Debug Error on start up

I need to know how I can get this program to work. I am trying to create a form from an existing Acrobat 7.0.8 Professional pdf. I'm using Windows XP Professional and LifeCycle Designer 7,0,041126,0.
After selecting the preferred import options & return method & information, I get the following error dialogue box:
Microsoft Visual C++ Debug Library
Debug Error!
Program: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Designer 7.0\FormDesigner.exe
abnormal program termination
(Press Retry to debug the application)
Abort Retry Ignore
If I select Retry, the program crashes. If I select Ignore, I get this error:
Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
Runtime Error!
Program: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Designer 7.0\FormDesigner.exe
abnormal program termination
and clicking O.K. crashes the program.
Any suggestions on how I can get this program to work would be appreciated.

Do you have any add-on installed? The error sounds like from add-on.

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  • Error in starting SPLService on Tomcat

    I get an error while starting CC&B v2.1.0 installed at my local machine on Tomcat. Hereunder is the SPL.log :
    - 10:32:37,953 [main] INFO (web.startup.SPLWebStartup) Initializing SPL web application
    - 10:32:37,953 [main] INFO (shared.context.ApplicationMode) Application is running web-based
    - 10:32:37,953 [main] INFO (shared.context.ApplicationMode) Application set to production mode
    - 10:32:38,031 [main] INFO (web.dynamicui.TransformServletHelper) Disable UIPage Compression set to false
    - 10:32:38,968 [main] INFO (support.context.ContextFactory) Creating default context
    - 10:32:39,093 [main] INFO (shared.environ.ApplicationProperties) loaded properties from resource {spl.runtime.service.extraInstallationServices=CILTINCP, spl.runtime.cobol.remote.jvmcommand=D:/CCB_Install/jdk1.5.0_09/bin/java.exe,,ccb,cm, spl.runtime.cobol.remote.jvmcount=1, spl.runtime.socket.file.dir=D:/ccbenv/ccbdemo/runtime, spl.runtime.cobol.sql.fetchSize=150, spl.runtime.cobol.cobrcall=false, spl.runtime.cobol.encoding=UTF8, spl.runtime.cobol.sql.disableQueryCache=false, spl.runtime.utf8Database=true, spl.runtime.cobol.remote.jvmoptions=-Xmx156m -server -Dfile.encoding=ISO8859_1 -cp D:/ccbenv/ccbdemo/splapp/standalone/config;D:/ccbenv/ccbdemo/splapp/standalone/lib/commons-beanutils-1.6.1.jar;D:/ccbenv/ccbdemo/splapp/standalone/lib/commons-codec-1.3.jar;D:/ccbenv/ccbdemo/splapp/standalone/lib/commons-collections-2.1.1.jar;D:/ccbenv/ccbdemo/splapp/standalone/lib/commons-fileupload-1.1.1.jar;D:/ccbenv/ccbdemo/splapp/standalone/lib/commons-httpclient-2.0.2.jar;D:/ccbenv/ccbdemo/splapp/standalone/lib/commons-io-1.2.jar;D:/ccbenv/ccbdemo/splapp/standalone/lib/commons-lang-2.2.jar;D:/ccbenv/ccbdemo/splapp/standalone/lib/commons-logging-1.0.4.jar;D:/ccbenv/ccbdemo/splapp/standalone/lib/concurrent-1.3.4.jar;D:/ccbenv/ccbdemo/splapp/standalone/lib/dom4j-1.6.1.jar;D:/ccbenv/ccbdemo/splapp/standalone/lib/hibernate-3.1.3.jar;D:/ccbenv/ccbdemo/splapp/standalone/lib/icu4j-3.6.jar;D:/ccbenv/ccbdemo/splapp/standalone/lib/jaxen-1.1-beta-11.jar;D:/ccbenv/ccbdemo/splapp/standalone/lib/jta.jar;D:/ccbenv/ccbdemo/splapp/standalone/lib/jtds-1.2.jar;D:/ccbenv/ccbdemo/splapp/standalone/lib/log4j-1.2.11.jar;D:/ccbenv/ccbdemo/splapp/standalone/lib/mfcobol.jar;D:/ccbenv/ccbdemo/splapp/standalone/lib/spl-base-2.1.0.jar;D:/ccbenv/ccbdemo/splapp/standalone/lib/spl-shared-2.1.0.jar;D:/ccbenv/ccbdemo/splapp/standalone/lib/spl-xai-2.1.0.jar;D:/ccbenv/ccbdemo/splapp/standalone/lib/xstream-1.2.1.jar, spl.runtime.environ.init.dir=D:/ccbenv/ccbdemo/etc, spl.runtime.cobol.sql.cache.maxTotalEntries=1000,, spl.runtime.cobol.remote.rmiStartPort=5503, spl.runtime.cobol.sql.cursoredCache.maxRows=10, spl.runtime.cobol.remote.jvm=true, spl.runtime.sql.highValue=}
    - 10:32:47,140 [main] WARN (shared.environ.ContextManagedObjectSet) Could not load resource com/splwg/cm/domain/contextManagedObjects.xml on classpath. This may be harmless but could mean a problem with the classpath. Please verify that the classpath for application cm is correctly configured.
    - 10:33:12,234 [main] INFO (support.context.ContextFactory) Registering lookups
    - 10:33:12,593 [main] INFO (support.context.ContextFactory) 480 lookups registered, time 348.717 ms
    - 10:33:12,593 [main] INFO (support.context.ComponentContainerLookupHelper) Initializing constants on 505 lookup interface classes
    - 10:33:13,187 [main] INFO (support.context.ComponentContainerLookupHelper) Done initializing lookup constants, time 594.028 ms
    - 10:33:13,187 [main] INFO (support.context.ContextFactory) Registering algorithm spots
    - 10:33:13,187 [main] INFO (support.context.ContextFactory) 99 algorithm spots registered, time 0.168 ms
    - 10:33:13,187 [main] INFO (support.context.ContextFactory) Registering algorithm components
    - 10:33:13,187 [main] INFO (support.context.ContextFactory) 46 algorithm components registered, time 0.045 ms
    - 10:33:13,187 [main] INFO (support.context.ContextFactory) Registering batch jobs
    - 10:33:13,187 [main] INFO (support.context.ContextFactory) 13 batch jobs registered, time 0.036 ms
    - 10:33:13,187 [main] INFO (support.context.ContextFactory) Registering Entities
    - 10:33:15,515 [main] INFO (support.context.ContextFactory) 812 entities registered, time 2,320.145 ms
    - 10:33:15,515 [main] INFO (support.context.ContextFactory) Registering Components
    - 10:33:15,515 [main] INFO (support.context.ContextFactory) 227 components registered, time 1.367 ms
    - 10:33:15,515 [main] INFO (support.context.ContextFactory) Registering Change Handlers
    - 10:33:15,515 [main] INFO (support.context.ContextFactory) 200 handlers registered, time 0.386 ms
    - 10:33:15,515 [main] INFO (support.context.ContextFactory) Registering Services
    - 10:33:15,671 [main] INFO (support.context.ContextFactory) 313 services registered, time 158.694 ms
    - 10:33:15,671 [main] INFO (support.context.ContextFactory) Registering Code Description queries
    - 10:33:15,687 [main] INFO (support.context.ContextFactory) 40 code/description queries registered, time 0.060 ms
    - 10:33:15,687 [main] INFO (support.context.ContextFactory) Registering cobol programs
    - 10:33:16,140 [main] INFO (support.context.ContextFactory) 187 cobol copybooks registered, time 455.640 ms
    - 10:33:16,140 [main] INFO (support.context.ContextFactory) Registering cobol programs
    - 10:33:16,140 [main] INFO (support.context.ContextFactory) 39 cobol programs registered, time 0.048 ms
    - 10:33:16,140 [main] INFO (support.context.ApplicationContext) Building hibernate configuration
    - 10:33:16,687 [main] INFO (support.context.ApplicationContext) Adding 812 hibernate mappings
    - 10:33:17,640 [main] INFO (support.context.ApplicationContext) Added 100 mappings
    - 10:33:18,250 [main] INFO (support.context.ApplicationContext) Added 200 mappings
    - 10:33:19,015 [main] INFO (support.context.ApplicationContext) Added 300 mappings
    - 10:33:19,609 [main] INFO (support.context.ApplicationContext) Added 400 mappings
    - 10:33:20,562 [main] INFO (support.context.ApplicationContext) Added 500 mappings
    - 10:33:21,140 [main] INFO (support.context.ApplicationContext) Added 600 mappings
    - 10:33:21,734 [main] INFO (support.context.ApplicationContext) Added 700 mappings
    - 10:33:22,343 [main] INFO (support.context.ApplicationContext) Added 800 mappings
    - 10:33:22,406 [main] INFO (support.context.ApplicationContext) Added 812 mappings
    - 10:33:22,500 [main] INFO (support.context.ApplicationContext) Done building hibernate configuration, time 6,351.886 ms
    - 10:33:22,500 [main] INFO (support.context.ApplicationContext) Building hibernate session factory
    - 10:33:24,218 [main] INFO (hibernate.connection.ConnectionProviderFactory) Initializing connection provider: org.hibernate.connection.C3P0ConnectionProvider
