is already at
    skipping integrationbpm data upgrade
    component integrationbam is already at
    skipping integrationbam data upgrade
    component discoverer is already at
    skipping discoverer data upgrade
    executing pp pre data upgrade scripts from versio
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** Start Final order for pre_data_upgrade (from version: scripts in component: pp *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** End Final order for pre_data_upgrade (from version: scripts in component: pp *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    executing pp data upgrade scripts from version
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** Start Final order for data_upgrade (from version: scripts in component: pp *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** End Final order for data_upgrade (from version: scripts in component: pp *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** Start Final order for post_data_upgrade: scripts in component: pp *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** End Final order for post_data_upgrade: scripts in component: pp *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    component ifs is already at
    skipping ifs data upgrade
    component repserv is already at
    skipping repserv data upgrade
    running post_creation process for component beehive
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** Start Final order for post_create scripts in component: beehive *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** End Final order for post_create scripts in component: beehive *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** Start Final order for outofbox scripts in component: beehive *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** End Final order for outofbox scripts in component: beehive *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    running post_creation process for component content
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** Start Final order for post_create scripts in component: content *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** End Final order for post_create scripts in component: content *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** Start Final order for outofbox scripts in component: content *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** End Final order for outofbox scripts in component: content *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    component integb2b is already at
    skipping integb2b data upgrade
    executing ci pre data upgrade scripts from versio
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** Start Final order for pre_data_upgrade (from version: scripts in component: ci *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** End Final order for pre_data_upgrade (from version: scripts in component: ci *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    executing ci data upgrade scripts from version
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** Start Final order for data_upgrade (from version: scripts in component: ci *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** End Final order for data_upgrade (from version: scripts in component: ci *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** Start Final order for post_data_upgrade: scripts in component: ci *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45] ***** End Final order for post_data_upgrade: scripts in component: ci *****
    [14-04-2008 11:01:45]
    Return code = 0
    *** running TransX for files under e:/oraclehome/oms10g/sysman/admin/emdrep/rsc ***
    using transx command line :
    e:/oraclehome/oms10g/jdk/bin/java -cp e:/oraclehome/oms10g/lib/oraclexsql.jar;e:/oraclehome/oms10g/lib/transx.zip;e:/oraclehome/oms10g/xdk/lib/transx.zip;e:/oraclehome/oms10g/lib/xml.jar;e:/oraclehome/oms10g/lib/xmlparserv2.jar;e:/oraclehome/oms10g/lib/xschema.jar;e:/oraclehome/oms10g/lib/xsu12.jar;e:/oraclehome/oms10g/rdbms/jlib/xdb.jar;e:/oraclehome/oms10g/jdk/lib/dt.jar;e:/oraclehome/oms10g/oc4j/jdbc/lib/orai18n.jar;e:/oraclehome/oms10g/jdbc/lib/ojdbc14.jar;e:/oraclehome/oms10g/emcore/classes/debug;e:/oraclehome/oms10g/emcore/lib/emCORE.jar;e:/oraclehome/oms10g/sysman/jlib/emCORE.jar;e:/oraclehome/oms10g/oc4j/jdbc/lib/ojdbc14.jar;e:/oraclehome/oms10g/oc4j/jdbc/lib/ojdbc14dms.jar;e:/oraclehome/oms10g/jdbc/lib/ojdbc5.jar;e:/oraclehome/oms10g/jdbc/lib/ojdbc5dms.jar;e:/oraclehome/oms10g/oc4j/lib/dms.jar;e:/oraclehome/oms10g/oc4j/jdbc/lib/dms.jar;e:/oraclehome/oms10g/dms/lib/dms.jar oracle.sysman.emdrep.util.TransxWrapper 2>> E:/OracleHome/oms10g/sysman/log/emrepmgr.log.
    Found Metadata File: e:/oraclehome/oms10g/sysman/admin/emdrep/sql/core/latest/test_metadata/core.def
    Adding e:/oraclehome/oms10g/oc4j/jdbc/lib/ojdbc14dms.jar
    Adding e:/oraclehome/oms10g/oc4j/lib/dms.jar
    Adding e:/oraclehome/oms10g/oc4j/jdbc/lib/orai18n.jar
    Adding e:/oraclehome/oms10g/jdbc/lib/ojdbc14.jar
    Adding e:/oraclehome/oms10g/sysman/jlib/emCORE.jar
    Adding e:/oraclehome/oms10g/sysman/jlib/log4j-core.jar
    Adding e:/oraclehome/oms10g/lib/servlet.jar
    Adding e:/oraclehome/oms10g/jdbc/lib/orai18n.jar
    Adding e:/oraclehome/oms10g/sysman/jlib/emagentSDK.jar
    Running oracle.sysman.eml.gensvc.test.data.SeedMetadata
