
Hi.. i m tuning my Oracle Database, for that i need to install Statspack package, when i compiled package... it returned following error.
Warning: Package Body created with compilation errors.
SQL> show error
2045/3 PLS-00201: identifier 'SYS.DBMS_SHARED_POOL' must be declared
2045/3 PL/SQL: Statement ignored
HOw to solve above error..Please check the following Package, and do help me.
Note: I m connected perfstat user, no as SYS user.
create or replace package body STATSPACK as
/* Define package variables.
Variables prefixed with p_ are package variables.
p_snap_id integer; /* snapshot id */
p_instance_number number; /* instance number */
p_instance_name varchar2(16); /* instance name */
p_startup_time date; /* instance startup time */
p_parallel varchar2(3); /* parallel server */
p_version varchar2(17); /* Oracle release */
p_dbid number; /* database id */
p_host_name varchar2(64); /* host instance is on */
p_name varchar2(9); /* database name */
p_new_sga integer; /* Instance bounced since last snap? */
tmp_int integer; /* initialise defaults */
p_def_snap_level number default 5; /* default snapshot lvl */
p_def_session_id number default 0; /* default session id */
p_def_ucomment varchar2(160) default null;
p_def_pin_statspack varchar2(10) default 'TRUE';
p_def_last_modified date default SYSDATE;
/* Below are the default threshold (_th) values for choosing SQL statements
to store in the stats$sqlsummary table - these statements will typically
be the statements using the most resources.
p_def_num_sql number default 50; /* Num. SQL statements */
p_def_executions_th number default 100; /* Num. executions */
p_def_parse_calls_th number default 1000; /* Num. parse calls */
p_def_disk_reads_th number default 1000; /* Num. disk reads */
p_def_buffer_gets_th number default 10000; /* Num. buf gets */
p_def_sharable_mem_th number default 1048576; /* Sharable memory */
p_def_version_count_th number default 20; /* Child Cursors */
p_def_all_init varchar2(10) default 'FALSE';
cursor get_instance is
select instance_number, instance_name
, startup_time, parallel, version
, host_name
from v$instance;
cursor get_db is
select dbid, name
from v$database;
procedure SNAP
(i_snap_level in number default null
,i_session_id in number default null
,i_ucomment in varchar2 default null
,i_num_sql in number default null
,i_executions_th in number default null
,i_parse_calls_th in number default null
,i_disk_reads_th in number default null
,i_buffer_gets_th in number default null
,i_sharable_mem_th in number default null
,i_version_count_th in number default null
,i_all_init in varchar2 default null
,i_pin_statspack in varchar2 default null
,i_modify_parameter in varchar2 default 'FALSE'
/* Takes a snapshot by calling the SNAP function, and discards
the snapshot id. This is useful when automating taking
snapshots from dbms_job
l_snap_id number;
l_snap_id := statspack.snap ( i_snap_level, i_session_id, i_ucomment
, i_num_sql
, i_executions_th
, i_parse_calls_th
, i_disk_reads_th
, i_buffer_gets_th
, i_sharable_mem_th
, i_version_count_th
, i_all_init
, i_pin_statspack
, i_modify_parameter);
end SNAP;
( i_dbid in number default null
, i_instance_number in number default null
, i_snap_level in number default null
, i_session_id in number default null
, i_ucomment in varchar2 default null
, i_num_sql in number default null
, i_executions_th in number default null
, i_parse_calls_th in number default null
, i_disk_reads_th in number default null
, i_buffer_gets_th in number default null
, i_sharable_mem_th in number default null
, i_version_count_th in number default null
, i_all_init in varchar2 default null
, i_pin_statspack in varchar2 default null
, i_modify_parameter in varchar2 default 'TRUE'
/* Calls QAM with the modify flag, and discards the
output variables
l_snap_level number;
l_session_id number;
l_ucomment varchar2(160);
l_num_sql number;
l_executions_th number;
l_parse_calls_th number;
l_disk_reads_th number;
l_buffer_gets_th number;
l_sharable_mem_th number;
l_version_count_th number;
l_all_init varchar2(5);
l_pin_statspack varchar2(10);
statspack.qam_statspack_parameter( i_dbid
, i_instance_number
, i_snap_level
, i_session_id
, i_ucomment
, i_num_sql
, i_executions_th
, i_parse_calls_th
, i_disk_reads_th
, i_buffer_gets_th
, i_sharable_mem_th
, i_version_count_th
, i_all_init
, i_pin_statspack
, 'TRUE'
, l_snap_level
, l_session_id
, l_ucomment
, l_num_sql
, l_executions_th
, l_parse_calls_th
, l_disk_reads_th
, l_buffer_gets_th
, l_sharable_mem_th
, l_version_count_th
, l_all_init
, l_pin_statspack);
/* As we have explicity been requested to change the parameters,
independently of taking a snapshot, commit
( i_dbid in number default null
, i_instance_number in number default null
, i_snap_level in number default null
, i_session_id in number default null
, i_ucomment in varchar2 default null
, i_num_sql in number default null
, i_executions_th in number default null
, i_parse_calls_th in number default null
, i_disk_reads_th in number default null
, i_buffer_gets_th in number default null
, i_sharable_mem_th in number default null
, i_version_count_th in number default null
, i_all_init in varchar2 default null
, i_pin_statspack in varchar2 default null
, i_modify_parameter in varchar2 default 'FALSE'
, o_snap_level out number
, o_session_id out number
, o_ucomment out varchar2
, o_num_sql out number
, o_executions_th out number
, o_parse_calls_th out number
, o_disk_reads_th out number
, o_buffer_gets_th out number
, o_sharable_mem_th out number
, o_version_count_th out number
, o_all_init out varchar2
, o_pin_statspack out varchar2
/* Query And Modify statspack parameter procedure, allows query
and/or user modification of the statistics collection parameters
for an instance. If there are no pre-existing parameters for
an instance, insert the Oracle defaults.
l_instance_number number;
l_dbid number;
ui_all_init varchar2(5);
l_params_exist varchar2(1);
if ((i_dbid is null ) or (i_instance_number is null)) then
l_dbid := p_dbid;
l_instance_number := p_instance_number;
l_dbid := i_dbid;
l_instance_number := i_instance_number;
end if;
/* Upper case any input vars which are inserted */
ui_all_init := upper(i_all_init);
if ( (i_modify_parameter is null)
or (upper(i_modify_parameter) = 'FALSE') ) then
/* Query values, if none exist, insert the defaults tempered
with variables supplied */
select nvl(i_session_id, session_id)
, nvl(i_snap_level, snap_level)
, nvl(i_ucomment, ucomment)
, nvl(i_num_sql, num_sql)
, nvl(i_executions_th, executions_th)
, nvl(i_parse_calls_th, parse_calls_th)
, nvl(i_disk_reads_th, disk_reads_th)
, nvl(i_buffer_gets_th, buffer_gets_th)
, nvl(i_sharable_mem_th, sharable_mem_th)
, nvl(i_version_count_th, version_count_th)
, nvl(ui_all_init, all_init)
, nvl(i_pin_statspack, pin_statspack)
into o_session_id
, o_snap_level
, o_ucomment
, o_num_sql
, o_executions_th
, o_parse_calls_th
, o_disk_reads_th
, o_buffer_gets_th
, o_sharable_mem_th
, o_version_count_th
, o_all_init
, o_pin_statspack
from stats$statspack_parameter
where instance_number = l_instance_number
and dbid = l_dbid;
when NO_DATA_FOUND then
insert into stats$statspack_parameter
( dbid
, instance_number
, session_id
, snap_level
, ucomment
, num_sql
, executions_th
, parse_calls_th
, disk_reads_th
, buffer_gets_th
, sharable_mem_th
, version_count_th
, all_init
, pin_statspack
, last_modified
( l_dbid
, l_instance_number
, p_def_session_id
, p_def_snap_level
, p_def_ucomment
, p_def_num_sql
, p_def_executions_th
, p_def_parse_calls_th
, p_def_disk_reads_th
, p_def_buffer_gets_th
, p_def_sharable_mem_th
, p_def_version_count_th
, p_def_all_init
, p_def_pin_statspack
returning nvl(i_session_id, p_def_session_id)
, nvl(i_snap_level, p_def_snap_level)
, nvl(i_ucomment, p_def_ucomment)
, nvl(i_num_sql, p_def_num_sql)
, nvl(i_executions_th, p_def_executions_th)
, nvl(i_parse_calls_th, p_def_parse_calls_th)
, nvl(i_disk_reads_th, p_def_disk_reads_th)
, nvl(i_buffer_gets_th, p_def_buffer_gets_th)
, nvl(i_sharable_mem_th, p_def_sharable_mem_th)
, nvl(i_version_count_th, p_def_version_count_th)
, nvl(ui_all_init, p_def_all_init)
, nvl(i_pin_statspack, p_def_pin_statspack)
into o_session_id
, o_snap_level
, o_ucomment
, o_num_sql
, o_executions_th
, o_parse_calls_th
, o_disk_reads_th
, o_buffer_gets_th
, o_sharable_mem_th
, o_version_count_th
, o_all_init
, o_pin_statspack;
end; /* don't modify parameter values */
elsif upper(i_modify_parameter) = 'TRUE' then
/* modify values, if none exist, insert the defaults tempered
with the variables supplied */
update stats$statspack_parameter
set session_id = nvl(i_session_id, session_id)
, snap_level = nvl(i_snap_level, snap_level)
, ucomment = nvl(i_ucomment, ucomment)
, num_sql = nvl(i_num_sql, num_sql)
, executions_th = nvl(i_executions_th, executions_th)
, parse_calls_th = nvl(i_parse_calls_th, parse_calls_th)
, disk_reads_th = nvl(i_disk_reads_th, disk_reads_th)
, buffer_gets_th = nvl(i_buffer_gets_th, buffer_gets_th)
, sharable_mem_th = nvl(i_sharable_mem_th, sharable_mem_th)
, version_count_th = nvl(i_version_count_th, version_count_th)
, all_init = nvl(ui_all_init, all_init)
, pin_statspack = nvl(i_pin_statspack, pin_statspack)
where instance_number = l_instance_number
