Debugging a Customer Function

Hi Seniors,
There is an implementation of a function module exit " EXIT_SAPLEINM_002" from the project "MM06E001". This will be called in the execution of another function module in a custom program. As we dubug the program, the debugger stops at the break point of the statement " Customer Function '002' , but does not go into it. What are the ways we can debug a function module exit.
Thank you,
Edited by: C N Chaitanya on Nov 8, 2011 10:10 PM

Hi Chaitanya,
In transaction CMOD create a Z project and inside that Z project assign enhancement "MM06E001". and activate.
After activation of project it will execute your code in exit EXIT_SAPLEINM_002.

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    You have to include that Enhancement of that exit in the Project and Activate that project in the CMOD.
    The Enhancement for the exit EXIT_SAPMV45A_003 is V45A0003.
    Create a project in CMOD
    And inclue V45A0003 in the project.
    Activate the Project.
    Now, it will stop at break point.
    Naimesh Patel

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    Hi Swaroop,
    take a look at RSPLS_PLSEQ_EXECUTE in transaction SE38. You will see the following line of code
    PERFORM execute_plseq  TABLES g_t_return USING seqnm variant.
    . Set a break-point here and execute the report. The debugger will stop at the above mentioned line. Press F6 to execute the statement and than double click on g_t_return. This table contains the messages. Please take a look at them. You can see the technical name of the message. To see them in a more readable format you can use transaction SE91.
    Regards Matthias Nutt
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    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Mick, this might be of some help 4 u.
    Sending System(Outbound ALE Process)
    Tcode SALE - for
    a) Define Logical System
    b) Assign Client to Logical System
    Tcode SM59-RFC Destination
    Tcode BD64 - Create Model View
    Tcode BD82 - Generate partner Profiles & Create Ports
    Tcode BD64 - Distribute the Model view
    Message Type MATMAS
    Tcode BD10 - Send Material Data
    Tcode WE05 - Idoc List for watching any Errors
    Receiving System(Inbound ALE )
    Tcode SALE - for
    a) Define Logical System
    b) Assign Client to Logical System
    Tcode SM59-RFC Destination
    Tcode BD64 - Check for Model view whether it has distributed or not
    Tcode BD82 -- Generate partner Profiles & Create Ports
    Tcode BD11 Getting Material Data
    Tcode WE05 - Idoc List for inbound status codes
    ALE IDOC Steps
    Sending System(Outbound ALE Process)
    Tcode SALE ?3 for
    a) Define Logical System
    b) Assign Client to Logical System
    Tcode SM59-RFC Destination
    Tcode BD64 - Create Model View
    Tcode BD82 - Generate partner Profiles & Create Ports
    Tcode BD64 - Distribute the Model view
    This is Receiving system Settings
    Receiving System(Inbound ALE )
    Tcode SALE - for
    a) Define Logical System
    b) Assign Client to Logical System
    Tcode SM59-RFC Destination
    Tcode BD64 - Check for Model view whether it has distributed or not
    Tcode BD82 -- Generate partner Profiles & Create Ports
    Tcode BD11 Getting Material Data
    Tcode WE05 - Idoc List for inbound status codes
    Message Type MATMAS
    Tcode BD10 - Send Material Data
    Tcode WE05 - Idoc List for watching any Errors
    1)a Goto Tcode SALE
    Click on Sending & Receiving Systems-->Select Logical Systems
    Here Define Logical Systems---> Click on Execute Button
    go for new entries
    1) System Name : ERP000
    Description : Sending System
    2) System Name : ERP800
    Description : Receiving System
    press Enter & Save
    it will ask Request
    if you want new request create new Request orpress continue for transfering the objects
    B) goto Tcode SALE
    Select Assign Client to Logical Systems-->Execute
    000--> Double click on this
    Give the following Information
    Client : ERP 000
    City :
    Logical System
    Client role
    Save this Data
    Step 2) For RFC Creation
    Goto Tcode SM59-->Select R/3 Connects
    Click on Create Button
    RFC Destination Name should be same as partner's logical system name and case sensitive to create the ports automatically while generating the partner profiles
    give the information for required fields
    RFC Destination : ERP800
    Connection type: 3
    Target Host : ERP000
    System No:000
    lan : EN
    Client : 800
    User : Login User Name
    save this & Test it & RemortLogin
    Goto Tcode BD64 -- click on Change mode button
    click on create moduleview
    short text : xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Technical Neme : MODEL_ALV
    save this & Press ok
    select your just created modelview Name :'MODEL_ALV'.
    goto add message type
    Model Name : MODEL_ALV
    sender : ERP000
    Receiver : ERP800
    Message type :MATMAS
    save & Press Enter
    4) Goto Tcode BD82
    Give Model View : MODEL_ALV
    Partner system : ERP800
    execute this by press F8 Button
    it will gives you sending system port No :A000000015(Like)
    5) Goto Tcode BD64
    seelct the modelview
    goto >edit>modelview-->distribute
    press ok & Press enter
    6)goto Tcode : BD10 for Material sending
    Material : mat_001
    Message Type : MATMAS
    Logical System : ERP800
    and Execute
    7)goto Tcode : BD11 for Material Receiving
    Material : mat_001
    Message Type : MATMAS
    and Execute --> 1 request idoc created for message type Matmas
    press enter
    Here Master Idoc set for Messge type MATMAS-->press Enter
    1 Communication Idoc generated for Message Type
    this is your IDOC
    Change Pointers
    I know how to change the description of a material using ALE Change Pointers.
    I will give the following few steps
    1) Tcode BD61---> check the change pointers activated check box
    save and goback.
    2) Tcode BD50---> check the MATMAS check box save and comeback.
    3) Tcode BD51---> goto IDOC_INPUT_MATMAS01 select the checkbox save and comeback.
    4) Tcode BD52---> give message type : matmas press ok button.
    select all what ever you want and delete remaining fields.
    save & come back.
    5) 5) go to Tcode MM02 select one material and try to change the description and save it
    it will effects the target systems material desciption will also changes
    6) goto Tcode SE38 give program Name is : RBDMIDOC and Execute
    give Message type : MATMAS and Executte
    ALE/IDOC Status Codes/Messages
    01 Error --> Idoc Added
    30 Error --> Idoc ready for dispatch(ALE Service)
    then goto SE38 --> Execute the Program RBDMIDOC
    29 Error --> ALE Service Layer
    then goto SE38 --> Execute the Program RSEOUT00
    03 Error --> Data Passed to Port ok
    then goto SE38 --> Execute the Program RBDMOIND
    12 Error --> Dispatch ok
    Inbound Status Codes
    50 Error --> It will go for ALE Service Layer
    56 Error --> Idoc with Errors added
    51 Error --> Application Document not posted
    65 Error --> Error in ALE Service Layer
    for 51 or 56 Errors do the following steps
    goto WE19 > give the IDOC Number and Execute>
    Press on Inbound function Module
    for 65 Error --> goto SE38 --> Execute the Program RBDAPP01 then your getting 51 Error