    ExecJava: Running e:/oraclehome/oms10g/jdk/bin/java -cp "e:/oraclehome/oms10g/oc4j/jdbc/lib/ojdbc14dms.jar;e:/oraclehome/oms10g/oc4j/lib/dms.jar;e:/oraclehome/oms10g/oc4j/jdbc/lib/orai18n.jar;e:/oraclehome/oms10g/jdbc/lib/ojdbc14.jar;e:/oraclehome/oms10g/sysman/jlib/emCORE.jar;e:/oraclehome/oms10g/sysman/jlib/log4j-core.jar;e:/oraclehome/oms10g/lib/servlet.jar;e:/oraclehome/oms10g/jdbc/lib/orai18n.jar;e:/oraclehome/oms10g/sysman/jlib/emagentSDK.jar" oracle.sysman.eml.gensvc.test.data.SeedMetadata Connection Descriptor: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=VMORACLE01)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=rep)))
    HTTP Test Inserted Successfully
    Successfully Added HTTP Query Descriptors
    DHTML Test Inserted Successfully
    Successfully Added DHTML Query Descriptors
    HTTPPING Test Inserted Successfully
    Ping Test Inserted Successfully
    Successfully Added PING Query Descriptors
    DNS Test Inserted Successfully
    Successfully Added DNS Query Descriptors
    FTP Test Inserted Successfully
    Successfully Added FTP Query Descriptors
    Port Test Inserted Successfully
    Successfully Added Port Query Descriptors
    TNS Test Inserted Successfully
    Successfully Added TNS Query Descriptors
    SQLT Test Inserted Successfully
    Successfully Added SQLT Query Descriptors
    JDBC Test Inserted Successfully
    Successfully Added JDBC Query Descriptors
    Forms Test Inserted Successfully
    Successfully Added Forms Query Descriptors
    OS Test Inserted Successfully
    Successfully Added OS Query Descriptors
    Creating imap, smtp, ldap, pop, soap test types
    ******** ORACLE_HOME is e:/oraclehome/oms10g
    test properties path: e:/oraclehome/oms10g\sysman\admin\emdrep\prop\imap.properties
    CreateTestType:createTestMetadataObject: BEGIN
    Enabled test for: IMAP generic_service 1.0
    CreateTestType:createCompleteTest: END
    ******** ORACLE_HOME is e:/oraclehome/oms10g
    test properties path: e:/oraclehome/oms10g\sysman\admin\emdrep\prop\smtp.properties
    CreateTestType:createTestMetadataObject: BEGIN
    Enabled test for: SMTP generic_service 1.0
    CreateTestType:createCompleteTest: END
    ******** ORACLE_HOME is e:/oraclehome/oms10g
    test properties path: e:/oraclehome/oms10g\sysman\admin\emdrep\prop\ldap.properties
    CreateTestType:createTestMetadataObject: BEGIN
    Enabled test for: LDAP generic_service 1.0
    CreateTestType:createCompleteTest: END
    ******** ORACLE_HOME is e:/oraclehome/oms10g
    test properties path: e:/oraclehome/oms10g\sysman\admin\emdrep\prop\pop.properties
    CreateTestType:createTestMetadataObject: BEGIN
    Enabled test for: POP generic_service 1.0
    CreateTestType:createCompleteTest: END
    ******** ORACLE_HOME is e:/oraclehome/oms10g
    test properties path: e:/oraclehome/oms10g\sysman\admin\emdrep\prop\nntp.properties
    CreateTestType:createTestMetadataObject: BEGIN
    Enabled test for: NNTP generic_service 1.0
    CreateTestType:createCompleteTest: END
    ******** ORACLE_HOME is e:/oraclehome/oms10g
    test properties path: e:/oraclehome/oms10g\sysman\admin\emdrep\prop\soap.properties
    CreateTestType:createTestMetadataObject: BEGIN
    Enabled test for: SOAP generic_service 1.0
    CreateTestType:createCompleteTest: END
    ******** ORACLE_HOME is e:/oraclehome/oms10g
    test properties path: e:/oraclehome/oms10g\sysman\admin\emdrep\prop\siebel.properties
    CreateTestType:createTestMetadataObject: BEGIN
    CreateTestType:createCompleteTest: END
    Found Metadata File: e:/oraclehome/oms10g/sysman/admin/emdrep/sql/ocs/latest/test_metadata/test_metadata_cs.def
    Adding e:/oraclehome/oms10g/jdbc/lib/ojdbc14.jar
    Adding e:/oraclehome/oms10g/sysman/jlib/emCORE.jar
    Adding e:/oraclehome/oms10g/sysman/jlib/log4j-core.jar
    Adding e:/oraclehome/oms10g/lib/servlet.jar
    Adding e:/oraclehome/oms10g/jdbc/lib/orai18n.jar
    Adding e:/oraclehome/oms10g/sysman/jlib/emagentSDK.jar
    Adding e:/oraclehome/oms10g/sysman/jlib/emcs.jar
    Running oracle.sysman.ocs.test.data.OCSSeedMetadata
    ExecJava: Running e:/oraclehome/oms10g/jdk/bin/java -cp "e:/oraclehome/oms10g/jdbc/lib/ojdbc14.jar;e:/oraclehome/oms10g/sysman/jlib/emCORE.jar;e:/oraclehome/oms10g/sysman/jlib/log4j-core.jar;e:/oraclehome/oms10g/lib/servlet.jar;e:/oraclehome/oms10g/jdbc/lib/orai18n.jar;e:/oraclehome/oms10g/sysman/jlib/emagentSDK.jar;e:/oraclehome/oms10g/sysman/jlib/emcs.jar" oracle.sysman.ocs.test.data.OCSSeedMetadata Connection Descriptor: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=VMORACLE01)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=rep)))
    Found Metadata File: e:/oraclehome/oms10g/sysman/admin/emdrep/sql/pa/latest/test_metadata/test_metadata_pa.def
    Adding e:/oraclehome/oms10g/jdbc/lib/ojdbc14.jar
    Adding e:/oraclehome/oms10g/sysman/jlib/emCORE.jar
    Adding e:/oraclehome/oms10g/sysman/jlib/log4j-core.jar
    Adding e:/oraclehome/oms10g/lib/servlet.jar
    Adding e:/oraclehome/oms10g/jdbc/lib/orai18n.jar
    Adding e:/oraclehome/oms10g/sysman/jlib/emagentSDK.jar
    Adding e:/oraclehome/oms10g/j2ee/OC4J_EM/applications/em/em/WEB-INF/lib/empa.jar
    Running oracle.sysman.siebel.test.data.SiebelSeedMetadata
