DCNM Client disconnections

We have an issue involving DCNM 6, For some reason the Java Client gets disconnected every couple of minutes
While the Java Client keep disconnecting we have constant access to the web client,
Each disconnection requires re-opening the client in order to continue working.
The disconnections occure even while working so it doesn't look like idle timeout.
Did anyone encountered a similar issue ?
Thank you,

As a matter of fact we did manage to solve the JAVA disconnections by performing a clean install of the DCNM, our customer has tried to migrate the server to a virtual environment and the service just stopped responding no matter what we did so we just had to... So as you can see we just got lucky :)
If you still have this problem I suggest a fresh install of the new version other than that a sniffer on both sides (client and server) to try and understand what happens prior the disconnection, in our case we did not manage to narrow it down enough...
Best of luck! 

Similar Messages

  • Client disconnection notification for NIO server

    A server accepts connections from clients and registers accepted channels for reading:
    while (true)
        if (selector.select()>0)
            Iterator<SelectionKey> iterator = selector.selectedKeys().iterator();
                SelectionKey opKey = iterator.next();
                if (opKey.isAcceptable())
                    clientSocketChannel = serverSocketChannel.accept();
                    clientSocketChannel.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ);
    . . .One of the server's clients disconnects from it by means of socketChannel.close() while the servert is locked with selector.select() (that is the server have nothing to read from its clients and nobody is connecting to it).Will the server be unlocked when the client performs socketChannel.close()? If so, what notification/exception will the server receive?

    One of the server's clients disconnects from it by means of socketChannel.close() while the servert is locked with selector.select()The select() will immediately return; the corresponding channel will be readable; and the read() will return -1.