    - 10:33:24,218 [main] INFO (hibernate.connection.C3P0ConnectionProvider) C3P0 using driver: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver at URL: jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:etmdemo
    - 10:33:24,218 [main] INFO (hibernate.connection.C3P0ConnectionProvider) Connection properties: {user=ccbuser, password=****}
    - 10:33:24,218 [main] INFO (hibernate.connection.C3P0ConnectionProvider) autocommit mode: false
    - 10:33:24,234 [main] INFO (v2.log.MLog) MLog clients using log4j logging.
    - 10:33:24,640 [main] INFO (v2.c3p0.C3P0Registry) Initializing c3p0- [built 23-January-2006 22:20:29 -0500; debug? true; trace: 10]
    - 10:33:24,812 [main] INFO (v2.c3p0.PoolBackedDataSource) Initializing c3p0 pool... com.mchange.v2.c3p0.PoolBackedDataSource@215748 [ connectionPoolDataSource -> com.mchange.v2.c3p0.WrapperConnectionPoolDataSource@100269d [ acquireIncrement -> 1, acquireRetryAttempts -> 30, acquireRetryDelay -> 1000, autoCommitOnClose -> false, automaticTestTable -> null, breakAfterAcquireFailure -> false, checkoutTimeout -> 0, connectionTesterClassName -> com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.DefaultConnectionTester, factoryClassLocation -> null, forceIgnoreUnresolvedTransactions -> false, identityToken -> 100269d, idleConnectionTestPeriod -> 0, initialPoolSize -> 1, maxIdleTime -> 300, maxPoolSize -> 150, maxStatements -> 0, maxStatementsPerConnection -> 0, minPoolSize -> 1, nestedDataSource -> com.mchange.v2.c3p0.DriverManagerDataSource@56be4e [ description -> null, driverClass -> null, factoryClassLocation -> null, identityToken -> 56be4e, jdbcUrl -> jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:etmdemo, properties -> {user=******, password=******} ], preferredTestQuery -> null, propertyCycle -> 300, testConnectionOnCheckin -> false, testConnectionOnCheckout -> false, usesTraditionalReflectiveProxies -> false ], factoryClassLocation -> null, identityToken -> 215748, numHelperThreads -> 3 ]
    - 10:33:26,296 [main] INFO (hibernate.dialect.Dialect) Using dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle9Dialect
    - 10:33:26,312 [main] INFO (hibernate.transaction.TransactionFactoryFactory) Transaction strategy: org.hibernate.transaction.JDBCTransactionFactory
    - 10:33:26,312 [main] INFO (hibernate.transaction.TransactionManagerLookupFactory) No TransactionManagerLookup configured (in JTA environment, use of read-write or transactional second-level cache is not recommended)
    - 10:33:26,343 [main] INFO (hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl) building session factory
    - 10:33:36,812 [main] INFO (hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryObjectFactory) Not binding factory to JNDI, no JNDI name configured
    - 10:33:36,812 [main] INFO (support.context.ApplicationContext) Done building hibernate session factory, time 14,318.045 ms
    - 10:33:37,484 [main] INFO (support.sql.OracleFunctionReplacer) Oracle driver statement cache enabled with size of 300
    - 10:33:37,531 [main] INFO (support.context.ApplicationContext) Database: Oracle, version: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
    - 10:33:37,531 [main] INFO (support.context.ApplicationContext) JDBC driver: Oracle JDBC driver, version:
    - 10:33:38,828 [main] INFO (support.context.ApplicationContext) System owner is: 'CM '
    - 10:33:39,328 [main] INFO ( Using provided java command for remote cobol execution: D:/CCB_Install/jdk1.5.0_09/bin/java.exe
    - 10:33:39,328 [main] INFO ( Using provided java command options for remote cobol execution: -Xmx156m -server -Dfile.encoding=ISO8859_1 -cp D:/ccbenv/ccbdemo/splapp/standalone/config;D:/ccbenv/ccbdemo/splapp/standalone/lib/commons-beanutils-1.6.1.jar;D:/ccbenv/ccbdemo/splapp/standalone/lib/commons-codec-1.3.jar;D:/ccbenv/ccbdemo/splapp/standalone/lib/commons-collections-2.1.1.jar;D:/ccbenv/ccbdemo/splapp/standalone/lib/commons-fileupload-1.1.1.jar;D:/ccbenv/ccbdemo/splapp/standalone/lib/commons-httpclient-2.0.2.jar;D:/ccbenv/ccbdemo/splapp/standalone/lib/commons-io-1.2.jar;D:/ccbenv/ccbdemo/splapp/standalone/lib/commons-lang-2.2.jar;D:/ccbenv/ccbdemo/splapp/standalone/lib/commons-logging-1.0.4.jar;D:/ccbenv/ccbdemo/splapp/standalone/lib/concurrent-1.3.4.jar;D:/ccbenv/ccbdemo/splapp/standalone/lib/dom4j-1.6.1.jar;D:/ccbenv/ccbdemo/splapp/standalone/lib/hibernate-3.1.3.jar;D:/ccbenv/ccbdemo/splapp/standalone/lib/icu4j-3.6.jar;D:/ccbenv/ccbdemo/splapp/standalone/lib/jaxen-1.1-beta-11.jar;D:/ccbenv/ccbdemo/splapp/standalone/lib/jta.jar;D:/ccbenv/ccbdemo/splapp/standalone/lib/jtds-1.2.jar;D:/ccbenv/ccbdemo/splapp/standalone/lib/log4j-1.2.11.jar;D:/ccbenv/ccbdemo/splapp/standalone/lib/mfcobol.jar;D:/ccbenv/ccbdemo/splapp/standalone/lib/spl-base-2.1.0.jar;D:/ccbenv/ccbdemo/splapp/standalone/lib/spl-shared-2.1.0.jar;D:/ccbenv/ccbdemo/splapp/standalone/lib/spl-xai-2.1.0.jar;D:/ccbenv/ccbdemo/splapp/standalone/lib/xstream-1.2.1.jar
    - 10:33:39,343 [main] INFO ( Using starting port number 5503 for remote cobol execution.
    - 10:33:40,031 [main] INFO ( Socket strategy set to
    - 10:33:41,171 [main] INFO ( Using active JVM count of 1 for remote cobol execution.
    *-  10:34:03,203 [main] ERROR ( Unable to establish connection on port 5506 after waiting 20 seconds.* Error: Could not open pipe
    caused by system error: The system cannot find the file specified.
         at Method)
         at com.splwg.base.web.startup.SPLWebStartup.initializeApplicationContext(
         at com.splwg.base.web.startup.SPLWebStartup.contextInitialized(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.listenerStart(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.start(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.start(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine.start(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService.start(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardServer.start(
         at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start(
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.start(
         at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(
    - 10:34:03,234 [main] ERROR ( Unable to create socket for inter JVM communication on port 5506
    - 10:34:03,250 [main] INFO ( Connection to JVM 1 being shunned
    *-  10:34:03,250 [main] ERROR ( An exception has occurred calling the remote JVM*
    *-  10:34:03,250 [main] FATAL (support.context.ApplicationContext) Error initializing ApplicationContext*
    *-  10:34:03,250 [main] ERROR ([Catalina].[localhost].[]) Exception sending context initialized event to listener instance of class com.splwg.base.web.startup.SPLWebStartup*com.splwg.shared.common.LoggedException:
    The following stacked messages were reported as the LoggedException was rethrown: Error initializing ApplicationContext An exception has occurred calling the remote JVM Unable to create socket for inter JVM communication on port 5506
    The root LoggedException was: Unable to establish connection on port 5506 after waiting 20 seconds.
         at com.splwg.shared.common.LoggedException.wrap(
         at com.splwg.shared.common.LoggedException.wrap(
         at com.splwg.base.web.startup.SPLWebStartup.initializeApplicationContext(
         at com.splwg.base.web.startup.SPLWebStartup.contextInitialized(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.listenerStart(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.start(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.start(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine.start(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService.start(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardServer.start(
         at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start(
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.start(
         at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(
    Caused by: Error: Could not open pipe
    caused by system error: The system cannot find the file specified.
         at Method)
    can anyone please help me out to resolve this issue.

