De authorizing an ebook

I had to make new account on my android tablet. But now I cannot open my ebook anymore. Ihave contacted adobe and they told that I have to de authorize the ebook. But they could not tell md how to do this on an android tablet. Who can help me?

You should ask in the Digital editions forum,
This is the Reader one.

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    you may find interst to read this apple article how to
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    Mountain Lion is set up to close windows when you quit a program instead of saving them. To change this, put Safari in full-screen mode, move the cursor to the top, open Safari menu while holding Option key and close Safari from the menu.
    If you want to do it automatically with all programmes, open System Preferences > General, and deactivate "Close windows when quitting an application"

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    Am I doing something wrong here... please help.
    Best Regards,

    Hello shal1y,
    Thanks for the question. The following article may provide relevant information to your question:
    iBooks Author: Customize the table of contents
    Matt M.

  • SQL and JSP compatablility

    This part of code is not working properly as the JSP code has not been encorporated properly in the sql statement after LIKE.
    java.sql.ResultSet RS = statement.executeQuery("SELECT BookID, Ebook.AuthorID, Surname, BookTitle, FileSize, Description, Price, Image FROM Author INNER JOIN Ebook ON Author.AuthorID = Ebook.AuthorID WHERE BookTitle LIKE '*" + bookTitle2 + "*' AND Surname LIKE '*" + surname2 + "*'");
    It doesn't display the shopping cart but if I change the sql code to:
    WHERE BookTitle LIKE '* queen *' AND Surname LIKE '**'
    It works so I know its not the SQL code. I have included the code for the entire page below in case you spot any glaring mistakes.
    <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html"
    errorPage="errorpage.jsp" %>
    <head> <title>Search Results</title></head>
    <table width="80%" border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="1">
    <td width = "15%"><b><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">Search
    <td width = "10%">�</td>
    <td width = "15%">�</td>
    <td width = "15%">�</td>
    <td width = "20%">�</td>
    <td width = "5%">�</td>
    <td width = "10%">�</td>
    <td width = "5%">�
    <td width="10%"><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"><a href="<%= response.encodeURL(shop-basket.jsp") %">"><img src="images\viewbasket.gif" border="0" alt="View Basket"></a></font></td>
    <td width = "15%"><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"></font></td>
    <td width = "10%"><b><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">E-Book
    <td width = "15%"><b><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">Title</font></b></td>
    <td width = "15%"><b><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">Author</font></b></td>
    <td width = "20%"><b><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">Story
    <td width = "5%"><b><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">File
    <td width = "10%"><b><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">Price</font></b></td>
    <td width = "5%"><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"><b>Read
    Reviews</b> </font>
    <td width="10%"><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"></font></td>
         String bookTitle2 = request.getParameter("bookTitle");
         bookTitle2 = bookTitle2.replaceAll("'", "''");
         String surname2 = request.getParameter("surname");
         surname2 = surname2.replaceAll("'", "''");
    java.sql.Connection connection =
    java.sql.Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
    java.sql.ResultSet RS = statement.executeQuery("SELECT BookID, Ebook.AuthorID, Surname, BookTitle, FileSize, Description, Price, Image FROM Author INNER JOIN Ebook ON Author.AuthorID = Ebook.AuthorID WHERE BookTitle LIKE '*" + bookTitle2 + "*' AND Surname LIKE '*" + surname2 + "*'");
    int rowCounter = 0;
         String image = RS.getString("Image");
    String bookID = RS.getString("BookID");
    String title = RS.getString("BookTitle");
         String surname = RS.getString("Surname");
    String storyLine = RS.getString("Description");
         String fileSize = RS.getString("FileSize");
    String price = RS.getString("price");
    String bg = (rowCounter %2 !=0) ? "#C0C0C0" : "#FFFFFF";
    <tr bgcolor="<%= bg %>">
    <td width="15%" valign="top" align="left"><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"><img src="<%= image %>"></font></td>
    <td width="10%" valign="top" align="left"><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="1"><%= bookID %></font></td>
    <td width="10%" valign="top" align="left"><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="1"><%= title %></font></td>
    <td width="10%" valign="top" align="left"><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="1"><%= surname %></font></td>
    <td width="10%" valign="top" align="left"><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="1"><%= storyLine %></font></td>
    <td width="5%" valign="top" align="left"><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="1"><%= fileSize %>MB</font></td>
    <td width="10%" valign="top" align="left"><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="1">?<%= price %></font></td>
    <td width="10%" valign="top" align="left"><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="1">
    <td width="10%" align="center" valign="top"><a href="<%= response.encodeURL("shop-products.jsp?title="+title+"&bookID="+bookID+"&price="+price) %> ">
    <font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="1"><img src="images\addtobasket.gif" border="0" alt="Add To Basket"></font></a></td>
    this is the contents of the surname field <%= surname2 %><br>
    this is the contents of the title field <%= bookTitle2 %>
    <jsp:useBean id="basket" class="ShoppingBasket" scope="session"/>
    <% String title = request.getParameter("BookTitle");
    String bookID = request.getParameter("BookID");
    double price = Double.parseDouble(request.getParameter("Price"));
    Product item = new Product(bookID, title, price);
    basket.addProduct( item );

    found the answer. Wildcard should be like this:
    '%" + bookTitle + "%'

  • Terrible reading experience...