  • Mobile based clients disconnecting frequently

    Hi folks,
    I have an 1142 running 15.2.2JB.  I noticed numerous messages of clients disconnecting with the following message:
    %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station 847a.885b.622c Reason: Previous authentication no longer valid
    The MAC addresses involved are all associated to various mobile devices...iPad, iPhone, Windows 8 Mobile and Android (MAC above is an Android phone).  This doesn't appear to impact PC's and laptops (both Windows an Apple).
    The devices reconnect immediately and this doesn't appear to cause any problems with anything other than Android devices which register the disconnect immediately and therefore bin anything they're currently doing (for some reason the Windows 8 Mobile and Apple devices seem to be able to cope with the disconnect and reconnect and don't ditch anything network connections)
    Config on the AP is:
    dot11 ssid Frozen
       authentication open
       authentication key-management wpa version 2
       wpa-psk ascii 7 05261F303645480C260816190E1F3B3D242A2C362724060B2900005D5C4B12
    dot11 ssid FrozenSlow
       authentication open
       authentication key-management wpa version 2
       wpa-psk ascii 7 1124003A001B0D093B272A2F2D200A351C09120613504C546C570F081D0518
    interface Dot11Radio0
    no ip address
    encryption mode ciphers aes-ccm
    ssid FrozenSlow
    antenna gain 0
    speed  basic-1.0 2.0 5.5 11.0 6.0 9.0 12.0 18.0 24.0 36.0 48.0 54.0 m0. m1. m2. m3. m4. m5. m6. m7. m8. m9. m10. m11. m12. m13. m14. m15.
    channel 2462
    station-role root
    no dot11 extension aironet
    no cdp enable
    bridge-group 1
    bridge-group 1 subscriber-loop-control
    bridge-group 1 spanning-disabled
    bridge-group 1 block-unknown-source
    no bridge-group 1 source-learning
    no bridge-group 1 unicast-flooding
    interface Dot11Radio1
    no ip address
    encryption mode ciphers aes-ccm
    ssid Frozen
    antenna gain 0
    no dfs band block
    speed  6.0 9.0 basic-12.0 18.0 24.0 36.0 48.0 54.0 m0. m1. m2. m3. m4. m5. m6. m7. m8. m9. m10. m11. m12. m13. m14. m15.
    channel width 40-above
    channel dfs
    station-role root
    no dot11 extension aironet
    no cdp enable
    bridge-group 1
    bridge-group 1 subscriber-loop-control
    bridge-group 1 spanning-disabled
    bridge-group 1 block-unknown-source
    no bridge-group 1 source-learning
    no bridge-group 1 unicast-flooding
    When I debug dot11 aaa I see the following:
    211137: Oct 21 16:26:58.910: dot11_dot1x_gtk_update_on_disassociate: Recieved gtk update notice due to disconnect for 847a.885b.622c on vlan 0
    211138: Oct 21 17:26:58 BST: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station 847a.885b.622c Reason: Previous authentication no longer valid Could not find station pointer for client 847a.885b.622c. Using vlan number from aaa_client
    211139: Oct 21 16:27:02.640: dot11_dot1x_send_ssn_eapol_key: wpav2 msg 1 pak_size 121
    211140: Oct 21 16:27:02.640: dot11_dot1x_send_ssn_eapol_key: eapol->length 117
    211141: Oct 21 16:27:02.640: dot11_dot1x_build_ptk_handshake: building PTK msg 1 for 847a.885b.622c
    211142: Oct 21 16:27:02.640: dot11_dot1x_build_ptk_handshake: ptk key len 16
    211143: Oct 21 16:27:02.640: dot11_dot1x_build_ptk_handshake: ptk key data len 22
    211144: Oct 21 16:27:02.640: dot11_dot1x_build_ptk_handshake: wpav2 pmkid[DOT1X]: 4252DC05F4159E0B7BAB4A3C56116E4F
    211145: Oct 21 16:27:02.689: dot11_dot1x_verify_ptk_handshake: verifying PTK msg 2 from 847a.885b.622c
    211146: Oct 21 16:27:02.689: dot11_dot1x_verify_eapol_header: Warning: Invalid key len (exp=0x10, act=0x0)
    211147: Oct 21 16:27:02.689: dot11_dot1x_ssn_generate_ptk: wpa-v2 PSK: use ssid psk as pmk
    211148: Oct 21 16:27:02.689: dot11_dot1x_ssn_generate_ptk: dot11_dot1x_ssn_generate_ptk(): wpa-v2 clnt 847a.885b.622c does not have cached pmk rec: aaa_client->ms_mppe_receive_key:0x0
    211149: Oct 21 16:27:02.689: dot11_dot1x_verify_ptk_handshake: Handshake passedCould not find station pointer for client 847a.885b.622c. Using vlan number from aaa_client
    211150: Oct 21 16:27:02.690: dot11_dot1x_send_ssn_eapol_key:
    211151: Oct 21 16:27:02.690: wpav2 msg3 data_len before padding 46
    211152: Oct 21 16:27:02.690: dot11_dot1x_send_ssn_eapol_key:
    211153: Oct 21 16:27:02.690: wpav2 msg3 padding 2 data_len after padding 56, eapol pak_size 155
    211154: Oct 21 16:27:02.690: dot11_dot1x_send_ssn_eapol_key: wpav2 msg 3 pak_size 155
    211155: Oct 21 16:27:02.690: dot11_dot1x_send_ssn_eapol_key: eapol->length 151
    211156: Oct 21 16:27:02.690: dot11_dot1x_build_ptk_handshake: building PTK msg 3 for 847a.885b.622c
    211157: Oct 21 16:27:02.690: dot11_dot1x_build_ptk_handshake: ptk key len 16
    211158: Oct 21 16:27:02.690: dot11_dot1x_build_ptk_handshake: wpav2_ptk msg 3 rsnie len 22 and 20
    211159: Oct 21 16:27:02.690: dot11_dot1x_build_ptk_handshake mcst_key_len 16 index 1 vlan 0
    211160: Oct 21 16:27:02.690: gnonce: 01 DA 02 04 01 D2 FA 40 03 39 B1 50 00 1C 5A 2C 03 39 B1 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 D2 FA 40
    211161: Oct 21 16:27:02.691: gtk(pt): 1B 9E E3 5F B6 82 A7 A7 3F 1E 94 56 BD ED B1 8C
    211162: Oct 21 16:27:02.692:
    211163: Oct 21 16:27:02.692: gtk(pt) len 16: 1B 9E E3 5F B6 82 A7 A7 3F 1E 94 56 BD ED B1 8C
    211164: Oct 21 16:27:02.692:
    211165: Oct 21 16:27:02.693: dot11_dot1x_build_ptk_handshake:
    211166: Oct 21 16:27:02.693: build wpav2 ptk msg 3, pad data from 46 by 2
    211167: Oct 21 16:27:02.693: dump temp_key_data(pt) len 48: 30 14 01 00 00 0F AC 04 01 00 00 0F AC 04 01 00 00 0F AC 02 3C 00 DD 16 00 0F AC 01 01 00 1B 9E E3 5F B6 82 A7 A7 3F 1E 94 56 BD ED B1 8C DD 00
    211168: Oct 21 16:27:02.694:
    211169: Oct 21 16:27:02.694: dump eapol_encrypt_key: B7 06 7B 67 33 D2 41 86 8D 52 9C 0A 0C 8F D9 3A
    211170: Oct 21 16:27:02.695:
    211171: Oct 21 16:27:02.695:  key_data from len 48 to 56 (ct): 34 DA 2E 1C 7A 59 30 19 BA 1E 2B B8 A8 3B 67 48 93 80 F1 39 0A 1C CB D4 D5 51 5B 50 0D 32 7D FA FC A1 12 5C D9 19 3A 8D F4 87 44 97 5B F8 BE AE 21 01 1D C2 EF 90 FC E4
    211172: Oct 21 16:27:02.696:
    211173: Oct 21 16:27:02.696: dot11_dot1x_build_ptk_handshake:
    211174: Oct 21 16:27:02.697:  aes key wrap key_data from len 48 to 56 gtk(ct):
    211175: Oct 21 16:27:02.697: dump decrypted key data: 30 14 01 00 00 0F AC 04 01 00 00 0F AC 04 01 00 00 0F AC 02 3C 00 DD 16 00 0F AC 01 01 00 1B 9E E3 5F B6 82 A7 A7 3F 1E 94 56 BD ED B1 8C DD 00
    211176: Oct 21 16:27:02.698:
    211177: Oct 21 16:27:02.698: dot11_dot1x_build_ptk_handshake:
    211178: Oct 21 16:27:02.698: wpav2 msg 3 key data len 56
    211179: Oct 21 16:27:02.703: mic_key: 68 B6 19 DB EF CA 12 B1 DC B0 6C FD 7D 8B AD FF
    211180: Oct 21 16:27:02.704: hmac_sha1 mic for eapol pak len 155: E3 B5 76 CC 90 FB EA 8F E6 8F 20 16 9E CC 5F 8F
    211181: Oct 21 16:27:02.704: dot11_dot1x_build_ptk_handshake:
    211182: Oct 21 16:27:02.704: msg 3 hmac_sha1 mic for eapol_key len 155
    211183: Oct 21 16:27:02.710: dot11_dot1x_verify_ptk_handshake: verifying PTK msg 4 from 847a.885b.622c
    211184: Oct 21 16:27:02.710: dot11_dot1x_verify_eapol_header: Warning: Invalid key len (exp=0x10, act=0x0)
    211185: Oct 21 16:27:02.710: dot11_dot1x_verify_ptk_handshake: Handshake passed
    211186: Oct 21 17:27:02 BST: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   847a.885b.622c Associated KEY_MGMT[WPAv2 PSK]
    Does anyone have any ideas why I'm seeing the message "Could not find station pointer" or any other idea's why this is happening?  A search of the web throws up many threads exhibiting the same symptoms but none seem to have a fix and the fixes there are (disable aironet extensions, extend the WPA handshake and disable guest mode) haven't worked so far.
    Many thanks,

