Dead Mac. Can I update iPhone to IOS5 on another machine?

I've got a dead Mac that held my iTunes account. All content is safe in external drives. I am overseas and not getting a new Mac for a couple of months, but would like to upgrade my iPhone and iPad to IOS5. I've got another computer (Win7) that I could use to accomplish this, but do not want to wipe these phones in the process. What are my options at this point?

Actually, you can burn a DVD or USB (8GB) thumb drive and let him boot and install from it. Or, you can actually run the InstallESD.dmg file from his machine. I've done both and Lion installs.
Personally, I would burn a DVD or thumb drive so you always have it.
Burn the InstallESD.dmg to a bootable DVD.
Launch Disk Utility and click the Burn button
Select the InstallESD.dmg file from your desktop as the image to burn. Insert a blank DVD and wait for the the image to be burned.
Burn the InstallESD.dmg to a bootable USB thumb drive.
Open Disk Utility and drag the InstallESD.dmg file to the left side pane. Go to the Partition tab ad select 1 Partition from the drop down menu. Choose Mac OS Extended (Journaled) on the left. Click the Options button under the partition table and choose GUID Partition Table. You will need this to make the drive bootable on a Mac. Hit the Apply button when ready to format the drive (it will erase everything on the drive).
Click on the Restore tab and drag the InstallESD.dmg file to the Source. Drag the USB partition to the Destination. Hit the Restore button and it will create the bootable USB drive with the OS X Lion installer

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    Sorry ol' chap; the short answer is NO.
    You need Panther 10.3.9 or later:
    500 MHz G3 processor or better
    QT 6.5.2 or later
    256 MB RAM or better
    Broadband Internet Connection for buying and streaming music
    For video:
    1 GHz G4 processor or better
    QT 7.1.5 or later
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    Did you check your security software settings?
    Errors related to third-party security software
    Error 2, 4 (or -4), 6, 40, 1000, 9006
    Follow Troubleshooting security software. Often, uninstalling third-party security software will resolve these errors.
    There may be third-party software that modifies your default packet size in Windows by inserting a TcpWindowSize entry into your registry. Your default packet size being set incorrectly can cause these errors. Contact the manufacturer of the software that installed the packet size modification for assistance or follow this article by Microsoft: How to reset Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).
    Verify that access to ports 80 and 443 are allowed on your network.
    Verify that communication to or is not blocked by a firewall, or other Internet security setting.
    Discard the .ipsw file, open iTunes and attempt to download the update again. See the steps underAdvanced Steps > Rename, move, or delete the iOS software file (.ipsw) below for file locations.
    Restore your device while connected to a different network.
    Restore using a different computer.
    copied from Update and restore error messages on iPhone and iPod touch

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    If you are using a Windows based computer, could be security software and or the firewall preventing the update process.
    iTunes for Windows: Troubleshooting security software issues
    iTunes for Windows: Network Connectivity Tests
    Helps to tells us when you post if you are Windows or Mac.

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