Declaring a variable of a class

I'm creating a stack to save math operations that have occurred so that I can use an undo button to remove those operations.  I followed this implementation: tionscript/#comment-71
I created two actionscript class files and like what was done in the link but I do not know how to create a variable of that class in the Script area of my .mxml file.  My code looks like this:
            import dataStore.Node;
            import Stack;
            var storage:dataStore.Stack;
I was trying to create a variable called storage of type Stack but I get an error saying "1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: Stack."
Any information on how to correctly create a variable of a stack class in the Script of my main MXML file would be very helpful.

Thanks spoboyle and pauland,
By adding a new package called dataStore I was able to create a variable of Stack so you two will get the answer and helpful answer to my question. 
Currently I am getting a error when I try to use the push and pop functions from the file.  The error is this:
Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
I am not sure if I am calling the functions incorrectly in the code or if the code I borrowed from the link above is incorrect. What I have is two buttons, "1" and "undo".  If the "1" is pressed the total value gets subtracted by 1 and number 1 gets pushed into the stack.  If "undo" is pressed then the 1 gets popped from the stack and added to the total.  Here is an implementation of my code trying to use the push and pop functions:
            import dataStore.Node;
            import dataStore.Stack;
            public var storage:Stack;
            protected function one_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                var tot:Number =int(total.text);
                var amount:Number=int(1);
                total.text = String(tot);
            protected function undo_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                var num:Number =int(storage.pop());
                var tot:Number =int(total.text);
                total.text = String(tot);
I receive this error everytime I press the "1" button or the "undo" button when I am running the application.  Any info would be greatly appreciated.

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      // declare student name, id, grades 1 & 2, and gpa
      private String fname, lname, g1, g2;
      private int id;
      private double gpa;
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          g2 =;
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      private tStudent[] list;
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    Not without resorting to reflection hackery. If the fields are private (and are supposed to be), then that means "don't allow access to these to outsiders of this class" by design.
    So if you really meant them to be accessible, then don't use private, or provide public accessors for them.

  • How to access variables from other class

        public boolean inIn(Person p)
            if  (name == && natInsceNo == p.natInsceNo && dateOfBirth == p.dateOfBirth)
                 return true;
                 return false;
        }//returns true if Person with same name/natInsceNo/dateOfBirth as phello,
    here am trying to compare the existing object with another object.
    could you please tell me how to access the variables of other class because i meet this error?
    name cannot be resolved!
    thank you!

    public class Person
        protected String name; 
        protected char gender;      //protected attributes are visible in the subclass
        protected int dateOfBirth;
        protected String address;
        protected String natInsceNo;
        protected String phoneNo;
        protected static int counter;//class variable
    //Constractor Starts, (returns a new object, may set an object's initial state)
    public Person(String nme,String addr, char sex, int howOld, String ins,String phone)
        dateOfBirth = howOld;
        gender = sex;
        name = nme;
        address = addr;
        natInsceNo = ins;
        phoneNo = phone;
    public class Store
        //Declaration of variables
        private Person[] list;
        private int count;
        private int maxSize;
    //constructor starts
        public Store(int max)
             list = new Person[max];//size array with parameters
             maxSize = max;
             count = 0;
        }//end of store
    //constructor ends
    //accessor starts  
        public boolean inIn(Person p)
           return (name == && address == p.address && natInsceNo == p.natInsceNo);
        }//returns true if Person with same name/natInsceNo/dateOfBirth as phope it helps now!

  • Declare a variable in an Interface

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    can i declare a variable in a interface , something like
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    You don't need the public, static, or final. All fields in interfaces are implictly public static final fields.