    from that debug, the cleint was in a run state, then there was an EAPOL Start message.
    As Blake had asked, what type of device is it?  specifically what is the WNIC and driver versions?
    Wireless drivers do not get updated with the standard windows update.

  • Exception:The client disconnected.

    I  faced this exception frequently in my application at client site. Please suggest  how i can resolve the issue? 
    An exception occurred. Exception:The client disconnected. StackTrace: at System.Web.UI.ViewStateException.ThrowError(Exception inner, String persistedState, String errorPageMessage, Boolean
    macValidationError)    at System.Web.UI.HiddenFieldPageStatePersister.Load()    at System.Web.UI.Page.LoadPageStateFromPersistenceMedium()    at System.Web.UI.Page.LoadAllState()    at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean
    includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) An exception occurred. Exception:Invalid viewstate. 
    An exception occurred. Exception:Invalid length for a Base-64 char array or string. StackTrace: at System.Convert.FromBase64_Decode(Char* startInputPtr, Int32 inputLength, Byte* startDestPtr,
    Int32 destLength)    at System.Convert.FromBase64CharPtr(Char* inputPtr, Int32 inputLength)    at System.Convert.FromBase64String(String s)    at System.Web.UI.ObjectStateFormatter.Deserialize(String inputString,
    Purpose purpose)    at System.Web.UI.ObjectStateFormatter.System.Web.UI.IStateFormatter2.Deserialize(String serializedState, Purpose purpose)    at System.Web.UI.Util.DeserializeWithAssert(IStateFormatter2 formatter, String serializedState,
    Purpose purpose)    at System.Web.UI.HiddenFieldPageStatePersister.Load()

