DE: Zertifikatsverlängerung/Zertifikatsablauf ELSTER LSTB/LSTA

Generell wird die Gültigkeit des Zertifikates geprüft:
Ihr Kunde soll versuchen, sich mit seinem Zertifikat in sein Konto im
ElsterOnline-Portal einzuloggen (
Ist kein Login möglich, dann ist das Zertifikat abgelaufen oder defekt.
Sie können dann das neue (verlängerte) Zertifikat, wie im Hinweis
1266092 unter Punkt:
(2.4) Einspielen der notwendigen Zertifikate für die Signatur und
beschrieben einspielen.
Wichtig ist dabei, dass ein Zertifikat (pfx) auf dem BC als Default
ausgewählt ist. Sind bei Ihnen mehrere Zertifikate im Einsatz, bitte
beachten Sie auch den Hinweis 1276664.
Für die Fachabteilung ist zu beachten:
für die LSTB (Lohnsteuerbescheinigung) gilt, dass diese Daten erst danach
im B2A-manager gestellt (und verschickt) werden sollen.
Weil die Verschlüsselung auf Seiten der Clearingsstelle findet zweimal
Innerer Teil des Protokoll >>> mit dem Zertifikat der Datenlieferung
Äußerer Teil des Protokoll >>> mit dem Zertifikat Protokollanforderung
Ein Problem kann sein, wenn zwischen Datenlieferung und Protokoll-
anforderung das Zertifikat auf dem BC (Default) getauscht wird oder
wenn im HR-System Customizing zur Verwendung eines bestimmten
Zertifikates vorgenommen wird.

Ob das neue Zertifikat korrekt im Business Connector übernommen wurde kann überprüft werden:
lassen Sie den Testreport RPUTX7D0 laufen. Im Business Connector wird dazu ein Trace Datei geschrieben:
Installationsverzeichnis des BC
In diese Datei soll die Serialnummer des Zertifikats aufgelistet werden. Weiters sehen Sie die Gültigkeit des Zertifikats:
subjectDN                       CN=1001224444,serialNumber=1001224444C
issuerDN                        CN=ElsterSoftOrgCA,OU=CA,O=Elster,C=DE
notBefore                       Fri Oct 27 14:02:02 CEST 2011
notAfter                        Tue Oct 27 14:02:02 CEST 2014
sigAlgName                      SHA256/RSA
serialNumber                    1000903333

Similar Messages

  • Problem with ELSTER and Business Connector

    Hi all,
    it's not really a XI Problem but I have no idea, where I could post it anyway.
    For LSTA/LSTB with Elster we installed the Business Connector.
    To check the settings we execute the report RPUTX7D0.
    The following error message appears:
    Testreport zum Überprüfen der RFC-Verbindungen zum Business Connector
    Kommunikation - Business Connector                                                                               
    Test HR_DE_B2A_ELSTER_GZIP   => /ELSTER/LSTB/GZIP                   
    Test HR_DE_B2A_ELSTER_UNGZIP => /ELSTER/LSTB/UNGZIP                                                                               
    Message: java.lang.StackOverflowError                               
    SY-SUBRC: 1                                                         
    Kommunikationsfehler beim Aufruf des                                
    Funktionsbausteins HR_DE_B2A_ELSTER_GZIP.                           
    Ueberprüfen Sie die RFC-Verbindung HR_DE_ELSTER                     
    und/oder die Funktion des Business Connectors.                      
    Message: java.lang.StackOverflowError                               
    SY-SUBRC: 1                                                         
    Kommunikationsfehler beim Aufruf des                                
    Funktionsbausteins HR_DE_B2A_ELSTER_UNGZIP.                         
    Ueberprüfen Sie die RFC-Verbindung HR_DE_ELSTER                     
    und/oder die Funktion des Business Connectors.                      
    Does anybody knows why the java.lang.StackOverflowError appears?
    Any ideas what I could do to solve the problem?
    Many Thanks,