    I downloaded the AIR app on my Macintosh to read monographs made available by my university library.
    The resulting pages are one-third-filled with a single page-wide column of tiny text — text that occasionally overlaps with itself. So far as I can determine, the text cannot be reflowed into a more readable format/larger size. This makes printing untenable: the text size is too small *for me,* and I use no vision correction, in the resulting document. It is too small to read un-zoomed on a 22-inch display. God help the laptop set. The footnotes are not only not hyperlinked, but the UI makes it very difficult to move back and forth between the main text and end-notes. Even advancing a page at a time cannot reliably center on the third of the page that has any text on it. In short, this is totally unusable.
    I'm not sure if this is Adobe's fault or the fault of whoever authored the eBook, but it sure as hell isn't working for me. Is there anything I can do?

    Thanks Jim_Lester.
    The file I downloaded from the library catalog was a .acsm file. It seems, poking around, that the book file is a PDF, which certainly explains why I couldn't reflow the text. There wasn't any especially obvious way to find that out — e.g. greyed out controls for resizing and reflowing text, that would make clear that those options weren't available with this document.
    As for AIR, I guess I was fooled by the total lack of standard system menus, scrollbars, controls, etc.: there's no "Select all...", no "Find Again...", no Application Preferences... It isn't really a Macintosh application at all.
    Well, this is one of those situations where other people — at the library, at the press — have made choices that I just have to live with.

  • Multiple format publishing

    I'm new to this application, just opened it yesterday after having it on the iMac/iPad for several months. Wish to develop an interactive learning presentation for college students. The students may be using a variety of digital formats for the presentation, iPad, Mac, Windows PC, Windows Tablet, Android Tablet, etc. My primary question is:  Will iBooks Author support use in with these other formats? I want to develop something where the students would be able to easily read and learn without having to worry about things NOT working.
    I'd rather find this out now and subsequently search for a more universal program for this than spend a lot of time developing this project in iBooks Author only to discover half the students can't see or use the work due to a compatibility issue.
    We want to have this project available on a local website at first. Once we see if it works and test how well it works, then we MIGHT move to publsihsing elsewhere.
    My expertise is in laboratory medicine (the intent of this iBook experience) not in publishing so any advice would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you

    The short answer to your no it will not.
    iBooks Author creates eBooks which can be viewed ONLY....on iPads and Macs with Mavericks and iBooks app installed.
    Apple created the software and allow its use free of charge and intend its use to allow self publishers to create and upload books to the iBooks store, latterly the software is being promoted along with other Apple products education at all levels from  Kindergarden to Harvard.
    The application does have an export option as PDF...but this obviously does not display the widgets and galleries.
    There is a very useful app "Book Author " which can be used on iPads but not creates ePub3 and these can be distributed by cloud service such as students who can add content and return.
    ( I have no connection other than user of both apps) 
    Apple have a list of aggregators..who will take your book and publish to iBooks Store, its possible these same companies can create versions to suit all your requirements....but they do have costs.
    ePub is a universal format....but does not facilitate the interactivity and versatility of iBooks Author. Ditto PDF.

  • How do I use Edge Animate to make a clickable image which can be used in Author, and which will redirect you to a different page in your ebook?

    If anyone has experience with Edge Animate, I know that I can make an image clickable, and I can insert a url to define where it will go once clicked. But I want to make a widget to use in iBooks Author, that can take the reader to a certain page of the book. Is this possible?
    It all seems very complicated. Make one thing in Edge Animate, then somehow have that reference something in Author, which will finally work in an ebook. I have no clue where to begin.

    Sort of. I'm using this code inside an action for a button symbol. But it doesn't work perfectly. Trying to debug it.
    Let me know if you have any luck.
    //Check to see if pageCounter already exists
    if (typeof EC.pageCounter === 'undefined') {
      // it doesn't exist so initialize it to first page
        EC.pageCounter = 2;
    //check if the page is only 1 digit -- patch for single digit
    if (EC.pageCounter < 9) {
       // it is, so we need to pad a 0 on the front.
      EC.pageCounterString = "0" + EC.pageCounter;
      //e.g.  01 ...09,11,12,13....115,222352,,....
    else {
      EC.pageCounterString = EC.pageCounter;
    EC.loadComposition(EC.pageCounterString + "/publish/web/" + EC.pageCounterString + ".html", sym.$("container"));
    EC.pageCounter = EC.pageCounter + 1;
    //TODO for back  -1

  • Does the eBooks created by iBooks Author support for iphone now?