and dbid = l_dbid
returning session_id
, snap_level
, ucomment
, num_sql
, executions_th
, parse_calls_th
, disk_reads_th
, buffer_gets_th
, sharable_mem_th
, version_count_th
, all_init
, pin_statspack
into o_session_id
, o_snap_level
, o_ucomment
, o_num_sql
, o_executions_th
, o_parse_calls_th
, o_disk_reads_th
, o_buffer_gets_th
, o_sharable_mem_th
, o_version_count_th
, o_all_init
, o_pin_statspack;
if SQL%ROWCOUNT = 0 then
insert into stats$statspack_parameter
( dbid
, instance_number
, session_id
, snap_level
, ucomment
, num_sql
, executions_th
, parse_calls_th
, disk_reads_th
, buffer_gets_th
, sharable_mem_th
, version_count_th
, all_init
, pin_statspack
, last_modified
( l_dbid
, l_instance_number
, nvl(i_session_id, p_def_session_id)
, nvl(i_snap_level, p_def_snap_level)
, nvl(i_ucomment, p_def_ucomment)
, nvl(i_num_sql, p_def_num_sql)
, nvl(i_executions_th, p_def_executions_th)
, nvl(i_parse_calls_th, p_def_parse_calls_th)
, nvl(i_disk_reads_th, p_def_disk_reads_th)
, nvl(i_buffer_gets_th, p_def_buffer_gets_th)
, nvl(i_sharable_mem_th, p_def_sharable_mem_th)
, nvl(i_version_count_th, p_def_version_count_th)
, nvl(ui_all_init, p_def_all_init)
, nvl(i_pin_statspack, p_def_pin_statspack)
returning session_id
, snap_level
, ucomment
, num_sql
, executions_th
, parse_calls_th
, disk_reads_th
, buffer_gets_th
, sharable_mem_th
, version_count_th
, all_init
, pin_statspack
into o_session_id
, o_snap_level
, o_ucomment
, o_num_sql
, o_executions_th
, o_parse_calls_th
, o_disk_reads_th
, o_buffer_gets_th
, o_sharable_mem_th
, o_version_count_th
, o_all_init
, o_pin_statspack;
end if;
end; /* modify values */
/* error */
(-20100,'QAM_STATSPACK_PARAMETER i_modify_parameter value is invalid');
end if; /* modify */
procedure STAT_CHANGES
/* Returns a set of differences of the values from corresponding pairs
based on the begin and end (bid, eid) snapshot id's specified.
This procedure is the only call to STATSPACK made by the statsrep
Modified to include multi-db support.
( bid IN number
, eid IN number
, db_ident IN number
, inst_num IN number
, parallel IN varchar2
, lhtr OUT number, bfwt OUT number
, tran OUT number, chng OUT number
, ucal OUT number, urol OUT number
, rsiz OUT number
, phyr OUT number, phyrd OUT number
, phyrdl OUT number
, phyw OUT number, ucom OUT number
, prse OUT number, hprse OUT number
, recr OUT number, gets OUT number
, rlsr OUT number, rent OUT number
, srtm OUT number, srtd OUT number
, srtr OUT number, strn OUT number
, lhr OUT number, bc OUT varchar2
, sp OUT varchar2, lb OUT varchar2
, bs OUT varchar2, twt OUT number
, logc OUT number, prscpu OUT number
, tcpu OUT number, exe OUT number
, prsela OUT number
, bspm OUT number, espm OUT number
, bfrm OUT number, efrm OUT number
, blog OUT number, elog OUT number
, bocur OUT number, eocur OUT number
, dmsd OUT number, dmfc OUT number -- begin OPS
, dfcms OUT number, dfcmr OUT number
, dmsi OUT number, dmrv OUT number
, dynal OUT number, dynares OUT number
, pmrv OUT number, pmpt OUT number
, npmrv OUT number, npmpt OUT number
, scma OUT number, scml OUT number
, pinc OUT number, picrnc OUT number
, picc OUT number, picrcc OUT number
, pbc OUT number, pbcrc OUT number
, pcba OUT number, pccrba OUT number
, pcrbpi OUT number
, dynapres OUT number, dynapshl OUT number
, prcma OUT number, prcml OUT number
, pwrm OUT number, pfpim OUT number
, pwnm OUT number
, dpms OUT number, dnpms OUT number
, glsg OUT number, glag OUT number
, glgt OUT number, glsc OUT number
, glac OUT number, glct OUT number
, glrl OUT number
, gcge OUT number, gcgt OUT number
, gccv OUT number, gcct OUT number
, gccrrv OUT number, gccrrt OUT number
, gccurv OUT number, gccurt OUT number
, gccrsv OUT number
, gccrbt OUT number, gccrft OUT number
, gccrst OUT number, gccusv OUT number
, gccupt OUT number, gccuft OUT number
, gccust OUT number -- end OPS
) is
bval number;
eval number;
l_b_session_id number; /* begin session id */
l_b_serial# number; /* begin serial# */
l_e_session_id number; /* end session id */
l_e_serial# number; /* end serial# */
/* Returns Library cache hit ratio for the begin and end (bid, eid)
snapshot id's specified
cursor LH (i_snap_id number) is
select sum(pins), sum(pinhits)
from stats$librarycache
where snap_id = i_snap_id
and dbid = db_ident
and instance_number = inst_num;
bpsum number;
bhsum number;
epsum number;
ehsum number;
if not LH%ISOPEN then open LH (bid); end if;
fetch LH into bpsum, bhsum;
(-20100,'Missing start value for stats$librarycache');
end if; close LH;
if not LH%ISOPEN then open LH (eid); end if;
fetch LH into epsum, ehsum;
(-20100,'Missing end value for stats$librarycache');
end if; close LH;
return (ehsum - bhsum) / (epsum - bpsum);
function GET_PARAM (i_name varchar2) RETURN varchar2 is
/* Returns the value for the init.ora parameter for the snapshot
cursor PARAMETER is
select value
from stats$parameter
where snap_id = eid
and dbid = db_ident
and instance_number = inst_num
and name = i_name;
par_value varchar2(512);
if not PARAMETER%ISOPEN then open PARAMETER; end if;
fetch PARAMETER into par_value;
(-20100,'Missing Init.ora parameter '|| i_name);
end if; close PARAMETER;
return par_value;
function GET_SYSSTAT (i_name varchar2, i_beid number) RETURN number is
/* Returns the value for the System Statistic for the snapshot
cursor SYSSTAT is
select value
from stats$sysstat
where snap_id = i_beid
and dbid = db_ident
and instance_number = inst_num
and name = i_name;
stat_value varchar2(512);
if not SYSSTAT%ISOPEN then open SYSSTAT; end if;
fetch SYSSTAT into stat_value;
(-20100,'Missing System Statistic '|| i_name);
end if; close SYSSTAT;
return stat_value;
function BUFFER_WAITS RETURN number is
/* Returns the total number of waits for all buffers in the interval
specified by the begin and end snapshot id's (bid, eid)
cursor BW (i_snap_id number) is
select sum(wait_count)
from stats$waitstat
where snap_id = i_snap_id
and dbid = db_ident
and instance_number = inst_num;
bbwsum number; ebwsum number;
if not BW%ISOPEN then open BW (bid); end if;
fetch BW into bbwsum;
(-20100,'Missing start value for stats$waitstat');
end if; close BW;
if not BW%ISOPEN then open BW (eid); end if;
fetch BW into ebwsum;
(-20100,'Missing end value for stats$waitstat');
end if; close BW;
return ebwsum - bbwsum;
function TOTAL_EVENT_TIME RETURN number is
/* Returns the total amount of time waited for events for
the interval specified by the begin and end snapshot id's
(bid, eid) by foreground processes. This excludes idle
wait events.
cursor WAITS (i_snap_id number) is
select sum(time_waited_micro)
from stats$system_event
where snap_id = i_snap_id
and dbid = db_ident
and instance_number = inst_num
and event not in (select event from stats$idle_event);
bwaittime number;
ewaittime number;
if not WAITS%ISOPEN then open WAITS (bid); end if;
fetch WAITS into bwaittime;
(-20100,'Missing start value for stats$system_event');
end if; close WAITS;
if not WAITS%ISOPEN then open WAITS (eid); end if;
fetch WAITS into ewaittime;
(-20100,'Missing end value for stats$system_event');
end if; close WAITS;
return ewaittime - bwaittime;
function LATCH_HITRATIO return NUMBER is
/* Returns the latch hit ratio specified by the begin and
end snapshot id's (bid, eid)
cursor GETS_MISSES (i_snap_id number) is
select sum(gets), sum(misses)
from stats$latch
where snap_id = i_snap_id
and dbid = db_ident
and instance_number = inst_num;
blget number; -- beginning latch gets
blmis number; -- beginning latch misses
elget number; -- end latch gets
elmis number; -- end latch misses
if not GETS_MISSES%ISOPEN then open GETS_MISSES (bid); end if;
fetch GETS_MISSES into blget, blmis;
(-20100,'Missing start value for STATS$LATCH gets and misses');
end if; close GETS_MISSES;
if not GETS_MISSES%ISOPEN then open GETS_MISSES (eid); end if;
fetch GETS_MISSES into elget, elmis;
(-20100,'Missing end value for STATS$LATCH gets and misses');
end if; close GETS_MISSES;
return ( ( elmis - blmis ) / ( elget - blget ) );
function SGASTAT (i_name varchar2, i_beid number) RETURN number is
/* Returns the bytes used by i_name in the shared pool
for the begin or end snapshot (bid, eid) specified
cursor bytes_used is
select bytes
from stats$sgastat
where snap_id = i_beid
and dbid = db_ident
and instance_number = inst_num
and pool in ('shared pool', 'all pools')
and name = i_name;
total_bytes number;
if i_name = 'total_shared_pool' then
select sum(bytes)
into total_bytes
from stats$sgastat
where snap_id = i_beid
and dbid = db_ident
and instance_number = inst_num
and pool in ('shared pool','all pools');
open bytes_used; fetch bytes_used into total_bytes;
if bytes_used%notfound then
(-20100,'Missing value for SGASTAT: '||i_name);
end if;
close bytes_used;
end if;
return total_bytes;
function SYSDIF (i_name varchar2) RETURN number is
/* Returns the difference between statistics for the statistic
name specified for the interval between the begin and end
snapshot id's (bid, eid)
cursor SY (i_snap_id number) is
select value
from stats$sysstat
where snap_id = i_snap_id
and dbid = db_ident
and instance_number = inst_num
and name = i_name;
/* Get start value */
open SY (bid); fetch SY into bval;
if SY%notfound then
(-20100,'Missing start value for statistic: '||i_name);
end if; close SY;