    Here is the right error message. Seems as if it loops..... But the question is why.
    2007-07-13 13:32:03 CEST java.lang.StackOverflowError
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
         at com.wm.lang.flow.FlowSequence.invoke(
         at com.wm.lang.flow.FlowRoot.invoke(
         at com.wm.lang.flow.FlowState.invokeNode(
         at com.wm.lang.flow.FlowState.step(
         at com.wm.lang.flow.FlowState.invoke(
         at com.wm.lang.flow.FlowInvoke.invoke(
         at com.wm.lang.flow.FlowState.invokeNode(
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  • Problem with Elster Kommunikation

    Hello all,
    we have install SAP XI on NetWeaver2004s with Elster. To check the settings we execute the following report RPUTX7D0. Elster is working in the DEV and QAS system. In our productive system elster works the last time too. But since two days Elster is not running. The report have now an error:
    Testreport zum Überprüfen der RFC-Verbindungen zum Business Connector                                                            1
    Kommunikation - Business Connector
    Teststring für GZIP und UNGZIP: ÄäÖöÜüß
    Message: lookup of alternativeServiceIdentifier via CPA-cache failed for channel 'RFC_Sender_Elster' (ae291dd01aa9354580df8fbb3bd9
    SY-SUBRC: 1
    Kommunikationsfehler beim Aufruf des
    Funktionsbausteins HR_DE_B2A_ELSTER_GZIP.
    Ueberprüfen Sie die RFC-Verbindung HR_DE_ELSTER
    und/oder die Funktion des Business Connectors.
    Message: lookup of alternativeServiceIdentifier via CPA-cache failed for channel 'RFC_Sender_Elster' (ae291dd01aa9354580df8fbb3bd9
    SY-SUBRC: 1
    Kommunikationsfehler beim Aufruf des
    Funktionsbausteins HR_DE_B2A_ELSTER_UNGZIP.
    Ueberprüfen Sie die RFC-Verbindung HR_DE_ELSTER
    und/oder die Funktion des Business Connectors.
    GZIP/UNGZIP - Fehler
    I`m wondering, becouse the report in the productive system say "Kommunikation - Business Connector"  but we use Elster. In the other System the report say " Kommunikation - XI".
    I have check all RFC connections and note 730870.
    Have somebody an idea? Is this problem in context to the landscape of the productive System (CI and DI)
    THANK you!
    Kind regards

    Hi Folks,
    my error message is some kind different:
    cut here -
    Teststring für GZIP und UNGZIP: ÄäÖöÜüß                                                                               
    Message: call to messaging system failed: XIServer:UPDATE:HTTP status code404 Not Found
    SY-SUBRC: 1                                                                               
    Kommunikationsfehler beim Aufruf des                                                                               
    Funktionsbausteins HR_DE_B2A_ELSTER_GZIP.                                                                               
    Ueberprüfen Sie die RFC-Verbindung HR_DE_ELSTER                                                                               
    bzw. die Funktion auf XI                                                                               
    Message: call to messaging system failed: XIServer:UPDATE:HTTP status code404 Not Found
    SY-SUBRC: 1                                                                               
    Kommunikationsfehler beim Aufruf des                                                                               
    Funktionsbausteins HR_DE_B2A_ELSTER_UNGZIP.                                                                               
    Ueberprüfen Sie die RFC-Verbindung HR_DE_ELSTER                                                                               
    bzw. die Funktion auf XI
    cut here -
    RFC connection is operational and SMGW shows my XI  as registered TP
    Any ideas?
    Thanx in advance

  • Betrag für Dauerfristverlängerung

    Hallo zusammen,
    gibt es in B1 eine Möglichkeit den Betrag für die Dauerfristverlängerung für die USt-VA vom Programm ermitteln zu lassen?
    Habe in den Steuerberichten nur was gefunden wo ich einen Betrag eingeben kann (vermutlich der, der mit der Dezember-USt-VA abgezogen wird).
    Oder muss ich den Betrag selbst ermitteln?
    Danke für Eure Hilfe.