    [quote]An exception occurred. Exception:Invalid length for a Base-64 char array or string.[/quote]
    According to the error messages, it seems that the viewstate has become "large". You can try fixing by chunking the viewstate into multiple fields using maxPageStateFieldLength in the web.config:
    <pages enableSessionState="true" enableViewState="true" enableViewStateMac="true" validateRequest
    For more information, please refer to the document:
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • How to find client disconnected when client lost net connection?

         Can anyone help how can I find on fms server that client disconnected if if client disconnected due to power cut off. I client manually close the application then onDisconnect on server is called but if due to power cut off it does not called.

    See if this article is any kind of help : http://www.flashcomguru.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=2848

  • Client Disconnected From Database

    I'm running lookout 5.0 on one computer and logging its citadel to another machine. There is more than one lookout process on the PC that is actually running lookout itself. Different processes are logging to different designated database folders on the other computer. When you can actually get lookout to show the history info (i.e hypertrend data and such) on the computer it all works great. However if you ever restart the computer requiring to shutdown lookout, then the next time it boots up it is nearly impossible to get lookout to display the trend info again. You always get the "client disconnected from database" alarm. All the network paths and folder locations are correct. I am lost on this one.

    Did you get this error every time you reboot Lookout or sometimes ?
    If you get it sometimes:
    Simply delete the /database/ Folder in Lookout directory
    when you restart Lookout it will creat a new one.
    From experience when you get this message the database is realy damage
    i dont know why this happens.

  • Asking about how server can handle client disconnection

    Dear sir/madam,
    i'm doing my final year project and it is about a java client/server big2 game.But now i have a difficulties in dealing with the server side.
    That is about how to take action on the serverside if the client suddenly disconnected.
    I have read many java client/server programming scripts.But all of them doesn't mention this problem.The scrpits only assume the client side never disconnect suddenly.
    I hope if you can give me some suggestions on this problem.

    For my mud written in java, I used TCP/IP for the connections. When a client connects, he gets his own thread. Those threads are held in a vector in a manager class. each tick of the server does a quick run thru the vector and if the current thread/socket its on is null or !isAlive() its remove from the vector(which in turn removes it from getting any more game updates. This removal can be caused by two things. The clients disconnects by accident(kills his game, locks up has an internet connection hiccup, etc.) or he uses the games "quit" method. The quit method calls a method that does any player saving of data, etc then closes the socket, and sets it to null. thus the manager sees this and removes him frm the vecotr list on the next server tick. Seems to work great form a mud and worked really well in a multiplayer applet game I had up for a while.

  • MessageQ keep-alive. Info about client disconnect

    I'm using BEA MEssageQ to recieve messages from clients. But i need information if client is disconnected. Is there any keep-alive mechanism which tell me if client disconnected. Or maybe there is a message to check if client is connected?

    I asked one of the developers and got this response:
    Actually OMQ has no pre-defined keep alive mechanism.  OMQ is always accept the requests from clients passively, it cannot check the connectivity of client automatically.
    OMQ can provide information about the status of the queue that the client attaches. If you can accept the hypothesis that client is connected if the its primary queue is attached, then one possible solution for your request may be: create an application which registers to receive availability (attached/detached) messages of the target queue from local Avail Server process. If the queue is available/attached, it means the corresponding client is connected. And if the queue is unavailable/detached, it means the corresponding client is disconnected.
    Todd Little
    Oracle Tuxedo Chief  Architect