/* Get end value */
open SY (eid); fetch SY into eval;
if SY%notfound then
(-20100,'Missing end value for statistic: '||i_name);
end if; close SY;
/* Return difference */
return eval - bval;
function SESDIF (st_name varchar2) RETURN number is
/* Returns the difference between statistics values for the
statistic name specified for the interval between the begin and end
snapshot id's (bid, eid), for the session monitored for that
cursor SE (i_snap_id number) is
select ses.value
from stats$sysstat sys
, stats$sesstat ses
where sys.snap_id = i_snap_id
and ses.snap_id = i_snap_id
and ses.dbid = db_ident
and sys.dbid = db_ident
and ses.instance_number = inst_num
and sys.instance_number = inst_num
and ses.statistic# = sys.statistic#
and = st_name;
/* Get start value */
open SE (bid); fetch SE into bval;
if SE%notfound then
eval :=0;
end if; close SE;
/* Get end value */
open SE (eid); fetch SE into eval;
if SE%notfound then
eval :=0;
end if; close SE;
/* Return difference */
return eval - bval;
function DLMDIF (i_name varchar2) RETURN number is
/* Returns the difference between statistics for the statistic
name specified for the interval between the begin and end
snapshot id's (bid, eid)
cursor DLM (i_snap_id number) is
select value
from stats$dlm_misc
where snap_id = i_snap_id
and dbid = db_ident
and instance_number = inst_num
and name = i_name;
/* Get start value */
open DLM (bid); fetch DLM into bval;
if DLM%notfound then
(-20100,'Missing start value for statistic: '||i_name);
end if; close DLM;
/* Get end value */
open DLM (eid); fetch DLM into eval;
if DLM%notfound then
(-20100,'Missing end value for statistic: '||i_name);
end if; close DLM;
/* Return difference */
return eval - bval;
begin /* main procedure body of STAT_CHANGES */
chng := SYSDIF('db block changes');
ucal := SYSDIF('user calls');
urol := SYSDIF('user rollbacks');
ucom := SYSDIF('user commits');
tran := ucom + urol;
rsiz := SYSDIF('redo size');
phyr := SYSDIF('physical reads');
phyrd := SYSDIF('physical reads direct');
phyrdl := SYSDIF('physical reads direct (lob)');
phyw := SYSDIF('physical writes');
hprse := SYSDIF('parse count (hard)');
prse := SYSDIF('parse count (total)');
gets := SYSDIF('session logical reads');
recr := SYSDIF('recursive calls');
rlsr := SYSDIF('redo log space requests');
rent := SYSDIF('redo entries');
srtm := SYSDIF('sorts (memory)');
srtd := SYSDIF('sorts (disk)');
srtr := SYSDIF('sorts (rows)');
logc := SYSDIF('logons cumulative');
prscpu := SYSDIF('parse time cpu');
prsela := SYSDIF('parse time elapsed');
tcpu := SYSDIF('CPU used by this session');
exe := SYSDIF('execute count');
bs := GET_PARAM('db_block_size');
bc := GET_PARAM('db_block_buffers') * bs;
if bc = 0 then
bc := GET_PARAM('db_cache_size')
+ GET_PARAM('db_keep_cache_size')
+ GET_PARAM('db_recycle_cache_size')
+ GET_PARAM('db_2k_cache_size')
+ GET_PARAM('db_4k_cache_size')
+ GET_PARAM('db_8k_cache_size')
+ GET_PARAM('db_16k_cache_size')
+ GET_PARAM('db_32k_cache_size');
end if;
sp := GET_PARAM('shared_pool_size');
lb := GET_PARAM('log_buffer');
twt := TOTAL_EVENT_TIME; -- total wait time for all non-idle events
bspm := SGASTAT('total_shared_pool', bid);
espm := SGASTAT('total_shared_pool', eid);
bfrm := SGASTAT('free memory', bid);
efrm := SGASTAT('free memory', eid);
blog := GET_SYSSTAT('logons current', bid);
elog := GET_SYSSTAT('logons current', eid);
bocur := GET_SYSSTAT('opened cursors current', bid);
eocur := GET_SYSSTAT('opened cursors current', eid);
/* Do we want to report on cluster-specific statistics? Check
in procedure variable "parallel".
if parallel = 'YES' then
dmsd := DLMDIF('messages sent directly');
dmfc := DLMDIF('messages flow controlled');
dmsi := DLMDIF('messages sent indirectly');
dmrv := DLMDIF('messages received');
dfcms := DLMDIF('flow control messages sent');
dfcmr := DLMDIF('flow control messages received');
dynal := DLMDIF('dynamically allocated enqueues');
dynares := DLMDIF('dynamically allocated resources');
pmrv := DLMDIF('gcs msgs received');
pmpt := DLMDIF('gcs msgs process time(ms)');
npmrv := DLMDIF('ges msgs received');
npmpt := DLMDIF('ges msgs process time(ms)');
scma := DLMDIF('gcs side channel msgs actual');
scml := DLMDIF('gcs side channel msgs logical');
pinc := DLMDIF('gcs immediate (null) converts');
picrnc := DLMDIF('gcs immediate cr (null) converts');
picc := DLMDIF('gcs immediate (compatible) converts');
picrcc := DLMDIF('gcs immediate cr (compatible) converts');
pbc := DLMDIF('gcs blocked converts');
pbcrc := DLMDIF('gcs blocked cr converts');
pcba := DLMDIF('gcs compatible basts');
pccrba := DLMDIF('gcs compatible cr basts');
pcrbpi := DLMDIF('gcs cr basts to PIs');
dynapres := DLMDIF('dynamically allocated gcs resources');
dynapshl := DLMDIF('dynamically allocated gcs shadows');
prcma := DLMDIF('gcs recovery claim msgs actual');
prcml := DLMDIF('gcs recovery claim msgs logical');
pwrm := DLMDIF('gcs write request msgs');
pfpim := DLMDIF('gcs flush pi msgs');
pwnm := DLMDIF('gcs write notification msgs');
dpms := SYSDIF('gcs messages sent');
dnpms := SYSDIF('ges messages sent');
glsg := SYSDIF('global lock sync gets');
glag := SYSDIF('global lock async gets');
glgt := SYSDIF('global lock get time');
glsc := SYSDIF('global lock sync converts');
glac := SYSDIF('global lock async converts');
glct := SYSDIF('global lock convert time');
glrl := SYSDIF('global lock releases');
gcge := SYSDIF('global cache gets');
gcgt := SYSDIF('global cache get time');
gccv := SYSDIF('global cache converts');
gcct := SYSDIF('global cache convert time');
gccrrv := SYSDIF('global cache cr blocks received');
gccrrt := SYSDIF('global cache cr block receive time');
gccurv := SYSDIF('global cache current blocks received');
gccurt := SYSDIF('global cache current block receive time');
gccrsv := SYSDIF('global cache cr blocks served');
gccrbt := SYSDIF('global cache cr block build time');
gccrft := SYSDIF('global cache cr block flush time');
gccrst := SYSDIF('global cache cr block send time');
gccusv := SYSDIF('global cache current blocks served');
gccupt := SYSDIF('global cache current block pin time');
gccuft := SYSDIF('global cache current block flush time');
gccust := SYSDIF('global cache current block send time');
end if;
/* Determine if we want to report on session-specific statistics.
Check that the session is the same one for both snapshots.
select session_id
, serial#
into l_b_session_id
, l_b_serial#
from stats$snapshot
where snap_id = bid
and dbid = db_ident
and instance_number = inst_num;
select session_id
, serial#
into l_e_session_id
, l_e_serial#
from stats$snapshot
where snap_id = eid
and dbid = db_ident
and instance_number = inst_num;
if ( (l_b_session_id = l_e_session_id)
and (l_b_serial# = l_e_serial#)
and (l_b_session_id != 0) ) then
/* we have a valid comparison - it is the
same session - get number of tx performed
by this session */
strn := SESDIF('user rollbacks') + SESDIF('user commits');
if strn = 0 then
/* No new transactions */
strn := 1;
end if;
/* No valid comparison can be made */
strn :=1;
end if;
function SNAP
(i_snap_level in number default null
,i_session_id in number default null
,i_ucomment in varchar2 default null
,i_num_sql in number default null
,i_executions_th in number default null
,i_parse_calls_th in number default null
,i_disk_reads_th in number default null
,i_buffer_gets_th in number default null
,i_sharable_mem_th in number default null
,i_version_count_th in number default null
,i_all_init in varchar2 default null
,i_pin_statspack in varchar2 default null
,i_modify_parameter in varchar2 default 'FALSE'
RETURN integer IS
/* This function performs a snapshot of the v$ views into the
stats$ tables, and returns the snapshot id.
If parameters are passed, these are the values used, otherwise
the values stored in the stats$statspack_parameter table are used.
l_snap_id integer;
l_snap_level number;
l_session_id number;
l_serial# number;
l_ucomment varchar2(160);
l_num_sql number;
l_executions_th number;
l_parse_calls_th number;
l_disk_reads_th number;
l_buffer_gets_th number;
l_sharable_mem_th number;
l_version_count_th number;
l_all_init varchar2(5);
l_pin_statspack varchar2(10);
l_sql_stmt varchar2(3000);
l_slarti varchar2(20);
l_threshold number;
l_total_sql number := 0;
l_total_sql_mem number := 0;
l_single_use_sql number := 0;
l_single_use_sql_mem number := 0;
l_text_subset varchar2(31);
l_sharable_mem number;
l_version_count number;
l_sorts number;
l_module varchar2(64);
l_loaded_versions number;
l_executions number;
l_loads number;
l_invalidations number;
l_parse_calls number;
l_disk_reads number;
l_buffer_gets number;
l_rows_processed number;
l_address raw(8);
l_hash_value number;
l_version_count number;
l_max_begin_time date;
cursor GETSERIAL is
select serial#
from v$session
where sid = l_session_id;
/* Gather summary statistics */
insert into stats$sql_statistics
( snap_id
, dbid
, instance_number
, total_sql
, total_sql_mem
, single_use_sql
, single_use_sql_mem
select l_snap_id
, p_dbid
, p_instance_number
, count(1)
, sum(sharable_mem)
, sum(decode(executions, 1, 1, 0))
, sum(decode(executions, 1, sharable_mem, 0))
from stats$v$sqlxs
where is_obsolete = 'N';
/* Gather SQL statements which exceed any threshold,
excluding obsolete parent cursors