  • How to trigger inbound custom function module?

    Hello Experts,
    Could someone help me with my dilemma?
    I have created a custom process code which is linked to a custom function module for processing inbound IDocs. I have tested the function module successfully and I have set up the partner profile accordingly. The IDocs are coming in but get stuck at status "64". My function module never gets triggered even though in the partner profile it is set up to be triggered immediately. Any idea what I am missing?

    Hi marlin ,
    just go for these checks and let us know the status ..
    1.Check here .
    Bd51 – assignment of Inbound function module. Present or not
    Check here .
    2.Bd67 –assignment of process code to inbound function module /present or not.
    Check here.
    In the object for the message type u need to give the BUS object as the application object.
    like bus2032
    Now place a break-point in ur function module and run it in debugging mode ..
    Now check whether this one is getting  into ur function module , next check the status record of the document number .
    take an idoc , populate it from we19 and then there call the function module in debugging mode in back ground ..
    we'll see if this is actually picking the Fm or not.
    Message was edited by: Vijay

  • How to write the custom Function Module to trigger the Alert.

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    I have developed a custom alert category in Tx - alrtcatdef. Now i want to trigger it from my custom function module. what should i do or what is the procedure to trigger the alert from my custom function module.
    Arul Jothi

    hi arul,
    try this program.
    check out this link...
    <a href="/people/ginger.gatling/blog/2005/12/02/innovative-ways-to-use-alerts:///people/ginger.gatling/blog/2005/12/02/innovative-ways-to-use-alerts

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    How to create a custom function module with the records in SAP R/3? Using RFC Adapter I have to fetch the custom function module records.

    goto u need to create a function group... then u need to create a function module. inside assign import/export parameters. assign tables/exceptions. activate the same. now write ur code within the function module
    Look at the below SAP HELP links, These links will show you the way to create a Function Module

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    Process code has been created thro WE42 and WE57 is done.
    Still I am not able to see the custom function module in the list (WE42) in order to assign it to process code.
    May i know the reason for this?

    What makes you think that it should be visible in WE42? There is no F4-value help for this and you haven't added it manually yet, right.
    In WE42 you can manually add entries, so that's what I would do.

