Decimal to Hex

I've been banging my head against the desk for hours on this one. I really need to write a Java applet to convert decimals to hex, I really would appreciate any help given with this one. So far I only have this;
value1 = (decimal % 16);
problem is, I don't know how to get the value and then do the calculation again. I know that I should be using some sort of do/while loop, with a while(somevalue!=0) at the end, but thats about it.

I can do it easily using a pen an paper.
Get the decimal number e.g 50
Divide it by the hex base 16, equals 3 remainder 2
Divide 3 by 16, equals 0 remainder 3
the answer is the two remainder from the bottom added, 32.
The problem I'm having is that I don't know how to get the new value i.e 3 and then divide it by 16, and then if required, divide it by 16 again. I'm not to worried about converting A to 10 and such yet, I just need help getting the value and dividing it by 16 over and over and then recording each the answer each time.

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    I tried different ways but i can`t find a solution.
    greetings Schwede
    Message Edited by Schwede on 12-10-2008 07:11 AM
    Go to Solution.

    A very quick an easy method. For numbers go to palette numeric>>data manipulation>>join numbers and split numbers
    Message Edited by t06afre on 12-10-2008 07:59 AM
    Besides which, my opinion is that Express VIs Carthage must be destroyed deleted
    (Sorry no Labview "brag list" so far)
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    int h2 = (i>>>4) & 0xf; // second hex digit

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    > I just found that in Ben Forda's book. That got it,
    Glad you found it.
    livedocs is a good resource for those who are patient: it's a
    *very* slow
    site, especially given the simple pages it's delivering. But
    it's got
    everything you need (the annotations on the pages are often
    more useful
    that the "official" line, btw).
    A good entry point to the most important parts of livedocs
    are these:
    It cuts down quite a bit of the waiting. They;re also good
    lists to scan
    to get a handle on what CF can do, at least at an executive
    summary level.

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    Integer.parseInt(s, 2);
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      String hexEsn;
      String temp;
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    Exception: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "2826111134"
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    But i'm getting this exception that,
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    "2826111134"It's because the biggest number an int can hold is 2147483647. You can use long insted. It can hold bigger numbers but understand that it has an upper limit too.

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    Good news. LabVIEW has a function that does exactly what you want. It is well hidden though...
    In the Advanced/Data manipulation palette there is a function called Flatten to String. If you feed this funtion with your DBL precision digital value you get the IEEE-754 hexadecimal floating point representation (64 bit) at the data string terminal (as a text string).
    I attached a simple example that shows how it works.
    Hope this helps. /Mikael Garcia
    Attachments: ‏10 KB

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    S&P 500 index SPX (0x20)

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    Since a Java char is numerically a Java short, you can apply bitwise operators to chars directly - the conversion to hex simply changes the way that the char is viewed; the result can also be viewed as a number in other bases.
    For instance, the char 'A' can be also be represented as any of the following values:
    binary - 1000001
    octal - 101
    decimal - 65
    hex - 41
    Likewise, 'Z' can also be viewed as
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    octal - 132
    decimal - 90
    hex - 5A
    "Anding" the letter 'A' with 'Z' ('A' & 'Z') or doing the same using any of the other representations will result in (binary 1000000, octal 100, decimal 64, or hex 40) - the bit pattern is the same, only the representation of the result varies.

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    How can I write this string as a HEX command in the binary file?
    Thanks for the replies in advance
    Message Edited by igurov on 08-12-2009 01:51 AM
    1(2).JPG ‏39 KB

    Do you know the difference between decimal and hex values? It's not the same, that the whole point, and it's why it doesn't make sense. Decimal 32 is not the same as hex 32. These are two different values, even though they both have the digits "3" and "2". The hex value will be the same as the decimal value up to the value of 9. In your example the hour is 8. In decimal this is 8, in hex this is 8. The minutes is 45. That's decimal. In hex, this is 2D, not 45, as you claim in your example. Hex 45 is a completely different number (and a completely different "pattern").
    time ‏12 KB

  • Converting byte from dec to hex

    Hi All,
    I'm having a problem converting byte from decimal to hex - i need the following result:
    if entered 127 (dec), the output should be 7f (hex).
    The following method fails, of course because of NumberFormatException.
        private byte toHexByte(byte signedByte)
            int unsignedByte = signedByte;
            unsignedByte &= 0xff;
            String hexString = Integer.toHexString(unsignedByte);
            BigInteger bigInteger = new BigInteger(hexString);
            //byte hexByte = Byte.parseByte(hexString);
            return bigInteger.byteValue();

    get numberformatexception because a lot of hex digits cannot be transformed into int just like that (ie f is not a digit in decimal) heres some code that i used for a pdp11 assembler IDE... but this is for 16-bit 2s complement in binary/octal/decimal/hex , might be useful for reference as example though
        public static String getBase(short i, int base){
            String res = (i>=0)? Integer.toString((int)i,base)
                    : Integer.toString((int)65536+i,base) + " ("+Integer.toString((int)i,base)+")";
           StringBuffer pad= new StringBuffer();
            for(int x = 0; x < 16 - res.length() ; x++){
            res = pad.toString() + res;
            return res;

  • How can be represent -10 in Hex in LabVIEW

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    Can anybody tell me how to represent a –ve number in a Hexadecimal format? (How do u will represent -10 in Hex)
    If anybody is having any readymade utility
    Thanks and Regards.