    ExecJava: Running e:/oraclehome/oms10g/jdk/bin/java -cp "e:/oraclehome/oms10g/jdbc/lib/ojdbc14.jar;e:/oraclehome/oms10g/sysman/jlib/emCORE.jar;e:/oraclehome/oms10g/sysman/jlib/log4j-core.jar;e:/oraclehome/oms10g/lib/servlet.jar;e:/oraclehome/oms10g/jdbc/lib/orai18n.jar;e:/oraclehome/oms10g/sysman/jlib/emagentSDK.jar;e:/oraclehome/oms10g/j2ee/OC4J_EM/applications/em/em/WEB-INF/lib/empa.jar" oracle.sysman.siebel.test.data.SiebelSeedMetadata Connection Descriptor: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=VMORACLE01)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=rep)))
    Repository Upgrade Successful.
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms: Command Error:----------
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:'stty' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    'stty' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    'stty' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    'stty' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Upgrade->Executing Command: CMD /c E:\OracleHome\oms10g\bin\emctl config emkey -repos
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms: Command Exit Code:0
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms: Command Output:----------
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Release 4 Grid Control
    Copyright (c) 1996, 2007 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    The Em Key has been configured successfully.
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms: Command Error:----------
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Please enter repository password:
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:EmcpPlug:invoke:Completed EmcpPlug invoke method on an aggregate=oracle.sysman.top.oms for Action=patchsetConfiguration in step=1:microstep=0
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:The plug-in Repository Upgrade has successfully been performed
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:About to execute plug-in OMS Patch Configuration
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:The plug-in OMS Patch Configuration is running
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Internal PlugIn Class: oracle.sysman.emcp.oms.OmsPatchUpgrade
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Classpath = E:\OracleHome\oms10g\sysman\jlib\omsPlug.jar;E:\OracleHome\oms10g\jlib\emConfigInstall.jar;E:\OracleHome\oms10g\sysman\jlib\emCORE.jar;E:\OracleHome\oms10g\sysman\jlib\emagentSDK.jar;E:\OracleHome\oms10g\sysman\jlib\log4j-core.jar;E:\OracleHome\oms10g\jdbc\lib\classes12.jar
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:EmcpPlug:invoke:Starting EmcpPlug invoke method on an aggregate=oracle.sysman.top.oms for Action=patchsetConfiguration in step=2:microstep=0
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:inside perform
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:PerformSecureCommand:runCmd:Performing Command=CMD /C E:\OracleHome\oms10g\opmn\bin\opmnctl stopall
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Stop Opmn Error = CMD /C E:\OracleHome\oms10g\opmn\bin\opmnctl stopall
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:PerformSecureCommand:runCmd:CMD /C E:\OracleHome\oms10g\opmn\bin\opmnctl stopall have completed with exitCode=2
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:PerformSecureCommand:runCmd:Command Output stdout:
    'opmnctl: opmn is not running
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:PerformSecureCommand:runCmd:Command Output stderr:
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:stopOpmnService:WINDOWS:status=2. Ignoring OpmnStatus='opmnctl: opmn is not running
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:stoping the Opms services
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:OmsPlugIn:Requested Configuration Step 0 have been completed with status=true
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:the value of OMS home isE:\OracleHome\oms10g
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:b_deployed is false
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Starting Oms deploying
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:PerformSecureCommand:runCmd:Performing Command=CMD /C E:\OracleHome\oms10g\bin\EMDeploy.bat
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:EMDeploy Error = CMD /C E:\OracleHome\oms10g\bin\EMDeploy.bat
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:PerformSecureCommand:runCmd:CMD /C E:\OracleHome\oms10g\bin\EMDeploy.bat have completed with exitCode=2
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:PerformSecureCommand:runCmd:Command Output stdout:
    'Environment :
    ORACLE HOME = e:\oraclehome\oms10g
    STAGE DIR = e:\oraclehome\oms10g/j2ee/OC4J_EM/applications/em
    TEMP DIR = C:\Temp\1
    PSEP = ;
    Info : e:\oraclehome\oms10g/lib/ojsp.jar doesn't exist
    Info : e:\oraclehome\oms10g/lib/ojsputil.jar doesn't exist
    Info : e:\oraclehome\oms10g/syndication/lib/syndserver.jar doesn't exist
    Info : e:\oraclehome\oms10g/rdbms/jlib/xsu12.jar doesn't exist
    Info : e:\oraclehome\oms10g/network/jlib/netcfg4em12.jar doesn't exist
    Info : e:\oraclehome\oms10g/encryption/jlib/ojmisc.jar doesn't exist