  • SSRS - Pass Field Value List To Custom Function Assembly And Display Result

    I have written a SQL Server Reporting Services custom function as a C# assembly DLL and added it to my report. The purpose of the function is to search for outlier records in a collection of data. The data is represented as an array of floating point -tuplets
    (float[][]). In a medical patient database, these might be things such as blood pressure, cholesterol, hight, weight, waist measurement, etc.
    Several user input parameters are provided in the report, including numeric seed values for this particular algorithm. One multivalued parameter is a list of the numeric columns to be used as input to the algorithm because, importantly,
    the user can choose any subset of the value columns. I have a tablix that will display columns from the dataset conditionally, based on which of those columns are chosen.
    At this point, there are two issues I'm having difficulty with:
    How do I, in the course of running the report, take just the numeric columns that the user has chosen (ignoring all others in the dataset) and pass them as a float[][] to my custom function? Or is there something in the
    Microsoft.ReportingServices namespace that I should use to query an input dataset and convert it to an array in my C# code?
    How can I present the array subset returned by my custom function in a tablix in the report?
    Note: One thought that occurs to me is that outlier records tablix could be contained in a subreport, but I'm not clear on the logistics of passing dataset field results from a master report to a subreport.
    I envision a final report when run to be similar to the following:
    - Mark Z.

    Hi Mark,
    Sorry for the delay.
    From your description, you want to pass the dataset data to a custom code array, and return the subset of the array, right? In this case, you can use a custom function to add the data to array, and use the a custom function to sort the data base on your
    requirement and then use a function to get the subset of the array. Here are some sample custom code for your reference.
    Add to arryay
    Dim values As System.Collections.ArrayList=New System.Collections.ArrayList()
    Function SetText(ByVal value As Integer) As Integer
        return value
    End Function
    Sort array
    Function Sort()
    Dim i as Integer
    Dim j as Integer
    Dim t as Integer
    Dim n as Integer=values.Count-1
    For i=n To 1 Step-1
     For j=0 To i-1
     if values(j)<values(j+1) Then
     End if
     Next j
    Next i
    End Function
    Return value.
    Function Rank(ByVal value As Integer)
       return values(value)
    End Function
    Assume that you pass [Weight] field to array, you can use the expression below on the Weight column:
    Then use the expression below to get the values.
    PatientID:=Sort() & Lookup(Code.Rank(0),Fields!Weight.Value,Fields.Patient.Value,"Dataset")
    Hope this helps.
    Charlie Liao
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
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    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • Report Template driven by custom functions

    I'm a newbie, and i'm trying to design a report template driven by a vw and/or stored proc to display information on a letterhead report.  Such as names that can change at any time.  I have another interface linked to the vw/sp to change that information at any time.  What i'm trying to get is the idea of how to create a template letterhead report that i don't have to go back into crystal to change whenever the administration name changes. 
    Does anybody have any ideas or examples?  I'm thinking Custom Functions are the way to go but, i just don't know how to get started with using them if that's the way to go. 
    Thanks in advance!

    Please re-post if this is still an issue

  • Error in Including the Custom function in Custom schema ...

    Hi Experts ,
                   I developed a time custom Function through PE04 ,  Z_5RT and included in Custom Schema , ZM04, while executing in PT60 using the schema ZM04 an error coming . Any configuration required to include custom function in a schema .
    Thanks and regards
    Renjith MP

    You are just going to place the custom function in the 'Func' field of schema.
    Check the counry assignment, parameters & finally you have to activate the function. Check T52A0 for correct internal number.
    N Navaneethan
    Edited by: Navaneethan on Dec 15, 2008 4:30 PM

  • Could not find Model while pointing to a custom Function Group

    Hello ,
    I am on EP7.0 ERP05 NW04s and trying to modify ESS Address application  to point to a custom function group rather than the standard one . When I tried to do that by changing the mapping for the ReadInfotype I got certain compilation errors ,I fixed those and then got the following error at runtime: Couldnt find info for class in model[scope=APPLICATION_SCOPE]
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at Method)
    I wonder what's the cause of this ...
    Any help would be highly appreciated.

    Do below things.
    1. Re-import your Model.
    2. Restart your J2ee server
    3. Re-load & Rebuild your project.
    It should work now..
    Raja T
    Message was edited by:
            Armin Reichert

  • Issue with calling custom function in merge command -10g

    I have ran into issue while calling a custom function in merge command.
    It throws error 'Invalid identifier'. Oracle doesnt understand that it is a function and take the function name as column name.
    Since no such collumn name exists, it throws 'Invalid identifier'.
    Interestingly, merge command works fine when it has a oracle function (replace, decode).
    The oracle version is
    It is very urgent.
    Any pointers will be helpful.