    Genau so sieht es aus. Im Steuerbericht kann man lediglich den gezahlten 1/11 Betrag eintragen, damit er im Dezember abgezogen wird. Ermitteln muss man den neuen Betrag selber. Dauerfristverlängerung beantragen dann direkt über das Elster-Portal oder das Elsterformular.
    Mit freudnlichen Grüßen
    Gabriele Grüneberg

  • Elster 1.0 with XI 3.0 and SAP 4.6B

    Hello all,
    is there any experience with Elster/VAT on xi3.0 (SP16) and a 4.6B ERP.
    OSS Notes beside 801696 ?
    thanks in advance

    Hello Christine,
    sounds good...thanks for hint concerning OSS 795961.
    My problem is getting Elster 1.0 content for XI IR as well as java module mentioned in point 2.0 in OSS 801696.
    I've requested it via marketplace but the only thing I get is content for Elster 2.0 which is not the version I need.
    Have you used Elster 1.0 or Elster 2.0 ?

  • Establishing ELSTER encryption in ECC 6.0

    I would like to set up the ELSTER encryption functionality in ECC 6.0.
    Has some one experience, helpful information, technical steps (Tcodes), SAP notes for the following operations:
    <b>- establish ELSTER encryption
    - establish Business Connector
    - establish RFC-Verbindung
    - establish  electronic agency comunication
    - to store settings for electronic agency comunication
    - authorization</b>
    Thank you very much indeed!

    Hi Thom,
    <b>Regarding establish RFC-Verbindung</b>
    <b>establish Business Connector</b>
    <b>For Tcodes</b>

  • Error in ELSTER on XI

    Hi Experts,
    we have set up the wage-tax return scenario ELSTER on the XI 7.0 system to replace the communication via Business Connector. We did the configuration following the description from SAP.
    The messages are processed apparently fine, but when I look deeper into the monitoring, I see error messages from the modules on the SOAP communication channel:
    Error: class in Method: MessageProcessorElsterHCMReceiveResponseModule: decodeBase64( byte[] ). Message: Base64 decode( String, boolean )Invalid character: <.. To-String: java.text.ParseException: Base64 decode( String, boolean )Invalid character: <..
    Message processing continues afterwards, and the message ist marked as "successful" in the monitoring.
    The message payload contains the following text (after the error message from above):
    <XML_OUT>&lt;?xml version="1.0"
      encoding="ISO-8859-1"?&gt;&lt;Elster xmlns=""&gt;&lt;TransferHeader
    There are somme messages that use the same way through XI, but have a slightly different message content. The responses of these messages are processed without any problems.
    Is it possible, that the MessageProcessorElsterHCMReceiveResponseModule just tries to decode the incoming message from base64, and if the message is not coded in base64, it is just passed with the error "remark" from above?
    (I now noticed, that the "<" character is not part of the base64 code table)
    Thanks in advance
    Edited by: dee-cee on Mar 30, 2011 1:12 PM

    Hello Experts,
    I am stuck now with the same problem for a couple of days. Have you solved this problem?
    If I run RPUTX7D0 without an XML file all goes fine and I receive the expected response from the Clearingstelle. But as soon as I upload an XML file generated through PB2A I get the very same error:
    Error: class in Method: MessageProcessorElsterHCMReceiveResponseModule: decodeBase64( byte[] ). Message: Base64 decode( String, boolean )Invalid character: <.. To-String: java.text.ParseException: Base64 decode( String, boolean )Invalid character: <..
    Any help would be very appreciated!

  • Establishing of ELSTER/DATEV for ERP2005 systems

    I have 2 systems (ERP 2005) landscape and have to set up the ELSTER/DATEV approach for these systems.
    The system landscape is:
    DEV-system (Clients: 100 and 200)
    PRD-system (Clients: 100)
    We do not have SAP XI, so we need to use SAP Business Connector
    What is the difference between ELSTER and DATEV, should I set up both of them?
    What are the steps are necessary therefor? (SAPCryptolib, SAP Business Connector, etc.)
    Do I need to set up the whole approach on each system (DEV, PRD) and each client (100, 200)?
    Thank you ver much indeed!