  • WAP371 client disconnects

    I have a similar issue as others have had with the WAP371 and clients disconnecting randomly. most of the discussion didn't have any real content, just said to open a case, which I have not done yet as im still researching this but I wanted to see if anyone has advice on my issue. I have both the 2.4 and 5ghz radios on, connection is good and all works fine. after 1 or 2 days, they just stop passing data. my clients show a connection but I cant do anything with it. I CAN access the AP from them but I have to reboot the AP in order to get network access back. It isn't like clockwork, but it does happen at least every 2 days or so. a reboot fixes it. sometimes, say 1 in 4, I lose complete connection to the ap and it will not rejoin. it DOES show up in the connection list, the ssid that is. the event logs are of little help, not indicating anything wrong. I thought originally channel interference, but ive ruled that out since. also worth noting, this replaced an apple airport extreme ap with the same basic settings. that ap worked fine for close to a year. same client connections, cabling, etc. it has to be something on the ap. tried an older 1.0 and newer 1.1 code. same results. any ideas? thanks!

    im using WPA2 AES encryption. there are quite a few BSSIDs in my area, my ap sees around 10, but ive scanned and seen way more. the signal strength is pretty low on them and there are only 2 on my 2.4 channel and they are medium in strength and there are 0 on the 5ghz channel. I do not have band steer on, I believe I had 50ms for beacon interval but I uped it to 1sec. (didn't see broadcast refresh rate). its also worth noting I have a netatmo weather sensor that constantly connects and disconnects (to save power im guessing) below is a quick snippet from the log:
    office-ap.ch.com Mar 13 09:28:21 host
    apd[2256]: station: 00:24:e4:18:60:b0 deauthenticated
    host = office-ap. source = udp:514 sourcetype = syslog
    Mar 13 09:28:21 office-ap. Mar 13 09:28:21 host
    apd[2256]: STA 00:24:e4:18:60:b0 deauthed from BSSID 1c:de:
    a7:65:e7:c8 reason 4: Disassociated due to inactivity
    host = office-ap. source = udp:514 sourcetype = syslog
    Mar 13 09:27:31 office-ap. Mar 13 09:27:31 host
    apd[2256]: STA 00:24:e4:18:60:b0 associated with BSSID 1c:d
    host = office-ap. source = udp:514 sourcetype = syslog
    Mar 13 09:27:31 office-ap. Mar 13 09:27:31 host
    apd[2256]: Assoc request from 00:24:e4:18:60:b0 BSSID 1c:de
    :a7:65:e7:c8 SSID
    host = office-ap. source = udp:514 sourcetype = syslog
    Mar 13 09:27:21 office-ap. Mar 13 09:27:21 host
    apd[2256]: station: 00:24:e4:18:60:b0 deauthenticated
    host = office-ap. source = udp:514 sourcetype = syslog
    13 09:27:21 office-ap. Mar 13 09:27:21 host
    apd[2256]: STA 00:24:e4:18:60:b0 deauthed from BSSID 1c:de:
    a7:65:e7:c8 reason 4: Disassociated due to inactivity
    host = office-ap. source = udp:514 sourcetype = syslog
    Mar 13 09:26:32 office-ap. Mar 13 09:26:32 host
    apd[2256]: STA 00:24:e4:18:60:b0 associated with BSSID 1c:d
    host = office-ap. source = udp:514 sourcetype = syslog
    Mar 13 09:26:32 office-ap. Mar 13 09:26:32 host
    apd[2256]: Assoc request from 00:24:e4:18:60:b0 BSSID 1c:de
    :a7:65:e7:c8 SSID
    host = office-ap. source = udp:514 sourcetype = syslog
    Mar 13 09:26:24 office-ap. Mar 13 09:26:24 host
    apd[2256]: STA 14:10:9f:ed:6c:c6 associated with BSSID 1c:d
    host = office-ap. source = udp:514 sourcetype = syslog
    Mar 13 09:26:24 office-ap. Mar 13 09:26:24 host
    apd[2256]: Assoc request from 14:10:9f:ed:6c:c6 BSSID 1c:de
    :a7:65:e7:c0 SSID
    host = office-ap. source = udp:514 sourcetype = syslog

  • Detect Client Disconnect When using RTMP

    I hava a Java Server and Clients using RTMP. I've read somewhere that I can detect instantly client disconnection when using RTMP. However I cannot find an example code (in Java) that demonstrates this functionality? Can you help me please?

    I am not sure how your client looks, however the lient connect using NetConnection under the hood which spits NetStatusEvents's and you can listen to them ...