insert into stats$sql_summary
( snap_id
, dbid
, instance_number
, text_subset
, sharable_mem
, sorts
, module
, loaded_versions
, executions
, loads
, invalidations
, parse_calls
, disk_reads
, buffer_gets
, rows_processed
, command_type
, address
, hash_value
, version_count
, cpu_time
, elapsed_time
, outline_sid
, outline_category
select l_snap_id
, p_dbid
, p_instance_number
, substr(sql_text,1,31)
, sharable_mem
, sorts
, module
, loaded_versions
, executions
, loads
, invalidations
, parse_calls
, disk_reads
, buffer_gets
, rows_processed
, command_type
, address
, hash_value
, version_count
, cpu_time
, elapsed_time
, outline_sid
, outline_category
from stats$v$sqlxs
where is_obsolete = 'N'
and ( buffer_gets > l_buffer_gets_th
or disk_reads > l_disk_reads_th
or parse_calls > l_parse_calls_th
or executions > l_executions_th
or sharable_mem > l_sharable_mem_th
or version_count > l_version_count_th
/* Insert the SQL Text for hash_values captured in the snapshot
into stats$sqltext if it's not already there. Identify SQL which
execeeded the threshold by querying stats$sql_summary for this
snapid and database instance
insert into stats$sqltext
( hash_value
, text_subset
, piece
, sql_text
, address
, command_type
, last_snap_id
select st1.hash_value
, ss.text_subset
, st1.piece
, st1.sql_text
, st1.address
, st1.command_type
, ss.snap_id
from v$sqltext st1
, stats$sql_summary ss
where ss.snap_id = l_snap_id
and ss.dbid = p_dbid
and ss.instance_number = p_instance_number
and st1.hash_value = ss.hash_value
and st1.address = ss.address
and not exists (select 1
from stats$sqltext st2
where st2.hash_value = ss.hash_value
and st2.text_subset = ss.text_subset
IF l_snap_level >= 6 THEN
/* Identify SQL which execeeded the threshold by querying
stats$sql_summary for this snapid and database instance.
Capture the plans which were used for the high-load SQL if
don't already have this data.
Omit capturing plan usage information for cursors which
have a zero plan hash value.
Currently this is captured in a level 6 (or greater)
snapshot, however this may be integrated into level 5
snapshot at a later date.
hl - high load
insert into stats$sql_plan_usage
( hash_value
, text_subset
, plan_hash_value
, cost
, snap_id
, address
, optimizer
select hl.hash_value
, hl.text_subset
, hl.plan_hash_value
, hl.cost
, max(hl.snap_id)
, max(hl.address)
, max(hl.optimizer)
from (select /*+ ordered use_nl(sq) index(sq) */
, ss.text_subset
, sq.plan_hash_value
, nvl(sq.optimizer_cost,-9) cost
, ss.snap_id snap_id
, ss.address
, sq.optimizer_mode optimizer
from stats$sql_summary ss
, v$sql sq
where ss.snap_id = l_snap_id
and ss.dbid = p_dbid
and ss.instance_number = p_instance_number
and sq.hash_value = ss.hash_value
and sq.address = ss.address
and sq.plan_hash_value > 0
) hl
where not exists (select /*+ no_unnest */
from stats$sql_plan_usage spu
where spu.hash_value = hl.hash_value
and spu.text_subset = hl.text_subset
and spu.plan_hash_value
= hl.plan_hash_value
and spu.cost = hl.cost
group by hl.hash_value
, hl.text_subset
, hl.plan_hash_value
, hl.cost
, hl.optimizer;
/* For all new hash_value, plan_hash_value, cost combinations
just captured, get the optimizer plans, if we don't already
have them. Note that the plan (and hence the plan hash value)
comprises the access path and the join order (and not
variable factors such as the cardinality).
insert into stats$sql_plan
( plan_hash_value
, id
, operation
, options
, object_node
, object#
, object_owner
, object_name
, optimizer
, parent_id
, depth
, position
, cost
, cardinality
, bytes
, other_tag
, partition_start
, partition_stop
, partition_id
, other
, distribution
, cpu_cost
, io_cost
, temp_space
, snap_id
select /*+ ordered use_nl(s) use_nl(sp.p) */
, max(sp.operation)
, max(sp.options)
, max(sp.object_node)
, max(sp.object#)
, max(sp.object_owner)
, max(sp.object_name)
, max(sp.optimizer)
, max(sp.parent_id)
, max(sp.depth)
, max(sp.position)
, max(sp.cost)
, max(sp.cardinality)
, max(sp.bytes)
, max(sp.other_tag)
, max(sp.partition_start)
, max(sp.partition_stop)
, max(sp.partition_id)
, max(sp.other)
, max(sp.distribution)
, max(sp.cpu_cost)
, max(sp.io_cost)
, max(sp.temp_space)
, max(new_plan.snap_id)
from (select /*+ index(spu) */
, spu.hash_value
, spu.address
, spu.text_subset
, spu.snap_id
from stats$sql_plan_usage spu
where spu.snap_id = l_snap_id
and not exists (select /*+ nl_aj */ *
from stats$sql_plan ssp
where ssp.plan_hash_value
= spu.plan_hash_value
) new_plan
, v$sql s
, v$sql_plan sp
where sp.hash_value = new_plan.hash_value
and sp.address = new_plan.address
and s.hash_value = new_plan.hash_value
and s.address = new_plan.address
and s.hash_value = sp.hash_value
and s.address = sp.address
and s.child_number = sp.child_number
group by
END IF; /* snap level >=6 */
END snap_sql;
begin /* Function SNAP */
/* Get instance parameter defaults from stats$statspack_parameter,
or use supplied parameters.
If all parameters are specified, use them, otherwise get values
from the parameters not specified from stats$statspack_parameter.
( p_dbid
, p_instance_number
, i_snap_level, i_session_id, i_ucomment, i_num_sql
, i_executions_th, i_parse_calls_th
, i_disk_reads_th, i_buffer_gets_th, i_sharable_mem_th
, i_version_count_th, i_all_init
, i_pin_statspack
, i_modify_parameter
, l_snap_level, l_session_id, l_ucomment, l_num_sql
, l_executions_th, l_parse_calls_th
, l_disk_reads_th, l_buffer_gets_th, l_sharable_mem_th
, l_version_count_th, l_all_init
, l_pin_statspack);
/* Generate a snapshot id */
select stats$snapshot_id.nextval
into l_snap_id
from dual
where rownum = 1;
/* Determine the serial# of the session to maintain stats for,
if this was requested.
if l_session_id > 0 then
if not GETSERIAL%ISOPEN then open GETSERIAL; end if;
fetch GETSERIAL into l_serial#;
/* Session has already disappeared - don't gather
statistics for this session in this snapshot */
l_session_id := 0;
l_serial# := 0;
end if; close GETSERIAL;
l_serial# := 0;
end if;
/* The instance has been restarted since the last snapshot */
if p_new_sga = 0
p_new_sga := 1;
/* Get the instance startup time, and other characteristics */
insert into stats$database_instance
( dbid
, instance_number
, startup_time
, snap_id
, parallel
, version
, db_name
, instance_name
, host_name
select p_dbid
, p_instance_number
, p_startup_time
, l_snap_id
, p_parallel
, p_version
, p_name
, p_instance_name
, p_host_name
from sys.dual;
end if; /* new SGA */
/* Work out the max undo stat time, used for gathering undo stat data */
select nvl(max(begin_time), to_date('01011900','DDMMYYYY'))
into l_max_begin_time
from stats$undostat
where dbid = p_dbid
and instance_number = p_instance_number;
/* Save the snapshot characteristics */
insert into stats$snapshot
( snap_id, dbid, instance_number
, snap_time, startup_time
, session_id, snap_level, ucomment
, executions_th, parse_calls_th, disk_reads_th
, buffer_gets_th, sharable_mem_th
, version_count_th, serial#, all_init)
( l_snap_id, p_dbid, p_instance_number
, SYSDATE, p_startup_time
, l_session_id, l_snap_level, l_ucomment
, l_executions_th, l_parse_calls_th, l_disk_reads_th
, l_buffer_gets_th, l_sharable_mem_th
, l_version_count_th, l_serial#, l_all_init);
/* Begin gathering statistics */
insert into stats$filestatxs
( snap_id
, dbid
, instance_number
, tsname
, filename
, phyrds
, phywrts
, singleblkrds
, readtim
, writetim
, singleblkrdtim
, phyblkrd
, phyblkwrt
, wait_count
, time
select l_snap_id
, p_dbid
, p_instance_number
, tsname
, filename
, phyrds
, phywrts
, singleblkrds
, readtim
, writetim
, singleblkrdtim
, phyblkrd
, phyblkwrt
, wait_count
, time
from stats$v$filestatxs;
insert into stats$tempstatxs
( snap_id
, dbid
, instance_number
, tsname
, filename
, phyrds
, phywrts
, singleblkrds
, readtim
, writetim
, singleblkrdtim
, phyblkrd
, phyblkwrt
, wait_count
, time
select l_snap_id
, p_dbid
, p_instance_number
, tsname
, filename
, phyrds
, phywrts
, singleblkrds
, readtim
, writetim
, singleblkrdtim
, phyblkrd
, phyblkwrt
, wait_count
, time
from stats$v$tempstatxs;
insert into stats$librarycache
( snap_id
, dbid
, instance_number
, namespace
, gets
, gethits
, pins
, pinhits
, reloads
, invalidations
, dlm_lock_requests
, dlm_pin_requests
, dlm_pin_releases
, dlm_invalidation_requests
, dlm_invalidations
select l_snap_id
, p_dbid
, p_instance_number
, namespace
, gets
, gethits
, pins
, pinhits
, reloads
, invalidations
, dlm_lock_requests
, dlm_pin_requests
, dlm_pin_releases
, dlm_invalidation_requests
, dlm_invalidations
from v$librarycache;
insert into stats$buffer_pool_statistics
( snap_id
, dbid
, instance_number
, id
, name
, block_size
, set_msize
, cnum_repl
, cnum_write
, cnum_set
, buf_got
, sum_write
, sum_scan
, free_buffer_wait
, write_complete_wait
, buffer_busy_wait
, free_buffer_inspected
, dirty_buffers_inspected
, db_block_change
, db_block_gets
, consistent_gets
, physical_reads
, physical_writes
select l_snap_id
, p_dbid
, p_instance_number
, id
, name
, block_size
, set_msize
, cnum_repl
, cnum_write
, cnum_set
, buf_got
, sum_write
, sum_scan
, free_buffer_wait
, write_complete_wait
, buffer_busy_wait
, free_buffer_inspected
, dirty_buffers_inspected
, db_block_change
, db_block_gets
, consistent_gets
, physical_reads
, physical_writes