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/lib/ojsp.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/webservices/lib/wsdl.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/lib/dsv2.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/lib/classgen.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/rdbms/jlib/jmscommon.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/lib/ojsputil.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/lib/oraclexsql.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/jlib/providerutil.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/syndication/lib/syndserver.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/lib/xschema.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/rdbms/jlib/xsu12.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/jlib/regexp.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/oui/jlib/OraInstaller.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/network/jlib/netcfg4em12.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/encryption/jlib/ojmisc.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/jlib/orai18n.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/portal/jlib/pdkjava.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/portal/jlib/ptlshare.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/jlib/share.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/jlib/uix2.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/jlib/ohw.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/jlib/commons-el.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/jlib/jsp-el-api.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/jlib/oracle-el.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/jlib/axis.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/jlib/axis-ant.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/jlib/commons-discovery-0.2.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/jlib/commons-logging-1.0.4.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/jlib/jaxrpc.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/jlib/saaj.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/jlib/wsdl4j-1.5.1.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/jdk/lib/tools.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emCORE.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emCfg.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emPid.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emProvisioningAll.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emSDKsamples.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emcliload.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emclidownload.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emcoreALL.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emcoreAgent.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emcoreTest.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emcore_emjsp.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emcore_emjspf_classes.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emdloader.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emagentSDK.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emagentTest.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/sysman/jlib/iview.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/sysman/jlib/jviewsall.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/sysman/jlib/qsma.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/sysman/jlib/svgdom.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/sysman/jlib/omsPlug.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/lib/xml.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/lib/xmlmesg.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/sysman/jlib/jcb.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/sysman/jlib/log4j-core.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/jlib/emConfigInstall.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emDB.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emdb_emjsp.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/sysman/jlib/ewm-1_1.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emas.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emasSDK.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emas_emdjsp.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emas_emjsp.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emd_java.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/sysman/webapps/emd/WEB-INF/lib/iview.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emcs_emdjsp.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emcs_emjsp.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emcs.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/sysman/jlib/emcsSDK.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/sysman/prov/agentpush/jlib/remoteinterfaces.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/sysman/prov/agentpush/jlib/ssh.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/sysman/prov/agentpush/jlib/jsch.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/sysman/jlib/j2ee/agentpush.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/sysman/jlib/j2ee/asprovALL.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/sysman/jlib/j2ee/bpelprovALL.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/sysman/jlib/j2ee/collabsuiteuser.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/sysman/jlib/j2ee/dnALL.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/sysman/jlib/j2ee/ecALL.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/sysman/jlib/j2ee/ejb-prov.jar"/> to orion-web.xml
    adding <classpath path="e:\oraclehome\oms10g/sysman/jlib/j2ee/empp_emjsp.jar"/> to orion-web.xml