    Lets say we have 32 bits to work with.
    The first 16 bits is for positive numbers and the last 16 bits is for negative numbers.
    Only thing you have to watch out for is negative numbers count backwords in HEX. See example below.
    decimal 2 = hex: 0000 0002
    decimal 1 = hex: 0000 0001
    decimal 0 = hex: 0000 0000
    decimal -1 = hex: FFFF FFFF
    decimal -2 = hex: FFFF FFFD\
    So -10 decimal is FFFFFFF6
    LabVIEW can do this easy enough. Make an indicator, right click for properties and change it to HEX display.
    See code below:
    Attachments: ‏13 KB

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    serial ‏16 KB

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    Please please suggest me whwrw i am making mistakes because in keil this code runs properly and i get at desired data at ports in simulator but when i am loding it in controller it won't work with labview but when i am using hyper terminal it communicate properly and i get data at port 0&1 that
    means i am doing mistake in vi so please suggest me solution and mistakes i am making in my vi.
    Thank you
    testing.txt ‏2 KB
    testing1.txt ‏1 KB ‏37 KB

  • Convert Access Module to SQL Function - Hex To Dec conversion

    I need to convert an Access Module to a SQL Function but not sure how to successfully accomplish this.
    The module has several different functions to convert hexadecimal numbers to decimal and vice versa. I am not sure if I needed to break out each module function into a seperate function in SQL or not. Any help would be appreciated.
    Here is the actual module that needs to be converted:
    Public Function MEID_DecToHex(mMEIDDec As String) As String
        'Dim mMEIDDec As String
        Dim mManNum As Double
        Dim mSerialNum As Double
        Dim mMEIDHex As String
        Dim mManHex As String
        Dim mSerialHex As String
        'mMEIDDec = "268435457304109828"
        '*** Check MEID digits, make sure it is 18 digits else return invalid
        If Len(mMEIDDec) = 18 Then
            '*** 18 digit decimal code: 1st 10 digits is for the Manufacturer and last 8 digits is for the Serial Number
            mManNum = Left(mMEIDDec, 10)
            mSerialNum = Right(mMEIDDec, 8)
            '*** Convert MEID Dec to Hex
            mManHex = DecToHex(mManNum)
            mManHex = fntPad(mManHex, "0", 8)
            mSerialHex = DecToHex(mSerialNum)
            mSerialHex = fntPad(mSerialHex, "0", 6)
            MEID_DecToHex = mManHex & mSerialHex
        ElseIf Len(mMEIDDec) = 11 Then
            '*** 11 digit decimal code: 1st 3 digits is for the Manufacturer and last 8 digits is for the Serial Number
            mManNum = Left(mMEIDDec, 3)
            mSerialNum = Right(mMEIDDec, 8)
            '*** Convert MEID Dec to Hex
            mManHex = DecToHex(mManNum)
            mManHex = fntPad(mManHex, "0", 2)
            mSerialHex = DecToHex(mSerialNum)
            mSerialHex = fntPad(mSerialHex, "0", 6)
            MEID_DecToHex = mManHex & mSerialHex
            MEID_DecToHex = "Invalid"
        End If
    End Function
    Public Function MEID_HexToDec(mMEIDHex As String) As String
        'Dim mMEIDDec As String
        Dim mManNum As String
        Dim mSerialNum As String
        'Dim mMEIDHex As String
        Dim mManDec As String
        Dim mSerialDec As String
        'mMEIDHex = "a000001937b27a"
        ' Remove any spaces befor or after the string
        mMEIDHex = Trim(mMEIDHex)
        '*** Check MEID digits, make sure it is 14 digits else return invalid
        If Len(mMEIDHex) = 14 Then
            '*** 14 hexadecimal digits: 1st 8 digits is for the Manufacturer and last 6 digits is for the Serial Number
            mManNum = Left(mMEIDHex, 8)
            mSerialNum = Right(mMEIDHex, 6)
            '*** Convert MEID Hex to Dec
            mManDec = HexToDec(mManNum)
            mManDec = fntPad(mManDec, "0", 10)
            mSerialDec = HexToDec(mSerialNum)
            mSerialDec = fntPad(mSerialDec, "0", 8)
            MEID_HexToDec = mManDec & mSerialDec
        ElseIf Len(mMEIDHex) = 8 Then
            '*** 8 digit Hex code: 1st 2 digits is for the Manufacturer and last 6 digits is for the Serial Number
            mManNum = Left(mMEIDHex, 2)
            mSerialNum = Right(mMEIDHex, 6)
            '*** Convert MEID Dec to Hex
            mManDec = HexToDec(mManNum)
            mManDec = fntPad(mManDec, "0", 3)
            mSerialDec = HexToDec(mSerialNum)
            mSerialDec = fntPad(mSerialDec, "0", 8)
            MEID_HexToDec = mManDec & mSerialDec
            MEID_HexToDec = "Invalid"
        End If
    End Function

    Try link
    you can create & use CLR function
    or you can simply convert on fly refer below link
    decimal to hex

  • Serial comunication and hex

    I am trying to get information from a device that only has one way communication, so I want to sent my device a commando that opens a relay, and then I can measure if the relay is open or not by using the CTS and check for voltage differers. The commando has to be five byte long and in Hex code, I want to read a 16 bit long number. The string constants are known commands and are written in Hex display.
    The attached code doesn't work and I suspect that it is the type conversion to Hex that is causing the problem?
    Go to Solution.
    VI_hex.png ‏30 KB

    In the middle of your concatenation, you aren't doing a typecast to "hex".  You are taking a number and formatting it to a hex formatted text string.  So if you had the number 16 going in, you are getting 10 out, but that is two characters, a "1" followed by a "0", not a single byte of 10hex.  Or as in your screen shot, the number 15 goes in, comes out as F,  but the character "F" (decimal 71, hex 47) as opposed to a byte of value decimal 15 (a non-printable control code).
    Try byte array to string, or typecast a U8 input to a string.  See this message thread (same as Gerd's above) where the original poster was having a similar problem.
    Message Edited by Ravens Fan on 06-23-2009 10:27 AM

Maybe you are looking for