from v$buffer_pool_statistics;
insert into stats$rollstat
( snap_id
, dbid
, instance_number
, usn
, extents
, rssize
, writes
, xacts
, gets
, waits
, optsize
, hwmsize
, shrinks
, wraps
, extends
, aveshrink
, aveactive
select l_snap_id
, p_dbid
, p_instance_number
, usn
, extents
, rssize
, writes
, xacts
, gets
, waits
, optsize
, hwmsize
, shrinks
, wraps
, extends
, aveshrink
, aveactive
from v$rollstat;
insert into stats$rowcache_summary
( snap_id
, dbid
, instance_number
, parameter
, total_usage
, usage
, gets
, getmisses
, scans
, scanmisses
, scancompletes
, modifications
, flushes
, dlm_requests
, dlm_conflicts
, dlm_releases
select l_snap_id
, p_dbid
, p_instance_number
, parameter
, sum("COUNT")
, sum(usage)
, sum(gets)
, sum(getmisses)
, sum(scans)
, sum(scanmisses)
, sum(scancompletes)
, sum(modifications)
, sum(flushes)
, sum(dlm_requests)
, sum(dlm_conflicts)
, sum(dlm_releases)
from v$rowcache
group by l_snap_id, p_dbid, p_instance_number, parameter;
/* Collect parameters every snapshot, to cater for dynamic
parameters changable while instance is running
if l_all_init = 'FALSE' then
insert into stats$parameter
( snap_id
, dbid
, instance_number
, name
, value
, isdefault
, ismodified
select l_snap_id
, p_dbid
, p_instance_number
, name
, value
, isdefault
, ismodified
from v$system_parameter;
insert into stats$parameter
( snap_id
, dbid
, instance_number
, name
, value
, isdefault
, ismodified
select l_snap_id
, p_dbid
, p_instance_number
, i.ksppinm
, sv.ksppstvl
, sv.ksppstdf
, decode(bitand(sv.ksppstvf,7),1,'MODIFIED',4,'SYSTEM_MOD','FALSE')
from stats$x$ksppi i
, stats$x$ksppsv sv
where i.indx = sv.indx;
end if;
/* To cater for variable size SGA - insert on each snapshot */
insert into stats$sga
( snap_id
, dbid
, instance_number
, name
, value
select l_snap_id
, p_dbid
, p_instance_number
, name
, value
from v$sga;
/* Get current allocation of memory in the SGA */
insert into stats$sgastat
( snap_id
, dbid
, instance_number
, pool
, name
, bytes
select l_snap_id
, p_dbid
, p_instance_number
, pool
, name
, bytes
from v$sgastat;
insert into stats$system_event
( snap_id
, dbid
, instance_number
, event
, total_waits
, total_timeouts
, time_waited_micro
select l_snap_id
, p_dbid
, p_instance_number
, event
, total_waits
, total_timeouts
, time_waited_micro
from v$system_event;
insert into stats$bg_event_summary
( snap_id
, dbid
, instance_number
, event
, total_waits
, total_timeouts
, time_waited_micro
select l_snap_id
, p_dbid
, p_instance_number
, e.event
, sum(e.total_waits)
, sum(e.total_timeouts)
, sum(e.time_waited_micro)
from v$session_event e
where e.sid in (select s.sid from v$session s where s.type = 'BACKGROUND')
group by l_snap_id, p_dbid, p_instance_number, e.event;
insert into stats$sysstat
( snap_id
, dbid
, instance_number
, statistic#
, name
, value
select l_snap_id
, p_dbid
, p_instance_number
, statistic#
, name
, value
from v$sysstat;
insert into stats$waitstat
( snap_id
, dbid
, instance_number
, class
, wait_count
, time
select l_snap_id
, p_dbid
, p_instance_number
, class
, time
from v$waitstat;
insert into stats$enqueue_stat
( snap_id
, dbid
, instance_number
, eq_type
, total_req#
, total_wait#
, succ_req#
, failed_req#
, cum_wait_time
select l_snap_id
, p_dbid
, p_instance_number
, eq_type
, total_req#
, total_wait#
, succ_req#
, failed_req#
, cum_wait_time
from v$enqueue_stat
where total_req# != 0;
insert into stats$latch
( snap_id
, dbid
, instance_number
, name
, latch#
, level#
, gets
, misses
, sleeps
, immediate_gets
, immediate_misses
, spin_gets
, sleep1
, sleep2
, sleep3
, sleep4
, wait_time
select l_snap_id
, p_dbid
, p_instance_number
, name
, latch#
, level#
, gets
, misses
, sleeps
, immediate_gets
, immediate_misses
, spin_gets
, sleep1
, sleep2
, sleep3
, sleep4
, wait_time
from v$latch;
insert into stats$latch_misses_summary
( snap_id
, dbid
, instance_number
, parent_name
, where_in_code
, nwfail_count
, sleep_count
, wtr_slp_count
select l_snap_id
, p_dbid
, p_instance_number
, parent_name
, sum(nwfail_count)
, sum(sleep_count)
, sum(wtr_slp_count)
from v$latch_misses
where sleep_count > 0
group by l_snap_id, p_dbid, p_instance_number
, parent_name, "WHERE";
insert into stats$resource_limit
( snap_id
, dbid
, instance_number
, resource_name
, current_utilization
, max_utilization
, initial_allocation
, limit_value
select l_snap_id
, p_dbid
, p_instance_number
, resource_name
, current_utilization
, max_utilization
, initial_allocation
, limit_value
from v$resource_limit
where limit_value != ' UNLIMITED'
and max_utilization > 0;
insert into stats$undostat
( begin_time
, end_time
, dbid
, instance_number
, snap_id
, undotsn
, undoblks
, txncount
, maxquerylen
, maxconcurrency
, unxpstealcnt
, unxpblkrelcnt
, unxpblkreucnt
, expstealcnt
, expblkrelcnt
, expblkreucnt
, ssolderrcnt
, nospaceerrcnt
select begin_time
, end_time
, p_dbid
, p_instance_number
, l_snap_id
, undotsn
, undoblks
, txncount
, maxquerylen
, maxconcurrency
, unxpstealcnt
, unxpblkrelcnt
, unxpblkreucnt
, expstealcnt
, expblkrelcnt
, expblkreucnt
, ssolderrcnt
, nospaceerrcnt
from v$undostat
where begin_time > l_max_begin_time
and begin_time + (1/(24*6)) <= end_time;
insert into stats$db_cache_advice
( snap_id
, dbid
, instance_number
, id
, name
, block_size
, buffers_for_estimate
, advice_status
, size_for_estimate
, estd_physical_read_factor
, estd_physical_reads
select l_snap_id
, p_dbid
, p_instance_number
, id
, name
, block_size
, buffers_for_estimate
, advice_status
, size_for_estimate
, estd_physical_read_factor
, estd_physical_reads
from v$db_cache_advice
where advice_status = 'ON';
insert into stats$pgastat
( snap_id
, dbid
, instance_number
, name
, value
select l_snap_id
, p_dbid
, p_instance_number
, name
, value
from v$pgastat;
insert into stats$instance_recovery
( snap_id
, dbid
, instance_number
, recovery_estimated_ios
, actual_redo_blks
, target_redo_blks
, log_file_size_redo_blks
, log_chkpt_timeout_redo_blks
, log_chkpt_interval_redo_blks
, fast_start_io_target_redo_blks
, target_mttr
, estimated_mttr
, ckpt_block_writes
select l_snap_id
, p_dbid
, p_instance_number
, recovery_estimated_ios
, actual_redo_blks
, target_redo_blks
, log_file_size_redo_blks
, log_chkpt_timeout_redo_blks
, log_chkpt_interval_redo_blks
, fast_start_io_target_redo_blks
, target_mttr
, estimated_mttr
, ckpt_block_writes
from v$instance_recovery;
if p_parallel = 'YES' then
insert into stats$dlm_misc
( snap_id
, dbid
, instance_number
, statistic#
, name
, value
select l_snap_id
, p_dbid
, p_instance_number
, statistic#
, name
, value
from v$dlm_misc;
end if; /* parallel */
/* Begin gathering Extended Statistics */
IF l_snap_level >= 5 THEN
END IF; /* snap level >=5 */
IF l_snap_level >= 10 THEN
insert into stats$latch_children
( snap_id
, dbid
, instance_number
, latch#
, child#
, gets
, misses
, sleeps
, immediate_gets
, immediate_misses
, spin_gets
, sleep1
, sleep2
, sleep3
, sleep4
, wait_time
select l_snap_id
, p_dbid
, p_instance_number
, latch#
, child#
, gets
, misses
, sleeps
, immediate_gets
, immediate_misses
, spin_gets
, sleep1
, sleep2
, sleep3
, sleep4
, wait_time
from v$latch_children;
insert into stats$latch_parent
( snap_id
, dbid
, instance_number
, latch#
, level#
, gets
, misses
, sleeps
, immediate_gets
, immediate_misses
, spin_gets
, sleep1
, sleep2
, sleep3
, sleep4
, wait_time
select l_snap_id
, p_dbid
, p_instance_number
, latch#
, level#
, gets
, misses
, sleeps
, immediate_gets
, immediate_misses
, spin_gets
, sleep1
, sleep2
, sleep3
, sleep4
, wait_time
from v$latch_parent;
END IF; /* snap level >=10 */
/* Record level session-granular statistics if a specific session
has been requested
if l_session_id > 0
insert into stats$sesstat
( snap_id
, dbid
, instance_number
, statistic#
, value
select l_snap_id
, p_dbid
, p_instance_number
, statistic#
, value
from v$sesstat
where sid = l_session_id;
insert into stats$session_event
( snap_id
, dbid
, instance_number
, event
, total_waits
, total_timeouts
, time_waited_micro
, max_wait
select l_snap_id
, p_dbid
, p_instance_number
, event
, total_waits
, total_timeouts
, time_waited_micro
, max_wait
from v$session_event
where sid = l_session_id;
end if;
commit work;
RETURN l_snap_id;
end SNAP; /* Function SNAP */
begin /* STATSPACK body */
/* Query the database id, instance_number, database name, instance
name and startup time for the instance we are working on
/* Get information about the current instance */
open get_instance;
fetch get_instance into
p_instance_number, p_instance_name
, p_startup_time, p_parallel, p_version
, p_host_name;
close get_instance;
/* Select the database info for the db connected to */
open get_db;
fetch get_db into p_dbid, p_name;
close get_db;
/* Keep the package
sys.dbms_shared_pool.keep('PERFSTAT.STATSPACK', 'P');
/* Determine if the instance has been restarted since the previous snapshot
select 1
into p_new_sga
from stats$database_instance
where startup_time = p_startup_time
and dbid = p_dbid
and instance_number = p_instance_number;
when NO_DATA_FOUND then
p_new_sga := 0;
Warning: Package Body created with compilation errors.
SQL> show error
2045/3 PLS-00201: identifier 'SYS.DBMS_SHARED_POOL' must be declared
2045/3 PL/SQL: Statement ignored