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    if (!sei_second_jsp.equals("1"))
    public int[] mecitem;
    public String[] sei_mfg_prod_cat;
    public String[] sei_part_number;
    public String[] sei_descrip;
    public String[] sei_price;
    public int[] sei_onhand;
    public int[] sei_demand;
    mecitem = new int[20000];
    sei_mfg_prod_cat = new String[20000];
    sei_part_number = new String[20000];
    sei_descrip = new String[20000];
    sei_price = new String[20000];
    sei_onhand = new int[20000];
    sei_demand = new int[20000];
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    mecitem[i] = 0;
    sei_mfg_prod_cat[i] = " ";
    sei_part_number[i] = " ";
    sei_descrip[i] = " ";
    sei_price[i] = " ";
    sei_onhand[i] = 0;
    sei_demand[i] = 0;
    Your guess is right, I am using this code in JSP - since this is a Java related question, thought of posting it in JAVA forum.
    When I use the above code, I get the following error
    1809 }' expected. { 
    1811 Statement expected. public int[] mecitem;
    1827 Identifier expected. mecitem = new int[20000];
    1827 Can't specify array dimension in a declaration. mecitem = new int[20000];
    1827 Identifier expected. mecitem = new int[20000];
    1837 Can't specify array dimension in a declaration. sei_onhand = new int[20000];
    1837 Identifier expected. sei_onhand = new int[20000];
    1839 Can't specify array dimension in a declaration. sei_demand = new int[20000];
    1839 Identifier expected. sei_demand = new int[20000];
    3117 Class or interface declaration expected. }

    Please note the above code in the JSP is submitting to itself and I donot want it to get initialized if the IF statement is not successful..
    thnks a lot for your time.. !!!

  • Sending a variable from one class to another?

    Dear Java Users - please can you help me out here... I know that what I am asking should be straight forward BUT I just don't understand any of the responses people have put on the web....
    Here is what I am trying to do:
    This piece of code - creates a window with a simple textbox on it to enter a word...
    The button then calls another class file to open a new window...
    All I want to do is to take the word from the text box and print it in the new window....
    The first .java file I have is this:
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    class FrontPageGUI extends JFrame implements ActionListener
         //declare all instance variables for THIS per class
              JLabel lblInfoOne;
              JLabel lblButtonPopUp;
              JTextField txtName;
              JButton close;
              JButton popUp;
         public FrontPageGUI()
              //set characteristics of the JFrame object
              super("Title Bar");
              //we need to define a Container to place objects onto the frame - this is inside the JFrame Object Above
              Container ca = getContentPane( );
              //define all other objects and set thier characteristics
              lblInfoOne     = new JLabel("Enter a word in the box above to send:");
              lblButtonPopUp = new JLabel("Click Here:");
              txtName          = new JTextField("");
              //create Button components
              close = new JButton("Close");
              popUp = new JButton("Click Me");
              //now add all objects to the container
              addXY(ca,lblInfoOne, 30, 160, 550,45);
              addXY(ca,lblButtonPopUp, 30, 210, 550,45);
              addXY(ca,txtName, 120, 100, 200,30);
              addButtonXY(ca, popUp, 30, 260, 200, 45);
              addButtonXY(ca, close, 30, 310, 80, 30);
              // add the Container to the Frame     
         void addButtonXY(Container c, JButton cp, int x, int y, int w, int h)
         void addXY(Container c, Component cp, int x, int y, int w, int h)
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
              if (event.getSource()== popUp)
                   //This is WHERE THE PROBLEM IS...
                   //Here I want to send to contents of the textfield - txtName
                   String temp = txtName.getText();
                   new PopUpGUI(temp);
              if (event.getSource()==close)
         void closeUp()
    //we need a driver program - this is the only time MAIN is used.
    public class FrontPage
         //create an instance of the GUI and showit
         public static void main(String args [])
              new FrontPageGUI();
                   The second .java file I have is this:
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    class PopUpGUI extends JFrame implements ActionListener
         //declare all instance variables ie per class
              JLabel headerLabel;
              JLabel sentLabel;          
              JButton close;
         public PopUpGUI(String Sent)
              //set characteristics of the JFrame object
              super("Pop Up Window");
              //need to define a Container to place objects onto the frame
              Container ca = getContentPane( );
              //define all other objects and set characteristics
              headerLabel = new JLabel("New Window!"); //heading label
              sentLabel = new JLabel(Sent);
              close = new JButton("Close");
              //now add all objects to the container
              addButtonXY(ca, close, 50, 200, 100, 30); //Bottom Left
              // add the Container to the Frame     
         //We need these 2 methods - EVERY TIME
         void addButtonXY(Container c, JButton cp, int x, int y, int w, int h)
         void addXY(Container c, Component cp, int x, int y, int w, int h)
         //What to do when the click happens
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
              if (event.getSource()==close)
                   //closeUp(); - Doesn't run CLOSEUP this time (i.e. exit program) - instead just DISPOSEs of the window
    //Driver class is in FrontPage.javaThis seems to work... but is it the best way to do it????

