Default Dock Icons

How do I change what the default Dock Icons are when a new User adds an account to the Machine?
I'm setting up a lab of about 50 iMac, each computer will be set to authenticate via a remote Server, once logged in for the first time the computer will create a local profile. I want the default dock on each of these new local accounts to include specific Applications on the computer and remove some of the default Apple ones.
I tried but that only exist after the account is created. I need it to do it as the account is created.

Place the modified file on the desktop, and then open the Terminal in the /Applications/Utilities/ folder. Run the following commands:
sudo cp ~/Desktop/ '/System/Library/User Template/English.lproj/Library/Preferences/'
sudo chown root '/System/Library/User Template/English.lproj/Library/Preferences/'
Each command starts with sudo; the first command will prompt you for your administrator password, which won't appear on the screen while it is being typed.

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    uk lippy
    Macbook 13'' 2.16 ghz intel processor   Mac OS X (10.4.10)  

    That icon was a web site icon for Apple's main site page: Simply go to that page, select the page icon just to the left of the 'http' in the URL and then drag it to the Dock next to the Trash can. Voila! You can do the same with any URL.

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    Sunil Adhayaru.

    X11 has a menu named "Applications" in the menu bar. In there is an option to "Customize Menu…".
    In the window that appears, you can edit any of the commands just by double-clicking on the name, command, or shortcut.
    This will change what appears in the "Applications" menu, both in the menu bar for X11 and in the Dock menu for X11.

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    I'm glad that helped. Thanks for posting back.
    ... when I save this as an application as "run only", it's relatively quick to run, but there's a delay to load... I assume it's opening Script Editor every time?
    As long as the script is saved as an application -- Run Only or not -- it should definitely not cause the Script Editor to open. You can verify this by closing the Script Editor application altogether prior to clicking on the docked script icon that you saved. You should notice that the Script Editor does not open when the script is run.
    FWIW, I went back and saved a version of the script as a Run Only app, and I didn't notice any difference between it and the original, which was saved without the Run Only option checked. The delay that you're noticing might be accounted for by the fact that the script, because it was saved as an application, will be activated just as any other standalone application would be. This happens prior to Safari being activated. Watch your menu bar when clicking on the docked script icon and you should see the name of the saved script app appear for a split second before Safari gets activated.
    The only time I can think of that you might wish to save the script as a Run Only application would be if you wanted to conceal the script for some reason. If, for example you were publishing the script as a part of an application release and didn't want its contents known, or you didn't want an end user to be able to edit the script, you might select the Save As > Run Only option. To illustrate this, try dragging and dropping a script saved as a Run Only application onto the Script Editor's icon. You should see a warning dialog to this effect:
    *Unable to read the file because the script is not editable (it was saved as run-only).*
    Whereas if you drag a script that was not saved as a Run Only app onto the Script Editor's icon, the script should open in the Editor, and it can be edited.
    I played around with the "stay open" option for saving the script as an application, but it appears I have to close the app and reopen it before I can get it to work a second time.
    The Stay Open option is appropriate for scripts which use an "On Idle" handler, which really wouldn't apply in this case. Check out more on Idle Handlers here and here.
    Is there a faster way to use this multiple times throughout the day?
    One way you might speed up the action would be to save the script +as a script+ by choosing Save As > File Format: script from the Script Editor's File menu. The resulting script can then be activated by assigning a hot key to it using one of several 3rd-party keyboard shortcut programs available on the Internet. (I used Spark, assigned a function key to the script I posted earlier, and found the action to run significantly faster.)
    Good luck.

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    Can you attach a screenshot?
    *Use a compressed image type like PNG or JPG to save the screenshot
    *Make sure that you do not exceed the maximum size of 1 MB
    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode|Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions (Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Extensions) or if hardware acceleration is causing the problem.
    *Switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Appearance
    *Do NOT click the Reset button on the Safe Mode start window

  • Can Someone email me the Default Dock File.

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    If there's anyone here running OS X Leopard 10.5.2 with an unmodified dock running at default settings.
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    <post edited by Host>

    Quit all applications.
    In Finder click on Go>Home.
    Double click on the Library>Preferences.
    Locate and pull it to the desktop.
    Close the window.
    Click on the apple in the upper left and choose to log out at the bottom.
    Log back in from the login window.
    Your dock will be restored to original default.
    Click on Go>Applications and pull any desired application icons to the dock.