    Have you tried to restart the SPL service again and again? And sometime i use to get these OptimizedRemoteExecuterStub.getStreamHolder( An exception has occurred calling the remote JVM exception if the machine is occupying more memory....
    Try to restart it again.

  • Configuring Identity Management Components - Error in starting opmn server

    I have a VM, which is being administered by VMware Lab Manager. The VM is running RHEL 5.1, and has an Oracle 11g database installed.
    I am in the process of trying to install and configure Oracle Internet Directory 11g. To do this, I ran the Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Oracle Identity Management Installer. I selected the "Install Software - Do Not Configure" installation type, and chose to "Configure without a Domain" in order to avoid having to install and administer a WebLogic domain. I set "/data1/u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.1" as the Oracle Middleware Home, and "Oracle_IDM1" as the Oracle Home Directory. (To simplify things below, let ORACLE_IDM_HOME refer to the /data1/u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.1/Oracle_IDM1" directory... understand that no environment variable exists with this name though.) The installation routine ran successfully.
    But, I ran into a problem while trying to configure the Oracle Identity Management 11g components. I ran the Oracle Identity Management 11g Release 1 Configuration Wizard (ORACLE_IDM_HOME/bin/ Here are some of the key configuration values that I entered:
    - Oracle Instance Location: /data1/u01/config/oracle/as_admin/asinst_1
    - Oracle Instance Name: asinst_1
    - Select Domain: Configure without a Domain
    - Configure Components: Oracle Internet Directory
    - Configure Ports: Auto Port Configuration
    - Specify Schema Database: Create Schema
    After entering my configuration values and hitting the Configure button, the configuration process started running. Shortly thereafter, under Bootstrap Domain Configuration, "Failed" appeared next to the "Create ASInstance" line, with the following error listed:
    Error creating ASInstance asinst_1
    Cause: An internal operation has failed: Error in starting opmn server
    Operation aborted because of a system call failure or internal error
    In case it would be helpful, here is the output from the error log for the Oracle Identity Management 11g Configuration Wizard:
    Error creating ASInstance asinst_1.
    An internal operation has failed: Error in starting opmn server
    Operation aborted because of a system call failure or internal error
    See logs for more details.
    Caused by: Error in starting opmn server
    Operation aborted because of a system call failure or internal error
    ... 16 more
    To get more information, I tried to manually start the opmn server (I set ORACLE_INSTANCE to "/data1/u01/config/oracle/as_admin/asinst_1" and then ran "./opmnctl start" from the ORACLE_IDM_HOME/opmn/bin directory). As expected, the server failed to start. But, I checked the opmn.out file (in the ORACLE_INSTANCE/diagnostics/logs/OPMN/opmn directory), and found the following error repeated several times:
    OPMN worker process exited with status 8b. Restarting.
    OPMN worker process exited with status 8b. Restarting.
    OPMN worker process terminated with signal 11 7 times in 10 seconds -- aborting!
    Does anyone know what this error means? I am at a loss as to what to do at this point, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you!