    no update yet. I'm gonna run the tool that is suggested, but I have no other issues with any previous patch. I thought the content of the file I added to my post would have ring a bell to somebody, who had the same problem, but it seems like I was wrong. I'll post once I run the tool suggested in the note
    thx all

  • Error while installing oracle 10g grid on windows

    hi all,
    when i am installing oracle 10g grid i got the error that
    "Configuration assistant "OMS Configuration" failed "
    when i saw the log
    it has been mentioned the failed to create repos user.
    this is the out put of the log
    [14-02-2008 11:51:55] Enter SYS user's password :
    [14-02-2008 11:51:55]
    [14-02-2008 11:51:55] Enter repository user password :
    [14-02-2008 11:51:55]
    [14-02-2008 11:51:55] Enter MetaLink user password :
    [14-02-2008 11:51:55]
    [14-02-2008 11:51:55] Getting temporary tablespace from database...
    [14-02-2008 11:51:55] Found temporary tablespace: TEMP
    [14-02-2008 11:51:55] Checking SYS Credentials ...
    [14-02-2008 11:51:56] OK.
    [14-02-2008 11:51:56] Checking DB Init Parameters ...
    [14-02-2008 11:51:56] OK.
    [14-02-2008 11:51:56] Checking for Repos User ...
    [14-02-2008 11:51:56] Does not Exist.
    [14-02-2008 11:51:56] Loading necessary DB objects ...
    [14-02-2008 11:51:56] Checking DB Object (DBMS_SHARED_POOL , PACKAGE) ...
    [14-02-2008 11:51:56] Done Loading necessary DB objects
    [14-02-2008 11:51:56] Creating repos user ...
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-01119: error in creating database file
    ORA-27040: file create error, unable to create file
    OSD-04002: unable to open file
    O/S-Error: (OS 3) The system cannot find the path specified.
    ORA-06512: at line 44
    [14-02-2008 11:51:57] Failed.
    [14-02-2008 11:51:57] Repository Creation failed. Failed to create Repos User.
    all users and everyone has full permission on this folder, i don't know why it is giving,
    please any one help me out i am stuck in the middle of the installation
    oracle 10g grid version is 10.1
    please reply to this
    Veeresh S