    Using the constructor is the way to go. Otherwise create a method that takes the string as parameter.

  • How to send a variable from one class to another?

    i have "", which is the document class for one.swf.
    i also have "two.swf", with "Two.swf" entered as its document
    One loads two into it. two is basically a 10 frame movieClip
    with a variable at the beginning called "var endFrame:Boolean =
    false", then on the last frame it says endFrame = true.
    my question: how in the world do I communicate this back to i've tried ENTER_FRAME listeners, declaring the variable
    here and there... and many other embarrassingly usuccessful
    i would just like to load in "three.swf" after two.swf
    finishes... but One needs to know that it has indeed finished.
    your help would be greatly appreciated. thanks

    > David,
    > thank you for responding.
    Sure thing! :)
    > so does what you are saying mean that endFrame is a
    property of
    > two (the movieClip), or Two (the Class)?
    If you've written a property named endFrame for your Two
    class, then
    yes, Two.endFrame is a property of that class.
    Looking back at your original post, I see that you wrote
    > One loads two into it. two is basically a 10 frame
    > with a variable at the beginning called "var
    endFrame:Boolean = false",
    > then on the last frame it says endFrame = true.
    So it sounds like your Two class extends MovieClip. (I'm not
    that's true, but that's what it sounds like.) That means your
    Two class
    supports all the features of the MovieClip class, including a
    play() method,
    a currentFrame property, and so on. In addition, you've added
    functionality that amounts to -- by the sound of it -- a
    property named
    endFrame. If you made your property public (i.e., public var
    then it should be accessible by way of an object reference to
    your Two
    > so can i invoke that method in do I call it
    Two.endFrame (if
    > (Two.endFrame == true) {?
    Methods are things an object can *do,* such as
    gotoAndPlay(). What
    you're describing is a property (a characteristic ... in this
    case, a
    Boolean characteristic). You wouldn't use the expression
    unless that property was static. Static classes are those
    that cannot have
    an instance made of them. Think of the Math class. It
    contains numerous
    static properties in the form of constants, such as Math.PI,
    Math.SQRT2, and so on. You can't create an instance of the
    Math class -- it
    wouldn't make sense to -- so Math is a static class.
    On the other hand, you definitely create instances of the
    class. Every movie clip symbol is an instance of MovieClip
    class, which
    means that each instance carries its own unique values for
    MovieClip class
    members. The MovieClip class defines x and y properties, but
    each movie
    clip symbol (that is, each instance of the MovieClip class)
    configures its
    own values of those properties, depending on where each
    instance is located
    on the Stage.
    Assuming your Two class is not static, then somewhere along
    the line,
    your One class will have to make an instance of it. Somethine
    like ...
    // inside your One class ...
    var myTwo:Two = new Two();
    ... at which point that myTwo variable because a reference to
    particular instance of Two. You can invoke Two methods on
    that instance.
    You can invoke Two properties and events on that instance.
    You can invoke
    whatever functionality is defined by the Two class on that
    myTwo instance.
    If Two extends MovieClip, that means you can also invoke any
    MovieClip class
    member on that myTwo instance.
    At some point in your One class, you can refer to that myTwo
    later and check if the value of myTwo.endFrame is true or
    David Stiller
    Adobe Community Expert
    Dev blog,
    "Luck is the residue of good design."