    h1. UPDATE:
    I just needed internet access to download the sysstat and compat-db packages, once installed I disconnected from the internet and re-run the installation, once again, it went fine without problems and opmn and OID are up and running. Also, I enabled the firewall which was disabled during the first installation.
    Here is the list of packages needed as pre-requisites:
    gcc-4.1.0-28.4, gcc-c++-4.1.0-28-4, setarch-1.6-1, libstdc++-4.1.0, libstdc++-devel-4.1.0, compat-libstdc++-2.96, control-center-2.8.0, glibc-common-2.3.4-2.9, binutils-2.16.91, make-3.80 on top of sysstat-5.0.5-1 and compat-db-4.1.25-9.
    There are 3 configuration files for opmn:, opmn.xml and ports.prop..... and for OID: component-logs.xml
    #These properties are generally used as default values for arguments not specified on the command line. When an argument is provided on the command line, the corresponding property is overwritten in this file.
    #Tue Aug 18 19:58:35 MDT 2009
    registered=falseh2. opmn.xml:
    <?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
    <opmn xmlns="">
       <log comp="internal;ons;pm" rotation-size="1500000"/>
       <debug comp="" rotation-size="1500000"/>
       <notification-server interface="any">
          <port local="6700" remote="6701"/>
          <ssl enabled="true" wallet-file="/home/oracle/as_admin/asinst_1/config/OPMN/opmn/wallet"/>
             <module path="$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/lib/libopmnohs">
                <module-id id="OHS2"/>
             <module path="$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/lib/libopmncustom">
                <module-id id="CUSTOM"/>
             <module path="$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/lib/libopmnoid">
                <module-id id="OID"/>
             <module path="$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/lib/libopmnbi">
                <module-id id="BIServer"/>
                <module-id id="BIScheduler"/>
                <module-id id="BIPresentationServices"/>
                <module-id id="BIClusterController"/>
                <module-id id="BIJavaHost"/>
             <module path="$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/lib/libopmnovd">
                <module-id id="OVD"/>
             <module path="$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/lib/libopmnwc">
                <module-id id="WebCache"/>
                <module-id id="WebCache-admin"/>
             <module path="$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/lib/libopmnreports">
                <module-id id="ReportsServices"/>
                <module-id id="ReportsBridgeServices"/>
             <module path="$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/lib/libopmndisco">
                <module-id id="Disco_ServicesStatus"/>
                <module-id id="Disco_SessionServer"/>
                <module-id id="Disco_PreferenceServer"/>
             <module path="$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/lib/libopmnemagent">
                <module-id id="EMAGENT"/>
          <ias-instance id="asinst_1" name="asinst_1">
               <variable id="TEMP" value="/tmp"/>
               <variable id="TMP" value="/tmp"/>
          <ias-component id="EMAGENT">
      <process-type id="EMAGENT" module-id="EMAGENT">
        <process-set id="EMAGENT" numprocs="1">
          <ping interval="0"/>
    </ias-component><ias-component id="oid1" type="OID">
      <process-type id="oidmon" module-id="OID">
        <process-set id="OID" numprocs="1">
            <variable id="TNS_ADMIN" value="/home/oracle/as_admin/asinst_1/config"/>
         <variable id="DB_CONNECT_STR" value="OIDDB"/>
            <category id="oidmon-parameters">
           <data id="start-cmdline-opts" value="connect=$DB_CONNECT_STR opmnuid=true start"/>
           <data id="stop-cmdline-opts" value="connect=$DB_CONNECT_STR opmnuid=true stop"/>
      <process-type id="oidldapd" status="phantom">
        <process-set id="oidldapd" status="phantom" numprocs="2"/>
             <!-- Audit Loader Setup TODO
                  Update the interval for Audit Loader to control how frequently
                  the Standalone Audit Loader gets invoked (seconds).
             <rmd name="AuditLoader" interval="315360000">
                 <!-- Audit Loader Setup TODO
                      Before Updating the action snippet below, please update the
                      password in the Secret Store
                 <!-- Audit Loader Setup TODO
                      Update the jdbcString (@%host%:%port%:%sid%)
                      Update the username (%username%)
                      Update the password (%password%) in Secret Store by adding
                      2 more system properties:
                 <action value="exec $ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin/java -classpath $ORACLE_HOME/modules/oracle.osdt_11.1.1/osdt_cert.jar$:$ORACLE_HOME/modules/oracle.osdt_11.1.1/osdt_core.jar$:$ORACLE_HOME/jdbc/lib/ojdbc5.jar$:$ORACLE_HOME/modules/oracle.iau_11.1.1/fmw_audit.jar$:$ORACLE_HOME/modules/oracle.pki_11.1.1/oraclepki.jar -Doracle.home=$ORACLE_HOME -Doracle.instance=$ORACLE_INSTANCE -Dauditloader.jdbcString=jdbc:oracle:thin:@%host%:%port%:%sid% -Dauditloader.username=%username%" timeout="60"/>
                 <exception value="exec /bin/echo PERIODICAL CALL FOR Audit Loader FAILED"/>
            <launch-target id="logquery">
              <exec path="$ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin/java"/>
              <argument value="-classpath"/>
              <argument value="$ORACLE_HOME/modules/oracle.odl_11.1.1/ojdl.jar$:$ORACLE_HOME/modules/oracle.odl_11.1.1/ojdl2.jar"/>
              <argument value="-Djava.encoding=utf-8"/>
              <argument value=""/>
              <argument value="-i"/>
              <argument value="$ORACLE_INSTANCE"/>
    </opmn>h2. ports.prop:
    #Tue Aug 18 19:58:35 MDT 2009
    /EMAGENT/emd-port=5162h2. component-logs.xml
    <?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
    <logs xmlns="">
    <log path="diagnostics/logs/OID/oid1/oidldapd%NUM%s%PID%-0000.log" componentId="OID">
      <logreader class="oracle.core.ojdl.reader.ODLTextLogReaderFactory">
       <property name="FilenameFormat" value="oidldapd%NUM%s%PID%-{0}.log"/>
       <property name="FileRotation" value="circular"/>
       <property name="ComponentId" value="OID"/>
    <log path="diagnostics/logs/OID/oid1/oidmon-0000.log" componentId="OID">
      <logreader class="oracle.core.ojdl.reader.ODLTextLogReaderFactory">
       <property name="FilenameFormat" value="oidmon-{0}.log"/>
       <property name="FileRotation" value="circular"/>
       <property name="ComponentId" value="OID"/>
    <log path="diagnostics/logs/OID/oid1/oidrepld00-0000.log" componentId="OID">
      <logreader class="oracle.core.ojdl.reader.ODLTextLogReaderFactory">
       <property name="FilenameFormat" value="oidrepld00-{0}.log"/>
       <property name="FileRotation" value="circular"/>
       <property name="ComponentId" value="OID"/>

  • Google searches throw Javascript error "Debug Error: Exception...."

    I went away for a week. Everything fine. Since I got back (May 6 2010) when I click on any Google search result a pop-up box appears (sometimes when the search results page first appears before clicking anything) with this message:
    "Debug Error:Exception... "Node was not found" code: "8" nsresult: "0x80530008 (NS_ERROR_DOM_NOT_FOUND_ERR)" location: "chrome://ffamazonhot/content/lib/Extension.debug.js Line: 366""
    Continual clicking (100+ clicks!) of the OK button eventually clears the dialogue but any subsequent search starts the whole process again. I also not that the style of the Google results p[age has changed.
    I have to use a different browser for Google searches. IE7-OK Opera 9.64 - OK Chrome - OK (naturally)
    I have cleared Cache, History, Cookies etc. I have tried reinstalling FF. I have disabled JavaScript in he browser. All no good.
    I notice in the forums that others are having this problem in the same time range - i.e it has just started happening. I have tired contacting Google with the usual lack of success!
    Help Please!
    == URL of affected sites ==

    Additional information about my previous post " Google searches throw Javascript error "Debug Error: Exception...."
    I have disabled the Amazon Add-on since the name Amazon appears in the debug message No change.
    I attach a screen shot of the offending dialogue box
    Hope someone can help.

  • Flash Chart Error "A Start-tag was not matched with an end-tag."