    this is the output what i get in oui:configuration assistants
    Output generated from configuration assistant "OMS Configuration" (attempt 6):
    Command = oracle.sysman.emcp.oms.OmsPlugIn -configureOms
    Operation Stopping OPMN Processes is in progress.
    Operation EM Deploying is in progress.
    Operation Creating OMS Respository is in progress.
    Configuration assistant "OMS Configuration" failed
    The "E:\oraclegrid\agent10g\cfgtoollogs\configToolFailedCommands" script contains all commands that failed, were skipped or were cancelled. This file may be used to run these configuration assistants outside of OUI. Note that you may have to update this script with passwords (if any) before executing the same.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    when i saw this E:\oraclegrid\agent10g\cfgtoollogs\configToolFailedCommands file
    the below 2 lines was mentioned in that file.
    rem Copyright (c) 1999, 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    this below log i got in E:\oraclegrid\agent10g\cfgtoollogs\cfgfw\CfmLogger_2008-02-14_10-28-34-AM.log file
    i have pasted last lines of the files.
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:OmsPlugIn:Requested Configuration Step 0 have been completed with status=true
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:deployOms:Already deployed, skipped.
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:OmsPlugIn:Requested Configuration Step 1 have been completed with status=true
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:OmsPlugIn:Requested Configuration Step 2 have been completed with status=true
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:PerformSecureCommand:runCmd:Performing Command=E:\oraclegrid\oms10g\sysman\admin\emdrep\bin\RepManager.bat -connect (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=A1MD04823)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=q))) -action drop -repos_user SYSMAN -output_file E:\oraclegrid\oms10g\sysman\log\emca_repos_drop12_19_36.log
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:PerformSecureCommand:drain:Spaced passwords by=100 ms
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:PerformSecureCommand:runCmd:E:\oraclegrid\oms10g\sysman\admin\emdrep\bin\RepManager.bat -connect (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=A1MD04823)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=q))) -action drop -repos_user SYSMAN -output_file E:\oraclegrid\oms10g\sysman\log\emca_repos_drop12_19_36.log have completed with exitCode=0
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:PerformSecureCommand:runCmd:Command Output stdout:
    'Enter SYS user's password :
    Getting temporary tablespace from database...
    Found temporary tablespace: TEMP
    Checking SYS Credentials ... OK.
    Dropping the repository..
    Quiescing DB ... Done.
    Checking for Repos User ... Does not Exist.
    Repos User does not exist ... Continuing with cleanup ...
    Dropping Roles/Synonymns/Tablespaces ... Done.
    Unquiescing DB ... Done.
    Dropped Repository Successfully.
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:PerformSecureCommand:runCmd:Command Output stderr:
    ''stty' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    'stty' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:PerformSecureCommand:runCmd:Performing Command=E:\oraclegrid\oms10g\sysman\admin\emdrep\bin\RepManager.bat -connect (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=A1MD04823)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=q))) -action create -repos_user SYSMAN -metalink_username NOTAVAILABLE_ -output_file E:\oraclegrid\oms10g\sysman\log\emca_repos_create12_19_38.log -ecm_datafile E:\oraclegrid\oms10g\oradata\mgmt_ecm_depot1.dbf -datafile E:\oraclegrid\oms10g\oradata\mgmt.dbf
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:PerformSecureCommand:drain:Spaced passwords by=200 ms
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:RepManager Create Repository Error = E:\oraclegrid\oms10g\sysman\admin\emdrep\bin\RepManager.bat -connect (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=A1MD04823)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=q))) -action create -repos_user SYSMAN -metalink_username NOTAVAILABLE_ -output_file E:\oraclegrid\oms10g\sysman\log\emca_repos_create12_19_38.log -ecm_datafile E:\oraclegrid\oms10g\oradata\mgmt_ecm_depot1.dbf -datafile E:\oraclegrid\oms10g\oradata\mgmt.dbf . Please check the log file at 12
    'Enter SYS user's password :
    Enter repository user password :
    Enter MetaLink user password :
    Getting temporary tablespace from database...
    Found temporary tablespace: TEMP
    Checking SYS Credentials ... OK.
    Checking DB Init Parameters ... OK.
    Checking for Repos User ... Does not Exist.
    Loading necessary DB objects ...
    Checking DB Object (DBMS_SHARED_POOL , PACKAGE) ... Exists.
    DBMS POOL package exists.
    Done Loading necessary DB objects
    Creating repos user ... Failed.
    Repository Creation failed. Failed to create Repos User.
    ''stty' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    'stty' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    'stty' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    'stty' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    'stty' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    'stty' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:PerformSecureCommand:runCmd:E:\oraclegrid\oms10g\sysman\admin\emdrep\bin\RepManager.bat -connect (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=A1MD04823)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=q))) -action create -repos_user SYSMAN -metalink_username NOTAVAILABLE_ -output_file E:\oraclegrid\oms10g\sysman\log\emca_repos_create12_19_38.log -ecm_datafile E:\oraclegrid\oms10g\oradata\mgmt_ecm_depot1.dbf -datafile E:\oraclegrid\oms10g\oradata\mgmt.dbf have completed with exitCode=12
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:PerformSecureCommand:runCmd:Command Output stdout:
    'Enter SYS user's password :
    Enter repository user password :
    Enter MetaLink user password :
    Getting temporary tablespace from database...
    Found temporary tablespace: TEMP
    Checking SYS Credentials ... OK.
    Checking DB Init Parameters ... OK.
    Checking for Repos User ... Does not Exist.
    Loading necessary DB objects ...
    Checking DB Object (DBMS_SHARED_POOL , PACKAGE) ... Exists.
    DBMS POOL package exists.
    Done Loading necessary DB objects
    Creating repos user ... Failed.
    Repository Creation failed. Failed to create Repos User.
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:PerformSecureCommand:runCmd:Command Output stderr:
    ''stty' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    'stty' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    'stty' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    'stty' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    'stty' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    'stty' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:RepManager Create Repository Error = 12. Please check the log file at E:\oraclegrid\oms10g\sysman\log\emca_repos_create12_19_38.log
    WARNING: oracle.sysman.top.oms:EmcpPlug:startProcessing:Exception in runner=RepManager Create Repository Error = 12. Please check the log file at E:\oraclegrid\oms10g\sysman\log\emca_repos_create12_19_38.log
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:EmcpPlug:invoke:Completed EmcpPlug invoke method on an aggregate=oracle.sysman.top.oms for Action=configuration in step=2:microstep=0
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Internal PlugIn for {Micro Step state:step:2:configuration in CfmAggregateInstance: oracle.sysman.top.oms:\oraclegrid\oms10g:label=7} failed with an unhandled exception:
    java.lang.Exception: RepManager Create Repository Error = 12. Please check the log file at E:\oraclegrid\oms10g\sysman\log\emca_repos_create12_19_38.log
         at oracle.sysman.emcp.util.EmcpPlug.startProcessing(EmcpPlug.java:389)
         at oracle.sysman.emcp.util.EmcpPlug.invoke(EmcpPlug.java:360)
         at oracle.sysman.emCfg.core.PerformMicroStep.runJavaClass(PerformMicroStep.java:509)
         at oracle.sysman.emCfg.core.PerformMicroStep.executeMicroStep(PerformMicroStep.java:121)
         at oracle.sysman.emCfg.core.ActionPerformer.performMicroStep(ActionPerformer.java:917)
         at oracle.sysman.emCfg.core.ActionPerformer$Performer.run(ActionPerformer.java:1038)
    INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:The plug-in OMS Configuration has failed its perform method
    INFO: OuiConfigVariables:IAction.perform() was called on {Action state:OUICA in CfmAggregateInstance: OuiConfigVariables:\oraclegrid\oms10g:label=7}
    INFO: Framework waiting for Action to complete at 12:19:41.469
    INFO: CfwProgressMonitor:actionProgress:About to perform Action=OUICA Status=is running with ActionStep=0 stepIndex=0 microStep=0
    INFO: OuiConfigVariables:About to execute plug-in OUI_CA
    INFO: OuiConfigVariables:The plug-in OUI_CA is running
    INFO: OuiConfigVariables:Launching CmdExec
    INFO: OuiConfigVariables:ExitCode=0
    INFO: OuiConfigVariables:The plug-in OUI_CA executed as attached=true in separate process with exitcode=0
    INFO: OuiConfigVariables:The plug-in OUI_CA has successfully been performed
    INFO: done waiting for Action from 12:19:41.469
    INFO: Cfm.save() was called
    INFO: Cfm.save(): 15 aggregate instances saved
    please anyone help, i have given all details, i want to install this grid as soon as possible

