Decimal definition and rounding

My customer is not allowed to have decimals on his marketing documents unless it's a USD or JPY currency. For those 2 currencies he need 2 decimals.
On General settings >> Display he set the following:
Amount: 0
Price: 6
On Currency definition he set JPY+USD to 2 digits and no rounding.
He wants to sell a USD customer and item which its price is 10.2240 USD. He cannot type such price even though his price settings are set to 6, since the price currency is USD which is set to 2.....
If he sets the USD currency to 4 decimals, his document total will show 4 decimals and not 2...
He can set the layout to show 2 decimals but then the JE will show different amount than the layout....
Does anyone have any idea how to define such requirement?

Hello Revital,
There are no options to meet all your customer's needs. They have to decide which way to go. Either 2 decimals or more decimals. Currency setting will always override other settings.

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    hi all ,
    select       (sum(case when (F.ITEM_UOM = 'Cubic Feet' and upper(substr(H.SLURRY_TYPE,1,3)) <> upper('Top')) then
                (((((H.SLURRY_VOL_ACTUAL * 5.6146)/H.SLURRY_YIELD)*94)/2000)   )
                 when (F.ITEM_UOM = 'Cubic Feet' and upper(substr(H.SLURRY_TYPE,1,3)) = upper('Top')) then
             (   ((nvl(H.CLASS_V_CEMENT,0)*94)/2000)   ) 
            when F.ITEM_UOM =  'Pound' then
           end)*(j.opn_value/2))  SUM_MAT_ACT_TON ,--------transport
                       sum(case when (F.ITEM_UOM = 'Cubic Feet' and upper(substr(H.SLURRY_TYPE,1,3)) <> upper('Top')) then
                ((H.SLURRY_VOL_ACTUAL * 5.6146)/H.SLURRY_YIELD)
          when (F.ITEM_UOM = 'Cubic Feet' and upper(substr(H.SLURRY_TYPE,1,3)) = upper('Top')) then
            when F.ITEM_UOM =  'Pound' then
       end) SUM_sload ,    ----sload
       sum(case when (F.ITEM_UOM = 'Cubic Feet' and upper(substr(H.SLURRY_TYPE,1,3)) <> upper('Top')) then
                ((H.SLURRY_VOL_ACTUAL * 5.6146)/H.SLURRY_YIELD)
         -- when (F.ITEM_UOM = 'Cubic Feet' and upper(substr(H.SLURRY_TYPE,1,3)) = upper('Top')) then
              --  nvl(H.CLASS_V_CEMENT,0)
            when F.ITEM_UOM =  'Pound'  and F.BLEND <> 'PH'then
       end) BLENDING
         FROM xxnp_opn_joblog_001 E,
              XXNP_OPN_JOBLOG_EST_002   F,
              XXNP_OPN_JOBLOG_STAGE_002 G,
              XXNP_OPN_JOBLOG_SLURRY_003 H,
        XXNP_OPN_JOBLOG_RES_005 J,
          WHERE E.OPN_JOB_DESC   = 'K/D/SP158/SA399/1338/D/0510/1' AND
       and J.opn_resource_desc='4X4  PICK-UP OR LIGHT VEHICLES'
           AND p.ORGANIZATION_ID='103'
          AND E.OPN_JOBLOG_001_ID = G.OPN_JOBLOG_001_ID
            AND G.OPN_JOBLOG_006_ID = H.OPN_JOBLOG_006_ID
            AND H.OPN_JOBLOG_007_ID = F.OPN_JOBLOG_007_ID
            AND G.OPN_JOBLOG_006_ID = H.OPN_JOBLOG_006_ID
            AND H.OPN_JOBLOG_007_ID = F.OPN_JOBLOG_007_ID
                                    GROUP BY E.OPN_JOB_DESC,j.opn_value
    o/p  i am getting
    SUM_MAT_ACT_TON      SUM_SLOAD                         BLENDING                                   OPN_JOB_DESC
    11587.7954154787         1957.62401925833               1454.62401925833                       K/D/SP158/SA399/1338/D/0510/1
    well can anyone guide me on  obtaining the following output (to remove decimal places and round )
    SUM_MAT_ACT_TON      SUM_SLOAD                         BLENDING                                   OPN_JOB_DESC
    11588                           1958                                      1455                                          K/D/SP158/SA399/1338/D/0510/1thanking in advance
    Edited by: makdutakdu on May 25, 2010 12:48 PM