    All of the Flash charts on a page started displaying the error "A Start-tag was not matched with an end-tag." The charts were all working prefectly and no changes were made to the page. Any thoughts?

    Here is what I get when I click Show XML in debug mode. Thanks.
    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
    - <root>
    - <styles>
    <style type="background" id="background" background_type="solid" color="0xffffff" alpha="0" />
    <style type="deal_background" id="dealBackground" enabled="yes" color="0xdddddd" alpha="100" />
    <style type="deal_border" id="dealBorder" enabled="yes" thickness="1" color="0x666666" alpha="100" />
    <style type="deal_position" id="dealPosition" left="146" top="169.1707317" />
    <style type="deal_size" id="dealSize" startAngle="0" endAngle="180" innerRadius="0" outerRadius="109.5" />
    <style type="indicator_background" id="indicatorBackground" enabled="yes" color="0x000000" alpha="100" />
    <style type="indicator_border" id="indicatorBorder" enabled="yes" color="0xFFFFFF" thickness="1" alpha="0" />
    <style type="scale_size" id="scaleSize" length="7.3" />
    <style type="scale_position" id="scalePosition" radius="102.2" />
    <style type="scale_lines" id="scaleLines" enabled="yes" thickness="1" color="0x000000" alpha="100" />
    <style type="scale_labels_position" id="scaleLabelsPosition" radius="109.5" />
    <style type="scale_labels_background" id="scaleLabelsBackground" enabled="no" />
    <style type="scale_labels_border" id="scaleLabelsBorder" enabled="no" color="0x000000" />
    <style type="scale_labels_text" id="scaleLabelsText" font="Verdana" size="10" color="0x000000" bold="no" italic="no" underline="no" align="right" />
    <style type="scale_labels_size" id="scaleLabelsSize" />
    <style id="areaBackground0" type="area_background" enabled="yes" color="0x669999" alpha="100" />
    <style id="areaBackground1" type="area_background" enabled="yes" color="0xCCCCCC" alpha="100" />
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    <style id="areaBorder0" type="area_border" enabled="yes" thickness="1" color="0x666666" alpha="100" />
    <style id="areaSize" type="area_size" outerRadius="105.85" innerRadius="36.5" />
    <style type="circle_object_border" id="dotBorder" enabled="no" />
    <style type="circle_object_position" id="dotPosition" left="146" top="169.1707317" />
    <style type="circle_object_size" id="dotSize" radius="7.3" />
    <style type="circle_object_background" id="dotBackground" enabled="yes" color="0x000000" alpha="100" />
    <style id="emptyBorder" enabled="no" />
    - <shapes>
    - <shape id="indicatorShape" type="polygon">
    <point x="0" y="-4" />
    <point x="-97.82" y="0" />
    <point x="0" y="4" />
    <point x="0" y="-4" />
    - <objects>
    <circle sizeStyleId="dotSize" positionStyleId="dotPosition" backgroundStyleId="dotBackground" borderStyleId="dotBorder" />
    - <data>
    <deal minimum="0" maximum="100" sizeStyleId="dealSize" positionStyleId="dealPosition" backgroundStyleId="dealBackground" borderStyleId="dealBorder" />
    - <areas>
    <area startValue="1" endValue="99" backgroundStyleId="areaBackground1" borderStyleId="areaBorder" sizeStyleId="areaSize" />
    - <scales>
    <scale startAngle="0" endAngle="180" angleStep="18" labelsPrefix="" labelsPostfix="%" decimalPlaces="0" sizeStyleId="scaleSize" positionStyleId="scalePosition" linesStyleId="scaleLines" labelPositionStyleId="scaleLabelsPosition" labelBackgroundStyleId="scaleLabelsBackground" labelBorderStyleId="scaleLabelsBorder" labelTextStyleId="scaleLabelsText" labelSizeStyleId="scaleLabelsSize" />
    <indicator value="51.7412935" backgroundStyleId="indicatorBackground" borderStyleId="indicatorBorder" shapeId="indicatorShape" />

  • Error while starting VM Image

    Hi All
    I am getting the following error while starting my vm image...
    Start - /OVS/running_pool/135_Trade_finance_Upgrade
    PowerOn Failed : Result - failed:<Exception: return=>failed:<Exception: ['xm', 'create', '/var/ovs/mount/413DC32013614CDCB5A4268266CF4DCF/running_pool/135_Trade_finance_Upgrade/vm.cfg'] => Error: (1, 'Internal error', 'xc_dom_do_gunzip: inflate failed (rc=-5)\n')
    File "/opt/ovs-agent-2.3/", line 57, in xen_start_vm
    File "/opt/ovs-agent-2.3/", line 85, in run_cmd
    raise Exception('%s => %s' % (cmdlist,
    File "/opt/ovs-agent-2.3/", line 131, in start_vm
    raise e