  • Detect client disconnection

    My Java Web Service works with ComPorts so I need to close it in a right way when a client disconnects.
    Is there a way to detect in the Web Service when a client disconnects.
    Thank�s you all!!

    So, i want to be able to find out if the client is disconnected without waiting to send or receive data.Use a read timeout.
    how can i change the value of SO_KEEPALIVEYou can't. It is two hours by default and requires privilege to change it, and changing it is system-wide. So you don't want to do that.
    Use a read timeout. Socket.setSoTimeout().

  • Detecting client disconnects

    What's the best way to detect a client loss of connection? I've heard
    you can register for weblogic.accounting.disconnect events or used the
    workspace destroyMonitor method. Which is preferred? The events method
    concerns me because I don't believe it will be supported in the future
    once JMS takes a foothold. Is this a valid concern? Are there any new
    ways to do this?

    I would suggest you try catching java.net.SocketException (Connection reset
              by peer: socket write error) in you doGet/doPost method. This is not a sure
              way though ...
              --- Igor Zavialov
              "Dylan Taffe" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              news:3a5393d6$[email protected]..
              > Does anyone know of a way to detect client disconnects with servlets?
              > the contextEventListener or any other event listener get called when a
              > clients kills its connection with the weblogic server?

  • Wireless Client Disconnects

    I have (two) of the latest Intel 802.11n/ac PCI desktop client adapters each connected to a set of external dual antennas.  Both are running Win 8.1, basically they are identical and both are less than 20ft from the ceiling mounted AP.  One client seems to work fine but the other will disconnect at random times at least once a day.  Once that client is disconnected it can’t see any of our SSIDs for 5 to 20 mins. But it can see other Wi Fi signals / hotspots, etc.
    Average RSSI is -61, SNR is 31
    We've been running the following stable configuration for the past number of months:
    - One 5508WLC -
    - APs-3602I all running 802.11n (not .ac) in FlexConnect local switching mode
    - Prime Infrastructure 1.3
    - ISE 1.1.3
    We've reinstalled Windows and updated the adapter drivers...no change.  It seems obvious to me that it's a client issue but how can I log and prove it?
    ISE doesn't show any authentications problems.  I've read through other "client disconnect" posts here and made the few WLC setting changes recommended.  I’ve turned on debugging on the WLC for the MAC of that client. The WLC msglog never logs anything against the client MAC.  What other AP or WLC logs or debugging can I look at? 

    Create an OPEN SSID and get the client to join.
    Provide additional details:
    1.  debug client ;
    2.  sh client detail ;
    3.  What is the make and model of the wireless NIC of the client?  What is the firmware version number?

  • ARD client disconnected from ARD under leopard after using curtain

    I have just noticed a problem that occurs when I put a client under curtain mode under leopard....the client disconnects from the ARD console and remains in the locked state until I go over and manually restart the system...anyone else having this issue

    Sorry, I hadn't noticed that someone replied...Geez you would think they would get this stuff corrected...Do you know if there is going to be an improved ARD in the future. I manage a lab and apple tools are better and more reliable but still have a long way to go....

  • VPN Client disconnection from command line

    I want to connect to IPsec VPN on ISA500 by VPN Client (v, the last version, I think), using command line parameters.
    I can connect with the command:
    "%programfiles%\Cisco Systems\VPN Client\ipsecdialer.exe" -c -user myUser -pwd myPassword "MyConnectionEntry"
    but i don't know the command to disconnect from command lines.
    If I do
    "%programfiles%\Cisco Systems\VPN Client\ipsecdialer.exe" -?
    I obtain the list of parameters
    vpngui [-c | -sc [sd] [-user <username>] [-pwd <password> ! -eraseuserpwd]] <connection entry>
    but I don't unterstand what I have to do... I try every combination using -sd parameter (I think means for silent disconnect), but in every case I can only to show VPN interface  without disconnect anything...
    Can anyone help me?

    This appears to be a data flow issue.  You need to look in the dataflow log file.  Your information indicates the project name is SAMPLES.xml, and the data flow ID is D20091213_014350765.  Look at the data flow log file in
    Alternatively, you can temporarily replace the transactional reader and writter transforms with their corresonding batch transforms, and run the job from the Project Architect.  Any errors will be displayed in the Running window.

Maybe you are looking for