When i compiled the package, it compiled with following error.
Warning: Package Body created with compilation errors.
SQL> show error
2045/3 PLS-00201: identifier 'SYS.DBMS_SHARED_POOL' must be declared
2045/3 PL/SQL: Statement ignored

Similar Messages

  • Failed to load Execute Package Task error.

    Hello Experts,
    Excuse my newbie question.
    Execute Package Task: Error: The task has failed to load. The contact information for the task is "Microsoft Corporation; Microsoft SQL Server; Microsoft corporation; All Rights Reserved"
    We have a windows service running on our app server that deploys a package that executes other packages using execute package task. This package and rest of the packages are in the same folder at the same level under integration services
    catalog. The package fails to execute with the above said error.
    Execute package task is configured to run in 'in-process' mode. Changing delay validation to true/false in child packages didn't help.
    ironically if the package is deployed using a console application from the app server the package gets executed just fine. I checked permissions, everything seem fine.
    Is there anyway to get details of this error to understand the problem better? I am looking at reports > standard reports > all executions.

    As it turns out, the 63bit ExecPackageTask.dll was not found under "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\DTS\Binn". Installing "SQL Server Data Tools" installed only 32 bit version of the component under "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL
    Is there a way to get 64bit version of this component without installing "Integration Services" (to avoid possible license issues)?
    Hi Jayakarthiks,
    To make use of the 64-bit ExecPackageTask.dll, you also need the 64-bit SSIS runtime and 64-bit DTExec utility tool. To obtain the 64-bit SSIS runtime and tools, you have to install the SQL Server Integration Services service from your SQL Server 2012 install
    Mike Yin
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click here
    Mike Yin
    TechNet Community Support

  • Package-query: error while loading shared libraries: can

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  • Package Validation Error - SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR - Error code: 0x80040E4D

    I sometimes get the following error randomly - 
    Package Validation Error
    Error at MY_PACKAGE_PLUS[Connection manager "MY_DATABASE"]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR.  An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E4D.
    An OLE DB record is available.  Source: "Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 10.0"  Hresult: 0x80040E4D  Description: "Login failed for user 'USERNAMEZ'.".
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    code 0xC0202009.  There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the AcquireConnection method call failed.
    My package name in SSIS/BIDS is MY_PACKAGE, but in the error I see MY_PACKAGE_PLUS, which was the name of an older version of the package. This error goes away when I close SSIS and then restart it. I wonder why this happens and how do I fix it
    ? Is this some bug in SSIS ? The same package runs without errors in SQL server agent.