    select      round( (sum(case when (F.ITEM_UOM = 'Cubic Feet' and upper(substr(H.SLURRY_TYPE,1,3))  upper('Top')) then
                (((((H.SLURRY_VOL_ACTUAL * 5.6146)/H.SLURRY_YIELD)*94)/2000)   )
                 when (F.ITEM_UOM = 'Cubic Feet' and upper(substr(H.SLURRY_TYPE,1,3)) = upper('Top')) then
             (   ((nvl(H.CLASS_V_CEMENT,0)*94)/2000)   ) 
            when F.ITEM_UOM =  'Pound' then
           end)*(j.opn_value/2)))  SUM_MAT_ACT_TON ,--------transport
                       round(sum(case when (F.ITEM_UOM = 'Cubic Feet' and upper(substr(H.SLURRY_TYPE,1,3))  upper('Top')) then
                ((H.SLURRY_VOL_ACTUAL * 5.6146)/H.SLURRY_YIELD)
          when (F.ITEM_UOM = 'Cubic Feet' and upper(substr(H.SLURRY_TYPE,1,3)) = upper('Top')) then
            when F.ITEM_UOM =  'Pound' then
       end)) SUM_sload ,    ----sload
       round(sum(case when (F.ITEM_UOM = 'Cubic Feet' and upper(substr(H.SLURRY_TYPE,1,3))  upper('Top')) then
                ((H.SLURRY_VOL_ACTUAL * 5.6146)/H.SLURRY_YIELD)
         -- when (F.ITEM_UOM = 'Cubic Feet' and upper(substr(H.SLURRY_TYPE,1,3)) = upper('Top')) then
              --  nvl(H.CLASS_V_CEMENT,0)
            when F.ITEM_UOM =  'Pound'  and F.BLEND  'PH'then
       end)) BLENDING,
         FROM xxnp_opn_joblog_001 E,
              XXNP_OPN_JOBLOG_EST_002   F,
              XXNP_OPN_JOBLOG_STAGE_002 G,
              XXNP_OPN_JOBLOG_SLURRY_003 H,
        XXNP_OPN_JOBLOG_RES_005 J,
       and J.opn_resource_desc='4X4  PICK-UP OR LIGHT VEHICLES'
           AND p.ORGANIZATION_ID='103'
          AND E.OPN_JOBLOG_001_ID = G.OPN_JOBLOG_001_ID
            AND G.OPN_JOBLOG_006_ID = H.OPN_JOBLOG_006_ID
            AND H.OPN_JOBLOG_007_ID = F.OPN_JOBLOG_007_ID
            AND G.OPN_JOBLOG_006_ID = H.OPN_JOBLOG_006_ID
            AND H.OPN_JOBLOG_007_ID = F.OPN_JOBLOG_007_ID
                                    GROUP BY E.OPN_JOB_DESC,j.opn_value

  • Issue in MODVAT Clearing Account and Rounding off of Excise.

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    Material cost    100Rs.
    Excise  value
    1. BED             10.5 Rs
    2. ECes             2.1 Rs
    3. HEces          1.3.Rs
    At the time of GR
    Material Ac Dr          100 
         To GR/IR                        100
    At the time of Excise Capture
    We done the rounding of Excise value
    RG23 A  BED         11
    RG23 A  Eces          2
    RG23 A  HEces        1
       To MODVAT            14
    At the time of IR . System create IR with reference of PO
    GR/IR  DR      100
    MODVAT         13.9
        To Vendor         113.9
    So here you can see that there is a difference of 0.1 in MODVAT account and hence we are crediting Vendor  with the lesser amount here with 0.1 RS.
    So we cannot reconcile the MODVAT Account
    Less Payment to vendor by 0.1 Rs
    So is there any solutions on that.
    Edited by: Shayam_210 on Jan 3, 2011 7:08 AM
    Edited by: Shayam_210 on Jan 3, 2011 7:09 AM

    Check the rounding setting in below:-
    SPRO > Logistics - General > Tax on Goods Movements > India > Basic Settings > Maintain Company Code Settings
    SPRO > General Settings > Currencies > Define rounding rules for currencies

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    Dear All,
    We have archived our projects using the TC SARA and the Project definition and WBS elements numbers no more exist in tables PROJ and PRPS etc.. When I now try to create a new project, the system proposes the next open number or allows to enter a number which is the same as one of the archived projects. But in our organization we cannot reuse the Project definition and WBS element numbers (even if it is archived) as a rule.
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    Thanks and regards

