Decimation - aaaarrrggg​hhhh, the horror, the horror!!!

Decimation. It's all supposed to make sense; easy: you input a number of samples, then you decimate, that is you cut down the number of samples by the decimation factor. A good explanation is given at​6416986256D170079700D. Yes, I am using the express vi, and this after unsuccessfully using the Decimate(continuous).vi
Here is my story:
I am gathering data from multiple sensors. If I may, it is the classic scenario when using daqmx you get waveforms from various sensors. Problem is I have quite a few channels and I can only use one sampling rate. So I have to use the sampling rate for accelerometers for thermocouples too. However, the data file becomes too big and I have no need to sample the temperature at 5kHz for example. Therefore I decided to decimate the temperature waveform. First I tried using Decimate(continuous).vi but I started to see mismatches in time such as: if I was using 'averaging' the waveforms would be nicely alligned time wise; if I was not using 'averaging' then the time I was getting for the temperature was longer. Long story short, I tried using the express vi "sample compression". This one seemed to work fine until I noticed spikes at the end of recordings. They go either up or down with few orders of magnitude when I stop the daq using the reference trigger. It does not happen all the time; it is rather random and does not seem to be influenced by the sampling rate. This did not happen until I started using the sample compression express vi.
I attached some snapshots of the diagram in an effort to shed some light on my case. Did any of you had this happen? Do you have any suggestions as to why this my happen and how to get rid of this?
Thank you.
Decimation2 (sample compression).zip ‏971 KB

OK. I am attaching the first three versions. I am currently using version 3 (my design which does not make use of Decimate(continuous) or Sample compression).
My version would allow me to use a decimating factor that is not an exact sub-multiple of the samples per channel without affecting the time for the output waveform(s); the decimating factor can actually be bigger than the samples per channel that are read in one "rotation" or the while loop. The sub vi I created is also intended to be able read the very last samples in case my decimating factor is not a sub-multiple of the samples per channel; it takes thos samples and processes them then puts the last result at a dt 'distance' from the last sample.
Is my version 3 OK?
Can the sample compression do the same thing as what my version 3 does? If yes, how should it be configured?
Thank you.
Decimate waveforms ‏44 KB
Decimate waveforms ‏80 KB
Decimate waveform ‏82 KB

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    3. Switch to <B>Extract Even Angle Reference</B> tab. Specify the <B>number of samples to acquire</B> and the <B># of revs in reference</B> which determines the number of samples in even angle reference. Click <B>Start</B> to take a one-shot data acquisition of the vibration and tachometer signals. After the acquisition, you can see the extracted even angle references in <B>Even Angle Reference</B>.
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    1. SVL Scale Voltage to
    2. OAT Digital Tacho
    3. OAT Get Even Angle
    4. OAT Convert to Even Angle
    5. OAT Compensate Even Angle
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    Our application is based on FPGA and we need to clarity those aspects before implementing the procedure.
    Go to Solution.

    Hi CracKatoA.
    Take a look at the link bellow:
    Filipe Silva

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