    It seems the old package reference still exists in your project bin folder or inside stproj file. WHich is why it tries to validate the older package each time when you start  the project.
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ----------------------------

  • Package Authoring Error

    I may have come to the wrong Forum and if so my apologies but if there is some one who could let me know if i need be concerned of the following errors i have just noticed in Console after having done recent Java And Safari update today.both installations i believe were completed successfully but console is showing the following message.
    13/03/2011 13:43:52 Software Update[133] Software Update Package Authoring Error: installation-check results requires a message
    13/03/2011 13:38:58 Software Update[136] Software Update Package Authoring Error: <choices-outline ui='SoftwareUpdate'> should only have one <line> element. Put additional <line> elements in a <choices-outline ui='invisible'> element.
    Thanks in advance

    mach_kernel file missing in root of harddrive
    replaced, now working again

  • Currency Translation- Package Status error

    I am encountering the following error after running  the currency translation package.
    The following is the error message in the package log
    RUN LOGIC : Run program error,Message Number : ''''
    Application:Sales Package Status :ERROR
    Can some one please tell me what does this error mean and how it can be resolved

    This error has been discussed in many threads here in this forum.
    Refer these and see if u can get a solution:
    Re: Currency conversion issue.
    Re: Currency Conversion Problem

  • AIR 15.0 for OSX - ADT: Packaging failed. Packager internal error

    Packaging a SWF to AIR with captive runtime and native installer (using "-package bundle"), building on PC worked perfectly fine.  After making all of the requisite changes to make it work for Mac, I'm now running into the "Packaging failed. Packager internal error" when building using adt through the command line.  My .command script is as follows:
    cd [directory]
    adt -package -storetype pkcs12 -keystore ../cert/key.p12 -storepass pw -target bundle Bundle ../App.xml App.swf -extdir ../lib icons/16.png icons/32.png icons/128.png
    What can cause this vague "Packger interal error" error? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

    I have same problem with apple Developer Id Application certificate (downloaded from apple), got past the chain error message by including intermediate and root certificates when I exported from keychain, but got the package error referenced here. Also when I sign on windows machine with my code signing certificate (selecting windows installer) all publishes ok, but the certificate is not attached, says 'unknown developer' when I down load and try and run installer on windows machine. I sent the exe to Comodo (the guys I got the code signing certificate from) and they say the exe is not signed.
    Finally I get 'The digital certificate is invalid'  error when I try and use 'Developer Id Installer' certificate (downloaded from apple).
    I think there must be several problems here with Air SDK.
    Stopping me from publishing and I have a very upset Customer. Can someone from Adobe please advise asap.

  • Security package specific error occurred when trying to connect to Orchestrator with remote Runbook Designer

    When I try to connect to Orchestrator server with Runbook Designer installed on my laptop I get an error saying "A security  package specific error occurred.".
    Entry from Designer log file is below. I've tried to set error level to 3 and 7 but got no additional info about the error. I'm unable to find any details of the error on server or client side in any logs (Event Log or Orchestrator trace logs).
    Connecting to Orchestrator Management Server with local Designer installed on the server works fine. 
    Orchestrator is installed in AD environment and security groups are properly configured.
    Can anybody help?
    2012-06-12 11:35:51 [7472] 1 Exception caught in long __cdecl `anonymous-namespace'::connectCommunicator(struct HWND__ *,const class std::basic_string<wchar_t,struct std::char_traits<wchar_t>,class std::allocator<wchar_t> > &)
    void __thiscall ServiceCommunicator::connect(const class std::basic_string<wchar_t,struct std::char_traits<wchar_t>,class std::allocator<wchar_t> > &)
    <MsgCode>A security package specific error occurred.

    I'm having a similar issue with one of our runbook servers. i cannot deploy any IPs to it. I get the error "A security package specific error occurred". I can open the designer on the runbook server, connect to the management server, and look at
    runbooks. They wont run on the server without the IPs though, but it doesnt seem like a connection issue. i have also tried uninstalling/re-installing the runbook server and i get the same. 
    Has anybody else run into this? 
    Heres an error fromthe event log:
    The Kerberos client received a KRB_AP_ERR_MODIFIED error from the server <Service Account>. The target name used was HOST/ This indicates that the target server failed to decrypt the ticket provided by the client. This can
    occur when the target server principal name (SPN) is registered on an account other than the account the target service is using. Please ensure that the target SPN is registered on, and only registered on, the account used by the server. This error can also
    happen when the target service is using a different password for the target service account than what the Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC) has for the target service account. Please ensure that the service on the server and the KDC are both updated to
    use the current password. If the server name is not fully qualified, and the target domain (domain.domain.COM) is different from the client domain (domain.domain.COM), check if there are identically named server accounts in these two domains, or use the fully-qualified
    name to identify the server.
    So maybe I was just given the wrong account.
    - Slow is smooth and smooth is fast.

  • Combined Update 10.8.3 installation failure JS: Package Authoring Error:

    Hi there,
    I'm trying to install the combined Update 10.8.3 from 10.8.2.
    It doesn't show in the Softwarupdate, so i downloaded it from
    Now i get a failure while Installing, or before installing.
    Konsole log:
    24.04.13 12:06:12,138 CoreServicesUIAgent[3438]: Error: qtn_file_apply_to_path error: Read-only file system
    24.04.13 12:06:12,375 Installer[3474]: CoreAnimation: warning, deleted thread with uncommitted CATransaction; set CA_DEBUG_TRANSACTIONS=1 in environment to log backtraces.
    24.04.13 12:06:14,355 Installer[3474]: CoreAnimation: warning, deleted thread with uncommitted CATransaction; set CA_DEBUG_TRANSACTIONS=1 in environment to log backtraces.
    24.04.13 12:06:14,664 Installer[3474]: *** WARNING: -[NSImage compositeToPoint:operation:] is deprecated in MacOSX 10.8 and later. Please use -[NSImage drawAtPoint:fromRect:operation:fraction:] instead.
    24.04.13 12:06:14,664 Installer[3474]: *** WARNING: -[NSImage compositeToPoint:fromRect:operation:] is deprecated in MacOSX 10.8 and later. Please use -[NSImage drawAtPoint:fromRect:operation:fraction:] instead.
    24.04.13 12:06:14,684 Installer[3474]: *** WARNING: -[NSImage compositeToPoint:operation:fraction:] is deprecated in MacOSX 10.8 and later. Please use -[NSImage drawAtPoint:fromRect:operation:fraction:] instead.
    24.04.13 12:06:14,684 Installer[3474]: *** WARNING: -[NSImage compositeToPoint:fromRect:operation:fraction:] is deprecated in MacOSX 10.8 and later. Please use -[NSImage drawAtPoint:fromRect:operation:fraction:] instead.
    24.04.13 12:06:14,687 Installer[3474]: CoreAnimation: warning, deleted thread with uncommitted CATransaction; set CA_DEBUG_TRANSACTIONS=1 in environment to log backtraces.
    24.04.13 12:06:27,707 SystemUIServer[132]: -[TCMNATPMPPortMapper_Combined refreshExternalIPInThread] NAT-PMP: IP refresh did fail: -7
    Install log:
    Apr 24 12:06:12 Kid-Mac.local Installer[3474]: @(#)PROGRAM:Install  PROJECT:Install-735
    Apr 24 12:06:12 Kid-Mac.local Installer[3474]: @(#)PROGRAM:Installer  PROJECT:Installer-614
    Apr 24 12:06:12 Kid-Mac.local Installer[3474]: Hardware: MacBookPro10,1 @ 2.30 GHz (x 8), 8192 MB RAM
    Apr 24 12:06:12 Kid-Mac.local Installer[3474]: Running OS Build: Mac OS X 10.8.2 (12C3012)
    Apr 24 12:06:12 Kid-Mac.local Installer[3474]: Env: PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
    Apr 24 12:06:12 Kid-Mac.local Installer[3474]: Env: TMPDIR=/var/folders/s_/kjdj96xj0y50zdqk_zrl0s5h0000gn/T/
    Apr 24 12:06:12 Kid-Mac.local Installer[3474]: Env: SHELL=/bin/bash
    Apr 24 12:06:12 Kid-Mac.local Installer[3474]: Env: HOME=/Users/KidNoob
    Apr 24 12:06:12 Kid-Mac.local Installer[3474]: Env: USER=KidNoob
    Apr 24 12:06:12 Kid-Mac.local Installer[3474]: Env: LOGNAME=KidNoob
    Apr 24 12:06:12 Kid-Mac.local Installer[3474]: Env: SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/launch-6bZ1Un/Listeners
    Apr 24 12:06:12 Kid-Mac.local Installer[3474]: Env: Apple_Ubiquity_Message=/tmp/launch-vrGAQ6/Apple_Ubiquity_Message
    Apr 24 12:06:12 Kid-Mac.local Installer[3474]: Env: Apple_PubSub_Socket_Render=/tmp/launch-faovOF/Render
    Apr 24 12:06:12 Kid-Mac.local Installer[3474]: Env: COMMAND_MODE=unix2003
    Apr 24 12:06:12 Kid-Mac.local Installer[3474]: Env: __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0:3
    Apr 24 12:06:12 Kid-Mac.local Installer[3474]: Kombiniertes OS X-Update  Installation Log
    Apr 24 12:06:12 Kid-Mac.local Installer[3474]: Opened from: /Volumes/OS X 10.8.3 Update Combo/OSXUpdCombo10.8.3.pkg
    Apr 24 12:06:12 Kid-Mac.local Installer[3474]: Product archive /Volumes/OS X 10.8.3 Update Combo/OSXUpdCombo10.8.3.pkg trustLevel=501
    Apr 24 12:06:12 Kid-Mac.local Installer[3474]: JS: Package Authoring Error: Exception thrown while running volume check. TypeError: 'null' is not an object (evaluating '')
    Found the solution with the ServerVersion.plist but there is nothing in my CoreServices folder.
    Thx for Help.

    finally I reinstall Mountain Lion,
    CMD+R, New Install!
    The only thing, you have to Install the newest Java Version, thats it!

  • Xtra package download error 125

    I am trying to get an xtra to download automatically in
    shockwave but I get an "Xtra package download error 125" everytime
    I try and run my published .dcr. The xtra is SequenceXtra 1.9. I
    have the download packs on my server, I have added the xtra to my
    xtrainfo.txt and I have added the xtra to my movie and set it to
    download if needed in the modify->movie->xtras menu (it
    checks my server for the download pack then and it seems to pick it
    up okay). Is there anything else I need to do or has anyone seen
    anything like this before?