  • Statspack: error with spcreate.sql in on WIndows

    I'm trying to install statspack on a 64bit RDBMS on Windows 2008 R2.
    I get this error during spcreate.sql as sysdba
    ... Creating views
    . quisce_t*drms quiesce_time
    ERROR at line 5
    ORA-00904: "QUISCE_T" : invalid identifier
    I wasn't able to find anything related on metalink....
    Any hint?
    I was previously able to run it on and RDBMS on Linux systems...
    I don't know if it is a problem with this particular version of the rdbms.
    Thanks in advance,

    running now a snap as perfstat user I get this error
    SQL> exec statspack.snap;
    BEGIN statspack.snap; END;
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-04063: package body "SYS.DBMS_SHARED_POOL" has errors
    ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called:
    ORA-06512: at "PERFSTAT.STATSPACK", line 5767
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    In fact
    SQL> select owner,object_name,object_type from dba_objects where status='INVALID
    2 order by object_name;
    Trying to recompile as sysdba I get
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production
    SQL> alter package dbms_shared_pool compile body;
    Warning: Package Body altered with compilation errors.
    SQL> show errors
    87/13 PLS-00323: subprogram or cursor 'PURGE' is declared in a package
    specification and must be defined in the package body
    Could it be that t was my first spcreate.sql putting the package in this state?
    I don't suppose so and that the package was already invalid before... but not sure...
    How to correct? I found similar cases where Oracle oly suggested catalog/catproc runs... but I would like to avoid if possible...
    Thanks in advance

  • Statspack installation

    I am trying to install statspack....Almost at the end of installtion I am getting ORA-04031 error
    Creating Package Body STATSPACK
    create or replace package body STATSPACK as
    ERROR at line :1
    ORA-04031:unable to allocate 4096 bytes of shared memory("shared
    pool","unknown object ","PL/SQLMPCODE","BAMIMA:Bam buffer").
    What could be the possible solution for this?

    $ oerr ORA 04031
    04031, 00000, "unable to allocate %s bytes of shared memory (\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\")"
    // *Cause:  More shared memory is needed than was allocated in the shared
    //          pool.
    // *Action: If the shared pool is out of memory, either use the
    //          dbms_shared_pool package to pin large packages,
    //          reduce your use of shared memory, or increase the amount of
    //          available shared memory by increasing the value of the
    //          INIT.ORA parameters "shared_pool_reserved_size" and
    //          "shared_pool_size".
    //          If the large pool is out of memory, increase the INIT.ORA
    //          parameter "large_pool_size".sorry for duplicity post
    Message was edited by:
    Ivan Kartik

  • Error raised when opening physical standby in read only

    I've a physical standby created using RMAN duplicate from active database which is configured with data guard. When I open the database in READ ONLY mode
    SQL> alter database open read only;
    Database altered.
    SQL> select open_mode from v$database;
    I get this error in the alert log
    Physical standby database opened for read only access.
    Fri Aug 12 15:14:01 2011
    db_recovery_file_dest_size of 256000 MB is 4.72% used. This is a
    user-specified limit on the amount of space that will be used by this
    database for recovery-related files, and does not reflect the amount of
    space available in the underlying filesystem or ASM diskgroup.
    Errors in file /oradata/admin/ORAINT/diag/diag/rdbms/oraintsb/oraintsb/trace/ora intsb_ora_8692.trc:
    ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
    ORA-00931: missing identifier
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_UTILITY", line 156
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SHARED_POOL", line 72
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SHARED_POOL", line 84
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.PROC_PKGS_KEEP", line 26
    ORA-06512: at line 2
    Completed: alter database open read only
    the tracefile is showing this,
    Trace file /oradata/admin/ORAINT/diag/diag/rdbms/oraintsb/oraintsb/trace/oraintsb_ora_8692.trc
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
    ORACLE_HOME = /opt/oracle/product/11.2.0/ORAINT
    System name: Linux
    Node name: c4p-db01
    Release: 2.6.18-
    Version: #1 SMP Mon Mar 29 18:27:00 EDT 2010
    Machine: x86_64
    VM name: Xen Version: 3.4 (PVM)
    Instance name: oraintsb
    Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1
    Oracle process number: 17
    Unix process pid: 8692, image: oracle@c4p-db01 (TNS V1-V3)
    *** 2011-08-12 15:14:03.367
    *** SESSION ID:(24.1) 2011-08-12 15:14:03.367
    *** CLIENT ID:() 2011-08-12 15:14:03.367
    *** SERVICE NAME:(SYS$USERS) 2011-08-12 15:14:03.367
    *** MODULE NAME:(sqlplus@c4p-db01 (TNS V1-V3)) 2011-08-12 15:14:03.367
    *** ACTION NAME:() 2011-08-12 15:14:03.367
    Error in executing triggers on database startup
    *** 2011-08-12 15:14:03.367
    dbkedDefDump(): Starting a non-incident diagnostic dump (flags=0x0, level=0, mask=0x0)
    ----- Error Stack Dump -----
    ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
    ORA-00931: missing identifier
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_UTILITY", line 156
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SHARED_POOL", line 72
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SHARED_POOL", line 84
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.PROC_PKGS_KEEP", line 26
    ORA-06512: at line 2
    if I disable the system triggers using
    ALTER SYSTEM SET "_system_trig_enabled"=FALSE scope=both;
    The error doesn't appear but when trying to switch to active dataguard the open_mode goes from READ ONLY to MOUNTED rather than READ ONLY WITH APPLY
    Any help much appreciated
    Edited by: phil74 on 12-Aug-2011 07:22