    Thanks Markus
    I rebooted the host system and now unable to start any vms in that.. this is the error messages that I see..
    [root@sditovs0001 170_PUAT2]# xm create vm.cfg
    Using config file "./vm.cfg".
    Error: Device 51728 (vbd) could not be connected. /var/ovs/mount/413DC32013614CDCB5A4268266CF4DCF/running_pool/170_PUAT2/disk1.img does not exist.
    [root@sditovs0001 170_PUAT2]# less /var/log/xen/xend.log
    : '0', 'state': '1', 'backend': '/local/domain/0/backend/vif/4/0'} to /local/domain/4/device/vif/0.
    [2010-08-02 18:08:22 5041] DEBUG (DevController:97) DevController: writing {'bridge': 'xenbr1', 'domain': '170_PUAT2', 'handle': '0', 'uuid': '3af6475
    b-8b4e-f3ef-2c42-31060c6aed98', 'script': '/etc/xen/scripts/vif-bridge', 'mac': '00:16:3E:32:40:0D', 'frontend-id': '4', 'state': '1', 'online': '1', 'fronte
    nd': '/local/domain/4/device/vif/0', 'type': 'netfront'} to /local/domain/0/backend/vif/4/0.
    [2010-08-02 18:08:22 5041] INFO (image:391) spawning device models: /usr/lib/xen/bin/qemu-dm ['/usr/lib/xen/bin/qemu-dm', '-d', '4', '-domain-name', '170_Pro
    file_UAT2', '-videoram', '4', '-vnc', ',password', '-vncunused', '-serial', 'pty', '-M', 'xenpv']
    [2010-08-02 18:08:22 5041] INFO (image:440) device model pid: 4368
    [2010-08-02 18:08:22 5041] INFO (image:528) waiting for sentinel_fifo
    [2010-08-02 18:08:22 5041] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:3089) Storing VM details: {'on_xend_stop': 'ignore', 'shadow_memory': '0', 'uuid': '8307eecb-f75c-4615-a74a-
    ad93749ed635', 'on_reboot': 'restart', 'start_time': '1280752702.23', 'on_poweroff': 'destroy', 'bootloader_args': '-q', 'on_xend_start': 'ignore', 'on_crash
    ': 'restart', 'xend/restart_count': '0', 'vcpus': '2', 'vcpu_avail': '3', 'bootloader': '/usr/bin/pygrub', 'image': "(linux (kernel ) (superpages 0) (videora
    m 4) (device_model /usr/lib/xen/bin/qemu-dm) (notes (FEATURES 'writable_page_tables|writable_descriptor_tables|auto_translated_physmap|pae_pgdir_above_4gb|su
    pervisor_mode_kernel') (VIRT_BASE 3221225472) (GUEST_VERSION 2.6) (PADDR_OFFSET 3221225472) (GUEST_OS linux) (HYPERCALL_PAGE 3225423872) (LOADER generic) (PA
    E_MODE yes) (ENTRY 3225419776) (XEN_VERSION xen-3.0)))", 'name': '170_PUAT2'}
    [2010-08-02 18:08:22 5041] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1640) Storing domain details: {'console/ring-ref': '8481928', 'image/entry': '3225419776', 'console/port': '
    2', 'store/ring-ref': '8481929', 'image/loader': 'generic', 'vm': '/vm/8307eecb-f75c-4615-a74a-ad93749ed635', 'control/platform-feature-multiprocessor-suspen
    d': '1', 'image/guest-os': 'linux', 'cpu/1/availability': 'online', 'image/features/writable-descriptor-tables': '1', 'image/virt-base': '3221225472', 'memor
    y/target': '2097152', 'image/guest-version': '2.6', 'image/features/supervisor-mode-kernel': '1', 'image/pae-mode': 'yes', 'console/limit': '1048576', 'image
    /paddr-offset': '3221225472', 'image/hypercall-page': '3225423872', 'cpu/0/availability': 'online', 'image/features/pae-pgdir-above-4gb': '1', 'image/feature
    s/writable-page-tables': '1', 'console/type': 'ioemu', 'image/features/auto-translated-physmap': '1', 'name': '170_PUAT2', 'domid': '4', 'image/xen-ve
    rsion': 'xen-3.0', 'store/port': '1'}
    [2010-08-02 18:08:22 5041] DEBUG (DevController:95) DevController: writing {'protocol': 'x86_32-abi', 'state': '1', 'backend-id': '0', 'backend': '/local/dom
    ain/0/backend/console/4/0'} to /local/domain/4/device/console/0.
    [2010-08-02 18:08:22 5041] DEBUG (DevController:97) DevController: writing {'domain': '170_PUAT2', 'frontend': '/local/domain/4/device/console/0', 'uu
    id': '4ef7c394-6479-c91f-f50c-b9aeaf0c1f58', 'frontend-id': '4', 'state': '1', 'location': '2', 'online': '1', 'protocol': 'vt100'} to /local/domain/0/backen
    [2010-08-02 18:08:22 5041] DEBUG (DevController:139) Waiting for devices vif.
    [2010-08-02 18:08:22 5041] DEBUG (DevController:144) Waiting for 0.
    [2010-08-02 18:08:22 5041] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1727) XendDomainInfo.handleShutdownWatch
    [2010-08-02 18:08:22 5041] DEBUG (DevController:629) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vif/4/0/hotplug-status.
    [2010-08-02 18:08:22 5041] DEBUG (DevController:629) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vif/4/0/hotplug-status.
    [2010-08-02 18:08:22 5041] DEBUG (DevController:643) hotplugStatusCallback 1.
    [2010-08-02 18:08:22 5041] DEBUG (DevController:139) Waiting for devices vscsi.
    [2010-08-02 18:08:22 5041] DEBUG (DevController:139) Waiting for devices vbd.
    [2010-08-02 18:08:22 5041] DEBUG (DevController:144) Waiting for 51712.
    [2010-08-02 18:08:22 5041] DEBUG (DevController:629) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/4/51712/hotplug-status.
    [2010-08-02 18:08:22 5041] DEBUG (DevController:629) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/4/51712/hotplug-status.
    [2010-08-02 18:08:22 5041] DEBUG (DevController:643) hotplugStatusCallback 1.
    [2010-08-02 18:08:22 5041] DEBUG (DevController:144) Waiting for 51728.
    [2010-08-02 18:08:22 5041] DEBUG (DevController:629) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/4/51728/hotplug-status.
    [2010-08-02 18:08:22 5041] DEBUG (DevController:643) hotplugStatusCallback 2.
    [2010-08-02 18:08:22 5041] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2757) XendDomainInfo.destroy: domid=4
    [2010-08-02 18:08:22 5041] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2230) Destroying device model
    [2010-08-02 18:08:22 5041] INFO (image:553) 170_PUAT2 device model terminated
    [2010-08-02 18:08:22 5041] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2237) Releasing devices
    [2010-08-02 18:08:22 5041] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2250) Removing vif/0
    [2010-08-02 18:08:22 5041] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1144) XendDomainInfo.destroyDevice: deviceClass = vif, device = vif/0
    [2010-08-02 18:08:22 5041] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2250) Removing vbd/51712
    [2010-08-02 18:08:22 5041] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1144) XendDomainInfo.destroyDevice: deviceClass = vbd, device = vbd/51712
    [2010-08-02 18:08:22 5041] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2250) Removing vbd/51728
    [2010-08-02 18:08:22 5041] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1144) XendDomainInfo.destroyDevice: deviceClass = vbd, device = vbd/51728
    [2010-08-02 18:08:22 5041] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2250) Removing vkbd/0
    [2010-08-02 18:08:22 5041] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1144) XendDomainInfo.destroyDevice: deviceClass = vkbd, device = vkbd/0
    [2010-08-02 18:08:22 5041] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2250) Removing vfb/0
    [2010-08-02 18:08:22 5041] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1144) XendDomainInfo.destroyDevice: deviceClass = vfb, device = vfb/0
    [2010-08-02 18:08:22 5041] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2250) Removing console/0
    [2010-08-02 18:08:22 5041] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1144) XendDomainInfo.destroyDevice: deviceClass = console, device = console/0
    [2010-08-02 18:08:22 5041] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2235) No device model
    [2010-08-02 18:08:22 5041] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2237) Releasing devices