  • Why do we declare the variables private in a bean

    when we create a bean in the MVC architecture why do we declare the variables private. Also when do we use the access specifier private.

    pksingh79 wrote:
    Hi ^^,
    thanks for replying.I had a discussion with one of my trainers and he was of the opinion that the variables should generally be declared private. In this way we prevent classes from accessing and setting illegal values to those variables.
    Say for instance we have the class person as follows:
    public class Person
    int age;
    setAge(int age)
    if (age < 0)
    return null
    Person p = new Person() ;
    p.age = -2;
    //this would be perfectly legal
    //where as if we declare the variable as private as follows:
    public class Person
    private int age;
    setAge(int age)
    if (age < 0)
    return null
    Person p = new Person() ;
    // P.age = -2;   this would be illegal as age is private and would have to be accessed by the method defined above.
    //the cbove line would retun null values.
    public class Person {
        private int age;
        public void setAge(int age) {
            if (age < 0) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("...");
            this.age = age;

  • How to pass a variable in current class for access in next class.

    Hi Everyone,
    I'm new in this iphone please anyone help me .
    My question is How can we declare a variable for, select a row in current class which read as input string in next class Soap Message.
    Means in my 1st class i am getting web response in array as a name like john, now if i m clicking on john so its call another web service for john how can i select ( john ) cell to call in next class Soap Message.
    Please anyone help me..
    Sorry for bad english.

    You need to ask in the iPhone Developer forums:

  • Reading variable from another class

    If you have two java classes both inside the same java package.
    And you declared a variable for example
    String bob;
    bob = "hello world?"How would you make it so that the other file could then output this value
    System.out.print(bob);Would you have to make the variable public and then something else?

    Are you working with a main and subclass then?
    Why not just write a String method and use it from the main class
    public String string()
    String bob = "Hello word"
    return bob;
    Then in your main class just create a object of the subclass
    Subclass obj = new Subclass();
    The just use System.out.println(obj.string());
    i guess this would work also....?

  • Error when defining a variable from a class

    I'm getting this error message when trying to define a
    variable from a class:
    '1086: Syntax error: expecting semicolon before left paren.'
    I can't see where the error is.
    The scripts and is located int the
    folder Mycomponents under the project.
    **** Main app *****
    import mx.controls.Alert;
    import myComponents.*;
    var Question():myComponents.Question=new Question(); // !!
    This line causes the error !!
    other code goes here....
    **** The class definition ******
    package myComponents
    //import other classes needed
    import Mycomponents.Codeframe
    public class Question {
    // Define properties and methods.
    // Define public vars.
    public var Qtype:string;
    public var Condition:string;
    public var Qnumber:string;
    public var Qheading:string;
    public var Pretext:string;
    public var Qtext:string;
    public var Posttext:string;
    public var Codeframe():string;
    public var Reserved:string;
    public var EditableFrom:string;
    public var EditableTo:string;
    public var Decimal:string;
    public var SetQfactor:string;
    public var Logic_if():string;
    public var Logic_then():string;
    // Public constructor.
    //public function Question(){
    // do stuff to set initial values for properties
    public function Question(Type:string,

    It should be
    var theQuestion:Question = new
    sCodeframe,sReserved,sEditableFrom,sEditableTo,sDecimal,sSetQfactor,sLogic_if,sLogic_then )
    As you don't have default values in the constructor - you
    should specify the parameters.
    2. why do use type "string" ? It should be "String" if you
    refer to a standard type
    3. What are you trying to say by this:
    public var Codeframe():string;
    public var Logic_if():string;
    public var Logic_then():string;
    There should not be any parenthesis in the variable
    this is wrong
    var Question():Question=new Question();
    this even wronger
    var Question():Array=new Question(); // I'm trying to create
    an array here anyway...could this be the problem??
    no parenthesis!
    var Qs():Question=new Question();
    .var Qs()=new Question();
    I think you should start reading from the following link to
    get more understanding of the variables, types & declarations: cs_Parts&file=00001863.html

  • How define a global variable in a class that all the methods will recognize

    hi friends,
    i need to define a global variable in a class that all the methods will recognize it.
    any suggestions?