    One Workaround:
    Use T code OPSJ and lock the project coding mask. Doing this you can not use this mask any more.
    But you want to continue using the mask but with different numbers. Not sure how this can be acheived. lets wait for others view

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    For my part you are welcome, sdowers.
    Unfortunately, the uncertainty arising from the rounding has been up several times here in this forum.
    I just came to remember a warning that needs to be given:
    The rounding of the representation of a numerical value may be harmless in itself, but if you use it for any operation that changes the value, such as multiplication or whatever, things will go wrong because the operation will be made on the basis of the rounded value instead of the true value. So, as in your first case in post #2, 39.625 rounded to 39.63 will become 79.26 instead of 79.25.

  • Content type, list definition and List instance - query

    Dear all,
    I created a list content type, list definition and list instance for a SessionsList.
    I did mistake when created a event receiver file where field name is RegistrationsInfo - did typo error as RegistrationInfo. This field I want to make it as false in the ShowInNewForm= false
    When I deploy it with event receiver file - I am getting stack trace error stating that the RegistrationsInfo field is missing.
    Without event receiver file - when I deploy the solution and checked the field name - it is showing rightly as RegistrationsInfo.
    Content Type:-
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <Elements xmlns="">
    <Field ID="{7113CBE5-57E9-4082-A0A2-492B35B69C8D}" Type="Lookup" List="Lists/Courses-List" ShowField="Title" Name="CourseTitle" DisplayName="Courses - Title" Required="FALSE" Group="Training Site Columns"/>
    <Field ID="{920AE6A7-2AAE-4E43-8855-7CBD9978EC5E}" Type="Lookup" List="Lists/SessionTrainer" ShowField="FullName" Name="Trainer" DisplayName="Trainer" Required="FALSE" Group="Training Site Columns"/>
    <Field ID="{F73D9A96-3C86-4E33-96D5-31E30B08BF40}" Type="Choice" Name="TrainingVenue" DisplayName="Training Venue" Required="FALSE" Group="Training Site Columns">
    <CHOICE>Kerala Meeting Room</CHOICE>
    <CHOICE>Orissa Meeting Room</CHOICE>
    <CHOICE>Bihar Meeting Room</CHOICE>
    <Field ID="{B6E9C8F5-F1BD-4D98-BD30-194504859ACC}" Type="Number" Decimals="0" Min="0" Name="RegistrationsInfo" DisplayName="Registrations Info" Required="FALSE" Group="Training Site Columns"/>
    <Field ID="{03281B47-F1D1-477E-9793-3A19118720EE}" Type="Number" Decimals="0" Min="0" Name="TotalSeatsInfo" DisplayName="Total Seats Info" Required="FALSE" Group="Training Site Columns"/>
    <Field ID="{8A900663-6351-445B-ACB3-394F44D45C8D}" Type="Calculated" ResultType="Number" ReadOnly="TRUE" Name="OpenSeatsInfo" DisplayName="Open Seats Info" Required="FALSE" Group="Training Site Columns">
    <FieldRef Name="TotalSeatsInfo" ID="{03281B47-F1D1-477E-9793-3A19118720EE}"/>
    <FieldRef Name="RegistrationsInfo" ID="{B6E9C8F5-F1BD-4D98-BD30-194504859ACC}"/>
    <!-- Parent ContentType: Item (0x01) -->
    <ContentType ID="0x0100a9dc01b7e78b45799fe59153d97e2b9e"
    Group="Session Content Types"
    Description="Session Content Type"
    <FieldRef ID="{7113CBE5-57E9-4082-A0A2-492B35B69C8D}" Name="CourseTitle" DisplayName="Courses - Title" Required="TRUE"/>
    <FieldRef ID="{920AE6A7-2AAE-4E43-8855-7CBD9978EC5E}" Name="Trainer" DisplayName="Trainer" Required="FALSE" />