    My German colleague tells me ELSTER is the electronic tax filing/ tax declaration interface and DATEV is the interface to export tax information / financial data. Both are specific to the German market.
    I don't believe this is the correct forum to address this question. Maybe you could check with some of the middleware or interface teams for more inputs on how to set these up.
    Sorry mate, can't help.

  • XI Solution for Elster

    Hi All,
    We are currently in the process of implementing online VAT returns for germany ( Elster ) using XI as the middleware. We have performed all the steps described in the IMG guide ( Financial Accounting (new) -> General Ledger Accounting ( new ) - > Periodic processing -> Report -> Electronic communication with Authorities -> Set Up XI )
    After performing the above setup when we simulate the Tax return from our ECC system using the transaction FOTV we are faced with the error "No receiver could be determined" in SXMB_MONI. The error message in MONI is -
    <!--  Inbound Message   -->
    - <SAP:Error xmlns:SAP="" xmlns:SOAP="" SOAP:mustUnderstand="1">
      <SAP:P1 />
      <SAP:P2 />
      <SAP:P3 />
      <SAP:P4 />
      <SAP:AdditionalText />
      <SAP:ApplicationFaultMessage namespace="" />
      <SAP:Stack>No receiver could be determined</SAP:Stack>
    Could any please let me know as to what could be the reason behind this error ? I am a little confused as all the repository and directory objects are delivered by SAP and there is nothing much for us to do. 
    Kindly let me know if any one has faced similar error and what was done to rectify them.

    Hi Stefan,
    Here is the SAP:Sender node for the real time sceanrio. I am not able to post the node for test scenario as I had tested it in ID using  "Test Configuration" tool
    <!--  Receiver Identification
    - <SAP:Main xmlns:SAP="" xmlns:SOAP="" xmlns:wsu="" versionMajor="003" versionMinor="000" SOAP:mustUnderstand="1" wsu:Id="wsuid-main-92ABE13F5C59AB7FE10000000A1551F7">
    - <SAP:Sender>
      <SAP:Interface namespace="">VATDeclarationRequestConfirmation_Out</SAP:Interface>
      <SAP:Interface namespace="">VATDeclarationRequestConfirmation_Out</SAP:Interface>
    The node for the corresponding response message is as below. This is where my error occurs.
    <!--  Receiver Identification
    - <SAP:Main xmlns:SAP="" xmlns:SOAP="" xmlns:wsu="" versionMajor="003" versionMinor="000" SOAP:mustUnderstand="1" wsu:Id="wsuid-main-92ABE13F5C59AB7FE10000000A1551F7">
    - <SAP:Sender>
      <SAP:Service />
      <SAP:Interface namespace="" />
    - <SAP:Receiver>
      <SAP:Party agency="" scheme="" />
      <SAP:Interface namespace="">VATDeclarationRequestConfirmation_Out</SAP:Interface>
      <SAP:Interface namespace="">VATDeclarationRequestConfirmation_Out</SAP:Interface>

  • Create Elster scenario inside Integration Builder

    Hello together
    I'm new in this forum and may ask the community if there is somewhere an e-learning guide to create the elster scenario inside Integration Builder of SAP-PI. SAP note 1279464 decribes creation of the elster scenario in chapter 4.) Integration Directory, but this is a bit of confusion for me.
    Thank you very much for your help in advance!
    Juerg Dreier

    Hi Juerg,
    From my knowledge, i didnt find any e-learning for Elster module till now. But you can get info in bits and pieces. Long back i was involved in creating SAP Elster module in PI, if you have specific queries then i could help you in this case.
    To put briefly:
    Elster module is like any other adapter module in PI which is provided by SAP for german tax filing. which involves RFC and SOAP adapter. let me know if you have specific queries.