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    PS: I'm going to alter the default.plist in the core services to include my preferred settings to at least mean that I can always get them if I logout!
    Please help - while I still have some hair left .
    eMac 1.25   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   Also have a Mac Mini 1.4 and an iMac DV400

    Thanks for the feedback,
    I have now removed the maintenance application and have restarted and also logged out a few times and the icons are still there. Nevertheless, This normally happens after a few days so Ill see in the morning GMT10.00AM what happens.
    I mentioned that I have actually altered the default.plist for the dock application to list all of my preferred icons/applications which does work so at least I can get my icons quickly by deleting and replacing with a copy of the file if I need to? Still someone must know why this is happening?
    The mac has exhibited very few problems at all in its life-span so it is a mystery to my. The only problem I have had is with entourage - which acted very strangely recently by adding attachments to my e-mails so instead of one attachment I get a smaller sized duplicate of it. No answer on Microsoft's troubleshooting site and no help on the mac forums but don't believe its this program causing the deleting of the docs icons.
    If anyone knows anything the please help.
    Jason - ideo-sync
    eMac 1.25   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   Also have a Mac Mini 1.4 and an iMac DV400

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    Any Help? Please!
    iBook G4 Mac OS X (10.4.7)

    Sure, just use this in place of the first command:<pre>defaults delete no-bouncing</pre>Most of these defaults commands where a path isn't specified only modify the ".plist" files inside your user's "~/Library/Preferences" folder anyway, so even if things get really screwed up, your account should be the only one affected and it will usually be possible to just delete the associated ".plist" file and log out and back in again to have everything go back to default settings. Apart from having to restore customized settings back to the way you want them, there shouldn't be any lasting effects.
    However, if 'defaults' is used and a path is specified, and especially if it is preceded by 'sudo', those changes could act at the system-wide level, and in some cases could break things seriously so exercise caution.

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    It's the same for the blue folder icons within Finder - colours are very pale.
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    Does anyone have any thoughts on the new Dock's lack of bright colour?
    Many thanks, Ian UK

    Same here. Calibrated Eizo LCD. In colour managed apps, photos show fine, but Apple's User Interface, especially Finder and Dock icons, are not managed at all. Looking inside their app bundles ( I can see that all the little PNG and TIFF files that make up the icons have Gamma 1.8 profile embedded (e.g. GenericRGB), although Snow Leopard runs in Gamma 2.2 by default (and I calibrated to 2.2 for years before that).
    In my eyes, that is a bug, not an interface quirk. If I have colour management on, I want to see everything colour managed. Washed out icons in Finder and Dock are ugly.

  • HT201730 Missing Dock Icons

    Missing dock icons include Mail, Safari, iTunes, Contacts on my iMac... the applications run but the icons have been missing since last Yosemite upgrade yesterday. Rebooting doesn't restore them, any helpful hints?

    Can you open the Applications folder from the Finders 'Go' menu? Applications should be stored in there if all is correct.
    You should also be able to find applications in Spotlight or in LaunchPad too, if you are familiar with those. It's worth checking the main /Applications folder is correct, try the Go menu again & see if it looks correct – Calendar, Contacts, Safari & Mail & all the default Apple apps should be installed there.

  • Dock icon date

    the dock icon for ical used to change the date everyday, now it only changes when i open it and it reverts back to november 7 when i close..
    Any ideas?

    1. Do you have any duplicate fonts?
    2. Find the file in your Macintosh HD/Users/yourusername/Library/Preferences folder, drag it to your Desktop, log out/in or restart and check for appropriate default display.

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    I'm having a problem where the dock is showing the dock as an application on the dock. I tried dragging the dock icon off the dock, reseting, and killall Dock. None of them worked.
    Can you guys help me?

    I can't really understand how that could be. could you post a screenshot please? upload a screenshot to some image hosting site and provide a link. also, what did you reset? delete the file homedirectory/library/preferences/ and log out/in. your dock, spaces and exposé will be reset to the defaults.

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    Hi Again Robert!
    Navigate to HD > Users > Your Account > Library > Preferences.
    In that folder, locate and move to the Trash, the file
    Restart the Mac.
    That should create a new default Dock, that hopefully, has icon labels.
    ali b

  • Date displayed on dock icon

    Hi All,
    This is just a little thing which isn't really that important but thought it would be useful to ask.
    Is there a way to display the current date on the dock icon for ICal BEFORE opening the application?
    My dock icon always shows the last date that I opened the app and then is updated to the current date after i open and close the app.
    Is this possible?

    The behavior which you report is default. There is no way to change it.
    I have placed iCal in my Login Items (System Preferences...>Accounts>My Account>Login Items>Hide [✓ ]).
    iCal is always available for use and the date in the Dock is always correct. I can switch to iCal at any time and when I am done consulting iCal I use the (⌘+H) command to hide iCal without quitting.
    You can submit OS X Feedback with your personal recommendation for your desired method of implementation.

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