    <FieldRef ID="{F73D9A96-3C86-4E33-96D5-31E30B08BF40}" Name="TrainingVenue" DisplayName="Training Venue" Required="FALSE"/>
    <FieldRef ID="{B6E9C8F5-F1BD-4D98-BD30-194504859ACC}" Name="RegistrationsInfo" DisplayName="Registrations Info" Required="FALSE"/>
    <FieldRef ID="{03281B47-F1D1-477E-9793-3A19118720EE}" Name="TotalSeatsInfo" DisplayName="Total Seats Info" Required="FALSE"/>
    <FieldRef ID="{8A900663-6351-445B-ACB3-394F44D45C8D}" Name="OpenSeatsInfo" DisplayName="Open Seats Info" Required="FALSE"/>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <List xmlns:ows="Microsoft SharePoint" Title="SessionList" FolderCreation="FALSE" Direction="$Resources:Direction;" Url="Lists/SessionList-LD-SessionList" BaseType="0" xmlns="">
    <ContentType ID="0x0100a9dc01b7e78b45799fe59153d97e2b9e" Name="SessionList" Group="Session Content Types" Description="Session Content Type" Inherits="TRUE" Version="0">
    <FieldRef ID="{7113CBE5-57E9-4082-A0A2-492B35B69C8D}" Name="CourseTitle" DisplayName="Courses - Title" Required="TRUE" />
    <FieldRef ID="{920AE6A7-2AAE-4E43-8855-7CBD9978EC5E}" Name="Trainer" DisplayName="Trainer" Required="FALSE" />
    <FieldRef ID="{F73D9A96-3C86-4E33-96D5-31E30B08BF40}" Name="TrainingVenue" DisplayName="Training Venue" Required="FALSE" />
    <FieldRef ID="{B6E9C8F5-F1BD-4D98-BD30-194504859ACC}" Name="RegistrationsInfo" DisplayName="Registrations Info" Required="FALSE" />
    <FieldRef ID="{03281B47-F1D1-477E-9793-3A19118720EE}" Name="TotalSeatsInfo" DisplayName="Total Seats Info" Required="FALSE" />
    <FieldRef ID="{8A900663-6351-445B-ACB3-394F44D45C8D}" Name="OpenSeatsInfo" DisplayName="Open Seats Info" Required="FALSE" />
    <Field ID="{7113cbe5-57e9-4082-a0a2-492b35b69c8d}" Type="Lookup" List="Lists/Courses-List" ShowField="Title" Name="CourseTitle" DisplayName="Courses - Title" Required="FALSE" Group="Training Site Columns" />
    <Field ID="{920ae6a7-2aae-4e43-8855-7cbd9978ec5e}" Type="Lookup" List="Lists/SessionTrainer" ShowField="FullName" Name="Trainer" DisplayName="Trainer" Required="FALSE" Group="Training Site Columns" />
    <Field ID="{f73d9a96-3c86-4e33-96d5-31e30b08bf40}" Type="Choice" Name="TrainingVenue" DisplayName="Training Venue" Required="FALSE" Group="Training Site Columns">
    <CHOICE>Kerala Meeting Room</CHOICE>
    <CHOICE>Orissa Meeting Room</CHOICE>
    <CHOICE>Bihar Meeting Room</CHOICE>
    <Field ID="{b6e9c8f5-f1bd-4d98-bd30-194504859acc}" Type="Number" Decimals="0" Min="0" Name="RegistrationsInfo" DisplayName="Registrations Info" Required="FALSE" Group="Training Site Columns" />
    <Field ID="{03281b47-f1d1-477e-9793-3a19118720ee}" Type="Number" Decimals="0" Min="0" Name="TotalSeatsInfo" DisplayName="Total Seats Info" Required="FALSE" Group="Training Site Columns" />
    <Field ID="{8a900663-6351-445b-acb3-394f44d45c8d}" Type="Calculated" ResultType="Number" ReadOnly="TRUE" Name="OpenSeatsInfo" DisplayName="Open Seats Info" Required="FALSE" Group="Training Site Columns">
    <FieldRef Name="TotalSeatsInfo" ID="{03281B47-F1D1-477E-9793-3A19118720EE}" />
    <FieldRef Name="RegistrationsInfo" ID="{B6E9C8F5-F1BD-4D98-BD30-194504859ACC}" />
    <View BaseViewID="0" Type="HTML" MobileView="TRUE" TabularView="FALSE">
    <Toolbar Type="Standard" />
    <XslLink Default="TRUE">main.xsl</XslLink>
    <RowLimit Paged="TRUE">30</RowLimit>
    <FieldRef Name="LinkTitleNoMenu">
    <FieldRef Name="CourseTitle"></FieldRef>
    <FieldRef Name="Trainer"></FieldRef>
    <FieldRef Name="TrainingVenue"></FieldRef>
    <FieldRef Name="RegistrationsInfo"></FieldRef>