    Dera Dana,
    In se24, create your own "Z" class.
    Open the Attributes tab.
    Insert your variable in the declaration part.
    Attribute     Level                       Visibility   Typing      Associated Type         Description        
    ITAB     Instance Attribute     Public     Type     Structure name     Description
    In the Layout of View page,
    <phtmlb:formLayoutDropDownListBox id                = "Dropdown"
                                              label             = "Drop Down"
                                              table             = "<%= controller->Itab %>"
                                              nameOfKeyColumn   = "CODE"
                                              nameOfValueColumn = "VALUE"
                                              selection         = "<%= controller->feild to be selected %>"
    Hope this will be helpful

  • Is there any reason (laziness aside) to declare instance variables public?

    Why would you declare one public, save for the fact that object.field is quicker to type than object.getField()? It is a pain to have to write get/set methods for private variables, but later on, if you ever need to do something with a variable when it's been accessed or modified, it's much easier to go back and edit just those methods, instead of everywhere the variable's been directly accessed. On the other hand, I see no benefit of declaring a variable public. Is there one?

    Never, Never, Never !!!That's a tad extreme.
    In most cases, you'll want get and set, and even then you need to examine whether you really want another class to have that direct control over your object's state.
    But there are cases where you can make your instance variables public. If it's a pure data container, with no behavior, and you don't expect it to ever be used in a multithreaded context or to be used as a JavaBean, then you can make the instance variables public.

  • Defining variables from a class gives errors

    I'm trying to create a questionnaire, that can hold an array
    of questions.
    The questions can be of different types, like single punch,
    multi punch, open text etc.
    Much of the code below is copied from examples I've found and
    I am definitely in the beginning
    of my learning process when it comes to Flex, but I think
    Flex can solve a problem I have at work.
    So, I'm trying to cut corners...
    I created this class called Questions, which contains all
    properties any question can have.
    When I'm trying to define a variable (myQuestion) based on
    that class, I the following error.
    (actually I get it on all properties...)
    1120: Access of undefined property Qtype.
    This is the class definition:
    package Mycomponents
    //import other classes needed
    //import Mycomponents.Codeframe
    public class Question {
    // Define properties and methods.
    // Define public vars.
    public var Qtype:String="";
    public var Condition:String="";
    public var Qnumber:String="";
    public var Qheading:String="";
    public var Pretext:String="";
    public var Qtext:String="";
    public var Posttext:String="";
    public var Codeframe:String;
    public var Reserved:String="";
    public var EditableFrom:String="";
    public var EditableTo:String="";
    public var Decimal:String="";
    public var SetQfactor:String="";
    public var Logic_if:String="";
    public var Logic_then:String="";
    // Public constructor.
    public function Question(
    Logic_then:String )
    This is the part of the code that generates the error:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
    import mx.states.State;
    import mx.controls.Alert;
    import Mycomponents.Codeframe;
    import Mycomponents.Question;
    public var myQuestion:Question = new Question(
    ....more code...
    ...what am I missing in defining this variable?
    If you have a link to a good book on Flex...let me know.

    When you create your local variable myQuestion, where are the
    parameters (used in the constructor) declared and initialized?
    var _qType = "some value";
    var myQ:Question = new Question(_qType,"","" etc);
    Also good OO practice is to declare your variables as private
    and add getters and setters for the values. Sometimes you may want
    to manipulate the values when getting or setting.
    If you use the standard AS3 get and set then declare your
    vars with an _
    so as not to conflict with the getter and setter. For exampe:
    public class MyClass
    private var _var1:String;
    public function get var1():String
    return _var1;
    public function set var1(v:String):void
    _var1 = v;
    This may seem like extra work, but in a complex application
    with lots of classes
    encapsulating updating of members will save you lots of

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