    I have been read some blogs discussing that the iPhone could gain new support for ebooks made by iBooks Author. And now, I wanna know whether the prediction is true or not. I can' t find any annoucement from Apple to confirm this point. Does anyone answer my confusion.

    With the current software ..books created using iBooks Author cannot be viewed on iPhones.
    iBooks Author creates books that can used with iPads and on Macs with Mavericks installed, by using iBooks.
    Thats rumours. Blogs or to be more accurate...some of those who  contribute to them seem to either be totally stupid, or like to make themselves look as if they have inside knowledge.
    Apple created iBooks Author to allow self publishers create and publish books to the store. But not just novels or text only type books. iBA made these books allow audio / video ..and much much more than any novel. That being so....most interactive multi media books will not really display well on a screen the size if the iPhone.
    Apple are more concerned in getting iPads in use more by business and education at all levels.
    The only rumour that may well become fact is a larger sized screen for a bigger iPad  mid to late 2014.

  • Dashcode widget info button with eBooks Author on iPad

    I've created a simple widget using Dashcode. The widget work fine, both in Dashboard and in an eBook I created with iBooks Author, except for the standard info button.
    When I deploy the widget to my Dashboard, the info button works just fine, flips the widget over, and does all the right things.
    When I deploy the exact same widget into my eBook, the widget also works find, but the info button does not show. When I tap where the info button should be, a small rectangle the size of the button appears, but not the button image. Tapping on the rectangle does nothing.
    Does anyone know a solution for this?

    You might try asking in one of the more general OS X forums.

  • If I install my ebook (created with ibooks author) into an ipad, it can be distribut to other iPads or it will available to read only at this specific iPad?

    I wrote my ebook (using ibooks author) and now I intending to install it into an ipad and turn it readable only at that machine.
    So, what can I do to restrict distribution and avoid it can be readable into other ipads?
    Thanks for helping...

    A user with your ibook (not from the store) can share that book via email, as an example, thumb drive, server, etc., without restriction.
    The only way to prohibit restribution in that example is to not put it out there.

  • HT5544 How do I sync iBooks on iOS devices when I create an ebook using iBooks Author?

    How do I sync iBooks on iOS devices when I create an ebook using iBooks Author?

    Hello Ottoni1,
    Thank you for the question.  You can preview the book you created in iBooks Author in iBooks on your iPad using the following steps:
    Preview a book or a chapter on iPad
    Connect iPad to your Mac.
    On the Home screen of your iPad, tap iBooks.
    In iBooks Author, do either of the following:
    Preview a book: Click the Preview button in the toolbar, or choose File > Preview.
    Preview a chapter: Select the chapter you want to preview in the sidebar, then choose File > Preview Current Section Only.
    Note:   To preview on an iPad running iOS 7 or later, you need iTunes 11.1 or later installed on your Mac.
    You can find the full article here:
    iBooks Author: Preview a book in iBooks
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    Sheila M.

  • Can I put copyright on my ebook in iBooks Author?

    I've started writing my first ebook in iBooks Author and I was wandering wether I could put copyright on it and how. All the content in the book in my own but I was confused as to wether copyright still applied and how I could apply it.

    In addition to using the copyright symbol in your book, I recommend actually registering your content with the copyright office ( While the copyright is still valid if you don't register it, my understanding is that you can't collect any monetary damages if someone steals your work and it wasn't registered.

  • How do I authorize my Sony PRS-T1 WiFi so I can transfer my ebooks from my Authorized Digital Editio

    How do I authorize my Sony PRS-T1 WiFi so I can transfer my ebooks from my Authorized Digital Editions? The reader is not showing up in the left pane. I am using the USB cable. My operating system is Windows 7

    Is it showing up as an external drive or similar in Explorer?
    For most Sonys you need to install the Sony Reader software even if you don't want to use it.  It also installs a driver that is needed for the Sony to be recognized by ADE.  (Silly that that is necessary.  Sony make good hardware, but they have always let themselves down on the software side.)
    Some Sony's don't work well with ADE2.0 and Overdrive library books.  If you have an issue there, try installing 1.7.2 instead.
    Version 1.7.2, it is a little difficult to find, available on Adobe site for Windows and for Mac.
    The forum software is sometimes corrupting the link above.  There shouldn't be a blank in 'editio ns.html'.  The following redirects to the same page:

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