  • Debug error when changing blending modes

    Hi there,
    I get a Debug Error every time I use 2 Adjustment Layers one above each other, with the following effects applied:
    Adjustment Layer Above:
    - Tint, not keyframed
    - Opacity Blending Mode: Color Dodge
    Adjustment Layer Below:
    - Venetian Blinds, not keyframed
    - Offset, keyframed
    - Turbulent Displace, keyframed
    - Opacity Blending Mode: Normal
    Media layer below:
    - JPG, Canon 60D - 5184x3456 - no effects applied
    The error I get (option to 'Continue', but the program doesn't respond and needs to be closed):
    Premiere Pro Debug Event
    Premiere Pro has encountered an error.
    Error in Events panel:
    An input contract violation has occurred!
    I first started to get this error, while working with various media files in 1440x1080/HDV 1080i mode (Sony Z7U native)/29.97fps/1.33 sequence. Trying to understand what it goes wrong, I created a new project and recreated the adjustment layers (AL) with same effects applied - the only thing changed was the JPG added as media under both ALs. Same debug errors every time the blending is changed from normal to any other blending mode. With normal blending on the AL above, everything is fine.
    After further testing, it looks like even with only one AL (no effects) above the JPG, get the same debug error when blending is changed from normal to any other mode.
    Important note: Same layer+effect configuration applied in 1920x1080/ARRI Cinema mode/24fps/1.0 sequence - it works with no debug error. Haven't tried any other editing modes yet.
    Layers, in order from top:
    - AL (Venetian Blinds, Tint, Offset, Turbulent Displace - Color Dodge blending)
    - AL (Venetian Blinds, Tint, Offset, Turbulent Displace - Normal blending)
    - AL (Timecode effect)
    - Title
    - media, MPEG (1440x1080, 29.97 frame rate, 1.3333 pixel aspect ratio)
    - After Effects composition (dynamic link) 1920x1080 - content: media file, MPEG (640x480, 30fps, 1.0 + various titles and effects, including color dodge blending
    I googled for similar error reports, there are none related to Premiere Pro.
    I don't know what else to do, rather than just avoid using this effect configuration.
    Does anyone else had this issue, even in different situations?
    Thank you very much for any feedback.
    HP Z820
    Dual Xeon E5-2643 - driver 6.1.7600.16385
    Dual nVidia Quadro 4000 - driver
    64GB RAM
    SSD 250GB for System
    HDD 3TB for Media
    Software (up to date):
    Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 - Version 6.0.3 (001 (MC: 264587))
    Windows 7 x64 - 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601

    I've never seen that error myself.  If you have a way to avoid it, might be best to just do that.

  • A service has encountered an error -  cannot start volume

    I am getting the following error in the cvlog; anyone know what might be the reason?
    I an unable to start a volume but I cannot work out where the error is occurring.
    [0206 14:11:07.420110] 0x1801000 (Debug) sigwait handler starting
    [0206 14:11:07] 0xa000ed68 (Info) Server Revision 2.6.3 Build 27.3 Built for Darwin 8.0 Created on Thu Nov 3 16:45:37 PST 2005
    [0206 14:11:07.422908] 0xa000ed68 (Debug) /Library/Filesystems/Xsan/config/FCP.cfg:54: Error syntax error
    [0206 14:11:07] 0xa000ed68 (*Critical*)
    Configuration parsing detected 1 error.[0206 14:11:07] 0xa000ed68 (*FATAL*) ^Configuration parsing detected 1 error.
    [0206 14:18:56.059389] 0x1801000 (Debug) sigwait handler starting
    [0206 14:18:56] 0xa000ed68 (Info) Server Revision 2.6.3 Build 27.3 Built for Darwin 8.0 Created on Thu Nov 3 16:45:37 PST 2005
    [0206 14:18:56.061524] 0xa000ed68 (Debug) /Library/Filesystems/Xsan/config/FCP.cfg:54: Error syntax error
    [0206 14:18:56] 0xa000ed68 (*Critical*)
    Configuration parsing detected 1 error.[0206 14:18:56] 0xa000ed68 (*FATAL*) ^Configuration parsing detected 1 error.
    XSERVE G5 Node   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

    Looks like naming the LUNs in 1.1 went bad. I upgraded to 1.2 and renamed the LUNs (twice in fact) and then it worked. Hmm

  • Recovery system power was shutoff while running. now debug error always pops up.

    I have a Hp 65 notebook. When was running the recovery system the power was shutoff. Now Debug error pops up  at the bottom it says abort-retry-ignore. When I hit any of those squares. The next box says systems recovery options. Below that it says. The installed program cannot start. Click ok to turn off computer.

    Okay, no problem.
    What you are going to need to do is order a set of operating system disk for this computer. Since you were in the middle of a recovery and the computer turned off, that crashed the process and it didn't  successfully re-write the operating system and drivers back to the computer.
    To provide you the best way to order those disks, I need the full make and model of the computer you have. You provided HP 65 but I was unable to locate that notebook anywhere. Here is a link that might help you find the information.
    Please respond back at your earliest convenience.
    Clicking the White Kudos star on the left is a way to say Thanks!
    Clicking the 'Accept as Solution' button is a way to let others know which steps helped solve the problem!

  • Control Center Debug Error

    A few days ago I installed the latest version of Control Center, 2.5.060, and it worked fine until today when it started putting up a debug error, "This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way". I tried uninstalling it and re-installing it, also tried doing a system restore to about a day ago when I'm pretty sure the problem wasn't there.
    This problem came up after making some changes to the IME. I updated to the latest version but ran into a transient problem where the IME driver was failing when coming out of suspend,  so I tried rolling back to the previous version. That seemed to fix the problem with the driver failing but then the problem came up with Control Center. So I tried updating to the latest version again, now it seems to be working when coming out of suspend but Control Center isn't. If I click on ignore it just hangs at the loading screen and has to be manually terminated, if I click retry it just crashes.
    I previously had a problem with Control Center putting up the error message about replacing the IME version. I solved that by turning off Control Center Count. Now I've tried it with and without Control Center Count running but just get the same debug error no matter what.
    CPU: Intel Core i5 3570k @ 3.4 GHz
    Mobo: MSI Z77A-GD65 Gaming
    RAM: 2 x 4 GB G SKILL Ripjaws DDR3-1600
    GPU: Sapphire Radeon HD 7870 OC
    HDD: WD Caviar Black 1 TB
    ODD: Asus 24x DVD Burner
    PSU: Rosewill Capstone 650-M 80+ Gold Cert.
    OS: Windows 7 Home Premium x64
    Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
    Edit: Just noticed that I'm getting the same problem with ClickBios
    Also tried rolling back to the previous version of Control Center, no luck there.

    >>Posting Guide<<
    What hardware are you running, please read the posting guide.

  • Error when starting Weblogic server with Coherence

    We want to use Coherence 3.6 with Weblogic Server 10.3. During server startup, we get the following error. My understanding is the cluster should be started automatically based on the configuration listed below the error. Appreciate any pointers.
    <Dec 15, 2011 3:20:11 PM PST> <Error> <Coherence> <BEA-000000> <2011-12-15 15:20:11.920/67.311 Oracle Coherence SE <Error> (thread=Cluster, member=n/a): This member could not join the cluster because of a configuration mismatch between this member and the configuration being used by the rest of the cluster. This member specified a cluster name of "EPCIS" which did not match the name of the running cluster. This indicates that there are multiple clusters on this network attempting to use overlapping network configurations. Rejected by Member(Id=9, Timestamp=2011-11-16 13:58:42.941, Address=, MachineId=21022,,machine:adc2101177,process:30667, Role=WeblogicServer).>
    <Dec 15, 2011 3:20:11 PM PST> <Error> <oracle.apps.pas.epc.framework.db.Cache> <BEA-000000> <java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to start Service "Cluster" (ServiceState=SERVICE_STOPPED, STATE_JOINING)>
    <Dec 15, 2011 3:20:11 PM PST> <Error> <Coherence> <BEA-000000> <2011-12-15 15:20:11.957/67.349 Oracle Coherence SE <Error> (thread=[STANDBY] ExecuteThread: '3' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)', member=n/a): Error while starting cluster: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to start Service "Cluster" (ServiceState=SERVICE_STOPPED, STATE_JOINING)
    We have the following descriptor (epcis-coherence-cache-config.xml) in $DOMAIN_HOME/epc-config:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE cache-config SYSTEM "cache-config.dtd">
    We also have tangosol-coherence-override.xml in the same dir:
    <cluster-name system-property="tangosol.coherence.clustername">EPCIS</cluster-name>
    <edition-name system-property="tangosol.coherence.edition">SE</edition-name>
    <license-mode system-property="tangosol.coherence.mode">dev</license-mode>
    We have modified by adding:

    As the error message says, your WebLogic server is trying to join a cluster that has a different cluster name.
    This bit in your tangosol-coherence-override.xml file or the tangosol.coherence.clustername system property must be the same in all members of the cluster
    <cluster-name system-property="tangosol.coherence.clustername">EPCIS</cluster-name>JK

  • Error while starting weblogic server

    Hi, I am getting following error while starting weblogic server
    Unexpected Signal : 11 occurred at PC=0x40170bc5 Function name=fill_in_stack_trace__19java_lang_ThrowableG6HandleP6Thread
    Current Java thread: at java.lang.Throwable.fillInStackTrace(Native Method) at
    java.lang.Throwable.<init>( at java.lang.Error.<init>(
    at java.lang.LinkageError.<init>( at java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError.<init>(
    at java.lang.AbstractMethodError.<init>(
    Environment : Weblogic 6.0 Sp2 on Linux Red hat 7.1
    jdk 1.31

    1)Could you please try logging into sqlplus using using the below command :-
        sqlplus "/ as sysdba"
    2)Execute the below command to check if the password in expired :-
      select username, account_status, expiry_date, where username='MDS username';
    3)Change the password if the password has been expired by following the below command :-
       alter user <user> identified by <password>;
    4)Once the above steps are followed please login into the Weblogic Admin Console and follow the below steps:-
        + Go to DataSources ---> Select the MDS schema ----> change the password which was given in step no.3
        + Restart the Weblogic once again.
    5)Lets us know the result.

  • Error in starting opmn server

    Note: I posted this thread on the Identity Management forum as well. I wanted to post it here too, as I think my problem may be a more generic Application Server one, instead of one specific to Identity Management. If this is improper etiquette, I apologize.
    I have a VM, which is being administered by VMware Lab Manager. The VM is running RHEL 5.1, and has an Oracle 11g database installed.
    I am in the process of trying to install and configure Oracle Internet Directory 11g. To do this, I ran the Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Oracle Identity Management Installer. I selected the "Install Software - Do Not Configure" installation type, and chose to "Configure without a Domain" in order to avoid having to install and administer a WebLogic domain. I set "/data1/u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.1" as the Oracle Middleware Home, and "Oracle_IDM1" as the Oracle Home Directory. (To simplify things below, let ORACLE_IDM_HOME refer to the /data1/u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.1/Oracle_IDM1" directory... understand that no environment variable exists with this name though.) The installation routine ran successfully.
    But, I ran into a problem while trying to configure the Oracle Identity Management 11g components. I ran the Oracle Identity Management 11g Release 1 Configuration Wizard (ORACLE_IDM_HOME/bin/ Here are some of the key configuration values that I entered:
    - Oracle Instance Location: /data1/u01/config/oracle/as_admin/asinst_1
    - Oracle Instance Name: asinst_1
    - Select Domain: Configure without a Domain
    - Configure Components: Oracle Internet Directory
    - Configure Ports: Auto Port Configuration
    - Specify Schema Database: Create Schema
    After entering my configuration values and hitting the Configure button, the configuration process started running. Shortly thereafter, under Bootstrap Domain Configuration, "Failed" appeared next to the "Create ASInstance" line, with the following error listed:
    Error creating ASInstance asinst_1
    Cause: An internal operation has failed: Error in starting opmn server
    Operation aborted because of a system call failure or internal error
    In case it would be helpful, here is the output from the error log for the Oracle Identity Management 11g Configuration Wizard:
    Error creating ASInstance asinst_1.
    An internal operation has failed: Error in starting opmn server
    Operation aborted because of a system call failure or internal error
    See logs for more details.
    Caused by: Error in starting opmn server
    Operation aborted because of a system call failure or internal error
    ... 16 more
    To get more information, I tried to manually start the opmn server (I set ORACLE_INSTANCE to "/data1/u01/config/oracle/as_admin/asinst_1" and then ran "./opmnctl start" from the ORACLE_IDM_HOME/opmn/bin directory). As expected, the server failed to start. But, I checked the opmn.out file (in the ORACLE_INSTANCE/diagnostics/logs/OPMN/opmn directory), and found the following error repeated several times:
    OPMN worker process exited with status 8b. Restarting.
    OPMN worker process exited with status 8b. Restarting.
    OPMN worker process terminated with signal 11 7 times in 10 seconds -- aborting!
    Does anyone know what this error means? I am at a loss as to what to do at this point, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you!

    For what it's worth.... I ran into the same thing on a Linux 64 bit Oracle Enterprise Linux box I had set up. I was just able to resolve the issue after many failed attempts.
    According to the log the instance is actually created successfully, but when opmnctl startall command is called immediately afterwards that's when the badness happens, and it just associates the opmnctl start failure to the ASInstance creation. So I decided to call opmnctl startall from the command line immediately after the failure. At that point SELinux started notifying me that a bunch of lib*.so files that opmnctl needed were being blocked when it was called. I went ahead and disabled the entire SELinux functionality and it worked after that!
    To turn off SELinux edit /etc/selinux/config file. Edit the following line:
    Then restart linux, and rerun the OBIEE config again.
    Good Luck, hope that helps someone

  • Error in starting server

    While starting a weblogic server I am getting the following error: I am using weblogic 9.1
    <Feb 13, 2007 1:47:31 PM EST> <Error> <HTTP> <BEA-101359> <The servlet weblogic.
    servlet.AsyncInitServlet init method failed while it was run in the background.
    The exception was: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.bea.netuix.servlets.manager.SingleFileServ
    at weblogic.utils.classloaders.GenericClassLoader.findLocalClass(Generic
    at weblogic.utils.classloaders.GenericClassLoader.findClass(GenericClass
    at weblogic.utils.classloaders.ChangeAwareClassLoader.findClass(ChangeAw
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(

    Could you post the stack trace?
    JP wrote:
    I am getting error when starting server on linux saying JNDI not initializing JTA Exception. Please help me

  • OS Error in starting the OCFS Service on windows server 2008

    Installing the Oracle 11g R1 CRS on windows server 2008 operating system . It is displaying the folllowing error message
    ERROR : OS in Error in starting the OCFS Service
    Can any one please tell what could be the issue ..
    Thank You

    Solved this after some trawling through xml configuration files on the server.
    The file C:\Oracle\product\11.1.0\db_1\owb\j2ee\config\http-web-site.xml contains the reference to keystore.jks:
              <ssl-config keystore="*%ORACLE_HOME%*/owb/j2ee/config/keystore.jks" keystore-password="-&gt;keystoreadmin"/>
    changing this to:
              <ssl-config keystore="C:\Oracle\product\11.1.0\db_1/owb/j2ee/config/keystore.jks" keystore-password="-&gt;keystoreadmin"/>
    and the OC4J container starts successfully.

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