    I don't have privileges to create dblink, but this is working for me.
    So, i don't think function can be a issue here.
    satyaki>select * from v$version;
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE      Production
    TNS for Linux: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    Elapsed: 00:00:01.02
    satyaki>create table hist_tab
      2     as
      3       select * from emp
      4       where sal between 2000 and 4000;
    Table created.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.09
    satyaki>select * from hist_tab;
         EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR HIREDATE         SAL       COMM     DEPTNO JOB1      DOB
          7844 TURNER     SALESMAN        7698 08-SEP-81       2178          0         30 SALESMAN
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.00
    satyaki>update hist_tab
      2     set mgr = 7794;
    1 row updated.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.01
    Commit complete.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.00
    satyaki>select * from hist_tab;
         EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR HIREDATE         SAL       COMM     DEPTNO JOB1      DOB
          7844 TURNER     SALESMAN        7794 08-SEP-81       2178          0         30 SALESMAN
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.00
    satyaki>create table tran_tab
      2     as
      3       select * from emp
      4       where sal between 2000 and 7000;
    Table created.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.00
    satyaki>select * from tran_tab;
         EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR HIREDATE         SAL       COMM     DEPTNO JOB1      DOB
          7844 TURNER     SALESMAN        7698 08-SEP-81       2178          0         30 SALESMAN
          7902 FORD       ANALYST         7566 03-DEC-81    5270.76                    20 ANALYST
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.00
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  create or replace function fun(c_in number)
      2     return number
      3     is
      4       c_out number(4);
      5     begin
      6       if c_in < 7900 then
      7          c_out := 0;
      8       else
      9         c_out := 1;
    10       end if;
    11       return c_out;
    12*    end;
    13  /
    Function created.
    Elapsed: 00:00:01.00
    satyaki>merge into hist_tab o
      2  using (
      3     select empno,
      4            ename,
      5            job,
      6            mgr,
      7            hiredate,
      8            sal,
      9            comm,
    10            deptno,
    11            job1,
    12            dob
    13     from (
    14              select k.*,
    15                     rank() over(order by fun(k.empno)) rn
    16              from tran_tab k
    17          )
    18     where rn = 1
    19     ) n
    20  on ( o.empno = n.empno)
    21  when matched then
    22    update set o.ename = n.ename,
    23               o.job = n.job,
    24               o.mgr = n.mgr,
    25               o.hiredate = n.hiredate,
    26               o.sal = n.sal,
    27               o.comm = n.comm,
    28               o.deptno = n.deptno,
    29               o.job1 = n.job1,
    30               o.dob = n.dob
    31  when not matched then
    32    insert(
    33            o.empno,
    34            o.ename,
    35            o.job,
    36            o.mgr,
    37            o.hiredate,
    38            o.sal,
    39            o.comm,
    40            o.deptno,
    41            o.job1,
    42            o.dob
    43          )
    44    values(
    45            n.empno,
    46            n.ename,
    47            n.job,
    48            n.mgr,
    49            n.hiredate,
    50            n.sal,
    51            n.comm,
    52            n.deptno,
    53            n.job1,
    54            n.dob
    55          );
    1 row merged.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.03
    satyaki>select * from hist_tab;
         EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR HIREDATE         SAL       COMM     DEPTNO JOB1      DOB
          7844 TURNER     SALESMAN        7698 08-SEP-81       2178          0         30 SALESMAN
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.00
    satyaki>You can check the final output with old output. It is working perfectly - i guess.
    Satyaki De.

  • How to develope custom function modules in SAP R/3 system to maintain c...

    How to develope custom function modules in SAP R/3 system to maintain cross
    referencing tables for sales order number.

    Hi Raja,
    Steps to crate FM..
    Follow these steps..
    Go to the T: code SE37
    First You Create Function Group
    On That u specify
    Function Group Name..............
    Short Text..............................
    Go to SE 37
    Specify the Function Module Name: Eg: Z_Bapi_Materialmaster
    Short Text.......
    Next Go to Attributes..
    Select Radio button : Remote enabled model
    Go to Parameters..
    Click Import...
    Give Parameter Type Associate type S.t
    next Click Export...
    Give Parameter Type Associate type S.t
    Next Click Tables Button..
    Specify tables..
    Next click source code button..
    Write Source code here..
    Eg : Select statements Etc..
    Finally we should be select the Radio button Enable remorely
    Hope this information is useful to you..
    Reward points if it is usefulll....
    Thanks ,
    Satya Kumar..

  • Why is there a limitation on the number of boolean parameters in a custom function?

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    We want to do the same with boolean temporal values.
    However, OPM throws an error when  it reads the metadata for the function in extensions.xml.  It says all boolean paramaters need to be last.  We can't put them all last as there are more than one.
    This is OPM error code OPM-W00001.
    Any ideas on how I can work around this limitation?

    Taken from OPA Developer's help:
    Only one boolean parameter can be passed to a function, and it must be the last parameter.  This is due to a limitation in the rule compiler.  Any number of other parameters may be present however.
    Should you want to pass more boolean values, create a temporary/document text variable with values "True"/"False" using rule table.

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