  • XI and ELSTER (VAT) - Problem with encryption

    I'm realizing an VAT via ELSTER scenario with PI 7.0.
    When I send the VAT from R/3 (ECC 6.0) to PI, I get the error " Unsupported keysize or algorithm parameters" back from the adapter.
    Can anyone help me?
    regards christian

    One thing that comes tomind is that you may need to apply the JCE Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy files. See [|How Tou2026 Configure Message Level Security in SAP XI 7.0], chapter 4.1 for more details.
    If this does not help, please give some more details on the scenario (sender adapter, receiver adapter etc).
    Kind regards,

  • Elster XI HTTP error

    Dear experts,
    I've set up the XI configuration for the Elster scenario but when executing the HR - test report (RPUTX7D0) I'm getting a "HTTP client. Code 400 reason ICM_HTTP_CONNECTION_FAILED" for all 4 XI HTTP posts. 
    All other interfaces, such as the Elster GZIP, the Elster UNZIP and the Elster Export work fine.
    Does anyone have an idea, or did anyone encounter the same issue?

    Hi Check with thread your querry is solved here
    Re: XI Basics - Tough question
    Error while receiving by HTTP (error code: 400, error text: ICM_HTTP_CONNEC
    refer the point no 2 at this

  • Establish ELSTER in SAP ECC

    I would like to establish ELSTER encryption in my SAP ECC.
    What are the technical steps/procedure/relevant Tcodes to do this?
    Thank you very much!

    Hi Jacob,
    For AS400 environment as well 20% limit exists.
    Refer SAP help for more details
    Number of active work processes: 10
    (AS/400 jobs in status RUN)
    Number of page faults per active work process: 20 per second
    Allows: 200 page faults per second
    Paging overhead per work process: 200 ms per second
    (accepted average response time of hard disk is 10 ms)
    That corresponds to a paging overhead of 20%. The 20% limit should not be exceeded.
    Hope this helps.
    Deepak Kori

  • XI - Elster

    Hello all!
    I try to configure Elster on XI 7.0, but when I try to do step 10 (within the Integration Directory) I am not able to choose ElsterAdapterChannel form the templates, I cannot find it. Just Elster_Adapter_Channel_proxy is available for me. Do I have forgotten anything to import?
    If I try to import Elster_Adapter_Channel_proxy, this template has no entry in the module registry sheet, but
    my documentation says that I just should enter a module for item line 1 and 3. Where do I get the second one?
    It's pretty urgent!
    Hoping for help,
    thx Barbara

    Thanks so much for your help. I took the guide out of the IMG and in it it refers to ELSTER 2.0.
    Could you provide me a document which is not mixing the two versions up - I would be very
    glad about that.
    Now I've entered following:
    Hope this looks correct... because I am absolutely not sure about that.
    Local Enterprise Bean     
    Local Enterprise Bean     
    Local Enterprise Bean     
    But if I configure everything else according to the guide I get following error message: ElsterReceiveResponseModulParameter: setEncryptionParameter( ModuleContext )The module parameter: Own.Key is NOT set!
    Do you have any idea about that?
    Kind regards,

  • SBO 2007 / Elster 2011

    Kann mir auf die Schnelle jemand sagen, mit welcher Elster Version ich unter SBO 2007 eine UStVA-Meldung verschicken kann? SP01 PL13 klappt nicht ...
    In der Beschreibung zu HF01 für PL13 steht nur die Korrektur mit dem Ende 2010 ausgelaufenen Zertifikat drin. Funktioniert damit auch eine Meldung in 2011?
    Viele Grüße,

    Für die Version 8.8 ist es PL19, mit dem die Elster wieder funktioniert. Sowohl in Version 2007 als auch 8.8 funktioniert dann die Meldung für 2010 (wieder) und auch die Meldung für 2011.
    Mit freundlichen Gruessen
    Dr. Gabriele Grueneberg
    Edited by: Dr. Gabriele Grueneberg on Feb 14, 2011 5:46 PM

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