    <FieldRef Name="TotalSeatsInfo"></FieldRef>
    <FieldRef Name="OpenSeatsInfo"></FieldRef>
    <FieldRef Name="Modified" Ascending="FALSE">
    <ParameterBinding Name="AddNewAnnouncement" Location="Resource(wss,addnewitem)" />
    <ParameterBinding Name="NoAnnouncements" Location="Resource(wss,noXinviewofY_LIST)" />
    <ParameterBinding Name="NoAnnouncementsHowTo" Location="Resource(wss,noXinviewofY_ONET_HOME)" />
    <View BaseViewID="1" Type="HTML" WebPartZoneID="Main" DisplayName="$Resources:core,objectiv_schema_mwsidcamlidC24;" DefaultView="TRUE" MobileView="TRUE" MobileDefaultView="TRUE" SetupPath="pages\viewpage.aspx" ImageUrl="/_layouts/images/generic.png" Url="AllItems.aspx">
    <Toolbar Type="Standard" />
    <XslLink Default="TRUE">main.xsl</XslLink>
    <RowLimit Paged="TRUE">30</RowLimit>
    <FieldRef Name="Attachments">
    <FieldRef Name="LinkTitle">
    <FieldRef Name="CourseTitle"></FieldRef>
    <FieldRef Name="Trainer"></FieldRef>
    <FieldRef Name="TrainingVenue"></FieldRef>
    <FieldRef Name="RegistrationsInfo"></FieldRef>
    <FieldRef Name="TotalSeatsInfo"></FieldRef>
    <FieldRef Name="OpenSeatsInfo"></FieldRef>
    <FieldRef Name="ID">
    <ParameterBinding Name="NoAnnouncements" Location="Resource(wss,noXinviewofY_LIST)" />
    <ParameterBinding Name="NoAnnouncementsHowTo" Location="Resource(wss,noXinviewofY_DEFAULT)" />
    <Form Type="DisplayForm" Url="DispForm.aspx" SetupPath="pages\form.aspx" WebPartZoneID="Main" />
    <Form Type="EditForm" Url="EditForm.aspx" SetupPath="pages\form.aspx" WebPartZoneID="Main" />
    <Form Type="NewForm" Url="NewForm.aspx" SetupPath="pages\form.aspx" WebPartZoneID="Main" />
    Event Receiver file:-
    public override void FeatureActivated(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties)
    //Reference the newly created session list and perform the following
    //1. Set the display name of the "Title" column to "SessID" and hide it from the New and Edit Forms
    //2. Make the "SessID" column not required
    //3. Set the default value of the RegistrationsInfo column to 0 and do not display it on the new form
    //4. Add the built-in "Start Date" and "End Date" columns
    //Reference the newly created session list
    SPWeb currentWeb = properties.Feature.Parent as SPWeb;
    //currentWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
    SPList sessionList = currentWeb.Lists["SessionList"];
    //Title column update
    SPField titleField = sessionList.Fields["Title"];
    titleField.Required = false;
    titleField.ShowInNewForm = false;
    titleField.ShowInEditForm = false;
    titleField.Title = "SessID";
    //RegistrationsInfo column updates
    SPField registrationField = sessionList.Fields["RegistrationsInfo"];
    registrationField.DefaultValue = "0";
    registrationField.ShowInNewForm = false;
    //Add the Start Date and End Date columns to the list, ensure they both display Date and Time, and add them to the default view of the list
    SPFieldDateTime startDate = currentWeb.Fields["Starting_Date"] as SPFieldDateTime;
    startDate.DisplayFormat = SPDateTimeFieldFormatType.DateTime;
    SPFieldDateTime endDate = currentWeb.Fields["Ending_Date"] as SPFieldDateTime;
    endDate.DisplayFormat = SPDateTimeFieldFormatType.DateTime;
    SPView defaultView = sessionList.DefaultView;
    //currentWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false;
    Can somebody help me - how to overcome the RegistrationsInfo missing field - error(in the stack trace) when activating the feature in the training site?