    Have you checked what your guard status is set to?
    SQL> SELECT guard_status from v$database;I've had a similar issue before but with a standby, whereby the status was set to ALL. This means all users apart from SYS are unable to make changes on the database.
    My resolution was to set the status to standby:
    SQL> ALTER DATABASE GUARD STANDBY;You may wish to set the guard status to NONE however.
    I took some notes:
    http://juniororacledba.wordpress.com/2011/07/17/oracle-logical-standby-dataguard-error However, I do not have a link to any Oracle documentation on the subject to hand. But might give you a head start.

  • Error at the time of DB startup

    When startup my database I receive the following errors in
    alert log file.
    ORA-00604 error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
    ORA-01031 insufficient privileges
    ORA-06512 at "SYS.DBMS_UTILITY", line 68
    ORA-06512 at "SYS.DBMS_SHARED_POOL", line 45
    ORA-06512 at "SYS.DBMS_SHARED_POOL", line 53
    ORA-06512 at line 3
    Can anyone explain me why this happent ?
    OS SUN Ultra

    It looks like you have an on database start trigger that is trying to fire without the proper execute permissions i.e. DBMS_SHARED_POOL to pin packages in memory and DBMS_UTILITY probably to to do a copute statistics. Are you starting the DB with '/ as sysdba' or another account with SYSDBA privs?

  • LMS1 (ospid: 7829): terminating the instance due to error 4031 ????

    Single Instance out of 5 node cluster Oracle 11g crashed with the below error..Plz help
    Errors in file /ora00/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/ngprod/ngprod2/trace/ngprod2_lms1_7829.trc:
    ORA-04031: unable to allocate 4160 bytes of shared memory ("shared pool","unknown object","sga heap(1,0)","gcs dynamic s")
    LMS1 (ospid: 7829): terminating the instance due to error 4031
    System state dump is made for local instance
    System State dumped to trace file /ora00/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/ngprod/ngprod2/trace/ngprod2_diag_7805.trc
    Mon Oct 26 22:45:16 2009
    Errors in file /ora00/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/ngprod/ngprod2/trace/ngprod2_rbal_7847.trc (incident=216218):
    ORA-04031: unable to allocate bytes of shared memory ("","","","")
    Incident details in: /ora00/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/ngprod/ngprod2/incident/incdir_216218/ngprod2_rbal_7847_i216218.trc
    Mon Oct 26 22:45:23 2009
    Instance terminated by LMS1, pid = 7829
    Thanks in advance

    $ oerr ora 04031
    04031, 00000, "unable to allocate %s bytes of shared memory (\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\")"
    // *Cause:  More shared memory is needed than was allocated in the shared
    //          pool.
    // *Action: If the shared pool is out of memory, either use the
    //          DBMS_SHARED_POOL package to pin large packages,
    //          reduce your use of shared memory, or increase the amount of
    //          available shared memory by increasing the value of the
    //          initialization parameters SHARED_POOL_RESERVED_SIZE and
    //          SHARED_POOL_SIZE.
    //          If the large pool is out of memory, increase the initialization
    //          parameter LARGE_POOL_SIZE.ORA-04031 means that your shared pool size part of the SGA is too small. You may need to increase SHARED_POOL_SIZE which defines a minimum size for shared pool size.
    What is the output of
    show parameter shared_pool
    show parameter sga
    show parameter memory

  • Export and Import for R12 database instance (docid 741818.1)

    I have a situation where I am missing objects in CTXSYS schema and other schemas that are not exported but are required by oracle applications after my import. Is there any script I can run to recreate these objects.
    eg AD_CTX_DDL
    CS_KB_CTX_PKG. I think these are packages.
    Also I am missing certain privileges on packages given to system and application users by sys eg DBMS_SHARED_POOL. I have already executed adgrants

    eg AD_CTX_DDL
    ORA-20000 APPS_DDL/APPS_ARRAY_DDL package(s) missing or invalid in schema CTXSYS (Doc ID 944150.1)
    CS_KB_CTX_PKG. I think these are packages.Run the following scripts from $CS_TOP/patch/115/sql directory:
    Also I am missing certain privileges on packages given to system and application users by sys eg DBMS_SHARED_POOL. I have already executed adgrantsHave you run recreate grants and synonym from adadmin?

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