    What URL is prompting the download, and which browser and OS combination are you running?

  • Failed to evaluate package P01000XX, Error code 0x80070002

    I have a package that got deleted while it still had all the DP's listed under content location, so now I have every site flagged with a big yellow warning.
    Not really a big deal but before I could just look at all 54 secondary's at a glance and see green but now I have to select each one to check its status.
    Anyone know how to remove it like it never existing so my update status points will go back to green?

    Does the smsdpmon.log still say "Failed to evaluate package P01000F3, Error code 0x80070002" now?
    Please check the blog below.
    If the package is not on the site, you must remove the package from WMI on the distribution point. The namespace to connect to is root\sccmdp.
    Troubleshooting Content Mismatch Warnings on a Distribution Point in
    System Center 2012 Configuration Manager
    Best Regards,
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact [email protected]

  • Some package installation error during zone installation steps.....

    i am totally new to this technology.
    i had created 3 Zone's on X86 Sun Fire X4270 M2 Hardware (OS - Solaris 10 update 9)
    & during OS Installation i had selected Software installations using the Entire Distribution.
    every thing worked fine but during zone installation steps, got some package installation error (refer the below output)
    bash-3.00# zoneadm -z OFSMU-PWM-zone1 install
    Preparing to install zone <OFSMU-PWM-zone1>.
    Creating list of files to copy from the global zone.
    Copying <158400> files to the zone.
    Initializing zone product registry.
    Determining zone package initialization order.
    Preparing to initialize <1240> packages on the zone.
    Initialized <1240> packages on zone.
    Zone <OFSMU-PWM-zone1> is initialized.
    Installation of these packages generated errors: <SUNWpostgr-82-libs SUNWpostgr-82-devel SUNWpostgr-83-server-data-root SUNWpostgr-82-server SUNWpostgr-82-contrib SUNWpostgr-82-client SUNWpostgr-82-server-data-root>
    The file </zone/OFSMU-PWM-zone1/root/var/sadm/system/logs/install_log> contains a log of the zone installation.
    i checked the log file "/zone/OFSMU-PWM-zone1/root/var/sadm/system/logs/install_log"
    its show below error's
    *** package <SUNWpostgr-82-libs> failed to install with fatal errors:
    *** package <SUNWpostgr-82-devel> failed to install with fatal errors:
    need your help my friends..
    thanks in advance....
    Edited by: Raja Kondar on Dec 9, 2010 11:59 AM

    hi DR,
    thnks for reply..
    but i can see that "postgres" already exist in the system as user &l group.
    postgres:x:90:90:PostgreSQL Reserved UID:/:/usr/bin/pfksh
    also the failed packages duirng zone creation steps are already installed in the global zone..
    is thr any other way to resolve this issue....
    Edited by: Raja Kondar on Dec 16, 2010 11:00 AM

  • How to find packages with errors?

    I have this problem:
    When I compile all invalid packages, I get an error message saying there is one package with some errors. How can I find out which one is it? There is no red cross on any of the package displayed in the package tree.
    Thanks for help

    Hi, after some time I would like to go back to this issue...
    Last week I got this problem again, so I started to look for the problem.
    The thing is we are using multiple schemes and I compiled by accident one of the package bodies to wrong scheme. So there is an invalid package body without its specification... SQL Developer doesn't display such body, maybe because it always supposes there is some spec. This is another disadvantage of the tree structure you are using - package body should be on the same level as package spec!
    Currently if you do such mistake like I did, and use the Compile invalid packages feature, you get an error message about package containing errors and it's hard to find what is going on.

  • Package installation error during zone installation

    Hi All
    I am getting a lot of errors from package installations during zone installation
    Installation of these packages generated errors: <SUNWcsu SUNWckr SUNWgnome-base-libs SUNWgnome-audio SUNWtltk SUNWzoner SUNWzfskr SUNWzfsr SUNWzfsu SUNWzoneu SUNWtoo SUNWssad SUNWusb SUNWtavor SUNWudapltu SUNWopenssl-libraries SUNWwbsup SUNWPython SUNWbip SUNWxge SUNWxcu4 SUNWxcu6 SUNWcry SUNWntp4u SUNWqlc SUNWqlcu SUNWgnome-im-client SUNWgnome-img-editor SUNWsndmr SUNWsndmu SUNWsshcu SUNWsshdu SUNWsshu SUNWgnome-text-editor>
    When I look into /var/sadm/system/logs/install_log in the zone, I am seeing the erros are relate to file corruption:
    *** package <SUNWckr> failed to install - interrupted:
    pkgadd: ERROR: packaging file </var/sadm/pkg/SUNWckr/save/pspool/SUNWckr/pkginfo
    is corruptfile size <17259> expected <17199> actual
    *** package <SUNWsshcu> failed to install - interrupted:
    pkgadd: ERROR: packaging file </var/sadm/pkg/SUNWsshcu/save/pspool/SUNWsshcu/pkg
    info> is corrupt
    file size <6235> expected <7087> actual
    as an example, the pkginfo file referred to above has size 17199 and 7087 in the global zone so why is it thinking it should be 17259 and 6235? Could this be due to the patching done before the zone creation?

    I just realized what is causing this but no sure what is the best way to get around this:
    we have another home grown package the overwrite the problematic files reported thay lay on top of the sun packages and zone installation does not like that. The original file size and check sum is checked against what was installed in the global zone and hence the warning messages.
    I would have thought it should pick the most updated ones especially it was overwritten by another package (and therefore it should have the updated information in the package database)?

  • Package check Error while activiating Append Structure

    Hi All,
    I have created an Append Structure for the Table HRP5136. When i am trying to activate the Append Structure the error "DDIC object TABL ZZHRS_EXTENDOFFER has package check errors" is thrown.
    How do i resolve this? Any input on this will be of great help.
    Thanks very much for your time

    You r doing enhancements to the table .
    when ever u do any changes u need to give the package name.
    So find the package name of that table as follows.
    In the tables screen itself click on system-> status .
    there u will get the package name . give that name when u r activating the table.
    Reward If Helpful

  • TeX Live 2013 update issue: Package biblatex Error

    Today I updated texlive 2012 to 2013 version. After this I can't compile my projects with error:
    ! Package biblatex Error: Patching 'babel' package failed.
    I use biblatex with biber backend and polyglossia packages.
    Installed packages:
    extra/texlive-bibtexextra 2013.30944-1 (texlive-most)
    TeX Live - Additional BibTeX styles and bibliography databases
    extra/texlive-bin 2013.30973-2
    TeX Live binaries
    extra/texlive-core 2013.30962-2 (texlive-most)
    TeX Live core distribution
    extra/texlive-fontsextra 2013.30955-1 (texlive-most)
    TeX Live - all sorts of extra fonts
    extra/texlive-formatsextra 2013.30214-1 (texlive-most)
    TeX Live - collection of extra TeX 'formats'
    extra/texlive-games 2013.30959-1 (texlive-most)
    TeX Live - Setups for typesetting various board games, including chess
    extra/texlive-genericextra 2013.29803-1 (texlive-most)
    TeX Live - mixed bag of generic macro packages and fonts
    extra/texlive-htmlxml 2013.29725-1 (texlive-most)
    TeX Live - Packages to convert LaTeX to XML/HTML, and typeset XML/SGML
    extra/texlive-humanities 2013.30815-2 (texlive-most)
    TeX Live - LaTeX packages for law, linguistics, social sciences, and humanities
    extra/texlive-langcyrillic 2013.30653-1 (texlive-lang)
    TeX Live - Fonts and macro packages to typeset Cyrillic texts
    extra/texlive-latexextra 2013.30964-1 (texlive-most)
    TeX Live - Large collection of add-on packages for LaTeX
    extra/texlive-music 2013.30005-1 (texlive-most)
    TeX Live - Music typesetting packages
    extra/texlive-pictures 2013.30637-2 (texlive-most)
    TeX Live - Packages for drawings graphics
    extra/texlive-plainextra 2013.30377-1 (texlive-most)
    TeX Live - A collection of add-on packages and macros for plain TeX
    extra/texlive-pstricks 2013.30956-1 (texlive-most)
    TeX Live - Additional PSTricks packages
    extra/texlive-publishers 2013.30958-1 (texlive-most)
    TeX Live - LaTeX classes and packages for specific publishers
    extra/texlive-science 2013.30910-1 (texlive-most)
    TeX Live - Typesetting for natural and computer sciences
    Last edited by unikum (2013-08-04 10:30:23)

    @unikum: Yes I have , and I can confirm that everything (apart from polyglossia) compiles flawlessly. It would appear with XeTeX the polyglossia package works but the BibLaTeX doesn't. With PDFTeX, BibLaTeX does work, but I see that polyglossia only works with XeTeX (my compiler also suggests LuaTeX but I'm not going to try it).
    I'm quite happy with how BibTeX works though I'm going guess that you use BibLaTeX for your own reasons.
    LaTeX itself works, I've been working on my MSc Dissertation, lectures notes and other bits, conveniently written in LaTeX, with a working BibTex bibliography. Have I had any problems after uninstalling TeXLive 2012 and then installing TeXLive 2013? NO.
    As for your second question, no. I will not repeat how I did the upgrade for a third time, so please read my previous posts.
    Edited after re-reading entire thread (things getting mixed up in my head ¬¬).
    Last edited by clfarron4 (2013-08-05 21:45:25)

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