    Hi Sathya,
    Seems the field “RegistrationsInfo” is not been found when deploying with Event Receiver, a possible reason is that it might be damaged.
    As a workaround, I suggest you retract the solution from your farm, make sure the “RegistrationsInfo” field is deleted using PowerShell, then create another project with the same
    content and perform the deployment again.
    About how to delete a field using PowerShell for your reference:
    Feel free to reply if there any progress.
    Patrick Liang
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

  • So my Ipod touch hasn't been connecting to computer, or charging for a week or two until i turn it off completely and now i try to reset all content and setting, the circle goes round and round for like hrs(24) and it still does not complete the reset

    so my Ipod touch hasn't been connecting to computer, nor charging for a week or two until i turn it off completely and now i try to reset all content and setting,(thinking it may connect to the computer and itunes and also charge) but the circle goes round and round for like hrs(24) and it still does not complete the reset.
    pls pls pls pls help .
    i have tried alot of solutions, but non of them have worked.

    Have you tried walking it into the nearest Apple Store and asking for assistance there...?
    I'm guessing you don't have Apple Care on it.

  • Creation of project definition and wbs element

    I want creation of project definition and wbs element upto 4 level using bapis.
    i am using transaction cj27,cj01,cj02
    which function module to use for this??

    to create project definition with customer fields the BAPI you should use is : BAPI_BUS2001_CREATE
    to create WBS elements with different levels and specific fields the BAPI you should use is BAPI_BUS2054_CREATE_MULTI
    these bapi must be used in the sequence of call :
    before using the bapi, you must apply OSS note :
    637345 - Syntax error with enhanced PS tables
    i sent you the oss note to your mail
    please reward points if helpfull.

  • How to delete decimal point and adding leading zeros....

    I have one requirement in the report   i.e.
            <b>Present Value    :</b>  44567.98
            <b>Expected Value  :</b> 0000004456798
    In the present Value how will I remove that decimal point and how to add those six ing zeros. I tried with CONVERSION_EXIT....but it is not giving. Help me...
    Thanks in advance.

    Use SPLIT and COMCATENATE fnctions.
    Eg:  split l_v at '.' into l_v1 l_v2
            concatenate l_v1 l_v2 into l_v.
    For adding leading zeros
    data: tknum type vttk-tknum value '99156'.
              input  = tknum
              output = tknum.
    Message was edited by:
            Sri Tayi

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    Hi Rachel,
    You can follow the article: App doesn't open | Progress wheel spins continually to get your issue fixed.
    Let us know if the issue still persists or not.
    Ratandeep Arora

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    Make sure you have a good wifi connection.
    Make Sure iOS is updated to the latest version
    Reboot the device by pressing and holding down the home and sleep/wake buttons (power) at the same time until the apple logo appears on the screen, then let go.
    If that doesn't work then reset the device by going to settings/general/reset/reset all settings

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    Try a soft-reset : press and hold both the sleep and home buttons for about 10 to 15 seconds, after which the Apple logo should appear and it should reboot - you won't lose any content, it's the iPad equivalent of a reboot.

  • How to Get project definition and description  by WBS element

    Hi All,
    Is there any way to get  project definition and description  by providing WBS element.
    Please help .
    Salman Zahir

    These r the tables
    PRHI Work Breakdown Structure, Edges (Hierarchy Pointer)
    PROJ Project definition
    PRPS WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) Element Master Data
    RPSCO Project info database: Costs, revenues, finances
    MSPR Project stock

  • How do i cancel after the circles of hell go round and round?

    I have been in the circles of hell trying to cancel my subscription which my credit card, i was surprised to learn, had been charged for- only to find it is already cancelled! See below
    Adobe ExportPDF, Annual
    Cancelled: Effective February 2, 2016
    But I have just been billed for it anyway. And probably be billed for it in another year - 2016. And then it will probably "automatically" (see fine print) restart.and so on till i am very very old. interesting to see on other posts that cancelling the credit card does not help which seems odd but then again after two hours of wandering round and round the site (love the hilarity of the non-functioning chat icon - much hilarity every Christmas in the accounting department.) I'm not surprised. It is clear that adobe has one of the most difficult "unsubscribes" online. Despite the professionals hunting them down and killing them, there are still websites devoted to the topic of why can't I unsubscribe and why is this so hard and surely this is illegal. Adobe clearly makes most of its money out of the unsubscribe because the two products I bought didn't work anyway. Fair enough, should have known, but remind me to employ a lawyer in future before even opening an adobe document.

    Hi there,
    Sorry for the frustrating experience, looking at the account I could see the billing has been stopped for the subscription and you will continue to have the access to software till 2016.
    Please update this thread if you would like to cancel the subscription and get refund.

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